The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 09, 1894, Image 2

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Patton Courier.
One enpy, one year, in advances, - - . $1.00
g- Advertising mates made known upon
application. :
84 No papers diseontinged | until all ar
rearages gre paid, unless at the option of the
Entered at the Postoffice at Prtton as seeond-
elses mall matter,
8 SpxarorsJ. Donald Cameron, Har
risbarg. Iavphin county; M. 8, Quay, of
Beaver, Beaver county,
CONGRESSMAN John DD. Hicks, Altoona,
a S Controror- Edward Po Kearns, Pitts
barg, Pa. J
Derry Conpperon H.W [¥nsmore,
Paonxsitaw ney Jefferson county, a.
GrveErNoR — Robert FE. Pattison, Harris
barg, Pa.
1IEUT, (rovERSOR- Louis A. Watres, Seran-
ton, Pu.
Stewart, Norristown, Pa. : .
STATE TreAsURER—John W. Morrison,
Harrisburg Pa. :
AUDITOR GENERAL-—-D. MeGregg, Harris
burg, Pa.
Ser. PURLIc IxstrUCTION = NL OC Schaeffer,
Harrisburg, Pa
RENATOR-P. Gray Meek, Bellefonte, Pn
ASSEMBLY J, J. Thomas, Carroll township:
A.C. Stintman, South Fork,
1st Monday of Mareh | i= Monday of Sept.
Ist Monday of June I 1st Monday of Dee.
PrestpENT JUnGE—~Hon, A.V. Barker.
ProrHoxoTARY J. (. Darh
. TREASURER--F. H. Uatker,
KEERIFy--J. M. Shumaker,
COMM ISRION ERS FP. J. Pition, J. G. Lloyd,
Geo, M. Werte, :
COUNTY ALDITORS— Wii, J. Jones, W. {
Berry, James Dally. :
Hlough. :
CHroNER— Dr, George Martin,
Poor Dingcrors— John Long, James Som.
erville, Raphiel Hille.
BURGESS W, J Donnelly. -
Cor Net i~-Liaeoln 8, Bell, président; 8M,
Wilken, H. . Heck, B. F. Wise, I. P. Young,
J. F. Bonner
ReHoGL Hoan C0, Crowell, president; OG
MH. Cuarfraan, Re APAALY | WH sandford, trens
arer: Dye. 1. PB. Noonan, Ho Eo iarton, Samuel
JUSTICE OF THE Prace Jesse BE. Dale, Jas
Mallon. :
CLERK ~ Harvey Patterson
CornLEcror-< Jas, Mellon,
Asgpasni--J, BR. Cormelins
Avprrors FH. Kinkesd, MH. 4), Winslow,
Will L. Thompson,
Jupar or ELECTION AG Abbot,
Iwsprerorn -Abmham Byers
CHIEF oF PoLicR-Sam’i Jones :
STREET (COMMISSION 2 Saminel Addieman,
When the yearly products of the
soil are to be taken care of the question
of finances comes up with more pre-
cision than at other times, except on
account of something extraordinary
‘and of influences of rational breadth.
The present situation is being discussed
on account of the reasons suggested
above, and is noticed as follows by an
"anthority liberally informed:
“The currency condition prevailing
in different portions of the country,
are of particular importance at the
present time, as indicating the avail-
able supply to meet the demand for
the crop movement and the fall trade.
The banks show no disposition to pay
out gold in public revenues, so long as
silver notes are piling up at the money
centres. According to financial author-
ities, the abundance of paper money is
keeping gold away from the treasury
and facilitating its exports to Europe.
The call for money, generally makes |
itself manifest during the last week in
July, but it is a little late this year.
- During the latter half of August, the
demand is always large, but it is not
until September or October that it
. reaches its highest point.
~ “According to the Journal of Com-
merce, there is an ample supply of
‘currency at the present time. The
reports now being made to the Com-
troller of the Currency by the National
banks are more than ordinarily well’
prepared to meet the requirements,
and are making additional prepara-.
tions. The National bank note circu-
lation, recently taken out and based on
the new five per cent. bonds, is an in-
dication of this. As a rule, the notes
so issued have doubtless been simply
piled up in the vaults in anticipation
of the fall demands. Like the large
amount of the outstanding currency
certificates, they have not been added
to the actimt money supply, but are
held ready for use as soon as currency
demands develop.
. “The most favorable indication yet
given of a turn in the tide of silver
paper that has poured in on the Treas-
ary to the exelusion of all other forms
of money, is the fact that within the
past ten days the proportion of silver.
certificates used in payments of cus-
toms at this port has considerably de-
creased. Their place has been sup-
plied by the so-called Treasury or
Sherman notes, which are more de-
__ sirable, but the change has indicated
‘that the Treasury has succeeded in ab-
sorbing the silver certificates of large
denomination, and that the actual or
prospective demand for the smaller
notes serves to withhold them from
the revenues. The percentage of the
- Sherman notes will also gradually de-
cline as currency demands increase and |
the improvement in the character of Fags.
the Treasury receipts will be more
In speaking of blacklegs the Altoona
Tribune says the following, which very
plainly hits the nail on the head and
ives some plain “and pied facts.
‘ which the COURIER highly indorses:
Two or three gentlemen inquired
yesterday whether the editorial depart-
ment of the Tribune -éndorsed the
paper's Houtzdale correspondent’s
application of the epithet “blackleg”’
'* to the non-union miners of the bitum-
‘inous region. Our answer is that it
does not: further, he has very little
knowledge of the amount of labor in-
volved in the production of a daily
paper the size of the Tribune who
imagines that the persons who writes
the editorials has also time to. examine
every word, or even every article that
appears in the paper. By the time he
has prepared the seven or eight col-
umns that go to make up the inside:
pages of each. issue his day's work of
from twelve ta fourteen hours is at an
end. The telegraphic editor, the city.
editor, all the other alert nen and
women who make a newspaper, must
have a change. Besides, correspond-
ents are usually responsible for their
choice of language. CL
We have a very poor opinion of. any
man who will enter the labor market
and underhjd other workmen. But if
some men who are in receipt of fair
wages resolve to quit work and do so
sometimes out of sympathy for othérs
and not because of any grievance of
their own, then the industrious man
who is anxious to earn a living for his
family is justified in stepping into the
‘vacant place. He did nothing to make
that vacancy; he is exercising an un-
- doubted right when he steps in and
fills it.
Is there any Sontifieation for the
- coarseness which applies the opprob-
rious epithet *‘blackleg’ to honest and
industrious workmen, simply because
they decline to affiliate with a labor
anion? We think not. The citizen
who joine with others of the same way
of thinking to organize a union is with-
in his right. Nobody has any business
to proscribe him for so doing. But he
who holds aloof from the union and
who proposes to make his own bar-
gains with empicyers and to retain the
ownership of his own time and free-
dom, is also within his right.
The industrious citizen who provides
for his family is not a “blackleg.’” The
man who so describes him is ignorant,
thoughtless or malicions. It will be
‘well to avoid the use of such an ex.
Figures compiled at Harrisburg
shows that Westmoreland county still
leads in the production of bituminous
coal, 7,583,348 tons having been pro-
duced in that county during 1568. Al-
legheny comes next with a production
of 6,894,610 tons. The production of
Clearfield and Fayette counties was
nearly the same, the former producing
6,081,324 tons, while Fayette produced
9,106,%5. Washington produced 3,414,-
424 tons; Cambria, 3,337,359; Jefferson
3,072,208; Centre, 1,350,351. The lead-
coke producing counties are Fayette
and Westmoaeland, the production of
the former being 2,011,054 tons last
year, or a decrease of 1,257,771 tons,
over the production of 1892. The pro-
duction of Westmoreland county wae
1,700,889, a decrease of 925565 tonsa
The number of men employed in the
bituminous field in 1993 was 81,800, and
the previous year, 78,759,
A Correction.
Patton, Pa, Aug. 7 1864.
Sir: —On. Thursday,
August 2d you refused to give me
any aid as “boss” of the relief com-
mittee. You then tried to give the
reasons why, “I was not entitled to
aid.” The next day Jas. Mellon called
on you and after a long consultation,
he, Jas, Mellon told me the reason you
give, It was that I was not a miner and
‘was not entitled to any aid. I tell you
through the public press oa are
‘wrong. The only ard true reason was
political spite. I call upon you to
‘ prove whether I am right or not in this
statement, to be published in the Cov:
RIER or the Pennsylvania Grit.
Got “ Easy.
The Caoalport Standard says that
several sports of Patton came to Flin-
id last Wednesday for the purpose of
fishing. After seeing the deep hole at
Flynn's dam they proceeded to Beaver
dams and bought the water for the pur-
‘pose of fishing for a consideration of
$2.00. The next morning Albert Me-
Kee went before Squire Beers and made
information against all parties con-
cerned in the act for violating the fish
laws of Pennsylvania. The Coalport
Rod and Gun club intend seeing the
offenders of this law punished. - A
hearing was held before Squire Beers
on Monday evening, where one of the
parties was fined $50
Local Market Report.
For the special benefit of the farmers
in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER
publishes the following local market
report, revised’ each week:
Butter, IS cents per pound
Cabbage, ; 2 = is 4
‘ 3B + dozen,
Potatoes, - - As * bushel
Potagoen, new, rnin fn * he a
&: ONIN,
Corn, shelled,
. Back wheat,
holy b pressed, .
Real Fatate Transfers. |
Chest Creek Land and Improvement
company to Gustave Lindbloom, Pat-
ton. $200
JL Spangler, trustee, to Thomas
P. Reffner, Spangler, $150 -
TS Empfield to (i A Michaels,
Costlow, $20 :
John I. Wagner to (GA Michaels,
Costlow. $15
Peter Schrott to Joseph Brown,
Croyle, £1,100
Andrew Miller to Arvill V Miller,
(‘resson township, $300,
Mary Engle to John Thomas, East
Consmangh, 8425
Johnson Seely to Henry Driscoll,
Morrellvilie, $2,200 ein
J. Centralia Hildebrand to Johnson
Seely, Morrellville, $1
Martin Stobby to Adolph W. Luck-
hardt, Johnstown, $15,000
T F Mellon to Joseph A Gray, as-
signees, Patton, $100
Cambria Iron company to Christo
pher C Repine, Johnstown. $225
F Rightnour to Jackson Tuthill,
Morreilville, $1,800
Waiter J. Weakland to Isaac Weak-
land. Sr., Eider, $1,950 :
Pater P. Farabaugh to John D. Ager,
Spangler, £100
John D. Ager to Thomas P. Reffner,
Spangler, $800
Samuel George tg Mary Paul, Black-
lick, $200
Harris Rabinowitz to the Berg com.
pany, Patton, $1,800
Joseph Farabaugh to Flizabeth Fara-
baugh, Spangler, $1,040
J. C. 8tineman to George H. Fesier,
South Fork, $150
Executors of Francis Strittmatter to
i EB. Strittmatter, M. D.. Carroll, $2,500.
Mountain Coal company to Fzra M.
Grass, Adame, $1,000 :
Mountain Coal company to E. M.
Circws, Adams, $100
Executor’ of Mary Ann Cooper to
Charlotte Will, Chest Springs, $229
The Cramer Coal, Coke and Stone
Co. to Western Pennsylvania Railroad
company, West Taylor, $1
Jacoh Fend to Peter Baltzerson,
Daisytown, $500 .
John Waeldin to Rose T. Replogle,
Westmont, $1,500 :
~ Valentine K. Gallagher to Sarah
Annie Gallagher, Reade, $400
Sarah Annie Gallagher to Melissa
Chaplin, Reade, $225 :
Administratrix of Isaac H. Settle.
mire to Citizens’ Loan and Building
association, Coopersdale, $1,125
(litizens' Loan and Building associa-
tion to Ella ND. Settlemire, Coopersdale,
Harriet 1. Ellis to Wm. D. Wire,
Johnstown, £150
Kenneth Bazemore had the good
fortane to receive a small bottle of
Chamberlain/s Colic, Cholera and
Dinrrheea Remedy when three of his
family were sick with dysentery. This
one small bottle cured them: all and he
had some left whieh he gave to Geo
W ° Baker, a prominent merchant of
the place, Lewistown, N C. and it
cared him of the same complaint
When troubled with dysentery, colic,
disrrheea or cholera morbus, give this
remedy a trial and you will be more
than pleased with the result. The
priise that natarally follows ita intro-
duction and use has made it very pop-
"ular. 25 and 50 cent botles for sale by |
City Drug Store, C E Belcher, Prop
Four Months for 23 Cente.
Brainard's Maosical World for August
is un charming number, finely illustrat-
ed and filled with beautiful new music
and valuable musical reading. The
new music in this number is unusually
attractive and includes a brilliante
Polka Fantastique” by Anita Owen;
“Lambda Sigma Waltzes,” and ‘Good
Old Times" three excellent piano com-
positions, and “A little Nut Brown
Maid” a new song of unusual merit
_ Mailed for 15 cents, or the World will’
be mailed regularly each month for one
year for $1.50 To enable all lovers of
music to become acquainted with this
standard musical monthly the pub-
‘ lishers offer, during this month to send
the World to any address for four
months, on trial, for 25 cents, cash or
stumps. These numbers will contain
about $5.00 worth of choice new music:
- Do not fail to take advantage of this
literal offer. Address The 8S. Brain-
ard's Sons Co., Chicago
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City. Ill, was told by her doctors she
had the consumption and that there
wis no hope for her, but two bottles of
Dr King’s New Discovery completely
cured her and she says it saved her
life, Mr. Thos. Eggers.139 Florida St.
San Francisco, suffered from a dread-
ful cold, approaching consumption,
tried without result evervthirg. elise,
then bought one bottle of Dr King’s
New Discovery and in two ‘weeks was
cored. He is natarally thankful. It is
such results, of which these are
samples, that proves the wonderful
efficacy of this medicine in coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at Dr Belch-
er's City Drug Store. Regular size
5) cents and $1 :
. Having purchased the business of D.
C. Dale, the store is now open and we
“are prepared to supply the wants of
the general public in this line and
solicit your patronage.
36t8 = PaTroN HARDWARE Co.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’
Court for the week ending Thursday,
August 2 2 1864:
Ross Anewalt and Leela Hawthorn, ]
T. Orlanda Helfrick, Spangler, and
Rose M. Bearer, Carroll township’ :
Francis Marion Havener and Bertha
Rodda, Dunlo
Mathias Engel, Richland beni
ard Catharine Mohr, Johnstown
Kamuel N. Wagaman, Upper Yoder
township, and Viola B. Houpt. Johns-
town :
John Mossena, Latrobe, Pa., and
Mary Fix, Westmont, Pa :
- John Holko and Annie Barna; Johns-
Henry C. Umbangh, Upper Yoder
township, and Nancy J. Reesey, Bed-
ford county
Robert L. Wissinger and Amanda J.
Harshbarger, Scalp Level -
Edward J. Mulhern, Lilly, and Kate
McIntosh, Portage township
Wm. Gillespie. Strongstown, Indiana
county, and 8. E. Reed Belsano
Julius Aabusesak and Mary Ddotzar,
August GG. Waldek and Wilhelinisia
Groskopf, Allegheny county :
Josepn C. Allison, South Fork, and
Kate Link, Croyle township
“1 know an old soldier who had
chronic diarrhea of long standing to
have been permanently cured by tak-
ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy,” says Edward
Shumpick, a prominent druggist of
Minneapolis, Minn. “1 have sold the
remedy in this city for over seven
years and consider it superior to any
other medicine now on the market for
‘howel complaints.” 23 and 50 cent
bottles of this remedy for sale by City
Drug Store, C E Belcher, proprietor
Distrissing Accident.
The Brockwayville Record says that
a distressing a cident occurred at Cren-
“shaw on Wednesday which, cansider-
ing the render yeas of the victim, sent
a thrill of horror through the communi-
ty. The victim was the 22-month-old
daughter of John Smerick, who lives
near the tram road leading to drift No.
13. Atrip of loaded mine cars was
coming down the track attached to the
engine. The little one was playing
near the track, and stepped aside as
the trip drew near, but when too late
to stop she attempted to cross the
track and was run down by the mine
cark. One leg and ane arm wis
frightfully mangled and crushed. Dr.
Quinn reached the scene as quickly as
possible, and found that an amputa-
tation Was Necessary He called Dr.
Davenport to Wiis assistance and the
leg was taken off below the knee. The
arm was not amputated at that’ opera-
tion, as it was feared that the shock
would prove too great for the little one.
Tt may be necessary to take it off later
My hoy was taken with a disease
resembling Bloody flux. The first thing
I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. Two
doses of it settled the matter and cured
him sound and well I. heartilv
recommend this remedy to all per-
SONS suffering from a like complaint.
I will ahswer any inquiries regarding
it when stamp is inclosed. I refer to
any county official as to my reliability.
Wm. Roach, J. P., Primroy, Campbell
Co., Tenn. For sale by City Drug
Store, CE Belcher, proprietor
Flivtric Bitters,
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. - All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. ‘A purer medicine does not.
. exist and it js guaranteed to do all that
is claimed. Flectric Bitters will cure
all diseases of the liver ind kidneys,
will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum,
and other affections caused by impure
biood. Will drive malaria from the
system and prevent as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation and indigestion try Elec-
tric Bitters. Entire satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 30 cents and
$1 per bottle at Dr Belcher's tity
Drug Store *
Bstray Notice.
Came to my premises, on or about
“June 25, 15894, a brindle cow, with four
white legs, with lower part of body
white and white spot on left shoulder
and on head; with large horns, about
fourteen vears old. Cow has calf now.
Patton, Pa.
July 23, 1864,
Huckiien's Arnica salve
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, adeers, salt rheam, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by Dr OC E
Belcher, city drug store He
; Notice
To the tax payers of Patton and
northern districts of Cambria county.
You can pay vour state, county ani
poor tax for 1894 between now and
September 1st, thus saving the 5 ‘per
cent deduction if desired at the First
National Bank of Patton, Patton, Pa.
Dissolntion Notice,
Notiew fx hereby given that the partnersty
intely subsisting between A. O, Fisher und
=. Huiek, of Patton. Pa, ander the firm tw |
of Fisher & Buck, was dissolved by mutual
consent on the Zist day of July, 14 Ae |
owing 1 the said paring «hip are to be re
wivesd hy the sad FH, 2 Buck, and al) demands
or the said partnership gm to we presse riteed 10) :
1 ;
A. G. Diehl,
(Successor to Samuel E. Jones,
hin for pyment no
voi Fisuen,
. Magee Avenue,
H.C RBRrer
July ist. ie,
Jus nr Across Chest Creek.
Rese! Somerville, © HORSE SHOEING.
Attornev-at-Law, A specialty. Prices are moderate. All
p : p | work deme with neatne as and dispatch.
ATTON, PA. Call and. See Me,
Office in the Good Building. Lo py
WH DAVIS, — Patton, Pa
Attorne i and’ (Counse lor at Law.
All loge! hosiness promptiv att nisdesd te.
Office in Armory Fal!
Successor to John Dtto.
BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, Flour and Feed, Hay. Grain, Lime,
pled hy Otto Glosser, tant, Ee
Ty thie MONI FOr Tis ay
Cpe House block. Finvtelass work guarmn- |
© teed > : i
Hair Cnt 3 cents, Shave 10 cents, <hampoo | Prices the [Lowest for
I: and Sen Foam 10 cents :
(fee and residence an Mage avenue, next
: i
" |
Store on Beach Avenue, near
R. R. Depot.
tor John Yahner's Hantw: yew store,
Srwcial attention given to Fevers and Dis
one of Children
Everbody is cordially invited to call and see our large stock
4 1
of goods which are offered for sale at our store
will be our constant effort to supply the wants of all our
customers and keep a good class of goods to select
from. W e have a full line of
Aud everything kept in a first-class Zeneral store. W ¢ make
- »
a spectalty « of the best grades of
assortment of CARPETS, OIL. CLOTH, MAT-
TING, Etc.. kept on hand. Also. QUEENS.
If Hardware kept on hand. : :
ble to show goods. Come in and look around.
Patton, Pa.
Read the
| Send it to your friends at a dis-
tance and they will thereby become
interested “in the develope ments of
Northern Cambna. |
Par nize Your Home Printing Othe.
The COURIER 1S equipped with
all new type, new presses and a
practical and competent
man in. charge.
IT IS the aim of the publ ishers of the COURIER
to make 1t more thay a Local Paper (which
gives only the gossip of the neighborhood)
and make it worthy of the Spon of all this
ap THE Patton Courier
and you will be happy.