ol Sr pains ih in malic 16 INSTRUCTION —N. C. Schaeffer, ERT | . COUNTY, TINE OF HOLDING COURT. pen | | Bim . | mimde Expression clearly Pe Lime Wark st Venus & the | Alp of Hib geek of a series on The | g Tupper, pscmebnprerloss or Bergh clearly and L Pacts. cally. A further installment of Uses of Crepe and Tissue papers ome duces some pretty articles for deco- | rating a Spring Lunch Table, the third | paper on Wise Living gives some good advice sbout Easting, and the many ways in which daughters can help their | | mothers ie told in the second chapter of there are many new designs in ad ing, Crocheting, Netting snd Tatting. | The Subscripton Price of the Delinea- | tor is One Dollar a Year. Single | Copies, 15 Cents. Published by The Batterick Publishing Co. - [Limited], New York, and For Sale by Local : Agents and Newndealers. ‘Bold Highwaymen. following: ‘“‘A bold attempt at rob- bery was made on Friday night along the line of the new Blacklick railroad. While two Italians—Samuel row | jand Jim Letta—were on their way | from Contractor Charles McFadden’s | office to their boarding house, they | were set upon by two unknown men. Both were knocked down and Letta | | was severely beaten, but Lapenta | managed to regain his feet and draw his revolver, whereupon the cowardly assailants fled. Lapenta’s revolver | missed fire three times before going off, | FARMERS who lived on the line of | and it is not kiiown whether the bullet | march of the Coxey army think they which finally was sent after the robbers The Ebensburg Mountaineer has the | The True Theory retail buyer has a right to expect oory to be managed i in his interest. If prices are depressed he should get all ‘he advantages. ‘he should pay. This is equally true of American, European or 4 The great retailers of the world accept this theory. They the command of the smallest Buyers. MERCANTILE GENIUS is simply the finding and following of trade: laws. We accept and abide by these pri inci ples Witness the magnificent stocks that fill our store and the extremely low prices. respects we lead American retailing. E More than ever this business appeals to your intelligent self interest. Just Such a Condition ‘you will find at our store. All our dearinienis are fully stocked hits the Newest, Freshest and Choicest goods: at prices that will astonish you, and looking back you will vey see How You Have Been Duped! {in paying such exorbitant prices for goods of less value to merchants who howl that thoy \are doing the business. Don't be misled but go direct to the p are sure of receiving The Bast Made Clothes at lover p can, with muich ease, endure the seven- | took effect. The higwaymen are sup- State. year locusts. THE PRYSICIANS of the United States | now number 118,458; New York leads | ®d | with 11,171; Pennsylvania has 9,310, and Miinots vais third with 8,002 | Editing a newspaper is a pleasant business—if you can stand it. . ~ Hit contains many 116 sabuceiets complain that they take | If there Is a scarcity of advertising it , | 18 unpopular and the people won't have | Hf we sisy sway from church they say we are monstrously heathenish. ; If we accept an invitation to 8 wed- oe ding they say we were only invited to | “write it up.” 1 We go 10 the opera. houss they say ‘We go on free tickets. If we ave seen upon the streets too often they sy we neglect our business. If we avoid going on the streets they | say we don’t hustle around after the tonscur resdiers say’ we lack dinero. | | tion and put in anything ‘to All up.” H we neglect to decorate our office windows on Washington's Mend, oy Tel ea. ov vit. aT . | clothes and celebrate groundhog day, they say we got our clothes inn payment | ch in tiveftaing, and thas we are hy far ite & joke, or make s stagger at a | posed to be Americans. Pay day was only a few days ago, and ip 4 mop. | iposed to have led the would-be rob- | bers to make the attempt.” - : Marriage Licenses for Cambria. The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the pice] | Court for the week ending Wednesday, b April 25, 1894: : 1 Anton Gerber and Maria Seddle- meyer, Johnstown. George Geiser and Annie Mohler, Johnstown. K Lucans and Mary Kolzen, win Soba and Ells 5. Berke: ! Nicholas Bell, Elder township, and | Lucinda Lather, Carrolitown. Edward Fisher and Gertrude E. Me- | Clarren, South Pork. ‘Guaranteed Cure. | We authorize our advertised dmg: | | gt vo nell Dr. King’s New Discovery | for consumption, coughs and colds, | upon this condition. If you are af-| | flicted with coughs, colds or any lung, | throat or chest trouble, and will ase | this remedy as directed, giving it a! fair trial, and experience no benefit, | you may return your bottle and have your money refunded. We could not | make this offer did we not know that. Dr. King’s New Discovery could be | relied on. It never disappoints. Trial | Drug wiors Large size 50 cts. and | Notier. i There will be a meeting of the local branch of the Wash. Nat'l B. & L. | Asw'n. Friday evening, May 4th, at 8 o'clock in E. C. Brown's office. i lawcorn 8. Bmii, EC. BrowN, t © See. Pres. ceedingly light and won't do. If we omit jokes, they say we poor, miserable fossils. | If we are single, they say we are too | helpless to get married. If we are not single, they say it is a pity for our wives. If we publish a man who has many more, and are always ar 9 receive visitors whether accompanied ‘by a dog or not. Of course we do not | claim there is any work in running a! | newspaper; everyone knows it is a A. G. Diehl, {Successor to Samuel E. Jones, ) ~ WET ‘BLCISHT, Magee Avenue, Across Chest Creek. , Call and See Me, A. G. DIEHL, Patton, Pa. i { ¢ | {Saccessor to John Otto.) —~ DEALER IN— Flour and Feed, oy Grain, Line. Prices the Lowest for CASH. Store on Beach. Avenue, near| R. R. Depot. {bottles free at Dr. Belcher's City Does not hold gases or disease germs. | SAM'L BOYCE, : | store rooms of Patton. Ana You Will We r Diarmc nds. "THE DAYS | New a aia to ios st si eat i Store, ; r | HOTEL | BECK, 'H. C. BECK, Pro. soon find it necessary to lay away | you winks slotting. [. BAMDM Just opened. PATRI, | IL ‘One of the Largest Hotels § in | * Northern Cambria; 4 : py : | In receiving the fir favoics of Spring | Condusted | Goods. They will be made up in the mn late stylus 35 Yaw lowes; pesces,