Rar 1h fmt as second. inet Ma ry sib IRIE ara county. : FIMR OF HOLDING COURT. mee | my < of Sept. of Dee. arte. Em C. Gates, SUPERINTENDENT]. W, Leech. SURVEYOR CorNTY AUprrons--Wm. J. Jones, W. C. M. | Northern Cambria county, and the re- pF Sam Jon muri Addieman, | A kead, H. 0. Winslow, | JUDGE oF w—A. G. Abbot. braham ji "BEST FRIENDS ARROAD. The new tariff law, passed by the | last congress, and which President Cleveland declined to approve, is not without ita friends. It has some among the American people and a ~ great many abroad. It is calculated to revive business in more than one for- I noted for. The CoURIER can tell the | people here to set the world on fire., buat | they saw some good in Patton and what | the town to-day commands more at- | : it. Weak-kneed people never built a | fails, too, if he attempts to go beyond | more compact and cisy soil more fri. | his mental or physical limit. There is | able; it unlocks some forms of potash amon ; Of Interest to the Farmers Whe Read the | Patton “Courier.” ' Wheat is being shipped from Mis sour! and lows into Nebrasks (strange as it may seem), is being used to fatten hogs. In the fall the mower will kill the weeds on fields that permit of its use. | Weeds may be cat down without in- jury to young clover or other crops. ~ | The cost of food is nearly the same WEAK PEOPLE NEVER BUILT A CITY. Theres a of opinions as to "| the best way to ‘a town show a good healthy growth, without the | flimsy shape that baloon ofl towns are comes in the time and labor saved by the rapid growth. | The farmer is oe who need never be | out of a job, as there is something to do on the farm every month in the year. |1f a farmer can find nothing to do then | 4 people of Patton that a fundamental principle underlying a solid town ic the backbone of its citizens. If they go forward in s safe business way and are | be is overlooking many matters which should attract bis attention. The practice of giving condition pow- a. An animal |. needs no condiments or invigorating tonics, good food being sufficient. Many of the market contain antimony and sulphur, which may cause rheumatiem if given in | © think well of it and it will be well with it. Itis a foolishcitisen who will ex- ‘pect others to be attracted to bis town when he speaks disparagingly of it| himself. Two years ago there were not enough they saw imbued others with faith and tention than any other community in| sources and business are here to back ! the cow which gives the I per | cent. of cream makes wnch the less per cent of batter. The wild chestnut is rich in flavor and sweet. A number of varieties are propogated by budding and: grafting | to its fullest possibility, with his me: all show much improvement. Why | | thods fixed on honorable principles, | not devote large tracts to them, and | | and he is s successful man, writes Ed: have a valuable | ward W. Bok in the October Ladies’ : | and still further value in the timber ? Home Journal It doesn’t matter | Improper feeding leads to waste. A whether he makes one thousand dollars | | ration may be entirely consumed and | ors hundred thousand dollars He! yet but little thrift of the stock will be makes 8 success of his position. He noticeable, because the food is not prop- | city. WHEN A MAN 18 A sucomss. 1 Let a man in business be thorooghly | which has been given him to do, be that | jorty yeopetionsan aialy. great or small. If the work he does, | cine when the animals do not improve. | and does well, is up to his limitations, | = Lime is a direct plant food; it encoo- he is a success. If he does not work up | rages the growth of clover and prevents | to his capacity, then he fails, just as be | growth of sorrel; it makes sand soil just as much danger on one side of | and encourages formation of nitrate of | PRAGTICAL BLACKSMITH, | HORSE SHOEING., | man’s limit line as there is on the other. The very realization of one’s capacity Is a sign of success. WRAY 18 IT THUS? Why is that our borough dads do not see that the ordinance prohibiting animals running at large within the ‘borough is not enforced. Horses are allowed to ran about with impanity, destroying the board walks, and dis ites, and Is a source of great annoy- ance to the aged and sick. The proper authorities should see that this ordi- doit? : Tax ParEn Trade Journal says that while American men excel all others in their per diem output. Comparative analysis of the wages of these four | claswes of workers will prove at once PATToN has proved to be 8 good place surance that the next two years to come ‘will be as advantageous, or even more #0, $0 the holders of property here as the last two years. . The production of everything which the vicinity yields is Sncrousing tint popaietion and values ACSI fo ceeamaienl abetrach of the United States, the totel cost of the liquors of all kinds consumed in °0® this country is over §16 per capita, a Tes pratanas dt eonl of all kinds | S971 Grom Jota, tarbing the peacful stumbers of Patton- | | than one-fourth that amount. Potatoes nace i witty enforee. Wiley for investments. . All property has ad- | | g | order and control, and hereby notify ail | Having the meeded merit to more potash; it hinders growth of some kind | of fungi, and kills the larve of many insects. Pears are ready to be plicit when the stem parts readily from the spur when raised by the hand. The fruit should always be picked by thus rais- ing it up instead of pulling it: off. Aim to leave the stem on the pear. : It is estimated that the average valos ‘of the potato crops aboat §50 an acre, while the value of grain per acre is less sold during this year, at certain times, of all foods in proportion to. price, as they are composed very largely of wa- In this country rye has never been as | popular a farm crop as wheat. In the early days of our national life it was! | quite generally grown, but this was largely a matter of necessity or econo- my. In mostsections in which wheat | will thrive it has very largely taken the place of rye. And it must be admitted | that in some respects wheat is the better | grain. Still, as & farm crop, rye has no small degree of merit. the ground as there is in the manure barn. The ground will take up all the | fertility released by the rains and hold all the valuable parts until the Pham life in the spring shall its render. It is so much handier also o] ‘do the work in the fall when nothing else is pressing. oie Notier of Purchase. Notice is hereby given that I have | this day purchased of Thomas Laver- ick, of Patton, Cambria county, Pa, | the following household goods to wit: one cook stove, one bed and bedding, premises of aforesaid subject to my | persons not to distarb or in any manner 1 in the United States in 1888 was 163, interfere or meddle with the same. . Geo. 8. Goob. Oct. 2, 1894. Photographer in Patton. | JEWELER, OPTICIAN, and port them. They are the most costly | : The fo 1s an excellent ime to haul | ®Y-| out the manure for the garden. There | | is not so much danger of it wasting on | pile under the eaves of the stable and | Earnest Bruer, the Hastings photo Debs case made a good point when be i sallrondl shrike ‘were actuated by creditable motives. He said: ‘“When passion and prejudice have died away, and we have calmly reviewed the events of the strike, all right-minded | were actuated by the highest and holiest of motives—that of bettering the condition of their fellow-men. This is the view that is generally taken of it, but that does not alter the - fact that Debs made a great mistake, ‘and thst his want of judgement caused much suffering by innocent people #11 | over the country. Ome of the most frequent quoted legal axioms is thet of law sno excuse,” and id, regardless of his intentions. Still, as in # cae of this kind public than make good all the advertising. grapher, has opened a photograph gal- claimed for them, the following four | lery in Patton, on Fifth avenue, be- sale. Dr. King’s New Discovery, for |. iv refitted and is now ready to ill consumption, Coughs and Colds, each | orders promptly. Pictures from a No. bottle guaranteed — Electric Bitters, the | ppoeograph to a Life Size Crayon great remedy for Liver, Stomach and | __ 20d in the highest style of art. Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the | | Satisfaction guaranteed. Go and see best in the world, and Dr. King's New | samples of work. The gallery will be Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All| {open every Monday, Twwisday -and | these remedies are guaranteed to do Saturday. 42t4 just what is claimed for them and ‘the dealer whose name is attached herewith | Buckjen’s Arnica Salve. will be glad to tell you more of them. The best salve in the world for cuts, Siar Beieher's Cy Drng Store, | bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever | | vores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, Fer Sale. | corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- | One hundred and twenty-nine one- | tively cures piles, or no pay required. ' ine acre lots for sale. one-half mile from | It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- | Patton on easy terms For further | faction or money refunded. Price 35 information apply to J. J. Haak, | cents per box. For sale by Dr C E| : Carrolitown, Pa.-40tf Belcher, hy drug store ie BENT FEN Photographer, Patton which rehttod snd Patton which he has now seedy to all tubes prompsy. oR ek: Monday, Thursday ’ and Saturday. | A. G. Diehl, (Successor to Samuel E. Jones, ) £204 Magee Avenue, Across Chest Creek. Prices are moderate. All done with neatnicss and dispatch. Call and See Me, A. G. DIEHL, Patton, Pa. THE Palmer House, Corner Magee and Fifth Aves. Headquarters for commer- cial men. The largest and finest . hotel in this section.| | Equipped with all modern conveniences. Everything first-class. - Fine bar in con- nection. Livery, Etc. Rates $2.00 per day. JM. ROBINSON, Proprietor. |. Dealer in ; : Musical Instruments Is to the front as sual with ¢ large CLOCKS, SILVER- | WARE, and everything kept in a first-class store WATCHES, of this kind. VIOLIN, GUITAR and BANJO JJ ug wil ul kinds of small musi. abides ini Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall s moderate ex- | pense. Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. - Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patching. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended b Architects who ve used it in this country and England. Will give you a solid wall. OF itaely will not crack, swell or Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give vou a warm house. Doea not ruin woodwork by — it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following plane terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish. @/- Used on the Palmer House, Good ding, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, C. C. L. & I. Co. office., Patton Opera, | house, M. E. church, and on more than | one-half of the plastered houses iy store rooms of Patton. Also the Catholic Ohiureh ! St. Argus For prices and information, write i : ” { ADAMANT PLASTER CO., | Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. | Now is your time to get one of the finest bare » gains ever offered in this section at our Store. This is no blow or lie to fool you in town or into our Store. We mean busigest to the very let- ter. Everybody in‘ this section heard of us and all who have bought Clothing or Shoes or anything we. handle speak in the highest terms of how they were treated. We have bargains for you. in SveRytiing; and peially in CLOT HING. Ng Hereis a word to you which is true as gospel. We can and do offer goods and sell them too, lower than any other store in Patton. You might wonder why we cau sell lower. We will tell you. It is because we buy more at a time and always carry a larger stock than anyone ‘else. Itis an establisheed fact that the more | you buy the cheaper you can get goods. Sep in and we will ET This is all we will say at this time: but bear in mind if you want a good honest bargain in Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, 'Etc., we can give it. Everyone is welcome, : White, Black, Rich or Poor. All treated alike. : Very Truly, "PRTTON, PA. GOOD BUILDING; We promised last week to have more to say later, but we have been so busy getting in - ew goods and fixing up our’ store room we have not had. ‘time to talk. Call and See Us | We will then tell something of interest to you. The Cambria Hardware Co. all the leading mes Every person in Northern Cantliria _ county is heading towards the Mam. moth store of Geo. S. Good's in Patton, where you can buy the finest line of GENERAL -- MERCHANDISE that was ever handled in any one store in the whole county. ORY GOS, BOOTS IAD SHOES, GROGE And everything kept in a first-class general store. We make a specialty of . the best grades of FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, - GRAIN, A large assortment of Pa oil Cloth, Matting, Etc., kept ou hand, also Queenswre, Dishes, inware, and Shelf Hardware. No truble to show goods. Come in and look around. GEL. S. GOOD, Paton, Pa. F
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers