; 2 3 . » ai 8 3 , i i A Bt Ba 3 4 rH * \ . A 5 we 1d Ay : : - Bi 5 8 Fy na SS A i IA Ty aS : en RE en RE “gl A : 4 he 3 TE “5D — ws og “ 3 . NE wy * a Beet ons tls i Sa 0. i i 3 Fe + TRA 87 a0 Ea a Lo » > : TE ba p . EX Topol fv, Rin oie ak eh 3 . a5 3 4 . -! ¥ 8 2 ~ & A oy py = i bo sce SBE WEN 3 SRE ar rn Speman Re sore ips a shir pm yor, L=NO. 30. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, i804. $1.00 PER YEAR. _ MINES ALL RE SUME IN PATTON IVERYBODY HAPPY. | Stoo Given Away. FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. jast Savio to sailing, Been. in dry} sswovances BNC EA JIN G SIC] f Jock; i aia prime condition for IRBARA Some Pew Things 10 Distart The Siumbiets: ast ran. Our People. i. a west winds were ex- From ity four hours earlier than With each Dollars worth of goods Committed in y Altova’s Sec. perienced up to August 14, when the Born Nesr Paric | in 1810-Mar- most people care aboat being swisken- at this store we will give Five when Twenty | Orders, and when to us at one time, we AE them, giving One Polar ‘in cash or them, gio for the we will them one a time ove su wall Lg pwn wind veered to the eastward and there was a fresh breeze. On crossing the town with strings of empty care to be Dotlar| banks on August 16 much fog was lsden with coal from our six mines, CAMPANIA THE QUEEN. encountered and it was necessary to SAW ONE LOCOMOTIVE. and each engineer seems to delight in run the engines at elyed speed for making as much noise as he mossibly ed, engines commence coming into ond National Bank, ried 1 im New York. ‘at any one time at this Beat all Previous Records from Liverpont TWO hours. The win at times veered ' Twenty-Five Years Since She Was Pour Call. Not being content with the ring- store amounting to fifty cents or more. Patton Pharmacy, C. W. HODGKINS, to New York by 3 Hours and 10 Minutes. to the northward and continued to Miles Away From Home. ing of his beil, and. giving the usual United States Bank Examiner Mil. Port. Mrs. Barbara Fastman, of Caroll signals with his whistle, he takes ler, who was sent to Altoona to take On Angust 17 the steamer made the town, visited her daughter, Mrs. T. especial delight in balching forth the charge of the Second National bank remarkably good run of 543 knots. W. Letts, lust Wednesday and Thare. most terrific and continuous screeching after Cashier Gardner ran away with The Campania’s dally runs were 516, day = that his engine is capable of, which has funds, committed suicide last Friday 528, 583, 525, 545 and 128 knots. The Mrs. Eastman was born near Paris, no significance whatever that we know afSernoon by shooting himself in the Campania’s best previous record was France, in 1810, her maiden name be- of. We do not complain on our own made in October last and was 5 days, ant, but on account of the Drugs, Medicines, ‘and Chem: bank building, on Thirteenth street, ing Barbara Reisch, and emigrated account, but on account o aged gals, Siatiopery, Confer: HO as figats and obac¢ :-Agomey Jor ro & HICKORY writhing in the agonies of death. Bicyele. 98 This is the only Drug Store in’ Patton where these Money Orders can be had. When be fired the fatal shot President 13 hours and 23 minutes. with her mother and father to New and the invalid. What is worse than John P. Livan was in an adjoining The Lucania, the sister ship of the vy. rk at the age of fourteen. She the noise of locomotives or the baying room. . He heard the report and rushed | Saw patti had held the bo, Wenidra afterwards married a young man with of hounds. The number of the dogs into the next room when he was hor CO between Queenstown NEW whom she become usinted in the of Patton would be bard to estimate. rified to see Miller lying on the floor | York since November 3rd last, when (city, a tailor, by am of John To the family, they count from ; she made the voyage in 5 days. 12 hours Stolz, and with whotn she came to Car twenty down t0 one. Most every President Levan at onée appeared at and 47 minutes. rolitown about sixty years ago. It was night a howl will be =: up in some the font entrance to the bank and _. VINTONOALE, almost an unbroken wilderness the Part of the town to he repeated from gave the alarm. . Generally Known Paras snd Sarrounding whole way, and it took the young one to another until the whale town is When the startling news was con- Country as Barker City. couple many wearisome days to reach in an uproar. There are myriads of Armed the greatest excitement pre. For the benefit of many anxious in- their destinution. The whole country species and gach has a peculiar voice of : ‘valled, and it was impossible to keep quirers about the Blacklick regions, here was of the same description, noth- its own, and when the concert begins, HOTEL "BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. : ifn One of the Largest Hotels in Northern Cambria; Conducted : in ~ MODERN STYLE. Good Table and Bar Supplied _ with Chofest Brands of - Liquors. The Popular - HOUSE of PATTON. Are You GOING BUILD, 5 If so dont fail to call and in- spect our fine line of ~ DOORS and SASH| We have just received two Car Loads—Can make Picts A to suit Buyer. We are also agent for the street open for trafic. People your reporter interviewed a gentleman . Ing but miles of woods, with here and it is a conglomeration of unearthly ~ crowded the entrance to thé bunk and last Sanday who knows whereof he there a little patch of cleared. ground Sony such - hohe hes ths Feats of stood on the window sill, hoping to get speaks. The embryo town is situated Where some earlier settler was striving Patton ever heard, an w could ‘a glimpse of thE body. The directors at the conflaence of the North and to eke nut a miserable existence. sleep well, under such conditions, could of the bank were soon on the scene, East branches of the Blacklick,in Jack- The most modern system of the then rest well on the brink of hades. Ninety- but President Levan was so badly pros- son township, this county, near the Known rapid transit was cars drawn nine of a hundred of chem are fit ou trated by the tragedy that he went to Indiana county line. It has been laid by horses; and she remembered of rid- nothing bat to get away with dis home. The revolver with which out in a complete manner, its most ing on one of them about ten miles on ™eat. They sho ald be - taxed out of Miller shot himself was owned by the principal street being more than a mile ber exit from the great American existence; and the ASn—OE who does bank. It is a Colt’s army affair about long, eighty feet wide, and completely Opole six decades ago. Hot ds hip Wiioje Su ioe iv, twelve inches long and contained seven graded. rs. Eastman has lived in Carroli- # 4 locke 1 : on bread | chambers of 45-calibre. : It is fourteen miles from Ebensburg town ever since, and had never seen a and water. When the shot was fired the exami- and about the same distance from | locomotive but once in her life until WESTOVER. | ner was beside the onshier's desk and Indiana. It is the centre “of agreat basin he saw one in Patton, and that was WATOVER Pa A 31. 100. wos evidently standing. The ball of bituminous eal said to be of as good | over forty years ago, when she went TNT, TA, Ug. | entered the rightside of the head, just quality and of as profitable veins as can 0 see a sick daughter at Wilmore,;, Wm. Kerin, the barber, moved in his ‘back of the ear and passed clear be found in the State. Mr. Loraine, a ‘then Jefferson. It is over twenty handsome new house on Church St., rough, coming out on the left millionaire of New York, is the presi- Ee oe took a ride in a buggy Tuesday. : side at a point almost directly dent of the company interested there °F been: four miles away from - Dr. Noonan, of Patton, makes oe opposite. D mast have been and besides him, Mr. Bethel, Charles Hose Siie. died fatvoais cassional professional - Visite to our instantaneous, from the nature McFadden and Judge Barker are r ty years ago town. : of thewounds, The unfortunate man the leading spirits. sl coal will be #nd she married Edmond Eastman Lawger Hagerty, of Clearfield, was fell on his back and the upper portion mined by electricity instead of with or years later. She ping relict noticed on the streets on Tuesday. | of his Dody was soon surrounded by 5, powder and dynamite, and the town yf atisnan a Je yours. Grier Hile moved obi How Joa: . pool which spread out over the | will be liglited by electricity. The although ears of age, office on Saturday. We are had | floor of the - Phe revolver was company has already erected a fine IS quite smart yet. has a little to have the postoffice in the center of found in the drawer of the cash- office and several dwellings are under atin xe cared {for by her own the town. ler’s desk, where bad dropped from way. hands, does not neglect to attend Westover baseball club has been | the bad of the waleide after he com- Two other towns have been com. church services, most always three very busy lately. On Friday they | mittedithe deed, 4 : menced near there on the line towards times on every Sunday. played on their own grounds with the |r ar Ca 1 fn i re — a SNp—— Se TW, dead 3 a M Sa— i. : $ oe to James H, | and hie in in — wh en EPENSBURG, Pa., Aug. Jlat, 184. Saturday with the Hastings nine. troller of the Treasury at ble. The town is also surrounded by On Monday last Hortense, a litle yoore 23 to 20 in favor of Hastings. | | Waingon, ‘and dated August 17, large tructa of timber. daughter of A. E. Bender of the Cam- On Monday ' the boys went to Ma 1s. 3 Lo Passed Away. beta Luin. Pleusisily entertamned a haffey to wrestie “the willow” with the Mr. Christ Kariheim died at his home por seventh birthdar oor of Mabafiey Sith; Saute; 1 to it fyvoe Sg y. of Mahaffey. Patience and practice near St. Aagustine on Tnesday, August Mesurs. George Huntley‘ and W. C. telioWwe and we will lead. with a 14 He had been in poor health for the of : Shields, of this place, and O. O. Philips, The Westover campmecting grounds: Lh rs ie om suffering with eatarrh of Pittsburg, but who is now residing are ready for the campers aud preach. | ers. With a seating capacity of 1300 and plenty of room for more seats. i a va spend some time | There is no reason why any one should ; ¥ ing an nbiag. ‘stand. * LG 04 ull go ang Leip to ihe —— of. Alsosua, live on the old Ashville,and Annie Lee,of the ministers. ‘him to the grave eight months ARS | Joven Esq. A Run-e-Way. the dying December 27, 1883. Mr Karl EE ii himpnct and . a dangerous | Annie io ox. eim was born in Holand, Germany,on on. are visiting friends in Blairs. and daring feat. Frank Lamadcu’s he 18 my Kita _ the 5th day of April, 1828, and came to ville. LL ‘team was, as he supposed, securely ealioit this country when 19 years of age, . Fish, who has been pastor of hitched in front of Ed Severin’s harness of deposit residing at Carrolitown until after his the Baptist church of this place for the ert EERE WHY NOT BUD Ey It Should Tterest Every- body. J. R. LETION'S VIEWS. To Contvet Patton With Hastings. ‘Harms boro, Spengler and Carrolliown. In an interview with John R. Lem- on, of Tyrone, the following informa. tion was gained. During = conversation with him in reference to the formation of an. electric company to furnish light for the above named towns, Mr. Lemon said, “Why not build a road to them? The distance would te less than twenty miles, and the project, when completed would be a much better paying insti- tution than the one vontemplated, and would be of much grater convenience to the general public.”” When asked where the money would come from, he said, “If the citizens will take enough interest in the matter to secure a charter, I will raise the money without asking a dollar from any of them. Capital is seeking such investments, and all that is necessiiry to secure it is $0 have the charter und then ask for the money.” : He thought i could be built for $75,000, but, whatever the cost might be there could be no doubt of the accumulation of large profits from it. Now that the tariff bill has been de- cided, and the busines of the country is tending to its normal condition it would be a propitious time for the lead- ing men of the towns interested to inguire into the possi bility of such an enterprise. . Mr. Lemon built an electric road from Harrisburg to Boiling Springs, through Carlisle, a distance of twenty- ‘eight miles last fall. It might pay to consult him. If such a road can be built without any more effort on the part of our citizens than has been stated, let it be built by all means Who will take hold off it? i Ferdinand Marka Not many persons within a. radius. of twenty miles of this place who do not know Mr. Marks. He is a genial old German who came here a number of years ago and purchised the land on "+hich a part of Patton is built. Tt contained a grist mill sand water priv- ileges connected with it. A little more than two years ago he sold his interests - to the Chest Creek Land and Improve ment company ressrving the a property and water privileges. i a pe gen. Ptiee mentioned, his property has become almost surrounded with business places ‘and residences. Thy citizens have made compisint and, the Board of Health has ordered Bim to clean out his dam and race. The water is pol- luted with decaying sawdust and the refuse of two livery stables, and the ' stench at tims has besome unbearable. Mr. Marks, on Monday, asked the ad- vice of Burgess Donnelly in the matter, ‘stating to him that, while the Board . of Health demands thut their order be | obeyed, Mr. Nagle and Mr. Lller D. M. Osborne & Co. Bou She am : io ted in my Marriage to Margret Sybert, January past two years contemplates becoming ~ FARMING IMPLMENTS = Sn, ~ MTToN HARDWARE 0, | Evers Movs == ; Magee Ave. him they could not stand the ¥orletnach fa PATTON, PA. [fim mcs setae rm ~ | 0’elock in the morning, beginning op- ‘claimed him. Deceased was a mem- for She 15, 1861, when he moved to St. August- ine, where he resided until death py ur Ey Aout v ber of the Catholic church. Jor Shertel wpe ew Jays I ow, avenue, Jesse Fox made a dash for the ingist upon every lot awner in the Laas Davenport Hart. ~ Paul McKenrick, of Middleburg, Ky., Tightened animals und caught the borough to drain all the stagnant and On last Friday, at about 11 o'clock a. is spending his vacation with his Pear horse by the bridle. He was impure water from his premises. m., Isaac Davenport was seriously in- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McKen- dragged about 200 feet but kept his jured by a tramway car. He, and a rick, of this place. hold with such a tenacious ‘bull- | : colored man, who bad been working at Fred Barker, son of Judge Barker, is - doggedness that they were forced to Six months ago Patton's streets were 3 Good's stone quarry for some time, | seriously ill with typhoid fever. come to a standstill in front of the mere strips of land mostly covered undertook to drop a car down the Many of our citisens attended the Good building but not until his hand | With stumps and: logs, with the ex: Patton's Progress. < Ta | erations again at 5 o'clock. Latterly EE = : if | he ° Commercial, S. M. WILSON, Prop. CA Modern Hotel. Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, All new furniture, Heated with steam \ through. out, Hot eid cold water on every + floor. : king alls Hining. depart.) ‘ment in Skillful h hands. ' MAGEE AVE, NEARR. R. STATION. PATTON, PENN'A | At no time did he seem to be speciaily .| to its destination. | Reduced Previous Time Between Live rpooi At Which time he will organise an Ep- Thursday. A Special Car. brought to Patton and Dr. Worrell took ace on the 17th inst. She was a A special Beech Creek coach arrived was summoned to attend his injuries daughter of Court Crier Humphreys. here on Saturday containing the fol- and at 3 o'clock the same afternoon he She is survived by her husband and lowing distinguished persons who re- was taken to the Philipsburg hospital. ‘one child not yet a year old, her mained in town about two hours: J. i . This makes the third time witliin six parents and several brothers and Hochauson, New Tok: W. H. Peddie, months that Davenport has been quite sisters. The funeral was the largest Roselle, N. J.: Adams, Eliza- | badly in jured i; accident. | seen in this place for years. beth, N. J.; al a Kerr, Wash. | Choreh Ni thew. A number of young folks pleasantly ington, D. C.; and A. J. Palmer, sup- Rev. Chas. E. Wasson, pastor of the surprised Edwin H. Craver at his home erintendent of the Beech Creek rail- ME ¢ _— h, will deliver an andress on on Thursday. road, of Jersey Shore. The gentlemen the origin and history of the Epworth = Master Amandus Buck, of Carroil- are interested in the purchas: of coal league in the M. E. church of this town, accompanied by Elaine Scanlan lands in the interest of eastern railroad | place, ou Saturday evening at 7:45, and Lena Bearer visited Ebensburg on companies. | Inte, and the last night quit at 1030. , four places below the knee, He was Mrs. Daniel Jones, of this place, which | worried about anything, but ail along his nervousness showed the effects of the strain upon him. The unsealed | better given above, which he evidently ‘ meant to mail at once, has been sent | Examiner Millers's how: was in | Mercer, Pa., and he was about 45 years i of age. He was appointed bank ex- ' aminer about two years ago, su ceeding - Hugh Young. : CAMPANIA A RECORD BREAKER. and New York. worth League chapter. On Sunday T. Sharbaugh, of C arrolltown, spent Jusige Barker's Decision, e Cunard Line steamicr C ‘ampania, morning at 11 o’cloek he will preach a Sunday with his many friends in He orders that the teachers remain, or arrived last Friday evening from sermon to Young People which will be Ebegsbarg. may wear the garb of the erder, and - Liverpool and Queenstown, has earned followed by communion service, - Argument court convened’ here the pupils may address them by the’ | the title of queen of the ocean, besides Everybody cordially invited to attend. vestorday; There are a number of title of “sister’” or a visiting priest being a record-breaker. She left Gardner Captured. causes to be argmed. as *‘father.”” The injunction is made | Daunt’s Rock at 12:45 p. m., August 12, “The report was aboard yesterday in County Commissioner Geo. M-. perpetial in restraining the defendants | and arrived at the Sandy - Hook light- | Patton that Gardner, the cashier of the Wertz, is in town to-day. from using the catechism or permitting | ship at 5:45 o'clock Friday evening. | Second National Bank, of Altoona, poh i here. So > tll Bites ‘any sectarian instruction in the school Her time of passage was 5 days, #! who skipped with a large amount of i a ne building at at any time, the defendants er minutes, which beats all ' money belonging to the said institution | from $20 u 9a : to pay all docket. coste, etc., the plaint- | | previolis records by about three hours and individuals, was captured at. Prat ; P ‘iffe to pay the costs of their wit-| | and ten minutes. The Campania had, . Cherrytree Sui in the morning. The Tailor and Clothier. | nesses, otc., : grade when they lost control of it and Emerald picnic at Cresson on Tuesday. and arm had been badly bruised in the °F : on a J uf ibe had not kept his work op quite so Mr. Davenport's right leg was broken We are Sorry. to note the death of encounter. Magee and Fifth avenues, which were a series of irregular mounds and mad. holes. To-day, thankn to the borough dads and the untiring energy of onr street commissioner, assisted by willing citizens, they have been transformed ‘into regular graded thoroughfares such as no one need be ashamed of. The . principal streets have been graded in the most thickly settled portion of the town and miles of stiwets have been made passable by the removal of the > stumps and rubbish, and sidewalks have been laid in all directions. Quite a number of new buildings have been "erected this summer Sefpire We strike ' and hard times. Killed a Ratihor, A party of ladies repaired to the ‘water dam last week to pass the day and when everything was ready for dinner the ladies prepared to seat themselves when & scream from one of the ladies reveaieed the fact that a rattle snake was intruding. Some of : the ladies very bravely stoned the rep- tile and a gentleman ansisted them and dispatched the snake which sported twelve rattles. —Clearfiéid Republican.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers