The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 12, 1894, Image 3

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    3 amounts of nes i ewe collctedt 137% : 2 i ;
| The following i trom th =e fmt a ‘ CONTRACTING _
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. my About 10 o'clock Thursday night | Br Se, brick, work, ete. ie 9 pi 3 15 years experience. :
One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00 try has dox , of | fire was discovered in the basement of | U7 salary as burps to nl THE : % Best work guaranteed; : §
: a a | EC store, Bea : : a
pg a, Se Nava po Dae by no means s Es St) 1 Jim Cabra: Sr esi " PHILADELPHIA | Faices
3 Ssontineed sth of) Be perfect preventive is shown by the but not untilit had gained such head- |r, un of Duplicate Lp Ho paints, Houses, Signe; Curisges,
Premsom, Culsonnesand Hangs Papas,
daily occurrence of disasters on tracks . (78 anter. as Tax rm re 1% RECORD
clans mail matter. be | | a Ta om 7 | ete.
; : |
ni hima Ae : . i 3 Cn 3
FEDERAL OFFICERS. railway journals, which may possibly house and stable were entirely CONSGI- | By work on Duplicate... smm a fa Grecian and Ornamental
U.8. Suxarom 1. Dall ren. Har | PTOVS usefel in preventing collisions. fr SH et rman "mw 3 | of the Old and New World I Painting Taught. ©
fisbury, Dauphin county’ ¥ 8, ay of of | It is » traveling band of paper impreg- d. I Sh pand out of sats ayer ! Eh : Advertising a Speclalty.
pOamAx Gey ¥. Kew, Cuvion | ll SS EEL 1 NOC : elling h : - | ; | Drop s card to Box 298,
which a platinom stylas moves. A by” . J. Balance due Boroogh........ | 18-8mo PATTON, PA
current of dlectricity, which is supplied | Ryan ; SE new
| the ; THE HOURSEHOLD, : A G. Diehl,
Bindered at the Postoffce ut Pation an second-
. 8, Covuscron CorLecron-—Edward P. Hetran, Pie
Panxsutawney, jetterson PE iby the moving train, passes through | the : . Jno. Foor, Treasurer i]
: STATE OFFICERS. the stylus and paper and decomposes Pa. : lr RLD
gsi © EX an MAAN
RE mer E Pattison, Harris | the Iodide, leaving a bine mark on the | por gma . SCIENCE,
Bauransonctous& Wor es The: method of producing ts at wan, oun of The fet |} To License money ART.
electrical current is itself ingenious, |and best stocked in Hastings. To motwy resitved from. Bargem LITERATURE, : ‘ ;
xmas aa 3 the wheels pressing down levers situat- | ** Mr. Waudby and family had left a a FINANCE, : I Magee Avenue,
Eatin Ww. - Morrison, ed at-interirals along the rails, complet- the house about 4 ¢’clock in the after- By orders lifted THE REAL ESTATE WORLD. - A Ch
EB et MeGregs, Harris | ing the cirenit of a battery connected | noon to | BF emission a culincior aid tras Presenting a compléte cross Chest Creek.
Iwracerion —N.C. Seber, aes Yhytin: sed Paper, which ie itd fay. HORSE SHOEING:
sigmal cabin. Fro "A specialty. Prices are moderate AR
Sitde Os tie A pe the othe | ’ a = a Having examined the above accoant we Sod | | tty. a —- Be - work done with neatness and dispatch.
~- ®® Call and See Me,”
rn cet S13 cos 2 J rr” [RE re | Sry
> 4 - hs . YY. i ts ak ¥ ;
sheolutely to control the sitaation by carried $800 boa : | —— iq] A. G. DIEHL,
working his signals. In this case, as in | | The origin of the fire is unknown.” - : GoTo : : : : : Patton, Pu,
all others, the succes of the system i . DANIELSON & ENGuLaps The Record Publishing Co.
| rests on the responsibility of the in-| Mion Peude. |... i - 917-919 Chestnut Street,
dividual in, the signal box; bt Save! Arend inal 4 4 #iead indent HOE - SHO® " a Adamant Plaster
seem to be’ reasons for believing that not than one million people Lots ord kaa] i :
(hia invention may prove to be of a have found just sch 4 fiend in Dr. of All Kinds done prompuy. Prices Sep v wil gmustaciiges.
very weful character.” [King's New Discovery for consump- moderate. 180" | | a, :
tion, conghs and colds.—If you have -—r : fies Sule Viet
owe AN EVENTFUL WEEK. FE ie great cough medicine, J. F. McKENRICK, i 2 tee ; D gen id yor di ~»
y. 19% As this paper is being made up to go | one trial will convince you that it has ns — Is the for rm,
Re Riad, 5, 4. to press the coal miners of the country | wonderful curative powers in all dis- dhcraey and Consesor st oe, : NR /Z par excellence for patching.
ough. ¥ of throat, chest and 1 Each | rammed by al ped
n_Dr. George Mart in: James Som- belimging to the U. M. W. of A. are eRses ungs.. EBENSBURG, Pa | :
BE Je. meting in national convention at ‘bottle is guaranteed to do all that BB yi (umd wall business with promptres
SONGUH OF ¥en. : | Colambus, O., and it is impossible to claimed or money will be refunded. aod Adelicy
URGE son 5, Bel x. | say what the next move will be among | ‘Trial bottles free at Dr. C. E. Belcher, (Mice opposite the Mountain Hove. en > ' ee LLL :
Ri BY a Or thotesnds upon thousands of foil. | Oy drug sore. Lrage bottles 50c. rf wi) Adal YK | Of tasif will not erack, swell or
stag, BoaRD—Dr. J. 1. Noonan, ers in that line of ¢ The snd $1.00. M. DAVIS,
Jog ue, De JB Kons, prs eee ooupatin. » Cw wv aa nok che of when sed ca
fer: Wn, Purcell. condition of the market and the psy Resotation of Respects. Attorney and Counselor at Law ! : rected, even in case of leakage.
fosric urna FRace-Jeme E. Lule, Jas. | the men are receiving makes it appear PATTON, Pa., April 6, 1894. : : ; . wil re
. that the men and would mu-| | EREN4BURG, PA. #ive You & warm hous.
operators m The following resolutions on the sad
on : : | tually welcome something that would a. .4h of Nelson A. Butler, engineer on Al) legal business prownptly nttended to.
°F Si Kink, H. 0. ). Winslow, | advance the market and give both sides the Beech Creek railroad at this place Offier oti Centre Street, :
pac | better pay. If such a thing could be | have bees sdobiad by the | Commercial :
cn i re ng ols » a1 Cb of Pat i 3 M. CRAIN,
"general strike would entail suffering | Providence Jt bas ph from a2 al wine PLASTERED and CoXTRACTOR,
upon thousands, and loss to mine own- | | by death, our friend and brother, Nal. Paton, Walnut Run, Spangier, and Flastings, )
(em. SD Hf ot cid by avoided it would | 1308 4. Batiet, hon we recognize to ADAMANT ’
‘| y ulus
s2i33 = ussk
Balance due Borough
i |
TO Pee hl HI 1 TOA
: - E Vi ny
The point most interesting in Brad- 'be well. The greatest batacle in the I faisar member of plnterisa + Wesulty, sstimates given on all ox; pom
| way of raising the busbiess to a better RESOLVED, That the Commercial M. M. Cra1¥, Patton, Pu. For "Also the Of Patton, ok Bt
a. ‘Cambria county and | paying Beale’ is the distrust of one Clab of P had Pa Sale im 3 hm A",
nth among the cperators. Bach | or Beefs oe Kind 3 1 MCNEEL : © Foe prices and information, wits
trying to cut under all : Aino agent: foe gi Fiigkury andl Hits
oD, That we sincerely mo mourn BARBER AND Hark DRESSER, : ford Heyelon. ADAMANT PLASTER CO.,
ne exwmd artfell | 1x the roonn fens accugded by (Ato Giosmer, : : : Pr "Patton, Pa, Lock Box 345.
A wife and Opera louie? dee, First-class Werk gnanim TRE DAYS Feet ie sn mm St ee et
ED, That the Ulsh room be Hixir Cut 20 cents, Alive 0 conta, Khnumjoo ; NEW : :
Sram the review: : | hat Pesos Gf) 2 wad von Four 1 conta
> ur octod rivivatia wade A rem : A 3] sre eng engine and you will
at Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit and : Cov be J, TARRY Mccormick. ab yo. Mi Hir ry Si re, ne
| your winter clothing.
(ew and residence on Magee svenus, ext | . : :
to Jobin Yaboer's Hart ware sor, EA Just opened.
Committee. Mpecial attention gives to Fears and [De } ; : ir
ease of Children. : : : i _— ; : :
| Daa ; I have just returned from
: ‘the city with an elegant and
Attorney-at-Law, Is receiving the first invoice of $ complete stock of :
PATTON, Pa. ' Goods. They will be made ap in
latest styles ot the lowest prices. | SPRING MILLINERY,
| HE EMPLOYS | "Latesrorsstiop.
the best in the world, and Dr. King’s Pe >
No i A Only first-class workmen and guaran and will occupy one of the
to do just what is claimed for them and tees a perfect fit. Call early and have rooms up stairs in the Good
the dealer whose name is attached 2 {first choice of the season's goods. | ad 4 :
herewith will be glad to tell you more | Building.
i KE CE 3un E. d. SEVERIN, Prop’r., | LERVE YOUR wr
. x Denler in and of
I am now agent for the celebrated | Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Col-| i Call and see me. Prices
Crescent wagon, the easiest running, ]ars, Nets, Whips, Blankets, |Orders early with C. Brandon the moderate.
ngs. Prices the ~ Hammess Oil, Etc. leading Patton Merchant Tailor. ALICE B.
"Fifth Avenue.
AE REPAIR WORK mag b rsaceort.
A Specialty. Eases iy try mp rt | i
Railroad Street and Magee Avenue. The Patton : "THE
oats aid dw ci | B ECK NSURANGE a JM. Robinson, Prop’r.
iers, just now, about Low H C BECK Pr 2d | : ) y Located. on the corner “of
Prices. Hobo Dri TO, ay ~ RABE RU | | Magee and Fifth avenues, in
| List of Unclaimed PU i Our prices are as a. es fan {the central and business part
4 following letters remain in > : ; : * > }
Ti ros whieh fay long | postoffice at Patton for the week end- | ir One of the Largest Hotels in Repre sents the follo w- of the 1s, only us ine’
hoon i & Tecent | jn; Sairday, Apr 7,154: | 1L.OW ~~ Northern Cambna; ng old reliable walk from the railroad station.
phase of the situation. Quotations for | Rebecos Bears, Michael Gibson, : - :
"coffee and for cotton are steady. : {Geange Simmons, Jerry Weakland, Jas. Ea - Conducted I Ire i Ns rance 3 Oo 1
" : avvm————————— rc i : . 2 - El « :
BAILWAY COLLENONS, | Persons calling for the above letters AS : AN \ ’ La companies: |Rates, $2.00 perday.
The following is what the Demorest | will please say they are advertised.
to alway olan four i fe Ba usta b x | While our Clothes are MODERN STYLE. rovar, of Liverpool, oh te
en DT . i parila For Jb sos a Joe rmers| Detter made, better fit- : HOME, of New York, A Modern Hotel, heated by
in the: viinity of Patton the Cour | ting, better looking and [Good Table and Bar Supplied GERMAN, of Pitsburg. | steam—entirely new—sample
ul to better ' wearin than with Choiest Brands of | Also the Equitable Life] FOOHE- sonnection
tween railroad treina, Which Sppan =a oe x i 1d esurinee company, of New livery i's
almost daily by their sanguinary de- a DR aad 3 cents per z pound. most. : : 1quors. v k, hel pany, B To | —first-class in every respect
J rn a =, [= hel : : la ork, the argest int € wor
ses, ry ad = The Popular iam for Commer-
= 3: : : Mirkin & Kusner,] HOUSE |Dale& Patterson,
prevent these Gitrasting Goi R beat,... ths - i . i i | Office tn Good |
Aww] wera aves | of PATTON. Iii PATTON. PA.
.. $11 to $15 per ton,