pr + Patten Courier. | PATTON PUBLISHING CO. rapvietirs. | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1894. TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. {me copy, one year, in sdvanee, - - . 8.00 : W ashi cS fo va awn pon] A dispatah from Washington states application, SP No - papers Smsontinuss unt until afl ar resrages are paid, fanless st the option of the publisher. Entered st the Postoffice at Patton as seconds | eligi mas] matter. rei Donald Cameron, Har. 2 Dupin Sounty: M. B, Quay, of EE D. Hicks, Aloons, My Bs, Sutaxctoh PANN P. Kearna, Plits- Coray~ron — RR. W. Dinsmore, Panxsutawney, Jefferson county, Pa, : STATE OFFICERS. Goverxor — Robert. FE. Pattiwon, Haris - | servatories to determine its cause and || Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Since water supply for tows.” ranm vores Undoubtedly the origin of oe po OF nterent to the Farmers Whe Take the ease which has been killing the cattle | : “Courter,” is due to the destructive drouth which Pigs should suckie till ten weeks old Jan Stevariod Be. gltiter part of the The flock enjoy summer as well as ‘sumsner, winter comforts. : Salt asd Wood tis in reach of hogs : | SMOKE CAUSES THE HAZE. are d for aleb. that the peculiar hase that has been noticeable in the sky for the last week Et van? me Jiyou fre rang chicken or he been going different eggs they ny, dom’t keep the | have oh in ob- { enclrerals til} fall, sell them as soon as i astute. Prof. Cleveland Abbe, of the isto oO Weather Buresn, who has made a Sort to that eat apecisl research nto the smoke pha-| yar Sus thelr | nomena, said: “Early in Jone I began! hould be filled by ot} Mage of smoke in Minmesotd, |. 4 or cobs should be among the then reports have come from lower “appetizers” Kept on The hog'y WN of | Michigan, New York and Penmwylva- : ETS. Govanxon- Los A. Watres, Sern | co These Is every reason to believe Sec’y arma. ATTA Thomas J. | that afl of the have which now covers art, Norristow rey | ei john W. Morrison, | the country is the resuit of the diffasion anveliable, and their places 5 to receive reports of forest fires and =" oo Loo and oh 1 trom - ” sare sprint pi - - set enann tee A SIN ro ANHG OI0 NE The Tariff Bill havi ing phir a law of theland, we were not long in following and adjusting our prices accordingly. thing 1s now CHEAPER. Cast your eye on a few of or prices below and then ‘Every- BE Mienas_. MeGrogr. Hanis. Of smoke of burning forests and crops. TL¥ —. shipped to market ts be, ppppy@ and buy from us. Serr. Posie Iesrar cr1oN-- N.C. Schaefler, | Remar #, Omg Mosk. Belicton Carroll ip | of this cloud of hase injurious frosts J. L Btintman, south Fork. : county. TIME OF HOLDING COUNT. 1st Monday of March | ist Monday of of Sept. Ist Monday of June i. ist Monday of OFFICERS, PresrpesT JUBGE—-Hon, A. V. Barker. PROTHOXOTARY —J. CC. Darby, Booraran AND RecorpER-—1), A. MeGowh, said of the mitigating influence of these Trrasvrer—--F. H. Barker. suEgivy-—J. M. Shumaker, . -PerrTY SHERIFP-—Samnel Davis INSTRICT ATTORNEY {J douse Jase ol the soustey * bu} been reported that owing to the variety does : _have been prevented. In other paris lected cabbage crop shat | of the country the hase is said to have ee be mitigated the heat of the sun so as to I our seed cor have favored the growth of corn and th y from the stalks that are standing in ‘other crops, especially injured by 8 go 4.5 by election of the most vig- ‘long drought. Whatever may be crop depends on this year's seed. immense clouds of smoke, the lament Bex bright timothy hay and oats able fact remains that these fires ae _ 00 Lot feed for } it d not | (Crimi F. 1. Dion, . 6. Lioyd, certainly a disaster to the states in 0 that they would not: like a erie. % Cre John C. Gates, (HUXTY RUPERINTENDENT J. 'W. Leveh CorNty Surveyor--Henry Sex zinn. CCouNTY AUDITORS-Wm. J. Jones, W. & _ Berry, Jaraes Duily. i Jury Cossssioxsis—J. J. Kidd, E Comox en—Dr, ¢ Marts Poon RE ar fring James Rom- vrville, Rapinel Hile, BOROUGH OFFICERS. Benores-W. J. Donnell a In 8M. COTNCIL Hino: = Bell, ETE i t of the new tariff bill as follows: and drink too much. Wilson, H. C. Beck, BF. Wise J. F. Er Ropoor Boaap—-O. OC. Crowell, Jresiacns a. H. Curfman, sesreta H. Samdiford, ti Edminston. which they ococur, and when the fires ? change from it sometimes, or that they | penetrate into the woil, destroying all o 14 not do better for such a change. the decayed vegetation, then we bave Water the } before you feed him; 1. left large tracts of land that are uselens the water rapidiy leaves the stomach for any agricultural purpose what 4 the gastric juices have full play. | ever. Water with the food weakens the di- HOW IT BENEFITS THE FARMER. 'Bestive fluids. His stomach is small, The Buffalo Express takes up one therefore do not let him get too thirsty "The most sarcastic thing we have yot A writer says that many fil to as seen in print sbout the new Tari is onderstand, while yet it is the fact, ta : urer; Dr. J. "B. Noonan, H. E. Barton, gh 4 put forth in sober earn- that when cows are on good pastarage JUSTICE OF THE Proacy—Josse BE, Dale, Jos on. Mel TREASURER W. H. Sandford. CLERK Harvey Patterson, CoLLECYOR— Tas. Mellon Assessor—J, BR. Cornelius Avpirors--F. H. K inkend, H. (J. Winslow, | Will L. Thompwon. . Jepoe oF ELECTION —A, G. Abbot. IsepperoR- A brahim Byers Criny oF PorLicE—~Ram'l Jones, STREET COM YISSION ER Same] Addieman, est by the Herald: ‘The is when they need salt the most. The Steaieet but ang Detter plan is to heep a sopply in a due to the untaxing raw convenient place where they can help Ww themselves. One advantage with rock REESE salt is that it does not waste to any win 1§ Brigucls sarpst Brus great exient if left exposed. eKinley Law Corn fodder may not be equal to ler oi A very grener- good bay, but corn fodder, cut into oo) possible reduction short lengths and improved iy the “FARMING” UNCOVERED AT ERENS. . under the new law would be 20 cents a addition of 3 In. will be Yel . BURG. ‘Much interest has Intely been | aroused in this county by the charge that the old board of commissioners Ts. past for psy now warranted by law. The 79° members of the old board were Jobm | Ho Kirby, John G. Lioyd and Patrick Dil’ Dew lon, and they are charged with over | - drawing to the extent of $4,000 the in 15 years. Sout Shey should have sSvived fos | L4wt on 500 pounds of wool, $80 in day for months. This is due to the - yard—and it is more katy that there will be no reduction at all. So the might save $6.40 in 15 years. The ished by all clases of stock. In winter it be Leh may be steamed or scalded, so as to 0 ho pons of whol 500 pounds i, .nabling the hay to go farther. pound. Under the McKinley The greatest gain in the weight of it ranged mer toconmt wi tae cattle is not doe to increase of fat only. the farmer's account w It is when an animal is growing that it Tariff would stand gains in weight rapidly. Young steers, : URL on one Brussels carpet, $9.40 from ome to two years old, hyve been known to gain over two pounds a. their services, as provided for by a’ ome yaar; J000 ia 13 years - Jaw for Cambria county. And that is the greatest benefit the [ct that the bones, mascies, and all Previous to the adoption of the new farmer will reap from the new Tariff, Other portions of the body add to the leginlation of that class, and the special acts were not annulled by the adoption | of the instrument, but further legisla- | tion of that class was stopped. In| Cambria, it i= authoritatively stated, | ‘ and well understood, the pay of each’ ~ commissioner is limited to $400 & year. | : weight as well as does the fat. A large i PRNNSYLVANIA railroad officials re- animal that is poor can weigh more i port; a perfect boom in the cosl and than s smaller one that is fat, bat it is | coke traffic since the miners strike was ' fat gives appearance and quality from | settled, and the equipment of the com- the buyer's point of view. pany in that service is now severely Fall is the best time to use phos (taxed. At the Greenwich coal piers, phates, for this mineral requires a great | Philadelphia, an average of 400 cars of desl of moisture to make it produce its | coal are being handled daily, wd gn bk ene. If a drought occurs just cuiltivation, and will pot. thrive if neg- orous stalks and best ears. Next year's every year, be fed warm, and will prove valuable: : : at 39 cents 1S a surprise * phosphate is applied it often Look for instance at our 39 C are lly worth 50. bo, and 75 cents. - Overalls to a good many, but nev- erthelessagreeable to vou, because that leaves a save Ing In your pocket of 23 per cent. We don't pre- tend to mark these goods down to mislead vou, but to be up with the times. We have just received 18 case of ent shirts. which 5 Children’s Suits, 8, $1.00 any $1. 