The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 19, 1894, Image 2
TI gn a a iii i PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. rearages are paid, unless al the option of the alien. | sovernment. When the country under- Pp go Entered at the risburg, Dauphin county: M. #5, Quay, of | trousers, COats and vesta, Beaver, Beaver county. i bu > : i DEPTTY Cortgcror — RW, Dinsmore, ; “ton, Pa. stewart, Norristown, Pa. burg. Pa. ¢rville, Raphie] Hile” : Wimon, H.C. Beck, B. F. Wise, P.P. Young, | Pockets, and Hints on Serving Fruits, trio plant, C1 WHEL. Thompson, «in the country during the past months ony Jit will be wall to study a few statistic = .sylvania’ . Her builders will receive the enormogs | The best salve in the world for cuts, | Ta 1 L PEARL HARSOR. rnin i to Be the Pacifie’s Gibraltar live. w No finer trip ont of Honolulu can be THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1504. | forty five stars in the flag and supply | route is jnst outside the surf line. A | the last link in the central chain of light boat with a small load may go in- | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. gide the hreakers. So soon as the boat is | One copy, one your, in advance, - - $1.00 | so Advertising rates made known upon | DEBS attempted to tie-up the rail- | sport begins The water is alive with i app leation. ‘roads of the country in defiance of monster turtles and big sharks You s@No word Aiscontinned until all ar ! . . States may shoot the former or hook the latter. | © pay Federal laws and the United Ex to the craft gets intothe break : : inn the trip is heighte to | Postaffice at Patton as second. took to tie-up Debs it didn't take more | opine shoo Pin Belght A. | cline mall matter. ; _ : men than fifteen minutes. | : : : + boat means a ducking, if nothing more. A big cut in all summer suits and | Mallet flop out of the water in the old i | Kalihi fishing grounds, and when well BELL, The Clothier. | into Pearl harbor you pass the famous | The Delineator shay apa more Elia pruerene is called t hoti- Ducks fly overhead, 3 \ " i mev. Jefferson county, Pa, { For Ang Soeiles the hnanel s a tance back from the shore line there are | PUnxsBtawney, telrs gy | day number, and In every respect | wild turkeys, pheasants and occasional- STATE OFFICERS. | worthy representative of this popular | ly a pig. Ford's island is viewed with | Govenrxonr — Robert FE. Pattison, Harris | magazine. The summery fashions are | in 2 FEDERAL OFFICERS. | U. 8 sgxarons-J. Donald Cameron, Har | CONGRESSMAN — John D. Hicks, Altoona, | Th. &_ ConLrecren—-Fdward P. Kearns, Pitts terest. ; burg. Pa. sco Louls A. Watres, Scran- | pleasing to the eye and will be found | When Pearl harbor is an accomplish- | LARUT. GOVES : | SECT Y INTERNAL Avrarms—Thomas J. ! very satisfactory by those who have ed fact, with Easel Date A I : , Srrison, | delayed the completion of their warm- trance, the is ve be is HA MEY Jolin “W, Nor ‘ fortifications ‘the modern mid-Pacific n SHUEY a. shun, Pa. : y : Re rng Meek, Bellefonte, Pa. | special interest this month. There is Ewa. plan COUNTY. TIME OF HOLM NG COURT. i ’ g : ist Monday of Xarch jst Monday ah Rept. ] Mawr, '89, contributes a very inter neers. Ist Monday of June Ht Mommy "| esti er on A Girls Life and OFFICERS. | esting paper Ol ParsiprxT JUnsv-—-Hon. A, V. Barker, PrOTHONOTARY J. 8 Barby, CC Setonith BrGISTER AXD RECORDER—1), A. MC oh = ; Treasvrer--F. H. Barker, : Typuewriting and Stenography as AD | ope REERIFY-—J. WM. Shumaker. DEPUTY SHERIFP-Samuel Davis, Dierrrer ATtorNey- RS. Marphy, Geo. M. Wentz, on seinen Ren a nt pation Courier, ITER TTR ase IMME ND. 22 “ . —N.C 8 er, | : - ; Cwith adequate Reet. PORLIC (x9TRUCTION— N.C. Schack "land fancy work generally, have also doned shark rending kettles noted, the n bik ute a ated mower. | ‘ on, with its large drained, clenned or Hg, wre, deck 01] ne ineh in foar feet, except in those oases | cert poe pr \ Carmd] sownship: | | : an I nnismpees, and to be illegal and every pra 4 Assgxwiy—d, J. Thomas atm [n additien a suggestive and useful mill and wide canefields, melt ‘into the having aided tn crmting or contribulingglo Ue | sores «EL y! article on dressing for stout ladies. Of scene. Glasses are then trained upon sine, of whe ay hp I potas i i z : anv of them, sha wr eTrex ’ p- the nerial subjects, Edith Child, Bryn the splendid ranches of -farsecing pio- i thorn of this ordinance, and also be table for the tedy, wrid close the Each holding is a little empire. expose of the abatement and remedy there | oti “Gn bowl oF : : 4 water passed the launch 1 a ; Work at the University of Bryn Mawr, Er o at apy At the wi lat substance of any Kind, shall he thrown ; ti E> on the street, road, ditch, gutter or puldie piace and F. E. Parrish a practical article on | landing is tied the yaché Kainland, of within the limits of this borough, amd no patrid © peo taion shall also be msde for admitting alr some enthusiast tells. She ||” Aremying anitnal or vigetable matter shall |, ihe hoosadrain sideof the main trap, if ; - A . {he Kept inany Moder, cellar or adjcining oats Employment for Women. The contri- | {g waiting to be loaded with rice from ' tuiiding or gronnds for mare than twenty -foar ! : : , | 23 ta . . | butions on Venetian Iron-Work, and the mill with its tramway to the dock. | "QO xo person or persons, without the | a WN PJ. Dillon, J. @. Lioyva, | re Z . Ta cocoanut | —t { the Board of Heslith, Shall baild or np kod with lead. Coxsone : Crepe and Tissue Papers, provide 'Ricefields, taro patches, | Canment of 8 ter house within the Imits of | Re” and ontke ) authority of the same. ; ih ’ froin the roads, nd other pig Sigerrros 1, That whatever is dapgerons (og, robes. Th rs ON Buinan ite or health, Waiver rengy whe aly : e on : or tood or water or other drin srs who leaomie, | weather ward pape station of the United States. As an an- «whatever building, enetion, of part os cel: i . ; nL ire Harris | 3 i i AUDITOR GEVERAL—D. MeGrogg, Ha * | knitting, netting, tatting, crocheting cient salt plant is passed and the aban- thereof, is overcrowded, or not provided FOR THE |e Jot will allow of any well sprisg or other sores | poses; uniess the surface o pool or reservoir js a at lower level than the bot- | of a minor, to cause $4 tom of such well. Furth vated, within «x months from theiderte of OF THE . : | clomets, with no vault, pit or depression jessnge of this unless vinsl ea ————— 5 f po > the surface of the gras, Shall te so by g Sa ¥ i { ) i uo . v 3 % regulation, sufficient dry varth or | Tore admission of Utah wil give u% | made than to Poarl City by water. The | pup GUGH OF PATTON | afte ust ne ve ay bcs ail he | {hi boromgh, om > | fuid part of the deposit, and the contents must | sdnit, or parent, water used for drinking ‘or ve fe he privies snd esrth - below completely renoved al. least once every |g month. Health, - and to Prevent the Spreading of Commu- i tf Ty i i semi : | reservolr, : are within the Dmita of this horoagh i A ; . : ; | tight, within the limits of this horough. ; | ture glory in. Loss of control of the | 1, tye of the powers conferred by | "See. m. No sewer drain shail empty into shy | health, shall 47 ' £1 ake, pond or other sonree_ of water t jor the Act of Assembly, April 3, 1851, A orpmem, or into ANY standing water, | or 8 1 | disense, withing Sec. 1, P. L. 320, Also, Act of iw Assembly of the llth day of May... ny, nthe antumn 1 flor Bewoagh' who has not had ; phx, or bes dnnted so as 10 have taken coW-pe ¥. 10 be, if an adult, vaccinated, or; in 0 PARSON € 1 minor, as are stat O08 oe unable 3 os | poverty to the vaccination | . Suc. 18, A) privy-vaults, cess-poois OF reser. | nate sald adalt or said minor un - extending from ocean to Sean fairly headed for Barber's point the Better : Preservation of the Public voir as above Famed shail ee clennev out at | Hill therefor, ; suthen ; | Tm : Least twice un year, once in the spring not inter | pmount pot ¢ ding the fee than the 15th of M ] such serview, 10 récove | not earlier than the ith of Otobwer of each YeRT, " | they shall be thoroughly disinfected by adding | See. 6. No papi! shall ryt | nnd from the sorporatiof, : their contents, once every week, from one 10 | the public whole of this bore nicable Diseases. : for gallons of a disinfectant solution sccord- | been vaccinated st 1 {thin the jurisdiction of this borough. spe. 71 The sewerage from each buliding on Jurine Sha ery street provided with a common sewer, | ing 160 the size of the sald vault, oms-pool OF | years : 4 ’* L" HEe. #8, No pirent, guardian 4 AN wewerdming shall be water | whose house or family there shal rommanieable disense, | school tard to have this 00° : a | shall be conducted (nto said sewer, 1893. approved by His Excellency, a mt portion of the house drain | cards, mentioning the names hich is ontside of the building and more than | deelad ed ceminnnieable Robert ' E. Pattison, of the laws of | = Be it ordained by the Burgess and| (Council of the Borough of Patton | of the foundation walls, tog » fo feet from the foundation wills, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | rar Li ¥ srestrueted of iron pipe or vitrified drain pipe. | every spe, 3. That portion of the drain pipe outs | be de or under the balbding, und within four feet to in. 7 rey Ppiie, shall be constructed of enst iron with | be and it is hereby ordained by the | lea ioinis, or of wrought iron pipe with serew- | th 4 . | for, ¢ Catboats and yachts going to Pear] river | sme. 2 No houserefuse, offal garbage, dead Intion thromgh sald wasto pipes, nals, devnying vies tabie fmntter, OF organic One Imp Nay serve for severnl fixturns, | hve boon wp, M. All soibpipes shall be carrded al: Sec #8 Every | their Tull size through the roof and left COMMISION ER CLERK John C. Gates. further instructions in these fascinating groves, banana orchards and truck gar- Tite Temes gh wind the keeping and siaughtering COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT]. W. Leech. : 4 3 ¢ SURyEVoR—- Henry Se) » home occupations, an ! Corrs? SrrvEYonr- Henry Sexalan. and profitable hom reupa y rive . iT Ir. 4 dens on the main land are cut up bY | fall cattle. sheep and swine, and the pregame whers the Bomrd of Henlth may permit be watser-pri pe oom nectisd with the conductors | ki dation wnlis, shall Hkewise be constricted | on BY Of cast tron with lended joints or of wrought tion to the scoot st least once spon with serewed joints : whenever any wpidemie «hall pew wre 24. ~The house drain aid other pipes for | Sue, 47. Every undertaker of en na of INEIess OF ETERS OF 1S the son veynnes of sewernge shail be iatd with whe may have charge of the niform grade and with & mil of not less than dend person, shell ACUTE & { mp exists See. 7. The joints in the vitrified pipe shall | the bodies of any | Le carefully cemented under and dpe, and the Joints in the ost. iron pipes shall | any such place ab ment or danges to; spe. Mo All changes in diretion shall be’ person undertaking nate with carved pipes. All joints and pipes of x dead body fro X hal) be rade alr tight, The whole work shall | herdn before ng merted, ton and Keeping of all meat, fail birds, Of gone by skillful mechanies, na thor h | pregutions ss thd Board of Hy { other animal food, shall be in the manner best ond workmanlike manner, and COUNTY AUDITORS -Wm. J. Jones W. C. | G 3 H the culti- net na : 4 Eleanor gen 8 article on rigating ditches Natives sit in the adn pled to sare and continoae thelr wr bodes fo the Board of Hemith, N Berry, James Dally. : : . Tory CoMMproNEns.—J. J. Kidd, E. J. gation of the voice will be found val- BOROUGH OFFICERS. Brroms—-W, J, Donnelly, : Cornet Lincoln 8. Bell, president; 8. M J. F. Bonner. FB BD, €. Crowsil. president; G. And the mother will find mach sensible rer; Dr. J. B. Noonan, $1. FE. Harton, Samos Fdminston. ‘Daughter and How to Live Wisely. A from an elevation in the future wet rop- Me if si Prscn-fewe F. Duin. Jas | Midsummer Night's Dream and A yy jieelf. Maukai # re glints and SEAT Rina. W, H. Sandfont. Mutnal Improvement Club offer $0g- ghimmers 0+ a tiie placid surfaons of Pear] COLLECTOR Jus. Metlon. | gestions for sammer entertaining. The harbe> +, deep, well sheltered and with supecription price of the Delineator i= Sood saougy for yay Frarship aan , > : » \ ast its throat rolls the grand Pacific 7 + . Kin le 0 es] 1 » cents, ; 3 J 4 JUDGE oF ELEcTioN A. G. Abbot. $1 a year 2 Pp Asspsson—J, R. Corpelios. . : Arprrons-§. H. Kinkeand, H. 0. Winslow, Abraham Byes. Published by the Butteric! & Publishing (7 © i" EE rn many] Fouts. : u Limited]. New V = ork, and for sale 1% isin dreams of conquest. On the Ewa STREET COMMISION ER—Samuc! Addleman, i Co. [Limited], 2 Nd aden) side of the observatary the ‘distant hills : eC AEA by local agent -» ANG newsdeslers. of Waianae,” ministare mountains I FENRSTLYANIA STRIRES. _ ataph~+d Negligee shirts cut 2% per bave the Isviing tinge of distance: In consequence of the great strikes 7," = BELL, Barber's point is low. The lookout can The Clothier. SWo0D the sea for miles beyond the pey- Mid Ae. . inemls and announce the approach of i ing an yDEED | spy any vessel. On the Waikiki side Hou. - and try to learn if anythingZ® 30. "41 Brainard’s Musical World for July i8 | 151; with its trees and spin, its smoke. gained. : Figures ar tially compiled, Amid-summer holiday number, finely | stacks and masts, seems very close. Rug: : tatitics, puted. Considerable ilstrated and filled with beautiful ged Diamond head, which grows upon «cannot well be ("pL yt, of direct | DW music and valuable musical read- evéry beholder, has at 14 miles a better | Jjouformation o : a : r is defined shape and 1i h : One workingmen of Penn- ing. The new music in this number is ' define pe sharper outline than interest; to given in brief space by the unusually attractive and includes ‘La it affords with acloser view. Again the : if 1 O Maznrka” “Dance Ca Sentinel may comniand the sea for miles Philade’ ipbia Times, as follows: {ening ow aah and 5 } a uwpon miles The background of all this Fade ty-three strikes, involving 17,308 Price,” two charming piano composi- | J \ of hills from her PI 2 : ’ a . ,, 18 8 TADgE i which a watch TF lons and resulting in a loss of wages | tions, “Yes, I'll be your Sweetheart” .,;, gan almost the entire island. It is to ring a single success, is the record | ening” a new song of unusual raerit. : taken in at a glance. : Mn Pennsylvania for the year 1892 ao- Mailed for 15 cents, or the World will Pearl City is quite alittle place. It is cording to the careful report ‘of|be mailed regularly ench month for laid off in wide avenues and large lots Albert F. Bolles, Chief of the State One year for §1.50. To enable all lovers There are stores, residences and a cou: Burean of Industrial Statisti : 1g Of music to become acquainted with ple of small hotels. In the valleys back President Debs and his associate agi this standard mneicai monthly the tor a vii taters; why engage in strikes on every |Publishers offer, during this month, Pe hy SI the saliva possitile occasion with or without any | OL. to send the World to any address | house tells of the domain of the law actos) grievance, would give a few of for three months, on tris}, for 25 cents, ' The location for a city is admirable — their leisure hours to the study of these ©8th or stamps. These numbers will Hawaiian Star. : ' and other strike statistics they oould |20tain about $5.00 worth of choice Teta - Jéaxn if they cared to know that a Dew music. Do not fail to take ad- Cleopatra's Pearl. A 3 y : | vantage of this liberal offer. Address Readers will easily call to mind th: fiatkah Shy) Seat enon Shae gm | The 8. Brainard’s Sons Co., Chicago. | ¥ bor can possibly employ. [a " ’ > | trate ber luxurious habits of living, that “Admitting that 1393 was a year of | Se: the World's Fair for Fifieen Centt. | she dimsolved in her wine a precioos - unusual industrial depression and that | Upon receipt of your address and pearl. No one seems yaot to have ques. the chances ef success for strikers were | fifteen cents in postage stamps wo will | tioned what must have been the eft ct below the 1iverage, it still remains true | mail you prepaid our Suvenir Portfolio Fo the drink, but Mr. Lewes ques- that these and all other exact sta- of the Werld’s Columbian E ition. Sou quite pointy the possibility of tistics .on the subject teach that the | the regular priee ie fifty cents, but as We are very sheep in our gregarious. average strike is doomed to defeat, and | wy want you to have one we make the Lieto erst. Wiis ais Buld or stagid the last end of the strikers is worse | price nominal. You will find it a work | mutton takes a leap, all leap after him thas the flint. The astonishing thing: of wrt and a thing to be prized. It con- It is vare to find men doubting facts, about these reports is that they | tains full page views of the great build- | still rarer to find them doubting whether usually proceed from bureans estab- ings with description of same and is | the facts be correctly co-ordinated. Our lished at the request of the working- executed in the highest style of art. If, D0OKS are crowded with unexmuind men, apd therefore deserving of their not satisfied with it, after you got it, J WEI We Buvet Tink of or entire confidence, and yet their dis- | we wil! refund the stamps and let you pg ng pot: all believe that the niag cou figures fail to : : Ys » - raging gure Iai repress keep the book.. Address nificent Cleopatra, regardless of expense, the inclinstion to strike. The strikes H. E. Buckrex & Co, dissolved in her wine cap a pearl of of 1893 in Pennsylvania exceeded those | . Chicago, lil | great price as if it had been a lump of of 1892 nearly two to one. sugar? Is not the ‘fact’ familiar toev | ery one? Yet, if yon test it, you will fin. “The only explanation of this strange | Jb Gh fact is that studying figurers and 1 have hanging in my tailor shop 1 the fact to be that pearls are not soluli slatistics that. do not Tie is, = dull apd it 10.07der, size 56, Which 4 deposit in Wine. The most powerful vinegar uninteresting process, while listening wis paid on and which was not lifted, tacks them but very slowly and never on dernagigie a. ah be well-paid i worth $30, medium weight and color entirely dissolves them, for the organi labor leader fires the heart Passionate which will be scld cheap. Also 1 coat matter Femaths : behind in the shape : oratory eapries people off their feet and | 273.¥esh, size about 35, and 2 pire} FPOREY mass Inrger. than the origina : 3 peopl heir feet and ! | ; a pearl. — Youth's Companion, “ theta to lose their beads, while light trousers which were left as above. en mest studying hamdrum reports that deal These. goods can be bought cheap. Special Sale. Th Shocking Bigotry. es with stubborn facts and exact figures simply males them tired. After fol- BELL, of two New England old ladies who lowing a demagogic labor leader into The Tailorand Clothier. ug 3 vlervereition Jo fa an unsuccrssful strike they are apt to ; : Nutiow. “Hev you met that Miss Perkins become a good deal more tired, and [ hereby notify all persons that Hur- yet?’ that leads io the suggestion that the riet Montgomery has left my bed and | “Yes; I was interduced to her yester tiresomes itatistics should be read in beard without just cause or provoea- day.” na the first place. The reading will be tion and that I will not pay any bills Ta what sect does she belong?’ tiresome, but the final effect will be contracted by her from this date, and ae Se Svenmalini sect, 1 believe restful rather than otherwise.” ‘also warn that no one will harbor her in | in te en Ps iat seer. An what bd i I aay way, a Shey will be prosennted r“They talicve hit all’ human souls Evy expectati raised i 4 . will eventually, by the grace of God, the unofficial trial of the cruiser Mione- MATTHEW MONTGOMERY. be redeemed.” pe apolis have been exceeded by her mag- gq; Augustine, Pa., July 13, 15884, “Oh, they do, do they? What big- nificent average of 28.06 knots (26.57 : otry!"’—Chicago Record. : miles) an hour on her official trial | reeset meen Buackien's Armies Salve. : _ Hubby's Appreciation. speed minm of $405,500, and the bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever She—Now, dear, I've seen to the United rs Navy will secure the sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, | Whole SE Mywelt Is everything just fasteqt cruiser afloat. The speedy corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- brid pion it? Axa, dear, did you get Columbia losses her place at the top of tively cures piles, or no pay required. Hg. The sek ey is Saibly parte, the list; but there is much gratification It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- | and to show you how I ts to be derived from the fact that in- | faction or money refunded. = Price 25 I'll just telephone down we don’t want stead of one ‘gem of the ocean’ we | cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. E. the tickets have two, ie Belcher, city drug store. | me. —Chicago. (| ¥ cand every buteher or other ; Chinamen pass up and down the | sameness as food: and veer 0 : Blough. ; J gh ; ’ i wrsnn owning, leasing or occupying any phnes, Bo Ent. George Martin, unable both by teachers of elecution and “track of the Oahv Railway and Land Jerse or butldiag wherein anv eatliy, <hegp or Poor Discras_john Long. James Som: | singing and their pupils. The house- | sompany, newly ballasted. Parties are swine have been, or are Killext or dressed, and keeper will be pleased’ ‘with the sug- bathing, lounging at pretty Remond ey rn Jr stable % heen any Wik pian pn gestions contained in A Few Useful grove, with its green carpets and elec | [it ors. vonin cf mating, | at the depot, store or ranch- | “table or marie 10 bw _ihoronghy: J cltmpsent "7A birdseye view of Pear] City and its ag ge a HL Curfman, secretary; W. H. Rapdtom, Hens | advice in the chapters on Mother and a It Ee "the friendly ocean, pleasant in itself as i Pe¥ihe strikers of $1,395.428 without | & pretty little waltz, and Love's Awak- ' 5]] 4 magnificent panoramas that can be are the pineapple ranches, «very one a ' story which is told of Cleopatra, to illus. | : J Hon Call early someone and get. a bargain. The Rev. Dr. Gunsaanlus tells a story © 0 enough for | 0 be renpatodd thereto at Teas I Ne ~ iy twenty fon) hours, after (he use thereof for afi y VE Pree erin referred] to, pind shall alsa af WH times keep the woodwork, save the toor rel avwinters in any bailing, piace or pre- HATES afar sind . {horoine lily peiifitaxl or whites washed: and the Noor of such bafiding. panes AE pre ieee shia ll bess onan rue ted a to prevent Pdew wd or fo! Hannlds or washings from settling in the enrth beneath § Spe 4 No blovd-pit dung-pit or offal-pit or privy ell shall renain or be constricting withi- n any slaughter hones, Any one offending against thie rade shall be guilty of creating on minintatning a anfsanee prejadizal wo Pasi btn sied shall te required to mess coh nist within ton days from the date of notices Rp, 5 The owners, aifvnis or oncupants of wil stnughtenbouses nie regaled, dang the Cmmonths of June-July, Angust and September, fo Aistribrite twice carl woe kK Ded lows # FT twenty-tive pounds of Chloride of Hime about their premtsesand also to retnove the contents of any manurepit or manure-pile ob the pre rile saved $i caeh week, The ssid promises itd contents of manure-pits being hereby declared to be nulsances prflndieal to publie health, un- jose stiblivted to freqoent. disinfection amd elimning ss herein indiouted. No pigs or hogs shin! be kept in the same enclosore #ith a stanghter house: nor shall they he fed thei or elsewhens, tpon the offal of slaughtered aml. mais | spe, 4, No person or company’ shall erection Cmaintatn within the fnsits of tis boroagh why manufactory or place of basiness dangerous (o Hie of detrimental to health, or where une wholsonie, offensive deleterfous odom, as smoke, deposit amid cxhaltations are genera texd, such as tanneries, refinerfon, manufBeto. ries of starch, glae, eathir, chanioals, fertili- rv gas, ote, eta, without the permit of the Hoard of Health, and all such establishments shall be Kept clmn aod wholesome so as pot W tw offensive or prefudieal to public health; aor shisil any offensive or delerterious waste sab- stictiewe, refs or Injurtoas mater be allowed Sto ween nminlate upon the prosises, or be thrown or allowed to run into any poblie water, stam, Wiklorent re st pet road or poblic place. And every person oF oo fr pra ny conducting stich mmnufaciare or basingss shall ose the best. appr od and all asonhable ens Lo prevent ihe asen pe OF stoke, ghses, and odors, and to protect the teaith sid sefoty of add operat vis vinplovest therein. . ay suet. 7. The business of bone and horse-botl. ing shail not b= allowed, unless conducted un- der caver, the building to be provided with sino kesennsamers, and a Joe regard be had cles liness (0 the disposition of the offkd. No vone-Botiing establishunent or depository. of dead antipads shall be kept or erocted in Ry | part of this borough without a permit from the Bonrd Gf Health, : REC 8. No permit shall be gmnted to ang person of persons 0 carry on Hie Basiiess of od ting bones and dead animals anti] after a careful inspection of the foeality, bulldings and appartos, and of the plans forvotiducting the Grist ness, Dy an aay reditid Tospeetor of the Hoard of Health, . NEC. 9 No bone-botling establishment or de positories of dead animals shail be Repl of sriwetes] in OF near toa tile inhabited neigh sorbose, 5 spi 10, The floors of ail bonebaolling ostab ahi or depositortes of dead animals shall te pavidd with asphalt or wilhi brick or stone. weil id in cement, or with some other Bnper vious material, and shall be well draiaed: snd all stteh establishments sad have sach an pelespuate water supply as will ensbie thorough elesriliness to be nmintained : spe 11. The boiling of bones and desd aninsiix, ote, «hall be constuclaxd bn steanstight Kotdbes, Doblers or cabdrons, from which the fim] vapors shuld flrs Deo widacied though serahisers or condense rs, and then into the biel pert of the ashepil of the maee ire, Wo he css ried, or ‘hv Sthier appeamstus ool eilladeent in preventing uf ooanterscting the ffensive ofiavia, : 2 When bones ory fryer Ariat After gr, Huey strand Per prineeesd 383 a aa Ex Hesvhden shall bee feimead WO HB MEL veil cdr, hie osiilet frenit. Inneqits proprigtors ¥ soars Hrol Hing pene nts ol BEV perils Lorry on «ard violating ! A iri nares BIN nes of $tiirtens of the permit, + imt ediy ima r wagon loss of Tine toy eet Danie 10 OF ner thie some at and one Hine, exeept hy express peripbe ion Hin Bewirid of Himith, nor shall any manure be removed sxeept ina fight vehicle, so protected that the mune, in process of mmoval, may ot De dropped or tefl. in any street, road, la or way of This borough, 2 Se: 4 Nis pig pen shall be halit or ach tained within the mits of This Borough, Ww aunt oo permit fieon the Basil of Hendy, within one hundred feet of any well or spring of waters used for drinking purposes, or with. in thirty feet ofany street oral any inhabited hows, oF witless constraeted in the llowing manner, vize so that the floor. or oom of the sare shall be not less Un two. feet Than the ground, in onder the che filth seenimnitinting under the same aay (or easily removed, and stich Ah accumulating in, about and under the same shall be removed at fenst onoe s werk and oftener if so ordierod, and on the failure of any owner or seenpier of such premises so to do, then the same shall bedone by the Street Commissioner, hy dinetion of the Boand of Health. SEC. 17. No privv-vault, cesspool Or reser voir into which a privy, water< wet, eam-pool, stable or sink is dmined, unless it is water tight, shall be constructed, dug or permitted to | | remain within one hundred feet oras deepasthe | minon, residing within the Hmits of th NEe, Before proceeding to aomstroet any portion of a drainage systion Of fon inert dwelling hots i owner, bullifer or $1 pir othr bunding, the persons constricting the sith the Bosmrd of Henith a ot, whowing the whole dminage sys’ si, froth its connection with the oomiton dewey to ita dns in the hose, together fie loweirtion and see of all branches, pipes as Sulit shal Wats th or riya : 1 he recon the Board SE, Ai drains ow Baill ahs strsee isd whenever in Loe opihion of of Henith (1 may be Doves ry « spo, The following sama disenws are dee lared to beoommunio bid and dangerous to the public hesith, viz Smalbpo Vartols Vial jgid,) {how ys, Asiatic or lpideinie,) Seid Fever; seariating, SNoenrlet Rash, Moasels, Inptherin, Dipeheritie Croup, thptheritic sore Throat, Typhitd Fever, Pyphos Fever, Yellow Fiver, Spmited Fever, (Cerebrospinal Meningitis Rede ping Fever, BEpldesiie Lys entery, Hydrophobia, (Rabies) Glanders, (Far ev mrnd Leprosy, and shall be anderstood jo be inciided 10 the following regulations, dnliess certains of them only are specified, spc. 8 Whenever any Dosseholder Kins that any person within his family or Dose noid hits wo communicable disse, dangers ts the public health, he shall immediately re! port fhe sate to the Board of Himlth giving the strive and number, or owing of the hotise, CREC. BL Whenever any phyrieian fords that any person whom he entiea pon Lo visit bas a communicable disease, dangerons 10 the pab- ite benlith, he or sh shall immediately report thie sane tir the Hoard of Henlth, giving the: “reet and namber or location of the house, on recvipt of which report the Health Othoer shall immediately notify the teachor or principal of “every school, acwdetay, serninary or kKimler garden (nthe barongh requesting said teachers or prind wis to dtapenes with the attendanos of all paps resting in the Gilly 5) whieh Paaeh disease exists No physician who miay, | fn good Gath, in old lene to this ordinance, | report os cose ax one of the communicable dis ease which spimequently provis not Lo besach, shall be lable to a salt for darnages Hor sueh error in reporting. [tt shall be the duty of such physician and of all otheratiendants a pon jee sons Aheted with sueh disemies to avold ex pemtire to the public of any ganmentsor cloth. ing ubout their own persons that aay ave | been subjected to the risk of infetion. Syd 54. No person shall, within the [Hodis ‘of this borotigh, unless by perrnit of the Board of Health, carry or remove fromm one bhallding | “to another, any patient atfocted with any come | municable disse, dangerous to the public | hemdthi. Nor shall any person hy any exposure of any individual, so affected, orthe body of such individual, or of any article capable of conveying contsglon or infection, or by uny negligent act connected with the care or cus ty thereof, or by a needles exposure of him. sad €or herself fats or contribnte to the of disense rom such individu or dead body. Spc, 3h There shail not be a pablie orchurch funeral of any person who ons died of Astastie cholers, smallpox, typhus fever, diptheria, yellow fever, soarlet over or mmsdes, and the farnily of the decsnserd, shsil bn all such oes | Hint dee attivgils ey 10 ax few ax possible. to prevent the ox posure of other persons to (on | taglon or infection; and the penn suthorang | tie public noth of dissth a person, wall : ‘have thw namneof the disensa which caused the death pear in such publics noth NE Noy persofy suffering from or having very. reoittly recovered from sauilpox, sear leu diptheria, vellow fever or easies shai) cx pose thse, nor shall any one exes any one ander bix charge in a stndiir con. dition, in apy conveyance, without ‘having previousiy potitled the owner or pwraes in efianse of xuch sonvwaanee of the fuer of such condition as above stated 10 ssid bee thie duty of the Board of Health to have this sevtion printed on a card and to furnish the owner of aaah pith SOnNYevaioe with a copy Ahr and it «hall be the dity of the owner of such - Gonveyvane to display seh card in soch oon | VOTRE And thie owner OF perso In chinrge of sucht con vesnres mast nod, SNe the entry of © Any Persad so tected. nto Bis CON VETTE, allow any other petwal to eiiter i without having saffictenmly disinfected 10 ander thie di- rexdtivy of the Beant of Health, : sew G7. Novpwrson shad! letor hire any hots, or pean, oF ron dna hose in whieh a coro. nnnten bide disease, dangerous oo the pubille Fama dh, has recently existed, until the room or frisegse: nid pecinbses therewith connoeted have | a fiat n fie teed tee th ¥ sfction of the Hexaed of Menlth, dnd tor the wirpeese Of this sition This Pr 4 y hated, nn or other fropisee Tor this reeeption of lodgers, shall ow deennal To ot or BIG part of ie Diolse to any pers spc ted ns at yeh Bgited, fan oir Brora, ” . wee, Ax, Members of any hows hold in whitch sinali-pox, diptherta, seariet fever or measseis exists, sindl abteelig I7 lestaaid ng places of phil smuseme worshin or odoeation, and an Td ax poms bile, Trot visitng other private FOOTING : : ; smn Ey woe. 8 The elothiing, bed clothing and beds flip of persons who ave been sex with and An ieadile disse dangerons tn the pas’ hy and the ootns whitch they VE ie during sah ~teKnes togotlive with 1a, shall be Aisinfetod ander the, of the Boged of Hesitie, so. sprint Novant! etfieted with 2 0¥RIA- ve dlsase, lnngerous Ho priabiik Hem itd, ud Pree or mept within thie Litas ny perrnission of the x oscties of aniands dead wi disse or kite on aceonnt theres, dail rot be buried within five banging feet of inv residones, nor disposed of GtHerwies than thie mated Bomret of Health Officer shail direed, we, 41 Neanith oa bieh has been walled, i chile ted, rediteod oF changed in any respeet. from tis natural gondition by the addition of any foreign sabetanes, shail be brought into, bob Rept or offend for sale at any piace in tht besrosigh, ; : spn, 420 No mend, fish, irc, fowls, fruit, vegetables, milk and nothing for hunun foesd not being tan hwadthiy, fresh, sound, whole Cowon, fit and safe for such use, nor any suimai or fish that dived by Jesemse, atl no caress of af any calf, pig or lamb, which at the time of its dent h wis fess than, four week old, and no sl therefrom stinll be brought within the Hniits of this borough or offered or held for sle us food anywhere in said borough, Spe. 48. It shall be the duty of the occupant | of tvery house within the timitk of this borough | in the month of May in each and every year, | ta elvinse the celler thereof of all dirt, vege | table and other impure matter oaleulated to | engender disense, and to cause them to be Wroroughly whitewashed with fresh lime. : Sue. #4. Itshall be the daty of every adult! i i ' and every parent, guardian or master of avery ® i thar with the soil | gver any epidemic shall 5 hi in 1 jointa, and in either case pr Warten from rast, | every ws inside the build | borough and reqoe r person fo wr or outside nnd within foar feet of the foun. | che rae of sacl private institatiof others | geemdance with the form mp ; : | State Board of Health, and Sue. 3 All pipes connecting a water<loset | same 10 the demignated with 8 soil-pipe shall De trapped, cach separa. | the Baard of Hemith, and obits ceonneetion with wach © transit permit th other fixture, unless ade Loar the t unte provision is made for downward venti | funemd, apd be shall pot rem in which case body unill such 1 or tem around the | xhall so condnet his wtisfactortiy serthe to presen the spread of $34 il shall be | pabhe health, in this ordinance ¢ sehool room in this boro the duty of saeh : 10 very thee sehool it least once a 11 the duty of the Hes section printed irgarten and * §3% 1 t ¥ ! rds tn cons i il death and ita proteb i open. or undertaker, oF ow Hmtts of this boro any tomb, vaull, 1 end body shall be ex hume sod removed ta peur ihe of May al Ortober. in- Loewen Yh Soi oy rt amy syratipox : clusive, and nib boayv ded shall over be exhamed and roo al, Sev. 18. Every pereon violht ing sections 3, TOR 800, 11, 140A SS 04 156, 56, 57, 38, 46, dl, ar £2 of this ordinance, shal sueh offense, apon convietiol wemm, (tistice or poagistrate, 4 ! than $16 or more than $100, of he discretion of Thee convicting barges, justie: or Sa SU bewbdes comts which The opp vieting Durgess Justiee or magistrate may ites i be seen OL See. 5, Evry person viplating any other ection or provision of this ordinance, shall be able for wveryl such offense] Jpon conviction twfore any bares, inatiee of mngietrite, to a fine of nod lows Rha #8 or magn: than 80, at the diseretion of (He convicting pairgess, justices of trdgint rate, besthdes conta, with the con vir rgess, asthe or magistiade may ofiet if be WOE [IODET. tii . See, 5. AH police offieels, constables and , watchmen are pnjolned, gn spect firliy demitend to give | Hoard of Hoaith, of any viol i nancys, wv that the sania) : for the clenntisess und health of the © may he folly oxecuted, esd sll offenden; d promptly panisbed, ; wilt Soe, AL AHO Inanees br parts of ‘ herewt ‘ith be, and an hereby repealed. A : : be Ordinaneos renenited to the Town Count] of the Boroaghio tion, Cunibria oo - for the better phvservation ythe Putte Health by the Board of Health for! hove mentioned Horough. | Attest: JOHN BOYCE, | of Henlth. Prew. Board « = J. HARRY MeCORMICK, M. D. See. . t z : andes heonsiitant Reuel Somerville, Atforney-att Law, - Br = Barros, Pa. Office in the WE Day Attorney All legul business promptl Offiee in Ary hory Hail. McNEEL, " BARBER AND Ha In the room oferty soeny Opern House tock. Fine teed, ! : Hair Cut 3 gents, Shave 20, and Sea Fogrn 10 cents... bole i J "HARRY Pivaacia as T * HHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i PATTON, PA, Lifes and reutaence on ) ae avenue, nest to John Yahiner's Hard ward stom : 5 #, i Special atteftion given th fevers and Die vase of Childmin. 7 HE i . ’ : ! : FIFTH "AVENUE RESTAURANT, 8. SNYDER, Prop'r, Fifth avenue, Ivetow Beek 's{ Hotel, will serve pod meals at all hon, Kpeps everything 'o be had in a frstclass faiiman:. (ystems served In every style. We shale o apevialty of OYSTERS IN THE HALF SHELL. J . F. MCKENRICK, = 3 Attorney and Counsplor at Law, ; EnsNsnUre, Pa. Wi attend fo sd] business wth prom pine ss and fidelity i Office oppesite the Moantgin Honse AHAFFEY HOUSE . Mahaffey, Clearfigld Co., Pa. vovommodations firstclafan, Hest of Liguors Cand Wiis st the bar. Stabling: sttached. - : Gerona FIRGUSON, of “| Prope AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, Mellon Avenue, PATON, PA. fam prepared to do ail kinds of work in fay Hne at reasonable prices. Gontinets taken a rst mates firnishied when disired. Satisfaction guamntesd, (Give men calf. : Go To DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - [SHOP 4th Ave. near R. . tation. » : Shoes made to ordef Sd repsirin of all kinds done pily. Pris. moderate. 181 A ¥ § 5 i :