The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 19, 1894, Image 3

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oot Informing
. &re pent to the former add ress, they ar:
- Tuesday in town.
was the guest of his brother, John
Drink Hodgkin's soda water.
Patton Gouri er. | | How about that pig ordinance.
ald . : a te
PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. Did y on Have your Tortune Sole
en ree | Mary Wilson is visiting friends at
THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1894. | Westover.
| H. L. Weaver, of Freeport,
i Monday in Patton.
1. Subsaeribers who do not give. exproas |
notice to the contrary are considersd wish.
i renew their st Ons,
or subscribers or discontinuance | §
of their
feals, the publisher may ocon- . .
tinne to end them until all arrearages ony Guy Sny der, of Clearfield,
| Patton over Sunday.
rs perio from Jon he poston to with | The streets of Patton present quite 3
they Dave settied nt bills and ordered them fine appearance now.
4 If subscribers move to other places with-| Smith Williams, was over from Hast.
the publishers, and the pe ory ings on a visit Toy fay.
Elmer L. Clark, of DuBois,
! and around Patton.
visited in
8. The Ojurta have decided that refusing to
ake perioaion from the office or remoying | at Hotel Beck this week.
ntentional fra
a called 3 Jor, in prima fa
8 If subscribers ¥ 4 w they are Black raspberries are selling at six
bound to give ers pry In 1 of the time if cents a quart ir Patton.
they do not. kisah 1 continue taking it: other-
Wise the publishers ia authoritred to snd it
BERRI ar Spencer, is lying quite ill.
$8 sent ty the po » T. B. Harnish, of Harrisburg,
| guest at Hotel Beck Friday.
Carl, a four-year-old son of Watson
was n
Loe! Time Table.
The hours of arrival and departure |
of trains at the Patton Station are as the Commercial hotel Friday.
W. Weil, of Altoona, registered at
"the Commercial hotel Monday.
C. A. Stolz, of Altoona, is visiting his
ian 3 Ee | brother, U. S. Stolz, this week.
Postofice hours from 7 A. M. {0 s If you want a good tailor-made sui
P. M. . go to L. C. Lerch, Mahaffey, Pa.
Train winbors ‘marked “ON W. J. Jones, of Philipsburg, stopped.
nonhioud and “S" southbound. at the Commercial hotel Monday.
; iC. M. Schroeder, of Tyrone, was x
' guest at the Palmer house Friday.
Read the Board of Health ordinance
~ on the fourth page of the COURIER.
i A large nuwaber of traveling salesmen
| vigited Patton the first of the week.
W. A. Gunison, of Huntingdon, reg-
istered at the Palmer house Monday.
Mo to S8am’'l Boyce for flour, feed,
hay and all kinds of grass seeds. 23tf
A. L. Resendale, of Raltimore, reg.
istered ~t the Palmer house Saturday.
A: f Same of
waa welcome visitor to Patton Toes
Alex. Dunsmore and son Robert, of
Philipsburg, are stopping in town this
Mag Closes,
T0 AM |
Yom and Ruth's Courtatiip.
An old-fashioned courtship
© A ever you knew,
No nonsense about it,
No useless ado.
Tm knew me from childhood,
I'd knowed him the same,
And so he just asked me
To alter my name.
Ard blushing, I answered
". His.manly request:
“pr 1do if it please yon,
er you think best.
-T did not say to him,
As many would Nov:
To test how far thereby
Hix patience wonld go.
* No foolish negation
Attended our vow;
- He acted, 1 consented,
And his I am now.
"And thus my companions,
Where love vou bestow,
If sired the one goestion,
Ruy ves sir—r no,
~ROT IAretto,
No vain hesitation,
Nag simpering then:
No nsking p tion
Of good honest men:
Yeidon't be to forward,
No lady is bold;
Bat when Jove is plighted,
© Youcannot be ooid,
warm weather by in Chest
If you 3
try Hodgkin’ & soda water.
| mense,
Rembrant Peale, of Philadelphia,
. was in Patton on business Monday and
‘ Toesday. i
Hon. James Kerr, of Clearfield, vis-
ited among friends in Patton the latter
part of last week.
T. G. Cronover, the pleasant little
| cigar man of Lancaster, was seen on
| our streets Friday.
A Punxsutawney lady had a tamor
; . wish io be cooled off go and
And that was the manner Ct
We conrted and wed; It is
No haste, nor kong waiting,
- No whimsteal dread,
But calm and colleotad,
Our hearts beat as one;
Of doubts and saspicions
Our spirits had none,
Hix friends are my nebghheores,
And friends of his Roth
Were friends of my Thomas
And known from our vi ath,
Thos knowing we loved ‘them,
And they every soul,
Asized God that Hiab blessing
Otir lives might enntrol.
Pr. W. M. Gray.
Beantifol evenings.
The trotit season is over.
Clean ap your old rubbish.
Soda at Hodgkin's drug store.
Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.
Asheroft’s millinery store, -24tf
. Hogs are still at large in Patton.
LJ. Points came over from Altona |
The farmers are Somplaning of dry
seventy-five pounds.
-W.H. H. Bell, Sr., and wife, of Me-
- Keesport, are visiting their son, L. 8
‘and Jas. Bell, this week.
J. F. Roth child, a traveling sales-
man, of Buffalo,
day drumming op trade.
Misa Lucy Beck, of Water Street,
Huntingdon county, is visiting her
father, H. C. Beck this week. :
nw ys millinery | Edward Denny, of Loretto, was mar-
store. 24tf :
‘ried in Altoona last week to Miss
A.W, Glasser, came over from Hast- | Mary C. Brennan, of that city. ’
ings Satarday. For eonghs, colds and sore throat try
For a nice cool drink try ‘Hodgkin’ RL cough care. Guaranteed by C..
pure soda water.
R. G. Shutt, of Howard, Pa., spent |
W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf.
CR McDonald, representing the
! Crescent Soap company of Wellavile,
.0., was in Patton on business Monday.
Miss Ida Eckenrode, of Carrolitown, |
and Miss Emma Nichdlson, of Hast
‘ings, spent Sunday among friends ‘in
- For flour, feed, hay, etc,
Sam’]l Boyoce.-23tf
Old newspapers for sale at this office
at ten cents a bundle.
When in Ebensburg go to the Blair
* homse for 1 good meal.
E. C. Behe, of Allegheny, was a visi-
tor to Patton Monday. :
'N. W. Searight, of Pittsburg, waa in
town on business Friday.
8. F. Dailey, of Chicago, stopped a
the Palmer house Monday.
Forest fires did considerable damage
to the farmers near Patton. :
James M. Stewart, of Pittsburg, was
in town the first of the week.
Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading milli:
ner, of this section. Go and pee her. -
Mrs. 8. M. Wilson visited at New
~ Washington and ( en ( ampbe «11 this
-Howan Yerger and J. E. Snyde r, of
Curwensville, were visitors to Patton
Chas. Reilly, Esq., of Williamsport,
go to
putting in several terra cotta sewers
-for the drainage of Fifth and Magee
‘avenues. :
For the finest line of millinery, fancy
t goods and ladies underwear go to
| Alice A. Asheroft's milline ry store in
Good building. -24tf
Ellery Hartzhorn, Harvey Patterson
and Jas. W. Hoy rode to Mahaffey on
their bicycles Saturday turned
“to Patton Sunday afternoon
P. J. Deitrick, C. F. Lather,
Stolz, Albert Flick, V.
‘Joseph Wirtner, all o
drove down to Patton Sand ;
On Saturday the grading on the
Blackirck railroad was finished. The
track is laid and ballasted for nearly
eight miles west of Ebensburg. HT
and re
of Carroll
Miss M: aggie Watson,
ping at Hotel Beck, was called to her
home at Huntingdon Monday to the
“deathbed of her nephew, Master Fred
Tre snlary of the Ebensburg post
office has been increased from $1,400 to
$1,500 and Hastings posto flice has beer
of the Sterling Coal company, passed reduced from $1,100 to $1,000 for the
through Patton Tuesday evening. | coming year.
Try Magic drops for pain, internal Mr Joseph M. Libby, one of the
and external. Guaranteed by C. W. 'oldest citizens of Northern Cambria
Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf | county, died at the residence of his son.
C. W. McCormick, representing the Mr. A. DD. Libby, on Monday. - ~Hast-
German National Building and Loan ings Tribune. -
association, of Pittsburg, was in town | Stirman & Pack, of this place, will.
on business Friday. ' about August 1st, open up an exten-
A gang of gypsies camped: near Car- | | sive clothing and general store in Car-
rolltown Sunday and quite a vymber frclitown in the room formerly occu-
drove up from this place to have their pi 1 by Buck. & Co. as a hardware
fortunes told and to trade horses. |store.
who is stop
Reilly, this week.
Geo. W. Harrold, a traveling sales-
man of Allegheny, stopped at the Com-
mercial hotel Tuesday.
Jas. L. ‘Nicholson, general manager
| wear to be found anywhere «ut Alice A.
Considerable sickness is reported in
came over from Philipsburg last week
J. W. Smith, of Tyrone, registered at.
"Luther was the lowest.
The boys are making good use of the
removed a few weeks ago that weighed
N. Y.. was here Mon-
Reading Fagle says:
The borough commissioner has been
hest in
© artiet of such ability,
The finest line ladies’ hats m7 ux der- Will Hall Burned.
Asheroft’s ‘millinery store in Good Clinton county, wae visited by one of
building. -24tf : the biggest fires in the history of the
The CoURIER is glad to note that Dr. county Sunday. At 12:30 an alarm of
J. Harry McCormick, who has been fire wasgiven and all the people of the
confined to his bed for the past few borough ‘taried out. The town has
days, is able to be around again. no water works nor an organ ized fire
Mrs. RC Bryson and little son, ac- department, therefore the place was!
left in a bad way. The fire was first
ied by he . Miss Smith,
OTRpa y her sister ' discovered in a stable.
and visited in Patton for a few days
The Hastings Tribune of last week
had the following: ‘Patton celebrated
stable was enveloped in flames and the
efforts to extinguish them were in-
effectual. The flre soon spread from
the Fourth of July with a big blow-out, building to building.. The Lock Haven 2
which was a success in every _partico- | fire company
was telephoned for and
Jar. ™
- soon appeared, but not in time {0 save
Ane xchange says the country editor much property. Forty-three buildings
has enough to worry him these hard were consumed. The loss is estimated
times without being bothered with 4t about 250.000, There was about
letters from girls asking how to take $16,000 insurance. Quite a number of.
‘grease out of an accordian pleted, people are Jeft homeless.
“skirt. ;
The contract for furnishing the lum-
ber for the new school building was
last week let to DD. A. Lather, Jr. of
Carrolliwown. The order is a large one
and there were many. bidders, but Mr.
. Petty Thieves,
Again there is considerable stealing
‘done in and around Patton. This
week two calves belonging to John
B. Overberger were slain in his flelds
and the meat stolen leaving the hides
lying on the ground. Wm. Karlheim
The fire company building was some: alas had two calves stolen in the same
what twisted up last Friday cavsed by manner and two sheep were: taken !
the severe wind storm. The lower from the slaughter house of P. P.
front part of the building gave way, young & Bro. All the meat, butter
but was soon put in place again by the and other eatables belonging to Hugh
members of the company. : Hagan and Mr. Kritzer were taken out
The Bellwood Bulletin has an adver. of their spring houses and other parties
tisement in last week's issue which have heen visited by these thieves in
read as follows: ‘“Whiskey can now be the past two weeks. They have even
obtained at the Meadville house at’ 5 dug up potatoes ont of the ground for
cents per glass; beer two glasses for a several people in Patton and on the |
nick#l.’’ Hard time prices sure.
Harry Strittmatter, son of Mr. south of town,
An- It is’ time these people.
A few minutes sells you will run and keep time with the sun.
after it had broken out the whole 3t lowest prices.
Mill Hall » thriving little town of A Modern Time Piece
Isa necessary companion. There
are Watches and Watches. but the Watches that
: : JAS. W. HOY,
Repairing ond Engraving
Specialty. All repair work Guarranteed. Full line of Spectacles. Yoirs eyes
tted accurately.
Good Building, Patton, Pa.
Everbody is cordially invited to call and see our large stock
of goods which are offered for sale at our store
It will be our constant effort to supply the wants of a'l our
customers and keep a good class of goods to select
wv é have a full line of
farm of Mr. Strittmatter, who lives Ando every thing kept 1 ima fratelass gre nes ral store. Ww ¢ make
drew Strittmatter, of Carroll town. Were caught and made an example of. a specialty of the best grades of
ship, and Mr. Severn, son of W. C.
Severn, of Carrolitown, who are at St. Again the COURIER representative
Vineent's studying for the priesthood is indebted to Mrs, Dorsey Myers for a
] their professional quantity
The * ‘Courier Remembered
Last work made
of her delicious ice cream
: Patton Mrs:
A representative of a western rail- endeavored to
road was in Bellwood this week hiring please her patrons by serving to them
men to work on railroads. He wants only the dantiest and most palatable
engineers; firemen and brakemen and home-made cream to be found anywhere
we understand that he succeeded fairly and that she has been eminently sue.
well in Bellwood, securing a number cessful is attestad by her large and in-
of men. Bellwood Bulletin, creasing patronage. Mrs. Myers has
An Indiana minister inadvertently’ of the most delightful locations to
made an announcement like this: De found in Patton and the pleasant
“There will be services this afternoon interior makes it a most inviting re-
at 3 o'clock at St. Ann's in the Fast treat in saltry weather, a fact that
End; there will also be services at 4 duly appreciated by tke
o'clock at St. Mary's in fhe West £nd. one they have been quick to take ad-
Infants will be baptized at both ends. vantage of.
The applications for positions as
school teacher in the public schools of The party
this county are more numerous this county, which met in
year than usual, no less than 208 hav. Gallitzin recently, consisted of but
hy been examined up to Tuesday twenty-three delegates out of a pos-
evening and the examinations not be sible 148, who nominated the following
ing nearly finished. — Ebensburg Moun- candidates: Alex. Lang, of South
taineer. " Pork, and James W. Killduff. of Gal-
Mrs. Geo. W. Swank, of this place, litzin, for assembly; J. 8. Wicks, of
whom we gave mention several weeks South Fork, for sheriff; Ira Bloom, of
ago a8 being seriously ill with erysipe- Cambria township, for poorhouse di-
Since having located in
Myers has constantly
Cambria Penpio's Party.
of C
People's ambria
las. is now confined to her bed with rector, and Jacob Buck, of Allegheny
entero colitis of the bowels. Dr. Mur- township, for jury commissioner. —
ray, who was called in consultation Ebensburg Herald.
on Sunday evening, reports her case as Died at Gailitain,
somewhat serious. Jos. M. Howells died at his home in
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Hunting- ‘Gallitzin on last Tuesday
don, W. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank aged 41 years. Mr. Howells Fad been
public and!
wvening, |
Christie, of Gallitzin, visited Mr. and a resident of Ciallitzin all his life, his
Mrs. E. A. Mellor last week. Mrs. parents having formerly" lived there.
- Stewart's father, John C. McGuire, was He is survived by his wife and four
the very first settler in this place. - He children, his parents, 2nd the following
built the old Marks grist mill and was brothers and sisters: Fannie M., of
the founder of sev eral other lind marks Gallitzin,; Mm. Janes Lyman, Jas. B.,
in Patton. Geo. H., Ada, ard Elwood, of Altoona. |
Miss Lottie M. Unger, of Reading, He was a member of the Independent’
Pa. visited friends in Punxsutawney ¢ornet band of that place and also the
and this place during her fwo weeks’ Sons of Veterans. © Both societies turn-
vacation commencing July Ist. The ed out at his funeral.
“Miss U nger is a, Wagon Yhed Barned. -
young and talented musician and is wagon shed on the farm of Thos,
held in high esteem by the different yier nesr Chest Springs was burned !
denominations where she Is employed ¢, the ground on the night of the 4th.’
as organist.’ The family were at Chest Springs at-
“Om Monday of last week Dr. Rice, of tending festivities of the day and knew
Hastings, assisteci by Dra. Bennett and nothing of the fire until their return,
Worrell, performed a remarkabic¢ oper. The shed was a large one and was used
ation on Mr. Jas. Kingston, of Irvona, to store all the farm machinery. Mr.
for the relief of a Lecrosis of the ribs Miller lost. besides the building, a mow-
and breast bone.” The cperation was ing machine, wagon, plows, harrows, |
extremely severe, entailing the removal ete. The fire
of a portion of one rib and a deep in- been of an ineendiary
The patient is town News
origin. — Carroll-
cigon into the chest
doing well. ;
Mr and Mrs, W. Gi. Comerford, of Lo- In the recent te achers’ coupon von-
retto, have returned home after having teat for trips offered by the Pittsburg
spent weveral days visiting their daugh- Times two Cainbria - county teachers
er, Mrs. D. A. Buck, of Fifth avenue. are among the nn winners, Miss
Paring thy COURIER repre- Kate Higson, of Johnstown, having
sentative had the pleasure of Listening received 21.793 and Miss Ella
te. a nn of piano selecti by Barnett, of South Fork, 16,582. Among
Mrs She is a rare per- other Cambria county teachers who
in that instrument having re- ran a large vote were Miss Annie M.
r musical education from the with 1.037; Miss
structors in France and it was Mary Kinkead, Johnstown, with 8.402
treat to be able to listen to an and Miss Allie Lioyd, Ebensburg, with
List of § ne tai med Letters. Prawned at Renovo, Cr
The following letters remain in the} James Henry Chambenial, aged 204
postoffice at Patton for the week end- years, of Akron, (0, was drowned while
ing Satarday, July 14, 1384: bathing in the river at. Renovo Mon-
Messrs. Drennen & Co, Miss Ella day night about 9 o'clock. It is sup-
Kritzer, Mrs. Wm. Manning, Jarces N. posed he was taken with cramp, as he
Smith, Edward Greenaway, Wm. Pow-scalled for help, and before it was
ell, W. Parcell, R. D. McNamara, <2). possible for help to reach him he sank
Persons calling for the above letters for the last time. The body was re-
will please say they are advertised. covered in less than half an hour after
E. A MELLON, P. M. the accident occurred.- —Lock Haven
Fine Photograph. ; Express,
The different views of Patton on the
sth of July, taken by Photographer | wish to express thanks to the neigh-
Farbaugh, of Carrolitown, are very bors, friends and the Knights of Golden
fine and better work could not have Eagles and Knights of Pythias for their
been done If a man had been procurred kindness shown at the death and fun-
from ny ac. The Dictutes are eral of my husband.
on sale at the COURIER office. Mrs, Avcuer MoREAD. :
Lucky Toachers,
ir visit the
mhey ns
iy TPT
etvod his Jones, -
indeed a
' .
supposed to have
Etc., kept on hand. Also QUEENS.
ws of Shelf Hardware kept on hand.
- No troubl le to show goods. Come mm and look around.
Respe: tfu)
Patton, Pa.
large assortment
All kis
Read the
Send it to your friends at a dis-
tance and they will the reby become:
interested in the developeme nts of
Northern C ambria. :
When You Want
Paron: re Your Home - Pginting ( Mhce.
NCW Presse
and comp
wn char
all new type,
man gC
a See
Paper (which
rt of all this
publishers of thie
gives only of the 1
and make it worthy ot th re supp
IT [S the aim of the
to make it more than. a
the OSS 5
Reap tHE Parrox Courier]
‘and you will be happy.
A full line of Wathes ane (locks