50; former prices, $1.50, 2.25 and $3.30. We are now cheaper than ever in the N SHOE LINE. Having, by expirience earned ol the wishes of our patrons, we are glad to say that we have at least found what they want and have laid in our stock just the shoes they want at LOW TARIFF PRI UES Comic: and’ our stock even if you do not wish to buy, : examine ] FALL IN ROLL IN ANYWAY AT ALL, "So that you getinand be the lucky one to geta BARGAIN. the 10th inst, the heaviest day’s work after To commidoners naived pit in00 of 1. co tory of the plers was done, dose 5o good at ull that sesson, and by ST 75, =t THE DEMAND for bituminous coal little of it. - gation, and if he is correct the over- Elon, ad fh lo cor 122 07% not hme 5 arpeot dering fh nite Shane of phphate to sma con goods snd they ‘must goat 18 may be claimed that thelr labor was | If Of the month Just closed, au it was ditions cocurs very quickly. worth more than the statolgry sllow- | during the first half. This, however, foll of humus or vegetable matter gen- T itt Pr ance, but that conot be considered. | S0%% Bot imply dullness. It means erates carbonic acid gas and this helps Low ari PICes. Whe man who runs for office should | thet the most of the urgent demands to make the insoluble phosphate avail- kmow what his legal pay will be for the | 'bave been satisfied, and there is still aiableaguin. This is the reason why phos- 500 Men's Suits at $4.50, 5.00 services required and if he thinks it is | not enough he has no business to seek | and $6.50; actual value $8.00, the office Th ced set aside 72 | nok asked when specially peomps ship. | where there is not only too little water, 10-50 and $13.00. law to get even. | ments are required. Orders are plenty ‘but also a deficiency of vegetable It may, in a manner be justios that | 04 the varions mines, except the few matter should receive $000 each for the DOU settied, have excellent Prepects Brinerd's Musical World for Sep WE 8 “= ‘services it has become necessary to | _ perform each year, but it is not legal, | for steady work for some time to come. tembe tains besides the large The car supply as a rule is excellent, Semen sous ge 't Sua new it appears, and $400 is doubtless pay | and shipments are heavy. “‘4"hieago Marine Band March,” one of > 8 Comsat cent : Penneylvania Penibms Gramed, Roe bap afi ever rien, Mine WATCH THE CATTLE CLOSELY. voy” os ~ . Pensions (issue of August 14th, have pheces, beso A There is a warning in the following been granted the following Pennsy}- iting con te fer | official report from Tyrone for the vanians: ; music is alone worth $2.00. The World : farmers, stock-raisers and dafrymen' Original--Abraham Yeager, Bolivar, is $1.50 per year, 15 cents per copy. ~~ of Cambria county: Westmoreland county. During September only, the publishers | : “In a letter to Secretary Edge, of Additional—Gideon Smith, Purcell, oter send the Musical w 'd - the State Board of Agriculture, Bur- trial 4 Good Building, gess J. W. Howe, of Tyrone, says that Renewal and Increase— Philp C. the Tyrone people applied several Walker, Moshannon, Centre as. conte in stamps. Th is oi fo hoe he * timeh to the State Board of Health for Increase—Richard T. Foor, RAYS ud the four woes will contain aboat action regarding the cattle in the vi- Hill, Bedford county. twenty tocen of new De RL 3 = cinity which were dying from a loath- . Pensions issue of August 15th, have 1 ST of interestin a some disease, but the State board of been granted the following Pennsyl- ron No music lover Ec fail t eer ree RET Health refused to do anything. The vanians: TE ul fi to Lil local Board of Health got to ‘Wosk, Original Henry Wall, Huntingdon, & pr nar Chi burying the dead cattle and ‘Huntingdon county. HERE Ses Coo Calon: , * disenfectants in every place where Additional Levi Plummer, Portage, there was any danger. Dr. Bridge, the (Cambria county. 10 TRE LADIES. State’s veterinary surgeon, reports to = Increase— Michael . Ridder, Altoona, ‘Secretary Edge that he found on the Blair county. i 1 has ¢ just received a full mountain top, four miles from Tyrone, Original widows etc—Sarah M. that 1€9 cattle had been pastured in an Beegle, Bedford, Bedford county. inclosure of 1,600 acres. Sixty of the Pensions (issue of August 21st: have IN E HOES. cows were all right and will be return- been granted the following Pennsyl- ed to. their owners, but carefully vaniane: INE HOES, watched for fear the disease shonld Increase Jaumes Moore, - Johnstown, Not! m break out among them. Thirty of the Cambria county; Francis P.. McCoy, = ailing iS bncw awe cattle were dead from ‘‘anthrax,” eon- Speelman, Bedford county, styles tu Eon ; tracted from drinking water from a Reissue John T. Ca rapbell, deceased, You are mvited to call. stagnant pool. The ‘balance of the Hiintingdon. cattle were unaccounted for, but Dr. = Original, widows etc—Bebecca B. BELL, The Clothier. MAGEE AVENUE. line ot [Ladi [eS and Mi iSses Ne rR ¥ bg Bow hin Bridge found the dead cattle within a, Campbell, Huntingdon: = Elirabeth few feet of the creek that fagaishes the | Stiles, Seward, Westmoreland county. i :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers