The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 02, 1894, Image 3
Nib el en So 4 a nl WI SS Plo 2 Patton PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1884. Courier. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS 1. Subseribers who do not give axprexs notice to the contrary are considered as wish- ing to renew their subseriptions, 2. If subscribers onder the discontinuance of thelr periodicals, the Pr ilishe TOMY con fine to send them antil paid. 8. If subscribers aught or refuse to take Shetr hefiudicals from the postoffice to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled their bil b td orders] them discontinued. 4. If subserihers move toad her places with out informing the publishers, and the Papers are sent to the firmer address, they arm | PeSpoRaThie. The Courts have decides) that scfish ng fo tare periodicals from the office or romoving and leaving them atienlled fir, is prima macia evidenee of Intentional fraud : 8, If subscribers pay in mivance they are bound to give notices atl the end of the thine if they do not wish to continue king it, other wise the publishers Ix authorised to : and the subseriber will be reaponsthie nntil express notice, with payment of all arrears ages, ix sent to the publisher, Local Time Table, The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as follows: Tmin No. Arrin Mall loses T43-. TAM TO AM ri 55. SON 1932 AM 708-5. .30rN TR. x rs Gaur rn Postoffice hours from 7 P. M. Train numbers marked YN" northbound and “8 southbound. Mother's Boys, ‘Yes, § kriow there are stains on ‘nmiv earpet; The trees of amatl muhly hoot And I soe vomar fair tagw=stey glowing, All wporf loss with Ie fossioms and frais, And I know that muy walls are Atefgored With prints of sirall fingers and hands, And that your own house Hold most tealy In immacniate parity stands, And I Know that my parlor ix Hitend With many old trex « grid toys; While your own is in frst order, UC nharmed hy the Dress Te of boys, And | know that my mom is invaded Quite boldly all hours of the day; While yon sit in yours an molested And dream the soft guiet away. Yes, I know there are foor Hite bedstdes Where | must stand wate hil oneh night While you can go ont in your carriags, And shine in your dresses so b 31! Now, I think I'm a neat I Hike my house orderiv, toes And I'm fond of all dain ty belongings, Yet would nod cheng primey % with yon Nao! keep your fatr home with its o reer Its freedom from bhother ped note And Keep your own fanci fui teste But leave me my four noble boy! : Rilver roms Attend the Camp Meeting At Westover, Pa. - Hot weather this. Pay your subscription. . “Jones pays the freight.” Drink Hodgkin's soda water. « the fats at Mahaffey Friday. Letts’ bread and buns can't be heat, Pry it.-35t2 John Westover came over from Hastings Friday. H. I. Weil, of Philadelphia, WAS in Patton last week. B. Bolomon, of Meloy, Pa. spent Saturday in Patton. Old newspapers for sale at this office at ten cents a bundle. When in Ebensburg go to the Blair house for a good meal. John P. Lee, of Altoona, registered at Hotel Beck Monday. L. L. Gibson came down from Ebens- burg on business last week. A. W. King, of Williamsport,stopped at the Palmer house Friday. If you ‘want a good tailor- made suit go to L. C. Lerch, Mahaffey, Pa. Jonathan and Wm. Nicholson, of Hastings, were in Patton Monday. H. B. McMasters, of New Washing- ton, was a visitor to Patton Monday. John Arnold, of Somersett, was a guest at the Commercial hotel Friday. Go to Sam’! Boyce for flour, feed, hay and all kinds of grass seeds. -23tf Alice A. Asheroft is the leading milli- ner, of this sec tion. Go and see her. | 24 * : : On Friday night about eleven o'clock fire destroyed the mill of Clark, Kizer . - and Kipp, near Anita. Pa. DuBois is makiug big preparations for the Fireman's Convention to be i Meld over there Augast 21. J. G. Solomon, of Dullois, who is a property holder of Patton, was here on business the first of the week. J. E. Ross wife and child, of Gazzam, spent Sunday in Patton. They were guests at the Commercial hotel. For coughs, colds and sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Mr. Patrick Hamil and Miss Ger- trnde Blanchard, of Pittsburg, are guests of the Hon. J. J. Thomas and family. Martin Thomas, who is a patron of the Courier and Jacob Thomas, of Thomas’ Mill, made a friendly visit to this office Tuesday. L. 8. Bell, the clothier, tailor, hatter * and shoe dealer, has a very large new showy *‘ad’’ on the local page of this .paper. You can’t help but notice it. . 0. E. Wilkinson and wife, W. D. Bearer and wife, of Ebensburg, Geo. Bearer, of Clyder, O., and Miss Vogel, of Indiana, visited in Patton on Bun- day. The announcement of the wedding Mr. George Billers, of Allegheny township and Miss Lou Nagle, of Pat- ton, was published at the Carrolltown ' Catholic church last Sunday. all arreamess are The Best Soda Water At Hodgkin's Store. Ball games are plenty. Soda at Hodgkin's drug store, Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. Asheroft's millinery store. 24tf Bargains at Asheroft’s millinery store, 24tf ; For a nice cool drink try Hodgkin's pure soda water, Furniture cheaper th: wn everat H. s Buck's store, 35t3 A large number will go to Wapse nonock on Sunday. CC, C. Jones, of Tyrone, WIN guest at Hotel Beck Friday. John L. Bvérs, came up from West. over on business Saturday. ; Sidney Jones, of Clearfield, was a visitor to Patton last week. W. Wattans, of Tyrone, wis .a guest at the Palmer house Monday. Wm. H. Sandford was at Philipsburg on business the first of the week. J. R. McCans, of Altoona, visited his brother Benj. McCans this week. Mrs. Ellen Hollis, of Gallitzin town. hip is lying seriously ill this week, W. B. Dubs, of Philadelphia, regis- - tered at the Palmer honse Monday. Mrs. Maggie Berringer, of St. Law- rence, was in Patton visiting Friday. Mr. Yeager's new building on Magee avenue is about ready for occupancy. Harry Watson, the painter, has ‘moved his family to Rey noldsv ille, Pa. Miss Mabel Robison, of DuBois. is visiting her r siste r, Mra. E. Will Greene. M. Friedman and M. Cohen, of Barnshoro, were in Patton over Sun- day. : Sol Wartelskey and A. P. MeclLead, of Coalport, drove to this place Mon. day. David F. Rhodes and or P.. Car- roll, both of Altoona, stopped at Hotel Beck Monday. Katie Wilson, who has been visiting at DuBois and Clearfleld, returned home Tuesday. F. H. Barker, the county treasurer, was in Patton Friday collecting the state and county tax. J Mrs. Chas. MacDougal, of Jghnson- burg, visited her son James MacDougal at this place last week. D. Walker, of Greensburg, was among the many traveling men who visited Patton last week. Mat Nolen, who has been visiting friends at Philipsburg the past week, returned to Patton Monday. - Miss Nellie Kemp, of Punxsutawney, is the gnest of her gister, Miss Jennie Kemp at the Palmer house this week. The Italian Murderer Pacifico Vere, who murdered another Italian named Molar at Curwensville last week is still at large. The finest line ladies’ hats and under- wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. Ashceroft’s millinery store in Good - building. -24¢f W. T. Robinson, the Fast Magee avenue merchant, has placed a new | pair of Fairbank’s scales in front of his place of business. For the finest line of millinery. fancy goods and ladies underwear go to Alice A. Ashcroft's millinery store in Good building. -24tf Miss Hat tie McMullen, who has heen viriting relatives in Patton the past month returned to her home at Pitts- burg last Thursday. J. W. Hill, who has been employed as cutter in Bell's tailoring establish: ment, removed his family from this place to Pittsburg Saturday. J. .P. Dann, W. 8 Kregar, H. I. Weaver, and Till C. Negley, of Pitta- burg, four lively traveling salesman, were in Patton the first of the week! “Mrs. C. C. Crowell ia attending the funeral of her sister-in-law at Brisbin this week. She will remain there for two weeks visiting friends and rela tives. : The sisters of mercy of Loretto, were in Patton Monday soliciting scholars for St. Aloysius college at that place. Quite a number from this place expect to attend. ; James Agnew, a miner working in the Star mine, near New Bethlehem, was killed by a fall of ¢ocl Friday, The coal fell on him about 9 o'clock and he died in the afterroon. Adjutant General CGiroenland last week issued warrants ror 325,563.50, the total expense of sending and maintain- ing the troops in the vicinity of Punx- sutawney during the recent strike, The Cherrytree Record has changed editors H. L. Work, formerly editor of ‘the Mohoning Valley Press taking G. A. Gill's place. The COURIER wishes abundant prosperity to the new man. Misses Agnes Kennedy and Delia Shannon, of Pittsburg, and Misses Mamie McGough. of Altoona, and May and Romain Ivory, of Greensburg, Pa., are visiting Misses Annie and Lou Wilt, of near St. Augustine. The partnership existing between Stirman & Pack has been dissolved by mutual consent, N. Pack retiring. The business will be run hereafter under the name of N. Stirman. He will also open a store in Carrolltown.-35t2, ’ ; Mr. J. M. Notely is erecting a new house on the corner of Fifth avenue “and Spangler street. It will be one of the. handsomest and most complete residences in Hastings. ~~ Hastings Tribune, ; H. F. Bott, wife and child, of Greens. burg, have engaged a suit of rooms at the Brandon, and will remain for some time. Mr. Bott is general agent for a cash register, and is a very pleasant and agreeable gentleman. Spangler Sentinel. Chas. Hodgkins, John Bonner, John Boyee, Warren Shepherd, FElery Hartz- horn, Harvey Patterson and W. B. \uman took a trip on their bicycles to Wapsononock, Altoona, and Holidays- biirg Sunday. They rode a distance of ver fifty miles The Raftman’s Journal is responsible for the statement that Clearfield county has within ita borders to-day over S00 people dependent for sapport on the overseers of the poor of the various townships and boroughs. A. E. Patton, accompanied by R. H. Brainard, Sam’l P. Arnold, and Wm. C. Hemlbold, of Curwensville, and P. K. Sprenkle, of Harrisburg, made Pat- ton a friendly visit on Monday. Mr. Brainard, of the party, is the enter. _ prising edlitor of the Cuarwensville Re- view and made the COURIER a fra- ternal call while here. Call again. The mines have been working very steady since the strike and there is prospects of the business continuing good for some time. As soon as the miners receive their pay for a full half month's work it is to be hoped that money will circulate more freely in town and that the present depression will at least, in a measure, he relieved. Reynoldaville Volunteer. When a man is through with his day’s work and is sitting down resting in his home, he cannot read the adver- _tisements on the fences, and the hand bills and circulars that were left on his door step during the day have been blawn away or destroyed. He calls for the paper and there he finds the merchant's announcement, and with nothing to bother him he reads it care- fully, and then calls his wife's atten. tion to it, and they decide to go to the merchant's store and examine what is ‘advertised. EBENSBURG. EBENSBURG, Pa., July 31st, 1594. J. Frank Condron, the popular court reporter, was in town on Monday. Notwithstanding the “hard times, _ Ebensburg has its share of summer tourists, Mrs. Dr. Plank and family of Chris- tiana, are visiting relatives and friends, at Mra. Plank’s old home in this place. Mr. C. H. Perry; one of Chest Springs’ prominent business men, with his wife, visited friends here on Wednesday. H. H. Myers, Deputy Prothonotary, returned home on Monday from Erie, Pa., where he had been serving as a grand juror, in U. 8 court. Rev... Father Leaming. of Youngs town, Ohio, spent a few days last week with hin sister, Miss Leaming, on Jul- jan St Mr. Thomas Strittmatter, who is studying law with the firm of Kittell & Little, of this place, returned on Tues- day last, from a two weeks vacation at his home near Patton. id Gen. Joseph McDonald, of Cumber- land, Md., is visiting at his old home in Ebensburg. : Many prominent citizens of Ebens- burg and Johnstown are advocating the construction of an electric railway between the above named places. This would afford a much more convenient way of traveling for persons desiring to visit either place, The festival held at the Disciple chnreh on Friday and’ Saturday even. ings of last week was a decided snccess, Edwin and Willie Craver, visited their uncle, Thomas Craver, near St Augustine, last. week. On Wednesday next there will be a game of haseball played here between Johnstown and Ebensburg nines, Ebenshurg's baseball club will hold a festival in the opera house, on” Wednes- day evening. ST. LAWRENCE. Sr. LAWRENCE, Pa. July : 1804 Examinations in this district dre over and the schools are all supplied with teachers. Arrangments are be ing made to hold a pie nic here ‘on the 10th of next month. Hastings and St. Lawrence played quite an interesting game of ball last week, Score 8 to Nin favor of St Lawrence Mrs. S. H. Charles, of Hastings, was in town yesterday. The citizens of this community are somewhat disappointed over the change of the mall ‘route as they will be refused the benefit of a through mail. . : A game of ball will be played on the 5th between East Ridge and the home Learn. We have heen informed that F. X. Wentz who has been in lowa the past two years, is coming home this fall to take charge of one of the schools in this district. : One sécond hand Cinderella range and a small oil stove wili be sold very ‘cheap. Call and see them. 35t2 T. W. LETTS. Beginning to-day, Aug. 2nd, and continuing for 30 days, [ am going to offer the people of this town i al counrtry some general bargains. Having a big stock on hand which must “he sold ot Once. we are going to Cut prices away! down and must and will sell the goods. TO START THE “BALL we offer 500 men’s suits worth and marked as follows: 818 00 suits cut down to $16 16 00 . = 14 15 ox ie, "oo ’: 12 ; 2gn ts ah 10 : All $10 suits cut down $8.50, well worth first named price. iy ’ BOYS LONG PANT SUITS. 2 00 St ts cut down to 20 73 -] 6 BOYS KNEE PANT SUITS AS FOLLOWS: 25 30 Suits cut down to 84 00 ai sé “h 300 2.00 oo Suits cut down to 85 30 “i he EY - > : 1-2 : : : i ao i ot . £h: - I 75 : 2 O00 ISO RI SO Suits cut. down to $1.00. MEN’S STIFF and SOFT HATS 20 per cent off on every one. Boys hats same ercemtage off. We have hn undreds of them. MEN'S, BOYS and CHILDREN’ Ss STRAW HATS Bee 30 per cent’ on the dollar. Aw: iy under cost. v NEW DRESS PANTS AS FOLLOWS: £5 00 Pants cut down to #4 00 " 00 Pants out down to $3 25 300 “ 338 250 “L'75 BOYS PANTS CUT SAME RATE. ‘Boys Knee Pants 20 cents, 25 cents, 35 cents and 50 cents, worth 25 per cent. more and - marked that way to sell. MEN'S AND BOYS SHOES also in this Big Cut Sale. : 24 00 Rhoes ent to 83 25 83 50 Shoes cut to 3 00 43 00 Shoes cut to §2 50 $2 50 Shoes cut to £2 00 £2 00 Shoes cut tao £1 685 These are almost cost prices and all nice: new goods bought this Spring, one wanting Shoes to come and see the stock. It wtll pay any- To wind up these tales we want to invite vou to come ond see our stock and buy some goods it vou need theni. All overcoats and heavy wear will be sold 2 5 per cent. less than prices. We have not tacked on prices to come gen n, but have the origi- ‘nal prices marked in plain figures. We have the goods and these prices talk for themselves. - It 1s the greatest chance of a life time for any man to secure bargains that were neveré before offered in the county. When you all know that 1t 1s al i HARD TIMES [ offer prices to suit these times. Come and see ns. It will pay vou to come miles to atte nd these sales Yours Respectfully, LL. SS. BELL. The One Price Clothier, Hatter, Furnidher and Shoe Dealer, The Pattor Fifth Avenue, BUY THE CLEVELAND CYCLES. + High grade is the accepted term for the best that there is as applied to Bicycles. - It embraces a few manufacturers only, and is the basis of more deceit than ordinary minds can imagine. There are scores of different kinds and different named wheels offered for sale to-day that are listed at high-grade prices, advertised as high-grade wheels; and sold by the agent as jah, that are false in this respect from the day they were first thought of until the day they reach the junk shop. They are the production of cheap labor; they are so fin- ished a8 to look well and, to the inexperienced, are easily sold white the artful silesman recommends them as “Nearly as good,” or ‘1 use one myself,” or some catchy remark that cements the sale. Some make the deceit more com: oy Represe nts the tollow- Ing old rehable Fire Insurance COMPANIes: ROYAL, of Liverpool, HOME, of New York, GERMAN, of Pittsburg siete by using good materials, but the cost of the construction is very small : « . he manutacturer secures the co-operation bf the agent by giving him large dis- Also the Equitable Life counts that permits him at times to allow ‘a concession in price ro YOU on retin Fa . . | ., some pretense or other, but more frequently he will stand up in a cold-blooded Insurance cempany, ol N¢ Ww manner and convince yon, or endeavor to convince yon, that a second-grade | York, the largest in the world. manufacture is a high-grade wheel. We cannot caution you too much against : such unscrupulous goods, Beware of false goods! Beware of job lots of bank- rupt factories! . (tet vour bicycle from the agent of a facto that has reputation ) nn responsibility. If you do not know what a high-grac e bic vele is get the d Q & aite I'SO N, opinion of some experienced wheelsman, even if you have to pay for it. E. A.M ELLON, AGENT, : ioe in Cid : | Patton, Pa. “Witux PATTON, PA,