ER Se Patton Pharmacy, = 6.00 and up, worth $3, 4, and Bargains, ~ you warm. VOL. 1—NO. NO.48. | PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 25, 1854 kt ptr kr er OA AR A ‘$1.00 PER YEAR. E LE $00 Given Away. HIE NEHER wie FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. At the Residence of J. ~ Deitrick. sm— Serious Bullet Wounds. i The residence of J. J. Deitrick, a well-known farmer, who lives about one and one-fourth miles west of Fat- ton, was broken into late on Sunday night by would-be burglars who pur- C. W. HODGKINS, loined several articles of ‘wearing Medicines, and Chem. | "PRarel, ete ai. 48 me! Stationery, Confec- Tuoburglars gained as. iniznte to " fionery, Cigars and . NY obacco. the house by climbing through the ! cellar window and breaking open the doen Junibog to the first floor. The first knowledge Mr. Duitrick had of the “Agency for COLUMBIA & HICKORY | sie wan the SE orig lian Fe Bicycle. arose. He found the burean drawers aay This is the only Drug Store in open, papers scattered over the floor and things torn up in general. The articles missing were a dress cost, an “= = | silver watch, ladies’ silk waist, two pair of kid gloves, severel bottles of Bargain Seekers home-made wine, a lot of meat and . other small articles. | The thieves were traced into Patton Keep Your Eye | where it is supposed. they are making On These Prices. their headquarters = A candle was ; : | found a short distance from the house, 8s 0c Cotton Hose 10c | which is supposed to- have been their means of light while “‘going through’’ the house. Mr. Deitrick says the parties are well-known and if the goods are not returned they will be dealt with ac- cording to law. around Mr. Deitrick’s house church Sunday. SNOT AT LILLY. Donald Duften, su Attorney. 9! Banviurg, One of Ebensburg's attorneys, ‘Donald E. Dufton, who indulges in the free nse of intoxicants quite frequently was shot at Lilly, Cambria county, on | Thursday night three times by an Italian, the outcome of Which may | prove fatal. It appears he wa: on one of his! Men's overcoats $4.00 5.00, § more. Infants Unnderwear 20c, and 25¢. En Altoons accommodation at Altoona by | I5C, | some of his friends and told to get off at Cresson where he could make con- : nections with the Ebensburg train for | his home, but failed to stop at the Besides the above off at Lilly, the ‘first station west. After arriving there it was dark and he Close Cut/|zmm tm x= ju ‘he was a burglar fired three shots, the first two penetrating his leg and the third his stomach. 1 have al. Mr. ‘Dufton is said t + excel- goods as you seed now to keep when not intoxicated. Later. Word received from Lilly says that Donald E. Dufton, Esq., who ‘Was shot on last Thursday evening, is im- Before you do anything i in | proving. Bio wii salon sorhia Rote 43) the way of Suits. Overcoats, Ebensbarg Tuesday. “Falled to Appear. Underwear, Caps, Hats, bers and Rubber Boots, Mack-| for» match have proven themselves intoghes, Overalls, etc., See weak, as they said it was too hard to BELL, esses to their way of shooting which was to The One Price Clothier, Tailor and Shoe Dealer. beaten eight points. The gentlemen agreed to come back on October 20th N. B.—Dollars to dough- {and shoot another match, but never nuts that My Prices to start Pd ot Se rs with are 20 per cent. cheaper ALISRE. : . Money ts Loan. than any other house in town. | Do you want to borrow $100, 200, | Respectfully yours, | 300, 500, 1,000 on your property? Pos- : : | sibly to pay off a judgment or build an 1.8 BEAL, addition. If you do, make an appli- sportsmanlike ). cartridges short of the amoant to com- ‘ed to shoot nine shots each, and were | Bell the Clothier who is the local agent as : for the EYE, EAR, THROAT | at once. shooting Mateh. Sa |" There will be a shooting match for : A Specialty. - | turkeys at the Patton: Rifle range on om Good Buildin; | p Stairs, | Saturday, October 27th, to commence in & U ~ |at 1:30 p. m. sharp. PATTON, PENN’A. | | vited. * Youcan buy one sack of best Amber | You can save money > Sebi your fiour for $1,00 at P. 8. Co. souls ton de P. £ 4 de hands of Dr. J. Harry McCormick, of pot; like to see the south of the county beur off any honors from the north if ‘he could prevent it. His search was | (overcoat, a bat, one pair of shoes, a The guilty parties, it is said, were while he and his family were attending | periodical sprees and was put on the above mentioned place and instead got | BOR} ents which occarred in our neigbor- The occupant of the house su ing Prom 8 | wome and valuable presents were pre-| ADING PAPER OF NORTHERN CAMBRIA. _ a. reid dete Ey aN ANCIENT BOOK. The Property of Dr. J Hnrry McCormick — £31 Years Old. The COURIER noticed an item in last weitk's Ebenshurg Mountaineer to the J: jr that Mr.’ Elisha Gall, of South |= Fork, has a bible printed in 1781 by SH HOT AT LILLY, PA. “the county. Thomas Baskett, of London, which he believed to be the oldest publication in The item referred to fell into the this place, who began to search among his books for an older one, as he did successful, as office a prayer book of the Church. of England printed in 1753 by Edvard | Say, in London. The Article of Faith rehearsed, ‘Is approved and. allowed to be holden and executed within the realm by affent and confent of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, of France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., in the year ‘ of our Lord, 1571.” One of the Articles of Faith alluded to is, “The laws of the realm may ponifh Chriftian men with death, for henious and grievous offences.” The book contains a new version of the Psalms of David, by N. Brady, D. D,, Chaplain Extra Ordinary, and N. Tate | Poet Laureat, to His Majefty, written | in 1696. The Doctor has also a book of he has presented at this | | spent Saturday in Altoona. | a coat of paint. Ee] SIRT . | friends in Altoona last. week. ME CONTRIBUTORS "25 mene INATHER B. . : | Chea. Warner's house. ST. LAWRENCE, Pa, Oct. 22, 1804. | Je Michal Kil,» prominent lt Division isen and one of the pioneers of INTERESTING LETTERS sction, is seionly i. "oN SATURDAY oc. 20. There will be no apple butter boil | A Tag News Tantus Avsociition Saab ings. lished st Khensbarg. ; “Mr. Charles Warner is getting his . EseNesURG, Pa., Oct. 23, 1604. home remodeled. Joseph A. Warner | Miss Annie O'Neil, of Pittsburg, is |i 30ing the carpenter work. od fo A aeaee vom nihia| The vacancy of school No. 4 was | Saturday of lat week in which s | filled by Miss Singer, hing eight empty coal cars were . Mrs. M. D. Bearer, and Mrs. Pranks Mr Charles Cassidy, Palton, | ane cther serious damage: coomsiatied {while engaged ‘in a loge at! ag the result, it is alleged of careless Messrs. August. Huber and A. T.| Mitchells logging camp, about three ness on the part of sn employe on the Cornelius, of Patton, spent a few hours ' miles northwest of this place, got one | first section of train No. 794 in town on Monday, one of his horses severely injured. | The wreck The Ebensburg schools are in a, FProkG. E. Hipps, principle of Chest ‘flourishing condition. Two hundred Springs School, was home Saturday. and eighty-eight pupils have been en- LORETTO. : Lor=rro, Pa., Oct. 15, 1604. E ‘The frmers are busily engaged | the West ward, has been beatified by | storing awsy their winter crops snd | preparing for the cold weather. : Mart Moody and William Engle, of sith Pam BAN re waiting the flagman had Repon the Doings of their| on the Clearfield and Cresson | Respecti ve Localities. occurred at Munster Nolo, registered at the Blair house an taken place October 13, has been post- | Monday. poned indefinitely. Prof I. A. Harvey, the geologist, Mr. C. M. Schwab and party of Their in- | who has been sick for several days, is piends arrived Friday. | able to be around again. tentions were to gather chestnuts, bat | The home of Luke Weakisnd wat lowing to the bij weather reburnad made happy by the arrival of a Young home with but little success. son a few days ago. Misses Jennie and Minnie Craver foyer by our liberal friend Mr. Father Bosenstonl, of Ashville; 20) ten to flag the second section of { which, unconscious of the : ‘train, was following close ¢ track, snd before the danger discerned, or brakes applied, lision occurred in which, fortunately, (all. hands escaped serious injury by jumping. ; Of the three engines in use on both Twenty-Five Discourses suitable to the | returned home on Saturday. from s Thomas Peach, of Ebensburg, epent one was badly demolished Lord’s Supper, by John Owen, D. D,, vice-chancellor of Oxford, printed by Cochran & McLaughlin, Philadelphia, iit 1801. This book is no doubt one of the oldest printed in A NAPPY WEDDING . Married, in St Michael's Catholic | church, Tuesday morning, October 16th, 1804, Mr. Albert Buck, and Miss Mary Whalen. After the ceremony { the happy couple, accompanied by the attendants, Mr. Joseph Boley and Miss | Aggie Buck, drove to the home of the | bride's parents where a host of true, ‘honest friends had already assembled | ‘t¢ receive them and extend good wishes, and all took part in a sumptions | dinner that was served in a most tempt- | ing manner. The groom is an upright and in- dustrions young man, well worthy of the estimable young lady whom he has chosen