The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 06, 1894, Image 3

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    . 3 RE ~ 3 xr RE Ja o- Ar
mrt en stp SL | TE A AL i AAA rin. i ow A se
. Sie aR pa —
EE oy . ‘. TE
Patton now has a cornet band.
: court this weok.
this place the first of the week.
Ee : " The Catholic Total Abstinence union |
of the United States has 57,350 mem-
or refuse to take
ey rine tl
: are
3 "their bills and ordered them |
“PATTON oni co. —
mt sn 4 i) Ao Si Lo Mh din
Soa st Hodghte's drag store.
Por fruits go to Kinkead's. 401
Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.
Advertise in the Patton Covrnm.
Try Murvin’s bread at Weakland's.
The best bread is sold at Wesk- porous citizens of Carrolltows, wees
| lands. 404
Smoke Gold Dollar cigar for sale at
Hotel Beck.-38-tf.
Go to Sam'l Boyce for floar, feed,
Cp ph i A SR SA A hr dado
Asheroft’s milinery store. onr
» Mixsae) Sean, the piacye
' Louis Rieg, three prominent and pros- |
'in town circulating among friends
‘Prof. A. P. Weakiand, well-known |
inh this end of the county, has just been |
and all kinds of grass seuds.-38tf elected principal of the
etc, go to | cools for the coming term. — Hastings | Brock has made poor time lately.
“ad” in another
See the cut of the Palmer house on |
| the first page of the COURIER.
Forest fires have been raging south
| of Patton during the past week. :
| ave 1 pass into vhe Sands of the Shaw-|
mat coal company is still pending.
It wns given out that Shawmut was to!
| take charge the first of August, but a
hitch delayed the transfer.
| report was afioat during the week that
| the deal was closed up on Monday, but
inquiry failed to verify the report. 1
Brockwayville Record.
Farmers should read the column in
‘another part of the COURIER headed
Calvin Blair, 23 years old, a resident
of Jersey Shore, and a breakman on
ie Buns Cou Falltopd, Sil off 3 1o8- |
ng freight train on last week and
4 ath os. If you want a good tailor-made suit wan instantly Killed,
T@ AN,
re § ior r |
708% -
Postoffice hours from 7 A. X. to 5
Train numbers marked Nr are
northbound and “8” southbound.
goto 8. C. Lerch, Mahaffey, Pa.
Jay Palmer, of Pittsburg, was 8 Winifred and Emma Patohen,of Patch. tain town, a most desirable resort ‘which will soon be here.
guest at the Palmer house Monday.
J. 8. Clark, of Glen Campbeil, Mises
'enville, Miss Barrett, of Camden, N. J.
seeing folks and tourists, coming and |
The public who have ts. Giruie. anh
inclination to go abroad seeking health
and recreation, find an elevated muon-
for the purpose.
T. E. Wartelsky, a merchant of and Miss Bonine, of Altoona, visited ° A. J. Spigiemire and wife, of Brad:
Hastings, spent Monday in Patton.
Tony Snyder, of Pittsburg, register-.
ed at the Commercial hotel last week.
The Brakeman’s Append.
yt ‘sammer wenther,
Alice A, Ashcroft is the leading mil'i-
ner, of this section. Go and see her.-
© Sete
C. w. Gould, of Somerset, registered
at the Palmer house the first of the
: week.
H. D. Rumberger, of Philipsburg,
was a guest at the Commercial hotel
. Friday.
J. M. Notley and B. A. Kneedler, of
Hastings, were in Patton on business
H. P. Dewier, of Burnside, wis
' among the many visitors to Patton
' Tuesday.
We certainly offer the best bargains
in Patton. Where? at Mirkin & Kus
ner’ s. -40tf
Jas. 8. Dickson and Ww. Takens, both
of Philadelphia, were in Patton Tues
: _ day on business.
Ed. H. Knee and J. A. Boney, of
| Evensbury, were visitors to Patton the
what its Eo
notice stiracts ony
“Ome more brakeman hurt today.”
Attend the Carrolltown fair.
Drink Hodgkin's soda water.
Monday was a big day in Patton. |
Street fights are becoming numerous |
Fried chicken at the Kinkead Res- |
For a nice eco] drink try Hodgkin's
Jus. 8. Blair, etme over fivin Barnes
boro, on Sunday.
Bl Flick, of Tyrone, was a guest at
Hotel Beck Sundsy.
Finest and best line of shoes at Mir-
kin & Kusner's.-40tf
G. W. Shaffer, of Altoons, registered
at Hotel Beck Saturday. =
A. A. Noel, of Conlport, spent ome
day last week in Patton.
The Indians county fair opens Sep- |
tember 10th, at Indiana. :
The celebrated Gold Dollar cigar for |
sale at Hotel Beck. -88-¢f
Quite a number sttended court from |
Call and examine the 90 cent panta-
loons at Mirkin & Knsner's.-40tf
ON B. Auman, the contractor, rode
to Nicktcwn Tuenday on his bicycle.
Big line of boy's knee pants from 30
cents to $1.00 at Mirkin & Kusner's.
~ John E. DuBois has been sued by the
trustees of the Brooklyn bridge for
'. General Hastings will slic. his first’
campaign speach at Harsitinieg Sep-|
. {Good building. -24tf
tember b.
“Thos. Ryan and John Carroll, both
of Altoona, stopped at Hotel Beck on
Labor day.
The prettiest Heating stove you ever
saw is “Perfect Oak” at John Yahne:'s
hardware store.-40t4
Chas. Rhody, and John Otto, two
prosperous citizens of Bt. Lawrence,
spent Friday in Patton.
Harvey and Emery Pittman, both of:
“Grant, Indiana county, made a visit to
. Patton Friday oflast week.
Try Magic dreps for pain, internal
and external. Guaranteed by C. W.
Hodgkins, druggist, Patton,
« Watch for the new line of goods at
, Stirmun’s soon. He went to New
; York City Tuesday to lay in a fall,
first of the week.
Popular grades of children’s ciothing
in popular styles at popular prices, ut
| Mirkin & Kosner's.—40tf
| Philadelphia, stopped at the Com-
| mercial hotel Inst week. “x
Stard Charles, the popular whoie-
: Patton Monday on business.
A beautiful building lot is offered for
Mrs. L. A. Quinn, and danghter
| Della, of DuBois, visited Mr. and Mrs.
| L. 8. Bell the first of the week.
For coughs, colds and sore throat try |
Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by (C.
W. Hodgkins, druggist,Patton,
In another column of the COURIER
‘are some interesting pointers for the
farmers to rend. Be sare and look
them up.
Tod Nagle, the liveryman, lost a!
valuable six-year-old gray mare last
week. It died from the effects ofbeing
Editor Kaylor, of the Hastings
Tribune passed throu;;:: Patton Wed-
nesday morning on ie way to the
county seat.
If Annie Rooney will bring around
her bicycle made for two and i
Sweet Marie away with her all will |
forgiven.-—Ex. ; :
~The finest line ladies’ hats and under-
| wear to be found anywhere at Alice A.
Asheroft’s millinery store in Good
building. -24tf
R. M. McCullough and Chas. W.
both traveling salesman
| of Pittsburg, stopped at the Palmer
ihouse Monday.
I The Inrgout and most. complete siosk
of clothing and gents furnishing goods
in northern Cambria eounty 4 at Mirkin
& Kusner's. —40t.f
‘Mrs. P. H. Brunrer and her two
children, of Jersey Shore, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Culp’ on . Fourth
avenue this week. ;
For the finest line of millinery, fancy
goods and ladies’ underwear go to
Alice A. Ashcroft’s millinery store in
M. L. Leary, of Chest Spring, is the
leading harness maker and repairer in
Northern Cambria county. Be sure
and call on him 393
Mirkin & Kusner just received a
large line of dry goods. Henrietta
flannels, dress goods and silk trim-
mings in all styles.- ~40tf |
The most useful and neatest looking
range is the Eureka or the Tropic Etna
For =ale by John Yahner, corner Fifth
and Magee avenues, 04
J. 8. Dagan and Mr
dnd Mra. W. tiff, hi of
port, visit od Ny; AI pd Mr: . P. P. Youmg
on Fifth avenue Sunday.
A game of ball was played at Coal-
port Saturday between that club and
the Hastings club. The Hastings club
, Won by a score of 11 to 5,
in Patton on Tuesday.
Mrs. I. L. Brown and adughter,
Elizabeth of Hastings, and Vrs. Fred-.
erick Snare, and her two NET
Elsie and Jeanette, visited
- Brown Friday and Saturday.
The COURIER wishes to Lerorois
thanks to the Cambria county Agri-
‘cunltaral association for a compli-
mentary ticket to the Carrolltown
fair, commencing September 25th. ih
- N. Stirman left on Tuesday for the
city to buy a new line of dry goods,
clothing, boots and shoes. He will lay
in a supply large enough to fill up his
store at this place and at Carvolitvwn.
The Neapolitan, trio, composed of
“the following named gentleman made
some very fine music in Patton one day
last week on a harp and two violins:
. G. Cella, P. Buongiorns and E. Bove.
On Tuesday night a damaging wreck
occurred at the Delta mines on the
' Susquehanna extention of the Cambria
and Cresson railroad but the COURIER
did not learn the particuiars concern-
ing it.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boynton, of Clesr-
fleld, visited their niece Reuben Moe-
Pherson over Sunday. Mr. Boynton
i= one of the oldest limbermen of Clear-
| 8. B. Crouse, a traveling snlesimen of | field county. He is up in the eightivs
now and appears hale and hearty.
Several departments of the Milton
car works resumed work Wedneaday,
sale liquor dealer of Hastings, was in giving employment to about 300 men.
They are working on a contract of 600
gondolas for the New York, Susque-
"Water is being hauled into Patton in | sale in Patton on easy payments. hanna aid Western railroad.
barrels. : | Inquire at the COURIER office.
Mr. Joseph Farabaugh has been
selected as principal of the Carroll-
town schools for the coming term
| Mr. Farabaugh is an excellent in--
structor. He will continue to operate
' his photo gallery by means of an as’
The Coun in very grateful to R.
I. Goff, who is now stationed at
Philadelphia, for a bine print map of
Patton.. The atlas shows a marked
skill of workmanship, and this office is
pleased to have become . Yeupiont
- of the same.
The Prohibitionists of Cambuis
county held their convention on Thars-
day of last week nominating the follow-
ing ticket: Assembly, Joseph P. Lay-
ton, J. T. Peterson; sheriff, Jacob
Gruber; director of the poor, R. Z
Replogle; jy commisisties ML
\ A mechanic who lives at Berlin, Ger-
: Lam named Detloff, was sentenced
or: Friday to pay 3 marks or pass three
days in jail for having sneesed loudly
at night in the street. The charge
agairst him was ‘gross misconduct,”
and despite his plea of a cold, it was
sustained by the court. :
C. €. Neal, who lives about two
milea from Jacksonville, Indiana
county, is the owner of a cow which,
two weeks ago gave birth to a
calf which had two fully developed
heads. The ealf lived bat a little while
after birth, but Mr. Neal had a taxider-
mist trecit it for preservation.
The administrators of Caleb A. Gray,
late of Hastings, bave brought suit:
aginst the Pennsylvania Railroad
company for damages. They elaim
that Mr. Gray's teagic death at the
Fourth venne crossing in that place
on May th, 1563, was due to the
negligence of the company. ;
Hon. A. A. Barker, recently became
“a member of Capt. John M. Jones Post
(i. A. E.. of this place. He & the
oldest member of that order in this
county; slso of the Masoprs and the
Odd Fellows. He is the only survivor
of those who organized the Masonic
lodge here. —Fbersburg Mountaineer.
Creek railroad near Jersey
She one day last week 30
vas shipping sheep to Philadelphia
‘and was accompanying ther -on
a freight. He was riding on top
of a car with the \ front brakeman
when an axle broke and the train piled
, up, crushing Mr. Smith to death.
Clark Smith, of Canoe townsuip, pr
lofernon county, was killed the ren
dock, and their two children are
guests at the Hotel Highland.
We are sorry to note that a sore foot
compels Mr. Syigiemire to hobble
about on crutches.
Mis W. W. MeAtcer tok Mrs. Spig-
lemire out driving to Wildwood on
Sunday evening. The pleasure of the |
outing was enchanced by ite ig of
the hambletonian, mare which Mrs.
takes pride in speeding when ne.
‘ occasion presents.
The collection on Sunday for the
church's winter coal supply netted
Father Kittell $125 or more.
Dr. Murphy went to Ashville to visit
his patients and while there took in:
the picnic of Father Rosensteel.
The public school season opened on
Monday with about eighty Papas
Profissor Bite is back again as
pal and Miss Tillie Bradley " rena
the primary department for the first
Miss Lizzie Sweeney has gene to
‘Scottdale to teach school, and she will
- be missed by pupils and people as her
charm of manner and accomplishments
‘made her a favorite and welcome
at the fireside.
This week we are reminded that our
beautiful summer ia fast disappearing |
in the lap of antamn.
The many visitors that have made 5
the past pleasant, like swallows, are’
homeward flying.
Mise Jacobs still lingers here as the
guest of Mrs. Litzinger. ie
Miss Annie Fitzpatrick and her little
sister, who have been the guests of
Miss Mary Shields, have returned to
to their home in Philadelphia.
Charles M. Schwab and wife, of
Homestead, visited the former's father,
John Schwab, Saturday and Sunday.
On Monday morning quite a pleasant
party accompanied Mr. Schwab on a’
trip to Carrolltown, returning to Cres-
son in the evening.
Peter Schwab paid our town a visit |
as. the guest of his brother, he poki-
Otto Reinhart, an employee
office of the Carnagie Steel ge at
‘Homestead, and his mother, es luvs
been the guests of Mr. John Sec!
um etry,
Miss Mary Schwab started on Tues
day morning for the conservatory of
music, Boston, Mass., where she will |
continue her musical studies
The Loretto Harvest Home Plots
will take place on Saturday,
ber 15, and ey a
cordially invited to attend.
What Caused The Hard Times.
Judge Hubbard, of Iowa, says it is
the existence of private corporations.
George Gould says it is the hostility
to corporations. -
The farmer says it is the Yow price ot
The silver man says it is the action of
Wall street.
The consumer says it is the tariff.
The debtor says it is the creditor.
The credityr says it is the debtor.
. The Demo rate say it ia the Republi-
- The Rapublicsin Ay it in the Demo- :
The Popuiists say its both.
The Frohibitionists say it is whiskey
The preachers say it is the devil.
Now, what do vou say? Ex.
Lot Fo Sale,
A beautiful lot sitaated in the prin
cipal part of Pa‘ron will be sold cheap
and on easy povments. For particn-
Jars address | = ix, 425, Patton, Pa.
While in Chicago, Chisels l.. Kiahier
a prominent shée merchant of Des
Moines, Io., hed quite a serious time of
it. He took such a severe cold that be
- ead hardly talk er navigate, but the
ympt use of Chamberlain's cough
Iv that others at the hotel who had
bad colds followed his example and
half 4 dosen persons ordered it from
the nearest drug store. They were
profiase in their thanks to Mr. Kahler
for telling them how to cure a bad cold
so quickly. For sale by C. E. Beicher’s |
City Drug Store.
aly cured him of his cold so quick-
3 will go to the City soon where: Be
' will buy a large stock of
"Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes.
He will also show you the largest a and finest line ever
|seen anywhere, and the prices will be “Out of Sight.”
Call and see what we have on hand. We are Pitre you |
can by suited. Everybody advertises
So do we and when you come to our store you will see
them. The biggest bargains v we have are in
Just think, we are selling all our Glassware at one-half
cost to get rid of it to make room for the new line of goods
Call and see me,
Every person in Northern Cambria
county are heading towards the Mam-
moth store of
Geo. S. ‘Good's
in Patton, where you can buy the finest
. line of
that was ever handled in any one store
in the whole county.
And everything kept in a first-class
general store. We make a specialty of
the best grades of
A large assortment of Carpets, Oil
Cloth, Matting, Etc, kept on hand,
also Queenswre, Dishes, Tinware, and
Shelf Hardware.
No truble to show goods.
and look around.
Patton, Pa.
and the one that counts is the store of \WOIFf
& Thompson on Magee Avenue. Others
. advertise a Sweeping reduction in
but we can down all when it comes to selling
goods cheap. Just to show you for an example
we will sell you a suit of clothes for
Which formerly sold for $185.00. We
will not give a whole lot of prices here. but will
assure you that all our goods are as low m pro-
portion as the suit just menticaed above.
One-Half Price
Is what we are selling some of our goods for now.
We are the people to buy vour
Boots, Shoes and
Come in
Furnishings of.
Patton, Pa.