The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 24, 1894, Image 3

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——— a Sh SS
Musicians Say It Has an Affinity With the |
Notes of Birds -No Alphabet and No |
Parts of Speech - Some Amusing Exo. -
5 ples of Chinese Talk.
~The superficial observer often refers to
the Chinese spoken rpeech as an “esr
splitting jargom” anil to the written |
speech as ‘‘hieroglyphics.” Frequent vis-
itors to any “Chinese quarter,” notably
8 large “Chinatown” like that of Los |
Angeles, will soon become so familinr |
: with this so called jargon as to note that
it is far moore musical than the English
speech. Musicians are anthority for the |
statement that the Chinese language has
more affinity (when spoken) with the
notes of birds than with the tones of any
other language. Thisis perhaps because
the Chinese, having tio alphabet, must
have many tone combinations to give
_ the various expressions and meanings to |
the thousands of characters.
Having no alphabet, the Chinese lan-
guage has more symbols than all of the |
_ alphabets in the universe com bined, and
there are more tone combinations for the
expression of those symbols than in all -
other tongues. Each tone is attached to
a character, and one character is made
to mean several different things, accord-
ing to the tone used.
tonto gives the meaning.
with a falling
with a rising inflection.
n-go. This means “1” He is talking of
himself—perhaps saying how great he
thinks himself {0 be.
out the sound long and even he is eall-
Wg some hoodlum a “goose.” He gives
the falling inflection to the first xyliaile,
and the rising inflection to the last, and
in a rather musical voice. This would
be a difficult feat for an American,
Ni» matter in what mood he may be, Le
may not and perhaps cannot change the |
accent. The voice may be louder or in
a minor key, bat the tones are as inflexi- |
ble sis written words and must be so used,
or the exact meaning is lost. All the
_ expressions of human passions—laagh- |
ter or sorrow —must be expressed by the
samo inflexible words and precise ac-
cents. There are only five tones. in the
Chizeso voice, but as every word has all
of its syllables accented there are 23 per-
mutations, and these are almost always
in constant use, even in ordinary conver. |
sation. A question may be asked with
or without a rising inflection, according
‘to the word used.
¢ Chinese adjectives are nouns. For
“many thanks” it is ‘thank thank.” A
- “great man” is “greatness man.” Some-
times a noun is formed of a noun and a
werb, as “barber,” whom they call “‘shave-
bead teacher.” The verbs have neither
moods nor tenses, and when your laun-
dryroan wishes to tell you that “I have
washed” he says, “I pass over wash.”
'. Their adverbs are mostly formed by join-
ing er nouns and verbs, as ‘finish
day” for ‘‘yesterday.” To cook is to “eat
rice,” Every noun is plural and includes
all there is of that article, unless it is
~~ Mamited by the expression ‘‘one piece,” us
“, pune piece house.” Instead of “wife and
chililren” they express ‘family and wife.”
The word woman means *‘father man.”
If repeated, it signifies “scolding.” The
noun always remains in the same shape,
and the verb has but one form instead of
the many known to the English lan-
- guage. The Chinese language has no de-
‘clensions, subjugations, moods, tenses,
prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, first,
second and third persons, no singular |
. and plural, and no gender except by the
addition of a few participles in rare in- |
stances. It is evidently simple and easy
to learn, one of the simplest and most |
curious things about it being, as above
stated, that every noun, unless qualified
. otherwise, is plural. :
There are about 60,000 characters used
ip the Chinese language proper, but the |
average Chinaman no more learns all of
those characters than the everyday
American learns the 100,000 words in the
English language. The Chinaman, how-
ever, learns on the average more than
does an American in a similar position
jn life. A Chinaman who can neither
read mor write is a rarity. Chinese is
not a monosyllabic language, as many
, and it is impossible to utter in
Chinese any but the shortest sentences in
Im writing the Chinaman makes one
ed but integral character for
each word, but that word may be prop- |
«erly spoken in two, three or four sylla-
"bles. His syllables are divided by no
longer intervals than are his words, and
that is what makes his language sound
en, a foreigner like a singsong jargon.
