Se BE tn | 0 2 SA mm ie COKE STRIKE) FAILURE | —— py ———— IT WAS NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE CONVENTION, oo TIME SThet {coAcH "ROBBERY. A Bind of Coxeyttea Stole a Train at Hern, ~ Troops After Them. Uxtoxtows, Pa., May 20 -Since the beginning of the strike in the coke region shou’ a mouth ago, the sitnation bas pever appeared so npfavoratle to the strikers as now. That they will nliti- matsly lose the contest now seems to be a certainty. The action of the Cleveland convention in refosing to recoguize the strike and cutting off ail offers and prom- ises of financial support is regarded here ~ a a killing blow. The people who have been the most sanguine, now give up the ‘battle as lost. By noon yesterday every eamp was broken and the strikers had re- turned to their homes disheartened. The isaportation of new men was also s factor of tha discouragement. The Riindy Coke Company Discharging Foreigners and Wiring Colored Men. - Ustonrows, Pa., May 17. —Officiale of © the Rainey Coke company announced to- day that every foreigner in their employ will be discharged ss fast as possible asi their places filled by Negroes, The com- pany haslagents in the South employiog ‘substitutes and two car loads are now en ponte to the soke region. It is said that several other companies are slso- getting colored workmen from the South.” Eim Grove and Mt. Braddock, of the Rainey sompaoy works, will be fired up vest week with imported Negroes. A Lodgiog ¥ « wae Burned. Pirr:sora, May 17.—A fire broke ost in the old Singeriy building. and 7 Third avenoe, early this morning, Hi ‘prompt action on part of the night wateh- “man preventad Joss of life. The third, forth and fifth etories of the building ‘were badly damsged, the fifth story be- ing entirely gutted. A general alarm was sent in, and the engines sucoed in ex- tinguishing the flames after two hours of " bard work. The dames were confined to ’ Yio three upper storiée, A. F. Billings neenpied the three floors, where he condasted a cheap’ioJging house the rates being 10 ard i cents. Many lodgers were in bed when the fire was discoverad by tha night watchman, Lewis Thomas. He quickly aroased the sleepere and a wild rush wos made down the fire escape. Mr. Billings eays it #as miraculous how all . encaped 80 easily as the smoke was very deuce, . De vasted by » Cyclone, Torzvo, May 17.— Montpelier and Kunkle in William cotnty have been vis- ited Ly a cyclone. Ten fatalities are ro- _ ported. The property loss is large. . Another Acconnt. Bryax, O., May 17.—The village of Kunkle, Williams county was almost eu- tirely destroyed by a cyclone this after. noon. Heven lives are known to have ‘been lost, thirty injured, some fatally, and over 50 houses de: demolished. “5 Morderea by by s Burglar. : Wavruax, Mase, May 17.--Conneil- man Jas. Farrar, of Ratland, has been murdered while attempting to arrest a - burglar. He was shot through the heart. The mardeter wae arrested und gave his _ ‘DAIDe a8 Barrett, aged 51 1 years. Sl ii psi ~The Be New Moderator, : BARATOGA, N.Y., May 17.—Thoe Pra. _byterian geneaal assembly to-day elected Samuel A. Matchmore, of Pbiiadelpbia, ~ moderator. Armor Plate low, Prrrssure, May 17.—The armor plate investigating committee examined six witnesses at Homestead to-dey. Itis ru- ‘mored that pew charges have been made concerning the structural steel used in the building of vessels. Not one word of inform. ‘inn can be secured from any mem’ .¢ of the committee or those con: nected with the ces case. : Prrrssoso, Ps, May 18.—The famous Jenuie Ross case wea dismiesed in the United States district court to-day at the requeet of United States Attorney Hall. The suit was one brought Ly the govein- ment against Ross for mailicg obscene otters. Mrs. Jennie Mott, of Berauton, and a detective named Tony Seauion, were the recipients of most et of them. What the State P Papers Say. Congres will paes eome sort of & tariff bill, but it is not likely to be one jut ‘meade public. —Allentown Leader. Coxey like Nebanchadpezz ir has gone to grase. Now it's time for Coxeyiem to go to peed.--Allentown’ Newe. By permitting the ealoops to dan oy inate its nominations '~ the surest way for the Republican party to invite down- fall. —Chester News. : It any crop is going to be lost this spring jt hasn't been discovered.—Pittsburg - Press. The retirement of Boss Crocker from . the leadership of Tammany is but another evidence of the fact that almost _ anything is better than being prominent jo the Democratic party these daye.— Altoona Gazette. The so-called industrial armies are all alter the same thing—a long rest and free grab.— Allentown Oity Item. The sagacity of Hancock’s remark that the tariff is a local issue has been amply vindicated. — Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele- graph. ooo PROGRESS 5 WADE. Schedules “*A'" and 8" ot the Tarifl Bill Disposed of. faotory rate of progress was struck in the till the honr of adjomromeht, A de zn | items that had beep l¢ft on achedole “ahemicals, oila and psints” a ay | ere disposed of and schednle “earth, earthenware and glassware’ facturers of iron and steel. - A resolution for a daily meeting of the sepste st 10 A. M. and for taking np of the tariff bill at 10-50 was agreed to after a good dea! of discussion in which Frye (Rep., Me.) said that in his opinion all parliamentary methods should be resorted to to defeat the measure: but that he bad mot beeo able to get the Republican side of the sepite to take the same view. Dolph (Rep., Ore.) professed a readiness to anite with the senator from Maine. Al- lison (Rep., In) denied the exictence cf apy understanding on the Te publics; side as to action on the bill and said +1 the senators would aot on their imd...o- nal judgment, and Chandler (Rep, N. H.) warned the. Democratic senators not to act on the theory that there would be no filibustering agair<: the bill. When the schedule of peta! was reached the bill want over for the day snd the senete adjonrped, : The Honwe, : The firet half hour of to day’ s session of the honss was spent 10 |p ARBIDRE A TE8O- Intion to give the CIETe iar and canals a clerk, and that accomplished the |! and jadicial aj ted OO TAIIWSYS having. I sary executive for the Haggis alive, propriation bill wl ] Under nlter in committees of the ule, an agreement resched by th ap hours ski mishing, general debate on the bill closed at wi. and the house voted to sdjonin over Ratordsy. Mostof the afternoon wus cooupiad with a disous- sion of the matter of “deoki 2" members for absent days, x a wile ranga An oocossion for disonsan 8 notice by Boatper (Pim. Ta) of his intention & MOVA BN HMAN So mt to tha bill by whieh members abs nt on leave would pot t compelled to enflar a redoetion of pus a jeaders = 4 oO Co which fi Fash ‘At Bh o'clock the honse took a recess until R o'elok. the evening session to be for the relief | we ent eidergtton of private nension and STR! ERS out IN FORCE. McClure ard Moyer Plants Resort trcreased Force at Work, ScorTDALE, Pa , May 18 — Twenty-five buon red miners were encam»d at Alver- ton last tight. This morning they pre vented Bonthwest plant Nc. 4 from start ing work, compelling the workmen to join their ranks. The strikers then marched to their camping ground adjoining the Val ley works, where a mass meeting was held this afternoon. The McClure company reporte sn increased force at work todny. Sitilar reports come from Moyer. Cloned Several Mines, 1 81. Louis, May 18. ~The striking coal | miners have gained so important point camding the abandonment of work in sev. eral mines pear Belleville, Illa., which were beiaz operate] by foreigners. Jom 1aittees of strikers waited on the cpera- tives of the Murphy Bruggeman & Elio gevfuss raines and obtained promises rom each to discountinne work. ‘These .mines have enpplied the local manafac- tories. The striking miners also sasem- bled at Couiterville, Ilis., snd by threats of firing the tipples and beating & miner frightened «ff the miners who went to work yesterdwy. The miners sre again idle, i Bs A 1 fnccesafal Demonstration. Cascxsurko, Pa, May 18 —Four bon- dred striking miners from the McDonald district with a brass band arrived at Cook mine here this morning. Several shots were fired, but the deputies oa guard did pot retoru the fie, Shenff Cherry ut Washington. When the chenfl and deputies arrived they fouud the raidite lined up on both sides of the ged. Nothing disorderly was done, spd time strikers succeeded in izda cing twenty <f tha forty miners st work to coms out. The strikers then marched to the Supe No violence js ex- pected. ? ] mine, Stolen Train Ditched, Spoive, Washo, May 18 —Twenty- fee Cox Joe motive cn Le Girest Northern at fous. Mont, yes- Ds and rode 25 miles to Atlanta. There the company had torn up the track and the engine was ditched. Eight tramps were ivjared, one eeriously. All were ar- rested and taken to Kolispel. soar pm—— Advancing Wire Nails, FPrrrssrra, May 19.—Ajl the leading wire nail factories in'the country except Carpegie’'s were represented at an import- ant meeting to-day at which a trade agree ment was signed by all present, advanc- ing the price of wire pails 10 cents a keg and pledgitig themselves to matain the increased price, Carnegie’'s were invited but refasad to jo oin the meeting. yiLeR captured Brought on n by Malcontents. Priraperpruais, May 18.—The assign- | ment of the Order of Tonti was precipita- ted by the application of members, who | refused to pay the $525 debit assesment, for the appointment of-a receiver. i The Reason. “What makes them call that partionlar style of verse ‘blank?’ " asked the girl who always wants to know something. “Because,” replied the young map, your mind.” -- Washington Star. senate to-day and was kept np from noon | “Bri tak- | | en np and proceeded with to ite close. i ‘The next schedule is metals an: 4 mabu- | { Hameport. | finoded tha lower year ending Jane 30, 1845, was tzken up | ‘railroad and county iron bridges here, Word was gent to “that’s the condition in which it leaves | bell, REPORTS 107 THERON WASHINGTON, May 1%. —A very satis atl STREAMS OVERFLOWING EAST AND WEST. oy | MUCH DAMAGE ALONG 8 SUSQUEHANA lions of Feqt of Loge Keeape. Hanuispona, Pe. May 20 - the SoSGOsbEDDA Fiver was 23 tet deep nt Benove, rr a 21 at Wil | There aa 10 foot washont | on the Philadelphia nud Fre east of Renovo, and sever.i japisiides west of ‘Leck Haven 4 trains between Wil linmeport and ilenovo are aunnlied. The Beech Cree. and Main line of the Penp-| sylvanin ie sll ri ght. 8. MF this evening The Big Boom Breaks. WinLiamsporY, Pa, Msy At 1 o'clock thie morning the aroat | bom with ite million dollars worth of | aoent lomber gave way and Williame- | port will awaken at jdaybreak to finan- | ota; uisaster. The river is 25 feet high. At 1:30 1t is not certain that the mam | ‘boom bas broken. Iti probably a sec- | tion or apper portion of the main stract- | nra or Linden boom that has gone. a9 ar. i Iron Bridges Swept Away, HuxTtixoeon, Ps. May 20. The four days rainfall Pai raised the Jachat ‘es | river and Raystown braneh 21 fest above | low water mark and ental 1:2 great Hero water driving people in low farming dis! ira 4 inant | i giv tue struction to property, streate, res wd from their homes uw i yrih) tricta whola families are prisoned ind Thrés pew athe Janiats their honses, bi town bran biome TOY... wf Bhat £7 rh! AY § ig ini a3 Rays ph have Leen swvent pon. Holidays burg in Danger AL Pa... May HL -fber break of fifteen fet in the brosst dam at Kittauning binary may peopls there of the Jang Larter At 12:5 Ki ttannine Point i HINA, has water at break He rail pie Chuksed Zo The Hills May. — Lis eansed B Fes Laws mrows,. Pu tony TAD 4 « past thice diya wild food the stress of Mia ‘ the county isinan isted and Laif t ulation bas hal to fia th the bits or to! go into tha apper stories of Tha MeVeytown aonnty iron wreck and apprebension is Flys r and 4 IWAT Fr fe pop their honses biG; fit = ja a for 4he frome Thirteen Feet Sanday. Haxrinrre, May 20.- The Snequé- henna has risen at this point 13 feet since morning, coming up three feet since 7 o'clock this evening. All triba- | - taries are reposted boomsog north aod | west. The rain bas been very heavy and | a great flood 1a feared. : rrookyille Flovd Nowa Brooxvitte. Pa., Mss 27 Red Bank: creek is over the barks. Ton fuir grousd and rao track are flooded, nad everybody on the Hate have taken «tof : much loose proper; have gone to hitler g Danisge at No NoRrrusTOWS, Fo. M ve | est raipsiorma in trnok this | town yesterday wfterroon, The dowr- pour waa almost equal to a cloudburet. | Property - to the extent of $10,000 was! damaged. Tbe Norristown iron worke was the heaviest loser. : Storm in Texas. Darras, Texas, May 20.—A terrific’ rain storm did great damege in the west. ern section of Ellis county Fridsy might. | The house of Wm. Merriman was blown | down, killing him and his wife and badly | injariog three children and two men. ar Driftwood, 7 DRIFT®o0D, Ps, May 20. —Benopetta braneh and Driftwood branch are both ‘boouding. The Philadelphia aod Erie tracks are flooded east of here, and the | business of the road tied np. : Hes viest Rain PA 1850 Joussrows, May 20 ~The Heaviest rain- storm since the big tlood of 1880 ceased {this moroing end early ight disclosed | Hooded streets aud alleys and ceilars fall of water. HY ten ¥ yanry New Bethlehem, New Beravrenem, Pa, May 20.—The bottom lands here ara iooded and people who lived in the lower places have moved to higher gronod. High Water at Tyrou Tyrone, Pa, May 2 Tyre pe and vicinity were last night and this moroing visited by the most severs tlood since the high waters of 1889, y } River at Lock Haven. Lock Havex, Pa., May 20. ~There 18 a flood of 19 feet in the Susquehanna river this evening, and the water wm still rising. Bradford Streels Flooded Baaprorp, Pa, May 20.-Three days in- | Gessant rain has swollen the east and | west branches of Tuna orsek into raging | torrente. The waters overran the creek | boundaries this morning, flooding streets i in the eastern part of the city. b- Highest Ever Kaows. BerreroNTe, May 20.— Bellefoute — | to-day visited with the worst flood ever’ {known here, the waster being two feet | higher than in June 1889. | Karl's Clover Root will parity your bldod, clear your Complection, yoia)ate yoar bowela and make your head cles he, 80 and $1.00. Sold by - P. | Hollund, Break in the Witlinmep: rt Poom and Mil- | 0) At 6 o'elock | o { fair compensation for ther that they were net beiny [isting b euch netwean the oparators, L ardent BU BOCArmOL io i Knights o it Knight »paly "dosn Wast Si ‘At the nth wiki be | | ad 1 8 sesnions tc pronase were present. od aed adopted providiog for a committe | to copeidér toe advisability and report u ted States to vote for the redaction of 3 land, of Frank Goodale, who + eifie, SITLIATION AT Wa t 11MSPORT. et High aud Hi Papidty ~The Qut- ionk Distouraging WILLIAMSPORT, Pi. May baa bean failing 1 vig thr lone Wee* Pron seh wut rabiad for the last 2 be ito-nreht tha fay ty ard fis River 2 sim 2). Ran the oO! 2¥ 1 y pr moviog ther goods | nation Fiver Fre Hie 14 8 Pv] rp rapiiv,. Man pie P: or to t thea das tar pls of gif ty fuil- | 3 feat Tig tt At IW oh EL Ohi WIDENED THE BREZCH. whether there was ned of state troops 1% : {He fof virikeTs a Die Fw Es to In Brat Tiwops Not Sveded. Usitoerows, £ ., May 20 —Thowas Haduwon Pattiaon's stuff coved 1a the coka raion yesterday on Jatin to whiy t J. pr- | an ne to Le r- Varaor fhiesal tear of oy Tatar my £7 0 teet tae property aud employes fost gd toe rol pind hie Hi 108 Pegi la CO Dan ns Ope as Toy) no i Lis ut Ku=atuhit free 154 =i 11 ty 0 I tit 41 1:4 ond oof lnta HI a niulvisied t the co at y- “8 lie! i “1 1818 de! eg nr cumpiog ab diffnpns tinidale wi desire! to men ck Operator's Meeting Saturday Accomplished Nephing Toward Settiement Pirrssvre, Pa. H) ——Ahont iD} Muy eos! operators were present st 8 meso g | ic. the supreme conrt yesterday. W. P, Rend addressed the meeting stating he thongh! the minars were pot receiving a work, treated fairly. | i Several other operators ka 10 the same | hné after which a motion to nd One ¢ Wus | {carned. | The meeting accomplished nothing be- | youd perhaps wiles the nlrendy ex | Hoel Expelled Powderly. Prrrsscra, Pa, May 20. - Terrence V. | Poderly, ex-genvral master workman of { the Kn: ot ts of Labor, aud A.W. Wri whit, of Toroete, Canadas, | genera exec Labor, aud F man of Distr vX-mem!t WrE of th “| hive weird, Kuaights of § if ‘ni o rh. G3 oano, f muster work ft Asnanirihly “yr, 4 i 10. 92 and ao | bBauvas bean | Fi Powdatly iron county | i joes | tha order fe or $3 3 10 (hea Or IXOAH, Cres sang + waler i= poring rents and bia of thie pump heavy. Lutheran Sneietire Wot Pa. May IT ~The sry of the organization of the Miesione, Foreign Extension of tha general synod Totherdn United mnenes nt YiRK sp yur hriles | of Hem | ard Chit of thn 3 s UOREGS bathe ireh | “ M FRIChe, $i on vind 43 o ti church 1 ae Slated | { wich ¢ { here Just Gly rein. -iay. #nt divines from all over A repeintion t the ant was present. plus for the holding of! biennial snniver. aaries of the three boards. { Counsell of Red Men ‘Brrurzues, Pa, May 17. | souneil of Pennsylvania, Improved Order of Fed Men to-day iostruoo ted. its repre. sentatives to the great counsel of the { Toi. Tre great | re preseiitation, per capita tax and bien. The newly siected officers tions of of- + March. oral sessions, Hed #4) { tiie pO LE J wore 1pata Fras ran SY a Lime LEVELAND, uy dent M. M. the - Am dgersalad gesocine tion, speaking in regard to the protabil- ity of a strike of iron and steel workers, anid: ‘If all the mil] owhers refose to ern the scale thers will be a natic wal gtr ke.” Anna dS aa ex £ May 15 —] ¢ Decided to Fight it Oat, Criverany, May 18 —The striking goft coal miners bald a final consultation to-day a4 which it was decided to contin- ae the fight antil the operators agree to restars the old seale. Broke Up the Mes!ing. Berrix, May 18 —The miners’ congr a! adjourned to-day having broke up in n ircow. The Eoglish insisted that dele uten | representing a majority of the miners 'shou!d decide all questions. The other | protested and the Euglish withdrew. ¥ rominant Jockey Killed. Lotisy iene, By, May 18.-Jockey reds Chant” iu the Derby Taceday last, ns killed to. day by the borse “Judge Payne” bling and falling on him, while two othe: horses piantad their boofs on hiv face [skied € LYS C6 [ pi { and Goishers’ the Htove fired Michusd fapoplexy | theatre and disd this afteraoon, A inrge namber of | ay |g | ware {alien up + Hun. § Halts Milhou Fue Loss. PHUEADELPHIA, May ZL ~Firs 8 ’ gerpoonin La Shupd's buidiog, a and ing goods famng on both Nosh Blut Son x Ov, mii: | ono by water 3 ther vlorca 18. oe Tawi : Sor [rearance S106 000 HB tin © Froisg Men sdjast ng Wages. ; begioning is! bh ve tle! Road J inias Ze So! Com puny, geri form | [ting #0 many tb aha'lenge has Ii | ud Arsh streets ay d aod oanog buatida dad 3400000 dumage. L. Dina straw good: #1 teloo - Et — — RD DEMOCHATS SATISFIED ; With Progress ca Tari Bill, But are Feartel ols Republican Ruse. Wasnixaros, May 20. — The Demoerstio penctors wre gratified with the prog they buve been making with the tart by bri daring the pest day or two, but they vir the eitoation may not sootinne so pessing, and some of them are inclined : 10 814 not that the Repnblican opponents LO ihe Lill are merely trying te lull them Fito a sense of aeonrity, : I'he Repotlicay «en tore who fa the ; “ doy disposition to | ROTUZO! 24 Bvnry iteig in The bill, and who sul iony changed their tactics, pot abandoned their fight on . an their course in Jat-’ agraphs go without ome to believe, bat thé was made for two pur- They feiv that they had gone s | hitle to far in pressing their objecticne intfesy | » atl, ej Shangy in met | prone | by declining to let any of the smend- | ments go in, withoat debate, CLEYRLAND, May 20 — Seoretary Rin. | » Amalgumuted sssociati snves tion ws practically o »f Lin pinded con ally uo clindge 10 the pu wn Tera oD: poD- Sion of tha soegla le Beye pre scale. Fxplosion in a Mine. LLR, Fa, May 2.—An ex) in the William Penn coli sterday fuisily bu bared Ji Puorrsy prion of gos pear Shepardonh yi ed David bin Figher aud badly ergon’s aramen Won {iy HI ~ The profess) LLaay x ¥ yf ~ FIR Zot ¥ lend Fx: ented. Fail Haury, wa bor ws Wi bin the fale i st as NE, wis axecile saiiny Frrorning. Yates Dead ~Edmacd Ysjtes, at, wad stiweden with Edmond Lexpon,. May rand jonrpsi 2) - inet evening in Ciarki : Guiiange rs Speech Foced Waknixariy, May 20 The third last pret of Senat ¥ agninet the tanff bi torday, After be bad tere io the glass asd china sche ir Crailinger’s sapgech wie delivered Goiskied?, say and disposed OF, the ¢ mitten amsndmenta heiog in oe pary ohms agreed to. Wil Bear the Herasy CUsse, | MABATGA, mittee of Presbyterian (vnernl A ese reco thenda antertainment « Smith appes!. Tha means that if] ap provel by the General Assem? sly that the Cincinnati heresy case will he hadrd ou ita merite, ‘The report will bs ready Monday. : : : ly an Seven Killed in a Coll eon, Prixcer x, Kv, May 20 A ool between sn extra freight tran and “bridge train wding Bock lgnoe the New ley feath red hor iy Rtas Nw wular i +¥, and MsgiRat ppl 10 Those 10) diet tien, rn lwa rea tad r ved LF gay . ih Teron 44h we : “ihe Janina Bosmieg. SUNBURY, May .—~Janiata has rimuy very rapully owing to the incesss rains of the past few diye. Its bray are coming ap. River men bere pr a grenter th sod than tht of 1580 The Only Way. Eva—I hear yon won your breagh of | prom =e suit, Did ; oa get the whole|$2 000? Della— Every cent yer. Ne w York World. I married my It waa like “carrying souls to Castle” the other day when a cot ment of of coal held in in ths Peopavivania and Northwe HIT three 013 | ratirond yard ut Bellwood were sh to the Berwind White Coal Mining abd chest, : Charget with Embezzlement. New Youk, May 18.—A warrant. has Leen isrned for the arrest of Bookkeeper J. J. Kean, bauk on application of Bank President | Presto zhing thousand dollars, betwsen pingteen and Rabbers Altack a Stage Conch, Missorna, Moat, May ‘Manager Kendrick, of the Northern Pa. ‘has been informed that anothes freight train has been captured by an io- dustrial mob numbering ove hundred at | 1m % station on. Coer de Alene division, California. Two misked men attempted to rob » | Messen T hea stage near here this morning. {gor fired apon the men killing one second rcbber returned the fire, fatally | woun ling a lady passenger and slightly | ivjaring 8 man and then escaped. Coxeyites an the Northern Pacific, Missorra, Mont., May 20.—A band of 450 Coxeyites, of Seattle, Spokane de- | | tachment, captured a freight train on the Northero Panific at Hern yesterday and | started eastward. Latest advices is thet | they passed Thompson Falle, Idaho, at a high rate of speed. Troops from Ft Missoula will try to intercept them. of the closed Harlem iver | who charges Kean with embez. | ‘twenty | A —Croneral | w | of ity pumping sugines, i ly ar unnsual ccenrrencs when the | of things ia reversed to the ectent « ng to ship coal to enal miver, Fa | tawrey pews, A Gypsy River Soog. r My onnva Dhow My [os Dem ott. fund fragrant win » minds i bs, 40d eyes v Ad So BTN : Built yvisp ote this way, Irige-he ed, brave sd human, Hel Nature holdeth Way, I've st the heart of wor; » And lo Or this clear river tid, though toad v as the “Ky running hy, Uhnries Gordon Rojers, Karl's Olover Root the great Blood Pur- MY LIFE. Leo the for a debilitated ie gives freshneds and claarnees | complection and cures Consti tion, 20, 50a, $1.00. Sold by A. F. Holland. snd hed | aronsed the aotagonism of the Democrats to a greater extent than they had intend- ed, und they concluded that nothing conld be gained by provoking friends of the bill to extreme measures. They have + 00! however, changed their parposs of opposing many of the more radical etadges which the bill makes it’ the ex- { thant a test qaestion zhonid sting law, and it i= probable that they blo- will consame anough time on thése to ery | [onmp-neite for the syRregste time they ro- (Might pat in on all the amendments. - It is also probable that they are willing: be reached, 5 (and it 18 beliaved that the sngar schedule 1 part expoctad ta Marnish this test, if the metal ) Only =» wohiednle and the wood hecinin stand between the paragraphs te rposed of and the sugar quee- Tho metal sohednla, ng amended by the provutes for a redaction of 3 from exuting rates, and t probable that many of the pare # in this schedain will ha Ceabated PR it length, There 1s sure to le more ¢ lens discussion of the lend and lead ore ties. The woed schednio may ules de- nromiRe, ¢ Bhan? 1 on | vel i a debate, as ales may the qdeation of frea lamber. Ail the indications are, tise sngar schedale will be reached this wask. The debate ou the scheilnle pro Lises to ba sensational and Bowavar, that some of the Rapublioay senators have ex- yos- the for : thie | , ou | Val | the mrad | { -? ktock | stern | pped i com- | pany ut this place last Thacsday for ase | This ia ewftain- | Todi i ¥ wee! xen. tire | prestied the opinion that thie sohedile ak Will provi to be the weakest lick in the tariff chain, PROVED DEFECTIVE. and Harvayiced Armor Plate for the Battinshig Indians an Utter| Failure Wasnixoron, May 2. ~Iu the test of eral the Harveyized side srmor plates of the ale | hattleabip Indiana, forged by the Beth- om | lehem company, at the Iodian Head roving groand today the plate was riven from edge to edge by the first shot J nnd shattered bevond Jebeription by the May 20. ~The jadicial some wood projectile, A twelve inch rifle gun wus aged. The plate wan selected for the test by the government inspectors at the worka becanse it was suspected of being detactive - Lieut. Jaqnes says that it was 1, a4 the first shot demonstrited. Far ib teats will be madesocn. The test to- - Slay cost the company 320000, . Had it teen snocessfal the Iudiana’s side srmor «ould have been delivered within thirty days, Investigation to be Secret, WasninNaren, May 20. ~The sugar ine vestigation committee yesterday reached # nvasimons coneclasion that all hearings in the matter of investigating the changes of lirihary and doings cf the sugnr trash shonld be held behind closed doors. Sets | ator Gray was requested to give trom day ! would not interefere with the work of the pdiet | | commit tae. PuLLMAN'S MEMORIAL CHURCH. | Buit at Aton, his Earty Home, at a Cost of $75 | ALBION, | stone of A Pullman Memorial charch lnw-| was aid to-day with imposing cerenio- | nies by the officers.of the Masouvis Grand : Now Lodge, Grand Master Frederick K. Barn- ham, of New York. The priueipal ad- | Pullman of Baltimore, who was followed i by Dr. Saxe, of Rochester. "1 This charch is the gift of George M. | Pullman, the Chicago millionaire, to the Cuiversalist Soctary of Albion, and is larected 1m memory of his father and mother, sho are both buried here. Its cout 18 875,000 and the only re- pureonnt made of the looal society was tut shonld reise 835,000, which is sow i vested and the income which is fore ever pledged for the maintensoce snd r of the charch. Mr. Puliman waa vatimate | Ferdi for yours a resident of ‘Albion, where he wed the ocenpation of raking and vuddinge: avd his first decided i the world was secur! when he ut to Chicago in company with the late , iu start nd [to day to the presse such matters se 000. .Y., May 9 --The corer dress wae given by the Rev. Dr. RB H i C. H. Moore, of Albion, and successfully - | raised many of the great business blocks | of the eity to thie new level of the streets, | The invention of the palace car followed. © The new memorial charch is being con- ! structed of reek-faced Albion sand stone. [t will be in the English Gothie style of | architecture, surmounted by a great dome lighted - with cathedral gia. In the | west end will bepiaced a memorial win- | dow to-cost $5,000. The main audience | room is in the form of a (Greek cross. T. 8. Hawkine. Chattopobgh Tenn Wha SHILOH ‘'VITALIZER'SAVED. ider 181 he best reedy sten [ ever used.” For *Ridvey trouble. Thets od. : =) Ds Db 5 Live »
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