Ta lg 7 Patton Courier. PaTrON ruBLISHING oo. Proprictors. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1894. i : NEWSPAPER AW DECISIONS. ad Subscribers who do not give express’ : to the contrary are Sansidern as wish- | 3 yo renew thelr subscrip H subscribers rar the he discontinaanee of their periodicals, the publisher may con- tinue to send them until all arrearages are ; If snbscribers: fogiopt or refase to take | their periodicals from t to which | they are dirested, they Sion have scitie ‘their bills and ordered them nage a subscribers move ta other incon with- | oo informing the publishers, an papers | are sent to the former address, ee are bi 5. The Consts have decided that refusing to take periodizals from the office or removing and knving them uneaticd for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. 6. If sulwcribers ‘Dung § to. give notice af the end of the time if] they do not wish to conting mking it; other) wise the publishers is authorized. to send it and the Sameritir will be responsible until an express notice, with yen of all arrear- ges, ent to he pub ¥ ; toed Time Table: : The hours of arrival and departure of trains st the Patton Station are as Mail Close. wii 7 AX 310 pM A. M. to 8 Train numbers marked ‘‘N’’ are northbound and “8 southbound. In Baehelor's Hail. 1 sit by the fire In the gathering gloom - And my thoughts never tire Of dwelling —on whom? The atr's not the clenrest- With pipe smoke it's hilar But I'm happy. my Rare, I'm thinking of vou . Alene and forsake pry? My darling, not quite— Who thinks so’s mistaken— My love ls, to-night, 11 each dying ember, © A vision, it's true: But then, dear, remember, he vision is you. They pity me, Hving in Po erry Hall; My pity I'm giving vy those at the ball, For while they are dp eing The whole evening through Mg tuk mind is romancing h mem’ ries of you. Then on with their pleasure, I'd rather be here, : Where scenes that | treasure In visions appear; : And — on eyelids are closing; M pe ix out, too, oy Zi dear—1'm dozing, C Apd-~dreaming—of you. : -Fillett Flower. Soda at Hodgkin's drug store. . Bargains at Ashcroft's millinery store. 241 - Decoration day in Patton. was €Xx- ceedingly quiet. . For a nice cool drink try Hodgkin's 8 pure soda water. : J. R. Bucher, of Columbia, was in| Patton Monday. H. E. Barton is at HevioNlorili this | week on business. E. D. Melly, of Cresson, was a VisiloT | counren's attention was attracted 10° rode below the dam among a to Patton Monday. A. T. Strittmatter came over from ‘Hastings Monday. Abe Mirkin spent : Sunday friends in Altoona. : are responsible anti} | y in advance they. ae | with | Grant H. Row, nl of Philadelphia, was in town on busi- ness the first of the week. | | | Hastings Downed by a Sears of 33 to $1 Eight Innings. : i The Patton base ball club crossed | | the cradle. i i ares forget to own & Bibl and aa) For the next thirty days you can get bats with the Hastings club at Carroll- | American flag. | wall paper and window shades at cost . town Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock |. Don’t be afraid to warn your children at the Patton Pharmacy. -23tf | Harry Gould, who has been visiting relatives at Beech Creek the past month, returned home Monday. Notice the statement of the First National Bank of Patton in another . column of the COURIER this week. Try Magic drops for pain, internal | and external. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf T. W. Donahue, R. F. Notely, John. Westover and J. Van Dusen, - all’ of Hastings, were in Patton last week. Coxey, Brown and Christopher Col- umbus Jories, are in jail at Washington, having been sentenced to 20 days each. - For coughs, colds and sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf The finest line ladies’ hats and ander- wear to be found anywhere at Alice A Asheroft’s millinery store in Good building. - 24tf It is said a number of reliable citizens have seen Bookamire, in the vicinity of Nicktown during the last few weeks. Spangler Sentinel. For the finest line of millinery, fancy ‘goods and ladies underwear go to Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store in Good building. - 2441 For. razors, knives, scissors, razor strops, clippers, mugs and brushes go to the Patton Pbarmacy on Fifth and ' Beech avenues. -23tf J. M. Robinson, the genial landlord of the Palmer hotel, Patton, and Dr. Belcher, of Clearfield, visited our town on Sunday. —Carrolitown There will be a grand reception gi ven in honor af the eighth anniversary: of Mr. and Mrs. ‘J. M. Robinson at the Palmer house Saturday evening. ; A cow waa killed by the Cambria & - | Cresson passenger train coming from Cresson Monday morning in the Ear- hart cut above Eckenrodes station. The streets of Patton were thtonped with people Monday and Tuesday owing to the meeting of the Farmer's . Alliance here Monday and Tuesday. - About fifteen of the engines which have for some weeks stood upon the siding opposite Twelth - street, were put into service on the road Saturday. , —Atoona Mirror. The CoURIER wishes to thanks to Hon. J. J. Thomas and H. M. | Gooderham for the report of the ' Farmer's Alliance meeting held in the { oprea house Monday and Tuesday. In looking over the marriage licenses published in the Clearfield papers the News { the license of William E. Lusk, of Pat- ton, and Miss Gertie Horn, of Philips burg. A tramp Kicked a dog belonging to { Thos. Cush at Johnstown last week express where a very interesting game was played notwithstanding it was on Sun- day. A large crowd commenced to gather shortly after dinner from | all directions to witness the game besides a large number who had al- ready gathered there to attend confir- mation services in the church. As soon as church was over the game com- menced in good earnest and was very exciting sll through. There was con- siderable slugging done on both sides, but the following score would indicate , that the game was sufficiently interest ing for the Hastings club: 1 3 4. a 5 87 4 2 $0625 3 2 . 5 08 33269008 5 - = < Patton Hastings sy MMARY Ie ge 3, Bays i Spires, Ivory ad Clark. Scorer, 3 alentine Kid” Wikson, Masentt, : Poor Farm Seldpid./ The Public Spirit of Ores f that the farm known ast i: field creek and frwned 5 Weaver has been sélected ax the poor farm. The buildings will be about two miles from Clearfield and will be sit- nated, we are informed, between the two railroads where they will show up to the best advantage. The price paid is $55 per acre, with the privilege of taking as many acres as the commis- gioners decide are necessary, which is a much better bargain than it was thought the commissioners could get. . Mr. Weaver has certainly done well by the county in the matter and the com- missioners are to be commended for the business care exercised by them in the transaction. a hundred acres will be the amount purchased. The farm is beautifuily lo- cated, with good drainage and good water. These advantages with ease of access and close proximity to the court house make the Weaver farm a very desirable county property. : Boy Drowned The Glen Campbell Comet has the following: ‘Mr. Spicher crossed the creek on the bridge to fix. fences and the boy followed him across, but was told by his father to go back to the ouse. Mr. Spicher found the fences all right and went from there to the mili; after which he started for home and on his arrival there discovered the boy missing and a search was made, but to no avail. This was about 8 o'clock in the morning, and the neigh- bors who gathéred drained the dam, i McElhose's but the body could not be seen, and the searchers were about to give up the hunt when Mr. John Hollis discovered the body about 20 a lot of. driftwood.” : Higest Wat sr in 33 Years. It is said in the history of ( ‘arroll- town the water was never known to bn as high as it was Sanday night. The A. Harter, of Grant Pa., spent part and the owner admonished him for the treats became rushing torrents, which of Monday in Patton. Lact, when’ the fellow without ‘a word roared along like a. cataract. Fields J. W. Koch, of Johnstown, registered | | pulled a revolver and shot Cush in the were washed and gardens were swept. at Hotel Beck Friday. Finest ice cream in Patton at Sny- | det's restaurant. 