in Nd os bop Cl rect Ap rn avira il Hw SE , | . Pg a in : " ~ smerny Hw The best silve in the world for cats, | Yor 8 Pate of + vommary Br. Kine EB Probert, : ms 4 Modner Wwe 8.1. ‘bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover | Now Discovery has been tested, and | i se ; CONDENMED pp aq, 9078, eter, chapped hinds, chilbiains, | €h4 ullions wo have re received benefit | ‘Barber and. Hair Dresser, Rei 3 [El TSE Mis Spapaoe and posi- ; = apm, : - 8 Smiter ANTIQUITY OF FISHING Sow the Fair Cleopatra Pooled ad With s Salt Fish, The art of angling no doubt had its veighn 5 mans poy The earliest reference 0 : a 11 18 wamn’¢ for bottles, I'd want = Ix ALL ITS BRANCHES. cares piles, or no pay required. matkind De taking of ah for fool There are frequent allvsions to it in the Bible Job in the oldest book of all. muy: never think of bit- ““Canst thou leaw out a leviathan vith | : a hook, or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou put a hook in his nose”' Homer, in the ” pea Ssbiug in these Hues: g deah in the falincions bait a _§stuuting dee sngle sinks the leaden weight. And it is recorded in the Odyssey: As when the nogler, his long rod in baod. On a projecting rock assumes bls stand. tats to the fry fry. the halted sare Then Aings the wriggling captives Romans, Greeks sind other races ; early days around the Mediterranean the art of angling. Phitarch : tells of & prank played a oy the fair Egyp- while ont fishing with | Antony, *“Tney wagered on their an- | : and her divers did hang a salt fish | . om his hook, which he with fervor drew | wp.” 2 The fq tists air. | rained walls of Herculaneum and {i abound in frescoes of fisher 4 A erated to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 35 cefits per box. For sale by Dr C E| Belcher, city drug store ‘Meal Botate Tromefers. John A Fry et ux to Mattie F Stalb, Glasgow, consideration, $115 ! Henry H Kubn et ux to H H Grasier, | Jolmitown, $2,000 : George W Constable et ux to H Hur- ton Graxier, township, $300 : Annte McPesters to Annie E Landy, Morreliville, $75. John Brerhart of ux Susanah Co- ea © Lois A -Hoerle, Johnstown, $900 Owen E Berkebile et ux to Lilly Rod- % gers, Johnstown, $3,000 , Jobat Gillman et ux to Frank J Veil- over across toward her flat] saw her maid chuck an empty out of the kitchen winder into the lot. And, don’t you know, I went over there and found a whole pile of broken: bottles and two or three whole ones. They didn’t know any better. Now, ther : was a lady in the other day, ‘and I says, St Louis Post Dispaton “FRENCH AS SHE 18 SPOKE. " ome Gromseniit's Mamorous SKit Is bat Lit- tie Exnggorated. In one of his entertainments Mr. order—rviz, “Have you "of my wife's uncle?’ ‘'No, but 1 have : found the pencil of my father’s sister.’’ I was reminded of the other day when calling on a friend whose three small nieces had just arrived from ‘ South America. The children's rative tongue ‘ Spanish, but evidently a “first English course’ had been used to thera for their visit to this coun- * emch. sentence with, I73¢ is that.” “Juanita, why haven't you Sénabed Bair?’ said my friend to the dark. eyed eldest girl of About 6. ‘It is that 1 failed to discover my brush,” wus the stately reply. ear awe therbaby | 3 up stairs set up s piercing yell, where- : ‘the second child, with hand up- _ pmised, remarked, with infinite solem- ~~ mity, “Hark, the Infant wails!"'<-New ~~ York Journal. : ©" Growing Rubber Trees, : . From time to time articles are print- din Sho Gull] Jd See : the advantage to be gained in the cultivation of india rubber. Ome ad- .. to Renator a Pare bea hha 7 3 ‘Ma'am,’ says I, ‘I've got you charged with five bottles here.’ “ “What's that?” says she. ‘I haven't got any of your old bottles. You don’t supprso I'd steal milk bottles, do you? When I get to stealing, I'll take some- , thing better'n old eastoff milk bottles I don’t like your milk anyhow. It's more'n half water, and I'm going to “And she did change, and I lost a good eastomer by the mere mention of bottles Some peopie keep their ten and things in the bottles. Yom can't go and search for them. You must take their . word for it that they ain't got none They are supposed to retwm their empties the next day, snd they'll keep them for a week. I'd have ® have s carload of extra bottles to suit them. Some of them just slap on their empties when the dambwaiter comes their way, and some other milkman goes off with Fidler, Johnstown, $750 them. They don't care. And then, when you call up for their empties get mad as hops and swear they them down— which perhaps they sack, Adams township, $861 Adam Bowers et ux fo Abby Ann. Lioyd, Susquehanna township, $75 J 1. Spangler; sew trustee, to A B Wea- ver, Spangler, $300 U Grant Rodgers, administrator of, to Owen E Berkebile, Johnstown, $100 Henry C Dishong, administrator of, to Theodore F Zimmer, Jackwon, township, $1,275 Administrator of T F Zimmerman to Margaret Baker, Jackson township, $1,322 Wiliam Gaffney et al to Margaret O'Donnell, Johnstown, $1,500 ‘Petar C Gaffney to Margaret O'Don- nell, Johnstown, $1 John Ashcroft et ux et al to Cresson Presbyterian church, Cresson town- ship. 1 Albert L Folmoni et ux to Hiram Cozzens et al, Johnstown, $550 Mrs Teresa Fromald, Sammit, $615 Thoraas Daviset ux to 8 0 Fraker, Jackson township, $5,000 Hiram Cozsens et ux et al to Nosh P Jacob Younker et ux to Thomas Younker, Conemangh, $100 John Butler to P E Butler, Johns- town, $700 - week ago, and their mistresses believe thesn. It's enough to drive » man to drink !'—New York Herald. a —— a LL P THE DRUMMER WILTED. A 81,000 Ante In » Semstorial Game Wat Too Rich For His Blood. A group of millionaires were playing what was probably the stiffést game of poker ever played in the United States. It ‘was at Chamberlin’s, in Washing- | tom, in the winter of 1889 and 1890. The exact list of the players will never be known, but Senator Wolcott of Col- orado snd ex-Governor Hauser of Mon- ' tans were in it, and Senator Farwell of Chicagy was in the room. ‘About midnight a well drummer for a» Chiongo dry goods firm rm sentaghiscan Farwell. wont | the room where the game was going on. He imtroduoed him to the other players. “Hive you atty objection t my play- * asked the drummer. “Well,” said Senator Woloott, ““I have mo ubjestion, but—er—-well, you fame in pretty steep. “Ha ha!’ laughed the drummer vPhat is the kind of & game I like.” Ex Governor Hauser remscked that ‘if he could stand it the mest of the | crowd bad po objection. With a wink | at Somator Farwell, the drummer sat | down, out a “wad,” peeled off 8 $1,000 bill and said to Governor Hau- Then ho locked around Sie sable, an | much as to say: “No flies on me, ch?’ “Give the gentleman one white chip,’’ suid Semator Wolcott, Govern- or Hauser passed over the chip without © » smile and remarked: **Juck pot for $5,000. Put up your: The drummer sat aghast for an in- i ant he oe ke up his money and *“*Too rich for my blood!"’ It is currently reported that one man wom over $100,000 that night. —Chicago Times. olass, who are said et the moment of bn es a Hindoo Grades. The four grades of society among the Hindoos are the Brahmans, or sacerdotal creation to have issaed from the mouth of Brahma; the Kahatrya, or Chuttses, ‘ or military class, sprung from the ann . me who Clee Wash is. © Jobnoio (surprised)—Don’ t you know ~ who he is? Teacher—I think I never hoard of Jobnnie—Gosh! W'h G. Wash. is - George Washington, the papa of his, country, first in-— Teacher—Oh—ah—-yes, but I thought | : at first it was a Chinese laundryman.— | Detroit Froe Press. ~All at the Head. Glass stands first of elastic substances, is the heaviest of animal sub- stances, mercury is the heaviest liquid, She heaviest woods Are and | vite, cork is the lightest wood, | emmensite has the highest explosive power of any substance yet invented, | . and platinum is the most ductile metal, | Ls 1 being drawn so fine as to be | invisible. Indianapolis News. . Ex-President Orton of the Western Union Telegraph company declared that the English IaAge A as 25 a shespey §r Selsgraphic Jyuepo of Brahma; the Vaisya, or Bais, = mercantile class, from the thigh of Brahma, and Sudras, or Sooders, or wery- ile class, from the foot of Brahma The business of the Sudras is to serve superior classes, more espe- cially the Brahman. Their condition is. the three never to be improved; they are not to accumulate property and are unable by ‘any means to approach the dignity of the higher classes. These divisions are hereditary, impassable and indefensible. | ==Brooklyn Eagle. —————— Wo Sir Preparing For the Emergency. “No;"’ said Floatinhair, the poet, ‘1 shall never call on that ‘editor again— pever, never!’ “What has be done?’ ~ *He has been rudely ncarcastic. I | handed bim a bundle of manuscript this | | morning, and be told the office boy to hunt up his overshoes.’’ “*Overshoes!’ “Yes; he said be had a lot of slush to wade through. *" ~~ Washington Star. “Er man kin run inter debt,” said | Uncle Eben, ‘but when it comes ter Stim ue he's gotter crawl. "Wash kind in the world. Mary J Burgoon to Lewis McDer- “mott, Allegheny, $185 J W Plummer et ux to John Brows et al, Summerhill borough, $150 : J C Stineman et ux to Elizabeth C Berkebyle, Adams township, $500 Jacob C Stineman et ux to Charies A - Umberger, Adams and Richiand town- ships, $1,400 Irving W. Larimore, Foysisi di- rector of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, lo., says he can conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's pain balm to athletes, gymnasts, ‘bicyclists, football players ‘comes swollen it will effect a cure in one-half the time usually required. For sale by C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. : We have sven a number of watch chains ornamented with a pretty charm in the shape of a watch case opener, ‘which obviates the use of a knife or fingernail to open the watch. They are sent free on request by the Key- stone Watch Case company, of Phila- delphia, Pa. Your jeweler hére may have one for you; if not send to Phila- delphia. - The Keystone Watch Case company is the largest concern of its Its capacity is 2,500 watch cas.s per day. It manu. factares every description of case, but its great specialty is that most popular of all watch cases, the Jas. Bees gold filled. These are equal in beauty and wear to solid gold—when they cost only about one-half as much. Boe and all other Keystone cases are the only cases that have the famous Non- pull-out bow or ring, which saves the watch from theft and accident. The Keystone company does not retail, but our local jewelery handle the cases and swear by the Stile. proof lites of. the ring. A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of Eugene, Oregon, sa his wife has for years been trouble:i with chronic diarrhea and used many remedies with ‘little relief until she tried Chamber- lain’s colic, cholera and diarrhcea rem- edy, which has cured her sound and ‘well. Give ii a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Bele her's City Drug Store. Eat Horses. The sale of horse meat in Paris has grown to enormous proportions since the first shop was established in 1864. The estimate is, that it is eaten now in a third of the Parisian households. © It May do as Mueh for You, Fred Miller, of Irving Ill, writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder wus affected. He tried many so-called and Wines at the bar. Executor of Rev. Thomas Davin to a = roiasesna bile. De Bee oo univers entishetion is vo | t. Each bottle is positively gaaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to be | the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. | Prisl bottles Free at C. EF. Belchers | City Drug Store. Large sim 50c. and : noo. Reuel Somerviite, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, Pa. (Office in the Good Building. A VENUE RESTAT RANT, L R. SxypEm, Prop'’r, Fifth avenue, below Beck's Hotel, ail] serve mens at all boun Keeps evarything to Iw hod in =» mes restaurant. Oveteos werved In every style. We make 7 specialty of OYSTERS IN THE HALF SHELL. J F. McCKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will attend to all tgsiness with yn Te. and Bdeiity, mp Offer opposite the Mountain House. M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations frtcinse,. Bost of L squon | sua bling attsched. GrorcE FERGURON, otf Prop'r. WH. DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ERENSBURG, Pa. A 11 legal Business promptly atten dan ti Often. in Armory Hall J . PHYSICIAY AND SU WEEN, PATTON, PA. Mee and avaleience on Misgee AVEHOE, next to John Yahner's Hanlware store, special attention given io Fev ers and Dis mane of Children. HARRY MoCORMICK, M. I, AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, Mellon Avenue, PATTON, PA. m pregmred to do atl ips of woik in my | ow Contryets taken and | extinntes furnished when desired, Satisfvetion gunrantoeed, Give pe a enill Go To DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - SHOP $th Ave. near R. R. Station. to order and “Pres of all kinds done promptly. moderate. FirstNation’ iBank OF PA TTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. ee CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Acesunts of Corpomtions, Firms, Indiv fdu- als and Banks received w the wast favora- Bde tiers consistent with safe and conservative ‘banking. Steamship tiekets for sale for sil the nding. tines, Foreign Drafis rr able in the prinetpa edtiex of the Old Work All ex wo will have our prompting | per onal attention, Interest paid on time deposits. A E. PATTON Wax. H. SANFORD oh President. Cashier. AG. Ber. Successor to Samael E. Jones, | PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH, Magee Avenue, Across Chest Creek. HORSE SHOEING. A specialty. Prices are moderate. All work done with neatness and dispatch. | Call and See Me, A. G. DIEHL. kidney cures but without any good re- sult. About a year ago he began to use Electric Bitters and foaund relief a once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all kidney a=d liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our state- ment. Price 50 samy Ju lange: bottle. ALC. E. | : Store. the value Jrics fad the Sn Theres wor p Sh he value givel EE *= MIRKIN work in eh. rices for 15 KUSNER "one-half of the EBENSBURG, PA. 8 NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE | Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Alwayy ready for use in any season. ~~ Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patching. Cen be papered as soon as dry. M recomunettied bi all the leading yo used thin country and Engand Will give you a solid wall. | Of ieelf will mot cruck, swell or © shrink. will not. cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give you a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork by loading - it with moisture. dmits of carpenters followin, plas | A a . Is capable of every variety of finish. pa- Used on the Paley | House. ‘Buflding, Hote! Beck, 0. C. L. & I. Co. office. house, M. E. church, and on more than plamered houses and store rooms of Patton. -$ aaa 2 — T E588 FL Sova no. Patton Opera, «1% © eDaily, “Rervmoor Ar 3 538 1 OATEAM ite Tae Te Rw Ks oe Rae Am. war. RE a EE Anne... ap Sl Tenw. i Mitchells ALEA RFIELD. a i am : = i ie 18 5 » oo... Woodland ee “w _Bigler.... _ Mormisdals vo. ¥ ew. a % BEe » " oer MOR. AN Ti Biv HE ye * dow T1 Ar. ue Bei : a Sa ow 5 EEL TEI 5 " Po ta 58! - CeeRBRNS Shnaenainnanad KEuveydRERENYS JunaciannseeEd | ari» gu = ® EAT EE nuke anenan 3 sux gr “wis ¥ SX Y,vnT A N.NY, vin Bp “root of Liberty Street) ANA Weekdays. #9 p. oe. Sunday. x¥ Also the Catholic Church St. Aagust- Phi ine. For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. Are You GOING BUILD, If so dont fail to call and in- spect our fine line of DOORS and SASH in both dire Runda Sn I ND a, CONNECTIONS. At with Philadel and Raltirond. Nn om ee York, Re td nfs in New thw i Hall « of iia LAs Munson A. 6G. PAL sa pwerin P. R.R. Tim Time Tables. In Main Line, Louw: Cromm—Kinstienrt. | Sem Khore Express, week Says... Alonona Aveatiadation, week was an Sito’ , daily... hein press, daily Sma mA WA pm Borde em Expres, daily... # om Muin Line, leave Cremson—Wostwaed. pm > | foiiown pre daily NA Rs ~4 11a pr "We have just received two. Car Loads—Can make prices to suit Buyer. We are also agent for D. M. Osborne & Co Sr a FARMING IMPLMENTS PATTON HARDWARE CO, Magee Ave. PATTON, PA. The Patton ok INSURANG 1 ig Represents the follow- i ing old r¢hable Fire Insurance companies: ROYAL, of Liverpool, "HOME, of New York, GERMAN, of Pittsburg. “Also the Equitable Insurance company, of New, ‘York, the largest in the world | Dale & Patterson, FT PATTON, PA. Putict over : jst Nat'l Bank SAM’ L BOYCE, Successor to John Otten | ~DEALER IN ‘Flour and Peed, Hay, Sy are Prices the Lowest for CASH. Store on Beach R.R. Depot. P. P. Young & Bro., Whalesale and Retail Dealer in A Grain, Lime, | i | Wey Pramenger, dud a Mall Train, jy Fast Line, dally... - Johnstown Aveo... week days... is’ CAMBRIA Shi CLEARED, Morning wa re WAR " , en for On Sta lmves Mab Ti Ny vituver, nd ( ge) uk ton, Ta ‘3 ibe Lon, hes re of Crosson af £18, airing traf AY Le re ~ pe inrway, for Hastings EE Mahaffey » and A wv An at he Bribes Junedbon, at 7 $Y pm. | RUNQUENANA EXTENSION, Eastward. : Morning tmin leaves Chery. 1 Rend, 7:38 and connects with train fio Cresson at adie Junction at TER Jernaon tonin aves Cheerytree at om Carvelitoen Road, a n= connects with for Cresson st Bradley Junction at 8 Waostward. : “storming twin aves Rmdiey Junodon or hereytrve at HE Carrolltown Rosd, ngher, 11 ea. WAL, wmiving. st filegt I temves Rradiey Jum thon for | cerryaree at £2) Darah row at a ) Barnosbor, &55, hud a trata from Kast and et, a. ptr) ore. & Wats, P. f he pe J. BOWOOIN Cietornl NIpL. mies, mn ~Ghenem] Munsger. Life - aaa i of ail fully il Git igh repo y maintain high sedation - pall details its hed, : features in the Columbia eatalogue, ! whieh is a beautiful book avd fall of intesest. Free upon application: For Sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Pa. Avetitte. near, Also agent for the Hickory and Hart- | ford Bicycles. : WARREN, The CONTRACTING PAINTER, 18 years. FRESH M EAT | Best work guaranteed, lowest Prices. OF ALL KINDS, Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, Bologna, i AR, oc “mo at as
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers