The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 02, 1894, Image 4

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—-— A
The Man Who Permitted Doctors to Bore
Into His Stomach. .
Ferdinand Pietrich, the man who sold
himself to Sonth American surgeons, is
dead. Here is the story: Last August a
man named Obaldeston advertised in
the New York papers for a man who
wonld eonsent to go down to Guayaquil,
Feuador, and there submit to an experi:
mental operation by two South Amer
jean doctors. Osbaldeston acted as agent
for those physicians. It was iliustrative
of the hard times that more than 120
answers were received. ro
The operation in question was simply
an incision in the stomach. throngh
which the action of the gastric juices
mizht be observed. The cavity thus
made was about the size of a hazel nut.
Tabhes of gold and silver were inserted,
and through thew the nourishment tak-
en by the patient was forced, the digest”
fve process being marked by the aid of,
an electric light. Incidental to the oper-\
ation certain chemical substances were
administered to the patient through the
tube to ascertain positively the action of
drugs in combination vith each other.
Among the 120 persons who answered
the advertisereent was a well knit, pow:
erful looking fellow who had been a
sailor. He was about 5 fect 8 inches in
height, weighed aboat 180 pounds,
looked hard and wiry and was active as
a cat. Oshaldeston decided that he
would do. His name was Ferdinand
Pietrich. The first week in September
Pietrich sailed for Guayaquil. There
for four or five weeks he remained un
der medical care in preparation for the
ordeal. and it was the second or third
week in October before the chief sur
geon, Dr. Adele Ajaico, ventured to per-
form the operation. :
Osbaldeston has received information
that the operation had been completely
successful and that the patient was on
‘the road to recovery when he took to
drink. Under these conditions it became
pecessary to stop the treatment for a
time, and in this interval Pietrich while
gitting on the battlements of a fortress
one morning was sunstruck and died
within two hours. Ho was alone in the
world, and it does not appear that he
ever received the money for which: he
had rizked his life or in fact anything
bevond his traveling experniies —New
York Lett )
Lioness Victoria Was Then Whipped, raved
Her Mate Nero Did His Tricks,
A fee persons saw a thrilling exhibi-
tion sit the London zoo before the regu-
lar poriormance began the other after-
poor Mile Beatrice, wha was recently
bitten in the face by the lon Nero, went
into his eagn for the first time since
then, Nero was in an ugly temper, and
his mate, Viotoria,. when the woman
tamer stepped upon the steps leading
into the cago. sprang against the door
and ‘remained in front of it with ap
Jifted pas and mouth wide open.
- Mle. Beatrice tricd to drive the lion-
ess back with a whip but Victoria bit:
and struck ae roe whip and roared with
rage. A blank cartridge discharged
squarcly in her mouth by Mlle Bea-
trice intensified the brute’s rage.
Manager Francis Ferreri then bronght
an iron bar redhot at one end. A touch
of this had the desired effect, and Vie-
toria withdrew to the other end of the
cage, and Mlle. Beatrice entered. She
whipped the lioness severely. Nero
roared, but he was as much in fear of
the hot iron ns Victoria. Half a dozen
attendants covered the two hons with
revolvers losded with ball cartridges
while Mile. Beatrice. made Nero go
through Lis tricks, She omitted the kiss-
ing act, in the performance of which she
was bitten three weeks ago. She will
always carry the scars of that bite. Nero
is 4 yours old and always appeared per-
fectly docile antil his attack upon Mile: -
Beatrice. — London Standard.
The English Are to Build One That Will
Surpass the Ferrie
Euglish writers just now are gloating
over the fact that the great whoo! which
is now being built at Earl's court ac-
cording to the plans of Lieutenant J. |
W. CGravdon is to be considerably large®
than the Ferris wheel which was sbown
"at the World's fair in Chicago. The
British wheel will be 300 feét in diame-
ter, whereas the Ferris whens] measured |
only 200 feet across. It will be able to
bold 1,600 persons, and the Ferris wheel
could accommodate only 1,868 at a
The big wheel at Earl's court is also
different from the Ferris wheel in re-
spect to the towers which support the
axle on each side of the wheel. They.
will be over 170 feet high, and four
stories will contain saloons and will 1}
connected with outside elevators as well
- assstaireases. The steel axle, which is
‘geven fect in diameter, will have a pas
sage through it.
Of course it is expected that the
masses in London will avail themselves
of this opportunity to enjcy a new recre-
ation. The carriages and cars will be so
"arranged that each one will hold 40 per-
gons and may be entered at eight differ-
ent places. Each turn of the wheel will
take about 20 minates, and there will
‘be five stops. The wheel will be proba-
bly in operation some time in July or
August. nd
China's Boy Emperor In Dauger.
A letter dated Peking speaks of the
disquiet felt among the Chinese on ac-
count of the reported change to be made |
in the ruler of the empire. The letter
says: “The approaching celebration of
the sixtieth birthday of the empress |
dowager promises to be a great event.
Millions are being spent in preparation, |
but the country can ill afford the money. |
There is so much feeling that the air is
full of rumors that there is to bea
change of emperors. The present young |
fellow was mot the rightful heir, but |
was ‘put on the throne by intrigue.
Many high officials, it is said, propose,
as he has no son yet, to displace him |
- and substitute one from another branch |
of the same family." a
Chicago's Lesson Conmed From the Coal
Famine Caused by the Strike.
" Under the old rule that ‘“it's an fil
wind that blows nobody good’ the coal
famine has taught Chicago at least one
useful lesson.
Haven't the residents of this. town
observed that the skies have been clear.
er of late? Haven't they taken notice of
"the fact that the peaks of the tall build-
ings have not been so. deeply clonded.
with banks of floating smoke, from
which the black and sooty flukes fell on
the victims in the shaded streets? Wel.
coming the glad transformation, have’
they asked themselves the reason for it?
In June, 1804, for the first time in
years persons ascending the Masonic
Temple or Auditorium tower were en-
abled to see on a working day the green’
amps of Garfield park far to the west
and the big, rambling building of Pack.
ingtown at the stock yards, four miles
to the southwest. They were visible
through a veil of smokes, i®s true, but
it was a veil and not a wall of foggy,
impenetrable darkness. Thesame stacks
that had coughed out volcanic columns
of dense smoke now sent tho faintest
gray wreaths curling upward It was
like Sunday.
Had the factories been closed and the
fires banked? Was there less demand for
working power in the big buildings.
No to both questions.
The fact was that coal had become
very scarce and the price had increased.
Every man who burned coal was having
it fed into the fire boxes a 1.ere £poon-
ful at a time, so as to make the sapply
last as Jong as possiltle. In other words,
he was getting almost perfect combus-
tion, and consequently there was little,
if any, smoke pouring out of the stack.
He was getting the full vaive of his
coal, and this, it might seem, wonld be
a good thing for him to db whether or
not there was a coal famine.
To some minds the late improvements
in smoke consumers is proof positive
that if fornnces were fed econopiically
at all times the smoke would almost
disappear. It is the reckless staker who
gtuils the furnace and then takes a long
rest who capses most of the suffering
He did his duty when
began because his employer metaphoric-
ally stood ¢ver him with a club to see
that hé wasted rio fact Then the smoke.
stack reformed, as did its neighbors,
Temporarily, at I ast, the Lorror was
abated, and the prolonged strike of the
winers did that much good —Chicago
Record. :
Some oi the Dangers of Using Jt as a Gen. -
eral Prescription Connter.
“Nervonsness is as much a fad as
anything else,” said Dr. Egbert Dixon
of Buffalo, “and the modern soda water
fountain has more to do with tha in-
crease of the mala than anything else.
In’ days of old when soda water was first
added to the wares of the druggist it
was devoted entirely to satisfying the
public taste for sorwthing cool, sweet
and refreshing. Fruir siraps of a harm-
less character were fizzled up to a prop-
er degree of gaseous bubbling, and the
mission of the soda water fountain was
a commendable onc.
“Nowadays it is devoted to bromos,
pervines and lots of other things that
are’ made from the deadliest sori of
drugs, while they are bung with signs
inviting people to become their own
physicians by trying some of the count.
less nostrums which are alleged to cure
anything from a headache to an ingrow-
ing toe nail in an almost inconceivably
small space of time. The tired out indi-
vidual sees one of the nervine signs aud
mistakes his weariness for nervousness.
and straightway proceeds to doctor hin
self with something, be knows not what,
but which, on account of its powerful
properties, braces him up and makes
him feel bright.
“The natural result follows. He takes
some more of the soda water fountain
stuff whenever he gets tirad, and Ina
month or so his system ison the road to
general breaking up. Dregging one's
self az a soda fountain is dangerous,
and, as I said in tho beginning, nerv:
onsness is largely a fad. If supposed
sufferers from nervouas atiacks would
only go out and split wood for half an
hour, if men, or take a brizk walk, if
women, and then take a bath and take
& nap, there wouldn't be so much heard
of this silly rot about nervousness being
our national discase Washington
Another Calamity Straw.
Many people are considerably agitated
over a mysterious circumstance which is
thought to indicate disaster. It is the
appearance of the letter B plainly im-
pressed upon blades of cats growing in
fields. Acres and acres in all parts of
the county have been found to be thus
curiously marked. It is claimed that
the only other times the letter was ever
found on cats in th © manner was just
before the war of 1312 and the late civil
war, and that the B stands for ‘blood
shed,’ which may now be looked for.
again. Each blade is maarked, the let-
ter, about half an inch long, being, as
it seems, pressed into the leaf and dis-
cernible on the other side. —Peru (Ind.
A Warin Weather Drin
Here is a recipe for soda water pow-
ders, which are considered excellent for
allaying thirst in warm weather. Have
re gies :
put in blue paper 30 grains of carbonate
of soda, in white paper 25 grains of tar-
taric acid. Dissolve the soda powder in
half a glass of water and stir into it the
acid and drink while effervescing. If
you desire sirup, make it out of sugar,
boiled in water and flavor as you like.
Dissolve the soda in the sirup. —Wash-
ington Star.
Evil is evil because it is unnatural.
A vine which should bear olive berries
—an eye to which blue seems yellow—
would be diseased. An unnatural moth-
er, an unnatural son, an unnatural act,
are the strongest terms of condemna-
tion.—F. W. Robertson. :
he coal faminog
Buggestions as to the Uses snd Luxury
the Daily Baths In Summer Weather,
Every 24 hours the human body loses
an amount of heat by radiation from the
surfare during perspiration. Bat, con-
trary to what might seem probable at
first thought, this loss is oftener advan-
tageons than otherwise,
In this way an escape pipe, so to
speak, is provided for the human mech-
anism, and just as the escape pipe of a
steam engine is self regulating, =o for
tunately the radiation of the heat from
the surface of the body is under the con-
rol of the nervous system. : :
When the fact is made anparent 't
the nerve centers that the temperature
of the body is getting too high, notice is
immeadiately gent along the nerves to
open wider the blord vessels at the sor
face of the body, with the resmlt that
the ‘plood s nearer tho surface, the
sweat glands aré stimulated to increased .
action, more water is excreted by them,
and ‘with the water goes off the heat.
Since it is by this means largely that
the superfluous heat of the body in
health as well as in discass is got rid of,
it is clearly very important, especially
at this time of the year, that the pores
of the skin should pever be allowed to
become clogged. :
With the increased amount of dust in
the atmosphere and its natural propen-
sity for adhering to the perspiring body
the daily bath becomes more of a neces-’
sity during the sumnier months than at
any other time of the year. One should
take great care, however, that the bhod-
ily temperature is reduced as nearly as
possible to normal before the bath is
taken. If the temperature be somewhat
- high and the body perspiring freely, the
danger of taking cold will be increased
by reason of the sudden congestion of
the blood in the dilated vessels at the
surface of the body.
Muck of the advantage to be derived
from sea bathing will be lost unless the
crusts of salt that form in the pores of
the skin on the evaporation of the water
are removed by subsequent brisk tow!
ing or fresh water spouging.
‘Not only is the perspiration an offi
cient means of removing superfluous
heat, but by this gate channel go
many of the waste praodocts of the b
Thess wast products are always r
tively increased in the summer months,
and so it iz donbly important that dur
ing this trying season we should keen
the skin in a healthy and cleanly condi
tion. — Youth's Companion.
Menibers of the Prescnt Congress Have
Broken the Record In Tils Respeet, .
Thera is one industry whieh is not in
he least affected by tho hard tines
This is The Record division of the gov
ernment printing office, which has
charge of p#inting congressional speach-
es for distribution. There has never
beell a COLZTess Wilk the Profses were
worked go incessantly for this purpost
Already over 5, O00, GOO S144 ]
boca sent out over the counin
eengressional franks, and th. number is
piling tp daily until by the close of th
session it isexpected that it will far os
ceed any record which has hitherto buen
made. Tom Johnson alone gave an or-
der for 1,000,000 copies of his speech on
the income tax in the tan iil He
leads the record.
But in the number of speeches ordered.
108 BV E
ds §
‘by other congressmen Barrows heads
the list. Over 200,000 copies of his tar
iff speech have been issued, and he has
taken very few himuscil, Most of them
have been sent to western, farmiog oon-
stitnencies by Republican represents
tivis, Reed's speech at the close of the
tariff debate is not printed by the gov
ernment printing office, but by ons of
the private concerns in Washington, and
this has just about equaled that of Bor
roves. There is a great demand for Wil-
son's speech on the Democratic side; and
tens of thousands of copies of the speech
of Crisp have also beer sent out, In tho
senate 20,000 copies of Senatar Ls whe 'R
speech hava gope ont, many. senators
franking them tothe college stodonts in
their states, Senator Morrill’s speech 1s 0
also in great demand, and the first
speech delivered by Senator Hoar has
gained a wide circulation. The efforts
of Voorhees and Mills, which opened and
closed respectively the general debate in
the senate, have beon circulated almost
as widely by Republicans as by Demo
crats. — Boston Advertiser.
“Rissell” Postoffices.
There is now a * Bissell’ postofiice in
pearly every state in the Union. When
Mi. Bissell was appointed postmaster
general, not a single postoffice in the
country was honored by the name of
“Bissell.” Mr. Bissell has sines cor
rected this singular omission an the part
of former postmaster generals, and when
The Postal Guide was printed last De.
cemnber had already addod an even dozen
““Bissells’’ to the pastoice nomenclature
of the country. Hc has been steadily
progressing ever since, and there are
now probably between 20 and 23 post-
offices so designated. In some cases the
naming of a pos ‘after the postmas-
ter general is pure sycophantry. Often
er, however, the name is suggested by
the department in cases where there -15
any difficulty over the selection of a
proper title for an ofice. In The Postal
Gide printed last December there are
39 ‘‘Clevelands’’ and I9 ““Grovers”
The * Bissell’ offices will. eventually
outnumber all others, —Indianapolis
Journal. :
Lambs at the Bargain Counter. |
The sale of live lambs at a department
store in Lexington street Saturday was
a novelty to shoppers. The lambs were
not as gentle as the little one that be-
longed to Mary, and some amusing
gcenes were caused by the animals strug-
gling to release themselves from their
purchasers. Those who bought the lambs
were required to take them away them-
selves. Ladies, who were the principal
buyers, managed to do this by grasping
the little cyeatures in both arms. Near-
ly every éneé of the lambs, it is said,
was bought to be kept as a pet. —Balti-
more Sun.
101d tronsers for Miss W--
give me a certificate that 1 caught ti
in Two Countries.”
A Trousers FEplsods. |
My journalistic friend en The Besson |
tella this story:
A dignified and elderly spinster who
sits at an editorial desk in town was
asked by the manager of ber paper the
other duy if she knew of any poor but
deserving person who wonld like a pair
of his discarded trousers and replied
that ber furnace man would doubtiess
bail them with joy. Accordingly a
morning or two later she found on het
desk a brown paper labeled plainly,
map.’ At nigiit she carried the parcel
home in ‘her hands, together with an-
other smaller package.
Sitting in the trolley cay hetween a
couple of geutiemer:, ghee noticxd tual
one of them seeméd to be much amased
about something in her lap. ; -
What was her horror and disgust, on
looking down, to observe that she had
partly covered the larger parcel with the
smaller, concealing the last part of the
juscription, so that it read in beld black
script, © Old troosers for Miss W.-——.,"'
giving ber name in full!-- Boston Globe.
A Visitor Who Was Terribly Seared During
a Call at the White House.
Colonel Clark E. Carr of Galestmrg,
who was minister to Denmark under the
Harrison administration, was in Wash-
ington one day when Lincoln was prosi-
dent. on
“I'm going’ to the White Home to
gee Abe" id Onven Lovejoy to Carras
they met in front of the treasury build.
ing. Care went with him They were
shown into the president's working
room, and soon after Lineoln came ii
He wore a long garment which prigh
have been cut from a bafhroom patter
or the cover of a prairie schooner. Hi
hair was more frouzeled than usual
and the carpet slippers were worn dow:
and withont heels. The condition and
appearance of the presidential ho
gery were such as would have made
Jerry Simpson envious, provided the
gtorios they todd on Jerry wore tris,
‘which they never wore, The president
gave his callers an Illinots greeting
and then shoved np one of tho sles
of bie enrions garment and pomntod out
to his visitors the inflamad condition of
his arm. ;
“Yan knew I had the smalioox 7 eaid
Lincoln in a cold blooded mahner. Love:
JO¥ amid YR and processed ta talk abet
other matters while Carr's few hairs
bad inciinations to stand up, and Lo
- moved about in Lis chair as if
tained dypmite. The visit
callr pas=ul ont. Once in their
asked Lovejoy: :
“Did yin know the president i
smallpox when we went there?
“Cortainly,’’ was the answer.
Yon deed secundrel lh 8
Carr. “Why didu’t yom say so?”
“I've had it, replied Love)
I supposed yom had ™'
“Weil, 1 never had it! roared Carts
“But if Ido have 18 now I want yo
disease from Ale Lincoln. That will ba
something.’ 7
- But Lovejoy had no occasion todo £0
az Lineoln had the vartoloid end -—Chi-
cugo Tribnne
Lennie Maguzine
How the girls were ‘courte in the
old Puritan days, and » ditheuities, |
now unknown
ehtfully descrd
Earle in the y
Journal, which arti
snake story by Max OF Rell, rena
of his life on 2 bus
which he calls “My Fist
Julia Bond Valent
< +} vas vt op
S ChHalfituclug
“Phi Whistling Girl,” is the siblect of
two most exqgusite Lustritiosns |
Irving R. Wiles. Sketches, wilh pot
traita of ‘‘Four Famous Young
Authors,” Richard Harding Davis,
Rudyard Kipling, John Kendrick
Bangs and Jerome K. Jerome, com-
prizes the biography of the number.
Mr. Howells’ literary bhiograhy, which
he has apply named “My Literary Pas-
sion,” continue to grow in interest
and charm. John Gilmer Speed writes
of “Mud-Imprisone¢ Women,’ raaking
a strong plea, in behalf of women, for
the improvement of country roads.
Frank BR. Stockton continues to amuse
with Poracna's letters to her old mis-
tress, as does Mr. A. B. Frost, the orig-
inal “Rudder Grange’ artist with his
clever illustrations. Edward W. Bok
writes “The Boy in the Office,” and
tirace Ellery Channing’ of “Politeness
The clever and
funny Brownies are at Newport, and
their escapades at that fashionable.
resort are exceedingly amusing. Flor
ence Morse writes of the advantages
and disadvantages qf “Suburban Life
for Women," and Mrs. Garret Webster
gives a very novel idea for a summer
fair under the title ‘The New Athletic
Carnival.” Mrs. Mallon writes of
“Dainty Styles ini Lingerie” and “The
Art of Dressing Hair.”' Miss Scovil's
“Suggestions for Mothers” are ‘val
‘unable, as is the column devoted to
“Musical Helps and Hints.” Alto-
gether this Aungust issue, with its
pretty summer cover by Alice Barber
Stephens, is a particuiarly dainty is
sue, and no woman can afford to he
without it. Rald by the Curtis Pubiish-
ing company, of Philadelphia, for ten
cents per number and ome dollar per
year. :
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world fur cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-
faction or money refunded. Prive 25
cents per box. Forsale by Dr. C. E.
Belcher, city drug store.
's furnace’
I. R. SNYDER. Prop'r,
Fifth nvente hedow Beek's Hotel, will serv
goww! sipensta Devs eversthing 146
te Fuad ln a finials «taunt fry steers
serves! in 1" We mnake nn speviniiy of
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Erpxsprre, Pa.
news with promplness
arirtain floawe
Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa,
Rewroarntrwiatlics firetiaiass best oof Lag rinrs
st154] A w el the ¥ Righitng attain
of Prop’r.
Metion A Vere PATTON, PAC
y prepa red try do ull Kinds of work in my
Hine at vasons bie prices. Contruets taken dl
emirates fr rn ished sehen desired Satisfaction
Eiki tT Lewd Caive poe noomil
Go To
{th Ave., near R. R. Station.
Shoes made to order and repairing
of all kinds done promptly. - Prices
moderate 151.
Bor A400, arriving at Cresson al 3
P. R.R. Time Tables. :
In effect May 27th, 1884.
2 Jatt Famve Crossan — Eastward
ry Fox priss, week days
we Anvonweigtion, wiek dave, 4 Blam
Phar Frese dndly : il 88am
Viton Aoromisodation, dally | pm
Mall Fupross dedly 5 IT pn
fiisdelphin Pog press, daily siipm
Main Line. Leave Cpesson= West wan rd
Johnstown Aevum, werk days Sits mw
Wav [hissetiges, dally - 9 pon
ail Train, daily hE pm
Vawt J ine chally Rpm
fons own Aovwan., week days Hpm
Mestithwoa md
Mortijing teatn for Patton and Cresson Haves
Mahatfey at dha tn: La Jom, G98 Westover,
Heid Garway, Jor Hastings a2 Hastings, S65
Ciarwa v, for Criseson TOU Patton 12 rad
fev Jhinetion, T9 Knavior, T0557, arriving st
CATs at A80 & a. Afternoon train for Puttomn
usin legives Mahatfy at 150 p mo La
«(Hy Westover, 272%, Gmrwny, Hast.
Pg LO Hist irigs, 247; Carway, (for ( resson
Fir Patton, 300 Bradley Junction, 2 Kas -
Morning traln lésves Cresson for Mabhasfley of
S#r Knyioe, #w: Brdiey Junction 113 Pat
tos 3 25 Garway, for Hastings 10057, Hastings.
for Mahaffey 1170 Garway, for Mahaffey
LIB Westivver, 11:02 La Joke, [290 arriving at
CMuabatfey ot 1220, Afternoon train fre Patton
and Maltinths wR ves Crossan at ed Kaylor,
TW Bedley function, 50d Patton, #07; (iar
way, for Hastings o%: Hastings, for Masha
{oy wi feist firr Mahatfey a Wms.
over, TAB La Jose, TR arriving ot Mahatfes
t 74% $1
Fast ward
Morning train lemves Cherrviree st A3
Ha rnestesrn, 56 Simugler iow Carroillown
Pewae!, 7:85 cin] conigets with fraln for Cresson
at Bradley Junetion at 708 :
Afri trains leaves Chorrvine at 20
larnestsins, JI Spengler, Jib Cprroiilown
Bowed, 255 and cswinewts with rein -Go Cresson
it Braadie Junetion at 38,
Wiest ward,
Morning tmin leaves Brdley Junction fr
ce huerryirey at 1003 Carrolitown Famad, 104%
Comrmniler, 1149 Barndsboro VIL amviving ot
W. E. Probert,
Barber and Hair Dresser,
Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.
oF crpnorations, Firms fiuliy dn
preli viv disponiis
{ ashier.
Adamant Plaster
Gives a Srst-cliss wall a moderate ex.
Frees : . 5
Is the bes! fre-resisting plaster.
Always ready for uae in any season.
broes not hold gases or disease germs,
Is the par excelience for patching.
Can be paperéd as soon as dry.
Is reiommended by all the leading
Lrohitorts. who have used it. Im
this country and England
Will give vou a solid wall :
ir will net erack, swell or
Will not cleave off when used as di-
rected, even in case of leakdige.
Will give vou a asarm house.
Does not ruin woodwork by loading
it wit moisture. .
{wrrvires ot (1410 o
Aflermoon train waves Higdliy Junétion for
hw rrytree at Bi fm (ye $2 mil. *
Spangler ef Partestorn, #85 arriving
lp rryiveee pl (BTA
ur rsnieh trains leas
Cresson of JAB a ow, EE a wm
i pws for Flensberg
or the arrival of all
roaring ans
trong, Ha
srt MaO® eT
15 yours experience,
. :
He paints, Hooses, Signs, Carriages,
Fresceoes, Celsomines and Hangs Paper,
ndscape, Grecian and Ornamental
Painting Taught. -
Advertising a Specialty.
Drop a card to Box 232,
18.-6mo PATTON, PA
P. P. Young & Bro,
Bologna, [Lard, Ftc.
Patton, Pa.
Admits of carpenters Yollowing pias. |
i . 3 $s
¥en yey y
£9rs in a 18% 44
; 3 » iy + yok \ : vial
Is capible Ui evel VAETIely oi Wilsall.
v ‘
wv aed on the Palmer House, Good
Building, © Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton,
CoO LL&L Coo office. Patton Opera,
house, M. E. church, and on more than -
otie-half of the plastered houses and
stare pooms of Patton, i
Also the Catholic Church St. August-
ie. J |
For prices and information, write
Patton. Pa., Lock Box 345,
J. M. Robinson, Prop'r.
Located on the corner of
Fifth avenues, Im
usiess part
of the town, only ene minute's
walk from the railroad station.
. —t} — :
Rates, $2.00 per day.
A Modern Hotel, heated by
steam—entirely new-—sample
rooms—Ilivery in connection
— first-class mm every respect
—headquarters for Commer-
cial nien.
Good Bar in. connection.
Yeu can save money yy purchasing W. L.
Because, we Are ioe Largest masufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and
the value by stam .
‘prices and the middleman 0
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing gualities. We have them sold every.
where at r prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no.substitute. If your
deiler cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
i : | >
| Columbia,
Price, $125.
The New Century Columbia stands
iv at the head of all fuily
cuipped roadsters, and will success.
ita predecessors have establish
Full details concerning its new
featares in the Columbia catalogne,
which is a beautiful book and full
f fully maintain the high reputation
| of interest. Free upon applicat:ou.
For Sale by C. W. Hodgkins,
Patton, Pa.
Also agent for the Hickory and Hart-
ford: Bicycles,
6 Bam 4
Pacifie FE xpeesd, daily Tap’
W PISCE eh | t
Ba, A