The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 29, 1894, Image 5

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    .l Go to the new millinery store in the | SOW on business Pridey. 1s
{300d building, AW. Lyda, of Johnstown, was a
W. J. Overdorf, came ap from Johns- | Visitor $0 Patton fiaturdsy.
s | town, Saturday. E. B. Snyder, of Osceola, was among
P. K_ Jones, wes dows from Utab- the many vistors fo Patton Saturday.
ville, Pa., Saturday.
Try Keller for tobacco, cigars and |
confectionery. -—14tf.
J. C. Giest, of Philadelphia, spent |
Haturday in Patton. J
Nelson, of Altoons, w guest | house Monday.
2 AC Noone of A wes RP. McGee and W. F. Beatly,
| J H. Brocken, of Gallitsin, spent | 18 Jose, were guests at the
| vial hotel Thureday,
fast Thursday in town, y
B%: Beit 34 408 Liwh, onme uy |
| from Munson Setarday.
A cold day for Easter and the
bonnets were not “in it.”
iid TRAN or TH AN i
Kevraron conie: 182 AK. ———
3WrM...... SWPP
anne ae smrw. Lo e— ao—
oi bo em 7 5 2.10 3
: Ns sumbers marked ‘N” aro
~ northbound and “8” southbound.
Water rent for the second quarter of
© 16004 will be due April ist. Five per.
oent. additional will be added to un-
paid bills after Apel 10th, 1004 The
© sollector of the Patton Water Company
\ikidion us gues te fest wesk
In April
gr oS Veivelg aio
| da
| stopped at the Palmer|
i The Kinked restizant is the best
Leonard G. Grimes, of Punxsutaw- place in Patton to get a good Janch |
Dey, spent Thursday in Patton. Leigh ot
Ovando Pros, of Sharpsburg, Pa. kept io be found in 5. frst-clac ening
was seen of our streets Saturday. | hoase. -0tf.
D. F. Kilgore, of Pittsburg, was 3 Joseph Parsbungh Saving decided 10]
| guest at the Palmer house Friday. | jose bis photograph gallery at Carroll-
| Thermometer 100 degrees, Soda 32 town in May and remove elsewhere for
| degrees, price 5 cents st Hodgkine. = the summer, all persons wishing pic-
H. J. MeAuliff, of Carrolitown, was a | tures taken are invited to call without |
| guest at the Palmer house Thursday. | delay.-1563
| Dr. Somerville and Sww’I Kelley Warren, the painter bas just
can down from Chest Springs Mon, pleted wo very attractive signs for
‘Koller & Co. to be placed in font of
Robt MeCracken and Miss Mabe A Lewis sod E. A. Lew, opticians
H. C. Smith manager of western
Tony Snyder, a traveling salesman, | Pennsylvania for
BC ‘Brown spent Sanday in the of Ptidburg, spent Monday sod Toes- tational building and Loan association,
east. . {48Y in Patton. : of Washington D. C. is in town and
i Hol, ¢ Pittaburg in town | Look out for the grand opening of hay about completed arrangements for
AJ. ” was ‘the new millinery store in the Good 4 jocal branch of the association hers.
Boyes drow over Houtedale PUOding to-dsy. | John 8. Nagle, an old and respected
John | An apple tree in the yard of Geo. M.| citiven of Barr township, and a veteran
!Brisbin is in fall bloom.--Osceola of the late war, died at his home in
| Leader-Courier. that township on Tuesday, March 13th, |
: Rev. Chas. W. Wasson has been re- aged about 5 years. He leaves a:
appointed the Methodist Episcopal widow, as wm
| minister at Hastings. survive him. Cambria Freeman.
| RC. Ksafman, a Commercial trav- H. I). Leland, representative of the |
[eler, of Altoona, was a guest at the Loveland axe manafactory, of Lamar,
| Commercial hotel Friday. Pa, was in town vhe fore part of this
| Jake Truby, proprietor of the White week. The Loveland axe has an he |
“Got yourslrs bioysle at Hodgkins,
Lewis Jones. of Mahaffey, was circo- | Frescoss, Caleomisses and Hangs Pager, |
jd ssoung Aopat in Patton Taes- | ete.
‘Jos. B. Witner, H. Stolz, C. A Shar
Is the best fire-resisting plaster.
of Philadelphia, were stopping at the
| Best work ed lowest,
He paints, Houses, Signs, Carviegen,
Grecian and: Ornamental
Advertising a Specialty.
Drop a card to Box 232,
_18-8mo . PATTON, PA.
A c. Diehl, a Merchant Tailor,
Glass Restaura
. Near
Across Chest Creek. | Nea
a in neutness ind dispatch.
Call and See Me,
Patton, Pa.
And why not wear Custom-Made.
Adamant Plaster,
Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex-
When PRICES are m:
Good - Fit - |Guaranfeed.
de to suitthe mess:
AVeays ready for use in any season. :
Is the par excellence for patching.
Can be papered as soon as dry. :
Is recommended all
Of itesif will mot crack, swell or
shrink. 5
5 had several years’
in New York, Lon.
repared to make all
Mr. Brandon hal
experience at Redfern’s
and is
will not cleave off when ased as di- |
rected, even in case of leakage.
Wiil give you a warm house.
Does not rain woodwork by leading |
it with moisture.
Admits of carpenters following pas (lon and Paris
terers in a few days
oy Kinds of
Is capable of every variety of finish. |
Ladies G
| 8@rUsed “h the Paine 3
Also the Catholic Church St Ange
Hotel Beck.
T. Gesham, of Warren, 0, was in
house at Gamsam, Pa., visited a
| friends in Patton this week.
visble reputation among the woods |
men of these inierior connties, and
; Ten
Chas. Mixon, of Millvale, N. Y. Was Mabel C. Snyder, who lives at Du- | they are the inet judges.
in town Priday.
| Bois, visited her pareats, Mr. snd Mrs.
See the bicycle ndvertisement in an-
John Royce is stopping at Brisbin | Jos. C. Snyder, of Fourth avenue, last Other column of the Covmizr. C. W.
fora few weeks.
| week.
' Hodgkins is the general agent for the
F. H. Goong, of Olanta, was a visitor This week the COURIER publishes the | | Columbia, Hickory and Hartford bicy-
‘to Patton Sundsy.
' suditory’ settlement of accounts of.
cles and he will give yon all particulars
Fine Sods water is rare. Tey Hoty. | Chest Springs borough. It will be found bout the same. If you are contem-
3 a uiging wD. , wean. |
for sale by A. C. Winslow, Patton, Pa
HH. ©. Smith, of Washington, D. C.,
TN & sw 4 vo Paley hots Mon-
The Bellewood Bulletin issued a very
Dest colored Easter supplement last
i P. Deives, of Orbisonia, Pa., visited
5 in town Saturday, and was s guest at
_ Rov. Wasson, the M. E. minister at
| in another column.
Miss Alice A Ashcroft,
the new millinery store in ie Good
The |
Letts, of Carrolitown, has
| purchased the John D. Jones property
on Magee avenue, two doors west of |
John Yahner's hardware store.
John Rishel, of Westover, was a
plessant visitor to Patton last week.
| plating buying eee him.
of i Considerable attention is attracted to
the show window of L. S. Bell's store |
! on Fifth avenue by the appearance of sii |
ot painting valued at §100. It repre-
'semte “Diana the Huntress” and in|
| fime piece of work. In the other win-'
| dow is a beautifully arranged dieiey |
| of shoes.
Ride for New School BoZiding.
Proposals will be received up until |
Monday noon, April 16th, for erect.
ing a brick school building in the |
borough of Patton, Pa., from plans of
Robinson & Snyder, Architects. Copies
of which may be seen at either of their |
{offices in the Drexel Building, Phila
| delphia, Pa., or the Nicholson Building, |
i Alsons, Pa., or at the office of Dale &
- For prices and information, write
Millinery Store,
Just opened,
I have just returned from |
‘the city with an elegant and |
complete stock of
Ladies Furnishings,
and will occupy ome of the|
rooms up stairs in the Good
Mr. Rishel has many friends here who | Patterson, Patton, Pa. The Directors Building.
are glad to see him when ho comes.
See the fine line of millinery of all
kinds at the new millinery store in the
Good building. Miss Alice A. Ashcroft,
the proprietress, is always glad to see
Mr. L. 8. Bell, the clothier, of Patton,
sccompanied by Mr. Hill, were in town
several hours Tuesday on business, and
while here made this office a pleasant
visit. — Hastings Tribune.
- Harvey Patterson, the insurance man
of Patton, was in town between trains
He came within a few votes
of being the mayor of Patton.—Clear-
| field Public Spirit.
The old Preshyterian. parsonage ai
has beer: sold to Mr. Geo.
2 ein ve potas The con-
* and will soon begin the erection of a
new manse.
The Cambria Iron Company's pav il
Johnstown on Saturday amounted to
between $50,000 and $60,000, being for |
two weeks work. Recent pays have
* | only run from $20,000 to $30,000, show-
| Ing an improvement in work.
The Cambria Herald says: “The |
past few days a horse buyer visited this
| place and vicinity and purchased seven
good horses for the sum of $300. They
were seat to Johnstown on Tuesday
o| and from that place they were shipped |
The Berwind White Cosl Mining Co.,
| of Clearfield county has received some
nice orders for coal, amounting to;
something over a balf million tons. |
There are prospects of the coal business
| brightening up in Clearfield county
with a good summer's work ahead. |
| Coal Trade Journal,
{ rewcrve the right to reject any or all
‘bids. Bids im duplicate, ik, incorp-4
| orating the Smead, Wills system of
Heating and Ventilating, and 2nd, ia
corporating a semi-direct steam system |
must be addressed to the Architects
and sent to the Secretary of the school
district, Patton, Ps. Bond in an equal
amount to the bid of the successful
bidder will be exacted.
Jesse E. Dale
Sec. School Board,
Patton, Pa.
Twenty” in the April Ladies’ Home
Journal. When he believes you to be
Take him into your life as you desire
to be taken into his. Don’t tell him tha
when you were a lioy you were never
cross to your little sister, never diso-
‘beyed your teacher, never cruel to
dumb animals, and always kept the
Golden Rule. Be honest with him
| above all things. Don’t be too digni- |
‘ fled with him. The more he loves you, |
the more he lives in your arma the
more he plays with you and the less he
fears you, the more profoundly will he |
respett you. . Pity the man, who, in
. order to secure and retain proper re-
spect from bis children, has to wear at
‘all times an uncomfortable veneer of
artificial dignity.
For all kinds of Painting, Vopr
Hanging and Sign Writing, go to A.
None but first-class ma-
terial used. Satisfaction guaranteed. |
C. Fisher.
Patton, Pa.
~ Call and see me. Prices,
Don’t be & hypocrite befure your
' boy, writes Robert J. Bardette in the
first paper of the series “Before Heis
IM Robinson, Prop'r.
Located on the corner of
Magee and Fifth avenues, -
the central and business part
of the town, only one minute's
walk from the railroad station. |
sivas Ysa
Rates, $2.00 per day.
A Modern Hotel, heated ™
steam—entirely new—sample!
rooms—Ilivery in connection
—first-class in every respect |
—headquarters for Comumer-|
cial men. :
Good Bar in connection.
A large line of pat- i :
In the Latest Styles.
tern for ladies coats
to select from.
CO r nN
{ But do not pass our plac'of Busines s for we hae someting
very mice to offer you in the way of
We will GIVE AWAY th every cash purchase of
a fine Oil F SUHNE 28 3 3 inches The
oulding about six inches pattern
elictive. We are the
$30 worth of g
frame is of
ine of
[20 are juviied 0 Sp 38 and 3 8 ft purenlors aint
our w offer
ru $58 Soni Patton, Ps,
> Aa AA HS
Will not put it in his & agar, but rather
into business princip ‘In groceries
we are careful what we bay. Try us
Buy your BOOTS and SHOES from
us and be ia luck.
Dry Goods
Areas ois with
Try us in any
We have the
| Corner Magee and Fifth Aventes