for his partner in life, and she is one of the most accomplished in the community. ! This was one of the most happy hood for years. Music, games and duncing were kept up until a late hour. All expressed a time well enjoyed and | long to be remembered. Many hand- | sented to the young couple. | V. 8. Barker; secretary,Geo. L. Bearer; three week's visit to Johnstown and Al- | few hours in town Monday. toona. Mr. A. P. Danielson, recently from C. A. Wright and Alex. Little, of Dakota, where for many years he Altoona, were in Ebensbarg on Mon- | worked for the New York Life In| day. . | surance company, paid Loretto a visit | About 3 o'clock on Sunday morning last week. He has assumed charge of a ai so oe Samat se SA hal? Was that of Albert Puck, of Carrolltows, 7g and Mary Whalen, of Loretto :W. C. Shields failed. The burglar same company whose policies insure | ‘having unconsciously pressed the success. electric alsrm which awoke the pro-. Mr H. Litainger, of Butler, formerly | prietor and a shot from the rear of the of Loretto, visited relatives in: this, Sie gions i would ue: UNE, | | place last week, ran away without securing any | ; booty. An atterapt was also made to oo CR —-. . burglarise the house of Editor Hasson, Ladies Were Thrown Out and One | on Julian street, Sunday night, but the ' - a — init w | thieves were frightened away. There | Friday forenoon sosne A Young Men's Reading association od wi oh has been established in Ebensburg. Li aor The of Sain be ing, started on a trip J this to provide for the intellectual, social’ 3 Place and physical culture of young men. At some way a recent meeting of the committee the as to en] following officers were elected: Presi- frightened soon aie owe dont, Rev. B, 8. Jone} I b and one-fourth mile west of town, and treasurer, A. W. Buck; board of di- came at a lively gait, passing the brick sectors, Rov. E. MM. Bowsan, H. H, | houses of Geo. 8. Good, and when thay Hive, J, W. loess and poi 0 Fenlon. DYSART, r. Pa, ti The Clay mines in this section will - Hodgkin's out by the jolt of the buggy. The horse proceeded down Fifth avenue, | of Altoona, sccom-| Estray Notice. | work but five days a weak for the pres. oon Grr 0 : The following e from the Johnstown ' Democrat: have beem ee AY a Tk "ton, whereby the Long Distance tele- | phone service is to be extended from f is visit | cnme to the crossing in front of C. W. | Last week | Altona to Patton. The line will also. 2 His condition is reported very oritic- Came to the residence of the sub- | | ent. The cause of this suspension is not ‘sriber, in Clearfield township, = in | §eDerally known. save the vehicie as well as the animal, | an Arab peddler of Johnstown, was but of no avail. The animal ran on walking down the railroad near Come- Gloves, Shirts, Shoes, Rub- Tie we pupienrs Som Satine | lay down and take a dead reit, {very They came with two | | plete a match, but cur fellows consent- | | cation for a loan with the Local Branch ' of the Washington National Building : and Loan Association where it can be | bad at any time by giving the Associ- Ty ation = days notice. Call on L 8. Everybody in- March last; a red and white heiffer' _ | with a piece off each ear, supposed to | ‘be two years old. The owner is re- gested to come forward, prove prop- | erty, pay charges and take her away, Mr. John Flynn, of Altoona, Wak! towards the iron bridge, which it here last week looking after his inter-| crossed in safety, where it conclud- | this was at one time one of the most ' wards Dale’s livery stable. heavily timbered regions in this part. The buggy was some what demol- 'maugh Furnace he was attacked by two mea, one white and the other wolored, tn seenty-ave dollamsand a-wateh: valned at twenty-eight dollars. After sthorwise she will be disposed: of ac.|Of he country, and lumbering the ished, but the east end blacksmith, A. | they had robbed him Burket started to cording to law. JosEPH F. COOPER. Clearfield township, Oct. 18, 1894. Brakeman Killedy Benjamin Bowman, a joung man . whose home was at Gi , and who was a brakeman on ‘the Glen Cresson railroad was fatally injured between Glen Campbell and Mahaffey on Monday about noon while attempt- ing to make a flying switch of some cars. He was taken to Mahaffey later where he passed his last hours. Married at Barnesboro. On Tuesday, October 16th, at the residence of the bride's parents at Barnesboro, C. W. Wasson, pastor, ‘united in marriage Mr. Albert Hay- wood, Hastings, and Miss Mary Rich- ardson, of Barnesboro. The happy Lampie drove to Hastings where dinner was served at the residence of Abram Haywood. . Return that Axe. . Street. (Commissioner § Addleman would like the party whi jek that axe which was left on Kerr avenue be- tween the hours of 12m. and 1. p. m. one day last week to return the same before being exposed as the person is | well-known. NOSE AND N. B.—We have $10,000 to loan out Get Your Pleture. J. W. Druomard, has located a tent on Magee avenge where he is prepared to take tintypes and photographs on short notice. Prices low. Remember the place. : Fine Coal. his trade with the finest coal for gen-! eral use in this section. Call and leave | | attraction there? | your ander. on a saw mill near Punxsutawney, was been painted by a very | He is supposed to have the finest house | : - John Truman is prepared to furnish | principal industry, it will be but 8G. Diehl, soon got it in shape for the ‘very short time until the forests will roads again., The horse was somewhat | have disappeared. , cut up, but not seriously. The occu- Mr. Finerty, who has been appointed pants above named were taken to, tax collector for this district, was in 'Druggist Hodgkin's store and kindly | ‘town Satarday night on official and | cared for until the arrival of Dr. V. A. | { other business. : Campbell branch of the Clearfleld and | Murray, who attended their injuries. - proving slowly. : . George Cole has moved his house- | | concussion of the brain by force trans- | hold goods, etc., to the residence on pitted through the spinal column to Railroad street, lately vacated by Mr. (he vital center. At this writing it is | Renner. | reported that she is improving. . Mr. Frank Wagner, who is working a | Sam’! Kelly, of Chest Spr hibited a species of coal y in | Patton which was : his | | property in this ‘county and re: ST. LAWRENCE, g, Pa., Oct. 22, 1864. | gambled anthracite coal very much. | Our little village was crowded Sat- go reports that a vein of ten feet is at | urday evening with people. The “his service at any time. The vein dance held on the platform was a underlies a large area of land and this grand success. Mr. Jos. Wentz can feel proud of | a very profitable one. Mr. Kelly is mak- such a hom as he has, w lately | ing preparations to have the coal devel- | painter. ped soon. with his family here over Sunday. ST. LAWIENCE. Won a Horse, Chest townshi i eg in visiting. rel | J. 5- Bender, the: pop ala chant of Hastin the tives here. Her home is in Iowa. Me o wd locky) Henry Leiden, the energetic mer-. paffle at Spangler. The. COURIER rep- chant, made a flying trip to Patton the resentative will now look for a nice other day. | pleasure ride behind this piece of horse Miss Laura Deitrick is visiting friends | flosh in the fature in Spangler this week. Cheap Town Lots. | visiting north, there must be some | shoice building lots in Patton which : will be sold on easy . payments. Call | Miss May Rhiner was visiting | and see them.-48-3¢ Mr. John McMullen was called to! ‘Mrs. Lanzy almost escaped without | the bedside of his father the beginning uny injury, except a few flesh wounds | of last week, and returned yesterday snd a general shaking up, while her! with the news that his father was im- | yigter, Mrs. Holtzinger, was seriously hurt in the back and thigh, causing a follow the highwaymen when they | fired two shots at him both of which ' took effect, one in the right hip and the other in the calf of the leg. : : All May Attend. The School Board are preparing to make sme changes so as to give. more - ' room in the new school building which | will enable them to give scholars li ! outside the limits of the borough an | opportunity to attend the Patton school if they sc desire. A charge of 142,00 per month tuition for the two higher grades and $1,50 per month for |1awer sehoals will be charged. : A On Sunday at 10 o’cleck a. m., and "| contining until Wednesday nour forty hours devotion was observed at is Patton St. Marys Cuitiolic chase A large number of strangers from a distance attended the ocoremonies Special music for the occasion was very much enjoyed. : | particular kind of coal is considered | edition. last week which is-a credit #3 the enterprising editor of that journal ‘as well as to the practical employes | which that office happily posesses. It Sowa miriied skill of worighunship. Raport as it thet. on Sunday night | burglars tried to enter the residence of ‘J. 3. Hasson, editor of the Cambria | Freeman. There must be a mistake on | the part of the burglars. Think of it; | individual who won a fine horse in a’ J—, why do you do most of your Mrs. Helena Mellon has a number of | an attempt to rob an editor. Too ab {wurd! A in of bane and comforts at P. 8. Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers