RE in TT x - % Fs SBCA SR SS ren # : {n where these Money Orders can = Lb we we BE 4 x 3 REST Fh i ¢ fe L--NoO. 33. PATTON, CAMBRIA € 0., PA. , THU RSDAY, JULY r2, 180 ; ln aa $1 PER YEAR, - IF YOU SEE IT IN THE PATTON COURI RR ITs SO. $100 Given Away. THE MINING SITUATION. - FIVE CENT MOGXEY ORDER With each Dollars worth of goods “opi this store we will give Five Geni Mcmey Orders, and when Twenty preseniod to us at one time, we Not Much Chase in This Region. redee ing One Doll texan two il rede em them, giving One Dollar oT 1. A DIFFERENCE we will accept them one or more at a : time towards paying for a bill of goods purchased at any one time at this ‘store amounting to fitty cents or more. In the Prices Offered and Askid Working Around raBots. The mining sitnation in and around oe : Patton at the present time is somewhat Patton Pha rmacy complicated snd reliable facta concern : : ' ing the various movements are difficult : to obtain. Everything, except Wig. ton’s mine, is still idle and it is not safe ip predict that there will be zn e arly C. W. HODGKINS, rom me wn HON PATTON CELEBRATED. Pea One of ‘the rr werent the - Countag has had to chronicle | s that: Crowd from E which orcured to little ida Rh daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jox. Karl ) heim, on the morning of the $th of July. : GALA FOURTH FOR ALL. The facts as nearly as can be gleaned a are as follows The child, whose age A Big Parade, Prtriotie Progrios sid a BB between five snd six years, had gone Welcome for Evirbody to the home of Simon Bortraan and in On Wednesday, July #h, the 113th COTHPATEy with the latter's little anniversary of the birth of American daughter had re paired to the yard with Independence the day was celebrated matches and fire crackers intent upon in Paiton in a truly patriotic and en- duly celebrating the 4th according to jovable manner and has bern voted a their wee childish fancies. It is sup perfect saccess from the time it was pre] that in endeav oring to light a nuhered in by the hoom of cannon and Drugs, Medicines, and Chem: change in the situation, although sev fire cracker her dress became ignited the explosion of firearms until the last icals, Stationery, Confe(- Honery, (igars and 0 bacco. , ‘the month and has been shipping an average of about 19 cars per day. It is Agency Jor COLUMBIA & HICKORY anderstood that the scale to be paid as - Bicycle. the mine will be determined by the A scale elsewhere in the on 8&r“This is the only Drag Store in when bY ‘has i = 8 ‘eral. At Hastings the ry of Campbell & Dunwiddie is being oper- . ated and others are idle. At Barns ‘boro Brown's colliery has also heen working the past week. The price offered by the operators for the region in 40 cents gross, while the miners ask 5 tenis, In reference to tfe situation around I Dube Te Coie of Tuesday says: | “District President Bradley, of the ‘miners’ union, attended a regular | meeting of the branch here iast night. One of the Largest Hotels in He ne A The Ce ‘courier that he gt] Nortliern Cambria; formed that tne men were working in Conducted ‘thé Punxsutawney district and. that in | the Beechtree and Coal Glen men MODERN STYLE, 55 ives HOTEL BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. minnie Pm to take action for or against returning 'at 45 cents. ‘When they. return,’ he * | suid, which be thought they probably i would, “‘all on this side of the moan- 4 Goa Tite and Bar Supplied tain (dividing this district from the E id region; will be at work except the Toby and St. Marys mines.’ If Beechtree and Coal Glen zocept the 45-cent rate they {will probably do the same at Dagus. { They want more than 5 cents a ton | difference between the rate there and the rate here, on the score that the with Choiest Brands of | Liquors. | The Popular = "HOUSE of PATTON. erul meetings have been held this week,’ ancl in a few seconds her etitire person vestige of fireworks had disappeared in Wigton's colliery resumed the first of Was enveloped in flames. the bloe heavens, which proclaimed 40 Two men who were passing were that the day was ended. Visitors who attracted by the screams of the little had come from every point of the victim and did all in their power to county vied with each other that. they rescue the child by hastily disrobing might be first to congratulate the offi. her. In this condition she fled terror cinls upon their spirit of patriotism and stricken to her own home where she Americanism, as showa by the fine pro- sank exhausted in her mothers arms. ‘gram prepared for this Gepecial ocea- Drs. Noonan, of Patton, and Ries, of sion Hastirigs, attended the little sufferer, The citizens, fire department’ and in- but so serious was her condition that vited organizations worked together in but little could be done except to ad- "a hearty co-operative way, which did minister drugs to partially alleviate mach to insure a snccessfal celebra- her agonies, until her death, which tion. . occurred on Sunday at 6 o'clock p.m. The program was well arranged as Ida was a bright winsome little gir) the executive committee which had who will be sadly missed by all who this part of the work in hand, put their know her, shoulders to the wheel and were liber. The petted darling of loving brothers ally encouraged by our patriotic citi and sisters and fond parents who bow zens. in humble submission to the Pather's Every basiness house and many pri- will and realize that what is their loss vite dwellings were gaily decorated is heaven's eterngl gain. with flags and bunting. Several days Funeral services took place on Tues preceding this great event citizens day morning, interment in Carrofl- were working with a vigor in prepar- town cemetery. ing floats for the parade, securing’ . MEETING OF OF OPERATORS. evergreen from the nearby forests and Clearfieid and Feech Creek Comfersmer otherwise perfecting arrangements for Phitadeiphia. ‘the day. The bitaminons coal o tors uf the Afches were erected at every trose- Clearfield and Beech Creek region, to 18 ard the visitor beheld 3 seme of the number of twenty-five, met in splendor seldom exnelled in many of Philadelphia for the purpcee of dis the cities. The day was all that could casing the strike situation and taking ¢ desired and Patton was the magnet action theron. Edwind J. Berwind, “ch drew crowds from all the sur- president of the Berwind-White com. T9nding country. Every incoming pany, acted as chairman of the con- train brought visitors to cur gay little ‘town and all wore a pleasant smile and ference. The meeting ended at 15. m., titive and the following resolution, which garb donned for the occasion. TWO SEmOUS ACCIDENTS . John gin * bib tide Gi ¥ 1 and the Houtuedals considered a greater success by the to the laboring class. £7 Miss Mitchell, of Arkon, O., is visit- | ‘A menting of council was held = ain Kafer Injuries Peon IY her die of acei- 1 } dents on the 4th without which no Patton, Car voiltows and Hast. omlebration is considered guite com- - 3 111 plete but which nevertheless would be ings mn Tt. pee wis having the misfortune to be IN THREE | MONT HS. me the victim of sch : a : Ome, particularly distrossing OC- , & Practieal Man ery For Busine fe ciirredd during the afternoon while the ; Awaits Avtion of Conwell. fire company of Houtadale were giving fn all prodability before sno fin an exhibition race on Beech avenue. next fall Patton will have an + The walks along éither side of the ave- light plant and it will be of su ‘nue were thronged with spectators, capacity to furnish this place, among them heing Mr. Jobn Green town andi Hastings with lights. aad little six year old daughter. When H. G. Black, of Houtadale, who the Sremen began to anfurl the hose sents sufcient capital seeking i upon the reel the wheel revolved with ment to put in the plant, was in; town such rapidity as to cause several spokes. the first of the. week looking over the 40 become loosened and fly in every di- situation. He has been interested in rectién. Ome of the spokes struck the the business at both Philipsburg and child directly in the mouth inflicting Osiseola, is a practical man and under: an agly gash in both the upper and stands the business thoroughly. In an lower lip, knocking one tooth out and interview with the Covnizr Mr Black loosening several others. She was im- stated that his idea was to hive an mediately carried to the office of Dr. J. | (electric plant at Patton for the pub ‘Harry McCormick where several pose of farmshing lights for the places stitches were required to sew up the named The first move to be made, ‘cut in the upper lip. While the wound however, was to secure a frinchise is exceedingly painful the little one is from the borough, which no decbt will rapidly recovering. be readily granted. Mr. Blak bas. Another accident occuring simil- looked over the fleid and is coafident tanecualy with that of the child befell that sufficient inducement will be Stephen Wills, captain of the fire coni- offered to warrant the establishment pany, one of the flying spokes also of the plant. © At Carrolitown the com. striking him in the mouth with the re- pany will expect to secure about #00 sult of the loss of several front teeth. lights, and in a brief canvas of the bes : town Mr. Black was assured 1. at EUENSOURS. : least that number could be EBENaBURG, Pa, July oth, 1304. His capacity for Patton will be 1.000 A number of our people attended the lights, but for a beginning he will re- dedication of the Catholic church at St. quire the assurance of not than ‘Aungustine on the 1st inst. The gentle- 3%) and was so confident the that men members of the Catholic choir, of | many could be secured that he this place, assisted the St Auguatine| no canvas of the town when te; Mon- day, the 2nd inst. : | drove over from here to E Randall's Chicago contingent of the day to inquive into the. Commonweal Army, numbering about | from that place drove on to his home fifty men, ar-ived here Monday last and to await the action of the Patton coun- camped near the woolen mill. From cil in the matter. He does not the Mountain house steps General’ | nor ask much, from the borough ‘Randall delivered an address regarding’ be will farnish lights. Simply the “Hard Times’ and beneficial laws sion to place poles on the streets and : alleys for the wires. ing Miss Leaming on Jaltan street. : | day evening at which time the | Are You GOING ; i 6. A. 8. Post at Spangler. The G. A. R post, which a mention : of was heretofore made in the COURIER, to be organized at Spangler was per- fected lnst Saturday in the fooms of {the Brandon. The new organization -, will be known as the Sam’l Edmiston Post G. A. R. Poliowing are the offi- had been adopted, was given out: R#SOLVED, That we stand firmly for | the rate of wages now in effect, viz: 40 cents for rom on for : also, that an Jegng va and other of management be a a operators, where ee of nie © district to take striver FATTON " _EBENsBURG. The Game Played a: Carrelitown — Won by Ebensburg. A game of baseball was played at Carrolitown last Friday between Pat- 1 and Ebensburg resaiting in a score ofl6 to 7 in favor of the Fbensburg clih. - Up to the beginning of the ninth | Commander, Geo. B. Brandon; Sr. g| vice commander, B. J. McFeely; Jr. ! vice commander, Frank Lather; ad-- Jutant, Wm. A Fagan; quartermaster, | Wm. M. Gates; sergeant, Jno, W. | Hobart; chaplain, . Robt. B. Reeder; | officer of the day, Thos. P. Dumm; | officer of the guard; Sturgis Charles; BUILE If s so dont fail to call and io spect our fine line of ~ DOORS and SASH We have just received £Wo |The post has rented rooms over Cush ~ Car Loads—Can make prices ing & Merken's drug store and the to suit Buyer. : | commander, Mr. G. B. Brandon, has QM. sergeant, Valentine Dumm. {over twenty members enroll Bed. We are also agent for ‘D. M. Osborne & Co... FARMING IMPLMENTS The * Vindicator Has Soxpeond ed. The Gallitzin Vindicator has sus. {pended again. Mr. Jas. W. Killduff, the editor and proprietor, under date “of July oth, says: “Since March, i887, D. C. D Al E the Industrial Vindicator fearlessly de- fended the camse of labor, but now its mission is ended. The depression that has ruined tens of thousands of busi- i ness men caught as in its clutches and ‘the Vindicator is no more.” The | paper was a staunch advocate of the : : | rights of the laboring man, and par- a : ticularly of the miners. Mr. Killdaff he - has the sympathy of the Cou RIER in { his misfortune. Magee Ave. ~ PATTON, PA. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A el £5 a ’ i ‘ Con mercial, : ! The best salve in the world for cuts, “bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever | sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, | corns, and all skin « ruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. | It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- "faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Dr. C. E. | Belcher, city drug store. S. M. WILSON, Prop. A Modern Hotel. - ‘Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, | Local Market Repoii. | For the special benefit of the farmers All new furniture, lin the vicinity of Patton the CovRrier . Heated with steam through- I report, revised cach week: 1 Butter, i? 15 cents per pound. out, bie, i Svs t 3 publishes the following local market an 3 * ‘dozen Hot and. cold water on every | Potatoes, Tg bea Poatoes, new, floor. | Avpies ts » on fone. h : " Cooking and dining depart- Gui,” non 3B ment in Skillful hands. on shelled, vio 03 GEE AVE, NEARR. R. STATION. Rye, Buckwheat, oo al EY porismen we i 12 to. 313 per ton PATTON, PENNA. Huy, premed, . : T= cers elected for the ensuing term: (sent for the charter. The new post hits and vest, size about 35, and 2 pairs places, . inning the score stood 1 to 6 in favor uch Spa being Seemed nex: of Paton, but the Ebensburg players Pe, fifteen representatives re- cane to the bat and made four runs ported that old men were retarning to which give them the game. A large work at the 40 cents per gross ton rate. number witnessed the game and every- The operators express the opinion that one appeared to be quite entirusiastic in ten days there will be a general re- over it cheering for one side or the sumption of work at the wages they otler almost continually. The Ebens- offer. : burg people certainly felt very good over their victory as on Saturday the followihyg letter was sent to the Cou- BIER by a traveling man stopping there over night: Loven! Horse Bace. On Sanday, June 24, Wm. Dufton, of Ebensburg, who ¢laims to have an ex- pert trotting harse went to ( arrolllown EBENBURS, Pa. July 7, 1864. and was continually itching fora bore Fprror Covaten:— Rah! Bah! Base- race with some one whom he thought ball! Ebensburg! Ebensburg!! Kah! he could “do up.” He finally got A}. Rab! ak sion % ida and. Q yh - of Talk about jollification, you should bert Flick to Pol (1 ARNT.O1 have been here to see bow the Ebens- Spangler, who happened to be in Car- burg people celebrated their victory roiitown the same day. Mr. Bemrer over Patton last nighc Upon arrival was somewhat dubious as he knew that of club they were escorted all over Duftan’s horse was a “flyer; but con. an by the band and such a noise as y made. When they returned to cluded be would not be blaffed (uite Ane Ie they were greeted with 80 easy if he did lose. Atlast a match _appdaase and fire works, colored lights, “was arranged to come off at Ebenssurg 8 big bon fire was baring in the Wednesday, June -27. A crowd of *auam the players were seized and carried arouad on the backs of the en- about two hundred gathered at the thugiastic citizens and cheers rent, the track to see Bearer get “done ap.” air for Sach eh Slayer and for Patton ball His horse won the first heat in 2:56; Sa. 5 Dt oils by acteral x ; 2 = Ck » ¥ - Dufton’s the second in 2:51), and fois prominer ey a oni Bearer’s the third in 2:56, winning the n.tration of the kind | ever heard and race. Considerable money changed the oaly objection I made was that hands and the race wus quite exciting taey w oaldn’t let ne size p. all through. The race was for $50 a ‘side. Mr. Bearer takes quite an inter- est in his animal and of course feels quite proud of it now. His Work i Ended. Mr. August Morean, one of the first to locuie at Patton and a well known citizen, died at his home pear the iron : Rib Removed. : "bridge Thursday afternoon, July Sth at Miss Bilasche Decker, of this place, 4:45. Deceased had been ill for about has been suffering for some time with tw) weeks with heart - trouble, but it an abacess of the lungs, but last week was not tLenght his sickness would was afforded sci relief by an impor. prove fatal uml a few days before his ‘tant surgical operation, performed by death. He was'proprieior of a resian- Drs. Worrell, of this place, and Rice, of rant and notwithstandicg the dull times Hastings. Part of one rib was removed was doing’a fair Wgsiness, being popu- in order to reach the abscess. lar with his acquintances. Funeral services were re singed at 9 o'clock | I have hanging in my ‘tailor shop’ i Saturday by Rev. on, pastor of suit to order, sme 38, which a deposit the Methodist Eo The remains was paid on and which was not lifted, We™ taken to Morrisdple for burial, worth $30, medium weight and color where Matertient took place in ths which will be scld cheap, Also. 1 coat) ; Eighmy cemetery. Mr, peas w ! ‘member of the Knights of light trousers which were left as above. the Golden Bagles, iy These goods can be bought cheap. ' those socie ties attended hi Call early someone and get a bargain. | leaves a wife and two sma Specks] Sale. BrLL, .. 1. . Yor flour, feed, hay, : ete. The Tailor and Clothier. Sam’! Boyce. -25tf Two games of bail wert played hero and Conemangh, and one between | both games. the Carroiltown picnic on ‘the 5th inst. | Wm. R George, of Blacklick, and R. | J. McNally, of the Summit, were in town on business Priday. One of the most interesting baseball games of the season took place at Car- | rolitown on Friday last, between the - Fbensburg and Patton nines, ‘which | resulted in a score of 6 to7 in favor of Ebensburg. Upon the retain bome of the Ebensburg club they and their friends were so enthosiastic as to get the drum corps and have a parade. Fire works were sent up and a bon- fire built near Mr. James’ drug store in honor of the victory. ~ A number of strangy re were seen in town on Sunday. ar The Grit's. Cool Reception. . The Philipsborg Ledger says that the Miner's Glee club, which started on its tour last week, were in Williamsport on Friday and Saturday and created a great sensation. They were splendidly treated every place they sang in the city, except at the Grit office, and there they met with a chilling reception and didn't get a cent of. money, which was a very singular treat ‘ment from a paper that professes so much friendship for the miners - Every other newspaper office in Wil- Hamsport received the club warmly suspended work while the club sang in order to give the employes an oppor- tunity to hear the music and every person in the building gave the boys some money. [It remained for Grit, the vaunted champion of labor, to behave -meanly and niggardly, and the boys are disgusted. A Building on Magee Aven: | Mr. Geo. C. Yeager, of Hastings, has concluded that Patton is a good town to live in and do business and will lo- | cate here soon. He is erecting a build- ing 20 x 48 feet, opposite the Commer- cial, which will be used as a meat “ {ket and dwelling. The market i _ wiii be 20 x 28 feet. Mesurs. ,Lnias Bh, & Bloom are the contract embers have the frame for the new funeral. 'g already erected. i} children. a shoes marked down 25 per go t 4 BELL, The Clothier. pure soda water. ten ta well ve teen want the electric lights and | Cornelins, who is interested in | who introduced Mr. Black to | was accordingly requested to Black to meet council at its : ing | next Tuesday evening, when an| ordi-’ nance will be framed that will be!made -mataally agreeable to all conce rjed. Mr. Black stated Tuesday owjening that when once assured that he ¥ill be granted the priviliges by coundil he will proceed at once. The indichtions now are that there will be no felays and that work will begin not] later than the first of August. To complete ‘the plant will not require overithree months, according to Mr. Blidk, so that by November 1st we may «dxpect | to illuminate with a modern lig} The prices for the same wl be He $time ae charged elsewhere, as follows: | candle power incandescent light, 30 cents per month; » ¢. Pp. 60 ents; 2c. p, $1.20; 840 p, 8240; Whe p., $5.00; arc lights $6. or month. Thanks Returned. ‘The Patton Fire company « through these columns to retum t to the Patton Cotnumn for adve to C. W. Hodgkins for a flag for omr building, to Chief Police Jones fr “the labor in getting out. the wagon' with little girls in parade, to E. C: Brotm for efforts and aid in getting a from and to Makafley, and to all] good citizens who so Hberally contributed to and contributed liberally and one office Make the celebration 3 success was concnded to be so despite the ¢ of a very few - make i otherwi LS Bell, Chairma : Struck bv a Train. Geo. Buriock, a siav, was strae J "He was on one track whe stepped to one side to get out way of an approaching train. to potice a train coming on the ther track he was struck by it. His imu consisted of a broken rib, contusidm of the back and a big cut in the head ‘He was astended by Dr. Worrell! who =e not consider his injuries fatal, Charch Notes. : Rev. Chas. W. Wasson, pastor, preach in the Methodist . church nexy Sunday morning at clock. AK are welcome. For a hice cool drink try Hoe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers