THREE. pearonues Sow He and & Patnous Gorman Flabersias | Captured Bobby, Body snd Tommy. Soms of Their Trieks—They Live Upon Salt Water Fish. Of all tho different animals that go to i SAT the birthplaon these seals is not knows, bot when they | . ‘youngsters they were found on one of the islands off Coxshaven in Germany. | fo protect its fisheries, and as seals ave . soconstant menace to fish the govern- meat pays a reward of 5 marks for the * Sapiurs of eich sev) There is a famous | fisherman in Germany pamed ; ran ual when Captain, Weston, | who bad been on many tuating and | other, combine together in varying de- be the boat itself which is caught then pulled them up, we found hat we had <P? about 20 seals, but when they found ~ themwelves altogether they became en- re and fought among themselves, ~ biting. scratching and tearing, even - killing ove another, until there were ouly three left, and these three are the same three | have today. ~~ Ome has only sa faint ides of the ~~ minount of patience which it requires to teach a fich, for such a seal really is. It Tooks easy to see one of ‘ny seals play the banjo or a harp, but it took me three months of hard work every day to teach them to do this even in an im- _ perfect manver, and the only reason o that I can give is that they have been captivity over one year, and yet | 1 have Dad mine, many tines. thet. nt discovered be was seen on the be comes Same at o’en, he is pligated to say nothing about the audience. * ia the best seal | ever. had, the best 1 “ever will have, and | think that be bas | an affection for me, and that be knows | | or simont avervthing that 1 say to him. Yes, the care of seals is a great one. deep em io a tank, and above the : i a shelf for them to lie on when BREE FievEls ; op 2 ft. re i 4 § if: "i, " i] ET g 1 1 3 Hi i ] g : if inteHigent eyes 1 look up gt RH ly knew how y talk to me. —New : A pisician who got rid of some of struments and bought others | Exchange. % SRR i rear A BFR3w FL; | i E i an expression which tells me : would cer- | ork Tribune. 3 tl 1 I H {38 sole of ond Lome, “tissue be of animal or Bion Hes, # i "is soon observed that all living thing nre made up of minute bodies called i : a. ts Tit : i rE right creature, the prow up its soft, gently sloping side | 1H i Bit 8.5 ef i s dE jE: ie : Hi wr 2 § fis i amd keep their logs apart, | line rons merrily down the the boat and over the bows. two miles of it there, and a boat will lie alongside to splice | if the first shonld run sbort, the end In 7 2e in 3 ita 78 gif up of whaling. The line bas ueu- ally been coiled when it was wet, and as it runs out it is very liable to come atinity, cording as the atoms are of in ioops, which whiz down the boat the different elements. This being the between the men’s legs. A man lassoed case it is easy to understand why myr- in one of these nooses is fous ay] ay ; inde of theses atoms of all sizes and fathoms deep befcre the shapes, fitted snugly one against the time to say, '* Where's Jock?" rn it - grees of intensity to baild ap stroctures down it goes like a cork on a trout lire, possessing all the various degrees of and the man who can swim with a stitbility and solidity. Some of the most whaler's high boots on is a swimmer in- wimderful theories ever advanced on deed. Many a whale has had a Par- ths atomic theory are by Sir William thian revenge in this fashion. Some Thomson, the English scientist. In one years ago a man was whisked over with of these articles he proves by three dif- a bight of rope round his thigh. ferent trains of arguments that an atom *‘George, man, Alec's gone!” shrieked camot be greater than the one one hun- - the boat steerer, heaving up his ax to ' drid and 6fty milHonth of an inch nor. cut the line.- But the harpooner canght Jess than one-five billionth of an inch. his wrist. - “Na, na, mon,” he cried, «4%, Louis Republic. am a the widdie.”" And so it was arranged A CHimbing Palloek. while Alec: shot on apon his terrible r bouses in the journey. —A: Cozan Doyle in McClare's . a granary from which the beasts await- ing: execution are fed. The way to it is be Dame is Robinson. She is, take her a’ was In a’, the very pink o’ pe: . When 30 te off bg boots 1a the pa age. She Hit Frith g oR 2 R ir | i BF gD ¥ 8 i Hi TEE F $ : g 8 J 3 ef Fs ¥ i ; i : : 1 A ; : f ; | ; Li °F it Fir St | i Jhi3s jis sh i & i Ij i s si ho i : : i : : 2 .—New York San. That Buy Again. london an American, who had met _ It makes me tired," said Wilde previously, rushed ap to him and 0 see the style the Henderbys put on | yy out Oscar drew back a when every one knows that are as | poor as-—as poor as’ mom——_— | * “Plaster, "’ interrupted Tommy. “Yes, as poor an plaster, | ~—porous plaster. If y ro. Send that impudent kid to bec ber minstes, I'll Hek him till he can’ - Then Mr. Figg pat his baton well | ‘down over his eyes, and not heeding his | Nios Svice 10 Naa iia Oyerihies went | down town. —Indianapolis Journal, Foreed to Confess. a capital sentence can be carried If, Bowever, the culprit persists | protesting his innocence in the face | | SHOE. - ‘‘the ofl money'll be a good thing for bre ¢ fan, DANIELSON & ENGBLADS | WB 4th Ave, near BR. R. Station. 3.4 Shoes made to order and repairing | ; done : of all kinds promptly. ne AVENUE RESTAURANT, LR Se yDEm, Prop’r, y | Fifth avenue, below Beck's Hotel. will serve | | geod menls al ui! hours. Keeps everythi had in a firstclans rere” Orvers| | served in ey syle. We nake a ty of | | OYSTERS IN THE HALF SHELL. | represented: ROYAL, o of Liverponl —4s 681 44: | HOME, of New York. . ‘4 1$9,328,754.44. GERMAN, of Ptr. Cot cpal $200,000; assets ssets held in vu. 8. $7469, sh capital $3,000,000; assets 1 MjaRarrEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class. Best of and Wines at the bar. Stabling stisched, . GEORGE To = TE ATT - NEAR TWE PATTON HOTEL. [$514,137 46. AE REPRESENT THE . = i Equitable Lite Inst rance apy, of New ork. THE LARGEST hl THE WORLD. All kinds of isundry work hia Assets, $1 53, 060 052. tie. Wark called Bor and delivered withoat | Reserve, $121 Sioass.. ERE Beck Hotel, will” receive. | spin $31, re DALE & PATTERSON, Agts., fice in Good ag; Over : P “ . Pa First Na Ev erbody i is coniiiglly invited t to > call ad see our large stock of goods which are offered for AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, ° jon Avenpe, PATTON, PA. ¢ am prepared to do all kinds of work in my Na at reasonable Contracts taken and atimates fo when desired. Hatistisrtion | | guamnteed Give me » call. kW. BITTNER. CoxTraCTOR AND BUILDER. | the Fy Estimates submitted on short notice. PENNA. In will be our constant supply the wants of all our customers and keep a class of goods to select from. We ave a full line of m0 5000S, BOOTS SE, And everything kept in a first a specialty of the best grades o FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, - GRAIN, - ETC. A large assortment of CARHETS, OIL CLOTH. MAT. : on hand. Also nL PATTON, S. WESTBROOK, R. S Manufacturer and Shipper of Ice Cream, 1601 rith Avenue, ALTOONA, PENN. We are ready for the trade. Send on your orders. [7 agtume } No. 283. P, P. Young & Bro. FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. 3 Bologna, Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, fines yp E. 4. SEVERIN, Prop'r., Dealer in and Manufeturer of ‘Harn ridles, Saddles, Col.| | lars, ! , Whips, Blankets, Noro Oil, Ete. REPAIR WORK eo] Etc. AAA = FirstNation' | Bank . OF PATTON. Pp tickets for sale tor al the leadin | Drafts in the principe! | i cities of the Old W Tr. Figg. | | podbot peAll corrmpodence wit! have our prompt and | Interest puid on time deposits, ' A. E. Parron, Wx. H. SANYORD, President. Cashier G F. LEE ! ! |One of the Largest otels ‘in Cambria; Cradecred in MODERN STYLE. Good Table and Bar Supplied with Choic- est brands fof liguors. | [The POPULAR HOUSE of PATTON. 25 Years Experience. { All Work Guaranteed to Give Good Satisfaction According to Plans . and Specifications. The following first-class Fire Tasarsnce Companies ave” w Northerti >»
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