_ THURSDAY, Ta 10, 1 1994, the Palmer house Tuesday. E. L. Ewards, of Johnstown, was in town on business Tuesday. : Wweet Sixteen. - The starlight through the lattice vine Fell slanting on her brow, The roses white with dew a-shine © Swayed on the wind-rocked bough And aived a perfame quaint and fine Like incense around her nsouth Where dwelt ‘mid curve and hue divine The glamour of the South. sixteen vears of Jove and fears ust sixteen years hath she But her eyes are blue And her heart is true, And she's all the world to me. - The rosetree hid the stars fromm me But I could watch her eyes. They shone like stars apon the sea Soft mirrored from the skies. A ¥. And in the dusk glasmed wisely Like lily buds astray. » Just sixteen years of joys and fears © Just sixteen years hath she, i But her faith is sare / And her soul ix And she's all the worid © me, A sitence fell: it seenyd a wpell Had %llen on my sweet, 1 saw her quivering ewes wwid), I'hearn my heart a-be: i bait what? ron tell, : r Koow the resi; . But store her teardrop. fll 1 her to my Just sixteen years of smiles Just sixteen yenrs hath she, Bat the wedding ehimes Will ring beétirpes For my little bride to be. : . Samuel Mintum Peck. Jack, the barber. -24tf ‘Soda at Hodgkin's drug store. ~ Koller & Co., the clothiers.-25t2 The woods are getting beautiful. Daily paper, at Jack’s place. -24tf Ed Mellon is giving wall paper away. -35-3¢ A Bargains at Ashcrof’s illinery : store. t! ; fe “Wall paper given away at the post | office.-25t3 'W. 8. Reed, of Newport, Spam Mon- | " dsy in Patton. and Last 1 Bread baked evey day at Letts’. Asheroft's millinery store. -24 HE | Take the CoURmER, only $1.00 per at § Read Koller & Co.’s new advertise | Year. ment. | ‘Wall paper at cost at E. A. Mellons. NEWSP Wall paper given away at the post. | ~25-3¢ APER LAW decisions. office. -25t3 D. Walker, of Grails; spent Subscribers who do not give express av in P to the cont. idered as wish-| Don’t fail to see Jack's new barber | Frid ¥ n Patton. ; If su iptom, shop.-24tf | Eli Smith, of Pallentimber, Visited | hel abecribers blisher may - if periodicals, te, putlutier may von; Try Dr. Wendell, the dentist in Good | Patton Saturday. go, If subcribers neglect or 10 take | Duilding. -24tf : A Baer per ret, they a “tooo 0 hich | Benj. Reed, of Carvolitown, spent, | tor to Patton Friday. they have nevtied "thet bili ane ordered them | Friday in town. | Ice cream, home-made and pure at 4. If subscribers move to other with-| Sidney Jones, of Houtzdale, spent Letts’, 30 cents a quart. out Informing blishers, » axe sent Ln the orsher addres hey art Reid | Saturday in tows. Try re cigars and A, The ria have decided tha % refusing to! Jas. Flynn, of Altoona, wasin Patton | confectionery, Jake from the offive or removing Monda business. them uncalled for, pra fact: | Monday on Letts’. ations! tava, are| Henry Kirkpatrick, of Cartolitown, the county at ‘was in Patton Friday. ! J. H. Ripple, of Grant, Pa., was seen | J. Aurand, of Huntingdon, registered on our streets Saturday. at Hotel Beck Saturday’. T. E. Davidson, of Woodland, was a The COURIER is the best county paper isitor to Patton Friday. : ‘| in Cambria for the money. 1] The hours of arrival and departure, Meals at all hours at Myers’ restaur- of traits at the Patton Station are as | ant, next to postoffice.-23tf : + TOR ; Go to E. A. Mellon, at the postoffice May i Gloues, | for wall paper at cost.-25-3t om TRL2! James Vien, of Hyutedale, visited | CorTolltowna fow days ago. = ni Siw . many friends in Patton Monday. : W. C. Lingle, of Philipsburg, regis- Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8 © For bargains in farniture go to tered at the Palmer house Friday. rx Fisher & Buick, Beech avenue.-24t4 Miss Lizzie Mulligan, of Pittsburg, Train anivbers marked “ are Howard Austin, of Pittsburg, regis- visited friends in Patton last week. | northbound and “S”’ southbound. | tered at the Commercial hotel Monday, . Geo. Shentlemire drove over to aay : | Take your clothes to Bell the Tailor Altoona Sunday to visit his parents. ‘and have them cleaned and pressed. C. M. Schroeder, of Tyrone was a ~24t9 guest at the Palmer house Monday. Harvey Qogers and Pat Nalen, f Go to San] Boyce for flour, feed, Spangler, were visitors to Patton hay and all kinds of grass seeds.-23tf | Friday.” .R. M. McCullough, of Pittsburg, was . John MoGovern, of Tyron stopped a guest at the Commercial hotel Tues- lat Hotel Beck Monday: while in town day. on business. Several of Patton's prominent young W. H. Scanlan and Frank Bear, of men are wearing mourning on their Jamestown, N. Y., were guests at €yes. ' Hotel Beck Saturday. Best assortment of confectionery, For coughs, colds and sore throat try nuts, tobacco and cigars, in town at | Magic cough cure. Guhranteed by C. Letts’ W. Hodgkins, druggist,Patton, Pa.-tf Miss Lina Shentelmire, of Altoona, is The family of Wm. Baum arrived the guest of Miss Lula Nugle, of this from DuBois Monday. Mr. Baum will place. occupy one of the Kelly houses south = Harry Campbell, of New Washing. of town. ton, was visiting friends in Patton on When a rich man has poor relatives, Reidy it is often a stand-off as to which end Phillippi, of Sykesviile, Jeffer- of the family feels the embarassment gon Fu spent part of Friday in greatest. —Ex. cy Pattor. For the finest line of millinery, fancy H. E. Clark, ex-editor of the Glen goods and ladies underwear go 10 Campbell Comet, spent part of Tuesday Alice A. Ashcroft's millinery store in’ in Patton. Good building. - Ute Reuben London, of Glen Campbell, Frank Richards, district miners was a visitor to our town the first of ‘agent of the U. M. W. of A., was in the week. a or en Friday attending the conven- qu, very finest wall paper in this tion held in the opera house. section at E. A. Mellon's, up stairs in The farmers aré now busy putting the postoffice. 25-3t the seed of spring crops in the ground. Try Magic drops for pain, internal Corn and potato planting is Progress- ... oyiumal Guaranteed by C. W. ing and will soon be completed. Hodgkins, drvggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Hair cut, shave, shampoo and sea Fisher & Buck, undertakers and place room fobmeriy Spy everything in the furniture line.-24t4 :. A. Valentine, the newsde . 4 CW. Hodgkins, the druggist, has Mrs. N. A. Butler, whose husban just received two new Columbia bi- Jas killed Jaidly ina Wok - P oR cycles, this year’s model and they are moved y Where beauties. - For a nice cool drink try Liodgkin’s | will have charge of the Oriental hotel. | | of wo wife and child, of pure soda water. | Thos. Bishop and wife, of Loretto, 'picisburg spent several days in Patton Tes extremely @*" | and Geo. Planten, of Carrolltown, spent | 00s ott oon Mr. Watson was. here atton. | Sunday in Patton are were the guests tuning pianos. For flour, feed, hay, elc., gO 10 of A.C. Fisher and wife of Beech ave-| 1's cat line ladies’ hats and under- 1 Boyos jue | to be found here at Alice A. ear an ce The cheapest place in town to buy | The new brick machine that is now war ioe millinery sore in Good candies is at Letts’. being placed in position at the Mill Hall |p iiqing oye - ED. Welwood, of Pittsburg, spent | I ii of 10, Tuesday in Patton. 000 bricks in ten hours.—Lock Haven FoF razors, knives, scissors, razor Z 7. Ball, of Harrisburg, registered, Express. MTSE, Spyies, tugs unit brughes go ta : armacy on at Hotel Beck Thursday. = RS. Westbrook, the popular ice Beech avenues -23tf More subscriptions are added every cream manufacturer of Altoona, has : day to the Covmn's list. {an article in another column of oe Pach bechali hub was defeien LB Scanlan was ons of the late Yi Japs which might be of Ome | oraday. Quite s number from this | Jncob Traby, of Gasmam, Pa, wie | Pie Wikasetell fs game . Geo. 8. Ciood, accompanied by his wife and daughter Minnie, and son ‘George, of Lock Haven, spent the fore le oe ge Poving leghterevery part of this week in Patton. Alice A. Asheroft is the leading milli- An ve: There are two The passenger engines on the Clear- ner, of this section. Go and see her.- Solange ys: lo don’t sind field and Crosson road are taking coal a DE a iat thay | from cars stored on a side track be- - Koller & Co. ll keep the lead in | haven't any mind, snd ther that | tween Garway apd Hastings. clothing snd genie’ fimahing goods. they haven't any business. : ' On Twining 0%, Fes, of Elatings, j dissected brain talian who general store of Robert K. M ry A. Johnston and wife, of Jotms. | | Mammy, Ramey, Clearfield county, i was recently killed at ymise for Ln the friends. | evening. “The fire Is supposed to have “Geo. A. Cobb, * traveling salesman been of meendiary origin. Lows $3,000, Hof Philadelphia, lad business in Patton Insurance $1,000 Tuesday, = { Tne Carvlilown News says ‘Undertaking and embalming & During the thunder storm on Satur- specialty ab Fisher & Sacks, Beech ‘day night between 7 and 8 oatoek; ‘avenue Jt 2 | lightning struck a barn belonging to i Isadore Seymore and wife, of Loretto, | Casper Lieb about one mile from Nick- ; spent last Thursday in Patton visiting town. The barn took fire .and it to- among friends. : : . gether with about 10 tons of hay was A dwelling house was destroyed by consumed by the flames. : fire in Chester Hill, Clearfield county, Bicycles have increased wonderfully last Thursday night. in the United States, statistics showing The an The place to buy shoes at a bargain that they have doubled their mumber issued by Clerk of the ans’ is at Koller & Co.’s mammoth store on in the past five years. In the rural Court for the week ending Wednesday, Magee avenue.-25t2 : regions the bicycle has in degrees May 3, 1804; For the next thirty days you can get superceded the horse for riding pur- William H. Starks. Hastings, and ‘wall paper and window shades at cost PO%ES, both for men and women, the Gussie Johnson, Patton. at the Patton Pharmacy. - -2Btf wheel being preferred for ety to the Anthony Muentzer, Jr, barber, pared house. arine McKeone, Johnstown. Jack, the ton of now prep J. J. Reynolds’ house was ransacked ~~ William Reighard. Conemaugh, and fo wll 00 al with i by honse thieves last Saturday night Della J. Ream, Cambria county. and at his now sand. 24 , and about $30, worth of goods were Joba Soisson and Ann Nelen, Nick- Rev. Mr. Campbell, a Presbyterian taken, Some money, bed-clothes, wear. many Minister, will preach in the Methodist ing apparel, and also stole one of the! Edward C. Strittinatter and Rosie Episcopal church next Sunday evening. | keys of the Postoffice out of Miss Jen- Philomena Ott, Carroll township. Read Ed A. Mellon’s new adyertise- nie Reynolds dress pocket, comse- Sampson Jones and Elizabeth Ann ment in anther column of this page quent Bro. Reynolds had to bay a new | Blacklock, Dunlo. |. of the Courier. It is interesting to, ‘lock for the postoffice. — Confluence | Henry Schimpf and Maggie Thomas, AR | Echo. | Elder township. over from Hastings last week. Myres the COURIER representative was that presented with a generous quantity of her home-made ice cream. It is the concurrent testimony of all who have sampled this delicacy that she thor- oughly understands the art of making it. We did not believe that Mrs. My- tional coldness. i Marriage Licenses for Cambria. and Cath- HL Cameron, of La Joss, was a vis | C. A. Roop, of Altoona, registered at - B. 8. Sharbaugh came down from foam done in short order at Jack's g.0i0 00 dealers are headquarters for Through the courtesy of Mm. Dorsey GENTLEMEN] understand - is] | some complaining in your town sbout { my ice cream not being good. I ex- | plain in this way: 1st I will not allow any cream to leave my manufactory ‘unless it is | (0. K. 2nd. | person 3rd. "The fault is with: the Retail | = ft is hard to plesss every| i ! | Dealer not properly attending to it, | | keeping it packed. with ice after they | get it. Some small Retail Dealers will | ' get two or three gallons on ‘Saturday | and four or five days after they are; {walling the same cream. It is old and dumped out. Others will go to work | Committ; 's. W. WILSON, Prop. A Modern How; Best swiss and limberger cheese in strong and unfit to eat, and should be ‘Twenty four Sleeping rooms, and make eight and ten quarts them- 4 All new furniture, ‘selves and mix with my cream and spoil all. I have refused to ship to ‘several parties in small towns for the above cause, and propose to them out. It is I that gets the blame, | | not the Retail Dealer. Vey Reapectfully, R. 8. WESTBROOK, Mfg. and shipper of Ice Cream, 1801-11 Ave., Altoona, Pa To be in style get a black oye. Free Trade. Now is the proper time to clean house and of course it is usual to give | a few hints concerning it, especially to | the ladies. Here is some advice that | will interest you all and when you read it you will all agree that a vote of thanks be tendered the writer. What is about to be mentioned is that Ed. A. Mellon, th» postmaster, has the largest and finest line of wall paper you ever set your eyes on. He has an endless variety of different shades and pat-’ | terns to pick from. From this date up to July 1st he will sell the entire stock at cost. When we say cost we mean just what we say. It must be sold so that the rooms it ix now kept in can be used for ‘house keeping pur poses. The paper is over ‘he post- | office; and Mr. Mellon will occupy the rooms for dwelling purposes on the above mentioned date. Remember the place. 25ts Good weather for eels. Guaruntyed Care, We authorize our advertised drug- gist to gell Dr. King’s New Discovery for. consumption, upon this condition. flicted with coughs, colds or any Jung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a “fair trial, and. experience no benefit, you may return your bottle and have your money réfunded. make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Dr. Belcher's Drug store. Large size 50 cts. and $1.00, He Opened The Safe. After the fire in West Cleardeld 2 few weeks ago, the big safe in Spac man & McClosky's store refused > open. J. E. Harder, the expert gun and lock-smith, of Clearfield, was sent for and in less than a quarter of an | ‘hour the big double-doors swung open, notwithstanding the intense heat had warped the combination and almost melted the handles and dial. Mr. | Harder has opened a numberof safes ‘that were in very bad condition and his services are much sought after. —~Curwensville Review. Swedish Lutherans. - Divine services will’ be held in the hall of the Good building Wednesday, | May 16th, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. All cordially invited to at’ nd. v. N. ALEXIS. foe Cream. We are now prepared to serve Ice Crean up stairs in the building lately occupied by Ed. Cairns, better known as the Robinson house, below the post- | office. -23tf | P. P. Young & Bro, Ww Hticate and Retail Bebe in FRESH MEAT | OF ALL KINDS. Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, -DoRrsEY MYERS. Bo l ogn a. ers was treating us With any inten- Pa. Patton, First Nation'I Bank: OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. ~ CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000. 00. - Aceounts of © arporations, Firms, Individn- als and Banks réceived upon the most avons. ble terms consistent with safe and conservative bsnking. : Steamship tickets for sale for all the wing lines, Foreign Dmfls in the prineiy cities of the Old World All corresponde nee will have our prompt and personal attention, Interest puld on time deposits, A. E. PATTON Wa. H. SANFORD, President. conghs and colds, If you are af’ City Etc. Heated with steam through- out, do! likewise to others as soon as I find | Hot and cold water on: every | floor. i i } Cooking “and dining depart-| ment in Skillful hands. ; MAGEE AVE PATTON, PENN'A. R. S. WesTBRrOOK, Manufactur:r and Shipper of |ce Cream, ALTOONA, PENN. "We are ready: for the trade. 1601 11th Avenue, Seizd on your orders Telephone No. 28%. Gomme § Buu . — GCF LEE 5 Years Experience. , NEA R R. R. STATION. | | teed. Dr. 3, F. Wendell, A graduate of Baltimore {College ! Dental Surgery, (has opeped a Dental Parlor up stairs in the Good building over Kol- let & Co's store. First-Class work Teeth extracted pein, Prices moderate. i 3 § i | i £ Call and SAML BOYCE,’ All Work Guaranteed to Give Good Satisfaction Aceording to Plans and Specifications, Store on We could not 5p, stopping at the C ommercial Hotel. A. G. Diehl, r to Samuel E, Jones, } L BLACKSMITH Magee Avenue, toss Chest Creek. HORSE SHOEING, A specialty, Prices wre moderate. All work done [with neatness and dispatch. See Me, A. G. DIEHL, Patton, Pa. Sudovssor to Jobn Otto. DEALER IN- Heed, Hay, Grain, Lime, Bte., 2: Pricep the Lowest for CASH. pn ——— Beach Avenue, R. R. Depot. Go to the PATTON SUPPLY CO. "S ‘GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and store for anything in the | We are Lic of SHOES, ETC. HEADQUARTERS CESS. ‘grand offer. for everything. Our Oil Painting and Jewelry offer is a howling, suc Every one is coming to our sipre since we made the We have just received p full new line of the following named goods, besides a store full all other kinds: LADIES, GENT'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES. DRESS GINGHAMS, VELVETEENS, SATINES, and a complete line of W HITE GOODS. in ail the leading shades. and try : We sell the celebrated Ladies’ Remember the place, { Palace SURAH SILKS; KEEP IN LINE OUr lowest. wonderful offer. A fresh line of (Groceries always on hand. P. P. KID GLOVES. PATT ON Agent for Steam SUPPLY CO. Pa. Patton n, guaran without hear Prices the 3