The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 05, 1894, Image 5

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    EE ten rag mt one AE Bera ot y
EN at Hotel Patton.
Tu Ples.—14tf
y Toehcor ri ale toputie Levi Simpson came up from La Jose ©
of trains at the Patton Station are as Saturday.
: ” ] > Get yourself a bicycle at Hodgkins,
aft Gloss | Fifth avenue.
o 21 WG Ssapt, of Williamsport, was]
ior ru | in Patton: Friday.
Postoffice hours from "BY x. to 08 Fine S(da water is rare. Try Hodg-
a kins, the druggist.
Train numbers marked on are D. H. Allport, of Spangler, spent |
Hoftihound and ' 5* southbyund, ‘Sunday ia Patton.
HA | ML. Farber, of Cleveland, was a guest
’ Notice. ; . at the Palmer house Friday.
Wate st fr arn sre of E507 tt Coon 8
© 1984 will be due April ist. Five per| ou of Carrolitown, visited
cent. additional will be added to UT" in Patton: Friday of last week.
paid bills after April 10th, 1804 The | gop Brooks was in town Mon. |
collector of the Patton Water Company | day. He came over from Tyrone.
will call on its patrons the first week J. L. Evans, of Johnstown, was a
de Apel ParroNn WATER CO. guest at the Palmer bouse Monday.
: DD. W. Damer, of Oil City, stopped at
: An up-to-Date Solfloquy.” ‘the Commerciai hotel over Sundsy.
~, Topaint, or not to paint? That In (he dome | BE. Ellerman, a commercial man of
a Ta Philadelphia, spent Friday in Patton. |
, And, with the rouge pot, end it? paint—to, J W. Hoy took a business trip to
Ina ana x 0 snp sar mas - Clearfielé: and other points jast week.
a nT U. 8. Stolz, of Koller & Co.'s store,
Wished Uke took a hurseback ride over to Altoona
. Sunday.
| The merchants know a good. thing
when they get it. They advertise in
{the Covu iam
:. Mrs. Reubin McPherson, of Clear-
field, visited her husband at this place
the first of the week.
Street (ommissioner Addleman is at
work with his crew of men making i im-
. provements in the borough.
What i a more sare indication of
spring than a group of boys playing
. marbles in every nook and corner.
Bn ruthes vicar the lve We Dave
# self-connciousness and fear of rid
cowards of some of at, h not of all;
‘mide x, thong b not of all
HA 4 ple rant of
Try Hodgkin's Soda Water.
‘Read the new ‘ads’ this week.
Now is the time to make improve- | © Mrs. John Wagner, who lives in the
. vicinity of Hotel Patton is suffering
Ld Bvans came up from Johnstown with a severe attack of pneamonia.
Saturday. . For alife-like and artistic photograph
Frank psburg jor a first~clase tintype cali on Fara
in town Ef, pre w jhangh, Phoiographer, Oarroltows,
Bob. Dusamars i visting be many TLC
friends in Patton.
‘John MeCormick drove over from
Hastings Sunday.
EP. Gillespie, of New York Pet breast.
‘Saturday in Patton.
Wi. Cox of Chest Sioa this |
Try Eeller for tobacco, cigar and. county was in town a few hours Satur-
confectionery. —14tf. ‘day and while here called on the Cov-
P. Dewes, of Johnstown, was a guest | RIER and like all the rest, subscribed
4% Hotel Beck Monday. for the puper.
hy J. H. Dysart, of Tyrone, registered The Kickead restaussnt is the best
4 at the Commercial hotel Friday. place in Patton to get a good lunch
C. F. Brown, s commercial traveler, and a first-class meal. Eveeything
‘was in town on business Monday. ‘kept to bs found in a frelon eating
Thos. Wagner, of Olesn, registered house.-0tf.
a4 the Commercial hotel Saturday. . Chas. 8. Pratt, representing Jones:
'R. 8. McDonald, of Brookville, Jeffer- | Sheibley & Co's. wholesale dry goods
son county visited in Patton last week. house of Philadelphia, was among the
E. C. Poorman, of Tyrone, was & many traveling men who stopped in
guest at the Palmer house Monday. Sown Menday and Tuesday. 2]
R. H. McGarvery, ‘of Spangler, was 8 | The Journal says that Clearfield has
guest at the Commercial hotel Satur- | only two ladies who have not read the
day. [fal proceedings in the Pollard-Breck-
Chas. Trout came over from | infidge tidal. It is supposed that they
Yeilay md registered at the Palmer Were blind-—must have been.
1 About 1,200 tons of paper are used
P. a Dein ©. b Hogue, of every day by the newspaper prem of
" QCarrolltown, drove down to Patton the country. Juet think of it. If all.
Monday. {were spread out the papers would
A. P. Baloock, of New York, was one | | cover an area of over 3,000 acres. —Ex.
of the guests at the Palmer house Willis Clark, of the Bitaminous
Helsterkdff was caught by a fill of eal
in mine No. 4 at Frugality on Satur-
| day and seriously injured ou the
Ea Jp Saturday. e | Record, ut Philipsburg, was in Patton |
Frank McDermit, of McKeesport, | Thursday attending the reception at the
spent Sunday in town guest Commeriial hotel. While here he’
i» Haya made the CovmiEn a very Pleasant
| Branson hotel at Spangler accomps-
LHe i lo vi
‘ita sec that Wolf & Thompson, the |
; | clothiers keep to the front. They are
For conghe, colds and sore throat ry | well represented in another column of
Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. | the COURIER by a large showy adver
~ W. Hodgkins, druggist,Patton, Pa.-tf tieement.
Alex. Maxwell, of Philadelphia, spent, Another new street lamp has been |
Friday in Patton and was a guest at ‘added to the many which are now in:
“the Palmer house. “our towr.. ‘This time one was placed
: The COURIER has not learned of any .on the corner of Magee and Fifth ave-
volunteer for Coxey’s army from Pat- nues, opposite John Yahner's hard:
Son Yet, but no telling Bow soon there ware store.
will be. | The Hastings Tribune office will be
. Miss Bessie Winslow and Miss Della | removed from ita present location toa
Derr, of Benezette, Elk county, Pa., building lately purchased by the editor,
ate visiting at H. E. Barton's on Palmer | : Raymond J. Kaylor, below the bank
avenue. 3 on Beaver avenue. It will be in very
A. Lantay, the wholesale liquor man pleasant quarters.
of Hastings, has an advertisement in Rev. W. B. Gass, of Latrobe, waa the!’
the first column of the first page of the | gyegt of Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Wilson of
Courier. Read it. ‘the Commercial hotel over Sunday.
The Crescent wagon is one of the Rev. Carr preached at the Presby-
best wagons for farming and general terian services held at the M. E. charch
use in the market. For sale by A.C. | Sunday morning and evening.
Winslow, Patton, Pa. Ww. i
Read the shoe “ad” of W. L. Doug- | We WH, fe Se tlie in es sulk 1 |
lass in another part of the COURIER. | big family at Columbiana, Ohio. While |
The celebrated shoe is on fale at the yyay he met and shook hands with
store of Mirkin & Kusner. | Gen. Coxey the commander of the much |
The Patton Supply company haves | talked of Confmonweal army. Mr. Hill
: SN Te Mveriectient is ‘this paper | saw the army encamped at Beever
week. pe Pa, while passing Harough vm
. Just glance over it. . the cars.
Go to Keller's for Bread, Cakes and
H A Lindsey, of Bellwood; Pa, | A. W. Gissser, thw leading clothier of
| Hotel Beck Thursday.
A L Burkboldes, of loons, was +
| guest at Hotel Beck Mondsy.
Bell the hustling clothier has a new
“ad” in the Counimn this week.
Be was seen on our streets Monday. ;
A. 8. Croft, of Bimirs, was in town D. E. Kuhn came over from Gallitzin |
Saturday and stopped at Hotel Beck.
. spent Friday in town. Hastings, spent Suvdiy with hid many
J. L. Cook, of Butler was n guest at friends in Patton.
I Mr. and Mra. J. M. Robinson, of Pat-
Jas. McMullen, of Altoona, was a | ton, returned home yesterday. They
guest at Hotel Patton Sunday. . | were guests at the Elke’ charity ball,
Albert: Boslet: was in Carrolliown where Mrs. Robinscn was one of the
and Spangler this week on business. | belles. — Johnstown Democrat.
' Burgiars entered the postoffice at
T. F. Waltas came over from Gal-
litzin Monday and visited friends here. Millheim, this county, at an early hour
| of Patton this week. : ing of any value that could be taken.
John Boyce is leveling the lot south After getting their booty together the
of his present property preparatory to | .,hhere went to the stable of James C.
building in the near future. ‘Smith, the postmaster, where they pro-
cured a horse and buggy and made
president, has been organized at Lock ! their escape. — Philipsburg Journal
Haven to construct an electric railway Hd =
six miles in length. The line will con. : ylody:
‘nect Castanca, Flemington and Mil | | am now agent for the celebrated
| Hall with that city, and the latter Crescent ogee wa the cus Prices the
place will connect with the new Nit- very lowest. and see.
tany Valley railroad. The construc "i ACh Dm
| tion will begin in a short time.—Ex.
Others May
= Blow and Puff
and Lie
But I am doing the businéss and not saying any-
thing. Modesty is one of the best virtues and
while some clothiers are trying to sell and palm off
on you some -
I am doing a nice trade every day while they sit
around and look at each other disgusted.-—Not hav-
ing any custoniers to wait on.
A Hungarist miner named James
‘Suit, Hat, Shirt or Tie, a Nobby Pair
of Shoes or pair of Trousers
Come to me first. If I can't suit you in quality and
price then I am satisfied to let you go out
My Tailoring Department is
Just think! 24 suits to make in Tiwee Weeks.
- Suits from $20 up to $33
Be sure and call and see.
T. W. Montgomery, of Huntingdn, |
1 ureday morn and after crack-
' of Lancaster, Waiseeh. on the sireely $100 worth of stamps. They left poth-
who will blow for you? w e are still here and
at the .
We can and do sell qur goods cheaper and
give you better satisfaction than any other
store in Patton.
> Jo the
and why is it thus? Simply because ‘we
do just what we adv rtise. we do not
advertise goods at one price and sell at
another, and everybody 1s
White, Black, Rich or pr Hoping you will give us a
call we remain,
Yours ors a Bargam,
"Co to the
store for anything | in the line of
a Whur ain]
for ev erything.
Our Oil Painting and Jewelry offer is a howling sue-
; ng Ty. Ofi¢ g
‘cess. Everyone is coming tb our store since we made the
The Original One-Price Clothier,
Will not put it in his sugar, but rather
into business principles. In grocenes
we are careful what we e buy. Try us’
Buy your BOOTS and SHOES. from
us and be in luck.
Dry Goods
“Are a specialty with us.
Try usin any of the above.
We have the stock.
General ‘Merchandise,
Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues.
{ .
A We sell thie celebrated Ladies
| P. P. KID Gloves.
grand offer. We have just received a full new line of the
pee | follOWinG named goods, besides a store full all other kinds:
‘a complete line of WHITE GOODS. SURAH SILKS;
in all the leading shades. i |
land try our . seoridertil offer. Prices
lowest. A fresh line of Groceries
always on hand.
Remember the place,
Palnie Somee wavidry | Patton, Pa. J