Bo a May Mako : Peddedty Caplontan ¥ ream. : stort ned @dtermingl looking wun jth wkits chin whiskers, 7:7 oF push ad saverely baok From Lig fart gold spectacles on kis pro's yd entered a rastacrant in Fonrteenh at the ‘‘rosh’ honr sod #ir0ia fapidly to one of the tables at which was a vocant seat, Fe bung a t cane on the batrack far 2p on the | ‘wall near the end of the ‘ble 70d was divesting himself of his overcoai #hn be buppened to potice thet ‘he wilter . was about leaving the table with crde:s for the other men, “Hold on a minute, young felier, and take my order, toc,” he shouted. *'Srizg me scaae hash, with poached sggs on it, anid a couple of sinkers and sGno cose inalarry.” Then Le finished taking oft his over- coat and tried to hang it on what he probably thought was a peg of the bat rack, but be hit on the end of fis car tose. ard the flicr, while the cane, after kaoc) ing several Late off the rack, fell mu ti head of a ton peor the wall and i then | bounded on the table with force enong to byeak sovi ral dishes and scatter coffen | and gravy shout promiscaovnsly. The | “men at Yhe lable picked up their hats and began to say unpleasant things, but they were quickly awed to silence by the stont man, who declared with a fog- | horn voice: “It's an infernal vatroge for a man 2 keep snch a rack ms that in his place. 1 1 was rmnn in o this howgse, 1'd see that! there'd Le deoont arrange sents for folks | who patronized it.” Then he the rack, tho Hf cleared the bro wiped up the spilled with fresh napkins. i the waiter bed man began TI “1 goes he sgid down tow “that born luts hurry, 5: dav. If} away oofies Twa minates after Left the table while a aeat -mnst have 3 I said yppeme bie v iil take sll tat 1 ordered righ y ginkess madi to shaw jaws hod hig ebes cont er of fn a burr Ho. Fiche Th x 4) but don HAD tip to pick them ap. | : fT nora, ta detmin bi, vropy Lorn bi fo ths 3 rannded “And how Ey 3 fart I wemaibils Fa guile up in #8 1h ! x : we on the trial slo it Tt consisted in cut “ting a bole throngh a teat in which sev. eral persons were sleeping and then in- troducing his bead andarm through the hole and abstracting varigus articles of value, It =as claimed by prisoner's counsel that inasmuch as bs nover actoally en- | 1 tered the tent wile his whole body he had not comtnittell the offense charged and must therefore ba acquitted, The jodge in reply to this plea told the jury that if they were not satisfied that the whole wan was involved in the cringe they might bring in a verdict of gailty against so much of bim as was "thus involved, * : The jury, after 8 print consultation found the right ann, the right she alder and the head of thé prisoner guilty of the offense of urglary. The jody therefore sentenced the right ary. the right shoulder nud head to imprisonsient with bard labor in the state prison for two years, remarking that. as to the root of the man's body, he might do with it what be pleased. — Green Bag. : ro Early Efforts at Making §ook Stoves. Doubtless some form of cooking stove has heen vsed from a very early period. Previous to 1745 the stoves of all kinds used in America were imported from Holland or Germany, but in that year a stove was invented by Benjamin Franklin that was a great improvement on all that had preceded it. In 1771 he continued his inventions in this line and "produced a stove for barning bitomi- ‘mous coal which consumed its own smoke | and another which, after being filled at | | the top, could be inverted and made to burn from the base. Between 1785 and 1795 several improvements in stoves, ovens, beating and cooking apparatus were made by Count Rumford, and ds early as 1793 his soapstone lined range had been introdeced in New York anu wero coming gradually into general use. —8h Louis Rep nbie, A Yard Times Story. A younz negro girl was met by a an old negra winan, and the usval saluta- tions, with by questions as to the health and happiness of the families, were passed. “Does yor’ mammy still take in | washing? asked the older, replied the younger, “‘Bhe been doing | washing for Mr, Blank down here at, Mrs. —— boarding house, bat he says’ times is too hard to have clothes wash- | od, and I dunno what she gwine to do | now, Valdosta (Ga.) Telescope. i “Yes'm,"”’ } A Comprrison.. He (from Doston—very musical)— Wagner's wea °4 ave elmply grand! ghe (froma C Locomotive Bullder, ~icago)—Ohb, ought i to wee Pullman’ si—Hational : = i at flopped dowa on | he. slammed his cane back on | bung, his overcoat on a peg | and sat down to glare at the waiter, who | ken dishes. and | and gravy the stont { *‘that ho has gone | ! stone | Large “blocks were : planes of earth or stone. Abed of votes hers the sunlight | stiri of of purple grayes on southwest wale, | Aad fer, white Thuril through the leaves of | trees tA rere of rest whers yet no duty calls. A single ware (bet laps the idle beach; A shir ing lizard darting cut of reach; A bresth of wind through odorous banks of Goward © | A thoupnt of peace, Epoch. { A dla! whore thie pointed shadow creeps ! From hour to hoor of vase; a day that keeps Its bs suty throngh the night; a night that i and ak yet too slow tor Gres With Ge tod stars-s kasha workd that —Detroit Free Prose, There are still "rad men’’ in Guiana, according to Mr. Smith Delacour’s re port—descendants of the inhabitants at the time of is discovery. They are ap parently of three or moro separ ate ori- | Bus. i” Tha oldest inhabitants are Noved ta WW arriias, Ww Tie ¥ 1 i got i! | bet ¥ EER Board enity % rs th afl XB 3 nie cam from 13 not Hart » pertain origin are the the Arawacks, who wer | scat! ward fron the Wost lands. After them camo & w Carib tribes, who were aloo hward from the West. Indies Ja bautors i tenn we if woe ed GEIS Indias ¥ Gne 5 Series oven SIFT { [5 ib ii re tivo advent of tie Europe fines f ais tio o Carih tribes made its appes 4 iis poople wars kno vn as thi Caries and oo i mpdings there #3 4 Laat 10% ELIT i between any of vhey live in small ainsl ri jations.of vl Lines x simple ¥ stich seeius to bo : (5 7 pericel.y iE hala Hision i ¢ Woy of and { SE ng 4% 3 { i 5 i ii j 4 to make been | I wan in al | Pome Fag 4h AEE IR i to ancar the risa o's Meher, bad vy thane he found i anmoyed © Ly a dog i 1 ne ts 1a servi aif mn ly inva IT TE i left ul 1 ¢ bal ridely Pann seh 25% ahie TE wi: i, him this and ft 258 off | wail U Exchange, LTTYE Tho al Swedes isa fa rn aston ‘4 | eighth court of thos eles anc i ’ the lifting of the it seers to be g the butcher's boy in modtang the bal assistant, instead of passing him wi careless ‘hello! or pivieg him a fri ly buffet, as an American lad might Aofl5 his hat to him with elaborate co tesy. '=—St. Louis Globe-Democrat Fi Y ¥ In the heart of London is a public newsroom without a librarian or an: one to look after the papers. They an chained and padlocked so they cannot be carried off. Little damage is done, and the room is usnally quiet and or- derly. Missouri ETOwSs 219,00,000 bushels of corn, 36,000,000 of oats, 20,0600, 000 of wheat and 18 000,000 pounds of to bacco. The lead product has exoeed:sd 100,000,000 pounds in a single year and the zine has equaled 13,500 tous » year. Miss Mary McGreevy of Indianapolis does not seem to share tho supposed | feminine desire for an elaborate wed- | b ding. She was married the other day fo John Perry, and the ceremony occupied | exactly 2%; seconds by the watch The Egyptians moved great masses o without the aid of men were required to draw one blk! into its proper position. Charlotte, school, said: ‘The worst nothing to eat between meals. of all was Why, had to sary el Now Zealand has set apart two is- are forbidden 5 lands on which hunting « and’ trapping | seum: —St. Louis Republic. The Evening Work Satisfaction of the Banker. The game woes on The banker, who sat tithe his table, was kept huey slling chips. Thy betting was be wera but two men who seemed winning anything The bine ~hiy Pe od 3 wassimply acase a mar he id Sowz ‘would bob ap wi finsh or som thing of ths all calculate Wis ba it sonidn’t be Meantime tha versed o = feria } marie ther way et] Ho Wah 3 bas been 1 wy rather lame in gXperienss think thn “*T shail ; of mine and the rest of Nsw York in & year, some fun,’ Tha the neath their It came and 2 6'ele ‘ PICK, Progress The ning. wus Ed NATWOUR DPE TO MER Wi Nothin suid $O0D o'clock everyix decidad to qn the two Tek LF Was trea, © wh banker pash id. 1 am ready men who hy to ¥ came ! rangement, f covered by a dy cane ' inen, i ] poe nier 15 passne | ers, sus | heard di 1 phone, 1 proved 1 Wenkis me day, when they were awe Ete | i i but even the 8 “by the inclined tr A y deah fe Hah, : ma ntside of Lx i hi di machines. | drawn up inclined | Sometimes 500 i and she An great | ithe i Soe In the lal aay be rendered ing part. Tio oth which is { fasts pend coal, 8 pressed The drum 8 cov and kipt recalving Of comrse if the = a straight line is marked gn aiightest jncroa ACL Oa modifioatine kl th od By a simple the be rendervd and Lar Fertreops of If the errive wf oinplete ag er > 4s platinum iit of n galvar pret rie boll 19 ov YE oTUWSE an ¢ Ex fo wi EYE Pav Space Les Howed ales ever the wo #1 he f or wth Fava hes ! iz of Oo GLIA Pp! of the fro Th dy 4 CAs NSCRNA PONT For srs i SAI i + Lads nad between 4 any —=New XY: nase SE Bept Her Word. by an old and mach shriveled 0 P who po lite] ly uifervd to show the mm their | work their guane husband's faces in a brook which ran near by for a slight rex wameration. 8o, paving the sus, they Toldowed the hag! 1 $ { {reas frarvilonen ct of Tearih :. jpav $i ; § | send a to the brook, as they were very curious | to see how she could do so wonderfal a thing and also anxiogs to see their fu- ture husbands. But instead of beholding ! the faces of the men they so fi mdly | hoped for they saw thair own: **Weean see nothing ‘but our own faces," one. “Very true, men, ”’ replied. the sa’ gacions fortune teller, “but these will | be your husband's faces when you an married Pb xel Ange A Moder VP topwal: Young de Stvlo—Aw—x Bgwatala x m the h © ippiest 3 1 ¢ fend—FEl it h? ri “about the lovely ashi at iv le—That's it. awsks ! ¢ my twenty thousand a ve she would. —New Y Young her to shar i. sd i Weekly complaining of boarding | i The First Enropean Almanac. The first almanac printed in Eunrojs 1 or in the warld for the at matter, was the aantie, from bre akfast to dinner you just | Kalendarinm ] { one Relimontanus and published rs hy Novum," compiled Buda, Hungary, in the year 1470. But | one perfect copy is known to be in exis ence, and that is one in the British wo a a oi ! appear and seize the good and bad mon- | ley. $i said | i 1 ‘{ boat i the } Nick Povivai in - if prolonged, i ai 1500, rf th Gl ta Two voong ladics wore walking in the | i i Y f 1 by 8 Asis Tn ast Intensef ing Jevestigntion, T= y fro Sta shave sloration of fhe Lawl stat fod, fon Ss gniversity grounds cy shaped mound of ark resting placa of v thousnnds, th ined children of nature, who idly y Fone by held undisputed 3 region, and with 1hlivg nos are intarred the : nent, the remains of evidences which tell ity lifo of th sity ro of with its lon 1 moanures 4:0 i AE ee Rvs This 7 pais «i i £15 £ «<p atifal theso hitl ¥ g ¥ ag in width, having oa vo acter In height it 00D fi ot ar th We Bi : at ia | 2 tho trench {hus re 8 swamp with its oh tym proat . ¥en # 3 iry among the older Es +3 ir hoor hos #200. trustwi were WwW PS gh 3 § Dove toe nuns fara Art mdlerye that tho _ hard picking at times i, however, merely dig tracts atirat tray from the real gues tion rigrand to which na to be on the side r Mail the bulk nubile © 2 ING strates —(rlasgow “They Beat Our Green 3oombs Men. anford 3 a Bappencd to you® Ary nl a r axis. ta me at hig | Tres | t, aad | L1 domestic expenses that ran jo 13 e GIsceonnt k of | 1 cent, and if the places wit ww Atay wii ie thing tia somebody What 18 the tH mijiionatre an shot, ceada) werhing that Just hapoe: is with replidd : a maf’ Ler ott out any seed ting an your part? thw millionair AW ginoked perfecto and raking andl 3f his case. Wel i, yes, x throwing $433 sb let it go at that’ “1 am genera any accoanted Inky man by the ob { and plz who know niore Ane gut me tha piveeif | Bat ny 1 & pen goed ts. me only ones io my | smsount to march, though it men aalit math ihe tivas It was whit I was first pib--—that of ah errand reak--and tell volt 1 ha " as when a wery | tre pes an 0 en 3 1 i Oa An ar, whist Toex hp “ip did of nine pieces of ¥en T Po {is rica woo given a check topasih and | Ast r paving thle bill i Ser I | Br yards py when, 5] aw 1 w A k ey fhehting in the st cnt ws efongh of i ber thing LX my Shige wa yiny and surprise 1 discovers tw men wars and the we #1 hill, oma mysterious fashion had cnt of my pocket. A policeman that the happen- who bd Xe fa two ci aindeia and recovered! is forth- with. Thev had each grabbesd|for it at the same ae, and each was (b ~~Jsekily far maf 1 hav 1 he bays eled. hor befare drawing bjent closh v8, how arn wn th their Ladies, a8 am of a of tis ip £59 44 ts ahous PTwspeens ions Congrowsnsey LT SEAN yal ry keane “hoof 2 shut ofl annmber spe heir inn bat a gre at many have ly TEney. iw meek - elgg to ££ Loe 7 ba Ya tal 1 the apun the irsalary tliat t to get ale psideralbde number of pe hers their salsgies at thd banks They ar: charged something like 8 5 per 0 total of fdas | sccount I A or ! om, people same out of { i The most intelligent men applauded them, 3 carried | 2 : ! tous and pretty was thy step, so light and f i wi men | aft in any. | A = hal | -Gueerer thi fightipg absat | (oo the o which in dropped | ore low ab that moment, I wis able to | prove that T hid a better right to the property in dispote than eithpr of the | ¥ 1 + Broth i MM aman : : ait i Baal 1a i said pris are on ritimate | | were made public it would make a re- { the new or you | aftenest abort The Enropenn gven goods swindlers | amewhat differently | from their American brethren They | genuine bank note as a When the victim has purchased the sap it ¥ posed spurious notes, bag detectives escape. are operating in London and Rotterdam, | They have victims throughout Europe | —Exchange. Made Blind Through Seasickness, Seagickness has many unpleasant « fects, but it ts rather startling to hear that you may becotns blind after a short 38 gaid to be vrid Aided go, vienr of St ¢ i if 18 Sue AP experience 1: 1 13d ths ERW bolas, $ " AAA 5 £# SAtET OO sey Cr SRIng dette, in James fra- ATCKLIONS he Count Still Cheerful, hopelessness of a royalist rauce has buen confidently The Count of Paris, however, soon heerful. He week that th day 12 not sb remote as generally iniagined when the pation it self will demand the cessation of the ruinous, miserable experiments which, will lead to a dictatorship | or amarchy. —Paris Cable. ¥ & A asseriod « 15 bait. | Many of them are men of irreprpachable markable showing Is is by np means nger members who are before salary diy comes aroand. Minv of the older members, who have sat ip the house for years, are in this predicament quite frejjuently. | habits, but with large and egpensive | families to support and with hpavy po- : - litical obligations at Jiome forming a The victim takes the opportunity tol = A large gang of these swindlers they cannot ‘ges } Pos | constant drain on their exchequpr which rid of,” "mW aphington Me Knew he Snap. As the seasoned tramp and the groom | ons passed along the road they phserved & reverend gone | his eyesight | (xo ix i Jaws or and fall 8 off’ said last is | Fw learning to sit still, an not talk) : make any noise, am get up an si a handsome, hospitable locking bome a Macefally in the quiet phade Gir on to it, Cully,” exclajmed the green one, his Yes sparkling ip antici- pation. “That's the kind of|a place where we git a soft snap.” . “Po we? Yea think we do, do you?” replied the seasoned ome scirnfully. “Well, vou go 2 and try it. I'fe been. in, but you'd better take a hy- dranlie r anit with —=Detroit Free Press him ar “Our Higher Education. Uncle George — Are you -le much at school Little Nephew—Yes, indeed}. earning Pm | t down, in fick, = lots of things. New jack along to pry the bdll pap's | 11 with unless you wank to tote | you till he dels ripe | an not | 1 {Food | sald the wily phe % the “Sr re Hy v wal to) | for stranger down 1 thls i tos i Hen dx i have | essid the remarkable nnraral gift of subs : | and tenements face i tern! y frernted | | wore dapeing $6 the tenes that a u hand on ! gam man ground out Tiwy danced so beautifvily 1aat passersby stopped to Jopk the ten ments and saloons and shops, and a crowd collncted. | What the litte girls danced wis very Hike | the “eaprics’” that is being taught in the © | dumeing academies this winter tripped forward and kicked out the right eg, surned right about free, tripped the . saber way and flung out the leftieg. Thea | they embriead and waltzod around zed arcund. This formula they repeated again | and again. They were peor little givds and perhaps a dozen years old, in shabby shore Rrosses, with hair that foatod none feo well combed-—in the alr. as they danond. snd tho most hardened baramers fron She asloons grinned with plexsure So ingen. fniryiike wom the ducers. that the sight of them in such a pdace was th Le usa. Fered Innper than When woold members donee at 8 splendid theater One of the spectators hapoon the afternion to be passin zr ali street when he bedrd a lund organ and suw the suno (wo litde iti dancing in ‘tho same apirite 13 axid getidtieally graceful fushivm. Ain BUN oak tha Ww hl sdraire them, “this time he noticed 8 + he hid chad reid before, 2 in Franklon eu, the fanecing fo the mary tune But present iy the organ grind. or lever, on the side of children we Daisy,’ gr clicked a sie his organ an: silindee, her Rover) vols a ang | Y hig and dr od wl Eeking speetator NaN &, this Ane a srier to Bis of old =. ww hada fo seo wer Httle for the They and we raanees os a long t fied iy a length, y stir, The au Heh Mw Ry * polis ng, which is sa funny a8 iy ro 4u0ns vike coast bat weldom ww a : » brig: Kjeeike koblew; amd befor him vw a lady and gentleman ed hudiy to them a Bot either they did not real, and they : Ht ak had happen od whip aiud there she wassitting Fi kaady Lon Lie vy ie Wilks 5 ” da conveying an ut the mountain side ab He was too busy aod to speak, and they sped she must sit quite 4 shook she tucked rengined in quiet bee ¥ reached the bottom. Last. | Hach bowed | ywAiogized, the one for her {jr bearing off misniously. | All reserve sv the time the lady's foiumd them chatting os bei of friamnds. Lrtisties World, d progress which "the ‘artistic world siribes the werk of iustrators’ in general Parher Stephens in per- Sepheas bas enjoyed sa- opportunities, having begun thy raf ar Acad my of Fine Arte in Phin eigbin her native city, and after wand wiking a shoronwh course with Ju. But these advantages wonld {lod her fer tie -had she not pos as lu ment Uo Ana ¢ oo. $ bs wai os Bo Ua 3 breathiiens nt wt needa In the oof thes v as Leu 2 i BVH AIK, tie conceptices that has enabled ber th oatel those minor bus cssential details of life which Bove Bat auch charm to her work: Naturally sympathetic and domestic in ber tastes, her favorite subjects are found in “the simple commonplaces of life, and her renderings of them naturally appeal to ev- ery warm hearted person who sees them. The sweet faced young mother, the dimple checked infant. the <hubby little toddler er the benevolent, kindly faced old Indy in in cap and spoctacles—these are among the pencil of this artist. oe Munsey’ 4 NMaguaton Stringed tastruments. : It is Suppoued that the primitive denel stringed {astrumeits of music had its in- ption in the T westmng., Drawn toa : given tension, it move forth a certain tone. | Still farther drawn, the tone was what we call higher. It i 2 reasonable theory that SOIe men were more expert bowmakers than others and this their business, here minst Lave eon some standard and various. uni the tune could have been set as a no f quslity. Some per son with a gazural 2000 fur musié nodoubs made several bows the bosis of elimentary chords and Rept these to wirk be onder to securs unilirmity. Al howe string sounds were armbagal aii Then minor divisions of ane! 4 on pataral sa t and in this way caw v Ya BUY I198, 4 na? in erwand il pA i @ 1 i have the grand pinpoforte with “its a about the evolution of the primitive and its kind wi instrianenis, geh nplicatvd thap {0s predecessor, aps . LadP mae ati] we Ror ity of musical tones and eho fork Ledger. Stating: to —— “1 don't now whether X like these pic- tures or not,” suid the Jung WUDAR. “They seem rathor indistin ““‘But yoa must erher: madam,” face is nob at all. plain." sweet, homely subjucts which engnge the hb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers