The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 05, 1894, Image 4

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    ? { at the Postoffice at Patton as second.
class mail matter.
1. Subseribers who do not give Spin.
notice to the contrary are 6)
to Jenaw § their sobwerd
; wri
"of their periodic
tine to send
nA ‘It subscribers neglect or refuse to take
their periodicals from the postoffice to which |
are. directed; they are responsible Saf)
have settled “thyeir bills and ordered the
4 I subscribers mave to other with-
oud informing the publishers, and the pa
are sent to the former address, they are
the putilshel may con
ain until ail arrearages a
5, The Courts have dethied that at refusing to |
foals from ng |
he office or
them et jor, is prima Jems
in ad they a
atthe end "of th the time Tt
publishers ix authorized
and the subscriber will be ble until an |
express noice, with ent of all arrear- |
age. is sent to the pu
—— a
ST. order’ (he discontinuance |
On last Satarday evening the people
of Patton were astonished at the sud-
circulated through the columns of the
Pennsylvania Grit attacking and assail-
ing Dr. Murray’s character in the
recent Hodgkins trouble. A sworn
affidavit before James Mellon, J. P.,
has been forwarded to the Pennsylva-
™ | nis Grit to satisfy She yoadone minded
imbecile who assailed Dr. Murray's
| character.
i | We have traced Dr. Murray from
boyhood up and find his character
11867, and is consequently 27 years old,
and comes from a highly respected
ve | family. "He is s nephew of Hon. R. C.
Winslow, of Punxsutawney, ex-sens-
ne Ws other | tor, of Penrwytvania, now president of
the First Na:ional bank of that piace,
and also of ex-Congressman A. C.
| White, of Brookville, Jefferson county,
ione of the ablest attorneys in the
Made by Dr. ¥V. A. Murray. €alse Report |
: Corrected. : ]
acity which some malicious person had |
After a quiet winter spring comes State. Dr. Marrsy was raised near
with the promise of a very nice im- | Punxsutawney and early showed an
provement in business in Patton. The { ardent desire to become & scholar; and
dullness here was due to two causes: at the age of 18 years we find him
First, the general depression and want of | teaching in the public schools and soon
activity in all industries and commerce |
throughout the country, and second,
because of the local strike. The most
depressing part of both is past and
without something more than local
causes to stay it the tendency from
now on will be in the right direction. |
ahiparcns of cual has poen renewed
apd more men are earning wages than
there has been at any %me since last
January, and it is hoped and ‘believed
that the amount of money distributed
monthly as wages among the workmen
E of Patton will soon fully equal or ex-
ceed the best days of 188.
With the advent of spring the farm-
therafter he entered the State Normal
school of Lock Haven where he. re-
mained about a year and having passed
his examinstions with honors to him-
self and teachers. He was elected
teacher in one of the gradod schools in
Centre county, where he ocontinned
teaching two consecutive years, during
which time he was granted a pro-
fessional certificate for proficiency
shown in ench branch. Not being sat-
isfled, and having a perservering nature
for knowledge we next find him finish-
ing Wis literary education in the North
Western Normal school of Ohio and
continuing teatiing in the came
prepared himself for the medical pro-
fession, and before he had srrived st
the age of 34 years be had gradusted
speaks, paid tribute to local newspapers
as follows:
“Each year the local paper gives
from $300 to $1,000 in free lines to the
sommunity in which it is located. No
editor, in proportion to his means, does
more for his town than any other ten
men, and in all fairness with men he
ought to be supported—not because
you like him or ndmire him or admire
his writing, but because the 1. ! paper
is the best investment the community
can make. It may not be brilliantly
edited or crowded with thought, but
financially it is of more benefit to the
community than the teacher or
preacher. Understand me. [do not
mean mentally or morally, but finan-
cially, and yet on the moral question
you will find the local papers majori-
tively on the right side. To-day the
editors of the home papers do the most
for the least money of any people on
the face of the earth.”
: Found Dead in Red.
Michael Brown, a telegraph lineman,
in the employ of the Western Union
Telegraph company, was found dead
Mrs. Margaret Kelly, in Conemaugh.
It is sapposed that he died of heart
disease. He had not been feeling swell
for several days, and retired at an
early hour last evening. Friends went
to his room about 10 o’clock and found
him asleep. Another call was made
about 7 o'clock this morning and it
Deceased was
other agency can or will do this. The
in his bed this morning at the hotel of |
was discovered that he was dead.
born near Buffalo, N.
Move fv the Latest.
worked in different
country, and was put in operation in a
cotmty. A man well
dressed with a business-like air, called
npon persons in the rural districts and
represented himwelf as a governmwat
detective, with the statement: that there
was much counterfeit coin in cireula-
tion and requsteci them to show what
coin they had in their posession. He |
would then use a chemical which
would turn the coins black; declare it
spurious and take it away, informing
that another secret service officer
would follow him in a day or ‘two and
redeem the coin taken away.
The victims said nothing about it for |
some time out of fear of being ar-
rested for having counterfeit coin |
in their possession, and by this. tire |
the swindler is far away. Cambria
© Braimard’s Musieal World.
This is the oldest and most successful |
musical journal published in this |
country having been sed regularly |
and filled with choice new music and |
and you will recive a copy by retarn |
mail, or for 25 cemts three back Auwm- |
worth of new music. The Musical
World is published monthly, at $1.50
per year, by the 8. Brainard Sons Con,
Chicago, [il., who will mail their cata- |
logue of choice new music and music
books free to any one wishing it.
: Equal to Kbig Solomon's Mines
Said a gentleman who was down at
“The latest swindling scheme is being |
sections of the!
In all £30 attributes that suffice
‘make & first-class family journal.
Spares no trouble or expense to gi
and present to its readers a Gp Hav
of the Old and New World.
Jts several departments, Sone
| the management of a competant
| tor, treat fully of matters pertaining
Best work aranteed, lowest
Drop a card to Box 283, os
18-6mo PATTON, PA.
A. [oh Diehl,
en h
} ; Magen Avenue,
! Across Chest Creek.
"Presenting a complete
levery month for over thirty years. Very day.
The March number is very attractive |
valuable articles on musical subjects | Daily, one year : 5
by eminent writers. Send 15 cents, | i Daily and Sunday, UNS year.
Y., and had buen a lineman on the | vinton for the first time the other day:
He was between 35 and 40 years old over seen is the one belonging to
and single. No arrangement has yet Measrs. Webster Grifith, A. V. Barker, |
been made for the funeral as he has T. H. Bechtel 4nd perhaps others of
relatives abrowi, and no disposition tp, Blacklick Lend and Improvement
will ba made of the remains until they | Company at Vinton. Three horses can |
mountain division for several years. (sThe most dlgeats Soa] mins } ave
_. slo and See Me, -
| A. G. DIEHL,
Patton, Pa.
Adamant Plaster
Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex-
!. in the beat fire-resisting ploster.
‘Always ready for use in any season.
Does not hold gases or disease germs.
Is the par excellence for patching.
omnes |
bers will be sent containing about # The Record Publishing Cd.
917-919 Chestnut Street,
_ Philadelphia.
: Wo Svuutey ua Bogand.
i recommended by ai the
Arcitece who, Tove
this country and
Of iteslf will not crack, swell or
Will not cleave off when used - dl
rected, even in case of leakage.
. Will give you a warm house.
a woodwork by londing
Beery foot of the drift is perfectly Hived |
‘and supported with excellent timber. -
It is a model cos] mine and the coal is
unexcelled in Pennsylvania or in the
world. The company is putting ia an
‘air shaft now. —Ebensburg Mom
ai :
ihr j Bids for Now School Building.
| Louisville, Ky niversity of proposals will be received up un
Medicine at Baltimore, Md., the oldest | Monday noon, April 16th, 15 ni
{college in the United States. Since ing a brick school building in the
then he has taken a poloclynis course ' horough of Patton, Pa., from plans of |
in Philadelphia, and practicing his pro- | Robinson & Snyder, Architects. Copies
fession; since he came here, he has made | of which may be seen at either of their
many friends and is building up a good | offices in the Drexel Building, Phila-
practice, and when the people of Pat- geiphia, Pa., or the Nicholson Building, | :
ton and elsewhere loarn that this at- | Altoona, Pa., or at the office of Dale & MJ. uAkY, Barges.
tack was made on Dr. Murray to in-| Patterson, Patton, Pa. The Di
3 rectors » + a
: jare him it will redound ten fold to! | reserve the right to reject any or all To ava om Fremearer eens Soflecied ys “
+ his benefit. JOSEPH SNYDER. ! bids. Bids in duplicate, 1st, incorp-
Apposed io be Panny. orating “the Smead, Wills system of
| One times: finds it to . Heating and Ventilating, and 2nd, in-
- | consult th in order to find out what corporating a semi-direct steam system $0
his bette J : + in--Calvest {must be addressed to the Architects Taos, CALLAN, Street Commissioner. : : rs E
" . |
“soon findd it nécessary to lay away
i and sent to the Secretary of the school Ds.
“l have an ambition,” said the
your winter clothing.
district, Patton, Pa. Bond in an equal 1, *™"" of Lubligets
the bid of the
congressman, ‘to make my “mount to
presence felt by my absence.’’--Plain bidder will be exacted.
Jesse FE. Dale
[ BR NOON | 5 :
Ur UH | | I have just returned from
| the city with an clegant and
saceesaful Tov order on Trepsyrer
Dealer. ;
Chicago Girl—Under the circam- Sec. School Board,
Patton, Pa.
CRN receiving the first invoice of Spring
wi Goods. They will be made up in > complete stock of -
of | Fan away wid my ould woman, year and then discovered blood running
| stances, what would you do if you
Cut OFF » Horse's Tongue.
le tl ot he wast rics.
arner.—Life. | from ite mouth and made the discovery rl i
were in my shoes? St. Lous, Girl—Get
lost. Hallo. "The fiend who has made it his busi-
Ladies Purnishings, |
The raffle business isn’t flourishing | that a portion of its tongue had been | i correct examined the above account wi! iin
the BC HouXRVILLE, |} Only fArst-class workmen and guaran- add will occupy one of the
Clarette- What are you going to give ness to go about mutilating horses in
me papa; when I get married? Harpa- the northern part of Indiana county
Auditors. |
) [teen & perfect fit. Call early and have | rooms up stairs in the Good
Jit choice of Wie doman's guclls. | | Building.
gon—-My consent, Clairette. —La La- visited the stable of John Simpson, in To sissas HS Eon eh
Patton. Last Saturday the men at
Houtsdale took the initiative step snd
today they are to take further action.
There will be something more definite
of miners at Columbus the 10th inst.
tr DITORS' SEITLEMENT of aetounty of
Chest Spring Borough
Nine ths Catholic Church St. Auge:
For Sale by C. W. Hodgkins, ma
“in Patton, Pa. |
+ Also agent Jor the ) Hickory and Hare
By fine, brick, work, ote.
By siddary as burgess
For prices and information, write .
: Patton, Pa, lock Box Hh
i id an I 5 A A t——
Millinery Store,
Just ‘opened.
iy work on buplicsie
Ry exoneTathons
By 12 days work @ $1.79
By 3 pick handles
: Ry work peiid out f cash orders
Balance dur Borough
Jno, Fook, Treasurer
quette. | White township, on Thursday night,
More than words are wooded to ex- and cut some three inches off thé re rac
| press a weloome, * It is the heartfelt tongue of one of Mr. Simpson's finest T° money nocived from Burges
- | gladness of the dog that tells the tail.— horses. When Mr. Simpson went to
‘Ploayune. {the barn in the morning to feed his pg; caer tined
Judge—Do you know anything favor- stock, he found this particular animal BY commisdon as sollector and trons.
able about the prisoner? Witness—ie uneasy and nervous. He let him.out
- 3
Balance dos + Borough :
Iwo. MoGRrANE,
C. H. Ferry.
Go To
4th Ave., pear R. R. Station.
Shoes made t» order and repairing |
{of all kinds done promptly.
| moderate,
“| shat according to reports recived by i
several boys under 10 years of age are |
"| coaplayed in the mines at Patton, Cam- |
‘bria county, and Mine Inspector
| Evans, of Johnstown, has been re-.
| quested by the factory inspector to en-' J
{ foree She Jaws The Clilicums AN] Attornty arid Chmselor ot. Law,
) ¥ are EBENSBURG, Pa. |
mi of nen | ent 1) betnemt with rovpness
Office opposite thie Mountain Hoos.
tor will do next the Coumizn does not
know. He is a very energetic young
man and deserves a better opportunity
than he had at Houtadale. The people |
of that town need a newspaper man of
bis calibre and temperament, and it is
Es So he Zegretiad that lie Wa uot sifuated
Call and see me. Prices
The Patton
: ‘Watzn Tem oval mines of Patton were ;
running on fair time from $30,000 to |
$40,000 was paid out each month in
~ wages. The Bell, Lewis & Yates
~ copany does not pay more cash to the
1 wed amplosed. in. the sainen a1
WM avis
Attorney and Frunaelor at Law, :
Dr. King's New Discovery, for of Susquehanna, Pa., celebrated their’
coughs and colds, each golden wedding last week, and all their |
botile guaranteed—Electric Bitters, the | children and grund-children were there |
pr oamoty for liver, stomach and | to help. - When the guests were leav-
“Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, ng a favorite little grand-daughter
the best in the world, and Dr. King’s | clung to the old man’s neck - and kissed
New Life Pill which are a perfect him fondly. A hair from the little aks
pill. All these remedies are guaranteed | ones head got in the old’ man’s ‘mouth | MM CRAIN,
to do just what is claimed for them and and into his windpipe, and he coughed = Pruererik and CoNTRACTOR,
the dealer whose name is attached go violently that he bursted a blood Pution, Walnut Ren, Spengler, and Hastings.
herewith will be glad to tell you more vessel and died in a few minutes — : ADAMANT
of them. Sold at City drug store. Philipsburg Ledger. Estimates given on ali
. Slot Machines Must Go. A Million Fricuds.,
A decision recently rendered by A friend in need is a friend indeed, |
Judge Martian Bell at H 90001 Sew tien vue sillion: poopie McNEE ROYAL. of Liverpool,
udge Actin BN Witiugion ve: ve found just such & | LL L, [iH AL, of Livepeen
| ping i to Jock! yesders.. In ol ine New Discovery for consump-, BARBER AND Ham presszr, | HOME, of New Yor
opinion of the Blair county judge, | tion, coughs ‘and colds.—1If you have | In the room forine rly accapled by Otto Glosser, | | GERMAN, of Pittsburg.
a Marriage Libotuas for Bamioris.
The following marriage licences were
issued by the of the Orphans’
Oaurt OF the Week ending Wednesday,
‘March 28, 1804:
Frank M. Hesiop and Elsie J.
: All tm! business promptly attended to.
Office on Centre Street,
or THE =
Located on the cormer of
Magee and Fifth avenues, in
| | | the central and business part
| Represents de follomwl the town, only one minate’s
ing old reliable | walk from the railrcad station.
Fire Insurance emererrmmens
Rates, $200 perday.
: es - ; : =
A Modern Hotel, heated by
plastering a specinity,
{Rin Is of work. !
M. M. CRALN, Putten, Pa. |
First-class work suaran-
Reinhart Henger. and Lucy Oyler,
pickel-in-the-slot are not necessarily |
gambling devices. The judge, how- |
ever, held that slot machines in which
| a nickel is dropped and by that means |
Opens House bloeic,
never used this great cough medicine, | ~ "
one trial will convince you that it baw Hair Cat 2 cents, Shave 10 cents, Shampoo |
| steam—entirely new—sample
‘Also the Equitable Li rooms— livery in connection
| wonderful curative powers in all dis-
| eases of throat, chest and lungs. Each |
|, and Sea Foam 10 cents,
Insurance company, of N
—first-class in every Teper
—headquarters for Commer
oo Michael Rello, Mahafley, and Parin-
5 cial men.
Roceo, Hastings. apparatus and the jury was directed to | claimed or money will be refunded.
" Somph Loy ember snd Bl Fon
Y ork, the largest in the wor
return indictments against waers | Trial bottles free at City drug store. | :
- he owas » Office and residimee ou Magee avenue, next
Tange bole bm, and F0 oc nt rc 0 es Dale & Patterson,
dice are thrown was purely & gambling | "ote la guaranteed foe all dat uw}
Buy the celebrated Crescent ah al Sven ty. # oe
Special attentios given to Fevers & PATTON, PA
of such machines. sinsntimnl Sh
Thermometer 100 degrees, Boda 2
Building o
degrees, price 5 cents at Hodgkins. | for sale by A. C. Yiuiow, Patton, Pa. | case of Children. ullding over
at the Palmer house Friday. : im Xu
Good Bar in connection.