" seigniordge bill was read, potwitbetand- a Olesie Joy was not entitled fo a seat a the test of deck piercing shells. ‘go leave om foot but bis followers could REED WANTED A LITERAL RE-} : Mechanios aru elated over “thet snsoase | CORD PRESERVED. in the Pittsbtirg pablic echoc! mutter and | : are preparing to 02st the {noe in the | Galtitzie; Cenchiin cont tv £¢ hoole. There | waa a conference bere Toeed iy pigbt pre | pargtory lo entering legal proceedings. | 1 8ix directors of the ‘Geltitzin echouls have | gigred a reply to an article to the ale chenis organ in which they epy ih brill Catholic catechism is tanjbt or 8DY echool law violated. bl ds dp Si © NSP STILL ARBTRARY 10 RULING Presticnt's Mestage Veto the Bland BI Was Read. Wasmnavox, March 30.—Alibonab yesterday's tumultuous procecdings were | mot repented in the house to day, slong toward the close of the eoesion the afr - was heavily surcharged with. the electri city of partisan feelicg and business was transacted onder corsideruble pressure of feeling. While the jonrnal will ebow thet some parliamentary action wes taken in the course of the day, but Jittle real prc- ‘gress was made. A large part of the day ‘was spent in a vain effort by Reed (Rep., | 4 Me.) to secure ap amendment to the jour- mal of yesterday's proceedings so that it would state that the Speaker bad de- elined for no reason given to entertain an appeal from Mr. Pane, of New York. Io £5¢ course of the day the Speaker declit- | Beorgia. #1 again to entertain an appeal from the game gentleman snd stated that no mem- ‘ber bad a right to ask the Ohsir for his -gonsons for making bis decision. The journal wes fivally approved: snd the : ‘previdert’y message vetoing tbe Blard shiny | cRise oecu wes wilt Heed the Petition of Nis Fellow Democrats and Remain in the Mnuse. WASHINGTON, March 30 --Bopresenta tive Osdmne, of New Jerse), gircalated 8 petition to Speaker Orisp dinring the dey the «fect that bis tbligations to a roy ead put at this time make it imperative that he sacrifioh any persovsl desires ir his premises, anil appealing to him to declive the honor of senstorship tendered Bm by Govertor Gordon, of Within two hore pearly 160 oll signed the petition. To-night the decided to (jeeline the sp pointment to sacosed Cole dist. mn aiid More Bering Soa Ecthmglomvat. WasnixeroN, March 3(i.~-As 8 result of to days cabinet meeting it is - stated on good authority that wiles England agrees by May 1 to the mo das vivendi the United States will arrest all poachere in the Bering tes. Berretary flerbert has heen directed to sssembdle 8 fl set iv the North Pacific for that purpose. A bill will ba fotrodnoed in Congrees next week anthor- ming Creat Britain to nrrest American poachers if Eogland pastes » similar bili allowing the Un.ted Stats to arrest Brit- ish ponchers. : Latolaw Gets 25, HO Damages. New Vorx, March 30 -The jory in the case ¢; Tmidiaw vs Sage for $50,000 dam-~ | aged randered a verdict thie evening of $25,000 for the plaiotiff. The case is the fag the point of order by Boun’clle made _ against the intervention of sny business “while (he house was executing fhe terms . of the special order adopted yesterday. A gquoram failed to vote on Springer’e “motion to lay it on the table. A motiod was made by Burrows to reconsider the vole by which the house decided that ve from the Eleventh die. a Mimourl, aud at S90; under the rales, a & recess was taken until 8 o'clock, : the evening session being for the coneid- aration of private pension und refief bille. covet Gens Plircing 7312 Inch Steel Plates With Thoveand beescneo BEAVER FALLS | spoke, bat stmply echoed Browne, | evening a mess mweting was held in the. SUN- ‘DAY AFTERNOON. THE FORGE BOUBLED 1 HEW RECRUITS B ae Ben SES. i ftemriy rer pies fret ship Pas ople . ed 1p By Wapeh Lands of Provisi Praven Feog, Pr, Apnl - To day wag n red letter ¢ dey tor Coxey. Ope har- irsd apd 8fty woroits joined His army hare, mod the