The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 12, 1894, Image 6
Patton “Courier. raTroN * roBLIGIING co. Fropriciors » Es if Cl oe Sp MENIAL 5 SA HA A AAO THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1804. © NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. i. Subacribers who do pot eXPress 10 the cont are considered ee wish- their subscri beeribers a continuance x periodicui, the publisher may con- send them until all arrearageés are It subscribers et or fuse =o take I responsible unt] # % i or ded hy of and ordered subscribers move to other with ng the publishers, and the pa to the former address, they are a nave deeidnd that refusing to fice or | it §é A i Fo fred to send responsible antil - 1 i The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Prtton Station are as Mai) Closes. T02 AX rE Water rent for the second quarter of 1804 will be due April Ist. Five per cent. additional will be added to un- # “.paid bills after April 10th, 1804 The Eo Yel sve the immer vin, a How about that bassball ciab? collector of the Patton Water Company | will call on its patrons the first week in April. Parrox Water Co. oy Toe vent Wide Wamiaas, id I thelr knittin’ a It's “dence” they oa 8 At iis ba’ : Alls ma soul wi’ gloom. =lengman . Magarine, stayin’ 3. G. Schriner, of Johmecabarg, spent Sohrifior, « Jos. Doyle, of Ashville, spent Sun- | aay st Hotel Patton. 3. Jones, of Philadelphia, registered - at Hotei Beck Friday. lawyer Shoemaker, of Ebensburg, was in Patton Monday. A flock of wild geese passed over Patton oe day last week. Dr. B. W. Banks, of Cresson, had 0. W. Meller, of Altoona, wiss| guest at Hotel Beck Monday. R B. Kuhn, of Pitteborg, was a . guest at Hotel Beck Monday. Good working shirts for 24cts at Mir- | | kin & Kumar's, Fifth avenue. -214f Howard Austin, of Pittsburg, was a guest at the Commercial hotel Monday. Chas. E. Patton, of Curwensville, NEall 3uskt 4 Ym Palmar hous Fri. : A lt arived a the bome of. od y ators Tiadle, of Pazsutiwioy, 4 # the Commercial hotel ‘Mra. 8. M. Wilson was taken sud denly ill Sunday night with nervous prostestion. - Mirkin & Kusner, the clothiers, have = a new advertisement in another column of the COURIER, Ex-Burgess A. J. Jackson has just completed & very nest picket fence - around his property. Bob Burdette lectured to s crowded | Joust a Beusburg last Monday wight. ‘It was reported grand. T. Jeff Bloom and Henry Addieman, who have been in Curwensville on a J: Wilk etasaet io Patios Mouday, OC. Dale, the enterprising hard- : a a AT advertisement in the CoURIER this week which is of in- terest to all builders. ~ A big saw mill is being built just above Cherrytree and it is about com-| . The daily capecity will be © 20,000 feet and 30 men will be em- There are now 7,000,000 feet of logs in the dam to be manufactured. i 1 i { Seo the change in H. C. Heck’s i confectionery. — son, D. A. Buck, Monday. was in town over Sunday. If you want a good load of cond send | up to Mellon’s Bank. - 2112 : | guest at Hotel Patton Monday. thing in the hardware line.-21tf G. 8. Good, of Lock Haven, was in | town the latter. part of last week. H. H. Bweeney, of Houtsdale, is! Le Ts wes Sena pas Creek i a a eae | 1 —14L | W. J. Buck, of Loretto, visited his § Go to John Yahner's store for any. | 260 + was taken quite ill and went to his A. L. Wagner, of Philadelphia, wasn STERCS - Chu. 1. Dei, of omy. Shor, he 15. + rae Just ry, gas ily ial awa bavi ey Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. 'H. L Snyder, of Pittsburg, was a| W- Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf John Reilly, who about four weeks | n among them, bat all unite her much happiness in her Mr. and Mrs. Heloel vis »'s parents over Sunday y returned to Flynn city will make their futare abid- in Williamsport, returned to fn very much improved. Eversons was glad to we Joliuie back | i in town again. Seltz, trainmaster of the Beech | ! railroad, was in town last week | C. E. Bchultz, of Pittsburg, was a baving charge of the wreck crew which | ;| guest at the Palmer house Saturda i i ! day. i ‘week. nue.- 21tf ‘ of Hastings, vas in town Monday on | business. Mahaffey i without & bank and a building and Joan dunt, $0 Says the (Jazetie. ton Monday. A pice line of neck ties of the Intent Kosner's.-21t¢ Clearfield parties. in every style.-Otf. Misses Nellie and Ida Eckenrode, of Carrolitown, visited friends at the | Patton botel Sunday: : column of the COURIER. Read it. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf A. J. Thompson, superinténdént of bridge building on the Pennsylvania railroad was in town last Thursday. { liver the discourse. Everybody is in- | vited to attend, For a life-like and artistio photograph | ‘Sam’l Boyos, of Brisbin, was a caller | peared in a new suit’ and presented. a at th Counten offics Thuaday of last| nice appearance, both in iia make-up Pine laundiied dress shirts for 75 cts | Drated its tenth anniversary. The SS MiTKIn 4 Ruager's sors, Fifth ave- | he ae oo EE A. W. Glaser, the popular clothier | | the J P. McK enerick, an atiorney of Mickey Priest for assault and battery, Ebensburg, spent a few hours in Pat- | and Patrick Dougherty for surety of style and prices the lowest at Mirkin & | Casey, Reoyuse Gaffey, W. E. Ram- A test well for gas or oil will soon be wife, AR and Walter Forsythe, | begun in the vicinity of Karthaus by | of Clearfield, composed a jolly crowd ; ; who went {o Patton Thursday to help Go to the XKinkead restaurant and their townsman, Sam. “Buck” Wilson get a fine oyster stew. Oysters served ' open the new Commercial hotel at that : Piles Ciguesisidl Republican. | mation was received that Stewurt Wil- Jou. Farbaugh, the photographer of | nor san of Mr and Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, Carroliiows, has a Active in SSW ly yory serioualy HI He was taken | sick Tuesday night and very little hope Try Magic drops for pain, internal | of his recovery was manifested. At and ¢xternal Guaranteed by C. W. the present time his chances of recov- ; | ery are more favorable. Y- was here clearing up the remains of | Buy the celebrated Crescent wagon, Thursday's accident. Henry Taylor, | for sale by A. C. Winslow, Patton, Pa. |also trainmaster of the Pennsylvania H. Logan Weaver, of Fecaport, | Fuilroud, Was Bers on te sume Susinens | registered at the Palmer house Tues. last week. ve in the world for cats, | ‘ulcers, salt theum, fever : , chipped hands, chilblaise, Last week the Coalport Standard ap- piles, or no pay rousired, to give perfect satis. {and press work. With that issue it cel- X. y drug store. - Digging Contest. bria Herald says that a cosl- h was arranged at Me- Keesport Thursday of last wesk be- tween Le Provance, of that place, | Standard is one of the interesting glad to see come to its sanctum. On Tuesday five new boarders were (added to the jail table, all from Johns | town—Charles Klinefelter, for assault and battery; Frank Beatty, colored, for | larceny; Jack Stanton for surety of peace and assault and battery; ' coal while|Provance digs out one. Killed in the Wreek. | the peace.—Cambria Freeman. During J. G. Solomon, J. B. Stoner, T PF. a large New Foundland dog’ belonging | ‘to David Jones was run over by one | | of the run ing its he who saw | barger, 1. Hay, A. T. Mead and | ad from its body. Several] lhe dog under the wheels | ted it was { man being killed. Engine Neo. 10. peek engine No. 10 arrived in | iturday night to take the | Beech C Patton 84 | place of | demolishe last. Mos "Seriously TI. As the COURIER goes to press infor-' w Poorman, of Jersey Shore engineer on the new shifter. rs place. Shot Fifteen Foxes. Services Sunday Evening, ‘next Sunday evening. at 730. Rev. | Carr, of Latrobe, will be present to de-. ‘Haven! or a first-class tintype cail on Fara baugh, Photographer, Camco, | Li ‘The Greenleaf Social club will hold | |» private party in the Patton opera { house this evening which promises vol ‘be a very nice affair. ‘The Crescent wigoil is wie of he : best wugoas for farming and general | nse in the market. For sale by A.C. 1 Winslow, Patton, Pa ‘Mise Della Addleman, of Patton, | spent a few days in town this and last week visiting relatives and friends. — | Curwensville Review. G. H. Curfman, the accomodating station agent, has been confined to his hone on Falmer avenue with ase ! vere attack of mumps. A. G. Palmer ia erecting picket fences around his properties on the hill, which are occupied by W. H. Sand ford and Mrs. N. A. Butler. Jan. B. Caldwell, county surveyor of Jefferwon county, was in Patton Thure- day with a evew of men making a sur- i tiest that has ever appeared on that paper.—Reynoldeville Star. = "Harry J. Watson, who bass ‘been at | the bedside of his father at Reynolds- | ville, Pa, returned home this week. | Nearly half a hundred Yaige of bow . | were imloaded at the depot in the pro- | hibition town of Indiana, Pa., Saturday, re —Ex. i The Kinkead restaurant is the best | place in Patton to get a good lunch | and a first-class meal Eveeything | kept to be found in a first-class eaiing house. -0tf. Jas. McDevitt is lying very low at! (his home on Palmer avenue with a severe attack of kidney trouble. He | has boen confined to his bed for about | two weeks. | G. Row, of Philadelphia, represent- | ing the real estate department of the Penngylvania railroad east of Pitte- | burg, spent a few hours in Patton | ! on business Monday. J. 8. Richards a prominent lamber- | man of Bower, Pa., spent Friday in| Patton and while here visited the Cou- | RIER. Mr. Richards is a pleasant busi- | ness man whom it is a pleasure to mset, Saronel Blanchard, of Peale, com- | mitted suicide last Friday by taking a | dose of laudanum. He was postmaster | at Peale under Harrison's administra- | tion and leaves a wife and seven chil- | dren. —Clear field Public Spirit. | ] | i ¥ last | and Lie doaned s new head, which is the pret- | Others May Blow and Puff ‘But I am doing the business and not saying any- thing. Modesty is ome of the best virtues and while some clothiers are trying tof sell and palm off OLD SHOP-HORN GOODS Iam doing a mice trade every ted. —Not hav- around and look a. each other di ing any customers to wait on. IF YOU WANT A GOOD Suit, Hat, Shirt or Tie, ,la Nobby Pair of Shoe or pair of Trousers Come to me first. If I can't suit. you in quality and price then I am satisfied to let yo go out. My Tailoring Departmes | is RUSHING! | BLOW Y OURSELF | wh will blow for you? Weare sil here aid ol the, FRONT is USUAL vy! i to dig out three cars of wreck of last Thursday | pway cars, completely sever. | were 80 mph excited that they declan. | engine No. 7 which was i in the wreck Thursday | did not learn who took , {a complete line of WHITE GOODS. in all the leading shades. Just think! 24 suits to make i in Three Weeks. | Suits from $20 up to $35. t i Be sure and call land see. ; i ’ The Original One-Price Clothier, | We ¢ cam and do wel our goods cheaper and give you better satisfaction than any other i i ow 'store in Patton. i § { “We do the : Strain and why is it thys? i | § i BUSINESS! Simply because we do just what we advertise. do not advertise goods atl one price and sell at ‘another, and everybody is . « " ‘TREATED ALIKE. i White, Black, Rich or Boo call we remain, | Yours for # Bargain, Hoping you give us a WOLF & THOMPSON, PATTON SUPPLY C0.'S store for anything m the line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, ‘GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, ETC. We are i EADQUARTERS for everything Our oil Painting an cess. Everyone is coming i Jewelry offer is a howling suc to our store since we made the grand offer. . We have just geceived a full new line of the following named goods, besides a store full all other kinds: LADIES’, GENT'S and CHILDREN’S SHOES. DRESS GINGHAMS, VELVETEENS, SATINES, and SURAH SILKS; KEEP IN LINE i | and try our wonderful offer. Prices the A fresh line of Groceries alway S | on hand. 5 We sell the celebrated othe | P. P. KID GLOVES. Remember the place, PATTON SUPPLY Pp; lowest. Palace , Sens Landry