266 Clark Hyskel, of Harrisburg, stopped at Hotel Beck Monday. ' abdomen. Mrs. Jacob Mcauley, of Brockway- ville, died last werk from the effects of a fall caused by a defective sidewalk jon the streets of that place. Bhe was | one. of the oldest residents of that part Benjamin Wirtner has been a resident of the town for 35 years and he says he never saw the water as high, and he has been a close obse rver and has lived ail the time in a position in which he could observe to a good advantage. D. W. Coulter, of Copepaug i oh ; hy Spent, | of the country and of one of the most It was considerably higher than it was last Thursday in Patton, J. G. Llcyd, of Ebensburg, was ‘a visitor to Patton Sunday. D. F. Rhodes, of Altoona, was a guest at Hotel Beck Friday. : Meals at all hours at Myery’ restaur- | _ ant, next to postoffice.-23tf ~ E. D. Wilwood, of Pittsburg, had business in Patton Saturday. JM Nagle, of St. Augustine, was; seen of our strects Monday. : E. J. Martin, of Altoona, Wis a guest. at the Palmer house Friday. | prominent families. A box social was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rogers on Fifth avenue Tuesday. A Large number were in attendance. and a very enjoya- | ble evening was spent. The proceeds ‘ were for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal church. Tan A. G. Moore, representing Jo mes & Coldwell, a music firm of Tyrone, spent | a few days in Patton the latter part of last week in the interest of the firm. ' Mr. Moore expects to do a large busi- ‘ness in this vicinity this summer. 5 the time of the Johnstown Hood. Many flooded, but outside that and the washing of fields and gardens, no damage was done. It comes handy to live on a hill some- times, —Carrotitown News cellars were of Thair First Communica. Sixty-nine children made their first communnion in St. Benediet's church this “place Sunday last. . The children were beautifully attired and made a lovely appearance marched before - High Mass, from the school house to the church, escorted by D. F. Kilgore, of Pittsburg, registered : The Coalport correspondent to the the Carre Hitow n band and accompanied’ at the Palmer house Saturday. Clearfield Public Spirit says that. the by their spiritual teachers. At this Geo. B. Hopkins, of Altoona, stopped engineers of the proposed Beeck Creek time in each year a class of children of at the Commercial hotel Monday. C. HB. Burgess, of Binghampton, N. Yi had business in Patton Monday. : Go to Sam’l Boyce for flour, - feed, | 7 and all kinds of grass seeds.-3tf Lawrence Wyland, of Spangler, vis- ited among friends in Patton Monday. John Tompkins, of Johnstown, was guest at the Commercial botel - Friday. Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading milli- ner, of this section. Go and see her.- A ; A. W. Glasser and Miss E. lee, of Hastings, drove over to Patton Mon- day. 8. B. Crouse, of Philadelphia, ‘regis- . tered at the Commercial hotel Satur- day. _ Hastings, were in Patton on business Saturday. Mrs. D. B. Beaver and children are visiting Mrs. Beaver's parents at Hast- . ings this week. . Steele's ice cream at Snyder's res- taurant, the only cream of that make in Patton.-26-tf Miss Emma Nicholson and little sister ‘Edna, of Hastings, Visited friends in Patton Monday. "The nicest clams and salt oysters you . aver tasted is at Snyder's restaurant. + yy for yourself.-26-tf | Railroad passed through that place one | day last week on their way back: from . Patton, and will now commence ‘cate the proposed route. to lo- Here is an item for perpetual cigar- ette smokers from the Huntingdon “Local News:!"" Malcom Petriken, son a of R. Bruce Petriken, is a victim of ex- music wit cessive cigarette smoking. The mus cles on the right side of his face have ome paralyzed and he is obli wed to sleep with one eye wide open : Master Workman and President of the United Mine Workers, T. A. Brad- {ley, of District 2, spent a few hours with us Tucsday. Mr. Bradley who has been detained by the recent floods from visiting various parts of the dis. trict, says the miners of this distric scale price. —Gallitzin Vindicator. H. B. Carlton, claiming to represent 5, J. H. Allport and J. D. Jones, of are splid and will stand out for the’ proper age is prepared, and no labor or pain is spared in their instruction, which their behidvior on the ociasion 4-Carrollitown News, & Hi arly shows, Fine Musicians. Tony Gargano, Emil Bove and Joseph Cella, three fine musicians made h two violins and a harp for the people of Pattop Toesday, Their rendition of the “Mocking Bird" the * ‘Hi gh school ( "adet March” superb. They furnished music a select party in the Good building on Taes«d: vy night. Reod's fe and Wis for Ballito reaveIne | Ruby Maude Reed, the child of BR. M. Reed, of this paper, bp twiwii the hours of 7 and 5 o'clock on Friday, May isth, 1804, in Clearfield. w oe sick on Taesday night with ‘scarlet fever, which was of the malig- nant form and she died at the time above stated t. eldest Qiag Houtzdale Journal, a Philadelphia firm as traveling sales- ‘man, passed a bogus check on Mr. | Christ Shenefelt, of Morrellvilie, form: erly of Ebensburg, last week, obtaining $15 of the §25 which the check called for from him; the balance was to have been paid when Mr. Shenefelt had the check cashed. The man was arrested, {but upon giving Mr. Shenefelt good security for the amount he withdrew the charge ard Carlton was released. - Easing Mountaineer. ir Everybody Welcome, . A grand reception and dance will be given at the Palmer house on Saturday evening, June 2'in honor of the eighth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. Mrs. J. M. Robinson. Everyone is in- vited to be present. The dance will commence at 7:30 sharp. MR. & Mga. J. M. RoBiNsoN. A watch free with every $15.00 pur- chase. tS Bri, THE CLOTHIER. and Strock oat by Patton 13, by Hast ory bali, off Patton 6, off Hastings It is said that about. as they to avoid bad children, Don’t forget to set the example of being a good citizen. Don’t let children stay out of sehool for trivial reasons. Don’t take off the underclothing of children in April Don’t fail to remember that a doc- tor,s bill is batter than an nndertaker’s. Don’t fail to teach hospitality. It is becoming a Yost art.” Don’t aliow yourself to think your children angels. You cannot train celestial beings out of your limites experience. = Don’t be afraid to answer questions. Children learn that way. : Don’t be astonished if you see your own habits repeated in your children’s habits. A Sad Mistake. Vincent Charles, infant son of Mr. and Mrs H. A. Campbell, of Cherry- tree, died on Saturday the 12th, inst. under particularly distressing circum- stances. Mr. Campbell whois a brake- ran on the Busquebana Extension, was away on his trip and the wife and Bane, ‘ were left in the care of a nurse. the physician made his call he — a. powder for Mrs. Campbell and one for the babe, When the nurse went fo give“ the medicine, by mistake, gave the powder intended for the mother to the infant and death was the result. The nurs is nearly frantic with grief. : Marriage Licenses for ( ambris, The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court for the week ending Wednesday, May 24, 1884: ; (reorge B. Shaver and Sue E. ton, Johnstown. : John FE. Kelly, Sheridan, M. Klenk, Morreliville. : John D. Strayersand Myrtle Seese, Hamil- and Lalu Johnstown. J. E. Lectenberger und Kate Foster, Johnstown. (reorge Veber and Franciska Vencel, Johnstown. : Naotier of Application fur Charter. Notice iw hereby given that an ap-’ plication will be made to the Hon. A. V. Barker, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, on the Fourth day of June, 1504 for the charter of a corporation to be called the Patton Methodist Episcopal Church, the character and object of which is the maintenance of public ~worship according to the constitution, canons, “discipline, doctrioe, faith, government and forms of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. REUEL SOMERVILLE, Solicitor. “May 12, Ish Good News for Ebensbarg. Last week a couple of gentlemen from York, Pa, were in Ebensburg looking for a location for an estab- lishment to that can bt» mantt/acture everything made oat of hard wood, aach as threshing machines, furniture, cider presses, pins, etc., and the com- . pany will employ at least fifty men. They are pleased with -Ebensburg and also with the unlimited supply of hard rood i ti a. wood in this section. the encouragement bria Heraid. possible, —Camy- Did You Ever Nother? That the people who patronize a news- paper the least make the most com- P laints about it? That whom you have Aven credit is the first to abuse you. t vou lose A person's friendship if via trust him? That the man who asks you for trust pays the cash to your competitor? That short settlements make long friends? the man to Dentist. : Dr. B. F. Wendell, a graduate of Baltimon: of Dental Sargery, has opened a dental parlor up stairs in the Good building over Koller & Cos store. First-class work guaran- without College extracted dt! Notice, teed. Teeth pain. Prices moderate “We hereby give notice that we have sold all our real estate and personal property situated in Clearfield town- ship, one-half miie from Patton, on the road li ta. BE, The property is now in the hands of Mary A. Wi rs alin Augustine, WIRTNER & BAKER. Nustiee, { hereby notify all people wbd have dogs running at luge thal they keep “hem off of my premises the brick “they will be compelled yard to pas ): VESTRY 4-13. -td SIMON BORTMAN, foe Crean. - - ‘ § We are now prepared to serve Ice Cream Gp stairs in the building lately occupied by Ed. Cairns, better known "as the Robinson house, below the post- office. -35t1 DORSEY MYERS. Boarders Wanted. Dorsey: Myers, who has rented rooms in the building lately occupied by Mr. Cairns. is now prepared to accommo- date about four regular boarders. Prices moderate. -23tf she must Commercial, Ss. M. WILSON, Prop. A Modern Hotel. Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, All new furniture, Heated with steam through- out, Hot and cold ‘water on every floor. : Cooking and dining depart- ment in Skillful hands. MAGEE AVE., NEARR. R. STATION. 'PATTOS, PERN’ A. nS Wesrastor. Manufactarer and Shipper of Ice Cream,’ ” § ~1601 11th Avenue, ‘ALTOONA, PENN. We Send on your ord Telephone No. 283. GF. LER (onTmicron ¢ Buioes. 25 Years Experience. are ready for the trade. ers. Al Work Guaranteed to Give tivo Satisfaction According to Plans and Specifications. Am stopping at the Commercial Hotel. Dr. i B. F. Wendell, A graduate of Baltimore Collge of | Dental Surgery, opened a Dental Parlor i < up stairs in the Good building over Kol- & Co.'s store. ler irst-Class work gunaran- leeth extracted without | | pail. Prices moderate. A. G. Diehl (Successor to Samuel E. Jones, GAL SA Magee Avenue, Across Chest Creek. HORSE SHOEING, A specialty. Prices are moderate. All work dorie with neatness and dispatch. Call and See Me, A G. DIE HI. Patton, Pa. AML BOYCE, { Successor to John Otto. | S - DEALER IN Flour and Feed, Hay, ~e Grain, Lime, the Lowest for CASH | Prices wre on Beach Avenue, near R.R. Depot. Sti Read th Patton COU RI AND KEEP POSTED. | Send it to Vi tance and they wl interested in the Northern Cambri ill r friends at a dis- thereby levelopements of 281 bec me x. When You Want JOB WORK P aronize You COURIER new and The all new type, practical man 1n r Home Printing Office. is equipped with ba: pr CSses 4a { Ct mpetent 1 rigs cnarge. bos - ' IS the Zim of the pul than goes to make it more gives only the and make it w orthiy section. SAD THE and Paros ishers of the COURIER a Local ‘Paper (which p of the neighborhood) f the support of all this b 51 (COURIER you will be happy.