Ra ean aeRO “ SENT FS do not give ex Subderibers who ov press 2 e to the es - Wish them udm, ol Guaranteed by 0. with. | W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf . | Taylor at Brockwayville last Saturday of LaJoss, inne | Paward Livingston, Ea X Dove woe wal John Pornedly has purchased the Geo. Pfaff property which is situated | on the east side of Chest Creek. Abe Mirkin and Bonnie Kusner, of con | the well-known firm of Mirkin and goo} Euan viditad 18 Aljooon Sil week. For coughs, colds and sore throat try Thieves entered the store of B. E. and took goods to the amount of about; | $300. The Cherrytree Record will issue al ; | souvenir edition upon the occasion of the unveiling of the Cherrytree monu- * | ment. Clones. merchant lately erected & new porchin | - {Central hotel ot Brisbin, visited his two He washes all the dishes, ® Ror calmly EE Beats 0 enaerness the steak. Then he dresses all the children, hen be a Fina hed can’t help hi EC . Read the new ade” 'Chestriats are plenty. Pay your P. O. box rent. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. For fruits go to Kinkead’s.—40tf Sure head are quite numerous in Patton. Dr. Tics came over from Hastings on Tuesday. Friod chicken at ‘the Kinkead Res- __ aurant.—40t0 : EP Stores. 45-e4w-3t Somerville spent Monday | Attorney ab Sho county toad. =. Dr. J. A. Baird, of Hastings, spent Tuesday in Patton. A fine lot of grass seed for sale by * Sam’] Boyoe.-43-t2. - MH The Patton Isandey bax » new adver. "tissment in this jee. +H. Halsey, of Altoons, wae a guest at Hotel Beck Friday. See L. 8. Bell's big new advertise ment in another column. + The county commissioners will erect an tron bridge at Wilmore. The finest line of cigars, tobles, ete, | in Patton at E. A. Mellon’s. Dr. J. B. Noonan made & profession. al trip to Gallitein Monday. EL Sule, of Lock Haven, regis- tered at Hote) Beck Monday. . :. ohouse cr Otto P. Glosser, formerly of this! place, but now of Pittsburg, spent David P. Davies, of Gallitzen, stop- ped st Hotel Beck last week. D. M. Trout, of Altoona, registered st the Palmer houss Tuesdsy. + The tainers st this place were given Shale bwo-weeks pry Satarday. © Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A. ~ AsherofVs millinery store. —44-tf _ “(eo. Swank is building 8 new addi- ; “tion to his residence on Beech avenue. Jas. R. McMullen: was elected chief of * police to take the piace of Sam Jones. Go to Sam’]l Boyce for flour, feed, hay and sll kinds of grass seeds.-23tf R. CO. Ksufinan, of Altoons, regis- tered at the Commercial hotel Tuesday. Jas. Boulsberg, of New York, was guest at the Commercial hotel Friday. T. C. Vanzandt, of Elmira, N. Y,, fie» ow ae the Palmar b house Tues- The Patton Laundry has s new “ad” in another column of ‘the COURIER. Read it. "Fios, Callan, the geil postmaster at Cresson, Visited friends in Patton Monday. ‘Milton Spencer, wife and family spent Sunday visiting relatives a ‘Westover. John, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cornelius, la lymg very low with pneumonia. Che TP Gomiwsy, s aveling man of Cleveland, O., stopped at the Ralmer Monday. ‘Tuesday in town. H. Grant Miller, a traveling sales- | of Pittsburg, stopped at the Commer- begin. ‘cial hotel Friday. Misses Sophia Gesrheart and Birdells | © Morgan, of Clearfield, were the guests of Miss Grace Jackuon last week. Try Magic drops for pain, internal external. Guaranteed by C. W. | town Tuesday. . | order at the Dry Run store and it will { drunken man trying to drive a hore P. G. Penlon, Harry Lloyd, Mat. C. | Zahan and P. J. Little, all of Ebens-| burg, Were in our Sown a few hours | Sunday. in ‘Samuel Boyce, the flour and feed front of his place of business on Beech Wm. Boyce, proprietor of the Grand brothers, Sami aud Jou of ily Play Tuesday. _ The first barrel of “coal ofl” was commercially used in 1826. In 188338, | 820,308 barrels of that prodast were | consumed. | Jas Mitchell, of the firm of Levy & | Mitchell, lumber merchants of Clear- field and. Patton spent a few hours in | Addleman and Bloom, the contract- ors, are pushing the work of the new Yeager building on Fifth avenee with . great rapidity. Anyone wishing a load of coal from Jas. Mellon's bank can leave their | | receive prompt attention.-42-tf 1 lsst week in which about $350.00 was : stolen from Benj’ Olson, a Swede. What is more amusing than tosee a. attached to a buggy? The horse al ways appears to be the most intoxica- tod. : Abe Hutchison expects to commence the erection of a new dwelling house near Hotel Patton this week. Wn. Hubbard has the contract for doing the work. ; The hour of meeting of the Union Sanday school has been changed from 9:30 in the morning till 2 o’clock in the | j sfierioon begining with Sunday next Oct. 7. A highway robbery was committed on one of the thoroughfares of Lock Haven Saturday. Chas. Boyer was robbed of eighty dollars, but recovered it again. : D. H. C. Warren, the artistic sign painter has just completed and placed | in position a very neatand attractive sign for Harvey Patterson, the insar- ance man, W..T. Robinson is pushing his new building to completion very rapidly. A fish and oyster merchant expects to OSHPY US Of the StOIS TEC Wik completed. AG Diehl, the east end blacksmith, was at Bell's Landing Saturday and Sunday visiting kis brother, Thomas, who is lying very low with inflama- tory rheumatism. | Hiram Wilkins. > purchased s Int ‘from the Chest Creek Land and Im- provement avenue and js clearing the same pre- paratory to building a residence. er, and Miss Jennie Campbell, of Ebens- burg and Tillie and Jesse Campbell, of Carrolitown made thé COUNTER a pleas- ant call on Friday. Another gentle- man whose name was not learned ac- companied the party. | Dr. J. M. Ross, of DuBois, Pa., made | the CoUmIER a very pleasant call Wed- | nesday morning and left a bottle of his famous cough medicine, for which ed has gained » wide reputation. | H. J. Bwope, of 8. Lawrence, has received the appointinent as at the St. Mary's Catholic charch of Patton. Miss Ida Eckenrode. of Car-' roiltown, was the former organist. Fish hooks are precisely the same in | bronze, and now they are made of steel. who bad his Jeg broken at Geo. 3. Good & Co.'s stone quarries, and | afterwards taken to the Philipsburg | hospital, refrned to this piace Satur. day. The board of directo of the Patten public schools have decided on an October 15th. So children get your | thinking cap on, school will ‘soon | Wm. P. Duncan, wife and two Philipsburg, Mrs. L. L. on ad danghter, Elisabeth, of Hastings, vis- | ited E. C. Brown Tuesday. Mr. Dun- can is president of the Moshannon bank of Philipsburg. : gr IR Thomas, is sttending the fourtventh| . annual session of the Farmers’ Nation- E. E. Brilhart snd D. F. Suni, oth | of ccngrem ‘of the United States of America ‘which is held st Parkersharg, W. Va., this week. He is attending in the capacity of an honorary delegate. Mr. Alsop, foreman at the Berwind-.| White mines, near DuBois, says that when they start their mines, which now | are flooded, there will be no discrimina- tion in respect to nationality, but that all employes must speak and under stand the English language. This, it seems is 8 wise provision and one that | is necessary to avoid accidents. ‘Real Estate Transfers. Daniel 8. McAnulty to J. Sloan Mil ler, Barnesboro; consideration, $200. Daniel MeAnulty to George 8. Hunt- er, Barnesboro, $150. John J. Weakiand to Bennett Weak- ‘land et al.,Carroil township, $1,000. Elizabeth Jones et vir. to Adam Lents Ebensburg, $176. Cambria Iron Company to R. 8. Mc- Cleester, Franklin, $850. Chest Creek Land and Improveen t Company to John Resch, Patton, $150. Julius Stich et ux. to Celestine H. | , Carrolitown, $U91. George 8, Wilson et ux. to Robert | Pritchard, Coopersdale, $1,800. J.C. Stineman et ux to Joseph Charlesworth, South Fork, $1. Flnry Bong o Feary Sholt, Black- $350. Rachael A. Penrod to Charles Pen- | rod, Croyle, $70. Ww. Scott Stoner to Annie E. Stoner, Gallitsin, $1. % Executor of Peter P. Layman to Julia | A. Layman, Richland, $760. Joshua Kauffman et ux. to Joseph Morriss, Croyle, $25. Thomas Barnes et ux. to Ole Jopson, ' Barnesboro, $350. : Executor of Peter P. Layman to Mary | Fyock, Richland, $1,400 George Bruce obux. to John Bruce, | | A daylight robbery was committed | Jr., Cresson, $300. 98 Sue Uf she: dieses of DBs oho SY | Tica C. Plier, tiuitss, to Heury | Strong, Blacklick, §168. John G. C. Bearer, to Henry Redding, | Susquehanna, $300. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to! Pennsylvania Railroad Company, | Washington, $15. Cambria Iron Company to William | D. Morgan, East Conemaugh, $350. Trustees M. E. Church of Wilmore to | Orpha J. Evans, Wilmore, $1. Ferdinand Kittell to Cambria and | gheny, $1 John Bdtierion to Genie 5 Harris, en The following marriage licenses were | issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ | { biography of the number consists of Court for the week ending Thursday, September 27, 1804: Conrad Narr, Johnstown, and Mary | mes,” and James Matthew Barrie, the | Sann, Stonycreek township. Henry L. Opperman and Minnie Brown, Johnstown. Thomas G. Barclay, Morreliville, and Maggie Elder, White township. John S. Shaffer, Bottsville West- | 'moreland county, and Hattie M. Knupp Kriegar,, Westmoreland county. Adolphus Shaffer, Portage, and Elsie | gourees with much earnestness sn what | Emma Hileman Coopersdale. . William A. Rinebolt, Peslorville, and Christiana Hiner, Morrellville. Harry L. Lots, and Annie L. Berkey-| bile, Conemaugh. Thomas J. Condon, Gallitsin, ang Leana M. Berkey, Patton. - _ William T. Moss and Elisabeth Doubt, | Walsall. Joseph Poleal and Emma Rohrbach, | Johnstown. ; Jacob C. Carlheim and Mary E. | Sprout, Clearfield township. oo Edward L. Goughnour, South Fork, | and Emma Bell Paul, Summerhill, . Andrew Poolson, Johnstown, and Anus M. Patterson, Morrellville. Andrew Warner and ‘Rows Deener, | ! Johnstown. Eda Bowers and Ella Lewis, | Stiles, Barr township, and | Emma Bennett, Pino tawnship, Indiana ! county- : John A. Leslie, Spangler, and ‘beth Jane Long, Barr township. “1 would rather trust that medicine Eliza- | Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. | Store. A Witton Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than a million of Et Doogie ‘have found just such a King’s New Disco for oe Conmmp: tion, Co and Colds. —If oy never this Great Cough cine, | onder Eee os or. all dis- | eases of and Lungs. EA bole guaranteed to do il that | is claimed or money will be Trial bottles 0 48 Df JC Belher's City Ss Oi | A twelve rcom house with large | TO basement, on Ly ymen EH i 2 10 Hou. AL A Barker vieted Johnstons Satardsy. Jack Pros vited the gardens of B- |” Gen. Jos. McDonald has returned to] ' his home in Cumbertand, Md. PF. Stutsman Esq., of Johnstown, | paid Evensburg a vielt on Monday. Mr. C. A. Hughes, of Altoons, pad} | Ebensburg a very le visit on | Monday. Peter Ladwig, son of Pelix Ludwig | Eaq., of the East Ward is {ll Miss. Lena Bearer, of Carrolltown, is | spending a faw days with her friend, Miss Mary Grace Blair of thie place. Mr. John E. Reese, brakeman on the Branch, was unfortunate enough to! { have one of his fingers smashed while coupling a car on Monday last. Mrs. F. A. Shoemaker and her dsugh- | ter, With BYS pus Johuasown s vey om | Saturday. Messrs. Edward James, George Al Kinkead and V. 8. Barber spent Pri. day in Johnstown SHenling to busi. ness. | Jonathan and Addie Owens, the | prominent. butchers of High Street, have purchased the residence and slaughter house of Mr. D. D. Price in the East Ward. Capt. R. H. McCormick, of Ronce- verte W. Va, and Mr. J. RR Mo guests of Mr. Jease Bolsinger, the past few days. Sheriff Shumaker and Ed Knee es- corted four prisoners to the peniten- tiary on Monday morning last. This leaves only 47 inmates in the jail, all of whom are males. ver of the Blair House, accompanied by their cousin, Miss Lucinda Cole, drove over to Johnstown on Sunday, where | relatives and friends of fiat place: An Autumn Megaaine. That popular New York clergyman, | | the Rev. Dr. Rainsford, contributes a most interesting article to the October | issue of the Ladies’ Home Journal, in { which he denies the position of “The | Clergyman in Society.” Not less in-/ | teresting is the eminently fusion | view which Mrs. Burton Harrison, in | ber contribution to the series ‘Before | He is Twenty, ” takes of “A Boy's Eve- | nings and Amusements’ —how the first should be spent, and of what the sec! ond should consist. Mr. Howell's lit-’ ‘named “My Literary Passions,” con- tinues to grow in interest and charm. i A very valuable article entitled “The | Candy-Eating Habit” is furnished by for Men and Boys.; Cormick, of Louisville Ky, were the : ag » ee Souple oF Putas | has | ~~ made a “Star” Reputation for me among the Clothiers sof the Town. ~ Most folks now talk of me as the most reliable and chea Clothier ‘in this section and my prices have shown me to be such. | What I want you to do now is to come to my store and see (for yourself the big stock of goods I have gotten in for ll and winter wear. MEN’ S SUITS Good ones too, eben 10.06 and 12.00. A genuine All Wool Clay suit for $10, sold last year for $15- o see it is to buy one every time. BOY'S SUITS at sv 50, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, § 00, ow to 10 0O. These are at prices fiat will open your ey:s. t MEN'S OVERCOATS. Prices from $5 co up to 1500. To see the coat I am selling at $7 98 will make you a customer for one of them. A genuine Melton Coat for $10. Can’t be duplicated in town at 12 00 and I will wager on it. ) Boy's Over rcoats at Lo and up. Every price cut close. Mer’ eo Shoes—God working Shoes at $1.. High Cut Dress Shoe at $1 25. You wait to see them. Then | you will buy. Boy's School Shoes at $1 the pair. Other ie shoe dea want as high as 1 50 for no better. : they will spend a few weeks visiting | | Ladies’ Shoes Here i is where I am making the big hit. $1 25 up to 4 50 the Pires of Girls ‘Shoes too. Uniderwea r—Another leader—One at goe the suit. #2 the suit, Lamb's wool. Think of the price, hr ' Wool remember. Other kinds at at 2 50 and 3 00 a suit. Ladies’ and Children’s Hose at 10¢, 15¢, 2 5 the pair. Wool or cotton full regula made. For lack of space can't say all T want to, but you come in Clearfield Railroad Company, Alle- | erary biography, which he has so aptly | and I will show you the entire stock if necessary. Have any of the following: ‘Woolen Shirts, Rubber Boots Ladies, Misses, and Men's Rubbers, (Cyrus W. Edson, M.D., President of | Gy. ff 5nd So-t Hats, Woolen Caps, Suspenlles Wool snd the New York Board of Health. The | sketches, with portraits, of A. Conan | | Doyle, the creator of “Sherlock Hol- | author of “A Window in Thrums,” The jul piano score of the Rose-Bud | Waltses, specially written for the Jour- | nal by Luigh Arditi, Pattis veteran or- | chestral conductor, cannot fail to de! light ail lovers of good music, as “The | Possibilities of Crepe Paper” and “The | | Hoty and Mistietos on China” will all | | lovers of the artistic. The editor dis | constitutes a successful life for men and | women, and Addison B. Burk very | { thoroughly explains the Fini | ployed in the building and loan et ‘When Buying a House with Rent ' Money.” Much solid wisdom inimitable found in Burdette's ; “Through Two Ends of a hie | Mrs. Mallon contributes some charm. “Dainty House | Gowns” and for “Little Girls’ Gowns,” | i | ing for |and Miss Hooper speaks some wise words on | come.” Altogether this October issue, ' with ita attractive cover, specially. dol {signed by A. B. Wensell, is an ideal “Dressing on a Small In-| Cotton Hosiery, Trunks and Valises. | In My T Failoring Department I am making Suits to order for $14.00 up to $40.00. Overcoats the same. Good ‘Tailors and not botches to do ny work. | ! [you buy, = Bell The Clothier, “To wind up I want everybody to call wd see me before Yours for trade, Tailor, Shoe Dealer and F urnisher, Patton, Pa. | magazine and worth ten times ita price. ~~ ~~ | of ten cents. The Ladies’ Home Jour- ' nal, with a circulation of 700,000 copies, is published by The Curtis Publishing | Company, of Philadelphia, for ten cents | per number and one dollar per year. There is no medicine so often needed | in every home and so admirably as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a week passes but some member of the | | family has need of it. A toothache or headache may be cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. shape to-day as thay were twenty cen- | than any doctor I know of,” Says Mra. | The severe pain of a burn or scald turies ago. The only difference is In pi isi Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co., promptly relieved and the sore healed the material; then they were made of | Mo. in speaking of Chamberlain's in much less time than medicine has to be sent for. A sprain may be promptly Isasc Davenport, the young mss Por gale by C. E. Belcher's Cicy Drug treated before inflammation sets in. which insures a cure in about one-third CHEAP FOR CASH. Your wants can be supplied when you have an unlimited supply to select from. The PATTON SUPPLY ©. carry a stock that surpasses any retail store in the county, They can sell to you at low figures because they buy at the lowest figures. Prices now days are regulated largely by the quantity purchased. The largest buyers always get the best prices and can afford to sell at the lowest figures. We handle everything kept in a GENERAL STORE. | of the time otherwise required. Cuts’ bruises should receive immediate treat-- ment before the parts become swollen, which can only be done when Pain Balm is kept at hand. A sore throat may be cured before it becomes sericus. A eight-month term of school beginning | one trial will convince you that it has troublesome corn may he removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two. A lame back may be eured nad ‘several days of valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest re- | lieved without paying a doctor bill. | Provure & 30 sous Iewtie & once and | you will never regret it for sale By C. | Good | E- Beicher’s City Drug Store. A isn dens Mallon Keeps the best cigar town. Be sure and look into our wonderful CASH oF FER. Lage Oil Paintins and Beautiful Silverware GIVEN AWAN. Farmers should make a special effort to call on us as we ‘can sell them goods that is according to their expectations. ALL GIVE US A CALL Gi Very Truly PATTON SUPPLY co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers