your place. - this. vicinity. ner, of this section. Go and ses her. - Ute i last week. avenue 24t4 i REE 7 Re 5 GF wil smo er ge Patton Courier. I Bid you Sl 10 th weiter Soda at Hodgkin’s drug store. ‘Ed Mellon is giving wall paper away. | Wall paper given away at the post- office. -25t3 NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. | Try Dr. Wendell, the dentist in Good i hers who yin So pe ax > Th | building. - 24tf " . ey nr PY, ntinsuhes 8. Killerman, of Mahatfey spent Sun- of their periodiesls, the publisher may con. day in Patton. Unue to send them until all arrearages are PATTON PUBLISHING co.. Proprietors. THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1864. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take For a nice cool drink try Hodgins their periodicals from the postoffice to which pure soda water. they ure directed, they are responsible until : » : . : a they have settled ‘their bills and ordered them John W. Kopp, of Grant, Pa., spent discontinued. nt sank . 4. 11 subscribers move to other faces with. Friday in Patton. : out informing the publishers, and the papery M. Spenger, of Mahaffey, was a vis- are went to the former address, they are held MN. Sp fF. . v? 7: wdtile, itor to Patton this week. 5 The Courts have de¢ided that refusing © a take periodicals (rom She offiee or re moving 4 Meals at all hours at Myers’ restaur. and leaving them anealled for, is prima faci . evidence of Intentions! fraud. ant, next to postoffice.- 23tf - 6. If subscribe y in advance they an : a bound tote it ar th end-of the Hine ir. Away down to rock bottom-—wall they do not wish to continue taking it; other : 4 OA: ihn publishers i= anthoriized to yond i paper at the postoflice. 2513 and the su rr will be sonsible until an’ ~ Co : 5 sebiats ra ith. payment i all amar. €. D. Payne, of DuBois, registe red ages. is sent to the publist at the Palmer house last week. ag Ticat Tiase Tabie. | Jacob Lusch, Jr., of Altoona, stopped : mer house last week. The hours of arrival and departure ' the Palmer lus of trains at the Patton Station are zs C. J. Hoffman, of Johnstown, was a follows: guest at the Palmer house last Thurs- Train No. Mail Closes. day. ge i® Ax J. lemon, of Lumber City, was 310 ¥ Yppgticating” in Patton a few days A x. to § this week. ; v C. W. Hodgkins is making prepara- Train Atmbers marked «nN» ape tions to put down a new board walk on Beech avenue. Steele's ice cream at Snyder's res- Glidyy and Her Garden. | taurant, the only cream of that make Al throu h last month's sunny weather driadys EN yey gases plot, in Patton. -28-tf semely undecided whet Khe xhonld plant her seeds or not. Early crocuses were bioming, Tender buds were harsting out, Rpring is short, seemed fairly blooming Yet fair Glads x had a doubt. Rortsboand and “‘S” southbound. ‘a new picket fence around his property on Fifth avenue. |, : | Try Magic drops for pain, internal ‘and external. Guaranteed by C. W: ' Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Ree Bag BOE X Parle: ned maiden pring’s delusive wiles before; Punt garden plots how laden, (ut of sight a foot or more, Well she know what danger lowers When a gardier ix to brisk; Bu the thought of early flowers Urged her on to run the risk. . Jesse E. Dale and 8S. M. Wikson at : tion held at Harrisburg Wednesday. So she took each precious packet la. wi a akors : tor wieh: Eh Phin mvion can; | 1 Fisher & Buck, undertakers and Boldly donned her garden jacket, | furniture dealers are headquarters for Drew long breaths of soft « ng air; ? . : : ba. i ° Got the rich brown soil all | everything in the furniture line. 24t4 ( Slendiess of the sparrow’s fr ! or : i Ta . tien, with. nerves a bit ansteady, Street Commissioner Addleman will Aw the cherished seeds all in, be kept busy for a while in repairing bridges and roads washed away dur- |ing the flood. The finest line ladies’ hats and under- | wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. Ashcroft's millinery store in Good building. -24tf : oS : : | Mrs. Jennie Durr, who is living at the Pit rg | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pfaff, Asheroft’s miliinery store.-24tf gave birth to a healthy looking boy See Mirkin & Kusner for clothing, last Thursday. ae . Chest Springs will observe Decora- John Hill came over from Grant last tion day. Several speakers from a week. | distance will be there to address the Wall paper at cost at E. A. Mellons: | Grand Army men. = Low . . *. Woe is me, for dark and sad is - That which I now have to tell, Pretty wretched ttle Gladys! For a thick snow bank 61 That same night, and on the morrow All the earth wax (rozen tight, Thus a Besrt was fill with sorrow Now she's keeping ‘ut i i. ht. Re file Journal. ~-3t Quite a lot of enjoyment was in- Wet feet and fire water was the rage ‘dulged in by riding around on dog Monday. rafts on the lake near Hotel Patton Bargains at * Asheroft's millinery Sunday and Monday. store. 24tf For razors, knives, scissors, razor Wall paper given away at the post- | strops, clippers, mugs and brushes go to office, -25(3 the Patton Pharmacy on ¥ifth and Order the Pittsburg Times left at Beech avenues. 23tf : ‘For the finest liné of millinery, fancy | goods and ladies underwear go sto Alice A. Ashcroft’s millinery store in Good building. -24tf Sor B. Bo leh of Utahville Srove © Tuesday morning the COURIER wus Ron y. the recipient of a handsome be wpaet of t flour, feed, hay, eto, go to flowers, presented by Mrs E. D. Cur- ran, of St. Augustine. Pneumonia is quite prevailent in Sariy’] Boyce. -23tf J. Smith, of Altoona, was .a guest at. E. J. Stevens, of Irvona, was a visi- Hotel Beck Monday. y | tor to Fatton last week. Mr. Stévens Finest ice cream in Patton! at Suy- was nursing his right hand which he der’s restaurant. -26tf had injured while filing a saw. “John Patterson, of Bakers Mines, The Cambria County Farmer's Al- spent. Friday in Patton. | lance convention will be held at this Go to E. A. Mellon, at the postoffice . piace Monday. and Tuesday, Ma y. 28th, for wall paper at cost. - 25-31 and 20th. - Thos. Edge, secretary. of "A. Yates, of Curwensville, was a 3gricuiture will be present. : visitor to Patton last weck. Nine hundred and nineteen Justices For bargains in furniture go to of the Peace commissions were made Fisher & Buck, Beech avenue. -24t4 out at the State department during the month of April and sent out to the re- Go to Sam’'l Boyce for flour, feed, : corders of the various counties: hay and all kinds of grass seeds. 23tf J. OC. McDermott, of Altoona, was a guest at the Commercirl hotel Sunday. Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading miili- . -A certain truthful newspaper sup- plies this beautiful simie: “You might a8 well try to shampoo an elephant with a thimblefull of soapsuds as to at- tempt to do business and ignore ad- : . vertising. —Ex. : Jumen C. Russell, of St. Louis, reg- airpin & Kusner, the Patton cloth- istered at the Commercial Hotei Fri- ers, certainly have the nicest line of day : eaps brought to Patton this season. If Chas. Anna has his new house on the you don’t believe it look at the one upper end of Beech avenue about com- the Cormier representative, H. C. pleted. Beck and others are now wearing, Jas. Mitchell, of Clearfield, wae which are samples. Sold at all prices. among the many visitors to Patton |pdications for oil at the Jackson ] township oil well are favorable. A Undertaking and embalming a new cabie is on the way to be used at specialty at Fisher & Buck's, Beech the well The cable is 3,000 feet long. The well is now down about 1,400 feet, Patton was shut off from the outside and 700 feet more will be bored if oil is world for over forty-eight hours the Pot struck sooner. — Jersey Shore first of the week. Herald. D. A. Buck, the Fifth avenue mer- " The Cambria Freeman says thaf the chant, has improved his property with dwelling house of Moses Pierce in a new picket fence. Reade township caught fire from a The very finest wall paper in this defective flue on last Monday morn- section at E. A. Mellon's, up stairs in ing and bad made such progress in the the postoffice. -25-3t attic before. ita Sven that it J :: : ) o as impossibie 10 stay the tames, and © Je mises Folamme wag oni Oysias you house with nearly all its contents was Try for yourself.-26-tf destroyed. There was an insurance of : ; EL $400 on the house and furniture. For the next thirty days you can get : wall paper and window ‘at cost Didn't tin Far. - at the Patton Pharmacy.- Three o> four prominent men of Pat- Quite a number of people came 00 concluded they would build a dog down’ from Carrolitown and other raft and go down Chest Creek during laces to see the sights Monday. the high water. They did erect the Pp © ase ghte y -float but concluded after they had For coughs, colds and sore throat try : co : ; started, to tie up until the water de- Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. .regeed somewhat. They may go W. Hodgkins, druggist,Patton, Pa.-tf as far aa Westover on Decoration day. or Dr. J. B. Noonan has. recently erected | i tended the Republivan State conven-’ Visited by Burgiars. The Reynoldsville Volunteer has the i i 1 1 THE WORST FOR MANY YEARS. {Comtinoed trom First Page.] following: ‘Lest Saturday moming phone exchange is in almost as bed ai | the sscond robbery was committed in the gents clothing store of W. H. Beil. . Between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock (in ther morning ‘Frank Flanders, the cutter, who sleeps in the store was entering the front door when he heard some men climbing out of the back window. Upon investigation he dis- covered that they had smashed in a window and had stolen five suits of clothes and possibly more. They left a pockit knife with a broken blade and a tool with A. V. R. R. stamped on it An attempt has beeen made to capture the abbers bat it has not yet proven successful’ Mr Bell is a brother of L. 8. Bell, the popular merchant of this place. Desth on a Saw Mill On Monday, May 14th, a frightful ac- cident occurred on the big mill at Curwensville. Stewart Hooven, aged ‘8 or ¢ years, was « working in the shingle department. He was moving a large bolt with one of the hooks used for that purpose when the hook lost its hold and the boy fell upon the bolting saw which cut off his right leg below the knee. He lived until Tuesday morning. He was the son of Wm. ‘ Hooven who started on the memorable wheelbarrow excursion in 1592 and has not yet returned. The body was in- terre on W Mngulay- —Clearfleld Mon- itor. i Men Work for $2.88 a Wook The P. R. R., has cut the time in its large shops in Altoona to eight hours a day und three days a week. The iarge number of laborers who are paid bat 12 cents an hour, at this rate will not Make enouglt to pay their house rent They will be able to make but $10.50 a month or $2.88 3 week, and if times do not soon Improve e there will be much suffering for the actual necessities of life, Storekeepems and other business men are being pushed hard. for claims and as they are securing scarcely any money it is probable some heavy fail ures will be reported in the next few weeks. — Huntingdon Globe. Pesky Forvigners. Shortly after dinner Wednesday “avout a dozen Hungarians from Bry- son met another of their nationality from Reakirtsdale whom they had a grudge against and at onee opened fire with revolvers The unlucky, and vet lucky man made his escape by fleetiness of foot and escaped eight shots which were aimed at him. The shooting took place near McCulloughs camp, and was seen by only one or two, but fhe shooting was heard by many. The names of the parties are not known. Glen Campbell Comet. ty Bridges te her Haft. bridges will be bailt by ommissioners. One at ere there is no bridge st Nantygle, Blacklick ownship, to supply the place of an old wooden one; and one at. Eiton, in Adams township, also to supply the place of an unsafe wooden one. Mr. J. A, Shoemaker will be the engineer representing the county on two of these bridges and Mr. Elder will have Grogent: one i ¢ 4 eof the construction of the other Zhensburg Mountaineer. A History Given Away. condition. The only means of reach-! ing the outside world is one telephone | At this writing the water has fallen ported at Renovo, and three feet at Lock Haven. This is taken 10 mean that the worst is over The flood reached ita maximum at 7 o'clock, when it waa 35. feet above low water mark on the river register, and was eight feet on the pavement of | the court house in the center of the city. For an hour the water hung at that point, and then, to the intense re- lief of the thousands of anxious hearts, it began to recede. At % o'clock it had failen a foot and was still going down slowly but surely. All now feel that the worst has come and gone. The river has made a new record—35 feet above low water. “A million and a half in property has been destroyed, bat so far as can®e learned no lives have been lost. Notice of Applicition fir Charter, ‘Notice is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Hon A. V. Barker, President Judge of the Court cof Common Pleas of Cambria county, on the Fourth day of June, 1884 jor the . charter of i corporation to be called the Patten Methodist Episcopal Church, the character and object of which is the maintenance of public worship according to the constitation, canons, discipling, doctrine, faith, ‘government and forms of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. : REVEL SOMERVILLE, ‘Solicitor. May 12, 1884. Marriage Licenses for Carabria. The following marriage licenses were Cissied by the Clerk of the Orphans’ “Court for the wee k ending Wednesday, May 17, 1584: Charles F. Studt and Lizzie Mills, Lilly. Thomas B. Salkeld and Margaret Troxell, South Fork The Picahure Times deserves thanks for placing this splendid history within the reae oh of the people at nominal | cost, and its proposed free distribution of the first part too ail 28 readers is’ generosity are not a reader of The Times order it from your news agent at once there ix no agent for The Times in your locality write to The Times, Pitts- burg, Pa., for terms to clubs and agents, : Foosrioat ¥ Ire, A forest fire raged on the Allegheny mountains last Sunday. At Lloyds v ville it wiped up nine dwelling houses, three of which were occupied and the others were vacant, The occeupants of three houses sucnceeded in: getting out their effects before they were destroyed. The property of the Penn- sylvania and Northwestern railroad company narrowly escaped destruction - at this point. Bellewood Bulletin. Against the South Fork Club, The four celebrated damage suits against the South Fork Fishing and Hunting club, which grew out of the Johnstown flood, have been remanded to Lycoming county on a change of venue, and Judge Metsgar decided 10 hear the case in October. The damage asked aggregates $210,000. Ex-Con- gressman McCormick and H. C. Par- aons, of Williamsport; have been en- gaged as local counsel for the defense. Mentaily Affected: Mrs. Andrew Gray, of /Carroll town- ship, who for some time|past has been mentally deranged, his ome violent, and on Monday was brogght to this place and incarcerated in sh jail, where she will remain until she cgn be taken: to Dixmont. She is the mother of five children. Cambria Freeman. | : ice Cream. We are now prepared to serve lce Cream up stairs in the building lately occupied by Ed. (Cairns, better known as the Robinson house, below the post- office. -23tf DORSEY MYERS. Drink Hodgkin's soda water. without parabiel. If you Thomas. Bartle and Blanche Hess, Coopersdade. : Peter Maurer and Elizabeth M. A. Black, Johnstown. Franklin Peter Woodside, Giarman’s Mills, and Martha Rebecca Keith, Barr township. Prostions Granted, Pensions issue of May 3. have been granted to the following. Pennsyl- vanians: te : Original George Sensabaugh, Eb- ensburg, Cambria county. a Additional-- Alexandra Nedrow, Ur, sing, Somerset county. Increase George WW. Wise, Callens- burg, Clarion county; Thomas Leslie, Johnstown. Re-tsne Joseph Funk, Tyrone Original, widows, etc. Susan Reed, Johnstown; Martha Reiners, Everett, Bediord county. Paving up the Coal, It 18 said that efforts are being made to secure options on the large tracts of coal land =i held by the original owners in the vichi ty of St. Lawrence The new railroad being sarveved across this county will open ap this field The éngineers on the survey are now working between Patton and Carrolltown, and the road will in all probability pass that way Hastings Tribune Re Nominated Judge White wis re-nominated for the Bench in Indiana county at the primary election on Saturday. The contest was exceedingly bitter, and the vote polled wis’ the largest in the history: of the county: Returns from all the distriets show that White was” giver 203; Taylor L38l ~~ White's majority i Dentist, : “Dr. BF. Wendell, a graduate of Baltimors College of Dental Surgery, has opened a dental parior up stars in the Good building over Koller & First-class work gusran- teed. Teeth extracted without pain. Prices moderate. 24tf Cla's store Meviing Postponed, The proposed meeting of the veter- ans at the Brandon’ in Spangler on Saturday, May 13th, has been post- poned until Saturday, May 26, at 2:30 p.m. The postponement was caused by the ivclemency of the weather. Boaniers Wanted, Porsey Myers, who has rented rooms in the building lately occupied by Mr. Cairns, is now prepared to accommo- date about. four regular boarders. Prices moderate, -23tf Notice. We hereby give notice that we have ~sold all our real estate and personal - property situated in Clearfield town- ship, one-half mile from Patton, on the road leading 10 S€. Augustine. The property is now in the hands of Mary A. Wirtner. "WIRTNER & BAKER. Notes. hereby notify ail people who have dogs running at large that they must keep them off of my premises | the brick yard’ or they will be compelled to pay damages. : 26-13. SIMON BORTMAN. A watch free with every $15.00 pur- chase. -24L5 BELL, THE CLOTHIER. Commercial, one foot, and a fall of seven feet is re- S. M. WILSON, Prop. A Moder Hotel. Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, All new fumiture Heated with steam through- out, Hot and cold water on every floor. Cooking and dining depart- ment in Skillful hands. MAGEE AVE, NEARR. R. STATION. SATION, PENK'A. R. 5. Wi Manufuctorer and Shipper of Ice Cream, 1601 11th Avenue, ALTOONA, PENN. We are ready for the trade. I'R ROOK. Send on your Talephone No. 283 G:F. LEFF, * [/ONTRACTOR ¢ [uiLoen, 25 Years Experience. Ail Ward Guaranteed to Give Good Satis sfaction Ae cording to Plans and Specifications. Am stopping at the Commercial Hotel. Dr. B. F. Wendell, A graduate of Baltimore . College of Dental Surgery, has opened ‘a. Dental Parlor up stairs in the Good. building over Kol- ler & Co's store. First-Class work guaran- teed. »e . . - : [eeth extracted without pain. Prices moderate. A. C..Diehl. Successor to Samuel E. Jones, PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH, Magee Avene, Across Cl rest Creek HORSE SHOEING. A specialty. Prices are moderate. All work done with neatness and dispatch. Call and See Me, A. G. DIEHL. Patton, Pa. SAML BOYCE, Successor to John Otto. DEALER IN- Flor and Feed, hay, Grain, Lime, Ee.. Prices the - Lowest for CASH Store on Beach Avenue, near R. R. Depot. ead the Patton COURIER AND KEEP POSTED. to Vour they wall Crosice In No thern Cambria \ When You Want JOB Paronize Your Howe Printing Office. The COURIER is cquip ped with all new tv pe, new Presses and a oractical and man in competent charge. IS the aim of the pub slishers of the COURIER to nike it more than a Local Paper twhich gives only the gossip of the neighborhood) and make it worthy of the support of all this section. Reap mie Parton Courier and vou will be happy,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers