AG > SER FEN in Get a turkey Saturday. Warren, the painter. 46tf The Courier list is growing. Asheroft's millinery store-#-tf One gallon of good oyrep for 25eta. at P. 8. Co. The Republicans of Patton will have 8 big time Friday night. AT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1804. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. “Aa hsorivere hoe do not ho Ty are considered na Wish Tie thelr ptions, { snbseribers srder- the discontinuance | 8 : ray Dames all arrearages are ©. 7 & If sabseribers leet or refuse to iak directed, they are until a To ; inove to other § with- Court hive decided that roRising to “Bid sid ig Sugbiar $1,00 at Patton Sapply Co. = J. W. Hoy returned on Wednesday from & trip to Curwensville. ‘Mr. and Mrs. E. Will Greene visited friends in Pittsburg last week. Miss Annie Ott is spending a few ys in Philadelphia this week. or XC. W. Gould, of Somerset, stopped at the Palmer House Tuesday. | John Truman bas erected a new coal shed at his bank north of town. See June at the Hastings opera house Thursday night, November 1st. Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice. A Asherofts millinery store. 44-¢f David B. Hill, of Jersey Shore, reg: | letered at Hotel Beck Saturday. | JW. Koch, of Johnstown, was a guest at Hotel Beck one day last week. . ble un express notive, t of all arrear- is wnt bo ne publner . bre bono i a. me Loeal Time Table. : "Yh louss of savivel snd departure | of trains at the Patton Station are as A Mall Closes. anni ww 708 AN ~ 18 os 8 708-% Postoffice hours from 1 - Mn to 8 P. uN. . i Train numbers marked ‘N” northbound and “8” southbound. | hay and all kinds of grass seeds. tf W. H. Denlinger, of Philipsburg, Was seen on our streets Monday and | | Tuesday. | We's Twennies. e's x ; ups bit of blue sky, ‘slipped out, and ER MEwhets ha Sook tack, was in Ebensburg on Monday. -Cam bria Herald. : Sam’l Kirkpatrick, of Hastings, wae | in Patton ‘Monday looking after busi- | | ness interests. : Joseph Farabaugh and son Michael, of Carrollitown, were Visitors to this | place Tuesday. |: “T.F. Diehl, of Bell's sanding. vis- | | ited his brother, A. G. Dichl, at this | home quick night, | place Monday. i hs, Hight, | Liveryman Dale had the misfortane | ‘to have ‘a five-year-old horse die | ‘on Friday evening. Yeager Bros. have lately completed | & very neat barn on the rear of their lot on Magee avenue. When in Ebensburg, stop at the Blair | House for a good meal, good lodging or font accommodation. EEE . tmp in Fiver Won twigteni : Ber en i We pats our arms around his neck, just so, i Hs he don't want to see us grow, | ; on't be so cute when we're men, you know, f We's twinhies! ~ Elisabeth Cherry Haire in Phila. Times. Subscribers every day. ; | Attend the shooting match, Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. Advertise your place of business. - "Found dead in the woods—leaves. | hardware merchant, paid the CovmEr Pore Republican meeting on Friday night. | * Pleasant call on Tuesday. ft fa | Benj. Rigg, of Philipsburg, and G. % - y bau yy the CoURER's advertising ool- | y, "yopyper, of Dixonville, Pa. stop | | "What has become of the Board of] "3 a Hotel Beck Tumday. Health? She Be : | L C. Jones, of Altoona, and B. H.| ; | Gabboney, of Tyrone, were guests at | en this section is beginning. | the Commercial Hotel Tuesday. : Try Magic drops for pain, internal a ‘Guaranteed by C. W. > Fried chi x Kinkead - { Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf y §, Fuied chick * te all Sam’l Kelley, of Chest Springs, who ‘has been sojourning in the south for | : i of B. W. flour at 8 %w waka, sekerned bose Friday. j . E. Probert, the Magee avenue! Je See Harder's new advertisement in a has been nursing a disagreeable | another column, { “pet” on his face for a few days past. Bs Vaporated peaches at Patton Supply | All subscribers to the COURIER not | a Co. 2 Ibs. for 2c. : receiving their paper regularly are re- : O. W. Hodghinu is excavating for his quested to inform the editor at once. new business house. ! TT. Jeff Bloom, the contractor, ~_'Afinelot of grass seed for sale by | turned to Patton Monday after a Sam] Boyce. 4342. : os { es Every business should have ove of : Watew's signa.» : Why not organize a foot ball team in | ror Patton? Lots of kickers here. "| down the Blacklick within the next six | days visit with his family at Curwens- ville. Charles McFadden, it is said, Forty cakes fine washing soa] for Reuel Somerville, Esq., of Patton, | ber of the firm of Wolf & Thompson, | Haven, ; es own . § 4 at this place, made Patton a short visit Monray. ware store in Adam Woleslagle, the ‘druggiet, is State Normal at Lock Haven. He is’ taking a few weeks vacation in the: wilds of Clearfield county on a hunting | and fishing expedition. He is located | | on Trout yun. : : Wm. Bsam, manager of A. M. | green house. Thomas® hardware store, was in Do.| J. R. Comelins is busily engaged tha . . Foie ae ee ee pega | L 1211 Ever and as the card in Bois on business this week. During his absence A. M. Thomas, of Lock! Haven, had charge of the store. U. 8. Stols, who for some time past | has been employed at Wm. Koller & Co's clothing stare ou Magee sVehbe, | has accepted’ a position as traveling salesman and departed on Mondsy. A special car containing F. E. Her- | riman, general passenger agent of the | . Beech Creek Railroad and other prom- | inent railroad officials arrived in Pat. | | ton Friday and remained a few ‘hour. | Augustine Coltrad, of Loretto, and | | Miss Ella Kaylor, of Carrolitown, were married nt St. Benedict's church at Carrolitown on aya 9a m. The CovmiEr extén gratulations. Go to Sam’l ‘Boyce for flour, feed, | The Patton CouriEn has adopted a (irove, Mineral Point, $125. charge for all cards of thanks, resolu- tions. ete. We have been doing the Lydia Reynolds, Adama, $1,600. same for over two years, and charge ‘local rates for all wach matter. ~Coal- , port Standard. ; 8. A. Kuhn, station agent on the Clearfield and Cresson railroad at. Westover, on Friday visited his old ‘home and friends in Perry county. | Austin Kiern had charge of the station during his absence. Te Patton expects to be connected with ‘the Long Distance telephone in the ‘ near future, the contract for building the line being let. The connecting | {line will run to Altoona a distance of ‘17 miles. —Carrolltown News. On Tuesday afternoon an insane man | was found banging in the barn of Mr. ‘Joseph Brown about two miles from Ebensburg. The rope used was the trip rope of a hay elevator. His remains were taken to the almshouse and pre- pared for burial. : Wm. H. Bandford, cashier of the | First National bank’ of Patton, with Philip Deitrick, Carrolltown’s genial | his wife, vpent Sunday, the guests of Jacob Inscho to Mary Kirtly, Mor. relatives in this place. He reports the coal business as having greatly in-. | creased at Patton since the suspension. | | ~-Philipsburg Bituminous Record. The Beech Creek railroad’s 1,000 [mile tickets are sold by all Beech railroad agents at the low rate of 2 cents per mile, and will | accepted for passage on the Philadel- phia and Reading railroad, the Buffalo, Rochester and Pituburg railroads, and Jones ute i The Second National buick of Al- 'toona has entered suit in the Blair ‘county court against the estate of Harry A. Gardner, the late cashier of ‘the bank; to recover $91,907.37 the ‘amount of the ex-cashier’s alleged |, | embezzlement and fraudulent con- | versions of money. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Worrell, and! place over Sunday. Miss Annie Wor- 'rell holds the responsible position as will telegraph operator for the Beech: ' Lyda Teeter, Johnstown. have twenty houses erected at his mines | Creek and Clearfield and Mahoning Augustin Conrod, Loretto, and Ella. | railroads at Clearfield. : Manager McNelis has secured the ‘3 be | now doing several hot water contracts ‘and smong them is ome for Geo. 8. Goood, a resident of that place, who is | having the water put in his large Here we are again with a tatger stock front of our Mammoth Store announces, PRICES BLOWN TO PIECES! Then who of 2 new business furnitare store to ‘ room and offices. T t beside bin Pet ys 24x25 feet, two The i be i | daton was laid M and the re- | mainder of the work will be pusbed to completion very soon. It is not learn od who will occupy the rooms when Saleh. ‘Have you any money to burn? we can't interest you. But all those are looking for GREAT BIG VALUES Real Fatate Transfer. Citizens’ Building and Loan associa | tion to James M. Walters, Morreliville; consideration, $400. Emanuel Reighard et ux. to Semel | Moose, Taylor, $1,200. Sammel Moose, et ux. to Jordo -| Grove, East Taylor, $1,200. We particularly desire to call their atte ntion Sarah Ann Grove et vir to Asberry | to our enormous : CUT - CUT - CUT ! rw Samuel Kring’s administrator to Harriet L. Ellis et al. to William D. | | Wire, Johnstown, $350. ‘John H. Bast et al. to Eliza Roos, ohnstown, $1,333. Eliza Viering et vir. to August Vier- ing, Jr., Johnstown, §1. August Viering, Jr., to Henry Vier- ing, Johnstown, §1. Fva March! et vir. to Adolph, Ascher et al. Johnstown, $1,250. Charles Noel to Sebastian PB Sybert, Munster, $1,800. John J. Hauk to George C. Yeager, Clearfield, $40. Cambria Iron Company to Christian | Stagle, Upper Yoder, $923. John Ashcroft et al. to A. V. and C. H. Barker, Cresson, $1. Isaac Weakland to Cambria and Clearfield Railroad Company, Suaque- hanna, ¢1. Sheriff of Cambria. county to Alex- ander T. Black, Johnstown, $1,900. Jane Jones et vir. to Ebensburg Ag- ricultural society, Cambria, $106. Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Giards Hats, tp and more particularly Shoes. Price lower than ever before in this county. The clothing you buy of looks better. wears longer and COSTS THE LEAST. Men's Suits from $5 to $18; Boys Suits from $1 to $10; 1 Stiff Hats from $1 to £2.50; Soft Hats from 30 cts. to $2.30; Shoes from $1.25 to'$4. Everything else in proportion. us rellville, $2,000. Come and See Us. Kum Und Saan Uns. Wolf & Thompson, ~ Good Building, Patton. =1IP - BANG - 100 Just The Place, Marrtage Licenses, The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court for the week ending Tumiuiay, : October 18, 1894: : : Albert T. Ager. Barr Sownahip, and Anna Mary Yost, Cambria township. Samuel 8. Greer and Emma EB Masters, Johnstown. § John Getzy and Emma Orso, Johns- | » town. John Randell and Harriet E. G ory, Patton. B. Frank Butler, Johnstown, and Gertie F. Forsha, Co 'oopersdale. John L. Raab and Jane Yutey, | Johnstown. i William H. Grambling and Lizzie M. | Varner, Adarus township. James C. Patterson, Hastings, and re- daughter Anaie, of Clearfield, visited Mary D. McCombie, Spangler. few Dr. and Mrs. 8. W. Worrell at this Albert M. Back and Mary A. Phalen, Carroll township. : John C. Adcock, Pottsville, Pa., and Kay lor, Carrolitown. John Miles Bowser, Blue Knob, Blair | © John Ardell bus recently treated his months. ; new house with a coat of paint. { See the Racket store's new “ad” in | parents at Clearfield the first of the Hastings opera house. This is one of : | week, visited - his | [arama “Jane’’ for opening night at the county, and Eva May Imler, Puritan. ' Ellis Whittaker, Walsal, and Eliza returned to Patton Monday the finest shows on the road, and only ' beth Stafford, Hastings. Wright Bigler, who THE Racket Store THE 4 another column of the COURIER. a 1 Malin, of Bellohonie, wax 5 2 guest at the Paimer House Friday. ~ Jas. A. Condrin, of Altoous, register. | ed at the Palmer House on Monday . : -res Bell, the Clothier, has a new | i ?,-on the first page of the COURIER. | » W. B. Graham, of Harrisburg, rog- 3 stimer. of Carrolltonn, spent Tors. i . istered at the Commercial Hotel Mon- | day in Patton. 3 : ; : See the big “ad” of Wolf & Thomp- | & id : Chas. human, Its of oR, Pe (son on the third page of this paper. 2 mo pped a obi "Mr. Thompson knows well the benefit | 3 day. a -+ of printers! ink. . Bubscribe for the Patton CQuRiER and, antay, of Hastings, passed : ge news of Northern pe Patton Tuesday on his way Aa ed a | home after taking a trip to Pittsburg | Burgess Donnelly has lately ny and Johnstown. new addition to his house on Mages | The COURIER is very arite ful to Mr. | McLaughlin, of the firm of The Cam- w. T Robinson, is building a. large | bria Hardware company for favors the barn on his property at the east end of | first of the week. Patton. : John Bonner, the contractor, will’ r Joseph Dixon and son are erecting a | goon commence the erection of anew, dwelling near the fron bridge for John | dwelling house for Geo. Lindbloom, on Todd Nagle, the big live ~ Pornedly. | | West Beech avenue. * + RC. Hoerle, of the Herald company, | ryphan | book and job printers, of Jobusiown, lately added a large Addie hin spent Tuesday in vown. | | livery stable which will be used for the Miss Josie. Beck, of Jacksonville, purpose of keeping vehicles. , is visiting her friend, Alice A, Ashcroft has just returned : : : from Philadelphia where she has pur- A Owing to the crowded condition of chased a fine line of fall millinery re the Patton schools it is probable that | goods, etc. See the latest styles of | ~~ another teacher will be employed. | hata.-44-tf Le For coughs, colds and sore throat ts Wm. Armstrong, ‘who had his left eo Magle srogh eure. Guaranteed by @ | arm smashed some time ago while %, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf| cine coupling cars, returned to Patton on Joseph Cooper, of Bt. Augustine, a Monday after a few weeks visit at sr Monday in Patton and | Philipsburg. = made ie COURIER 8 There are some people in this world | ; : who seem to think that unless every- | Pld a and two daoghters; thing is done in their way there is! " and Minnie, fe, visited in Patton | something very wrong. They are | COURIER a pleasant call. afternoon. paper published at Howard, Pa, has lately been added to the Coon | exchange list. b % what we call cranks. — Houtadale Journal. | a Ilncky chanoe in the matter of dates: The Hornet, a right spicy news. | Induced it to go there at all. It will be Frances A. Closon, Eherenfeid. there on Thursday, November 1st, and we advise all to see it. A young man of Falls Creek, Pa., girl whom he loved, taking a little walk in the woods. They came to a ‘ chestnut tree, some of the burrs of which had fallen to the ground. The girl had never seen chestnut burrs She picked one up ag said: “Oh look at the porcupine egg.’ Chas. Ott, and wife were suddenly called to Altoona Thursday c week to attend the funeral their friend, Auguitine Bridensti ho [lived at No. 919 Ninth street city, Mr. Ott speaks in the highest terms of Liveryman Weakland in the manner of promptriess which he was driven to the funeral as they had but a short time to get there in. Last Priday F. W. Rogers and fam- ily moved from Patton to Millport, N, Y., where Mr. Rogers will take © harge. of a large mercante business. Mr. Rogers has been connected with Geo. 8. Good's mammoth store at this place | ever since it hes been in operation and his many friends were sorry to learn of his departure, but hope he may be suc- cessful in his new fleld. : : The Clearfield Public Spirit says: “A man who will sllow his horse to stand tied to an alley fence from § a. m. to 10 - p. m. is too mean for this) world. He should live in Indiana county. "We | have no use for such in Indiana ’ ‘county. They are a deal nearer | the ‘bad place’ in Clearfipld county. — | Indiana Messenger.'’ The COURIER is | [sorry to state, nevertheless it is true | very kind of people visit the town of | Putton. It is 4 common ioocurance. | i i i | age. Andrew J. Rager,. Mineral Point, and Samuel Gumbero and Theresa Cata, Hastings. Webster H. Dishing and Johanna Wil Eb Open Augustine Conrad, Mrs. Ella Conrad, was out last Sunday with a Retiovo ‘Taylor, Johnstown. Carious to Know. The Altoona Tribune says that Mr. M J. Waltz came to the watch box near the flower bed above Kittanning Point Monday evening with his arm broken and his face badly cut. He did ‘not seem to know how the accident oc- curred, but supposed that when he was ‘getting off one train another came along and struck him. He was brought to Altoona and conveved to the where an ampu- tation of his left arm was made. has cuts about the fice, but they do not seem. serious, Mr. Waltz is a re spits al, ite Thursday, Oct. 2s, resident of Gallitzin and is 53 years of He has a wife and six children, of whom one son remains at home. One. son lives at Chest Springs, one son and two daughters at Gallitzin and another son, J. G. Waltz, reskies at 225 Howard avenue, this city.” Mr. Waltz is a carpenter and contractor at Gellitzin ‘and no one can understand how it happened that he received the injuries which have deprived him of an arm for the reet of his natural life. His family was notified by telegrah. me and Co Cy For VOUr 1mspe S0€: also price our goods: it they are not cheap enough, don't buy. We do not ask vou to buy, but only to price and examine. In The Opera House Block We await vour inspection and Bucklen's Arnlen Salve. The best salve iA the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaina, : corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- | tively cures piles, cr no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis | faction or money refunded. Price 25 'cents per box. For sale by Dr ( EB, § i f | Remain Yours, gospel, that there are somé of those | Belcher, city drug stare oT] R iF. G i For fruits go to Kinkead's, 400 | alla her & Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers