Drak Hodgkin's soda water. Koller & Co, the clothiers-3668 i | Wall paper given tice | OfSce. 253 1 LX. Rodiey cam ver from Spang: Wall paper at cost at E. A. Mellon,s. ler Monday. . Try Dr. Wendell, the dentist ins Good § Co’s new advertise building -S6f - : | Guy Sayder, of Clearfield, ' Bargains at Ashoroft’s millinery Sunday in town. store. 24tf Por a nice cool drink try Hodghin's Wall paper given away st the post pure sods water. office. -2543 Robt. T. Shields came over from Al- W. E. Mathews, of Pittsburg, was in. toons, last week. | town inst week. © M. Cohn came over from Spangler J. M. Quigley, of Wallacetown, spent ‘on business Tuesday. | Friday in Patton. The British mints coins 25 tous of | For four, feed, hay, etc. go to Pennies every year. : Yar) Bogen at What is going to be done in Patton J. Pried, of Altoons, was here on ‘on the Fourth of July? business Inst week. ¢ David B. Hill, of Blossburg, wasa | Wm. D. Hill, of Jersey Sihore, spent Visitor to Patton Priday. | inst week in Patton. : Dentist B. F. Wendell spent Sunday Finest ice cream in Patton st Sny- at his home in Johnstown. || der's restsurant.-30t | Thos Reynolds, of Spangler, was 3 Mat) Gomes. | H. Deitrick;, of Clearfield, was in Visitor 10 Patton last week. - Bos {£4 Mitty nie Tiley | H. L Hart, of Williamsport, was a . 30 r= P.J. Detrick, of Carrolitown, had visitor to Patton last week. DD. C." Tate, of Harrisburg, was a was in | Suest at Hotel Beck Friday. Several large fish and eels have been Go to E. A. Mellon, st the postoffice’ canght in Chest Greek lately. - 4 P. M. Kinney and lady, of Hastings, | er oan 4 | Americans own four-fifths of the | drove over to Patton Sunday. sugar plantations in Hawaii. Frank Mourey, of Philadelphia, was Crist Wolf, of Pittsburg, raged 0 re rn | at the Commercial botel Fridsy. Attend the Firemen's meeting in the H. OC. Lina, of Cincinnsatti, was a o Opéra house Thursday night, May 17. ask 36 Hoke Péton Suiusday ‘4 E. Rogers, & travelling salesman : of oro, y in town. | Go to Sam’} Boyoe for flour, feed, hay and all kinds of grass seeds. -23tf - Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading milli- . { nex, of this section. Go and see her.- anf Jas. Flynn, a lumber merchant Altoona, had bosiness in Patton Setar day. i John Westover came over from Westover Friday and spent a few hours. | in town. {4 B. McKean, of Jersey Shore, reg- | intered at Hotel Patton the latter part | of last week. | W. C. Prindible, of Lock Haven, ! visited his brother, (Geo. Prindible, of | this place, Sunday. : Albert Flick, proprietor of the Gray _ | hotel at Carrolitown, spent a few hours lr Paton aot week. : The place to buy shoes at s bargain \way. not lier & Co.'s muanmoth store on. | Magee avenue.-235t2 i A. G. Diehl is erecting a dwelling house on the east end of Magee avenue | next to his place of business. : Rev. C. W. Wasson, of Hastings, will ring PTOMER 11 She Methyttist church at this 006% | place next Sunday morning. : ‘Jack, the barber, is now prepared t | to wait on all customers with neatness |and dispatel at his new stand. -24tf | The Beech Creek civil engineers { were in town the latter part of last _ John W. Hollman, of Punssutawney, | week. They loft Monday for Bakeena.. spent Monday in Patton. - Away down to rock bottom wall | Goo. 8. Good & Co.'s stone quarry, in ; st present badly afflicted with rheuma- | ‘The finest line ladies’ hate and under- | yy (leqfield ahi. ie betn t at wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. to E. P. Carr & Cos. of Asherofvs millinery dors in Good TE el ‘o,, of Massa- | : chusetts, at $1,390, Which 18 110 lems | J than the State appropriation. : The following persons visited T.. w. | | Letts and family last Sanday: Jack | Fina, wife, and baby Ruth, and Mr. | {John Doyle, all of Ebensburg; Mra | 5X the Pree ohmech of Sevtiand win Katie Somers, of Johnstown. and Mr. | J ity aaa] Mn. as Millet smd danghter | | daring the year, 3 are abstainers. | Georgia, The COURIER rice: ved a communica tion from Loretto this week, but the’ writer failed to sign his name. and therefore the case for ita not being wway ot the pout : " G. A Langhen, of Ebsnsbur, “rain members marked or are town on business last week. : ton on business the first of the week Bet Chest Springs Saturday on business. ‘Koller & Co. still keep the lead in Siting wl gesie furnishing goods. dfn: i . Gill, a prominent citizen of St of Lawrence, visited in Patton Wednes- day. : Frank Gunnison, of Huntingdon, | i £ i i 3, i : i 5 Monday. : Steele's ice cream at Snyder's res- taurant, the only cream of that make ‘in Patton. -26-tf Notice the eall to tise Republisn voters of Cambria county in another column of the COURIER. For the finest line of millinery, fancy - goods and ladies underwear gO to Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store in Good bullding.- 24 . Hair cat, shave, shampoo sod a foam done in short order at Jack's | placa, in room formerly occupied by G. A. Valentine, the newsdealer. -24t1 Reuel Somerville, Patton's promi- ment young attorney, paid a business. trip to Hastings Tuesday. He was: legally interested in two different cases there brought up before "Squire; Neff. A Grand Army post is about to be organized at Spangler. A meeting will be heid Saturday in the Brandon Bu a en a lL g Don’t fail to see Jack's new shop. -4tf Admittance 10 cts. at opera. [io lle ote Jo¥t Sot le ns? R L. Goff, Blory Hartshorn and Jas. | I Eiay rede en 10 Curweteellic' on | 708 YoU 0 thers for Whe delicacy of their bicycles Saturday. Mr. Goff and | Mr. Hartshorn retarned home Mon- | - Rev. Hoprara Catupeell of Allegheny | sosan GR. &. Mall's, up tars the postoffice. 25-36 3. B. Clapper, of Martinsburg, Pa. ad 5 The Republican county convention wie mong he many visitors to Paton | oi) be held st Ebvensburg Mondsy, The nicest clams and salt oysters you (ayn, Pride slection wil ve eid ly ever tasted is st Snyder's restaurant. | or and 7 p. m. vy for yourself 28-41 |W. L Nicholson, wife and daughters For the next thirty days you can get | pop, Edna and Alma, of Hastings, wall paper and window skades at at cost drove oyer to Patton Saturday to visit the first of August. Now is the proper time to clean . Jas. G. Bradley came down from ‘at the junction of Indians, Cambria. |p an op te Stt| V2 pope ver hn po ‘he Chuirman Casita Ga. Be. Com. | May 8, "9. 2 N. L Heary, of Hillsdale, was seen 08 our streets last Saturday. Bert Russell, of Pallentimber, thant a. visitor to Patton Monday. [Fite Mesias St We opera p tay Meals at all hours at Myers’ restear-. ant, next to postofice. -23tf Sidney Pittman, of Grant, was visitor to this place Tuesday. 1 Harvey Wileos, of Johnstown, was a guest at Hotel Beck Mondsy. T. F. Brown, of Altoona, was a guest at the Palmer house Monday. JN had business in Patton Tuesday. C. B. Robertson, of Tyrone, regis- tered at the Palmer honse Monday. H. L Englebert, of Philadelphia, stopped at the Commercial hotel Tum. day. The Peiynwylvania Railroad pay car pam oy gl 8. E. Hayes, of DuBois, was io Pat- n ; ORDINANCE NO. 10. An Ordinance relating to Peddlers and Retail Vegders in the Borough of Patton: SecTioN 1. Be it ordained ‘Burgess and Town wk, peddle, any jewelry, dry pictures, frames, article or articles. of merchandine of any ssrchandive of 405 Jo aw lanes or squares of said or in any or at any building - barter or traffic, - permit good for twenty-four hours from and hour of issue, and for which said thal yay & sum not than 80 Vio¢ Mord Sun $5.00, at discretion of the officer granting same, PROVIDED, that this ordinance shall not apply ‘to or be construed to include tatives of wholesale houses who take orders omly, or farm- ers selling their own products. - Amendment to read as follows: ORDINANCE 20. 10. An Ordinance relating to Peddlers and Retail Venders in the Borough of Be it ordained Patton: and Town Council by te SECTION L Portes of Patton, and it is sowiiorib] merchandise of soever, upon any of ¢ Ea rit any or at any | | 873¢ obtal from | Darter oF good fe § ‘same, OnoneANCE Ha. & SATION An Ordinance probibiting the bura- ing of Waste Material, Firing Ava, Fie Crackers, Bie, in the Pub at and im | do case of refusal or i to pay same, shall be im for a period ‘pot excending twenty-four hours. McCormick, of Huntingdon, , Send on your orders. ® All Work Guaranteed to Give Good | as br. B.F. Wendell, A graduate of Baltimore {College of || Dental Surgery. iT westy four Sleeping rooms, pas opened: a Dental Parlor All new furniture, up stairs in the Good ‘Heated with steam drongh building over Kol- out, ler & Co.'s oy Teeth extracted ‘without S. A. WILSON, Prop. A Modern | Hotel. , Hot and cold water on every floor. Cooking and dining - ment in Skillful hands. | MAGEEAVE, NEARR R STATION. | PiTION, PENT R. S. Waesrsnoor, Manutacturer and Shipper of Ice Cream, , 1601 11th Avenue, ALTOONA, PENN, }/OESE,_SHOEING, | . werk done with neatness and dispatch. We are ready for the trade. Call and See Me, A.C. DIEHL, Patton, Pa. sam BOYCE, | Sanoessor to John Otto. _DRALER IS Flour and Feed, Hay, Garain, Mme, Ete... Tulephone No. 28. G.F. LEE, ———————— ol the Lowest for 25 Years Experience. Satisfaction According lo Plans ne————— a Store ont Beach Avenue, near Am stopping at the Commercial Hotel | Ra R. Depot. - : Read t Patton COURI ER AND KEEP POSTED. Bend it to your friends at a dis- tance and they will thereby become interested in the developements of Northern Cambria. When You Want JOB Paronize The COURIE! all new type, ‘our Home Printing Office. at the Patton Pharmacy. -23tf ‘among friends. They retarned by John Wriggles and Miss Vinnie Stolz, | way of Carrolitown. of Altoona, were the guests of U. 8. Stols at the Palmer | Sund A. E. Patton, wife and little daughter Miss F. Joties' 35d Mrs: Suith, OF| oy of Philadelphia, were the. guests Hastings, were the guisis of Miss of sir. and Mrs. Reuben McPherson Miss Jennie Haber and Miss Sensie The Spangler Sentinel ways tata Ores, of Alboons aro Viling Mim pms ci 1 10 bo. resi i Hoover's parents in Carroll township. | Spangler and says that they have as Fisher & Buck, undertakers and | ood players furniture dealers are headquarters for neighboring towns will have to look to everything in the furniture line.-24t4 their laurels when their boys get in J. Leard Eider, civil engineer of | train. had business in Patton | | Mr. Ellis Westover, ot Westover, last week. He was a guest at Hotel | Clearfield county, made the COURIER a | Patton. Tueada, | pleasant call on y. Mr. West- w. O. Schiffer, saperintondent of the | over has just recovered from a severe J. L. Mitchell Coal company, 80COMPE- getack of relapsing fever which had | rooms for nied by his son, drove over to this confined him to his home for several | place Monday. | months. Edith, of Curwensville, and Mrs. Edith as are in the county, and practical man house and of course it is usual to give a Ee Souomuiing i, espodially 10 | Anim to tead 38 THO: the ladies. Here is some advice that ORDINANCE NO. 3, SECTION J. will interest you all and when you . An Ordinance prohibiting the burn- | read it you will all agree that a vote of ing of Waste Material, Firing Fire thanks be tendered the writer. What is Arms, Fire Crackers, Etc, in the Pals |. IT IS the to make it more gives only the and ‘make it wo! set your eyes on. He variety of different shades and pat- 4 terns to pick from. From this date a up to July 1st he will sell the entire which or ) | stock at cost. When we say cost we Ties to the amount of mot | foun Jost what we sy. It must be fom, BOrCEED oJ te haf Gollar hot | sold so that the rooms. it is now kept tore than ve dollars each per quarter in can be used for house keeping par-’ a the discretion of she Burgess owes The paper is over the post- Attest Ey. Pr Es dwelling purposes on the Approved May 14th, 184. | above mentioned date. - Remember the place.-35ts The Coxey craze ia over. aim of the abiishers 6 of the COURIER than a Local Paper (which sip of the neighborhood) of the support of all this Reap tHE PatTpy Courier arid you will be happy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers