"RATS IN THEIR HATR. i sis Abs = CUSTOM HAS AGAIN BECOME POPIIAR Why Rats Are Yar Better Than False Baly, | Nice Somer Wraps Purples, Green and Yellow -A | Gown of Green Denguline. Cowis— The latest In ! {Epecinl C Serre pu sdenes.] Nev Yoox, April #6. —I wonder how siismy sf those who any read this can semember when women wore what they called “rats” in thelr hair. These rats Tong or short rolls made of wov- ‘en horsehair, and thoy tapécsd to the - ends, where there wire strips tn tie ® them around the beard. The use of the rats was to comb the hair over them for the sake of the puffed cffect. Well, women cre wearing rats again. Sometimes they are pnt on the top of the head and the bair crimped over HOME YOILETS FOR YOUNG LADIES, them and turned backward. Other times : they—{or in this case two are needed— hollow they do : bat dri those dresses, for they are worth epecisl the waist ise, vr ‘This bas a voy three rove « : The rows of ot braid on the eollar are put on the sides just above the ears, and the wuved hair is combed lightly over them und hrenght to the back. But the prettiest fashion brought about by rats is where there is one only, but a long one. This reaches from a little above the ens around the hack or the head low drsn—nearly fo the neck, in fact. The hzir is then lightly crimped and tarned Lackwanl and upward to the center near the arown of the head, where it is gthered into a smal knot | and held with 2 shell pin. This style requires that the hair be parted in the | middle and faery aniited to TRE faces. Rats and hooped ¢kivis were in vogue | togeth The principal good that one! can say in faver of these pofis is that they are ve ry at, and bei ing woven false aro os, and. by the gid of this device a thin bead of hair may bo made “to look abundant and preity. The worst | of it is that everyhiy wands to wear | I had not intended to speak about any- thing buf some very stylish new gowns, | wi out of it, go Jet me retum to’ mention. ‘Ono was a Miike feepon ox. Som, bub delicate und qf a8 pretty as front bot- | overskirt | abave a! fall of eral Tad The witlst was of maige cropon with a white dhiffon vest | and a magenta Eton jacket. The were of cyepon and laos with Jace frille. To ene who loves brig aring di vould rinke a plessing gown, | though ono viloht prefer this mie] de- in other Colas fu ray taste in color yras spretty ge arma I allalrées eloth out en pri ceases und having ro garvitures save a Grapory ar of lack wssian met drawn dot: 3 {he {rom tho shoul. ders and faci dad apolut po littie below | th a it ornfiment, sw fal oHeet with) thoy ive bots for home| Eo sanmer after- x Pw trifling Jobin, and quite switabi: WOOD TOIL The pargde and yiow combination | 8 still a ery fashion! se ob, and those Selors AY soon in any garrpents, Ome | rel as ta : ' and she ob pasion aid Ser them We use of the ttemtion, 3 cloth and +y full around loft open. dp front adth, and this had 1 idiot White, was pine eas shape, tnt vw the gicirt, Was over o mare veversof © scarcely at al VGH, hits nn and: matched the rest. Green 15 azo a fashionable color, and a gown of go sn bengulive, with a dark- er green band ar sand the bottom, wes much admired. There was a panel of black silk and lace at tho side. The waist was of brocade, with black velvet revers. There was a small mantelet of black faille, with one deep lace frill around the neck, and an incroyable L bow. A narrow black luce was Inid fiat the tabs and; the lower ruffle. The re was in two shades of green, with russet red flowers. The bonnet was trimmed with green and had flowers of. a shade to match those in the waist and sleeves. OLive HARPER. wt heat the head as) | well than the Osages, and when wo rocsd oy cassive mse of aleohaol largely responsible for the excessive use The : nnifor | thet two cities. LUXURIC a piANS. mages Enjoy Lip Irrouers - Convinlences | Ande i be an lave th | PONE 3c atied to | thom by the ramber of visitors to their | reser stion south of Arkanvas City and the improvements that leading men of the tribe are making on their property this spring. Their reservation is mostly atcupied by cattlemien as grazing land, and the rental is added to the ineotne of $375 which cach member of the tribe rectives im cash mmually from the gov- ernment as intrest on the purchase prices lands sold to Uncle Sam long There are but 300 members of the oe. and they are steadily decreasing in ber. They want to sell all their reservation to the government exoept a farm apiece, divided bn sovoraltr, and gnch a result is likely to openr soon. It {wil 1 ald another casks income. to the al- ¥ redskins’ porssensle oft i pave nn nid spend the ir « i ny reek iy pensiciy, x hey r will fs ofl care of F Since the opening of . Bi ave been adarted near oY hl to cate; A ianees BOI FOR A jpxnry seen nowhere else on the { prairids is olservable among the dwell { Inge of the reservation. Spacious homes, lnwns and buildings gre fovquent. Pri- vate tntors, drivers, servants—all of the Cancagian race—wait on the pleasure of the swarthy sicnned Indians © Carriages that would grace Michigan avenue or a New York bonlevard roll smoothiy over the “wrol prairie roads, drawn by horses thas boast the purest blood. F znk Denoys, ome of the promipent lenders, has jast completed a $13,000 new risidence that is replete with every modern convenicnce—baths, steam host, ete. It is splendidly furnished and has 12 children, each receiving $30 a month from the government, besides a lof Bottom Jand. The family besides has jibe | rented of 1,200 acres of upland, making an annnal fro fom : The children ure edu: | cated’ Te cot if he desires ft. Hed | well educated + in said has aspira | tions for ranviug a newspaper. Fle an! seribes for a Largan pi bir of pagers and magaines and is well nbraest of tizaes, “The Indians, : | iter, “oiight all have iw the Ouapes b had they 1 men; and the 2 ov tb : It has no more loyal sap ppor LETS onr lands in severalty we will bo f cand | as good citizens ax voy in the nation.’ The Gsages certainly have nothing to complain of, and many hardwe rking settlers around them envy them their C. M. HARGER. A DisAST ROUS HABIT, The Use of Morpiine Yoerwisiog In New | York and Brooklyn. : [Special Correspondence. ] | - BRO®KLYN, April 26. —It is well {known 10 the medical fraternity, if not to others, that the morphine habit is more speedily destroctive to the vital. tallect than the ex. Physicians axe powers and the in ‘of thisdrng by their unwise preseriy tions. The Woman's Christian Té . lame omion of this city has made tho startling a girls in the st z and facton Brooklye and New addicted t- y the nse How the I abit = onl 1% cult to discover iit thr saith medi } nlx the Habit after the no dmg ‘gave her a temporary vim force, like aleohol, with what is ; ing, dreamy feeling, reeemyperiog it to her oLi - Ppp ue 7 a $ or OE feaine norphin is not wa ll gt to ping he 341 ? a ws 3384 8 at MOE wis Mire ie Vin ale The wf, the presi- dent of the onion, fromm whem I learn these startling facts, has recently given ‘a great deal of time and care to the | study of the spread of this habit, whick { ia aw uch waogse than aleobalic insrie- i ty as drunkenness {3 worse than the use i of mild toledo. The practice has spread {within the past year with a rapidity i that is frightful, cof the drag : i Mri Vanderhoe! SAYS she tas disdnv. Perel in sors Jargomsinbl lish rents wh axe thers are 7 r the pv : floar 1s cing, fo i as is Lhe have bi | FOOT TE Abe ¥ once, [7 agys grecnish pallor and if they ean | Prous the sears: nleeri, caused es seen in-all their stags =," The habit soun tak 8 the i. of Cie of the most horrible t it not only a str tanate and sat its most startling the moral sense and render if almost posible for them to te 1 the truth, tienldriy when thé ase of che canesrned., The Indies of New York interested in the welfare of working girls have heen stimulated to effort by what is being done here, apd the resalt, it is to be hoped, will be to check the spread of wel to bare tasir : hes! th i the irresponsible victims, effect is to dehy rug is the ¢vil, evn if those who have con tracted the habit cannot be rescued. It is thought that if an investigation is made it will be found that the vies, if such it may be called, is not confined to AR C it pavutn | They | und | their § would docredit to a eity street. Denoya lanl 1entsd of $3 sn acre on 160 acres | INC of 1:2, Ody | - Ne tha CONOR and ance ventracted it is excruciating tortare to be deprived and Modern | LAWS FORD! T oi OF 7 Governments Hore Sonervision Over Pri. inte as YWoll as at Forests lleforssiing Carcied en by Ev tablished Departmen al and fommura rary the virions g in a gouseriat In Ge own and menage, spirit, about oue- third of t 2X area, ind they also control fhe 8 manag ment of another sixth, which belon he for in so far as these commanities obliged to employ expert Toresters and | must golbmit their working plans tot government {ov a prov. thas pre ing improvidont and we as! afn} ned The oti er haif { re {ia in te) he af a aml ti ana 24 : : BY i ¥ The tenderer on the § ernitent bo Been FIVE Ta Thos i in ing ap or acquirin & hy exe Inge and Ti forcating waste lands—gome acres have Been oo ref rested during the last 25 years—tie government gives s sistancs to private ownersin to pera years £300,000 was granted in this way. In Austria, by a law adopted in 1852, not only are the state forests—compric- ing irss than 30 per ootit of the total forest ares—rationaily managed, the manngement of the communal for- ests—nearly 40 per cent—officially su- pervised, but private owners—holding about 33 per cent—are prevented from devastating their forest pr perty 10 the detriment of adiciners. No clearing fos agricultural ase can be made withoo the eonscnt of the district anthioritice from which, however, > an. appeal. to a tienians: bere from mentioning ne i yaytitsl at 5 10 | wvilluge:, cities and public institutions, | are | | are ID other persons © | there were only 14 perso 300, G0 | their waste land During the last 10 | and ie eS 3B AA 5 Ail ol i A COLOSSAL FORTUNES. ‘Great Britsin Cannot Cotrp +t w the Tits - Coun try In Ted vidaat Mini seal ret 3 sail tay wn mad. a «k fad" *L pune ' rer opty Wiadistion i sens of the Upited Bisfes possssssd Lem nh ae to wealth of £583 That gives sin averages of sbont nannde ariece To comme to par. There WAR OF gst we refrai bi vinroed as There were $2 caps LO aY worth no [ss than £3) G0 0n five individasle valued £14 000 G¥: wn valued at £12 : v- giy valosd gt £10 000.00 dx valned | at £20000 four valusd valued at £7,000. LO00- tnirtesn valued at £4000) (0: ten | valued at £5 000.00 four valped at 24.50. | OX, and fifteen at £4700 000 Beraides these 70 colossal fortunes there in the porthern stale al cine val tued at over £50004005 each, io wd i LE 3H RYT G0 md Be Hew Bp : i i The brain reels before such figures. They | | Xpress measures of wealth which the or dinary mortal is powerless Lo grasp. many named ince against the rinnes in Lie United ie ness Ha Far cat ales which £250 000 each above ist of Ay i Kingdota whose { profits were in 18% there paid p nrabats von al ~-Chnmbery’ Journ ral. Costly Burial. The majority of intel ligent persons art more or leas indifferent as tothe disposal of Ture A were Ahi) duty en uw express a wish that his or ber body grave or vault. It is the resull +f trrannical custom and partly of leaving all to the undértuker The latter hax been shorn of much «4 feorn the sale of scarfs and hat. bands and the hire of pails ers and other trappings < | ished ooffin anil the brass | of the “lap wrailad dowd ¥ WOR, - The pol. i mire! Br PLEO whey adijusts aes § t frremt mnst he 10. ithin Sve yey yin aides har evil % BE Ritz «<a 9 ho wn ere hiberty of | and stony interferences | Five property 5 chon t-governmen been jeale i ticay st in some 15 FOArs ago, to the law of 1880, giving the state con- fred of priests forest property as in Ags: | trian the departmont of agricultare, in co-op- | aration with - the department of public { works and in consultation with the far i 1 estal committee of the province and the ! respective owners, is fo designate the | territory which for public reasons must | be reforested under governmental can- {rol The owners may assocints themselws | for the purpose of reforestation and for | the purposes may then borrow money ut low interest from the State Sail Credit tributih forestation upon CG is done according to its plans and within | tha time specified by the government in Russia until lately Hberty to cur, burn, destroy and devastate was nnn stricted, Int in 1NSK a eomprebensiyx and well condidered law ent off, eo fur as this can bedone on paper, this iberty of vaudalism. For antocratic s rather timid and isin FOI IRe the nie i private interests, in which much ¢ wil deprals on wy pry 400 GWHeT. “A federal Claud in omrtrol over the forests of the {in Switzer law was adoptix and parts of seven others, or over 1, 000 coves of forest, The federation itself does tt ands hardly 100,000 acres, somewhat | over 4 pes of the forest area, twin thirds of " aich is held in eommunid an Te ownership and the. rest by private own- | €ry, The federal authorities } have supervi- #icn over all cantomal, commmml and private faresta, so far as they ars tective forests, bat the exeration of the law rests with the cantonal agthoritios inden the franeation of focly ral effiters In Francs ‘ wily bows thy Gf rest aren; in APES 3 1IARNPMD Agr nor amnni ties and dodhie the manger simils ots in Genuzay, bu Lovey tho TES arn ing ent of id ye eritary Mag: A Great Scheme, : great seher “What is ft’ He’ V9 bogk. t tis hater of 20. di is, no matter whers it'sopon L last of the book’ ‘C1 AN. An Agreement. Fred——Haw are you getting on with Miss Anmell? Hd yom speak with hor governor as vou determined? Frank—-Yes Frod—And how did it come out? Frank—>3So so. I said to him, "Mc Angell, I love your daughter.’ Said hs: “Sado L Now let's talk about SOD thing else. ''-—Boston Transcript. uy 7% $ a3 held, a eomplete rear | hich Ind | | Under a law adonied in Italy in 184% | imstisntion, the forest department con- | iz tiie fifths of the cost of mm ition thas the work | Rassia Tobe oy x va ¥en wy of DOWER En own any forest lund, and the | mauth | ples must have approached t Liter peaper Atk Lenlis plist of theday If 4 wt the exemple and male fasaionable, it wonid i even Lancet, Ne Young Poets In France, Although ope hears so m not appear to be any. M. Camille Doucet, the perpetual secretary of the Academy of | Belenoss, has had to maka the mortifying annonneement that go. poem worthy of the name was sent in on VAliica Opened Up.’ which was the subject | anted by the state. The prize, tkerelom | aruounting to between £100 and £20 ho i not be awarded, The “young” poets are no loves to | fact amusingly satirized by Paioron in the comedy "Le Monde; on, Un «'Enntie { where everybody is on the tiptoe of expee | tation to see a young moet of great proso.m | who, when he appea’ turus i gray whiskers and god them jvs<!ice reed the poets sefer “IF POCORN in rns oa here poeres in fs RV PR, vy 1 eters BL Rit 37 2 JER SIT of id i the aond will f 1876 which gives tha federation : mountain | region embracing cight entire cantons | ; HRY. nswlan No News, The Stage of Tamg Age. “The girls of the stage think they haven hard time nowadays, says “Aunt” Lonba JE Idridge of the Professional Woman's | Jeagre, “but they don’t know what hand | ames are "When I was a girl, we didn’ i have plays lasting a week or a month, There was 2 new one every nigh, amd wa {had to have costumes for them. Fifteen india a Woe Was ia & wid smimry, and we Tre | eompuny I was, admired i bums Sable Island: land is faneus thro willed by a Beal ¥ 53 FT i ka. Feb ¥ ve: He bad drop ped Yin shit tae water aid was drying and cle of a candies After 4 charges hie pladed b moth against the sinzzle of cue of the barrels ti Blow into it and to desert atm th rere by wheth er he had complet ely removed charges. In doing <o ane of the hy Lhe ight havin x11 thi ia ae the Gi 3 nip ase to the candie light, which ‘caused t the remainder of the powder in the chamber to explode. the flame entering his month and throat — | Beattle Pout-Intelligencer. Hs ! to bo found in any of the British posses- | | sions, the finest regiments and battleships : being sent out from “hame’’ to protect | this iraportant station. - It is curious how i | § i | never bean to England, and whose an. their bodies after death, but it may bel safely asserted that not one wonld be found | , pn ody | laid as shonid be carefully preserved in a polished | + wr pir hips spy teed cof i oak. or elm brass mounted coffin and in | of York, with his Inte lunented broth: i or, the Dake of Clarence, : | months in Bermuda during the winter of his Zormer profity plumes, feath. M1 guests a good time, rita re are Lint | ! after the 4 Engl hoe i of coy soon spread to | workiof classes, who are still tempted | to sped upon a coffin. and a burial money | | which would be much riore wisely expend. | fed in providing additional comforts and | necessaries fur the living ~losdoy | uch of youms: | i French poets nowadays, in reality there do | series of embarrassment of his subjects selected for thin | year's competition for the prae lor poetry | Laster, upon inquiry, I was told that on Cmevonit of the warmth of the climate y and the BERMUDA SKETOMES. Vieried Plasses of Sordal Life -—d There, inl lorry ie Hann rox, Bermuda, April 50. Thy vight that greeted my ge opon cun- ing on deck after those three woeful | dave spent in th seclusion of my cabin | Arove avery unpleasant reviollection froma | § my mind. The yrofession of gree: trop- | ieal foliage sevdding past us oa the | shores of these 365 islands, the wonder- ful radiance of the bright blue sicy and the soft, balmy springness in the air | afforded a marvelons contrast to the | weather we bad left behiad vs in. New | York only 65 hours before. ‘We went immnediately to oar hotel where a note from ss member of the one | Barmudan family whom we were | the death the night Aoi a | polative, whose funeral the next) day would prevent ony friends from to us until thy sfterncon follwing wal whefnoe of joe—exoent in the larevet Lidede which pranufacture their owmn-=it vras forse BETTY ON Eive vderment the death we iw poenre mourning st eooh short potiog ¢ asim. dhed then rig ure 14s oy y ities for than funeral hat Bermudas of Eng I and’s roost powerful strvm ghalds, second only to Gibraltar in | being the strongest fortified place in the world, and therefore the. military and naval society ranks among the highest Pas woomme the suston of th cr Prom On 3 2411 Fag peri an Te 1 I Oe faithfully the British colonists speak of “home. ”’ Even those of them who have cestiirs for gensratinons have never set foot thers, always fpeak of the mother “hy He. Princes George of Engl and, now Dnke 's passed gevernl of 1831. The loyal heartéd, hospitable Bermnudans vied with one another in good patured offorts to give the roral A certain wealthy Bormadan math was giving’ a lawn party in : of tha rural visitars—a formal of soviet ys & Fok Aha Hie Tui 4 Prins Lys AT Lil L DRIVING IN BERMUDA. i space in fall view of thaw assembled to | snd procesded to tum a | do him honor sippersanits, much to the Som after our arrival we disoovernd that nv donkey cart ride was anqnestion: ably the proper eaper with which to ming hours. Wa Jha om always neces | day after ip ald bd impossible to vt BS reatl ie frieary, Ha rrisbnry ged wg sreiving at be ark, 3g : . cu, RE ¥ er RA hintaan BE ren Kane Ww Philadii pi i Ba Ting . TERE wm. mm. Hlerristunrg ar} | hate gat ig at 17 ipdeipive OS mE reieh ea, Thales yak ER mcd ant B53 THATS 11 bt ie lf fering tas {ov oe e Hit b bi Pislinduipt Boeri Daw York i ean temisin tre ghrp 3 evs bp P.M. Trahs 4, daily for mabbary, Has phar ind itera ie shatbons, arrive “tg wh phils, #503. mi New “ok Sis. mm eg and 0H m. on Mundy ver Had pe, =D a ms Washington, 7-8 4. am iitasr: cars pnd peas ger Hashon fie anc: W. n P ne. rr coaehew : Posserige frpin Brie to Pillai phils abel Wikisens- : bre. 10 Taltime WESTW ARD, %. Sanity EL Sunday, oC rimment and tka vig Yadgwny ut Sd p, b YW Teatn 2 Rabb Tow T° CHiN 7 ? %: 3 inter. pet Late pits i1. or festa ivi HRA: 8 ATX MT IS Zavy Hey hy Li 7 5 I i i tt. spare SEES Le Bots Sed padakn, LZ " 5 Hivmire, a og poi 5 50 a mm Pasian sliwy bens Plhiliadeiphia wo Fre and frosn pron and Baltioore 10 Wilbinenornt sm gh Berovas tes fo hiladerphdi Hanore fo Willig erwrt and ‘Fil. 3 ra 10 DuBois, i ~ RIN 1 leaves Remuvn ot ©0805 in, pep. Mande, arviving of me. 3 g ¢ Waly 3 andi iifivwind T * JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD (Dally exept Sanday LIN 10 imaves Ridpwar a? 28. hibvarry ot 55 5. m, srriving “hk Heh um. mm. AIN 20 eaves Clermont at 165° © wm. an ving ut Johnmaimbary ot 109 ows, "and Aarwnx at iia m Joh. Lenitnont of po v . put poe hin or pe on BG WBE BE ED BS BSW ote of these vehicles that are alwapi Jyring in wait for patronage at every turn amd set ont on an exnloratim of the two largest? is. forceful elnenlations at SEY POOR ener “lands the miy obstrnd LC owith a feeling i one hearts of | placid satizfaction ar laviee sicrired | “the mest pdi'ble an’mal in dese yor | Dares, Ax there poe i s rexsdd Bryne dred miles Gf Wighway # dundis bh ir Bey onda, SNE Tat fro franiry 88 to onr waa pee ashy, and ‘ana Hitz a my vhip as a romioder that in fed beyond stood an old negro whom | desired fo inteview ba? reek 11H, Having pro 1 then Be nme tng, 1 atrsred 2 ferenen of my Aen erred tio effort at prrsnacdon I hel sated 3 hack cram With 8 pasipmation horn when, with: a distant hrav esonnd- Just nis ing in my ears and sn answering salute | from close at hind, § becmne copscions af a tremendors bound, then a Biglity lamps of the cart, and Gnally a sens tien akin to that shooting the raids duriiue a storm but intensified dredfald. For an interning I wag finzed wasn't er ku oo mila wis Artin iialle or ares { the St Lawrences a hp | der mynd | dite ware whet: | iy the theaes 3 5 wy Sepa vague Trimm hee vena # Fans hetw his desidoratm 1, bn had nae bos Pal I - hg rrier, ine the a ourseives alter hfm. ving the “oritter” to lis sinyn Bn 1 % i 5 vent {0 a verbal explo. aye sion that T trast may Benefit the noxt unsespecting mortal who unwarily sets’ ont “to do’’ the islands behind the frre. tious little beast. JANE DopsoN O’Hene in the | of neces. | experienced in | pretaresque ttle | © F jor k § whikerys filer ig The ames, oy % po wtf Tie ! anmected | fomnd ron | tod mw | hart end of | ! thi next i i fore he should | an adil wing pastore for which | a series of the utter indifs | jack to even : - Tio Pu = Thad 33 BAr. Cleared dune Livy fd. vey Helen tai i ded WAY LKD CLERARFIELD ¢ 1’. DAILY EXCEPT SUXD, 8 WARD, TT soRERw AKD, A.M ETAT TINE » x. ro, # 5. Hid y 28s . Island How % 5 Min Haven 44 £ “rey {and van BEEHEIREERT INE ive WR GWE SE a. 1m, L144 p20 PREV { 7 *e R Whob, Gener! Mussa T Pass. 247, Ih ANC after Pid. 19th, 184. passcager traioe arrive ant depart Ovrn ate as ollowe: ! TRAINS ARRIVE Reyucidavilio and Palle Creek. Punayotawnes and Big Bun, Bradfisrd and Ridewsy, Clenrtield and Corwen ville, Punssatavoey and Big Run! Roohanter an Balan, {Henrietd and Curwensviile, un kkatavwney and Big Bop TRAINBR DEPALT. “Ha rfeld sad Cureensy. le BC Punssolawory and Ble Rus 0 scheme aad brad fond, lig Man and Panseiis Fey, 5 Hidgwny and Headfhed bard wna) cai! Crenrfiedd Hig Run wu #100 Nr La wey Fullst nei art ®%. VER ny iia WHEE EOTS ANY POG DeAtd Bh prredusies 1 iret An vores large i be will be cnlliwtal Ly ” A a wart pall on eins from gif tat CRN ww bre CR iatiiens “bakes iri beaded gard magle hl 8 uw +8 TETEMY YN wr geting Ketnpond 5: PIN py i ena LL rues Maint or fk Wer : Kedl'w lawiing or INE TTRMOT —r | k ; on NW Mii ipart... Ot Mi tebedls.. te tei pon MN Soarfiead oi 06 ERuS - SEF JW oontiand oo Hipter connor Wal Beton Moreisdad -Aitiare sain Maison ln a de Ed RE Fadia Philipsbarg &® of Miifieon Urartu ERO & T 40 ah md Pale fe - ve Bo Ca £4 oe % 3 FEBGOR KEant EEL = } 4 — § i als pling : 3 soul da the % (AXE Pra iadel yr Share mia in. Now a wb {rain “give 01 Py rote snd ALC Tom id i itsbug 0 HY Anat. vE Mihattoy with am. lane unsy ivanin mpsviv iin anid head Division of Petar’ u wih thee Pil "i AF dae anit Bie aw iE 3 parad O fon rete is wore ran 61 i . i Lyvew: n oy lima port nad Phils Mate oo trmingl Na Raped. 0, 4 reve 8 is oh jib] “4 AN, amt ¥ PAiipbnrg, ba tx PALM 2% Superintendent, = Wit 11, An i €Xgipn Bunda. fue ra > i Be=igug bel CoB % EAE Ww
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers