4 i of 4 1 Patton Courier. o. PATTON PUBLISHING €O., Proprietors THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1594. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. FEDERAL OFFICERS {7 RR MENA ii ristoary. Ernie Beg ver, Beaver olimnty CONG REN 4X Festa Va. 1 No y giv my tare, Pa TEFL} $ : ¥ Porn vsntawney Je STATE 9H CERS om J §eoeres Prior srs £ESLY fy aV ERX Woon oer off % sept iat Moriduy of we Puesrnest PROTHOX TARY HeGisrEr aX HEooeh TEEASUREY rH SHERIYF PEP TY SHERIFF IHINTRICT ATIOEN ANIM M IRS TON FES (yes. MM. Wertz ors N ER ( T.¥F COUNTY RU PFRINTS Gr NTY RURVEYOR (GUSTY AUDITORS Forey, Jarnes Trl Jv RY CoM MISSIN E PS Biongh CORE Piowar [HIRECTORS c¢ryitie, Paphisd Flite BORJUGH OFFICERS. Brrarss— WJ Ixmnelly. Cor XOoil fineoin = Pu Wilson, H.C. Beek, BF. 1. F. Bonner SOHO. Boa AL Lf pre» Bx 13m tom Sher fade ff zoviis are the AnT tos 2 was tie mos ARIE WL mmerfartit treated in rods feet. fant ooh whether of manufacture, are tet ewan Thee J Vismpw Hyer 1am of +r ATE & Bs TE 4 fomengrn practically fae, DIT When cet Be the prowerfal chembeass of wi h many of the washing SORIA RTE COTE poe, OF when nung ont for honrs on KC Bewiton - expraed to emo hing J som and ir the codors must seonsarily fade to 3 extent © IS 38 ni known’ 1k chetnioals Cot. in washing saps and similar 3 Bre 1 TRARY DRRR 8 DOW fu] ax those amnloyad in the prices of blemrhing mnsiine. In at a few in stances, 100, they are probably of 8 greater Aegres of strength. he result being fhat they weaken the cloth to am extent that the bleacher wonid pot De Sigposad to isk. Ammonis and Arsente Er “ sorts of oth Reuel Somerville, Bens. mt § - HEN Ai 4AWN ATTON. Pa. rgd D - she s EL y Building TTERYET OF. ees EL Whe ase Mc NE¥L BARBER ANI Soe Hamre DRDBRER FPR ° id yw Flom Tiree Piola aE DUATRS Tow smnsonias spon the ay pie xion ae dl opposite to those of arsenic. The Srst symptom of am- memia poisoEing which appears among those who work in ammonia factories in a discoloration of the skin of the nome i. Ths gradually extends grer the f 1 the complexion has 8 stained blotched and unsightly sp pearance. — Medical Journal rectly . x x ines. AG ~ Samoet EF PRACTICAL SLIGKSMIT " Mages A venue, rink a Ciseauee The frst thing teriain’'s Cs Snowmen | TPA Remedy Tw i [rare matter and cured i heartily 0 all pes rari refer to ciiability € samphel} City Drug - ; settle the a Like Act HORSE SHOEING. A speaiaity Prices are moderate All work done with neatness and dispatch Call and See Me, A G. DIE HI page Licenses. : a A.A ka. marriage Licenses were lerk of Orphans’ r the week ending Tharsday, 1884: : townshiy “xq r~ L. SS fest LL reek. - For sale by > Belcher, proprietor Mar Swing Patton, Pa. issued by the € the Cony for SAM L BOYCE, Snereamnr to John OF August 2 : Sellman, West Taylor’ Lizzie (wiser, Johne OWT. : : Le HEARS Henry Sarah Feed. Hay Fleanor Be Exe. smi and FEB IN Edward Lingle and singer, Lbensturg. Floar and (rain. Lime, “1 know an old soldier who had chronic Alarrhora of long «standing to have heen permanently cured by tak- ing Chamberlain's Onlic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.” Edward Skumpick. a prominent druggist winneapolis, winn. “1 have sold the this for over seven years and oonsider it superior to any her medicine now on the market for compiainta’” 25 and 50 cent f this remedy for sale by City Drang Store, CE Beicher. proprietor 1 natant Iv. Killed - ne ae the Lowest CASH. fMYS remedy in city Howe We : ctl ors 1 The Patt Ww GIANG] GENCY Represents the follaw ing old r eliable “ire Insurance Hx Portage township, Friday team of he farmer was killed on last He was : & riving maes 21tached a steam. ‘they became anman- off. He was throwsm to the ground, and two wheels of the engine passed over the back part his head. He expired in five minutes after the accident. zh Dugan, a respected wflernoon to thresher, when ageable, and ran You want a suit for fall . line of sampiea Best ag n-tf See my t guaranteed. The Tailor and Clothier. : Backlen's Lrntes walve inn the workd i aloes, | COMPpanics: for Cus, “ll salt rheam, fever wands, chilblains, skit n eruptions and posi- or no pay required satis Price The bruises, Ors, bent salve ROYAL, of Liverpool; HOME. of New GERMAN Also Insu sores, tetter, chapped h corns, and all \ ork. ¢ Pittshurg tively cures piles, It is guaranteed 0 give perfect ow 3 -t E faction or money refunded. : aT Es uit: Life New the world. . . - = 5 cents hex Fer Dr C the tabic Rel er sale hy Dany of “her. ot pan -- rTance Cont York, Dale & Patterson, PATTON, PA v ; . - Wan a Neen County Formed. the largest a The len Campbell Comet is agitat- The formation of a new county out diana, Clearteld and An effort in this < 18% but was ‘The territary ncindes anna, Elder ing of parts of In Cambria coanlies. TION WAS voi ot ans 5 wr ul WY NEw va La dire ie in Na %y 1 T MER | is an srbivrary word used to desigmate the _ oul béw (raag) which cannot be pulled off the watch, : te the ae locking the Bow ® the 20 that it ‘camsot be pulled or twisted off "It positively prevents the loss of the ey he theft, and avoids mury to ®t from 2 Sopris IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Boas Filled or ether watch cases bearing this trade mark—— All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphiet, or send to the manafacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PIILADELPWIA. toni, Cashivr of the adwwe ply «wens that the * aw ns 3 tw Te Rin OTEY Ts 10 ow leslie snd Delhad Wa, H. oSaNdDroRD, ashivr and sworn to hefiwe me this 14th w wa 7% Det +f Angust Jussx E. Darwx, 1. FP