&@ 1 | encouraging words, as well as remark Application for Charter. ; Hatton Courier. ,. the Bg readers of the | Notice is hereby given that an " : Te 1 Covrrer who do not live in Patton’ plication will be made to the Hon. A.{ PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | oo aq ot uo keenly feel the blighting V. Barker, President Judge of t's CTTTRIAY : TET | effocts of the seven months of strike. Courts of Cambria county, on Monday, THU BSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1804. Eg Patton is a young town and at the September 3 1804, for the charter of TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. beginning of the present year, thou , an intended corporation to be called | Ome copy, one your. in advance, - - . $1.00 a youngster of great promise, was The Friendship Club of Patton, the ! Sar Advertising rates made known upon ' knocked flat by a local strike. The purpose and object of which is the _ application. town was made more sensative to ad- maintainence of a club for social en-. sa-No papers Alwontinued until all ar oop 100] conditions on account of the joyment, to have its rooms and place o% are patd, jess at the option of the - + ¢ : ou a dd ; rearages are paid, unie : general depression in. business. the of business in Patton Borough, and to. I | as pased both ouses of ( ‘ongress snd 1S NOW In the hands publisher. : : | Entered at the Postofice at Patton as second-| country over, and when the strike of be governed and regulated by the con-: class wall matter. ' bitaminous coal miners took place in gtitution and by-laws passed by the f th 4 P . FEDERAL OFFICERS. | May there was no prospect of even members for that purpose, and for O11 C TE U. 8. SexAToRs-J. Donald Cameron, Har a local improvement till affairs had these purposes to have, possess and sident, but whether He will sign it or not we are still ghibiurg, _Duaphin, tunty;” M. 5, (a¥, 9 drifted to something like 4 general set. enjoy all rights, benefits and privileges confronted with the great question of ATRL a D. Hicks, Altoons, tlement. The weeks went on and of the Act of Assembly in such case vi : "5.8. CoLLecror—Fdwanl P. Kearns, Pitts- business was reduced to ite lowest ebb made and provided. : - 30t3 SOMERVILLE, arb otipcror- RW. Dinsmore, But the people of Patton did not lose ; R. Sou Rypan, . . Panxsutawney, Jefferson county, Pa, | confidence in the future. They reduced : : : pn Sh EERE SE TUR ECONOMY Goverxon — Robert FE. Pattison, Harris | ag] view of the situation. They i Marriage Licenses. ; : : PENT. Govenson touts A. Watres, Scrun- | the natural resources of the vicinity The following marriage Hoenses were pi i Gye [XTERNAL AFPATRNThomas 3. | were unimpared, that the town’s ad- issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Stewart, Norristown, Pa. | vantégeous location remained, that Court for the week ending Thursday, ry kr John W. Morrison, | roads and other improvements had August 16, 1804: Avnrion Grxerar—D. Metres, Harr |) oon provided at a great outlay of Albert Stutzman, West Taylor town- And we venture LO say that IN Or( ler to be economicalyou will PRE Pate omeverios N.C. Schaefer, | capital for the express purpose of de- | ship, and Orpha Bidelman, ..yrmah, : : LP Gray Meek, Bellefonte, Pr. ' veloping the resources at Patton, and Indiana county, Pa. step mnto 5 ranLy di Thetuas, Carrol township 211 the northern end of Cambria county, Hunter, Ehrenfeld, and | COUNTY. and that a period of inactivity in the A 3 / ing. | PNE OF HOLDING COUNT. industries and dirth of business could Lon Swanhart, Ashville, and Annie 1st Monday of Mareh | 1st Monday of Sept. be but temporary. And ‘Mines all Ellen Lee, East Conemaugh. ist Mohday of June | Isl Monday of Dec. | agnme at Patton- ‘everybody happy,” Henry Fletcher, Sonman, and Chris | STPICEaS. proves that their philosophy. logie, or tena Stafford, Kring Station, Somerset | sESIDENT JU Hon. A. V. Barker. , . . Ee { roy. . : whatever it may be called, was not at county, Pa. : i Rae AY Rar Ti. A. McGough. g0 it The business men stuck to thelr Albert Metzoff and Emma L. Rehm, Sumer J M.shumaker. old love and the idle workmen reso- Johnstown. i ee EPOTY ERIFY -Namue in, : . oil RETORNEY ~B. ®, Murphy. 'lutely turned their faces against any Timothy J. Sheehan and Lucy M. | Mobi hier PJ. Ditton, J. G. Lloyd, | gignpeder, profligacy or trouble of any McGuire, Clearfield township. i CONMTMIONER'S CLE 1K John ; Gator, kind, and to-day they are glad of it. C.K. Saltzgiver and Lizzie Fetter- | COUNTY SCPERINTENDENT J, W, oh. Cr ai Be 4 vl Nr BuivaYON—Henry Scanian. | Patton’s future is as promising to- man, Green township, Indiana county’, | Dovey At Dron Wm. J. Jones, W. C.| gay agit ever was since the christen- Pa aiCEY CowwrsstoNEns—J. J. Kidd, E. J.! ing. Hundreds of men are at work, Adam Godri and Susa Scuman | Ooroxer—r. George Martin, long trains of loaded coal cars are Johnstown. er Foun Insets John Long, Tames Som: | moving to market every day and the = Frederick Aurandt and Mary Wig-| erviiie, P . Bb : i i BOROUGH OFFICERS. ; | prospect for new and more diversified ger, Sonman. : Brunarss—W. J. Ponnsily industries was never better. The Cou- Real Estate Transfers. CoexerL—Lineoln 8. Bell, prasident; 8. M. aE : ; Wilson, H. (. Beek, HF. Wise, FP. P, Young, RIER can state with confidence based Treasurer of Cambria enunty to DW A Er ADA 5 €C. Crowell, president; (i. on recent and very reasonable evidence Powell, Blacklick township, consider- H. Carfman seen tary: W. H. Sandford, treas- that employment is going to continue ation, $8 ; : ee rT FB. Noonan, H. FE. Barton, Samuel | : y : : Fatmiinaten, - ow with greater regularity than ever Alexander Miller to Daniel Wam- Te OF THE PEACE -Jeume E. Dale, Jas. before in Patton. The whole north 'baugh, Adams township, $1 2 | " TREASURED W. H. Sandford. ‘end of the county will feel the good Margaret A Stall to Daniel Wam- xe : . ; Sa Gorter 3 "fas, Setion. | influence of the improved conditions. baugh, Adama township, §1 Asspsson— FH. Cormmelias, —————————————— : eth... H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, | A PROHIBITION TOWN, ; Lydia J Liteinger to Mary Litzinger, : ; ; : “evar or FEpcTiox—A. G. Abbot. | The Indiana Progress says that the Clean eld township, $175 ; A tp nll he oo : : IvsPECTOR -Abraham Byers. i : : Cambria Iron company to John Ar W here voll Wi un- ; an 1 b > s a r to 1 I | shipment of beer and whisky into that . ad be an economy to CHIEF oF PoLicz—Sam' Jones, i pmen y { ' 7 RTRERET (OMNISSIONER-—Samuel Addleman, | connty this year is much larger than TI, et Conemaugh a f dc ubtedly fi nd a TO yd : wenn | ull ; 'F Rager ot ux to 8 L Reed, as- ) / i % THE ECONOMY OF FLIES ever before. . The population is much - ’ D a y our | Inrger and we must arrive at the con- signee, Jackson township, $1 Flies are 5 small thing to discuss, but | Sarsh E Burns to Cresson & Clear exami le In the line of RB : ] | anything that pats in so much time | S10" Par Ehie ou fis0a tinier are field Coal & Coke company, Reade’ ; ip Ta ‘ i : 2 : so 11 getting the attention of the haman | BE oveln A * | township, $2,500 ’ CLOTHING ; i ; | . : a ’ : : race has been considered a fit subject | 72° agent for * Puisers hose 300K | Citizens’ Cemetery Association to pln ; J for the most exhaustive research... g, The a | Nathan R Lowory, Grand View, $38 pn SHOES and J N There is no sham In Recently there was a meeting of : "John L Wagner to Henry E Wagner, | Yo tty 0 meoukipn, #t Which time | 188iAna has been property called “SOF: | cegtiow, gu - | this, but we mean what mosquitoes put in an appearence with nino : Charles Semack et ux to Jon (5 F Y hi oS _-. i a degree of activity that at once com- SINCE THE PASSING of the new tariff Thomas et al, Brownstown, #1,200 ents Uanis Ings say and vou can be con- manded the attention of the learned | bill there has been quite a noticeable uD Kittell et ux to John F Parrish, : : J ; : The result was a brief dis revival of manufacturing interests in Cresson, $250 al : cussion of various kinds of insects | the State, and there is reason to be- mary Litzdnger to C F. Little, Clear he f 1] { | RB : ‘which is not without considerable lieve the country would have been field township, $1,900 the full sense of thel | wonderful interest to everybody. It appeared in many millions ahead if a law sub- = Frederick Dishong et ux to Albert F| ‘ord : _.. : the reports as follows: | stantially the same had been pamed Grove, East Conemaugh, §1,700 {WOT | | B EL SL aly o The American for the months ago. Business hae been in-' Mathiot Reade et ux to Peter Risban, : : : a) oi ar 3 ain To dv, ‘down to a new Cresson, §146 : : We have just now inaugurated oe BR A on di n the city | and lower basis, but regular employ-' Thomas Byme et ux to Edward : : ye ie 7 | ment is infinitely better than paralysis. Fager, Susquehanna township, $50 | | A which we are offering to the public. | . Archy Kirkpatrick ot ux to James of everything will return to | Bradley, Elder township, $200 : : Come and examine _ there is sny significance in the fact | they can and will do more for their E J muthearon to J B Mullen, Lilly, our stock even if you do I rm ye : ey te gi Seiie ux to John F -Sand- MID-SOMMER : : A : ‘not wish to buy, which are complete mg Ew - vinced by examining our™ to attend the sessions of the entom- | its normal state. When men are earn-. D 8 McAnulty et ux to George Sed- a : ological branch of the society, or that'ing something, no matter how little, lak, Barneston, $225 I... GRERT Re ologist of the city parks of New York, | : 7 | Cambria Iron company to D J. Jones, | CLOSING OUT BN 4 ; Bo 2 | Outside of the man who stops his | ww. cnont $800 : | r= FALL IN water snd the larvae. breaths: Uirough | CWS, but forkden in Gevmamotn, 10 Louis Peters ot ux to Loran Peter. | ; be the lucky one to geta water ls covered with flim of Ker- Sooo ns ory suid the front half. The | chronic diarrhasa of long standing 4 of benefit to you, but you be the lucky scale?’ he was usked. ov} Prof. Howard of Washington, on the | ® DOW he talks of sting his son-in- Minneapolis, Minn. Tt Hind 10 be Killed. other medicine now on the market for economy of nature?” ge | driving some along the Foad near Drug Store, C E Belcher, proprietor time. Dr. Edmund Southwick, entom- EE ers, Washington township, $100 says, however, that the plague of mos- hot | | quitoes could have been n venion per wi t paying up arrearages, ;.., Dibest’s leis to David W neighboring Jersey ponds and marshes. | 9 Jacob Fend to Louis Peterson, Daisy- 2 “Mosquitoes,” he says, “breed in the | that he sot-live in Centre (wn, $500 ANYWAY AT ALL, Ee tho a, Daiaytows, 0h ~ which will not only be T= B So that you get in and fused to divide the milk, maintaining ‘T know an oid soldier who had re osene they will nol approach it, but | wwe fred to pro the have been ntly cured by tak- All l acts ish . 1 AE xt J] : ; die of maffocation. json FE a Age Fy ow Bg ma WHI be astonished as well NX. “ ’ ; conm r carry “holera : : Has that been tried on . lage! ater to her three times a day. Remedy,” says Edward : | ge NOh you: about two yoias agn, By | "> iY We cow hovked the oi man y | i lakes in the Adirondacks.” 'Iaw, the owner of the front, for dam. remedy in this city for over seven on YY oa a “BW v ages. — Philipsburg Ledger. yan years and consider it saperior to any ; : 8 = ; : bowel complaints.” 25 and 50 cent pa i x ni ® “On, yes.” : : 3 On Tuesday while Phil Elig, son of bottles of this rem edy for sale by City : » . : : . ¥ . ‘Any that are necessary in the Paul Elig, in Cambria township, was rm : : ; 2 “All insects are necessary in the his father's farm, a bull that was in the You want a suit for fall. See ry > ] : % : ; 2 economy of nature. You disturb the herd bscame enraged and made a line of samples. Best fit guaranteed. : 8 = Su ; x. whole chain when you kill the mos! vicious attack on the horse he was rid- 38-tf BELL, . = : i ; aE : quitoes. Mosquitoes devour the slime | ing, plunging his horns into the ani- The Tailor and Clothier. : : and decaying matter of the ponds. mals side until the intestines protruded. : - ; oe Lint of Unclaimed Letters. Their taste for man is not natural; The borse was so badly injured that it 4 iol Ton Tw : ; ; B 4 ; they have found out that he suits them; had to be killed. The boy saved him- Ihe following letters remain in the| = : ] ; he the city, if it was not for the flies, bed- The last spike on the Altoona and 8 M a ain bugs, cockroaches, water-bugs, etc., Philipsburg railrond was driven on aad the people would die of disease. The Monday afternoon and the road was | Smith (2), P- R. Wyland, multitude of insects eat up the dirt. opened to the public yesterda morn- _ 7 8 rtised DE A a td’ vou] a ei tothe Pletme ay Uy ar ee 1 you see the flies at work cleansing. | Reading and Beech Creek roads, and i Mehos 2% Of course, if there is a sore, they de- will develop a large coal tonnage. — Drowned Himself. Joull Sheis larvae ih the Seeavios mat- Huntingdon Globe. John D. Whiteside, of Madera, de- i } Degioning once t fle of ont Attention, Firemen. liberately walked into the creek on fons ide stop them.” we have 0 Ai members of the Patton Fire Wednesday last and drowned before pn eS a————————— company are requested to meet in the he could be rescued. He was upwards DAWN OF BEITER DAYS. ‘council chamber this (Thursday) eve- of 40 years of age. There is no reason The legendary line at the bead of | PINE, August 33, at 7:30 sharp, as busi- given for his deliberate deed. this paper, “Mines all resume at Pat. 16% Of importance met be attended = gjjer & Co. has a new “ud” in this ton—everybody happy,” has signifi- > .. H.C.BECK, i, Read it. cance that cannot be made more lucid | President. i ; for the people of Patton by a whole | "FOR SALE—An excellent horse, with When a young man calls his sweet- column of comment. But there is lots | PUgEy and harness, very cheap. In- heart “Dovie,” it is not to be supposed of room and good occasion for some anise it vies office. -30t2 that she is pigeon-toed. that is alL”’ self by jumping over a fence. —Cam- ! toffice at Patton for the week end- SE ® : ° 2 “All insects are necessary?’ . bria Freeman. ing Saturday, August 18, 1564: 00 u 1 1 n a ‘Yes sir. In the tenement-houses of = Ready ForUse. : -T. ‘Ansoiman, John Brice, James 5 2 y Persons calling for the above letters.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers