The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 12, 1894, Image 7

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# Well as Fronts—A Pretty Walking Suv.
In All New Colors—Bareges and
fips These Walsteoats Must Have Backs as
[Special Correspondence.)
Few York, April 5.—We all know
‘how wo laugh when wo sed on the stage
person show, as if by accident, a
shirt front. Well, we can
season without going toa ter,
of about half of the vest frotits and
are postichy, and an incan-
tions movement often makes that fact
patent to all. The really well dressed
Paris, March 27.—Two local ele
ments tell the traveler he is in “‘the
American’s paradise,’ oven thoogh he
come from the other end of the earth
with his eyes shut—the odor of warm
asphalt and the voice of the “‘cafe chan-
tant singer.’ 1
The *‘singing garden’’ is. peculiar to
Paris. Driving np the Champs Elysee,
the twinkling of colored lamps proclaim
the names of these gardens in luminous
type. They are surrounded with close
‘shrubbery and hung with ropes of gas
jets. On entering tho visitor is not
for an entrance fee, but pursues
his wiy to one of the many small tables
something to drink. The list includes
everything from ‘coco—3 mixtare of
licorice and water—to absinthe. The
price of the drink covers a small admis.
sion fee, which depends upon the seat
you have chosen. . :
“The stago now comes in for a share of
your attention. Seated around in a cir-
cle are half a dozen women in evening
costume. They have a *‘thinking part,"
for they are the scenery. Enter the cafe
at any hour of the evening, and you
x will see a woman in a short flaming red
woman has none of thoso makeshifts.
She has her chemisitte ‘made with a
; like a corset waist and her vest
“ that of a man, sleeveless, but fitting
snugly. Then if ber jacket front blows
or gets pulled aside there is nothing fo
angels wi As blouse and vest
"fronts are to be so fashionable this year,
if is but doing my duty to urge my sis-
ters to have backs to their blouses and
scribing. skirt is plain in front and
bas full godet plaits in the back
Around the bottom are several rows of
gown is made of electri
$will serge. The vest is of ercam colored
cloth braided with narrow brown sou-
: The jacket is braided upon the
ym and has revers of astrakhan
. There are cufls of the same. The
st could be left open in front, the
fronts being faced with tho astrakban,
When that is open, tho vost shows very
. Some vests are double breasted
and have flat gold buttons. Some have
tiny round ones, and some have none at
A pretty walking suit for those who
do not care for jackets is of gobelin bine
antelope cloth, trimmed with dark blue
velvet, edged with black silk moss trim-
ming. The cape iss plain military, bor-
satin gown come forward. With a little
run and then a step >ackward she com-
mendes her song. She cither carries a
plants both hands on ber hips. Her song
consists of a great deal of a tumtum air.
It ends with a flourish, a toss of the
‘head and a wink of the eye that are very
' The words are evidently funny, for
everybody laughs, although no one ap-
plands but the claque, and they are
paid. Half an hour of that sort of thing
bores an American, so he orders anothe
drink and watches the audience. It con-
gists mainly of tradespeople, students
‘and travelers. Flere comes a small store-
keeper with his wife and daughter.
Then the young man enters who sells
you gloves in one of the large shops on
the Avenue de I'Opera. He has a little
grisette in a well fitting gown and no
covering for her head but her neatly
braided hair. Closely following there is
| an art student from the Latin quarter
with the girl that offered you a bouguet
for sale in the courtyard of your hotel.
rr rer
dered and trimmed like the skirt. There |
are a deep pelerine enllar and velvet ruff
‘at the neck.
- i oo The pinafore gown grows in favor for
home wear, and it iz certeinly a pretty
fancy. 1 admired oie which was made |
of vesedn albatross cloth, which is put
forward again this year as a favorite.
The skirt and pinafore overwaist wero 2
of the reseda. Tho sleeves znd under.
waist as well as the deep seallops ware
made of striped silk, in dark green
stripes over asilver gray gronnd. Around
the edges on the albatross cloth were
* yowrof braiding and little woolen balls,
forming a fringe. If any lady has a dress
whose first freshness is gone, a pretty
- pinafore overdress would be of the great-
est service in prolonging its uscfalness.
1 took note of snother pretty home
oilet. The dress was of cherry colored
cashmere, made full in the skirt, so that
jt hung in rich folds that were a beauty
“in themselves. The skirt was plain as ro-
gards trimming. The sleeves were droop
ing puffs, with turn up cuffs of black
"glaring. Around the neck was a deep
vet, edged with for and cut very
. pelerine of black velvet edged with
brown This is a model that could
1b easily followed in any soft material
: n cloths, and both are high novel-
ties and very expensive too. Some of the
pew black silk
black grenadine there are. The woolen
‘open work buntings are almost as hand.
some as the grenad The buntings
are in all the new colors, while grenadine
is sven only in black. There are several
new designs in erepons, chiefly of swivel |
tf there was any favor he could do for him. -
. brocade effects, and the straight grained
French crcpon. This latter is almost
$e classic in its effect when draped.
grenadines are woven so bo
that there is a colored silk back which
shows up between the meshes. I could’
not tell how many styles and patterns of °
Then an artisan sunnters along in a blon
jeans blouse, his hands in his pockets
and his wife hanging on his arm. It is.
here yom see the Parisian as h¢ ig—an
excitable, amusement loving creaturd,
with one eye on his ‘vin ordinaire’’
ivery ordinaire), ‘the other on the look-
ont for an attractive woman.
The women on the stage are generally
culled from the artist's models or girls
who prefer the life of Paris to pounding
‘linen on the banks of the Seine. Many
of these keep their entire family in some
| littlé room among the chimney pots
This livelihood may mean a few swout
fiowers in pots, white curtains to the
windows, an oil stove, on which fried
potatoes may be cooked to eat with a
; salad or an artichoke. This list
constitutes the luxaries of the lower
All the cafe singers unfortunately are
| pot content with such simple pleasures.
There are many whose conduct has been
the talk of two continenta. One of them
| onsee bore Jerome Bonaparte’s escutch-
eon on her note paper. Another filled
her apartments with lotus flowers from
the slimy Nile and entertained men
whose pictures have hung in the salon.
Another drove tamed tigers tandem
through the Bois de and still
smother stabled her horses in a bijou of
a salon. One woman who will soon be.
seen om the New York stage has set
Paris in a furore. She has come upon
the city cometlike. She holds the throb-
ing, pulsing heart.of Paris in the palm
of her little fist, whose fingers have
traced men's destinies—rosy fingers that
point to perdition. She is a revelation.
She sings risque songs with the demure
ness of a Puritan. She wears long, sim-
ple gowns, the first on record, and black
how her smiling cherubic face, with its
the cafe chantant singer is queen.
Demoralising to Backbiters.
_ One peculiarity of Mr. Childs is not gen-
erally known. He made it a rule of his
life never to speak ill of any one. If Smith
went to him and told him that Drown
was his deadliest enemy, he sent for Brown
and intimated that Smith was the dearest
friend they tioth had on earth, and owing
to the kind things Smith bad said about
him he wanted to thank hin and find out
Unquestionably Mr. Childs’ rule in life
| was the rare Christian coe, that if cues
| cheek was sinitten he would turn the oth
| er,— Philadelphia Times.
| parasol with a twirl, or she drops the
little black satin mask she wears and
gloves to the elbows. It is hard to tell |
halo of sun kissed curls, will be received |
in America, but at present in this city
The Hired Girl Was In It, Too, From Start
to Pinish—With Revolver and Dark Lau-
tern the Householder Took to the War
path—An Unrensonable Wife. =
“Tt is dreadful to be suddenly awak-
sned at night by a large, coarse burglar
without any innate refinement, ''said the
Union street resident, ‘und when my
wife awoke me Thursday night, and in
ene of those whispers women invariably
ase after the lights are out, and which
alwage cause a man’s backbone to crawl
there was a burglar in the house, I re-
refer him to the Charity Organization
society, because I was sure to get the
grip if I left ay warm bed and went
parading around the bouse withoat stop-
ping to pat on anything bat a defiant
expression.’’ : :
“Did she go?"
“She did pot, althoogh I explained to
ber that if she would merely step down
ciliatory way be would probably go
trouble. I told ber that if I should sud-
denly come face to face in my own house
with a crude, uncouth robber who had
pot been invited there, and who had no
Jetters of introduction, my fiery temper
would probably get the better of me,
and there woald ‘be an awful hand to
band straggle, which would like enough
for warm, red blood thaf I woald thrash
| around for weeks afterward killing re-
spectable people on sight.
ways striven for a higher mission in
life than to go around shooting large,
ragged holes through the vitals of my
follow men, and for that reason I ex-
plained to my wifs how even a burglar
might have loved ones dependent upon
him for support, and that life was prob-
ably just as dear to him as itis toa
member of congress.
_ ‘But you can't talk any sence into &
woman’s head after she bas become
jmboed with the idea that thero are
burglars in the bouse, and at length,
ratber than have any trouble over the
matter, [ arose, and grasping a revolver
snd lighting my boy's dark lantern
started out to find that burglar and ex:
led by the number on the door and got
into the wrong house. 1 did pot go
down on m gaiop, because I preferred
to give the housebreaker a chance to
realize his danger and escape with bis
| life while thero was yet time. It seemed
harsh aod unfeeling to coldly shoot a
man to death when I did not even know
what ward he voted in, and so I slam-
med things around and created consd-
erable distarbance on the way down
stairs. :
‘turned my searchlight ci tbe hatrack
without finding a burglar and was just
‘on the point of returning up stairs to
consult with my wife as to whether she
cared to have the parlor carpet mussed
up with his bloed if I should find him
when I caught a glimpse of a form
ap behind his ears, told me she was sure.
stairs and speak to the burglar in acon-
away quietly, and there would be no
inspire in me such a fiendish longing
1 have al-
plain to him that he n.ost have been mis-
“I looked under the door mat and
member requesting her to go down and |
| robed in a long ulster start Lack from |
the landing and dash up stairs. My |
| first impalse was to let the burglar stay
| np there if he cared to, because I coold |
| bave got along on the ground floor |
| well enough the remainder of the night, |
| and I do not want to seem. inhospitable |
| to-any one, but I realized that itwas my |
| duty to protect my family, and 1 took |
| after him, Well, sir, I bad no idea there i
| was #0 much fan in merrily romping |
' around tbe house with a burglar after |
: business hours.
the dark lantern qaickly encugh to get
a good look at the bousebreaker I could
teil by his hoarse labored breathing and
the way in which he reached out and
covered space that he was a good deal
annoyed by the turn affairs had takes.
*I had never seen a burglar act that
way before, and it did a gocd deal to-
ward restoring confidence. It seemed to
that a burglar who had po more
ang froid and nerve than that had bet-
ter go bome and take in plain sewing
‘| rather than try to eke out a precarious
existence in tho midnight maranding
line, and the reflection served to put so
my mad pursuit that the hem of the only
garment with one exception that I was
wearing at the time began to fray out.
On the third lap we plunged heavily
my wife covered up her heal in the bed
clothes and screamed, and the dog tock
after both of us, and there was trouble
**On the pext round the burglar gaived
a trifle on me, and when be reached the
kitchen he unbolted the back door and
dashed out into the night, with a pierc-
ing wail, and I after him. We: tore
arcand the house twice and then down
the sidewalk to the next house, where
{ in the rear.
apraised, and as | stood over him with
gored robe de nuit made of outing flan-
“That was all. Silently and with
bowed, ancovered hewds the girl and 1
| walked back home, where the family
! awaited us, and after she had explained
in a fatigned way that, bearing the
over the baby's crib in the nursery, and
‘he baorglar made a break for the barn |!
I foand him cowering in |
| one corner of a box stall, with hands |
Jeveled revolver (he rays of my trusty. |
dark lantern revealed a hired girl, wear- | the postoffice department at Washing-
ing a wild, hunted lock and a dun col- ton. Here the postmaster’s accounts are | enormous difficulties of traveling
| examined, and if his credit is good the | miles with the want of water, the want
We made the first cir- |
cuit of my family residence within 19 i
| seeonds, and. though 1 conld not focas’
much boyish zeal and enthusiasm into |
To Rxist Among the Pessastry. THE AREA OF SAHARA NEARLY EQUAL
‘Some quaint customs still survive TO THAT OF EUROPE. |
among the peasantry of south Wales— Sm
at least in the remote villages. One of | Co io the Progress of Civiliastion |
the oddest is the *'bidding.”” When a
young man and woman: are engaged, i. Yrnieh Engh ny Sn" ug
Overcome—The lmporiant Point In the |
circular is printed-—known as a bid. i
ding letter” —.and distributed at market | Rotution of the African Problem.
and outside the chapels on Sanday, 80 Wa bave bat to loox upon the map to
that all may know of the event. Th! gg how large a space apon the world’s,
form is always thesame and runs as fol- | .ortuce this mighty desert takes to it-|
lots: : self.
It covers more square miles than |
As vee intend to enter the matrimonial state, | the whole of the Mediterranean. If it! |
we a 8 epcouraged by cur friends to make
bidding on the occasion at the young man’s fa :
ther's house (here follow the address and dati would extinguish. Europe, for it
of the entertainment), when asd Where the wm been computed that it you leave ou
ror of your good ard agress company 8 7 t
most humbly solicited, and whatever dunaticn Scavd ayia » would vearly wld :
you may be pleased to bestow on us will be | whole . If it were only sunk in
thankfully received, warmly acknowledge | sea, the waves woald roll over it,
were transported across that sea, it
: Bat it insists on keeping its
All being ready on the day, a party | above water and above grouci, cro
goes to fetch the bride to the bidding.
She hides and hss to be sought for in all
directions, but being at last foond is
escorted in triumph, Her procession is : '
met by that of the bridegroom, and they | serted by man, as it seems to be ,
all repair to the church, where the wed- | by God. No man passes by it or will
ding ceremony takes place, after which: ingly puts his foot thereon. Even
a similar occasion by ¥
Bow on the Jus. Boss Fille
‘Watch Casts, made by the -
pany, Philadelphia. It pro-
tects the Watch from the picl-
pocket, and pr-vents it from
dropping. Can only be had
with cases stamped
with this trade mark.
Sold, without extra charge
for this bow (ring), through
of welch cases are spolied in the epening.
On opener 1s shviots this sent free.
all return to the groom's house to make | lonely caravan that skims it like a bird (CAMBRIA AND CLEARFIELD,
merry und to count the gifts. These are | leaves no track behind it any more
generally in money and vary from a the bird in the air or tbe ship on
shilling up to baif a sovereign.
Each item is carefully antered in a| trace of life in man or beast or bird
Jk by the *'bidding clerk,” together | any living thipg, So far as we can:
with the donor's name, so that it may the desert is an utterly worthless
be repaid when he or she marries. As | tion of the globe. ;
all the money will probably not he
called in for many years—some not at balf of northern Africa there wou
all, if the givers remain single—the | seem fo be little hope of making any-
yonng couple receivea tolerable start in | thing out of it, since the cause whi
life. Oddly enough, the bridegroom is renders its condition so hopeless
expected to provide the kitchen clock | bo removed. You cannot abolish tl
and table, the glass cupboard and the | desert any more than you can abol
kitchen dresser, also the bedstead. Each | the sea. There it is, and there it
of the young people is supposed to bring remain forever. Yes, but you can
half a dozen chairs, the bride’s especial | over the sea in ships or under it Ly te
contribution being the bedding, tbe | graphs, so that it is no longer a har
crockery ware, the parlor table and a| the intercourse of nations. Is there
chest of drawers. Things are done mie- | way of taming the desert or subduing it |
thodically in that part of the world.— | so that it sball no longer baa barrier
London Tit-Bits. the progress of civilization? This is t
ree : Jiost importint question to be settled
Curing a Dead Man. bearing upon the future of Africa.
“1 was employed to cure a dead] Of course if it were left to the mative
man,’ said Dr. C. R, Gregg of Bt. | inhabitants all things would contin
Paol. “I was awakepel during opoj as they wero from the beginning of
night and found a lady awaiting me. | tion. Nor hss Europe at large any
She told ma that her husband was vory terest in it. But there is one Eurc
ill and for me to bring my medicine | power that has an interest in it.
cases and some surgical instraments, as | has large possessions on this side of
I might bave to perform un operation to Mediterranean. Algeria and Tunis
assist him to breathe. It was but two | gether make a country as large as ¢
blocks from my office to the house of | of the kin of Europs, whi
my patient, rad as we entered the room France has the ambition tocalarge Il
where the man lay no ons else was visi- | furtoer, so as fo bave a great Afri
ble. At a glance I saw that Le was | cmpire, as England has her Indian «
him,’ she said and locked the door. | country covering 400,000 square mi jes.
Then going to a dressing case she pro- | If this could in any way be ani
cured a revolver. I saw that she bad | Algeria, if the two could be conuolids
become crazed nnd was st the time a | the new ‘empire’ would at once |as-
dangerous lunatic. sume vast proportions. But the
* Making the best of tho situation, 1 blocks the way.
began a surgical operatic on the wind- | empire like a wedge.
pipe, the woman watching me closely. | moved, but is there not some wa
I worked with the corpse and prepared. which it can be convérted into a
medicines for three or four hours, as- | stone for the mighty arch that is to
suring the woman that [ wounld save: the cotitinent from the Medi
him if possible. Succeeding in disarm- | to the Atlantic? That is the
ing her fears, she began to have entire | which has long exercised the mindy.
confidence in me, aod when I fised a; French statesmen, and which they i
potion and gave it to the corpse, fem. | turn have referred to their engineprs,
ingly taking a similar one myself, 1 ite
her nerves, as it might be some time | cated. g -
before apy change took place in the con. First of all, they bave shown that it
dition ¢f the patient. I soon bad the is possible to convert portions of the
satisfaction of seeing the woman fall | desert into oases by the sinking of | ar-
apon - the floor in an insensible condi | tesian wells. A bandred and fprty
tion. and 1 made my escapes from the | miles south of Biskra is the oasiy of |
house, calling sufficient assistance to at- | Taggart, which has long sapported
tend to tie wants of the wife and pre- J thousands ¢f Arabs, with their fipeks |
pare the hosband for barial. But don't: and herds, bat which was nearly de- | uw ¥
i ! Penstoning Union folemns excinding the fe
want any more calls to resarrect the | stroyed some years since hy the wells
dead nnder the superintendance of a becoming so choked up as to no lohger
pe i p ] g
Vegetation |
dangerous lupatic.’’—8t. Lonis Globe { furnish a supply of water.
Democrat. 1 | withered until the wretched peqple,
: stripped of what was to them the yery
| water of life and too ignorant to be able
Seno ti
How He Explained It.
“The affable young man was doing the | to renew the supply, were in despair ]
polite to the very swagger young wom- | and began to leave the country.
an at a reception, und she was tolerat- | Then the’ French engineers took the
ing him because no swagger young man | matter in hand and instead of trying to
was in sight. : a clear cut the old wells commenced bor
“May 1 escort yon to the dining | ing the solid earth and in five weeks
room?’ he asked. ; :
She hesitated and drew back.
that a river rushed forth that yigided
“I'm sorry,’’ she began.
doubls the quanti'y furnished by the
_ “Thanks, ’’ he interrupted and disap- great well of Greneile at Paris. Tp the
3 Arabs it seemed a miracle, and they be-
That made her think a minute, and| gan to sing and dance in the w
later in the evening she cornered him. | manner to express their joy. The mir
“Why did you say ‘thanks’ to me | acle is one that can be wrought wher
"awhile ago?” she asked, quite reserved, | ever men are willing to take the bor Anthune,
; | or to bear the expense. OF course tp ac-
~ “Did Isnay that?'* ‘he said, with a far- | complish a large result in the way of |
‘away try to call it back again look in | pasturage or agriculture it would have
but curiona,
his honest eyes. to be repeated on a tremendous
“Yes, you did.” But for the purpose of uniting
I didn’t know I said 12, really.” - | vast territorius of Algeria and Seneggam-
“Well, you did,” she persisted, '‘and | bia the first necessity is that of direct
I want to know why." communication, which can only bé bya
*+[ presume,’ he responded, *'it was | railroad across the desert of Sabars.
a case of unconscious gratefulness.” | this within the bounds of possibility?
And he got away with some degreo of | Nobody's opinion is of any value except
precipitancy. — Detroit Free Press. ‘that of an engineer, aud that 1 have
0 — : i tried to obtain.
Postmasters and Stamps. jean consul took me to see Mr. Brous-
The postmaster who finds his office | gais, who has made a special stufly of
getting short of stamps makes ont an ' the subject and taken long journeysinto |.
order on a printed blank and sends it to | the desert to survey the field of battle.
He did bot conceal from uel the
| order is approved, charged to his ac- | of wood for railroad ties, tho want of
| count and forwarded to the government | everything. He looked in the
o the
| agent at the factory where postage | possibilities of these sand storms, hich
| stamps are made.
The government might bury a railroad train, as they
: agent has the stamps counted, carefully have baried a thousand caravans.) All
| packed and sent by registered mail to | this he had taken into considerftion, |. The N
‘racket I had kicked ap, she had started i
down stairs, and seeing me prowling |
aronnd the front hall had mistaken me
for a burglar, we went to. bed again,
and my wife felt greatly relieved. The
‘pest morning when 1 went down town
I saw my next door neighbor looking
curiously at the irregular splotches in
his driveway, where the hired girl's
pink toes had dug into the gravel, butl
did not feel called upon to explain to
him.''—Grand Rapids Democrat.
: fun in the 411]
the postinaster, wha sends a receipt for | and yet, looking all obsticles a d all
Washington. | to assure me that in bis judgment 4 rail-
wie : road across the desert of Sahara was
Couldn't Ses the Puint. quite within the resources of ern
**1 can’t sve no fun in these newspaper | engineering. /
H Sait Ya . * 3.i1%a t 3 i oy i
jokes Bion plumbers’ bills,” naid a | But were the dream already fullfilled,
wealthy plumber toa friend at the club.
| the desert crossed and the tide of travel
your chistgmers se HOY [mn full course, the whole African prob.
J replied a friend WG | lem would not be solved. This would
bad recently pid a bill. —-Texas Sif!
be unis step toward it.—Cor. Evangelist. | © THE TRIBIN
: I di-w1 New Yom.
sen. It passes and is gone, leaving notp :
With such ap incubus covering fo 1]
“dead. I told the wife that }°r husband | pire. As part of the materials for this
was beyond the react of .nortal aid. | she has another great dependency |in
‘He is not dead, and you must cure Senegambis, on the western coost, a!
10 |r Ameries. Do not abandon the
v- | gives the toantry the best {
| pave ever had! Nolin
| fective TartiT and no Repeal |
It splits the pro !
it cannot bejre- |
oa :
ger EEESEcecevune
siviviBm BB BRAG BG
{orn mimi.
sroe sea nd
BBP OnRnnesnn se?
CURR EEe ase eRBP |
EEC EE585558vevan
Sublime, Patriotic and National,
OF E ;
Farmers, Mechanios, and Yow
i" iin thie Fre-
| every proposition, for Unlimited Free Catvags :
| of silver Dollars wide sre worth on): k: t
| on the dollar. Make them worth s fall Dollar.
| : {The ¥ 000 of Nat Nutes with. ;
| who are among tha lest in the world, ive S000 0 of Nutional Hunk utes wile rh
duced ber to taks one in order to quit | with what result may be briefly indi- | |
? | bawers pat out. Now make the bugies 4
{ money worth {is face, lor your own 3
pad by over $8I.00000 of silver wineh has
| for actual sittlers and save them from monip-
alles and speeniators! Protie! and eneot ge
i thie netasl settler! 2
with the progressive policies of the Rr
party (repeatedly enncted into inw) of ding
up & New Navy; Proteetivog the Sep !
nese: Regulating Interdtate Osumerce
| an Homest Count; Fxtendidg American Cum.
{neroe; Reviving Ames iesn Shipping Tem pers
ance; and Restraining Trusts. ra
struck water to such a good purpose | iargel
tending the Common Schools; J rotating Ames
ian Citizens abroad ; Securing Rect proefty with
pression of the Fo
Y. Tribune sre now positively the
od by any newspaper in New York
City. The Tribung is the only in
New York which sends men per
every market in the city every :
ness week 10 obtain actus] prices and the state
of trade. Otber papers make
y frog cireuinrm, Com ms
as to Prices and
This can be done bry taking
you agree with The N. Y. Trivune or nol. in ite
is, can afford not to read its .
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The N. Y. Tribune is the abilest, most
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