Sons PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors Patton Courier. | A London to the New| The following cases will be THE . ert olf un on ranay | Bee Dati 29, rad : ~ 'Patton - Landry THURSD OCTOBER 2, 160. {Pex inf 1893 In the efitiré world. | Sctabuc 7 Moyer. av. 2 Cet ese ti wis Gray vs. P. R. R. Co. 7 ol COR. LANG AND 4TH AVES, ; Common wealth vs. . Kojohn et al. Betts vs. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 4s : A Sion . . $100 over 1899, the mption being 32 | is now prepared to do all " Advertising rates made known upon | | gallons per head, ranging from 62gal- Commonwealth vs. McAvoy. ; application, | 1ons in Bavaria to 12 galloris in Lother- | In repetition of M. P. Kearney for "EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, Salo Japens dione oon or a5 the ingen: Great Britain second, 1 ,165,-.-satisfaction of mortgage. ner pig am i 752,000 gallons, or 30 per head; In re-exceptiohs to report of auditor ‘are employed and all orders Entered at the Posoficont | Patton ‘as second- | | America inclading the whole of potés distribute find from McClelland | 11] Sa By | Western Hemisphere, is third, with | property. ' tion. : © COUNTY. ] | more than a billion gallons, or 16 per Monroe Bron & Co. vs. Leap. Coie PLO TIME OF HOLDING COURT. "head. The total for the world, not in- 2 and L. ‘association vs. © 1st Monday of March | ist Monday of Sept. | cinding Asia and Africa; is 4,500,000,000 Hott et : AIRY chine | on Manany of Dec. te B 4 2,270,000 tons of’ ‘In han to of anditor PrestpENT JUDGE~Hon. A. V. Barker. | malt and 82,000 tons of hops. to distribute ond from Jones proputy. PROTHOXOTARY J. C, Darb, Warner vs. y et al. Miller va, Aj n et al. TE - Metiongh u Tre United States since the begin- | a oJ Shumaker. vis ning of the present year, imported In ve-opinisg Zoller alley in Car- | DISTRICT ATTORNEY — BR. 5, of onions from E } Commo RRSP. J. om sphy. Lioyd, mio SEY, | rolltown of Morrellvile vs. Borner. | nt TW Te land 12,000 from Havana, besides ; Joaplan: w. C. plenty more from other places. What Berry, Jn | is the matter with American farmers? - Y yd. J. Kidd, EJ | We can onions In wvery § ' and Territory in the Union, and yet. ‘we must import these at the cost of McDermitt| vs. Miller. | hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is| Powers va McNally. .__ not this a field our farmers can fin to| Common wea gel, pram, sung, | their own profit? | In re-petition of John Egar for satie- J. F, Bonner PE faction of : Row it, ©, Crowel president. G. G. | : : H Cao Ban. Hi. Hand ford | FARMING NOTES | Ne en | basin nen be De. 1. B. Nooman, bo of Interest tothe Farmers Who Resd the | “JUSTICE OF THR Pasen—teme E. Dale, Jas. | Patton “Courter. ef Fall planting of stone rt fo not | advisable. ". | Bn ELE H. O. Winslow, = Go into winter quarters with as : : i oo i ; - Prices the Lowest for 0X4, G. Abbot. | many young bees as possible. CASH. Give Us o Call. oe w holesale and Retail Dea lerin - FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. FIFTH AVENUE, Patton, Pa. : Martin. n Directo John Long, James Som- | : ervile, Ruptiel Hie. BURGESS —-W. J. Petinaliy. Vilma, H.C. Fock, B. sam’ L BOYCE, { Snccessor to John Otto. “DEALER IN- er - The annual valine of the dairy pro- | Steer Cow ow EE Addleman, | ducts of the United States is valued at in every ose over $900, 000,000. ' Chamber in’ s Pain Balm. Hardly a ; WHEW! - Some kinds of hedges can be cut Week 16 Tooks bad, it causes a filthy oltor, | bac now, and it should be done so as family hag need of it. ' A toothache or it breeds disease, it canses comment by to avoid having such work to perform. headache piay be cured by it. A it isn’t according to law, it!in the busy spring. [of tism or neuralgia quieted. isawfol! What? you will ask. We! A cow will either put her feed on her The severe pain of a burn or scald will tell you, and it is this; why is it| back or in the milk pail, says a writer. Prom that the cess pools, namely, the Marks If on the back, the quicker she is mark. in much R. R. Depot. dun, the saguant water cat of the ced thebeter. CC lbevent re FirstNation [Bank * irom bridge, in the vicinity of W.T Robinson’s property, the hog’s nest on than any other young animals, and the Which © the vacant lot opposite T. N. Magle’s business had best not be tindertaken Of the Bvery, and several others exist in a unless they can be given gnod care. human and intelligent communnity There is more profit in an orchard ment Hike this? We are not addressing in- | than in a grain field of equal size, yet Which can only be done when Pain Balm | ae directly but directly the honorable r al : . Asore throat maybe’ 4 ppray PAID UP, $50,000.00. members of the Patton Board of | the former and bestows all his energies “red ; Al . Health. We are glad this place “wap- | on the latter. porte” —not saying anything about the A good reputation is a great help In in % its members—a Board of making butter, says a dairyman, so "WO. Health, and glad to learn that they | when you get it, don’t for the world ? etties of the O14 Wort have done considerable good in the | blast it by sending off a package of or a n in the side or chest re- “All correspondence will have aur prem pt and past since being organized, but sorry poor butter when there is a chance for lieved without paying & doctor bill. | | perwonal attention. to have to mention the fact that the a good customer to get it. a S0cent bottle at once and Inter! paid on tis Repuity be ; above named nuisances have not been. An excellent way to keep csbbages YOU never regret it for wale by - ©. | A.E PATIO Ls hs . H. RANPORD given proper attention. Some thing is to put them in a row close together, E- Be s City Drug Store. = should be done and dome quickly or roots in the ground deep, and then . we will have to erect a cemetery, and turn a furrow of earth over them. Re i Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, res a cure in about one-third - otherwise required. Cats OF PATTON. Aconunta of Onrpomtions, Firms, Individo- corn may ‘be removed by | als and Banks received upon the most favors \ ble termy consistent with safe and conservative g it twice a day for a week or | Die lor days of valuable time saved line, Foreigo Drafts payable in the principal Harder’ Gun Works. NEW GUN NS. that is one acquisition that has not They will keep better this way than been added to the healthy town of Pat- | when the roote are up and the heads | fon as yet. 80 much the better ifit down. - = never materializes. | When an animal is not gaining In| | PATTON, Pa. J - | weight it is bei kept at a loss becanse Ofte Me Good Buildi A BAD HREAK. vate wer a returning an - ; Building. We have heard considerable: com- | equivalent therefor. If a cow is made | plaint lately about the way the con-| 10 merease in yield of milk with no n- THE eromings are left. It appears that. erating ad ie 1s the grote : the crossings are laid that 8 space | ime encourages the growth of OMMERCIAL, of from two to three feet is left; without | quer and prevents growth of sorrel; any walk whatever. There are several ' ;, it makes sandy soil more compact and | oo cromings in town “finished” in this iy soil more friable; it unlocks pot S. M. Wilson, Prop. SHOT GUNS and RIFLES, manner and one especially wewantto| 0b and encourages formation of 0 [SU SOWCHE: Reon -hand Wine Ta the cmon the ath sil of Ma | 3 nd Lone it hinders the tl ; price. eerie —— Sh Tr —— A Modern Hotel. smokeless powder, shot, « iy loading tools, cleaning sets, canvas jHasting couts, hata, caps leggina, belts, ; : " 3 Rev olvers at $1.50, all calibres. crossing may step into this hole and ‘less it has been properly cared and | REPAIRING is part of our business. injure a limb. What would be the 3) and the cattle will relish it All new furniture. We repair guns, revolvers, bicycles, ‘consequence if such a thing would oc- | "better before it is too dry. If it is left | safes, c bell systems, umbrellas, car? The party, no doubt, wound | oe i: ove field it will be wasted, and if Heated with steam through- shears, trunks, door locks, sewing ma- simply sue the borough for damages ; cannot be saved in an other out. SRE; Saw, a. 7 y man SEWING MACHINE parts and and have & good case that would cost | ,.; jot it be fed as earl as ible. d rat needles for all machi the borough large sum of money—a ly jo Hot and cold water on every or all machines. much larger sum than it would cost to | What. athe: be. placed j floor. have the place properly fixed. Wehave | 3 and there fry 3 col ' dry room kept until freezing similar canes to tu t the On Uv | weather approaches. Them oh ment in skillful hands. Twenty-four sloupti g rooms. same way. Why not attend to it? It | them will improve ‘the looks of the piace [Ean YS wast on Ete M A also. : + | them during the entire winter withgut agee ve., PENSION $TATISTICS. | more or less troable with rot; yet such NEAR R. R. STATION, 5 The report of Commissioner of Pen. | varieties as the Hubbard and Turban TTON ra A¥x> *glons Lochren for the cal year end- | May be preserved for quite a long PA ON; 4. PENN A. ing June 30, has been submitted to the | Period after harvesting. CLERRFIELD, PA. PALMER HOUSE, Corner Magee and Fifth Aves. i -1 i £ TT prom emt Eto te ~ secretary of the interior, and the fol- | The average farmer ‘think’ a bash the year 30,085 new pensioners were they are not. Weigh the hogs in the 1 added, 57,951 were dropped for death | begirining; weigh all the corn which is | BENGY yd of pencioners upon the rolls “June 30, vay ony can one be covirced whether y : ’1 t or wron : - hE , . 1864, was 909,544. The number of pen- he is righ 7, Represents the follow- classes were rejected. On July 1, 1894, |, lots for sale one-half m from | there were indisponed of claims for : Patton . iin terms. For | farther | com panies: originals, widows and dependents, are S33 : on behalf of persons not already on oo Local Market Report. ROY AL, of Liverpool, There were 194 convictions in the Er the following Ic : ‘GERMAN, of Pittsburg. _ finest hotel in this section. United States courts within the year hor» TEVISed €aCh w J Also the Equitable Life Equipped with all modern : York, the largest in the world. nection. © Livery, Etc. Rates| : Dale & Patterson, **° © The Patton 2 Jowing abstract has been given out for | *1 of his corn is making ten poun : publication: The report states that Pork, but his average bushel is . Ril the number of pensioners on the rolls less than eight pounds. He *“hinks” June 30, 1898, was 966,012; that during his methods are as good as any; but 1 and.csher causes, and 2,398 previous | given them; weigh each hog now and fforped were restored. The mY | then; weigh all when through. * in this ian certificates ismu~d during the year Forma was 80,213 and 132875 claims of all! buhdred and twenty-nine one- ny ole | reliable wre ot cia Fire Insurance pension or increase amount | | siormation apply to J. J Hawk, : Headquarters for commier- rolls: - The amount paid was $136,804, For the al benefit of thé f; A} wrx : junarters r Bali al a peer HOME, of New York, cial men. The largest and fu petalon fran, perjorien and for- | Cabbage, oe lid omen, conveniences. a el ow co New uti. bi We mr Wm Insurance company, of New first-class. Fine bar in con-| J. M. ROBINSON, Ba | st Natt PAT TON, PA. Proprietor. kinds of work on short notice. réceive prompt atten “P.P. Young & 8ro., | * Bologna Lard, tho] A touch Store on Beach Avenue, near ‘brnises | i Hate treat- : ota rate gang Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. | LOADED SHELLS, paper, brass and | nickle-p shells, wads mers, | Cooking and dining depart. HINDERS BIN WORKS, } Everything T : KOLLER & 0, lg and Popular CLOTHIERS SHOE DEALERS Have added a Tug [aucun Flour and’ Feed, Bay, Grain, Lima, To ther business and : are ready to take y our order for a FIRST-CLASS Tailor-M ade SOIT of CLOTHES. Perfect fit guaranteed. say more later on. lame back may be cured and Steamship tickets for sale for all the leew ding - Children’s! SUITS From $1.50 | To 3 X $4 To Cut Stylish Soft Hats hag And Well Made. Fine Shoes. Every person in Northern Cambria county 1s heading towards the Mam- ‘meth store of - Geo. S. Good's in Patto n.w here you can buy the finest. Line of ~ GENERAL -- MERCHANDISE that was ever haadled in any one store m the whole county. DRY 6000S, BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES, And everything kept in a first-class general store. We make a specialty of the best grades of FLOUR. - FEED, - HAY, - GRAIN, ‘A large assortment of Carpets, Oil ~ Cloth, Matting, Etc.” kept on hand, ~ also Queenswre, Dishes, Tinware, and Shelf Hardware. No truble to show goods. ~ and look around. | Lo TE, S. GOOD, tL : Patton, Pe. Come i in 2 “ ¥ \ & 3 % td LI x x x 4 x rs a i Sibiu GI AAI TR He sa pe A SR Re Ye SRR FO AR an NE g EVO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers