iin Tite Patton Courier. : : : i packed into an article by Edward W. Proprietors. | PATTON PUBLISHING CO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1584. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . «pe one yor, in advanee, £1.16) gy Advertising mites appheation, £9 No rearages are pallid, publisher, Entered at the Posto mm ¢ at Patton class mini] matter ™ py, made known upon papers. discontinm=<l anti! all ar at thé aption of the ir lens as seconds FEDERAL OFFICERS: Donald Cameron, MN, Quay, Hur of UR, sexarons Jf “rishurg, Dauphin county: M, Beaver, Beaver county, Coin Join Pa. . U.& Conyvecron hare. Pa DEY COLLECTOR n Punxsutawney, Joafhosan coo STATE OFFICERS. Bobet E. PILES AN Hicks, Altoona, Fadwsrd PP. Kearns, Pitts WwW Pinson, ty. Pu GIIIVERXOR Pattison, Harrie arg, Pa. Ltevr. Govenrxor ton, Pa. MEY INTERNAL CC AFFAIRS stewart, Norristown, Pa HrYarTe TREASURER Ww; Harrisbirg Pa. AUDITOR (GENERAL. hury, Pa. RUrr. PunLn Ixngruen ON Harrishurg, Pa. SexAToR -P. Gray Meek, Bellefonte, Pa, - AsseMnry J. .L J. 00 Stintrmaan, Sonth Fork COUNTY. OF HOLDING COURT, ist Monday of Manh 18st Monday of Sept. Ist. Monday of June {Cant Monday of Dec, OFFICERS, -Hon, AY, rary. i Lovis A. Watres, Semin. Thomax J Joshi Morrison, I. Metirogy, Harris NL, Schaeffer, TIME PrEsipENT JU hag Barker. CPROTHONOTARY - REGINTER AND Em TreAsvreEr-F. H. Barker. NpeEmirr—J. M Shomaker DErCTY Suwemivi-—-Samuel avis DisrricT Atroryey KR. 85. Murphy, St CoMsissioNens— FP. I, Ditlon, J. ts to, M, Wertz, : Co CoMsisstoNER's Ceri John OC, Gates, COUNTY SUPERINTENDFNT- J. W. Lesch COUNTY BURVEYOR Henry Seanian. CorxTY Avrbprrois Wm J. Jones WW. Berry, James Imtly. : ; Jury CoMMssioxers J. J. Kidd, KE J Blough. Conover Dr. George Martin, Poor Dieerrors-- John Long, crvitle, Raphie]l Hike j BOROUGH OFFICERS. Braarss—W_ I Ixonnelly, CoUNCIL Lineoln 8. Bell, president; SM Wilson, H. C. Beck, B. F. Wise, 2 P, Young, J. F. Bonner, BCHOOL BoApn.-C ( H. Carfronn, secmtary, . arer; Dr. J.B. Niwstuar, EdAminston, © > JUSTICE oF Tit Prack Mellon, TrEAsvREr WW, H Sandfont. CLERK Harvey Patiorson COLLycron Jas, Mellon, Asspsson J, R Corpelins, Avronirors- FF. H. Kinkeand, H. WH IL. Thompson. - JUDGE oF ELECTION A. (i. Abbot, IxspmeToR— A bmham Byers. CHIEF oF PorLicy- Sani Jones, STREET COMM ISKION ER Samuel Addleman, A; Mud soir h Lioyd, dames Rome = Crowell, preside nt: iy Wo. OH. Sandford, tre FI, I. Barton, Samus] das. Jims F, Imale, Winstow, THE REASON FOR IT. Probably the following figares will convey some iden of why a strike in Chicago is always attended by riot, pillage and murder: Population of [Hinols— Native born... ; ; 2 eRe 004 Foreign born. ; . . ‘ Re: 37 : 3 <M AS Population of Cook county. . Native born ia 08 0 ‘oreign bom. ; Q a 1194 922 .Populathm of Cool county, na- tive, white Native parents. Foreign parents 08 HT 5 re mal Population of ( hieage- Native horn In . Foreign horn 649 x4 8 on a “Pe pulsation of Chicagn, native, white 2 26 412 184 mero 9 UD aa Native parents. Foreign parents Poreign horn popu bation In United States in Minos... In Hiinois, Ge rmans In Hlinois, Slavs... a i a Twenty- three per ‘cent. of all Bo- hemians in the United States are in: Hlinois. Twenty per cent. of al! Poles in the United fitates are in Nlinois. : Foren | born population in Chicago fe eed Germany and Ausfria . a {Rassia, Bohemia, ete). a - Ninety-two per cent. of all Bo-| hemians in Tllinois are in Chicago. Fighty-three per cent. of all Poles in Hlinois are in Chicago. Bohemians and Poles constitute most of the Slav population in Illinois | © and Chicago. These are figures calculated to make one reflect over the conduct of a mob in the almost foreign city of Chicago a city containing a population forty - per cent. of which eame from over the water. THE PENNSYLY ANTA railroad em- . ploys 63,000 men on .its lines east of . Pittsburg, and the ‘claim is made that during ~ the recent strikes not a word of dissatisfaction was heard among them. + Fifty-one per cent. of the entire number belong to the company’s relief association, which - last year disbursed in tenefits over $668,000. FOLLOWING is a report of coal ship- ped week before lust by the competing bituminous coal region taken from Saward's Coal Trade Journal: “Poco- ‘hontas, 78,435 tons. ‘umberland, 103, - 532 Beech Creek, 1,385, (Clearfield via Tyrone and Clearfield railroad, 9,697. Broad Top, 15,945." For every dollar spent in missionary , . work, the United States spends $218 in liquor andi$114 in tobacco. ES ——— : “I know an old soldier who had chronic diarrhea of long standing to have been permanently cured by tak- ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and *Diarrhcea Remedy,” says Edward ‘Shumpick, a prominent druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. “I have sold the remedy in this city for over seven years and gonsider it superior to any other medicine now on the market for bowel complaints.” 25 and 50 cent bottles of this remedy for sale by City | Drug Store, C.E Belcher, proprietor. | Thomas, Carroll township; "Rules for the Office Roy. There is a deal of sound wisdom Bok treating on ‘“The Bdy in the Of fice” in the August Ladies’ Home Journal. These rules by Mr. Bok are particularly to the office boys: a Be the first at the office in the mom- ing, and the last to leave it at night Don’t have your hat ready to snatch up and run for the door the moment the clock points to the hour of closing. Let vour employer see vou at vour desk when he goes. Never fear an extra half hour, or hour. Whatever ix given you no matter how trifling it may seem, do it thoroughly. - Do it as if it were the only act of the whole day. Be at your desk as much as vou can; be away from it only when it is abso- lutely necessary. Don’t play; don't foo! at the office; you are not paid for that. Don’t stay to do, out at. lunch longer than is necessary. Ask to be “off ” only when necessity, such as sickness or death demands it. business hours; nor apples, nor Don’t eat during have neither candy, nuts in vour desk. Don’t cut out your pictares and deco- rate your desk or the wall near von with them. Don’t: sulk because sends von to bed early. your mother She does it * that you may be fresh in the morning, ‘and better able to do a good day's work. get. Be truthful. lie” won't hurt. You need all the sleep you can Don’t think a ‘little It will, just as much as a big one, Liars, small or large, never make a success in business. Stick to the truth, even though vou lose by it. You will gain by it later. Keep your boy friends away from the office. They have no business there, and you have no right to have them there. Your employer pays you : to receive his callers— not yours. Be polite to everybody --to the poll dler as well as to your employer's hest customer. Politeness costa nothing, and is more valuable than many things that cost much. Do your very in . When you don’t do that do all you can, but be sure it is your very best, Then will many things come to vou, and you will soon outdistance other vé who do as little as they can, or best only do things in a half-hearted yoy, ; Never mind what other boys do-- you thorough in everything. If yon are that you have the key to success. Fast Typ = ‘ting. The. following is taken from the Clearfield Monitor: “Time and time again have the newspapers of this and surrounding counties published records of fast type setting by L. J. LaPorte, of Curwensville, now foreman of The Monitor. The assertions made of his ‘rapid and accurate work have never been exaggerated. On last Saturday forenoon, July 21st, he struck his old time hustle and in 2 hours and 11 min- ‘utes set 23] inches of S-point brevier, measuring, in printers’ vocabulary, 4,- 207 ems. This is what we call rapid work, arid it is very doubtful if this record can be broken by another compositor within a radius of the five adjoining counties. As an all around printer he has few equals in the State. As a writer he has shown marked ability, and is thoroughly competent to conduct any weekly newspaper published. He ix, indeed, a most val- ' uable man in a printing office and we hope will continue in that line for a number of years yet." -Mr. LaPortis a ' candidate for jnry commissioner on the Republican ticket in Clearfield county. Greatest Show on Earth. A great gala day, the firemen’s eon- vention at DuBois, Tuesday, August 21st, 1894. There will be hose races, band contests, foot races, steamer con- tests and hub races. A day off for the firemen and their friends. Entries from Philipsburg, Houtzdale, Osceala, (lear- field, Tyrone, Altoona, Lock Haven, Williamsport, Ridgway, Curwenavilie, Reynoldsville, Brookville, Punxsataw- ney, Johnsonburg, Renovo and Em- porinm. Grand parade of all com- panies including the Darktown Fire company of Williamsport. prizes. Excursion rates roads to DuBois. - Chareh Dedieatton. on “all. rail- The new Methodist Episcopal church ‘of this place will be dedicated to. the worship of Almighty God on Sabbath, Angust 2 Hi pastor will be assisted by Rev. - Monroe, D. D., Presiding Elder of Se district; and Rev. J. P. Moore, pastor of the Carwensville M. E. church. The services will begin on Friday evening and continue until Sabbath ¢vening. We extend to all a cordial / ‘invitation to attend these services. CHAS, W. Wasson, : Pastor. Nutice To the tax psyers of Patton and northern districta of Cambria county. You can pay your state, county and poor tax for 1894 betweeu now and Septembers 1st, thus saving the 5 per ‘cent deduction if desired at the First National Bank of Patton, Patton, Pa. For Rent. I will now offer for rent rooms in the block known as the A rlington, oppo- site Good’s building. Will rent all or . number of rooms. Jas. MELLON, Patton, Pa. ‘Indiana county. everything. blood. Will drive $500 in Pennsylvania Penstons Granted, Pensions (issue of July 11: have been granted to the Rillowing Pennsyl- vanians: Original Peter Freeh, Genii: Increase . Indiana. Reissne- Simon H. Dreming, Homer City, Indiana county. : Original, widows, ete. Mary A. Hanneghan, Johnstown; Peter Heffel- finger, father: Blairsville: Caroline Pittman, Grant, Indiana county; Ada- line Edelman, mother | Altoona. The following Pennsylvanians have been granted pensions in the issue of July 14: Original ana. Additional W. A. Fulton, burg, Clarion county. Increase—T. T. McColgan, Valley, Armstrong county. Pensions | issue of July 17 Thomas M. Fleming, Samuel A. Douglass, Indi- Rimers- Rural have been granted the following Pennsylvanians: Origrinal--Jonn C. Kagel, Johnstown; Darwin E. Phelps, Kittanning Arm- strong county. Restoration N. Ritchey, county. Increase-—John D. Clearfield county. Original, widows, etc. - Johnstown. and Smicksburg, Indiana —Larris Hinkle, Electric Cars. The Lock Haven Democrat says that the cars for the electric railway, ed with heavy canvas, arrived in that city Priday evening. They are num- beredi 1, 2, 3 and 5, the latter being a summer car. The cars are of the latest designs of motors and have all the necessary improvements. The outside is painted a maroon color, with black and steel stripe. The words, “The Lock Haven Electric Railway,” are lettered in gilt, edged with black stripe. The inside is painted vellow, the centre top being panélled. The seats in the motors run lengthwike, and, as already stated, will hold twenty-four passen. gers. Five windows are on each side and the platforms in front and rear for the motorman and conductor, can be closed in inclement weather. The éars present a very handsome appear ance, and judging from the high classed finishing touches, the workmanship ix first class. The cars were made by the New Castle car manufacturing com- pany. The cars will be stored in the nail mill anti} the company is ready to use them. Fleetric Bitters, This remedy is becoming so wall known and so popular as to need no special méntion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, ‘will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum, and other affections caused by impure system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, - constipation and indigestion try Flee. tric Bitters. Entire satisfaction or money refunded’ Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle at Dr. Belcher's City Drug Store. : Another New Town. A correspondent writes of a growing little town in Blacklick township called Selder's Mill. It is loeated on the township road between Belsano. and the Twin Rocks. The town was found. ed by Mr. Frank Selders, who bought a lot in the woods about a vear ago, and there are now four houses and a store there and more new houses are going up, while sixteen. lots have heen sold and they aré still going very fast. It is an excellent location for a town good water being plenty and the rail road running near. We hope for ita continued growth. Ebensburg Moun- taineer. re : Marrtage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Conrt for the week ending Thursday, July 26, 1594: Charles Gorko Johnstown. Martin'® Maher mons, Johnstown. Oliver (i Plummer, Myrtle A. Lyttle, Routh Fork. Elmer R Berkley and Hershberger, Johnstown Peter A. Yeager and Celln Elder township. Thomas H. Miler Hines, Blacklick List of Unclabmed Letters, The following letters remain in postoffice at Patton for the ing Saturday, July 28, 1864: Philip Endres, J. M. Gray, John P. Frank Richardson, Fred Wads- worth, Geo. Simpson, package, Persons calling for the above letters. will please sav they are advertised. A. Meron, P.M and Mary Sophko, and Mary Fitzsim- Mary A. Thomas, Martha A. and township, the week Lee, - Notice, I hereby notify all persons that Har- riet Montgomery has left my bed and board without just cause or provoca- tion and that I will not pay any bills contracted by her from this date, and also warn that ne one will harbor her in any way, as they will be prosecuted according to law. MATTHEW MONTGOMERY. St Augustine, Pa., July 13, 1504. then bought one bottle of Dr. reissue Ephriarng DuBois, cover. Ww #ourteen vears old, Suminerhill, “WM DAVIS, 1¢trn : end- : Twi Lives Saved, Mrs. Phoebe Thoni-s, City, IIL, was told by her doctors she had the consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely ered her and she says it her life. Mr Thos Eggers 138 Florida St, San Franeiseo, suffered from a dread- ful approaching tried without result everything else, King’s saved consumption, of id, New cured. Discovery and in two weeks He is natarally thankful. of which these proves the It is are wonderfnl roan its, that such samples, efficacy of this medicine in conghs end | colds Free trial bottles at "Dr. Belch- er's Drug Store. | Regular sdze cents and §1. City Chest Spring’s Grist WHI, The steam grist mill at Chest Springs, lately purchased by Wm. K. Douglass, is being remodeled and fitted with modern machinery, amd com- pleted will be one of the best mills in Western Pe mney! Ivania. Mr. Douglass has seeured the services of one of the Ee in the State, to have his plant in operation the middle of next month. when and expests abaut Kenneth Bazemore had fortune to Chamberlain's Diarrhea Remedy the ood small bottle of Cholera and when three of his were sick with dysentery. This all and he receive a Colic, family one small bottle cured them had some left which he . Baker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewistown, -N. cared him of the same ‘complaint When troubled with dysentery, dinrrhaea or < holera morbns, Five remedy a trial and von will be than pleased with the praise that nataraily foliows intro- duction and vse has made it very pop- 25 and 5) cent botles for sale by E. Belcher, Prop. gave to and it colic, this mare result. its ilar. City Drag Store, C. Coon] Rew Horses, “One We excellent horses will he entered for the are reliably informed that races at our Agricultural fair next harses that have a record These horses have month un- der 2:14 enred on account of our fair being held earlier than usual and also on acéonnt of several of our neighboring counties heen "Er having concluded not to hold a fair this coming fall. Cambria Herald My boy was taken with a resembling bloody flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. doses of it settled the matter and cured him sound and well I heartily recommend this remedy to all per- wns suffering from a like complain’. I will answer any inquiries regarding it when stamp is inclosed. 1 refer any county official as to my reliability Wm. Roach, J. P., Prmroy, ( "ampbe sll Co., Tenn. For sale by City Drug Stare, C. E. Belcher, proprietor to Fastray Notioe. Came to my premises, on June 25, 1884, a brindle cow, white legs, with lower part of body white and white spot on left shoulder and on head, with large horns, about Cow has calf now. Wu. PyLes) Patton, Pa. malaria fron the July 23, 1894, Fine Photograph The different views of Patton on the taken »y Photographer ith. of July, Farbaugh, of Carrollitown, fine and better work could been done if a man had been procurred from any Lirge place, on sale at the COURIER office. are very not have New Postmisters, “The following Pennsyl masters received their appointments last week: Moses M. Shaw, Brad dock: Fred A. Seitz, Freeport. Arm strong county; J. 8%. Sloan, ° New Bethlehem, Clarion county. vama post. Dissolution Notice, Natieo & hereby given that HICTY sulssiatitieg Detwien A. 0. § No Buek, of Patton. Pa, under tu of Fisher & Baek, was disseaivied consent on the 2st day of Jaly, Ih Wing Ws the sare smrtiaershin 1 - Vest Diy The sab 110% Haek, 1nd wll doy 1d TEES oi the wad A parti redid new to Iw HN -IOF my thei 2 WH. Reuel Somerville, ttornev-at-Law, PA Office in the Good Building. Pa. PPh Ad FEON, if Fie1s “ EBENSHURG, PA. ness promptly attended to ory. Hall, L McNEFL, BARBER AxD Hal DRESSER. [re thee pews forme ei perp psbid hy Oto 6 5 bosses Cpe Hs work tevin} Hair 2, shiva Dros First lines LX cents, Mhgvie HE onnts sires raed Seg Boman 100 ine "nts HARRY MeCORMICK, . PHYSICIAN AND Offer anid residonoe Ort Mig to John Yahner's Ha M.D. SEG EON, PATTON. PA Veni, twn re «tore Syetad attention gf note | smse of Children Wan (3600, | The : And everything disease. Two or about. with four The pictures are’ ERI TREY ext SAM'L BOYCE, of Junction Successor to John Otto) DEALER [N- and Feed, Hay, Grain, Lime, : Fie 3 Prices [.owest for the CASH. Store on Beach Avenue, near R. Depot. A. G. Diehl. Successor to Samuel EB. Jones, PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH, Magee Avenue, Across Chest Creek. HORSE SHOEING. A specialty. Prices are moderate. All work done with neatness and Siqpatens Call and See Me, A. G. DIEHL. Patton, Pa. A Modern Time Piece Is a necessary companion, Vatches and Watches, but There the Watches that JAS. W. HOY, sells von will ran and keep time with the sun. at lowest prices, A full line of Ww abiion and 4 Clocks Repairing and Engiaving | a Specialty, fitted ane rately “All repair work Guarranteed. Full line of Spectacles. Yours eyes Good Building, Patton, Pa. Everbody is cordially invited to call of goods which and see our large stock are offered for sale at our store AT A REASONABLE PRICE. I be our constant effort to supply the wants of all our cnstoners from. and keep a good class of goods to select We have a full line of DRY 5000S, BOOTS AND SHOES, GRCERIES, ‘kept in a first-class general store. We make a specialty of the best grades of - i 1 FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, CARPETS kept on hand. assortment of TING, A large “ Ete., GRAIN, - ETC. , OIL CLOTH, MAT Also QUEENS. WARE, DISHES and TINWARE- All cinds s of ‘Shelf Hardware kept on hand. No trouble to show goods. Come in and look around. Respectfully GEO. S. GOOD, Patton, Pa.’ Read the Patton COURIER AND KEEP POSTED. Send it to your friends at a dis- and they interested in the Northern ( ‘ambna. ance. will | there by become deve loper ments of When You Want JOB WORK Paronize Your Home Printing Office. The: COU RIE R all new type, ne practical mn nan and is equip ped with WwW presses and ad CH Pa charg IT IS the aim of the publishers of the COURIER to make it more than a Local Paper (which gives only the Ossi of the neighborhood) and nm: ke it worthy of the sup port of all this sec Hon. AD Parrox COURIER and you will be happy. »
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers