Sa ———— TE TOR A He Bonini lhe ster avr VoL 1L--XNO. qr CERRY FE Ne sb hha ab oe PATTON, ec AMBRI A co. PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, , 1894. A BW ty N,N MAA $1.00 PER YEAR. | re READ THE LEADING PAPER OF NORTHERN CAMBRIA. om Given Away. HUNDREDS BURN TO DEATH FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. ‘With each Dollars worth of Frightful Destrnciion of Life and Bropeny i in the West. NTIRE TOWNS BURN. fitty ; $00 Persoms Perish, devastation by fire in the Northwest, Patton Pha my, SIE Bicycle. Rte Railroad traffic is inter- : rupted and they cannot flee. The most p&r-This is the only Drug Store in desteact Patton where these Money Orders cati gg ueday. netioed fat be bad. | Sr. Pati, Sept. 3.-The town .of | Hinkley, Minn., was completely de- | stwoyed by forest fires: -Satuarday night. Furniture. 180 to 200 lives lost. Loss of life at | Other pointe will probably reach 400. MINKEA Sept. 3. —Balletins The finest line in Patton to trom the fire district show the damage select from. Everything new has not been exay and of the latest design. A i KARPETS and St. Paul and a train of the su fler- ; : {ern is expected soon. In Wisconsin In all designs and at all {Sho Loh of Bite Grane =, prices. a : j Parest Oy have heen burned. Seventy- : bx five: houses have been destroyed at We make a specialty of | shell Lake and Spoomery lo threateodd UNDERTAKING ro einen of Telegraphic advices tell a story or 0.0. TAFFC PICKING sccmemn.y wor. Whe Taking Part i 8 ingemsetel Baw at | Freachiown While Joe Deverdin, a Trenchman, | On the Cambria and Cresson who resides in: Frenchtown » suburb of Pation was participating in a fetie . enconutey with several of his fellow on Saturday night, he ~ and Beech Creek opunirymen on AND INCREASED FORCE was shot in: the left wrist the bell pems- trating the fore-arm and cme out at 10's ‘wosnty 20 mg vmen. scien saa tl. Teigraph Oboe. Diirkig the curly part of She svenitg Ip the last issne of the Covznen the men imbibed freely from: the Sow- | slight allusion of the increase of freight iag dow! and at midnight, the time the THE PALNER SUSE. PATTON, CANBRM 00. PA. LW ROBISON. PROPR. Lason se a Bey the Labor : day fn Patton as r dor Day by the | 1siners snd other oring people of this place and vicinity. ' Eariy in the morring the crowd commenced to and by noon the town was thronged with people, whe all seemed ‘happy and. giad that a day was set apart for the bonest laboring man to enjoy himself. wes indulged in snd the Patton Cornet band, - which ‘was lately organiied, farnished music. After dinner all lovers of dancing repaired to the fire- men’s hall where provisions were made for their enjoyment, and the baseball sports witnessed a game of ball played between the second nine of Hastings and Patton. The score stood 12 to 26 in favor of the Patton boys. The game ended about 3:30, which greatly increased the attendance at the dancing | hall. : Om the second floor of the firemen's building refreshments of all kinds were | served and everyone was made wel toward daylight on Tuesday morning . and was pronounced a grand socoess. The Patton orchestra farished the music for the merry dancers. During trafic was made, but several changes Sight occurred, all were in s confased pinted to afford the nilrosd employes the ome who did the shooting, was get- - better accommodation 2 fact worthy fing worsted in the contest which so of notice. enraged him that he ran to his home, | EE rn re woe eirit a s business genersily has become more Bg st the crowd, little caring who fell animated the freight trafic 8 vitim to his very ansteady aim. this section has increased to a remark Aout 2 o'clock a. m. hit sulerings able proportion and the number of Decsane so intense that the services of railroad employes as well as others en- » piysician were require] sad Dr. gaged in this especial work was in- Worrell was summoned who reports adequate to withstand the demands, BIB 8s 1apidly comvaleseing services o. assistants have been »”- ‘cord for himself as it was a re er Preight traffic over the Pemneylva- his throat cut from ear ear fortu- min road has increased to such an ex- Dately for him however e gah d temt that hori dg nl hyd personage ion afew paswed through Patton every other day frequently enjoy himself in his favorite now makes trips daily well laden, SPOrt- yf a rosd has more than doubled, a char- E =o, Pa, S bed, 189 did mat. was occopled Assistant Superin- tendent W. d by Anan. Sopa Phe fir was s sucoos add visions! office has been removed to the corner "tbe cxbibite surpasset all former with Moore's office the telegraph office will be located in this . spent a few days in Ebessburg lest which will be a decided advantage to TOK Station Agent Curfman as it will thus AI. Evan, a former resilient of this ‘enable him to overcome the obstacles Pia%; but now of Kane, Pu, socom which formerly existed in the insuf- pasied by his wife and son, are ficient capacity of storage room ete. Me parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert The semiphore and all other telegraphic Eve. sc Motions and 7 Petitions Pre sented on Monday. INTERESTING CASESUP A Fall Report Wik be Given fo the atten “Courier Next Weel tion of Altoona. : By Mr. Beade The report of bridge viewers OCDE mending the county to build » heidge Comemangh, betwesn Wi across the ; more and Summernill, in Sraumerhill The petition of the citizens of Sam merhill townehip for the appointment of viewers on the ros. lemiing from Rte Sehusire Sheol buine 98 New Ger- many. : By Mr. Storey children of Walter J. Dibert, dewased. Francis J. Torrence appointed. Filed settlement of Elisabeth Jacob pany. : The petition of Mary Yarlty, minor child of Peter Varley, for Ge appoint- ment of P. Daruit as goardisas. | The petition of Christian Schwartser for the appointment of commissioners to inquire into the lunacy of Louis EMBALMING. = Tl to er re the day and evening the Cornet band appliances have been removed to this Mr. and Mm E Lingle cetarned Schwartser. W. B Lowman, Charles | cmmne through from Duluth. She says gas il vote Bie show 17 played at intervals on the streets. building. - The services of two compe fram their, wedding tour, on Tuesday. The amusements during the day tent operators, Messrs J. M. Commell Mes Kate (* Neil, of Pittaberg, who how sates in thie. Greer and Herman Banner ppoiited By Mir. Kaho fowards the train | were under the anspices of the Knights, and M. C. Singes, have been secured doen. Ye Jot’ sboasd ms | of Labor whose head officials are to be | plate, returned home on W pdmesdny. dy. mince children of James (eddy. : ve in mgr of bmi The congratulated in the manner in which A five which broke out in the Woods, dese, Praytag te cours fur the ap. heat became so : window i, Ss. BUCK, | teain returned tq Skunk lake. ' Beech ave, - - - PATTON PRC ro bre fast [of the felople jumper isto ‘the lake to. HOTEL . BECK, 1H, C. BECK, Pro. egram for bai gop : mes enl rms ley and the situation is borrifiying. | One o De Sages Tntsls m for warvivors found pik a the i Mona, Mon. Sept. 2.—One hundred | ‘m : . MODERN STYLE. = Eh TEE |vota train which loft #4. Paul carly afternoon Good Table and Bar Supplied with Choiest Brands of Liquors. The Popular HOUSE “of PATTON. back to Hinckley. pi is generally | feared that it has been burned with ail the passengers. There is no chance : | of starving to desth. A freight train is im the ditch near Pokegawa. Twenty- | five people are in the caboose and fire | all around them. If not rescued ‘soon | they mast all perish. | MARQUETTE, MicH., Sept. 3. —There [loach apprehension here regarding the whereabouts of the passenger train which left Duluth yesterday afternoon ‘and was due here early this morning. ‘Two hundred miles of the run is | through the fire district and it is feared the bridges have been burned beyond ‘Ewen both in front and behind the _ train, cutting off all escape. Pine Crry, Minx, Sept. 3.—{‘on- servative reports to-night place the | total number of killed in the fires at | three hundred at least, with the num- ber of wounded at that many more, a Heated with steam th rough: number of whom will die. but, ri Later, : Commercial, S. M. WILSON, Prop. A Modern Hotel. Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, All new furniture, St. Paul, Sept. 3-The latest ad-| be * - Hot and cold water on ev TY | vioen from ibe scene of the big. fire floor, "| indicate that there will be a tofad of | ABpics {nearly 490 lives lost. This inolades [‘Parnip. Cooking and dining depart- the fatalities at Hinckley, Pokeguwa, | x a in. Skillful hands. | Rutlege, Sandstone and all the arva of | “ | country covered by the conflagration. MAGEE AVE., NEARR. R. STATION. | i PATTON, PENN'A. | Mirkin & Kusner's for clothing. -4otf | Hay: a Sy it was conducted, and when Labor : doubt receive a more hearty support | than they did this year. : © RACES AT CARROLLTOWN ; (Un Stariay, Participated in vy Moraes and Wieycies. Tere wit a 2-year-old colt trot at | Houtadale) bay ool. Cart: ode 4 | Wilkes, and H. J. Eokenzode's | of Car- roll township) bay fille Bonnie Tallie, by Rostock Cossaclc “The race was not as exciting as had benw suticiyaiad a: Eckenrode was 8 very easy winner. Mr. Stolz said ' that his horse was not well at the time {of the trot and could not show his | grestest speed. The race was trotted in half-mile heats, best three in ive. The heats | were trotted in good time, considering their ages: First heat, 1:49; second, 1:51; third, 1:514. : There was &iso, ut the same time, an exciting quarter-mile bicycle race ar ranged and wheeled by Messrs. Frank : Sharbaogh, Harry Waltz and Charley Fagen, all of Carrolitown. It took three starts to end the contest, as follows: First, Frank Sharbaugh 1st | Harry Waits, 2nd, Charley Fagan, &rd, time 44 seconds; second, Harry Waltz, nd, Charley - Fajran, 3d, time 53 seconds. The judges for both races were J. V. Scanlan, of Carrol'town; Capt. Notley and H. J. Van Dusen, of Hastings. po a. Reward. : The Patton Water company will pay a reward of §50 for information leading 10 the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who tampered with the pipes in the reservoir on Monday evening, August 27 1884 which resulted in the stopping of the water running to the town. Local Market Report. For the special benefit of the farmers in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER _ publishes the following local market report revised each week: 3 cents per potind. ; is “ » Soren. ® Ta Shelled... Buckwheat to $13 per ton. Moe apshed in opersting connection. with his COmmiderable fence on the properties of Codd: position as station sagest will be re- lieved of some of his more arduous The dances held in the operas house the heirs and legal representatives of duties by the assistance of Warren O° Wednesday and Thursdsy evenings, Samal Varner, praying for vitation on Sheppasd, a a young man eminently Shoemaker, and her son, Walter, were driving down the hill on Sample dreet from the residerce of Mr. C. W. Phil pm, * bolding-back strap broke om the several times and finally at the bottom 4, of the hill fell out over the wheel, when Walter suceeded in throwing the horse. Mra Shoemaker, we believe, was kicked several times, one blow breaking the large bome below the elbow of the right arm, and other in- jaries being probable. Her son was not injured any. Severely Burned. An unfortunate accident occurred at Philip Gray's residence Wednesday, which resulted in the severe scalding . of two children. It was wash day and Mrs. Gray was removing a pan of boiling starch from the stove. She came in contact with ber 9 vear-oid daughter, who was carrying the tmby, seven months old, in her arms The boiling starch was upeet and ran down ! over the children. The little girl was badly burned about the face; arms and chest, and the baby about the chest. The children suffered intensely. Spangler Sentinel Killed Near min Hall. Charles Kirk, a fireman on one of the Beech Creek freight trains, was killed pear Mill Hall last Saturday while riding in the cab of the engine. Kirk was leaning out of the cab window looking towards the rear of the train When near the bridge over the Bald Eagle he tried to get back but could not recover his equelibrium and was instantly. The deceased was a brother of A. M. Rirk, of Curwensville Called Away. Una Mary, the two-weeks old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Brandon, ‘died on Tuesday morning at 1:3 o'clock. Her remains were interred i in the Carrolitown cemetery. Smoke Gold Dollar cigar. 38-tf | T. H. Hiest, and Jae. G. Hamion. were well attended. C. A. Dimond and wife of Summer. Last week. Dr. J. Swan Ts Wednesday Bawme on Sanday. A feeling of sadness is fit’ through} out this community, owing to the death of Mra. W. H. Sechier, and John Humphrey, son of Court (vier Ham | phrey's. The fanerals took piace this afternoon st two o'clock, interment being made in the Lioyd ceretery. Marriage Licenses Charles To rr Sars A. Fabar-antl N. 8 George, ‘sdunimistrator, to fle an aves. in the came of the Deis. Manuthesar. | utntioned 8 1t 1 left with the wid G. C. Dreisback to be held by him sabject to the order and call of the said W. C. ,Brensecke and W. W. Supp The sforernentioned articles being the pro- perty of W. C, Brennecke and WwW. Ww. ered by the Clerk of th: Orphans’ Court for the week ending Thursday, . September 1, 1994: Jonas A. Wirick, Croyle township, and Mary E Shartz, South Fork. John M. Stormer and Loviss Konts, | Johnstown. Harry M. SGiffler Freslom town- ship, Blair county, and Lucinda Flo- . rence Stonalker, Jackson township. Daniel Croyie aad Lavina Kaoffman, Chnemangh township, Somerset county. Stefan Lorko and Mar; Herdos, Johnstown. Horse Thieves. The Marion Centre Indep indent says that horse thieves are getting entirely too mumeoroes in that county again. Wednesday night a fine saiinal belong- ing to Jaa Dixon, of Blacklick, was stolen from a field Saturday night Bert Cummins, of near Imdiana, rode to that place and tied his horse, which was a good one, in the rear of Wilsons’ store. When be went to go» home he found some one had taken his horse. For Sale. One hundred and twenty-nine ome- aire lots for sale one-half mile from Patton on easy terms. For further information apply to J. 4. Hauk, Carrolltown, Pa.-40f “ou newspapers for sale 1 this office. (at Yau eentts 4 Sunde. it is rumored that the output of coal at Patios may be doubled soon, in which came the carrying capacity of the Beech Creek will be still farther taxed. Lint of Unclaimed Letters. The following letters remain in the postofiice at Patton for the week end- ing Saturday, September ist, 180. Mims A. E Flodin, Charles Kayler, W. Leibhart, Mrs Marshel Thomas Smith, Miss Maggie Wagoner. Ben- jamine Yahner. _ Persons calling for the shove letters. will please say they are advirtised. : E. A. Mmuiox, P. M ML Laney, the wholessie and re tail harness manufacturve of Chest | Springs, is now prepared. te: scpomumo- date the public. Repairing done on | short notice. 3963 . 7% da ph wy # & 5 ll & ET § JA "hee I Fon a J ps 75 » y fo WA By Ber Ge AR alee