\ 4 do not know whether he is telling a
sory or attempting a song. The Chinese |
- perhaps think the same thing of an Amer- |
ican, who bites off his words and swal-
lows them or telescopes one into another. |
Business men in this city thrown in
contact with Chinese merchants, who |
- gpeak pure Chinese say that it isnot diff- |
eunlt to learn. Instead of 28 letters, not |
‘including the useless &, the Chinese |
have 500 or 600 syllables, and these are |
corabined into various forms to make the
. 80,000 words in their “dictionary.” Thisse |
_. syllables vary in meaning according to
the tone in which they are spoken or the
. strokes used in writing them —Los Au.
geles Cor, New York Post,
——— it mn 2
Starvation Among the Rich,
“stricted to periods of business depression
‘por to the poor.
ill nourished people in proportion amaoug
the rich than among the poor. The
nniuber of persons that seek relief from
threatened starvation in the exclusive
milk diet is constantly on the increase,
but it is a remedy almost of necessity
In. Chinese the |
A word #poken |
inflection means one
thing, and quite another when spoken |
We often hear |
a Chinaman, as be walls along the street |
talking with his companion, utter a word |
in a falling inflection which sounds like |
Put if he drawis
Death by starvation is a thing not re-
Perbaps thero aro more
bd TA Ly at ae BR
. end Evolet
Sharp pointed oalkin:, u
of steel or of iron, were
and they were used for
ters and hieroglyphics in the lhnwstone,
| sandstone or steatits of eastern coantries,
‘ used for writing on
s» tah
sua of bronze,
o first pens,
| Such pens were als
Assyrian tablets, Ti
| of soft clay, and after receiving inserip- |
tions were dried in the sun or baked in
i the fire. Gy
In the far east and in
{ ol's hair pencil soon took
, metal bodkin. With the
were painted. on the
and the bark of trees ju much t
ey f animals
manner that the Chinese draw them on |
paper at the present day.
| leaden tablets came into use, and the
stylus became the popular pen.
stvins was made of bone, ivory or metal,
with one end pointed and the other flat- |
The flattened end wus used to
| tened.
| erase errors made in writing.
The use of parchment anid papyrus,
| however, ealled for a more flexilie pen
{ than either the bodkin or the stylings, &
reed pens were invented, Fur making
| these pens a peculiar kind of reed was
nsed, which was shaped to a point and
split, similar to the pens now in use.
In A. D. 558 it was discovered that
| quills made much better pens than reeds.
The quills of the goose, the swan and the
crow were nsed principally.
centuriea later, when wriling paper was
introdnced into England, the ¢uill pen
was still the favorite writing instrament.
However, the qnill pens had besn great-
ly improved, and those froma Russia and
Holland were excellent.
| there was a demand for something better
| and more durable then quill penr. Ac-
cordingly a great many experuanents
{ were made with born, glass, tortoise
| shell and finally with steel, silver aed
{ gold. It was soon found that pens made
| of horn and tortoise shell softened under
{ the action of the ink and were not so
| good as quill pens. Nor were the silver
i pens very good. They were ton elastic
and too easily worn at the points. y
In 1903 steel was tried in Wise's barry]
pens, but being poorly made and very
expensive they were not a suocess. At
| Birmingham, England, in 1520 the man- |
ufacture of steel pens began in earnest.
and they proved to be excellent. The
bam brought $36 at wholesale,
numbers and have hoen getting better
can buy for a trifle the best steel pen
‘made. Europe has always excelled in
| ica is noted for the manufacture of gold
| pens. —Philadelphia Times.
| Adulterated Food In Paris.
In the guise of fine brandy have we
white soap, colored with nutgalls or car-
powder, ginger and pimento put into it
gentian, centanry and ox bile In the
yots and the brains of animals. Some:
drawn from a real, live cow.
For almost nothing you can have a su-
| perb box of eanned lobsters, but in th
sheet iron boxes that you buy you will
only find cuttle fish. Tainted salmon,
salts or zinc.. The scales are wade fresh
again by rubbing them with vaseline,
and the fins by rubbing them with fresh
blood. Gingerbread has for base potas
gitim or soap; cream has vaseline adde
and is guaranteed to never spol, aw
there are plenty of preserves into which
not one bit of fruit has ever entered of
| which they bear the name. Take aquan-
tity of glucose, mix with. it suiphune
| acid or amidon, give it flavor with spe-
| cial ethers, cover the whole with a fine
label and gain a respectable and respect-
ed fortune.
In chicory, the coffee. of the poor, is
found the raspings of carrots, of beans,
of glands, of torrified bread, of beet
pulp, of brick dust and of ocher.—Letter
in New Orleans Picayune,
| 1
A Thoroughly Honest Man.
said a lawyer to me, ‘1 mentiored the
name of a certain gentleman. ‘Now,
there,’ said the poiltician, ‘is as honest
{| aman as there is in town. Yes, sir, I
tell you, he is the straightest man I
know, He is white he is. Yon need
never be afraid of him besting you, for
“he is honest to the backbone.
you buy his vote, you may be sure he
will do as he promises. [If he happens
to find out that he cannot earry ont his
| contract, why, he won't pocket your
money and say nothing. No, siree, he
will give your money lack to you every
tite. Now, that is what I call
est man.’ "— Louisville Courser-Journal.
ay Fri
2) ARR
: Stale Bread, -
It is generally supposed that ©
| ness of bread arises from its becom
{ actually drier Ly the gradual Joss
Slade Dre
i ter, but this is not the case!
contains almost exactly the same
portion of water as: new bro
. has become completely cold,
[is merely in the internal
of the molecules of the bred
of this is that if we pat a st
a closely covered tin, expose it ford
an hour or an hour to a heat not exis
ing that of boiling water and the
lowing it to cool, it will be re
appearance.and properties to the state o
. the new bread. Brooklyn Eagle.
4 fea”
STO in
: Hard to Please.
{ Landlady--Thiz very bright,
38 3
confined to those who have sufficient | pleasant room, and -
control over their own doings to tike |
a meal every hour and a half, a thing
_ parily consistent with earning a living
af, anual labor, —Philadelphia Press.
| my wife first, for she may want a ‘room
i where she can have the morning sun in
i the afternoon. —Chicago Inter Ocean,
| An Interesting Account of Their Torention |
crit tm or ish Sat. 3
CUil}og mt jot
instances to Prove That Vaceina Se ures |
ets wore made |
Egypt the cam-
the plars of the
pened JEtters
Hs RAE |
In Persia, Gresce and Syrian wax and |
In the early part of the present century
first gross of steel pena sold in Birming- |
They were soon manufactured in great |
and cheaper all the time, until now we!
‘the manufacture of steel pens, and Amer- |
, becoming a danger to the rest.
| ever may be said or done, itis inadmis--
. sible that any one should have the free-
not drank alcohol made from potatoes, ©
added to by sulphuric acid, ammonia or
amels, and owing its savor to insect.
profusely? As for rum, it is colored with
prunes or with tar, and savor is given by |
adding the raspings of tanned leather. |
In beer, instead of hops we find aloes,
milk we drink there are water, whites of |
gm. Eat, tien, of car cited in which 8 person properly vacei-
times there is ev ittle k
: Is even » little real mil { this I maintain my affirmation and shall
explain clearly, I hope, how a vaccinated
trout and other ‘‘denizens of the sea”,
are embalmed by injecting ieto them |
| — three on each arm.
“In ~ouversation with a politician,”
When |
Mr. Henpeck— Well, I'll have to see
Only Limited Immunity From Smallpox,
Vaccination Incriasing.
M. Schrevens of Tournay, in a recent
report to the Academie de Medecine de
Belgique, insists oa the government mak-
ing ap its mind to bring before the les.
lature a law on chiizatory vaccination.
He shows that in spite of the creation by
the state of an izsiitate of vacoination
{the death rate of smallpox, after having
decreased for a certain time, pose agxn
in 1802 throngh carelessness and impr
dence. Children not vaccinated
ned to be received in the schools, he says; |
‘the rag trade is not watched in any way;
the isclation of contagions digcases in (he
hospitals is not enforced; while work-
{ men, boatmaen, traveling showmen and
| country letter carriers scatter the germs |
of the disease right and left after being
| turely. - :
i It 1s in vain, adds M. Schievenz, that
ithe Belginin government foun its
{hopes on the regulations which the pro-
rincial econncils are elaborating concern-
ng the general organization of vacrina-
tion. The law is the only radical and cer-
tain measure in such questions,
I have taken a good deal of trouble to
defend the idea advanced by this writer,
and in a paper addressed to the Academie
law making vaccination obligatory is
impatiently awaited in Frances also, and
would have a very direct relation to the
: asticnal defense, :
{ While it is to be hoped that in case of
{in 1550,
{ to smallpox, as against]
i side, still there is
{ mobilization an important
| scidiers placed in the auxilis
i wha, having never served before, may
{not have been vaccinated, and ran in
i this way the risk of fecoming a danger
{of contagion, La
{The more one thinks on
| the less comprehensible becoines
itancy shown
i law to an obligation deman
opinion. i
are more or less earnest adversaries of
| vaccination, and that various antivacci-
| nation leagues sérve as a raliying point
te those who loudly claim the title of
fenders of our liberties. But liberty isa
term that must always be taken in a rel-
ative manner, and the Liberty to do one
thing implies that something else ia for-
Mdden and imposes on society the duty
of preventing one of its members from
to give the st
Yoo with
y pital
dom to damage a neighbor,
The efficacy of vaccination can no
longer be doubted. Its value has been
‘tested and consecrated by time and ex-
perience, and it should be known every-
where that it is by inoculating vaccina
that we protect ourselves from smallpox
and are rendered refractory to its action,
1 am quite aware that the following
' objection is often made, and that it is
-gaid that it ia not true that vaccination
prevents smallpox, and that cases are
' nated has taken smallpox. In spite of
person may take smallpox and even bow
stuallpox and vaccina can be seen going
through their evolution together on the
sine person.
Take a child who has never been vac-
cinates] and inoculate him in six places
wae will be fol-
lowed by the appearance of
triles, and it is
seventh a igh
if a
wth inocnistion bad been
made they have been followed by
a seventh or eighth pustule.
What does this prove?
tion has possibly not
that a certain amount of receptivity to
the virus still remains. The impmanity
ray be complete, but it may also be nly
partial. If a man vaccinated six, seven,
eight or ten years azo tie inoculated with
the same vaccine matter nsed for the
ekild and with the same care in six
places, instead of zx pustules, as in the
former case, only one, two or three may
form. Saturation is manifest in this in.
wl IE
quile xssiine
(stance, and his immunity is completa,
With another patient revacceinatad sues
cessfully three months, six months or a
year ago, and with whom the number of
pustules was less than the n
oculations made, however much care [
way take in inoculating him again, I
shall fail altogether. In this case
rition is complete and im
smallpox absolute. :
Observation has proved
of the comparison between the virus of
vaccina and the virus of smallpox, which,
acting as two reagents of the sams fam-
ily, may replace or complete each other.
if 1 represent Ly 10 the maximum re-
ve power of a person for smallpox,
able by tn walating vaccina to come
gd wy
pletely annihilate ite power by confersing
an immunity of 10, or I can do so incom-
Yetely by an immunity of nine, sirht,
peven, by making an insufficient
anmber of fnocalations, :
It 15 easy to understand that a recep-
r of 10 defended by an immant-
r instance, leaves a receps
for smallpox.
TL On a8 Vae-
UT as ¢
thisis also why smalls ©
ugh their
in suche
ad yo. st wir} uy N g
pty lessens wilh time an a reg-
IY pIrOGHrressIVe anner,
that vaccina is the
the ix
partial and deer
» with time 3p 18 well
pmunity ferred may only
periodically every six
for eight vears, and again, as a matter of
precatition, whenever there is an out
| break of smallpox. — Paris Herald, :
to be revacelt
French Sent ment In Favor of Compulsory
ill by resuming their occupations prema |
de Medecine de Paris 1 showed that a
; c
known quits well that there
six fine pas-
Pa - ¥ os 5
LIN OT Ol 18~
> - Refern
her sex to aspire to that office,
the legitimacy
: Rome B. C. 34
smailpox, but. since
Conse, all ye lowly farmers.
Come, all ye grager folk,
the tivarion
iral precinets
ot find your nck,
wiry the secret
garde truck.
an atede the ma
Wo ho rash along 1]
There tolls x gifted we
Lope y
“1% he handles
He sweats his Li
much of woadon
t farmers
nig hand :
(1 sive land
And in bi
« grief hs murmurs
th rrons diversified
The farmer woud
With fortune for bi
Bo come; ye lowly pi
Who 1Airss
And earn the goiden
For be it understood
That here we have a writer
Who dGefiiy does the trick
Of maak ing country butier
By the paragraph or stick
~ Rt, Pani News
Relteving Snowbound Passengers.
“1 was snowhonnd in Michigan a few BY ME ; 3
- - employed in blowing vessels into the!
air, Tecan eall to mind ons case vilich |
slave dhow of about 40 tons burden had i
years ago, between Uoopersvilie and
Nunica,” said atraveling salesman. “The |
snow was four feet deep on a level and |
still falling. The passenger: had eaten |
up everything the train boy had, includ- |
ing even mixed candies, and children
were crying for food.
tee, and these were boiled at the engine.
Then I started, accompanied Ly another
passenger, to go to a farmhonse fo get
some bread and butter. We waded
through the snow, and hy the time we
got there were near ly frozen, but we |
could detect the oder of cooling victnala
and felt that our mi winid be snc
cessfnl, .
“In afeweér to our
came to flatly re
let ns have bread at any price
large loaves, inst baked, wore on a ta-
ble ard a jar of butter rn I told
my friend to go to the front
gue with them while I ‘
This programme was carriod
started back thron
bread and batter,
fore 1 cemld hear
swemring at me. T
through the snow. * Twice [
and soaked the bread i :
hung on to it acd reached the train a
the sane tite the farmer did. There :
hundred passengers wera ready to help
me, and we had one square meal. | had
ei vs
t. - x 5
Rracih a WoIal
fused to
thé divr and
enr mn.
Iead not g
ne sh
adi saat
nthe sno
offered $1 a loaf for the bread and start |
ed to make the promise good, but the |
passengers insisted that the man should |
get nothing except the empty butter jar.” |
—8t. Lords Globe Democrat.
Karean Use For Human Hair.
Homan hair is in great demand in |
some of the countries of Europe, and the |
Our |
consul in Korea points out that there is |
plenty and to spare in the lrrmit King- |
“have |
supply is said to be inadequate.
dom, '“The Koreans ™ he adds,
remarkably fine heads of Liir, and they
put their ‘combings’ to a se that I have
never seen elsewhere,
the packa of their ponies are made of
hair woven into coarse mats or bags, and
the halters and head ropes of their ani- |
mals aro largely composed of the same
material. 1 believe that hmuman hair ia
largely exported from China to Enrope,
and Korea could furnish a large and |
cheap supply did the people know there
there was a demand for 8.7 Herw's a
chance fur some ploneer of commerce. — |
Westininster Gazette,
Mines of Fet rifactions.
North Colorado and §
and Montana are genuine mio«s of pet
nifacti There ars petrifactions
every kimd, ind
inding many varieties
wood, ferns and plants, fish, "toads |
snails, frogs, serpents, shelliish and ob- |
* jects which cannot be classified.
deposits often occur in layers, as though | ©
gotae great natural convulsion had de
stroyed the animal life of a whole
trict at conce. The sclsntists make very
few and tolerably wea attempts to ex-
plain the singular phenomenok, and the |
InuTe i
» roen who |
pick out the best specimens and sell |
* 3a
fact is evident that
about the matter than do
¥ know no
them to tourists, Chicago Herald.
Nantacket lhead.
Claimants for priority sre constantly
getting into trot
ments founded on
cf the poor at Dedbam was the first of
tuckes Inquirer says: 1
a lady overseer o 3
da 8. Barpev-——aisd again in 1
elected the sane lady aw
Susan P. Jones: So N
ahead and pr
“04 has re
wil of the
His LR Lis
Drie Took,
which they dis
Thire was a
reduce 1t t
cake, in which {«
served for many
8 of conesn
| elome studies
1 & careful ex:
Laomanter of repose always
than the arth reg-
Ker Fives ont,
Irstanoes of extreme of i
ARMORY those wis
02 Are CTY
Loa EXETCIRe the
solves with gardening t
an in any ofr
{ employment.
| ;
A grocery sales- |
man offered his sampies of lea and cof- |
: : Arabs
: th
A very large
number of the saddleciot’s placed nnder |
arts of Wyoming |
af |
The | d y l
to the mention by a Boston
aper that a lady candidate for overseer
I 3
» Nan- |
» al 3
eiacteq |
1 of the whole 1
44 "1 & hair from wv
tuckel 18 a year |
wine so a8 10 |
3 T howe
§ | I
“4 Trollope
‘A Protest A simet Terrible Explosions on |
‘Paper by an Investigator.
Naval men roost be anosed af the ter- :
rible explesions on paper cansed to war- |
ehips as portrayed in the recent sditions
of “penny drendfuls’” A torpedo dis-
charged from a torpedo boast is supposed
te: have blown leer ad v's steamship
: 1 of 5,800 tong, into;
hich ship “then plunged stern
nto tEn era, dnd with the onion ©
~ingg disappeared without o
=1 weing able tO save him-
% JR?
a Teds
ot when, I believe, two tor-
10 pa ands of gun oottan
discharged against her
ship Resistance, protect. |
2, x gi experiment in Ports |
creek Th Registanon Wis Bpe- |
bat she had rot
. El 4 ‘ L * i
tf Clady RitTenZtoered,
nearly a3 many separate compartrornts:
| an our new ships She certainly sank at |
the last discharge when the pets had
© g@ven away, bat sank slowly. There was |
, o> * ‘blowing ont of the water” about it |
at all. The Resistanos ‘was if] remem. |
| ber rightly, of about 4,506 tonnage. :
Az to the actual effect of gan cotton]
i happened to ry personal knowledge.
thy rann
been lightened beforehand.
aly id ne
t Vo floated for severil days
i Te sent on
r, and two 8 pound
cod tor Were
#1 was therel
{ omn
a -» kis
down, ope under
{12 feet from the stern. Instantaneous
i fuses were fitted in pistols, and the party |
. Sa ssa)d i
3 “tho bnsh |
| potired about 50 yards i
i The Arabs were in numbers log
i pot Affering any resistances. i
pistols were fred together, by the fall of
a flag, th ]
into Bh
Hr or 40 feet,
two in a forma and fell In proces.
: Crys
AL + Boole ng, iv
boon ida Biowdd
Sal evil
lita {nels
arainst the proceedings of th
slave inp
: differines in slowing ap a vessel of 40
tons, glimast on land, with 82 ponnds of
gun cotton, anid blowing up a ship of
3.0060 tons in water, if coven with 290
pounda of gun cotton — Westzninster
| Identification of the Body of a Beautifol
| Woman Fewul In a Cave In Germany.
The petrified woman recently found
in one of the caves which were used
a4 burial places when Sorasizrg was
beid, the annt of Frederick Barbarossa
| The petrifaction, which has the appear-
| ance of being a beantiful marble statue,
is only perfeat from the waist up. It
was found in a rade wooden coffin,
which had been deposited in the cave,
| among thousands of human skulls and
| ocher remains. When the workmen
opened the cofin, they found that it had
| been filled with quicklime or some ther
preparation which. strongly resembled
Fo eommmon mortar : in
{ ns to know who had been thus
v put away among the heaps of
dead, they rote into the plaster incase-
head and bat above alladed to
trary to the expectations of tha
did not crumble away
5 the
amd nuvwastisl,. About
} 4 of golden
both 3d
The face
great beauty, every feature
oy : 3
Seale ang onium
petrifaction is
fasley Baper, a
sto =—5t Louis Res
pow in
| public
Yeizhing a Hair.
Lieney of the scales nsed in the
tilustrated by the following, which
from 8 conten Dorary Perhaps
some persons wonld rather not know how
many bairs they possess than to bave them
However, the thing can be
ut task
n be made by weighing the;
of hatr on aman’ head and |
sa single hair. The welght |
gus divided by that of ope |
i Bair of average |
ithe desired nuniber
entire amo
then welghis
It you will pluck out |
vr beard, 1 can show Son.” |
one was secord
A d siragging
yed, Lhe refiner pa
hh owas incl i
mrted with extren
a glass case |
eq ipoise was |
firtle weights of ainrainium
ary: until
The hair weighed three milli
figures,” he seid, |
weigh ani
#. %i% ounces, |
0 bairs
1 ba
1roltops’s Axgaatntanse With Loans.
his sutoblography
usd be why of the
wrote: of those of Bis povels of
seere was laid in Barsetsbhire.
sir struck by the inti
ate Kuowiel hich be showed of life
Troflops tells us
was al
whut some
Critics were
Fin a catbedr 3
drew hin bishops and bis deans! What
we must bave made of them
tin the ties
i Overcthisprogouncement of the pundi
} chuck He assures us that be
fore those tales were written be had ney er
wet either a bishop or a dean, nor had be;
met, to his knowledge, any one who bad.
Ho knew nothing, practically, of a clergy:
man of any sort or kind, nor of life in a
eathedrsl city either. He had drawn op
Chis imagination, apd on bis imagivation
only, fur every life that be bad written.— =
All the Year Hound.
been chased by the boats of ene of our
! ernisers and escaped immediate capture!
ing up a creek in the north part’
of Pemuba island, near Zanzibar. Saear- |
| rived at the top of spring tides and had |
Althemygh |
4 in the Zanzibar prize court, |
r placed wader |
her kezl, holes "sing dug out.and tamped |
as 1 wg”
ast and the cther |
2 the }
v was hoisted bodily np |
br Le in |
‘And, !
And |
upsiderable blow |
wr Pemabal,
is a great |
plagne striclom in the year i094 is
now believed to be the Duchess Adel |
air, but remained
The refiner of the assay oficn says: 1°
+ the hairs of your head is |
A very close ap- |
ath will of course give |
ting tonal
How excellently be
2x 3
£ Peasy
West End
Fmerald Park
s 1 nekety
Muster Riding
Bradley Junction -
Tank siding
Bewwh Siding
Mahaffey Junetion 11
Sod iin
Ridge siting
Cosh « rek June.
tien Cam phe!)
Ha raeshro
__ Spengier
FIT Carmlitown Resd
T8 Bradley Jooethon
pr .
Mail. Mail
0 pom,
nn he
ne Ms
ni «88
Bel lwousd |
i sinsgOrw
t raipore
La Jose:
Mid ney:
TenwmwwREEs se
Spblime, Patriotic and National,
. OF .
american. Do not atapdon the system whieh
ites the country the best Opportunities for its
‘srmers, Mechanics, asl Yonng People, they
ve ever had! No Interfereges with the Prop
tive Tariff and no Repeal © : :
TOG Lie for Unilmited Frees Or
wiilnrs which are worth only
ro Make thea worth a fuil }
i 0 of National Bank ai Dolls
Irom cieniiation since 8s] have hear pes
ty over 35000000 of Siiver which has
. Now make the periple’s diver
worth ite face, for your own venefit!
"RE aR Eee)
ax actual wtilors and save then from ‘monop-
o% gid speeglators! Protect and note mge |
je actusd se tlie! ’
i" hit progressive policies of the Repubilenn
Pparty repeatedly enacted into lnw) of buliding
fy 2 New Navy: Protecting the Nea Conste;
{ Binstoning Union veterans; excluding the Chie
Domapee: Heguilativg Interdmte Commerse, dos
t arhding the Common Schools; Frotecting Amer |
{ichn Citas abinoad Seenring Rediproeity with
i otfper Anwrioan nations; demanding Fre Ex.
| pipession of the Popular Wi in Elections, and
i ap Honest Count: Kxtendidg American Come
Dmjeren: Beviving Ameciean Shipping: Temper
| athe and Restmining Trasts, :
of The N.Y. Tribune are now positively the
{ ubwt printed by any newspa in New York
try, The Tribune is the only in
Now York which sends men prronaaly inte
ry market in the ity every day of the busi
piss week to obtain actus! prices and the state
of trade. Other papers make up quotations
Wwrgely from circulars Commercin tra
wy ananimousiy that The Tribune's Markes
Heports aie the Dest. The Tribune now bests
afl rivals in the pevumey and wonderful com
pleteness of its quotations, To be
i practical and level headed man mast
{ formed as to Prices and the State of
| This can be done by taking The Tribune.
af the news of the day are freely ased in The |
F Timbune. This paper has its own corps of ss
{tists and photoengraviog plant. It containg
femtures for he ladies and children;
letters and book reviews, and many phe
feminres .
The N.Y. Tribune or not. in te
wintiments, oan you afford not Wo rend its Dols
ui agrees: with
ment and found the wonderfal petrified | lr Weekly mgulariy, while a ractionary party
Con- 1!
in power and dunng
The N
+ and =
othon 4
Y. Tribune (x the abilest, most aggress
iridest addviwnte of Bepabilenn polls
: hat the Hepubilcan party intends ean
varied from The NY, Tritmone, The Tis
nets nH isthe Tmth and on
arthsies of Roswell GG. Horr,
Pohrrenesy, Wages, etc, will be continued,
he N.Y. Tribune is the cleanest, purest, and |
of newspapers for vour Simily. Doss a
r, which Invades the bome
sensation, and Gilseboud, re
1 The broad columns and
fe Tribane make it the suse
U'rivane has the largest dircunintion of
adhy Welty in the United Stiles, jssded
thle Bev of a
mily.. We have challenged the |
xlantry for a yews, with no takers,
“Wash! sgton's Farewell.”
Write for the Mil, iHustrated Premiam List |
of The N.Y. Trihane., A copy. will be mailed
frpe of cluarge. “Waskington s Farewell wn hs
Offfforrs, Yan acon rate histories pivtiare, jainted
prossly for The Tribune by an artist of grea |
ayfthortty, will be seit 1 every one paying $1.39
if this paper. Other exocedingly inte
Card valnelde articles ame included in The |
ibaaney stl
| : Terms for 1894. :
Weekly, $1. Semi-
#2. Daily, including Sunday, $18. The
‘ginday Tribune separately, $2 Tribune Als
mae fori, remdy in Jananry, 2 cents, all
privions Snbers evil peed, :
- New Yark.,
PR He copies free,
Stop Thicf!
Y Any one whose Watch has a
bow ring), will never have oc.
casion to use this time-honored
It is the only bow that -
# be $rq0ig J off the
kA LOR - §
found oaly on Jas
ied and other waa
ped with Z.
mark. 3
A wateh case opener, which will save your
finger nails, snl free on request,
Keystone Watch Case Co,
Boss Ft