Patton Courier.| ] PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1804. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Raheeribes who do not notice to the contmry are considers ing to renew thelr surseriptions, It subscribers order the Aiseoritin yen - of their periodicals, the po blisher may con. | tinue 1o send them aitil all arrearages paid, 3 their periodicals from the postoffice to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled thelr bills and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other aces with. out informing the putitshers, and the papers are sent to the former address, they are held responsible, ive Xpress “es wish. 5. The Courts have Bectded that refusing to take periodicals from the office or remont and leaving them aneallvd for, is prima fais 2 evidence of intentional frand. : 8. IT sabeeribers pny in ady Bound to give notioe at the end of "ve they do not wish to continue taking it wise the publisters is: sathoriized to & nd it and the subscriber will be responsible untilan express notice, with payment of 11 ages. ix sent to the putdisher, time if fhe rs Breer Local Time Table. The hours of arrival of trains at the Patten Station follows: Train No, WX Ts. Postoffice hours P.M. Train numbers marked 9 ‘northbound and ‘%" southbound. and departure are as Mall Close. CTH AM Arrives ay 101 Au 30 Pou 807 ru from 7 3-10 PM M. to 8 A. ve are The Lady Barber, Before this newer gee hogan We thourht the art tonsor Belonged by right 16 san From ages imme norris But she has come, with fixed To prove to all the nations That man ix not preeminent In barbercax ope mtions intent, p Oh, shaving is a sweet dejight Sinee she the mzor wellded? My heart anto her ¢luirms so bright as altogether vVidlded, And; though she thinks ‘tie only My oestasion gna re her I hail her queen of comb and brash - And goddess of the mzor, git Jather om mv cheek nn if arbor n Some day w ith neh is the pl i shall enurmmeonusly awk The hand of tay fdr ha ri r But if she hax already fond Rome man to Jove and pritse he Her “Nao' wonbd Sent” me, I'l be oun. More dew Per thn her rs EH. 3 Natoma! Barber ‘The 4th is over. Soda at Hodgkin’ 5 (rug store: Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. ‘Bargains Asheroft's millinem store, 21tf (reo. Valentine was in Pitts shurg week on business, Work is rapidly progressing new school building. at this on the When are the fate and loans going ‘play the “rub’’ ganie? ix office Old newspapers for sale at thi at ten cents a bundle. Jas. Allport, of Hastings was in Pat- ton on business Monday, : Samuel Anderson, of spent Tuesday in Patton. Houtzdale, Wn. Davis, Esq. of Ebensbhurg, wis in town Monday afternoon. M. Peach, came down from Ebens- burg on business Wednesday. John Meloy, of Tyrone, registered at’ the Commercial hotel Tuesday. = A. W. Glasser and lady of Hastings were visitors to Patton Sunday. If you want a good tailor-made suit go to L. C. Lerch, Mahaffey, Pa. | " G: B. Hopkins, of Altoona, stopped at the Commercial hotel Wednesday. J. B. Clapper, of Martinsburg, wasa guest at the Commercial hotel Monday. | . John Westover and W. L. Nicholson | of Hastings drove over to Patton Tues- day. H. 0. Stolz and wife, of Altoona, visited their son, YU. 8. Sols, last | week. The hotels had the appearance of do- ing a rushing business in Patton on the 4th of July. - H. G. Black and wife, of Houtzdale were guests of the Commercial hotel the. first of the week. Street Commissioner Addleman in making improvements on the lower end of Palmer avenue. 8. W. Davis and J. Hartzog of Ebens- tmrg were circulating among friends in Patton Wednesday. James Hepburn and R. &. Craig, - (ilen Campbell, were welcome visitors to Patton last Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hellsel, of Flinton, Cam- bria county, visited her parents, Mr. and Mm. P. P. Young. ! Hayes Wilson, an employe of the: COURIER, is visiting friends at Clarion, "Clarion county, this week. Try Magic drops for pain, internal and external. Guaranteed by C. W, Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf A son arrived at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauman last Friday. Mr. Bauman wears a pleasant smile. A large number attended the fire- men’s dance in the Fire company’s hall on Lang avenue during the ith of July. The finest line ladies’ hats and under- wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. Asheroft's millinery. store in Good building. -24tf : David Green, of Brishin, is erec ting a residence on West Magee avenue, The building is 20 x 28 feet and will soon be ready for occupancy. Samuel Jones deserves credit for the successful manner in which he arranged the goddess of liberty and the little girls representing each state in the union. | They presented a beantiful appearance. | ars It I riegleet or refuse to take : of Pit Pittsburg, of - Christinas next. Ashcrofi’s millinery store. - -24tf J. C. Ewing, of Tyrone, was seen on our Streets Tuesday. W. H. Wolf, of Altoona, was in town on business Tuesday. Jas. Flynn eame over from Altoona on business Saturday. | When in Ebensburg go to the Blair “house for a good meal. C. D.. Payne, of DuBois, Hotel Beck Wednesday. E. C. Banker, of Altoona, at Hotel Beck Saturday. John K. Powell, of Cresson, friends in Patton Friday. J. A. Smith, of Gallitzin, ' the many callers Monday. J. WwW, of Ansonville town last week on business, W. DeWitt Harold, a visitor to Patton Wedneaday, C.8 mp, of Altoona at. the Palmer hon (". Hanlin, of Ashville, on a visit the first of stopped at Was a gue visited was among Johnston, was in of Pritshbure, was Was a ceric l Fest se jast w ‘was at Patton the week, H. D. Brown and wife, of Fragal made this place a visit Sunday. ity, ‘Will 8. Greer came down from the county hub Tuesday on business, Waiter Rabbitt, of Latrobe, guest at Hotel Beck Wednesday, The tng of war match on the 4th caused considerable amascment, was a Miss Katie Long, of Spangler, visited friends in Patton last Thamsday.. J. N. MeCormick, of Huntingdon, was in town a few hours Friday. Read the Board of Health ordinance - on the fourth page of the COURIER. C. F. Hoffman, of Johnstown, regis- tered at the Palmér house Friday. W. J. Walker, of Boston, Mass, stopped at the Palmer house Satnrday. fed, 2ef EIT flour, -3 AER SOE for gry Sam’l Boyce of traveling sal Go to hay and all kinds S. M. Walinee, a tabrarg A. Ashoro of thig section. Aan &, was in town Wednesday, ft in the leading milii- Go and Alice ner, her. 24tf John Wis among day. J. Krebs toona, were ag ad of the Sweeney, the visitors in town Me fate! Beck day. Tke town vi tines in Wartelsky Was Tends Mates. +. tH. BecRiey, and Ja) were gnesta hotvse Toesday, Drs. sected the knee of a son of of St. Augustine. W. HH. Demlinger, of Philipsburg, was in Patton last Thursday [ interests, Worrell and Rice or looking 41ter business Jas. Soackman, Emmet Hydrick, Chas. Mes Wd and Marl Means, of Du- Bois, visited in Patton last week. 7 E. C. Brown was elected a director of the First National Bank at a meeting of the stockholders Tuesday evening. F. M. McQuown, of Irvona, out first in the bicycle race on the 4th, Warren Shepherd took second prize. For coughs, colds and sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C.: W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Jas. H. Young, representing Watson & €o., wholsale grocers of Philadel- delphia, was in Hatton on business last i week. The fate and the leans have been practicing quite a bit of late getting ready to play the wonderfy} interna- tional “rub” game. For the finest line of millinery, fancy goods and ladies underwear go to Alice A. Ashcroft’s millinery store in Good building. -24tf The foot race on the 4th was won by Joe Rowley. Clarence Edmiston came in second, John M. Howe third, and Reddy Dougherty last. re Quite a large concourse of people from Patton atlendes the picnic at Car- rolltown July 5th. The 4th ind 5th wan observed at that place. Dr. Worrell and LL. 3. Bell drove to Hastings Tuesday. While in that place Dr. Worrell assisted Dr. Rice in an m- portant surgical operation. A. G. Palmer, superintendent of the Beech Creek railroad, other officials of that road « ton in & special train Tuesday. accompanied by ame to Pat- ‘Miss Mary Lincoln, of Huntingdon, is visiting her daughter, Mra. A. W MeNeal, who has been confined t home with illness for the past wee Mra. F. B. Williams and Mrs. 5. H. A, Eastman, of Big Run, and Miss Emma Lilly, of Houtzdale, age the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyce this week. Henry Addleman and - wife ac com- panied by their danghter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Shirley, drove to Carrolitown and Hastings Sunday. Considering the hard times existing in this section Patton was favored with an extremely large number of visitors on the 4th of July. [It was more than was expected. Wm. Koller and U. 8. Stolz drove over to Altoona Sunday, Mr. Koller remained in Altoona till Monday when ‘he took the train for Aastin, Pa., tor | visit among friends. carve, ‘more satisfaction than ton a chance to cent. I Ant ek 7 Tl Otel Westover, the popular whoe.| | sale liquor man of Spangler, accom- panied by G. B. Brandon, ar A Newspaper Man Rides in Sepertmtendent br the Brandon hotel at that place, drove over to Patton Monday. The Patton COURIER wants to know “What has become of the cow prdi- nance in Patton,” Send np and bor- row Fbensburg’s-—our council has no use for it.-- Cambria Freeman. The ball game on the 4th of July in Patton between the home club and the Hastings clnb, was ended in the eighth inning owing to a dispute. The score stood 8 to 11 in favor of Patton. The Cnrwensville Review published a picture of the new Methodist Episco- pal chnreh at that place last week arid also gave a biography of the Methodist society from 1828 to the present time. Almost everything is sent threugh the U. S. mail now-a-days. The Cou- RIER representative's attention was cal- led on Wednesday to a lady's garter in one of the P. QO. boxes addressed to a Patton young lady. < The third base ball nine of Hastings composed of players ranging from 12 of age, played a nine of grown up young men of Patron on Sat- widay. The score stood 12 to. 20 in favor of the boys of Hastings, i8 yop The industrial parade in Patton on the 4th was a grand success. Very nearly every business house in Patton was represented by a floot or a banner. The fantastics were very amusing and the costumes were well gotten up: The fireworks during the evening could not have been any better. Every- one seemed well pleased and the com. mittee in charge had the best of luck in firing them off. It was the finest dis play witnessed anywhere around Pat. ton. : Another wire has been strung on the telephone line from FEhensburg ‘o Hustings, thus creating what is known “oryved circuit,” which renders and a8 a alice the line much makes econ- vemation over it mitch antisfae- tary. . more bo C Lerch, #1 merchant tailor Mniialey, was in Patton a fing Mimndn of JOU y. Mr. Lerch rode up on his He made the Co ped his wing subser or RIER a pleas. tide name to {he {ie nein tinn ist i 3 =~ oi! mi aid £54 i 25d tanoring 14 w ih was the eR Lh iran to Live foetnnts Me minted siderable amusement 6 ak one of the throe fine in fas man he wh Courier Pditor Hum “f Wt Routh Pork, ard edited the Pa... the past. fonr - years, id to WL Stineman, Mr. Humph. rey says the citizens of that section not the proper Courier, hence he retires from the fleld’ has su Hits paper iid give RUPE rt to the in favor of his successor, “Attention is called to the new adver- tisement of W. [. "Douglas #3 shoe which appears if another column. The COURIER has every assurance from the maaufactarer that the recent improve- ments in style and quality will give ever to the wearers of these popular shoes. The Houtidale Fire company visited Patton on the Fourth and assisted ma- teriaily in the sncoess of the celebration. This company is one of the best drilled and organized of any volunteer com- pany in the state. They are nicely uniformed and individually and collect - ively are a credit to Houtzdale. A lad named Stiffy in the employ of Henry Campbell, near Belsano, while carelessly handling a revolver on Sun- day last, accidently shot one of his fingers nearly off. He was brought to Ebensburg cn Monday and Dr. Jones performed the necessary surgical oper- ation. — Eb nsburg Mountaineer. Througli the supervision of EE. ( Brown, a special train was run from Mahaffey to this place on the evening of the 4th of July reaching here about nin: o'clock and returning leaving here at 10:30 giving the people narth of Pat- witness the fireworks and attend the Firemen's dance, a large number took advantage of the special. . The final settlement between Haat - ‘ing barnngh.and Susquehanna town- ship in connection with the annexation of part of said township to the borough mpleted on” Monday. The audi- adjust the claims and result next The in’ this case, which + been settled without going will something bundred dollars, Hastings (aE wid now ww the werk, 11d} Costs ‘be more Seo Work in My Vinyard,” f the Mystic Circle will Methodist Episcopal church at Thursday evening, Julv 12th A fill attendance is desired as business of importance wili require attention. A cordial invitation 3 exténded to the Ladies Patton. who have not yet identified themselves with this society to attend and do so. We need your help and e« operation. : Mrs. REUBEN MCPHERSON, President. The Lulies neat in Li #1 L402 ~ of Starched Negligee shirts cut 25 per BELL, The Clothier. - Assistant Engineer RB. G. TDUSITO RS “even during these times, | pointa. Should row PirTon 0 CLEARFIELD. By Palmer's Private Car. Superintendent A. G. Palmer, of the Beech Creek road, has recently had | completed for his use a private coach are Watches and Watches, but the Watches th for traveling over the line and looking | after the extensive business of that! company. Tuesday afternoon, Jone 26, he made sells you will run and keep time with the sun. a trip up the river and went as far as at lowest prices. Patton. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 8. Good, of Lock Haven, McCullough, of the Beech Creek, A. E. Patton, Curwensville, and Jas. Mitchell and Geo. Hughes, of (learfeld. The after- noon was spent in Patton and the re- turn trip made in the evening. A Courier representative happened to be at Patton at the time and was invited to accompany the party as far as Clear- the valley in the car of the! superinte dent, The coach was built reulty for his official capacity conifort and con- NR nor sive the intérior is It is divided into At the front end paymaster’s apart- completely equipped meals daring long time is too valuable along the road. A hallway leads from the front past these apartments to a sitting room, or dining room. Next is a sleeping apartment, and at the end an observation apart. ment, opening upon the rear platform, which is surrounded by a railing and can be obtcupied while traveling dur- ing pleasant ‘weather. Thé interior is finished in quartered oak and furnished with a neat pattern of Brussels carpet, comfortable setteos, chairs, tables and laetric bells. The coach was made at the Beech Creek shops at Jersey Shore and shows some fine workmanship. Supt. Palmer has brought the Beech Creek road upto : country an priv ate Mr. Palmer's use in and is a 1 for venienes TO 10} Wi onnegessarily neat and epveral apartments, toilet room, ment and kitehen for premaring journeys and when ile elaborate expen attractive, is a to stop for meals cine of the best in the freight condition - wl its passenger and ig in a prosperous Palmer has traveled regular trains, or For vears Mr. add nn 3 OVOP THe reyrula h ata passenger coach being com ied if convenient spacial engine, and ood dea Or iru i 143 Bot Gli will enable him FRANOVer occassion a Modern Time Piece of a Specialty. ‘fitted accurately. ‘ Is a necessary com JAS. W. HOY, A full line of Repairing and Engraving { i ot All repair work Guarranteed. Pull line of Spest Good 4 Building, panion. at Wathes and (0 ales. Yourk é Patton, Everbody i: field, and enjoyed a pleasant ride down of goods whic h are offered for sale It And ev verything kept in a first-class general st a speciality of the best gr: ades of FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, A large All » cordially invited to call and see at our stord AT A REASONABLE PR will’ be our const: int effort to supply the wi customers fron 1. We have a full line of DAY G000S, BOOTS MND SHOES, ERE, GRA Cl A DISHES anc spt on hand. Come in assortment of CARPETS, OIl, TING. Etc, kept on hand. ~~ WARE, kinds of Shelf Hardware ki .No trouble to show goods, Respectfully GEO. S. GO an nr i and keep a good class of goods to OTe. Iso QUEEF: 1 arge §t nts of aii; our Your select We make N » oy : ETC. AT NS RE- hind, OTH. M | TINW Al H look aro DD, ators he would hyve. FEI Shi DuBois y Vacition Saggest! “wh, 17¢h i ted for a-ser { ondected tours ta the . of the Pennsylvania Watkins Sa : Thousand Islands, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champion and Cieorge, Saratoga, and the Highlands of the Hudson among the very many attractive places to be visited, This unquestionably the Honest summer touring ground in east- ern United States, and abounds in the most interesting and charming of scenery. A rate of $97.30 applies from Pittsburg, $90 from Harrisburg, and corresponding low rates from other These rates includes every itemn of necessary expense during the entire time. of fourteen days spent on trips, and 1s remarkably low consider- and August 2ist are the personally nosth uikder the whe WR Of ANKPLCH rail rou company, Glen, Fails, are section is ‘ing the large territory covered and the laxnrious entertainment afforded at the différent places. For detailed in- formation address Tourist Agent, Philadelphia, or apply to Thos FE. Watt, passenger agent, Pennsylvania railroad company, ‘110 Fifth avenue, ‘Pittsbury, See the World's Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps we will maid you prepaid our Suvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, ‘the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con- tains full page views of the great build- ings with description of same and id executed in the highest style of mt. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refind the stamps and let you kes p the book. Address H. E. Buekiex & Co, © Chicago, TIL Might He Marder Joseph Krutendorfer, of near Fbens- this county, in coridition due to the Holtz time remembered that these rorcerned hurg, is a precarious assault of Jacob It will be are the parties in the handspike assault. Krutendorfer die from his injuries Holtz, . who is in the county will have to answer to the charge Johnstown Democrat. some since, jail, of murder, F ivan Houtzdale Fire Company. hat the best thar ™s of the Houtzedale Fire company, No. 1, are dao the hurgess and citizens of Patton for the generous hospitality extended | to nur members on the oceasion of their vist to Patton on Jaly 4th, 1504, Signed, F. J. HILLER, Warr, Pres. Secretary. Flesolved, t aL D Frices on straw hats cat away off. Come now, straw season jas com- | mesced. a Pot { The Clothier. Read the Patton COURIER AND KEEP POSTED. Send it to vour frie nds af bh tance and they will thereby interested in the de velopeme Northern Cambria. When You Want a hs- cCome nts of JOB WORK Paronize Your Home Prints The COURIE R is equipped all new type, new practical and man in pr ym I Cte charge, she rs « of the C( a [Lwocal Pape! ot the he » support IT IS the aim of the Pt to make 1t more 2 in gives only the gossip and make 1t wort hy of section. AD THE Patron Courier and you will be y ng neigh or hood wi Office. | with Presses and 3 1t { i fais 18 RIER oh which Tall this i i i t i | i § I h: POY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers