The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 24, 1894, Image 7
A TRU E HON’ STORY I. eT They poplin In the Horrors re inne Oh, this is an 2d of the dentiry ial of Seastokoess. THE OLD WOMAN IN THE | Of the cain, analytic : DRESS UNDER AN OAK TREE. subnrb was straliing streets When he caine bw o chante : aa nfl : a eonple——a man and a fhe Always Appoared to Arnotpes an Ap- © : # . . . . : wt parte bing crag Talk, ade imaged ately ross proaching | icath Inthe Family She Was . “beer hk {ie 1 lew Probably a fervent Whe iad Been Foul. Kol alall TWAS eX Bree | 22 besa pressing the Ty Dealt With In Apcient Doys, : Ra ich a si AF Soe ik fats wors not ff 5 ture, for he arrested, bo “Everybody langhs i ens the old story of 1h ; n a way rnd irs : . ¥ Gear oak f nid laa ¥ ™ Hipd vormh tie eT T ; a genticman of nations repatats inte. ARE a 2 Bt nay pe 3 . A . : 4 : E 2 . . ¥.: ly as hoe clietis “1 wri 8 on Ewicm ld cow PG : 2 TT APPTOY Bl RITE. The sheamner raat viiv Wit! ae IER; A “ x : i 12 Aid CARY OF 153 TR 02 ¥ Avvibi 3 ni iY 2 i L330 4 i ; 5 £3 5 work cmt Hs he sh {5% Arve Pag 3 , Galt : pa . ig 2 ” a. Sutsh Doum amiss wd wpitil in the office of the Continents), and I Ar 5, G0. orcasion, they talked of thelr leh pres hale n'a : They Ia frase ' 4 whe, ; he TA ok bot be PIS PM. Train Ay C0 Jove ae when he and about 50 other ovannanion : ; . was 318 vce, oad be Rated the 00R Te aa Bb am not saying bot chat ft was bat ara TE ivan ai} (Si fares Niet A Bat win i g inten rg and teens perstition alter all, though there 15a DE ta anal {in misery were seized With all 4 Minriapels Housekeeper. | of rpenling money on 3 OOWT ARK | Pik Riis 2 4 2 i tg Aaato iden A OA CIITE PO sonal 1 Ee He cs iy 3 - iii Ca Poipymmiiiy tiled ¥ LETT Bo el aR is y Httle thang nnected with my famuy hey watited to Le ohpwrvations, EYTpLOmS | of mai de mer. The ey ari : : wr : sai : : Souda ap timo, 8:3 am A son that is a str ZNRe coincidences, toil 1t ; . re : Sa olor who seemed exs mt fr m suffering Riles es 1m : SUT G ie & we sear £4 nIeTS Lb EERE it Iu Bsn RTE and prs : ’ ; 32 hab eh re they wed in the osoal way! | wag the man who hed lwen arrested It seems oO Seni pndertaking to a | ng thelr privileges of parBament. Ho. brie wml Willing rt. wi Pri even ‘that. id fate Their Lives oravily sever? ! BH paced Pie deck wits thie nitro it i r tT 3 er id | Baggs nodiTiook 1 WR EXPT NE ; rT oe Buia ‘ . - 3 +k aaa 4 a tae ded With (he atin van- owt Ihe 10 “5 Jad TAY “t MAL] AEE } ® 40 23 De% Lo : treats wi te 3, : Once, when I was a boy, I woke up =” ¥ of 1he cents ae 3 al : Sidon : . ‘ of wi ns : hiss & y bey © Weer ey _— pe. a . Faring the nisl weening bitterly and i sd Hos no eort of ending whnstever ; | placeney, Bow And Ihe TR £ 0 precious s1 L d CROW] mring a oot #1 in which 020 oi a ha # per, Hat ping beriy, 1 Se Sober tn Va wren Tui oo. Yegiohsing na ] al. \rircierigeal sidlisrinass viydis : Ab tha sri The 3 a i Thane Weir pala Rind Mirna when my mother eame to my bedside I a Eda 3x vue bonbom box a - oper hich he swal: | are composed imelipendent partici dine with the speaker 8 man who Port 10 Ruitisnane told ber that I had dreamed that a queer. Saved by a Pony. Towed Pith shares 0 | that are contimally in exondingly ry EE ER a is WESTWARD. ar on ai eons ee had. come to 1 aia ¥ WOMAD IN Wiis ri HATE OW tid motion Tess SCIIve Im S are | Wax not domingo we that might (7B A M.— Train d, Sally exon at 4 ly dressed old woman had come to me |: lephants are extremely afraid of jn Parie acted on the steamer as i ot 1 suid ' mi] ar op 3 cets--| was $n the habit of going home with | “for Ridgway, Do ABois, CwITonnt sind erie under a large oak tree and had warned | 3 rites Major John Dutler i sin say pmOw aa ati. la A . Cs: [andies Stations, Lowes Hcg way a > me that my brother Leon ard, who was my TE = or ap dri) an} Was 3 pertact gtrang tax ham, 2 {rad point with Foo Fou AEN dity | Biggar on tbe top of the last tram | . for Erie. hi “Travels In Assam, To that face be | seemed indead 10 tie grentset vietin hat they oonstitnle, 6 ail intents § they Itvad pear fach other our Lambredh 950 A.M -Train & daliy for Brie snd inten senior by several yrars, was going to die owed the deliverance of his wife and | of thea al AL ne - erin : : : cs Sudeser AL I wR rims Fora i thi ve |g meine Pina ; 7 very 80D I noticed then that instead hil 4 fr. at rribl & ath With Tas m 2 them ali a ETNA. WAR Ne Fu T PRIEOe A an Aa 4 . aM 2am A | WAY SOD DCP — is MIZat ap (8.27 P.M Tain 11, Sud SEvwiedt Sew ay or hy im a terrible deat? i thor mors th 3 rr walk un £5 Jae 3 E Pip bate? sEyvEbyinid @ THASE \¥ guns vi foo od LT ir on “Hay Kame in ernest x Sad of calming my fears my mother | istened chic ” th t ings that the man walked op $5 ber and bop sirl around an tes quaint. Ti 4 { Berar A ared fm wind Bn a : ta me withont savinz a worded, and pres- he w was traversing the jungle over an offered her ane of ud logenpes, Seviar | am Telia $hach yaa lev de BELTS Is saat: IDA Gress, FRO { pasts bat- | GH TRAINK POR. 3 irre COD entl; Th w “that she. tox wa ¢ > 2s ‘exceedingly rongh road through forest! ing that they were a sovereign rem roqy OBE Soe mitlions of mes in | toms and 415 watheot even an overcoat, FROM THE EAST AND 5 UTE % - sige Ton 2 Cry: a a 3 _ - i ¥ 4 i oh 5 po Fis Yi Y ryIng and grass jungle alternately. The Way apainst seasicknest, She took ope, and gruel I i to go hore, sri Lv RAY J sowreen Hailes pd bard as I was 1 asked what was the bs 1 br > advanosd. 1 or ye a : ad to be ent as thiy advanos Was | in the course of a few minates said toast | firs glances oem Doo Hire wth the kx mpipanion remiostratod, £ of] mg a put med 3 | : 2 : i: matter, and though she put me off 1 did the lead on a large elephant in IF ghe wag completely cured. and soon her wil anderson beliad the hardness ain, somsd Piggy even sonsent oO pot forget he strange effect on her. that dah with ‘a good bart : is i : Sai : ie > ; : : ’ : + x my dream had pro seed. y may phond SH Sdn : ns, | fellow PASRE OVS 4 FOr (SES oy inanaelr Y 1X SIA as li f456 THAI WOLE BAYS TAM ee bod p ken about inidday ol ¥EEY with considerable relish a plate of sand. | bgr this $00 v rxnliinent The almost | him, Tul 2 a, as Was his custom, | TRAN 3 mses Rey 5 ‘It conld not have been a werk after 2 en : 1 2 Tucri} x : : : ; . i 2 { B13 pth Wad PS goon ory OL man) ! BSLV | wiches, ARashed dows bestele of peso Fit suet drives the at at thy treme poant toowhich a pes | Rattimene, : ab Py that that my brother came In one after- s ’ . da ! > ii . : : nocn from school and sal id A he was going . to juin a party of yo PCOTHE IBA ooh ent dawn » Jungle, a Siig ner Sn a RAE {y Par ext ft y sleighing excursion to the next town. | po yop chit freon the : : am i ha ia i thwde it ars an : : STS x My mother wis very nhwilling fer hn : Cs : mae ; Yipels " ri : ; - : 5 k ‘ . : 3 ni ry é 4 _ : ep ~ ges £ to go and « sf ced to all sorts of mery- ey > Rear Ih ihe 2 aE Topas pars that gins ng IN menely the | Toinsea stern gy AS KEVIES 3 Te RAIN 1 les stout One ates * ERR : DasEag leptaant, which was just bel cand ag I have a fow hoses with 3 Irhamriziy Lome ¢ pees dwslive comsiste | fosdish expense to which Be bad ad EXoept Sunday, wil calm hi rd my wife and child The litle élo- | gh ; : 3.34 ms : with! im eile ” iis fins if aneurin pani + nat hawks STOR pe] 2 a and Th itestn fol 2 NRE EEE a domed . ASA Te Cn pf i . by my mother's 18 eyes g ide the palken white: containod | kad fu the dieantive rither incroised | ind so this opsftio ie soi of 1 CORATE ow 5 Zu to Tomy | TRATY 10 fhree liours we reccived a tele orm say- mei oo | dni nie id De ion kt To Mma] men ing that TE Ea Lm Il oy ne potins SF alas toms. than. ahd They closed] eed EE To. A El ET a : rt 1 ' td 10 tho Sigh hewoning fight mas Ee st, apd they clossd | er 8 all fhe boxes | grimnphent Now York Ledges ret Aen ick. - FRAT = encd, snd, Forming away near availron a track had thrown roy poor brother on a wheels of & train “When his mangled body came bom my mother met it, saving to ber sister, o 4na j who wi 2% y spirit. > ishment. Aragged from time | wonder to cond ie J again - the of hood dros | was y } our home priversity and was stodying bard for the final exaninatons and was ye { : ‘gitting up late one might reading over laden with siect | ome greet! ue in mental philosophy | jn She dima when 1 dropped off to sleep in my chair. the November rain “Then 1 dreamed of standing once od wp smowbanks. more under a large oak tree, which Was poses wore blooming particularly marked about the bark by When evening had cogee and the a ring about three feet above the ground. | poured a blinding food of 1 ‘Here I was, facing an old woman in 8 over the scene, sho. 801 Ou servamt's dress of the thirteenth or fonr- in the warm gard: 6, her ban teenth ceniury, I should judge, and this | gleaming throng a this en. | TRARY DOES Of JUUIw WEEDS IN DU | dgring thelr promis arity, it Vor 150 fae Sac the BUDRS WORE | yprzan a ” MM X Aa Nid y = nis gieaming LADERA ETA tL MH wo. eps sk rk 1] fe a 33 ¥ 2 . te www ; ry Tr 3 PITTS old woman was telling me that I' would sh Jace. Yes Begipaldde M Conteris : iad a, Tr or, 1 CECE ea: 1 AA Sid ; TIRE Lae Ne | RY i FALE, ROCHESTER iF SBURE 7 i ee my father po more in lifa Iwasa: was there Brat 2% she Saw 3 . my 2 Toe A AS er Bs 0 Mena : good deal worried over this dream, re- | gave a shriek of horror, and with y ie Ae 3 DEANS IGWIN 8 ALTE mus Be iii ee NE an and alter HEB, PL pesmsiger lead membering my former one and ite frag | yuleive gestnre that thre w } ic sequence, but had co ased to think of | to the gronn: 3: it dn the hurry and anxiety of the ex- “AY. Re aminations, when one day old Professor gon so rash B. called to me as I was passing from skin cap © one. classroom to another and asked, having not “HL, isn't your father in Switzerland? | tect your its ha 4 7 ad bane ai ' : vege : Jey replied that be was; for his health | the sidewalis? "Chicago Reonrd, on Si : nas da a Cy 3A ane - abiuhoe iin | pADDETS in Ces. Toubene Pel p TRAINS DEFAR had failed so alarmingly for months | : he i RY. Faz pe is A tenet of pub 2 : er Poi Come Buld and Camus past that bho had been ordered abroad [hn xesinaner and | and had been rapidly getting well - tin) Th the mAGRILIn ( f Switzerland. He bad | that | recently joined the English party in a A ERT _expedit tion to Mont Blane and had writ- : : pis tervweard he asked: oo. : il = sia dons > ak] : ti 71 in fires gpirits regarding the trip. | A. : ek Fons Tees . ie yeu oR ¥ > Tad rt. BLD : = § i : a} io ag y rent 4 LF 4 wt x5: Pg $ve 7 $ Tn x gi § gd Bs eT RTs are is. weve . Brae ted Ents Foomssor DB osaid no more, but I earn “] lee dong?’ iy 27% : of one's Life wo id : ee whs called a free fami © S230 SRSA 2 Lend oY Pres © 0 Argh ne a, An Xen 4 marie of a: oss 1: a few minutes a newspaper Fated. aa be dont ina Larter s Mh A OWE | er. Every pagper who is thos reclaimed | * 5° inl Shoe ; hes [mre sre paid an teak, fo a containing an account of an American, ‘1. strions? Does he keep I ER re “oT 1 to honest, regular industry 0 mnely | Paw: : A I rg upg : who had been killed by falling dwn al : al v_ pres ras of shavin RELY, a » ; 1. . \ Foul toy 3 fF Baiom aia t 3 » yy 5 3 RA bang REL gon al Sr anes Vb meen crevasse in the Swiss Alps. ; i]. wor seel he's Fight consider nr © | ‘No particulars were known or given | oto ¢ : o young men in his | i To i faa ba by the paper, but I knew—aoh, yes, I} pou 4d jumpin and try to dol dd FOI Send 3 met our In and other work, whether knew—that the American was my father, | 1 t Le sors just ae ARXIONS 28 a si iby o = # and s0 it proved. I told my widowed { can 15 bo tof the way. "—-Wash- | mm mpd lo 2 -_r 3 mother of the strange coincidence of my | t Sil 4s ah se filed by gecond dream, and she replied that the | 10 years ago | have warning would never fail; that 3% had | The Mourners. - gome with her through her life, und that lized until today.” sai x Ac her mother had told her that this strange | pung wom ne, ‘how true is) - no phantom had also given her warping of | that quotation, "Man's nhin anity tol, JKeeping bonseh . ints isan af- every disaster she had experienced. The | makes counties ORIANK HeEXRESTIY, SUE We gral: old woman, whoever she was, was al- | m¢ : 1h : Ta ways accompanied in her missions of | 'W hat’ 4 the matter mow?’ I asked Hos sa falar whic! woe by the oak tree marked as I have | rathér unsympathetically. > : : : ; said. The whole thing is a mystery to| ‘‘Oh, nothing more than nsual, but KpawIng, at the end Gi each yeh : as, but it is trae, every word of ib | papa won't Jct Harry come to wen me | BOW the family funds have gone. is the | Aes Via Cu, ““If the thing is something supermat- | any more, and all the girls’ fathers are i com esation. Une especial sat- ural, none of us has any idea who the | the same.” The 7 she sighed deeply and is sction gmined from the Keeping : woman cenld have been or why she cane | added dolefuliy/ We girls are the thou otsehald accounts is the abi, when like a bird of ill omen to prophesy evil = 3ands who mourn," —W ashingts wn Post. | FF if the BECeAmLY ki ia re to a plain American family, sans castle, Ton penditares on the ontlay for luxuries sans legends, sans romance. And I, for | Yellowing Directions. : and unneécessaries. 1 he money spent for one, am particulurly interested in why | Mr. Grogan—Oi tuk the powders food, fo medicines cr for fuel i . the oak tree should have come down to | Socther, but it is sicker Oi am than Oi . us in connection with the ghost. I wonld | Was befoor Of begun. : eh somehow hate to think that some Dr. B Wise] 1 yom foll 2 a A gpstem of ACEOSIE W doughty ancestor of mine hid, after the © rections—ns mane anid ind we EY Sore a playful little manner of the good old ona 10 cent piece every three boars? } — vl enti e to Toxp times, put some faithfu) servant todeath | Mr Grogan—Oi followed thim as | = ration. Philadelphia Tara - in a way in which an oak tree took a Pear as Oi end, doo) : _ prominent part, but I'should not be sur- cnt piece : ; : prised if he did; indeed I bave a sneak- mach as Of cad heap on ni kel eve FoIY aun Diane fund ing belief that that is the true ¢xplana hour and a half Rj YY tion of the whole thing, though I am sorry that same servant is so anforgiv- ing as to take it ont on me by leinging me bad news, which, if she'd only wait long enough, would reach me with pro- Yerbial rapidity. ''—Philadelphia Times. I aretve aot der from The Iartch System, piwaly, Whi are sant and ’ Be 3 a} since. —Philade ‘} oases Be Ex 3 " And then silence reigned TL — NEW Ye wk Warld wh j Yen wwe | 68 wEon8| i deal aon § ET i Be pif #5 Bd WE sEHUELE 1 To Clean Furnitare, Innocent mirth very description inspires a sympa tie. pleasure and works a good that comtagnous Wit and’ hamor are among the great refresh. ments of life and are gifts in trast? A 3 those who possess them for the cheer tel, rul bing und Entertaimed, and exhilaration of mankind —New Yak W Aurelia (anxiously)—Have you seen Love is a bird assage th a ot : C3 i Cr vi : . eA) f A 8.1 of passage th POmMen i i aly mont a t i thing : / r moWonldn't run Tn mo. . ‘George this evening, papa? He prom- | i At women Fes ny s . CEILE we . Stic. ma : : . AN a en x va XY ised to call. ! await with enriosity in youth, retain : ber made qu hit with hi Fiinx on 3 Ma IK] an : v ar advam Ev “Iuka Big * a ; {with pleasure in maturer vears and al- 9°W picture, "‘Swmpathy, © nati) 3 have thomght tout or dr 1 Cmoaw fail of ratte mime er N\ Pape—Yes, he did call, atid I enter {lo Phim } 2 RE ¥s an re ote : aw : ; ary 1, Sam. Sea Re—— ' ¥ to escape with regre chen afd ) 4 v3 t wa pes $d 1x t : ‘ re 1oagalil : » wht t by ixgad yi % tained him for an hour before you came } Teg ih rc a. wlan e : IT AW. Sundae down stairs. j creeps upon ther. ! : : ta pe a i sug 0s = 3 Aurclia—You cnte tained him, papa’ wi : av : : Papa— Yes; I gave him a list of all, to carry an umbrella under your arm, the new dresses you had last year and Carry it with the handle behind v ais Wn : | bemadin . &} ; ; : . : : " the cost of cach. 1 never SAW a WAR | 4)..+ the lance end will point downward (Halo Courier . 4 aller cat Ris 811 When Romé wis under oh " nin and Readin cima ere Shore thore interested, yet he left very hur- fe . dow : : i : th Hrvek maiiway Ri pidnis in New og in front of yon : oe ; 1 play wa o submitted tn Yer abd The wet Ae si agri riedly. =elondon Tit-F Bits. - : : - : i ‘ : ~ A Nice Way. ; ’ ro v v } er et n Indi eho prelate chipreed iy the vi “i i af 0 and from Philipsbung ead with wr ALOK for = re : The h harbor ‘of Riode Janeiro is ope He—I1 wish I had the key to your sad one at least in Earope—ibat a manuscipia dor th & 2 the § Charting Bividon of Deans & H. 3 \t ot “at La Happily Defined. ; of the finest on the globe. It has 50 heart on So Mannheim, Germany here butier ROPE an efi 5 represented as sith isnt Xam Ania Mee m Pisa : Little - Johnny (looking up from his miles of anchorage, sufficient to float She—Indeed! Wha cull you dt = made from cocoanuts = at af ad calling, Waiter, ¢ . Ee Prva Mt ea pcs book)—PFPa, what is the besom of de- : the navies of the world wit : - : Sti: i) Cran loRS a esp | rts Teme © ofthe Peon cyan struction? dtm dnser it in wedlock sive oie Araong the many (1 or French nreop- in the marein hak hon the pion alin : tn he Penosyivanis | and Pa {who is adjusting collary—A ma- The casting af hdlow Ware was f for a 1 AW iT aw ay forever. —Kate €F names that of D'O 3s said t+ Db 1 is plavad dering pt the actor, inst tend | opti vid Pawel Wiihe sport an ehino they use in lanndrics, Johnny. — | pumber of years a secret and was kept 1d’s ington. rived from the village of O 1a Norman f«¢ £ calling for a Deefsteak. will oft lor: nin, 23 33 Sand 3 Berrys Boston Transcript. ; in one family for more than 50 years. | : : iy. ED GIRGhIL "ml TABCISco ArRUNan AGE ER, , RIMAN, » : ) : = Sree ut, wn you-are on the street and wis