p ypulnoe tendered the Com | mon wesle: 8 the biggeet reception they | bave jet received en route. At 3:3) thie | morning tents were strack at comp Mei son Butler, pear New Gelilee, fo dowing which the first religtons service that has been Leid en route was begun. Hervices begsn with 8 cornet golo by Berd Con ductor Thayer. Tha army jolted 1m ov singing “Hold the Fort,” es adapted by Carl Browne. Brown then made a short sddress. taking for his text the 14th shop: ter of Jobe. He likened tbe prophets of the present generation to those of John's time, saying they were leading the peo ple on in a falee meaner. Ioterest bear. ing bonds, reincarnation and other sub. jeots were treated on. Coxey and Smith Thie opera house. Coxey and Browne were the chief speakers. The soldiers who bave been marching sivce the first day are growiog disgusted over their small rations and are inclined to think that with the 1pcrensed force the provisions wlll not bod out. Bread and black coffee made up te-nights diet after ten miles of a tramp. Five wagon loads of provisions and £35 cash were donated by citizsene here. In the morning the army marches to Sewickiey. A stop will bn made at Economy, where Dues will feed them. Datlington rrecianed Under Martial law. Corcwnia, 8. O., April 1.--The gov- ernor bas declared ‘Darlington and Fic- rence coun ies in a state of inenrreetion snd has iesnedl a proclamation ordering result of the Noreroes tugnb explosion in | Sege's ifiice a couple pears Ago when Laidlaw ¢ lsime Sage ve dd him a8 8 shinid | on the missile sand that | ipjaries thereby. Pound Shells. SaxpyY Hook, N. J., Maréh 29.— A large party of distinguished people arrived on the steamer Ordnance today to witness A large stes! plate had been placed ie position against 8 heavy wooden backing and a _ large sand butt plate weighiog thirt)- five tone, 1334 inches thick and the shots fired through nearly made a wreck of it. A twelve inch breech-loading steol rifle to save hime! fo he received (prermntieni The esonrt dented a'mot bn for a new trial ‘but granted » stay of execution for forty days. “Ar sppeal will be taken by Sages | lawyers, Eight Children and s Servant HBuarsed- McKzxpass. W. Va, March 20.—Jobe ‘Wilt's residence was be roe this morning. Hie eight children snd Molly Hendrick, 8 servant, were burued to death. Two of she obildren were twins, six weeks old sud y [the mother made an anaviiing effort to save them. Weges Volantarly Advanced. Pennapsirais, Marsh 29, ~The om- ployes of the big worked yurn mull of '| Westerbolme, Herrigim and Clark at | Frankford are compelled to work over. time in order to fill urgent orders for goods, Several othe: mills in Kensing- ton are putting a full force of employes to work. The busine @ of Taylor & Co., shoe manufactaress, ies increased ss that | they bave vo nstarily advanced the wages | of asters 25 per cent. oss pA BA When the duster] army arrived Jast night come cf the men were 80 faint from hunger and expose that they dropped in their tracks snd were picked up and earriad to camp bey i smrades. A beet findoer Removed for I~ ali val Reasons, and 400 pounds of flovr were purchased | PonapeLr nis, Merch 19.—Wm. BE. by citizawe but the meu were $0 famished i Lauder, hint of the local farce of Uopit- : that theit iomach would not retain food. ed Htates seoret sort ica sgents, has been General Fs ored removed from office sod will terminate Frye sudear to get The men bis connection with the trensary. depart- | ment at the close of the present month. | Politios] rewons »3¢ sovigoed for his re- moval, Lindner beir.¢ a Republicsn. te Harmasy va Botaf yea (Question, Loxpow, March 3)-—Beyard said this evenivg that comphite accord exists be- {tween the United lates and Great Brit- | aio regerding tbe tpethods of enforeing the sward of Bering: sea arbitration trib- neal and that any fears of difficulties a . mot walk, owing to weakpese. Diplossatio Flurry wits Kagisid Probable. Lowpon, Masr 22. ~The Central News is sntisiuty for the statement that 8 new g difference has arisen in Bering sea nego ; Torr: tars eho Loves of Ameriean Whesimen Racing Board je | who hile print m who filled the ode duce | the fmt sdmivietest ion of and that the latter has aveptel, The pomivation, it is stated, will ech ably 7 bo seat to the sen- ste Mondsy. © ind leted 11 avceny and Forgery. Kew Yorx, March 30.—Willism T. Zell, seceetary as 3 treasarer of the OF _ ciated by sttendects st bicycle toarne- - ments. Tn the future po rece promot r 0am advertise spy noted rider for his tour aamdnk unlees Ho bas 186 writlen consent | bib Valley and Wilkestatre onl com ot the man 10 ride, under the pemalty of | 20; igery vl the third aeures, 90d forfeiting the privilege to sscurs sanction | yrand lsrcency 1) the first degree. for foture meats. Racing men will mak. : A Triple Rensing. themselves liable to suspension if they _ prowise foappesr st a meeting and do Panis, Tex., Merch 30.—Jim. Upkive, colored, who oui raged a six year old girl; not give two weeks’ notice of a ohnoge of | Edurado Gotzsles, 8 Mexican who killed Jobu Danis 8 Jeune} taagbet and Mas) sao ping Davie, why killed] a nsighbor obo | Safe Blowers Captured. ne were har.ged together bere to-day. | Ouxsrep Fars, O., March 29.—Six | The execotion vias perfect. ; ‘men this morning entered the Lake Sbore PE. station, bound the operator and stiempt-| 4.) perowy, Pa, March 30.— William od to Llow open the sufe. Two farmers | Sweeny died ai Catasauqua thie morning | bearing the tivise of the explosion, bur-|aged 107 years. He was born in county . ried to the rescue of the operator with Kerry, Ireland, Nov. 2, 1786. - He was the | : iather of fifteju children. His father | _ gaos. After several shots bad been ex-1} 004 to be 119 changed the robbers fled, but were sub- fmm sequently captared by a poses after a Auutirie Viet Nevovered, » WiLksssans 2, Pa. March 30. —Part of , harp fight. Hine otkiers Were Srrested oh the remaine of koother vietim of the Gray- > i : Lord mine dius ater waa foaod to-day. : Gladetone’'s Reply to the Liberals, : : One Kt jod, Severs] Injured. Loxpox, Morch 29.—Gladotone reply- Peon. Ills, March 80.—Ope ing to the farewell letter from the Liberal wes killed apd eeverai injured by ng to the farewell eta from the Libera! | 20 og of 8 ater pipe bere 10-day. liberal-anionists, writes thet address be!pe him cherish the bope that the day may come for the reduction or extinction of | sehites la the party which has bean digee- ous on all sides. mnt toms on ola mills of Bowland snd Schmitt, man. 'ufacturers of ;ace curtains, were burned | yesterday. Loes $50,000. the people assembled to prevent the eo- | foreeraent of jodicisl proceedings to dis- | bod apderetire posceably to their re- | apéctive abodes within 23 house The governor hae alfa tha tela ares companies not to trunmit wed of the warlike tendency aud ibe | reiiroad sutboritics not to trineport soy bodies of men uulecs authorized by bie. or des Lt ’ | The sitostion is grave. It is npderstood 500 citizens have agreed to go to Dar- lington to sesint the citizens who sre sf- ter the coustabien, tin pen A Bhured With the Absrander. ‘Naw Yorx, April 1.—Oherles E. Ber- tholomew, publisher, has been arrested on the charge of being party to a con- spirscy to defrund the American Es cbange Nations bank of this city. His pertner in crime is seid to be an sb soonded bookkevper of the bank, who shared with the prisoner tbe bank's fands. The nmount involved is said to be between thirty and forty thousand Gears. Xo Troon st Colm. New Yor, April 1.—The Western sgint in Colnmbia, 8. U ARMS turbed. nsnal Precuntion whatever, 1 Troops Movin on Dariington. Cuasrmsron, 8. C., April 1.--The Gor- don light infuotry yosterdey de lined to obey the gowernoc’s orders to go to Dar- lington, ss did also the Sumpter infantry and Fourth brigade of Charleston, the largest troop in the state, but several it couspuules 850 oviR v6: Dugg: ton. a —— —————————— SW S—— Wassinaron April 1.--At 8 confers snce yesterday between Secretary Greeb- ae snd members of the senate foreign of | affairs comasties, regarding the new Be ring Ses bill it was agreed that smend- ‘ments should be made to provide that no part of it be effective until Eogland has enscted & similar law. ' Rangisad’s Bertug Sea Bilt Withdrawn. * Loxpow, April 1.—The Bering son bill introdaced in the house of commons bes been withdrawn by the government for modifications. This action is the result of further correspondence between the Loodos and Washmgton governieots, The modified Mil will be introdveed Thureday. : » ; Decision Tot the Xron Hall. Pritapruriia, April 1.—The jadge in | the common pleas court vesterday handed | down su opinion declaricg that the fonds of the Iron Hall in Penvsylvania must be awarded to receivers of vupreme lodge of the order sitting in Indianapolis, snd be | distributed [rom there. Deadly Natural Gas Explosion. Avsxaspaia, Iad., Ape. L--The White side block on Main étreat was demolished by s ternfic explosion of nataral ges last night. Seven men were buried in the ruine four were burved to death and others taken out badly injured. Pregieg for a ox Tor 5 Hoosiver. Puitapureuti, April 1.—A bill bas { been filed in United States circuit court asking that & receiver be appointed for the National Mutual Bond snd Iuvest- ment company and thas it be restrained trom doing business in Peaneyivanis. y Balt APN $1 i ial. { hits opens apd wil be forte aie greatly du- | They wish to stata thst the ety | is perfectly quiet sud it ie aSnecessary to | jerease the police force or take any nc- ; wi RECEIVE AW a anion. | Fist Pasyseger Trairs airs Over ‘the Fairmen’. More : ganiown snd Pichory Read. Prrrenuro, Apr. 1.—the passenger train « vor the. Feanu gantown and Pittet Pi tt ot wt, Mor ran of 3 0! ; ig Monday morotng § R31 5 oelock g0¥re THis io paw braveh ol the Pleriiny and the par wore carved nidsy. Tha Balt:ziore aud Ohio will rao ruins drily, except Sanday, over the new Lentiel, Ope wil leave Pit sbharg at RH Fairmont ut 2 Oa the retarn the train will: Pittabarg at A. atid arrive at kD. MH Fairmout 8:50. Fairmont, in Pittaburg at 2 2. ¥., leave Pittsburg at 5:5) rp uM, Fairmont at 11 ». wu. train each way will be run. it 3:06, arrive in leaving at 8:15 a M., wrrive and returning arriving at All along the live the first train will re- ceive an ovati100, cepecieily st the towns, (wud acted as a gourd oto emp. which heretofore have not bad railroad was no distarbapce. Tue Allegheny service. They »re Outerop, Gave, Great Haven, Point Murion snd Ven Vorbie. Mr. E. D. Smith, of the Baltimore sud Qo, will accompany the first train. He | said that the above two trains would be ran as stated notii the regular apring | sshedule in May, when arrangements will | be made for trains ¢ ver the branch to coo- | pect with the regular traipe oo the main | line at Fa‘rmont. Business on the new branch is expected to start with a boow, ne the country tra- | versed by thie line has heretofore beev reached either by boast or io a round. sboat way. nc i A — A — THE TARIFF BATTLE. Free-Traders and Protectionists Preparing te Lock | Horns in the Senate. WasHixaron, March 31 —The present outlook does pot indicate that very great! beadway will be msde with the Tariff | bull in the senate this week. There are a number of questions, inelnding two ap-! propriation bills which are. pendiug and | which ils senators interested io them | will doabtiess dry to bare covsidered be- fore the tariff is taken np to thee stent of sngroseing whi the time of the senate. nndont te ily make & speach lu support o the ball nna Allison of the Republicen side of the Senator Voor bees will ye Di ou whall cbzmber during this week, avd it is prov- able that a few other speeches will be msde on both sides; but it is the gedersl’ opision of senators thst the week will not exhanst a grest portion of the speech- making which the bill will surely develop. There is a purpose ot the part of the Democrsts to have the bill disposed of st the agriiest practicsbls moment, while the Republicans mean to bold it off ss long se there is any possibility of encom: pessing its defeat. The Democrats sre pot. so positively suré of passing the bill as in geoersily supposed, and they realize thet there sre two or three shoals that are likely to give ttem considerable tronble. The most se- rious of these are the Sugar schednle snd | the income tax. Senstors Hill and Mo- Pherson, of the Democratic side of the chamber, have aiready given notice of i i tent to ant % t ines | Union bas received the following from its | Ss intention to antagonize the - The Mayor | AX, ‘stage of tiie debate SATURDAY iN THE HOUSE. Both Sides Take a Rest.—The River and Rurbor As proprigtion iti Usnered in. WASHINGTON, a 1. Bat jitths bus! ness wis transacted in the house yester- day. By 1napimons cousent the CF Neill- Joy cootested election case waa post- poned until Monday. Payne Bop. R N. Y.) made a personal explanation in tion to ap assertion by Speaker — Thursday that be (Payne) was in contu- macieus defiance of the speakers orders, disclaiming avy such intention and ote- ting that the speaker was unjost in sing- ling him out the way be did. Oatobings introdnced the river sad harbor sppro- praticl bill snd the bouse then proosed- | ed to bear eulogies upon the late Repre- sentative Charles (/Neill (Pensa.) * Latest from Darlington. Cosnvmnia, 8. J, April J—THioven companies of state troops departed this alternocu for Darlington. Thirty volun teers have arrived bers ready to obey the governors orders. Reports trom Darling- ton state that reports of the pursuit of |. covstables has been abandoned. MoLen- ‘| noo, who was supposed to be mortally wounded, is alive snd bes been rescued from jail by {rienda. Further trouble is | teared it the troops from Columbia are al- lowed to land in Darlington. : Salaries Against Wasninerox, Apr. L.—The Ibe ill of Gol. Stone to provide for the payment to] United States distriet attorueys, insr- | sbhals and clerks salaries instead «! fees has been unanimously reported to the. house judiciary committee, It fisea the salaries of these officinls at $4,000 per apam, Saturday’ . 's Hasehall Games. Prrapsrriia, April 1.—~The base- ball games yesterday resulted as followe: | Philadelphia League team 14. Universi- ty of Penosylvania 7. Ab Bethlebem, Pu. 14bigh 12, Williams 6. ue 6. All Will Prosably Die. - Rapromp, Va., April 1.—The bridge disaster of Friday was much worss than first expected. Of the eight mea who went down not one will probably live. Six bave already died. : © La Carom, the Spy, Dead. Loxpox, April 1 =-8py] Le Caren aed today. i firet regulat | i arg ratiroed will be: fae eRe The other train will make up at On Sanday one Pervntlal until the town line was recebel, |tered. The mobi stopped but at | | outcome. | 7 ROADS ARD WEATHER “FAVORA. | BLE FOR A LONG MARCH. lng SIT ox SHOVING SERIOUS, S560 Men Oat ot Houlz Jule and Osceola. National Oflloers Don't Approve oi Spapenstion ; Sewicrnmy, Pa, April 2- Coxe e ary made eightien piiles to-day. Belore jeaving eamp Valley Forge, #0 Geneve college students maden call and reqne why an address Brown sod Coxuy compiied, Tue nrmy got started at 10:30, faw with fine weather and fuir roads. A foot cold luneli was served st Beonomy, 14 miles oat, by John Duse, Alter sv hontls rest the merch wus resumed ard wes ng - i | where Sheriff McKealvy with a detail of | detectives ond troops inspected the army There camp will be called camp Kirkland. A 'm veter demonstration is promised “ot | Pittsburg ; | stiustion n the Coal Fields. PmLiwano ac, Pu., April 2 ~The ool fields sitnation is sa follows: Complete | suspension in the Houtsia)e and Osoeols districts, 3,500 men striking Partial | suspension in Cambrix coanty, the | ére waiting ou the wetion - of the Beech | Creek atid DuBole districts. Officers of ‘the patiooul zod district organ oppose i suspension until action can taken by ‘tw patiopal convention’ meets io Columbus April 10th. | be | | pando bind ! i { rao THOUSAND NEN Our AT SCOTTOALE. Trouble is Feared and | Weawy Guards Wave Seen Placed on ths Works. Hosripaun, Pa, April 2.-To day's | sonvention voapimounsly endoreed the sttion of tbe previous convention and de- | olared in favor of the strike which star | thie morming. A masse meeting will be beld to-morrow to sdopt mesures to ry out the plans to geperalizy the strike. | Two thoontaod out’ of 9,000 are on & strike to-duy. President Davis says the ‘mther 7,000 are ooly awaiting the action o? te-Aay"y convention. Hoos and Slave gwar goer the town and threaten to cmpel the remainicg men to go nuk Troably in feared. The sheriffs of Weat- morsliid and Fayette counting have teen appealed to for aid. The works are strongly jmarded in expectation of ap at tack. Tre operators claim only 1,000 are’ (vat snd fear mo great increase. The Seottdule Iron and Steel company made & 15 per cent. cut to-day in the wages of puddiers. The men agreed 4 to outings work. IMPROBABLE vEroRT. | Somebody Hearts & Story That Clearfield Minors | Wl March to Vanisad Preresvno, Pu, April 1.—The ooal mivers of the Clearfield region sre pre- parieg for a movement like Cozey. It is proposed to cross the Riate to -yland ' snd samp in Comberland snd. 's. | Creek undil they encceed 1 ind od the shure there to jose them in a for bighor wages. Low i { Qorase, manger of Peter Jackson is in od H He is a happy man. because of the move of the Corbett contingent. He “I std glad to see that the Corbe t plo Lave taken.a tamble $6 theme and are baginniog to look foward PE us the steno of the battle. Corbett is | 1ing to play the patriotism dodge, {olivwers of the este hive 10 #54 with him, I will post ey pest dept | and be ready for bu ines when ibs time ~ We've bad u good seasosjond are | gut ction} with the yeurs work. | ain sare ar tint Corbett actually believes he casrwhip Jackett, but st the seme time be appiesls ates tho fact that be is not fighting anol. er Mitchell. «I don't believe that be can get away with ns stars «nd stripes blaff, and be will have to fight with less blaster: The public wea't stasd that sort of thing from bim. Sallivan is the only man who could doit. He was an idol of the publie, but Curbett is not. 1 Lave rade a bit of mot ey with Jackson, sod if T mest 1 ses wil ling to lose it. I sm estisfied with my msv. - Peter is good enough for me; sad I am willing to take os chance with him ot any stage. I think the betting on the fight will be boat 10 t6 7 on Corbett. He will have no ceke-walk, and, it Juckeon io defeated, bis conqusrer will Xow iiss hes been to » fight.” PAT WALSH APPOINTED APPOINTED SENATOR. Beorgin te Opoeeed Cloviant. : Artaxra, April 2—-Governor North. "| ern to-day appointed Pat Walsh, owner | ator. Walsh bas scoepted, Heis & ne~ offioe, thy s namber of years promineut in the Pt Ho affairs of Georgie. He was formerly s member of the Democratic nations! com. nomiostion vigorously. { Tend Talk oy Agia, Wassinarox, April 2.—The esnate de- bate on the tariff bill wes opened with speech by Voorbeee, chutirman of the com. mittee on nance. The McKivley toriff was denounond as an aot of robbery, wn- bridled estortion and contrasted with the Walker tariff of 1846 ‘of blessed and glotions memory.” The sugar provisions of toe McKinley bill web characterized ne 8 jamble end 8 fread, the recipevellf festure declared an * : treak,” and the opposition to the tax feature of the Wilson bill came from the * ‘barrow sad corroding. wishoms of riches.” The bill then went over ll fo- Dorrow, when the Republican oe wil | be presented by Allison. Tbe house Slibustered oll dey -d he Bones to sit sontinutasly froes to-E0mow, noon oti the cess bes bess doped ofl, Sorutintutng Telegrams Jograme Distastetul. Covomnia, 8. C., April 2--Tbe New berry rifles, who bave besu gasrding the | state Bouse and seting as sore, to-day resigned sod ne | SCOTTDME wens Eman wn INCREANE. : Tools Saturday Night, : Scovepare, Pa, April 1.—Mase ioe [lugs were he sd at Millers, Leodeenri | Hatebinson and Culnmet to-day and id largely attended the Scottdale convention demanding sn This proposition was endorsed by the Hutchitsob meeting. Leisenring deci- | ded to iswait the notion of to-morrows "| Boottdaie covveoticn. The indicstivus are that some miners will stop work to- morrow morning, bus the strike will not 'be general. The employes of the Cam- bris Tron company took their toobs out | last night. The company’s two mines ‘with 00 coke ovens will be idle to mor » ee Ta Eh allits ABHINGTOX, v— ridge direct examination was concluded at 12:41i this afternoon. On. CH i Pollard's allegations. He admitted his sotions with youug women, ioolading Miss Pollard, were inexcusable. No man bad less cause for them thau be bad. He proposed to take all the consequences of his wction ezoept ove—marrying the plaintiff. Ha claimed to have ns recol- lection of writing a letter addressed ** Dear Sister Louise,” which Miss Pollard | ment ig Ciociopati under the alias of Lonise Wilson. : Women “Assuult o . Rubb, | | Me Kexsrort, Pa., April 2—A¢ a Hun- claims was wrote her during ber eoufine- L {Euir srios. They gave as a ronson thal and fre both preparing speeches | : The Cambria iron Company's Men Removed Their thoy hatevod th oy ind been called here ~ | mgainst 5st which will be heurd at an early | and members of city povernment are ap- | | prehensive that it ja i boagbt thronghout | the country tbat O { to protect life snd property not te ory | tinige oitipene private affaire. . Gow. am min scespted their resignation. poonces that only ope constable is _— Action was taken 8! to have bean Killed sad one (Gailland) : missing. 1neresse of wages, deciiring in favor of a | strike it their demands were refused. mp hs, AA— Two bore Botien body, tbat of Jobn Morrie, was st Piysionth this morning. It was four tally decomposed, the ‘worst yet found. It in believed the remains of the others wii! te recovered to morrow, - The sleventh body, John Hummer, wes toand in the Gaglord mine ebortly aller i leedy fimtie Tairous, Sod Sy -Bagorts § Brecken- | goad tell of 8 na kingdom of Bornu between en army 30,000 strong snd the Sultan o Borpu's troupw of about. equal sumbeis The boraders won cumini ir SEE garian-Polish-Jewish synagogue enter day while preaching Rabbi Kunis’ ot of- | tendid several female membersof t gregntion who ds>manded that : his remarks and retract those alrendy ut- "1 | quest of his supporters began le at | the women closod around him began |to assaalt him. A general fight followed | ' between the two factions, the result being indecisive. A division of the sud several lawsuits will probably be the ea Ca Buparmst, April 1.—Kossuth was bur ied to-day. Three hundred Wtomssnd persoos from all parts of Hungary attend: ed the tunersl. 7 There was no Beltshoover ver Stilt i Weak. | Casuisus, Ps, April 1.- —Belizhoover's | | condlition is still very weak. of | | cosse| [Sams Poti April 2--Pk ro. | Sequard, the tumous phy ad | Hed 66. : Major Rathbone | Hawwraw, O., April § bone has been selected by Killed » Friend in & Oarensak Prerssuna, April 1.—The : drunken onrousal yesterday in that rick Rowan shot sad killed Those. C pers, a life-long friend. Shamokin Miners Strike. Suavoxty, Pa., April %. Two against a ten per cent. reduction. Owner and Eater of “The “et *The Chronicle,” Augnets, snd editor of the Augusta Obronicle; mee tive 2 [relend, 55 years old and mever ; stiuempt bo secure & quorum fo oct cu he - Recovered. Wis xsnanan, Pa, April 2.—Thetenth D00D. Ho loaves » wife but uo chiliren. | of Congressman Beltzhioover remains an ii mittee. Ho opposed —
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers