The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 29, 1894, Image 4
>" d the prisoners on the otter ede is bighly detrimental to their interest, of the ait sod scores of them shouted | | and this feeling bas resulted in the form- two or three times in cucesesion, ‘Heng. i | fog of so Prendergast.” A mob bir . thoneaud | strong, compmed of the “Yough” district in which hice peek [°F . we fod 7 pebhc mation weabdld at Herat, | the execution snd hoots, yuils and groans | for Prepdergant wore given st intervals and some { the mob becsme so obetrep- erous thet the police were compelled to use their clabe. - THE PRESIDENT " 7 FRSERING. Ne Wit1 Sign the Bland Bit it Appesrs Burinese : Witt net be Disturbed. 'Wasnrsoros, March 38.—1It is stsert- od in the lrensory. deparimert that the president so fur hed made ap his mind on the Bland silver bill thst be is disposed $0 sign it if he oan coves himself thst no business distarhance will regalk from such aotion. It is to this point be i1 pow addressing bireell, and which he will continue to keep in mind usta next week. His veto or sigrature to the bill depends npon the solation he srrives at of this question, J | NATIONAL CONVEN™ ON CALLED. United tine Workers of Amerion Wil Meet at col umbus April Oth. a Prrrssonae, Ps.. March 28. — President MoBride, of the United: Mine Workers of America, has issued & call for fhe sonoal convention of the organization at Colam- | ‘bue, Olio, commensciog April 10th. The convention will be the most important ove yet held, for a ‘‘national movement” will be considered. This will affect 100,- "000 miners in Americs. In the osll Pres ‘ident MeBride set«ls a program for inde- pendent labor politics to be discussed and soted mpon at the meeting. The pro- gram oontaing conapulsory education and legal eight-hour work dey. Savitary in- ‘spection, abolition of the contract system om pubiio work, municipal ownership of shrect cars and gas and electric light plants, nationalization of telegraph, tele- phonce. railroads and mines. If endors- od the United Mine Workers will bring the propositions before the next econven- " tion of the Amerioan Faderstion of La- bor | "Death in » Burning House. - 8mamow, Pp, Marsh 26.—Wm. Lewd lost his life, and four houses were Je- _stroyed by fire st Wheatland yesterday. Laird bad been alone for a few days, his | * wife and family being ou 8 visit. About 8 o'clock in the morning kis house wes discovered on fire. After the firs Jaird's body was foand, bis heed, arme and track being burtied to & civder. The generally acoepted theory is that bs was . murdered and robbed and the hoose est on fite to cover up the ‘crime. Three! okber houses were haroed ; Stewnrt Calls it ¥olly. ‘Wasarsorox, larch 26.—In a letter ta Coxey, Bensior Stewart, of Nevada, ‘snye: “‘Atandon the folly of marching an una med maititnde of starving labor. ers no uel the modern applisnces of war ~ upsier tie contro. of 8 eouiless money trust, Bueb folly will nagment the pow er of {be oppressor snd egdanger the : safety of the ballot itesi!. * Disorder ie olf | that is required > insure the supremacy of the armed forces of the money Potters at the polls.” | Ageless Ansrehists. Lowpow, March 26.-The Stsndards Berlin corrcopondient says an internation- _ al conference to devies repressive mes:s- ures against asarchists is likely, as sever- “al eountries formerly opposed to inter national action hate recently mepilested a willingoesn to support it. The ezecutive committee of the Spanish . socialist ban issvied sa circular demanding 8 universal sérike of Weekingsns 4 a uw, Dsy. ha Ser tinted. New: Caste, Pa, March 26—-Prof, Hartshorn was sentenced to two years in sticky the penitentiary this morning. He broke ‘down when be beard the decision. Time- ly diecovery by Bberiff Douthitt preven- priconers suid to be interested in the plot were Prof. Hartshorn, Charice Jacoks and Samuel Schell. Sentenced for Election Fraed. PorreviLis, Pa, March 26.—Edward oT a Tre tlcion, was this morning refused a pew trial and sentenced to six months impricorment, $100 fine, cost of prosecution sod die- ~ qualified as a voter for seven years. Cecisions for the Sugar Trust. Pmiavrrruia, March 26.—The Uni. tod States cirenit court decision in favor of the Bogur Trust in the proceedings brought by the government to. have the Trust declared void wee sffirmed in the United Stats court of appeals this morn- ing. The court desided the case ns pre- sented does pot show interference with interstate or fateign gommerce, j Cheap rr - Labor h fs Scarce. AurooNa, Pa, March 26.—QOontraotor | Sims intended to resame work on the Beliwood extension of the Altoona and Logan Valley railrosd to-day, the opere- tiopy 8 pou: which were: stopped by last “week's labor riot. Only a dozen Ameri- {this conntry to be over rum with the William A. Sponsler, leading lawyer. As of creditor. sssocistion st Horatio, the ob- ject of which is to secure 8 law prohuibat- 106 Sabai tor 4 poriod of et years | an organizaticn formed fo be known as {the *‘Citizens Protective Association,” snd a line of fiction agreed upon. The sssociation will be pon-partiean, and the members mutesily agree to support no csndiistes who will ‘sat publically de clare themsalves in favor of 5 law probit iting immigretion. They cisim thet thet f£ 16 doug vastly sore reel njury to! Americas workingmen. Circalar jefters will be sent to tabor anions and assemblies all over {he cous- try with a reqoest fhat similsr orgouiz:- tions be formed in every #tate in the Union. In this way it 3s to be boped thet public sentiment may be edoosted | to a realization of the evils of permitting chesp labor of Emwpe, imperiling ovr free fostications, degrading our society, ad taking the bread out of the months of American citizans, sistioe 4nd 3: B. Davi secretary. ~Panz- i BANKING FB ASSIGNED. Sen: ‘on Created on fhe Floor of the Philadel phia Stock Exchange. Prraprrraia, March 26.—A sents tion wae created on the floor of the Stock exchange this afternoon by the announce- | ment of the failare of Henry 8. Looch- sim & Co., bankers and brokers. The firm, which did a large business sod wes | reported to be very wealthy, assigned to Gen. Louis Wagner, president of the Third Nstiosal bask. No figures can be obtained. It is stated the failare is doe to 8 large live of sseets which the firm canpot st preseet renlize pon, bus which} it in hoped esp evemtaally’ be disposed of st @ price safficint bo poy ‘creditors dollar for dollar. First Deron Marder. PHILADELPHIA, March 26.--The Sa- preme court to-day affirmed the judg-| ment of the Allegheny county court of Oyer and Terminer in the case of Noel Breycssye, alias Maison Noel, convicted of murder | in the first degree. Henvy Abscoinder Surresders, : Nw York, March 26. — William T. Zell | formerly treasurer of the Lebigh sod Wilkeebarre Coal company, who sbsson- ded lset Janaary after stealing $93 000 | sarrendered at po ice beadqmarters this | perry Caunty Eatlares. Hixmispore, Pa, March 206. — A special | from New Bloomfleld, Perry county an. nounces the failars to-duy of the banking house of Hpousler, Jupkia & Co., avd sigbments have bean mada for the bene® | m———_——- Sir. A AAA Wate or Gonmtertette. : M. I. MoOsbigh', cashier of bs Du. Bois Deposit Bank, yesterday received | notice from Dye's Counterfeit Detector, | of the sppearnnce of a new econnterfeit ane dollar silver certificates, which have recently made their appearance. The! description of the counterfeit money in as follows: 4 Patraperears, Ps. March 2 1804, cam Souskeriare ct io one dollar eil- in this Stats. The motes bear the. portrait of Martha! TH Washington, are of the series of 1801, of check-letter A, and signed J. Foant Toll | : man &e Beguter, sod D.- N. Morgan of the United States. A Lr nel set Bernd in per, bat the of the op is tot good The | work sppears dark on both face and back | it is similar to a badly printed note with | or thick ink. The centre 'athe-work | on the face of the bill is ae good as the! or other fine | ipple be portrait, the small Jetter- | vertising eart, ard the Hon Carl Browne's bead is a shell withont partitions; but we srefeorry for Stump Lusly. Btump wes tbe only mao ix: the whole army of three | that bad any scnse, snd Stump got an | awfal kick from a male-car mule in Brim- stove City mm 1833. 8till, Stamp is the best man io the crowd; and we don’t like! to hear of his startivg for Washington with 0 other means of transportation | ihan the wheels in Boxey & Crown's, beads — New York San. An Armstrong county preacher had 8 leongtegation tha did pot contribute very freely whem the colizction plats went ound. He tiredof their ¢ tingineas after 'awhile. It eo happened some ove had stalen a hog from one of his members. At the evening service after the theft became known, jast before taking the collection besaid: “Now I want everybody present to-night to give something except the man who stole Bro. Jones’ hog.” The plate cans, however, sould be found to work. at | went ‘through the congregation and no a dollar 8 day, wheres 150 are wanted. Another effort will be nade to-morrow to resume with American laborers. one failed to give. A preacher having a stingy congregation might cateh an idea the cheap labor of Europe je. to them} whet Chinese lsbor was to California and | Thomas Crago is president of the asec- : blooan in tiran for Fa asta The Hon. a Coe scompouald | erank of 82,000 sss power dragging sn ad- | here.— Brookville Jeffersonian Democrat. | be : > 2 hemidite thin face close tothe tall, stately green stalk she ‘was carefully watering *'1 declare if ‘taint. budded. wi be oat in time for Easter” A smile which rentgved the plain. an gular features and mede Miss Susan look st JOM lit np ber face, and setting ber wiloring pot she touched the 5 of the plant reverentiy and ith sub $y. She bad guarded it so faithfully and tenderle flor months, and now it wis abot 10 rewsnl ber for all ber devotion Her Sowers were all Miss Sosan had in fife to love U poe them she lavished the affection of her lonely, desolate oid heart eet ro 1448 of bev nara. The reat af) fn the family burying goend oo WoL yonder 1m in shndow of the whis SHE TOUCHED THT LEAVES LEVERESTLY. jog pine woods the big, red farmhouse with old Tilly, ber faithful servant. The farm was worked t on shares by Giles Mason, and Giles, and the minister, and one or two old neighbors wepes Miss Susan's only visitors Thrdtgh the long, drowsy, sweet summer deys and the dreary winter hours, Miss Sasan ya Per pyomotonins, uneventful life, readin | ber few books and papers and caring for ber fowers. Those flowers were wonderfal! 1 oxn see thnt odd fashioned garden now, a little to the of the farmbonse There is the beisok tumbling down to the ravine, and here the old stone wall, roughly bali, fall. foi down in places, bots Sting of of beauty with its ciimbing roses snd wild gape ines And then those beds of osts—the cabbage, velvet, Lancaster and moss! The honeysuckies, sweet wiliiams, petinias, portulacas, haliyboeks sod morning glories, sil growing together in a deliciously tan | glod maze! There ever was a garden like Miss Susan's, as we children kpew, nor evir sochygrest fragrant ROSERATS. 88 Wwe bore sway when we went to sen Ler. Por Miss Siasan was prodigal with her flowers, She took great pride in them and liked tobave people mira ire them. When | it was sald to her, The wa Bain’'t oo such | garding as ytarn in the Bull township” | Miss Susan's pale fac # vould Eush and. glvw with guntle trig Her roses al- wiys thox fing preminm ai the county fair, jand in sam: ver it wan her deli ht to sup | piy tire palpi: of the viilagach eh with a mss of fragrance and beguty And now bir Tilics--the experiment of a hard of 4 wWiistar «were - biydldded and sential Miss Snxsn had besn sitting im Las wry Thome lilies properly wrrined, si sx oreddl tended thems as she won’d a baby she tras rewnedel. With x sigh of | tent, she saw hersel cipriing he Jar of ! tall, stately, loroum ansanciation Lilies’ sp the pontor ats of toe chargh Rbe 1 the panrm:? I ole’ ard ah of ad { thors. She kopw that wor newhere in the ger : mon would ee zdel ged Lie polarons to hep offer iag and im expiiaticn of the mpstie symsholism of | Lie ko vel tan a Tilly cume in ag Mix Ba 3 was bending jn delight ovig the lily sinlk til ted to know wh shar’ Minx Sosan would like SOT cornet boef for dinger. Miss Susan cam ont of the region of mrsticism and atanos ail beauty bask to earth Grice more. Bo: ail dar loag «3 she busied her | self nbout bir various Bonsehold occupa | thom the. verse of & poy kl wd rend soe { where kept ringing in bey cars: - 16 the lea Se po Jilies Christ was born wer ss. ha sof & jibes Arew aod thrived Laster Was at ei Ons day Miss Susan regeived a call fresm her ol TEI An. He was a good young man, earnest and siposve. His respect for Ais Susan was t. Boe gras devout and God fending \aritalile, a faithfulworker In the lord's Vineyastt w hay mors nateieal than for him to titrn 4 wl OF 25m nee and advice? “Mise Sreon” be prevy afer the custom ary greetinoy PE been exchanged, “'[ have i dynes to consuis you about a very poor fam- (ily which haa jut moved into the village, is mother acd ehild--a boy of shogt 1 ot HER MOTHER SEEMED ALWAY 3 VERY NEAR BER THERE Miss Susan lived alone | sibly yom may ly nan Fhe told me she livad in thes parts when ube wai 8 girl and thet fhe wanted 0° came’ tack to die near bey old borite. [1 was vary snd. ”" His hand wx == the door kuch. “ier mabden name, she said, was Amy Ransom. Fhe married s man of the namane of Bowers, 1 believe she ssid he wis sleo's Dative of’ this own. © Well, good morning. When Susan 1am #0 glad you can 0 this aller noon.” He drove gens sod told and right Wie Busan sat Jookiog after him, laying ve th ink “Amy Rass oma marrted s man of the game of Bowers—3o, uf, # eonid pot hese yes, it mast” Ail the torrent of years pent up in that jorvely, withered old” bremst bart forth Rage and reveoge rose and shook denundl- story hands at the past Tn that plaie, bomasly room, an bumble setting for a trast ot, 8 ory of intense human saffering was enacted by this sad faced sploster, Who tind been trying. for years to forget. She saw | herself a young Zin ones more, joyous, conf dent, expectant. Again shewalked through he Of Lasbioned paiden with themanshe] loved She smelled the liscs—she besnd the robins in the spring Ehe was no longer old, ugly, desolate. Life and love were in her bands. Poor Miss Susan! When the storm had plats md she realized that the womsn he had Fears ago siilen the man she loved on ber wis near her. poverty stricken and dying, she nid alond nn bitter tone “Serves Ler right! let ber die! Let ber ‘suffer: I have sullered for years snd eou'id pot die” Go near her—touch tie basd of the wom- an who bad raised her 1ifet Never! Her religion did 50h help se wow. Bie bad aot the grace to do it Sill, fearing the speech of people, she wrote her minister that find fog it was not possible for ber to visit the siek woman, she sant some mobey to be ased for ber benefit on the condition that Mra Bowers— how her pen faltered over the name’ —shonid nerer know who was the donor, “Good soal” murmured the clesgyman, r3oul, rg. strong, modest soul! That's {ust ber. Always taking cave that the ‘lett band shall not know what the right hand hag And so Amy Bowers’ last days were made very comforiable by Miss Sa ;mn's generous oantribution. Bot what of Mine Susan? She shut Sy self up in the farmbouse and gave way to despair. Heér gentile peaceful face grew bard an imMttepal It was so dreadfol, after sll the years of repression and crowd. ing form of phantoms, to have these ghosts rise and flaant themselves in her very luce Bie suffered anew suffered as only woltoen who live those parrow ives, with oo mw sources to distract their tortured minds can suffer. Al tive com: fort she found we in ker Bible and ber [ilies Slowly. day by day: they euloided, und ‘when, of the piornisg belore Easter, they. Burst into the fall glory of their wales "WHAT 5 THE MaTX : beauty poor Miss Sasa ha for days ad sat dry eved and hosriia i, Coit a Ldeyged rain of tears st art to er eves Those tears Were a great ro wl so Miss: Sasin. Poesdlds they saved ir rouon At all events they softened : ined chastened ber, and when Tilly, bringing ia tie break fast told her that Giles bad bron nighit word that Ms Bowers Kad diml in the ght Jim Suwa lial deep 7 in Rez Bear: and felt a throb of pity fo ir ber Tivnl, now prasad forever be aad the sent “of maria’ and the stad acd was of It was a bails 2 43 werd soft hints in rh air spring. Resinous odors from the wood were walted down to the open. di or of thie great kitchen, Miss Basan sipdden ‘hope reviveand guicien, Am sor unk cna | for days visited ber. A thought of hey | fowers and especially the beauty of her lilies shit weross ber mind. She was led ont of ber triads for the moment. Glanting out the door across the meadow ap the Wild side. she sniv the tombstones in the bury: Ing grousd gleaming nsarbis whiteapainst tie back ground of the dark plne woods Wigs Snsan hesitated a moment and then tonk down her bonuet and shal from its “Where you goin?’ asked TUly, with the wonted (amiliaricy of an aid servant. : “Tp to mother's grave,” wos the pwntle answer When Miss Sean fels the need of vans solation and ritual help, she was accu tomed to tule Ser way to “mother's ra” Up there, everybody. alt she had the companiouship and remem: beance of those gone before And Bet a always very gear her there It was almost as if the Sieger of the pines and the murmurieg of wind among the long grasses growing over the grave translated the words of sdmesition i and love she sa longed to hear, 1 There dre same things Loo sacred to dwell | upon, nad Wis Sasany short say by “meth | [ers grave” Ie pot to Be Heseribed © or, hab when she turned ta lesve $be lonely grave | | yard she heard a sound whi canned her The mother I & very sick womas—indeed she appears to be in the Jas anges of gore surapticn. n ial moa oaie, bright ‘ tle fellow and deve oted to bi s potter they are so 007 I ealled there yusterday, and] really ic was most terrible. They need everything -~clothieg, food, fuel I ‘we pvira fe Ww Laings last evening wi wd have gpoken’ ta one of two this mor membering that 1 bave pever appealed in vain to vour Kind heart I told my wife i should drive out here and iny the cass he sre vou. ; “Why, certainly, elder, I'll do evervthing Tecan. What do you want?” ©] think perbaps ine best plan would De 2. and rm | to stop abruptly apd listen. Yom, there won no mistake There was some oue ear bet ! in the woods yonder. Miss Scsan was Dever a coward, and sy gath ering | her skirts about her she pis hed her wag ual sie entered (he adr af the forest, Peerin ng sh: wply down one ding wauited avenne, she aw aboy sitting cn 8 log, his back to SW AL 1 her. rubbing his eyes with his jaciel sledve and evving Bliterly Next to Sow Ne Susan Toved ell dren She po onset the divine jndtine maternity so inliercut to most women in a : marked degree The sight of that child 3 2 * moved her strangely. sod as drawing wean er she heard king moan, “Uk, mot mother!” it seemed an echo to & vol iouless § 20 ery in her own heart Miss Susan spo ke tothe boy, and he turn AND yer THE Fain & I aor ag Stiere ; of th 19 eON 3 iio Bd ex wusT BE WY FF ASHIGH. } Olive Merger as Tews ot "he Openings, and The Tells THM She Sww There Xe | Bud of Wourettley The! CHlY Tor wo Porte, { satus Farm. Zara Tiormrapeniletion.) Nw Yers Forth 22 __“Onening’| we nage worl todryw wom anleind, The children, afr the pied Pip) ar,only instead of wandering swsy, to be beard of more, theve ladies bob senely al snpes cinoe and tell thelr tent nustaads of { the glories of the oper ings, where Flas and flowers, ribbons 3 jewels doagle 11208 eves and nisde tin one anit alt wily for Mia wand or SILK WATET AND TRA JACKET, tmmates’ purse. If thers i a husband who has kept his puree strings tied this week, I wanld iiks to see him—in 8 very strong cage. He wonid be a curiosity and a wretch and brote and several pther things quite $00 numercus to mens To returs to the openings. We find everything on earth in the way of ing spparel, all sither quite new or ele 196 Sup or up in some MANDEr makes virtoally a new thing of it. pew waists and tes jackets take s large space in public potice just All the crisp “rustle” silks are made ink Toose blonee hasqnes, with single or & ble frills down the fromt Jabot ashic Some have high coliare, some © and many have turned down sailor lars with a raffle sround them. T nave bishop, pail or gigut sleeves, as ‘be, and cont from §3 to §5 nicely 1 ous color, generally plain silk, trimng with lace and ribboa. These are | young ladies for spring and = ' wesr. A dainty ten jacket was of ¥ brocade, with cuffs of white velvet, ruffles at the wrists. There is aplast fromt, with white velvet yevers anil. jabot of lace over 3 fell silk muslin ht velvet choker a ud bow, 3 Anong the silks with new fea ai seen dt tie rend taffotas, «nost as ertepund per, att * strong and serviceable the Highter qsalition Tere - a very preity narrow strped. slike and white : Thers ars noveltie : ! ehnagenile vwoveds, eryetal beamibi | mrtnores, French crepe, Bgl VF Fromes bos sng, rrelangen, ro | splash chwcios, pronedis, sanpacks, | twends, pps # kb Depa wiools, hes | er mixer inated cheviots, ; in vi Pt yg he Hy aenriet =r “vi. both phn bine The roreitise in [fae of pthesid bo pa Ia trimpine the foremctt gimp ans spangios of jet. fine ot rd menterie of ali wails ang et reles an fond of new wos tn span wor cate f { bras ok a tac 3 Eapangiod ia Laer ilo tnt Ww { pan seins wo iets mint, th sontion: ali Inds, point de paris and point gre Are A. i weeny ad apr Pn ah minds f i ¥ § neat ad mtetal, TR anes ow ; some emg raed fancy makes one’s eye LATE NOVELTIES. baige out with surprise. Bat I wi them pass and tell of two enstuines were st once highly novel and orig as well as pretty. One of them 1 327 in dizo bins garsh, with a baie bi: ok rossian lace wot over gold oo warn 20d bordered with for. The gr cufs were covered with Ince} the Pe relia and siesver were of gold ored satin. ; : The other wis a jpelisso eosin terra cotta ladies’ cloth, closely fittin the wats? and reschinirto the foe, of all trimmed. There was a oar garmet volved cul in a simple cirele the neck to the waist. Over this wis 3 shaw: sue Caght of pelerine ATR vee with One Diack soatackhs. Ths pel had id Vias edocs folded nap tw a little dont front a: the baton of the cape. ‘mands a very an Aint but efactive is When a lowg be Tins siBE this is war 4x i6 rary capeted fiat the garment ELOY Beet Sresesy 1 not Bike to pat alin Sywesk ory hemeathh ir a3 these Tong ges rene ornsh ed Ye Treohmess, out gown Ma conn of mes wearing. | | toe p Ese is eo: wagenieal, : oaave Hd 3 5 SR { {414 1 At the neck theze is a high helictripe tape a] aH Tk 4 sa ad wed ew vied Jrasa MTom 1 as ha : wey, Dm” a WEE : 3 for E > re. Hg ny » . 8.50 A. M Train 3, daily for Pome ‘and a. 4.3% P.M Twin 11, Sally &3 . Sunday, 1 THROUGH TRAINS FOR DRIE WOOD FROM THE EAST AND SOURS. TRAIN 11 SE a = Fabian peice ear Sooms Pe TR oes Sew Yor Sp Pan 0p. wm Wesly TRAITS 1 Jasves Besors ut al a Po ap arfivieg ai braved” SUHNROXTEURG RATLROAD md exorpt Roundy. 3 Jemves Ridgwny of 949° «mm, Jolie. Ee Te. arnvi a m, ng erm of TRATY 99 vos Clermont at (08 StL AEr nie. =a RIPoWATY AND CLEARLY B® DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. eNIESNZA ENE EEFEEINEESee REFRBENEERENY xm aul afer Woh, hv eo wl will arriveant Sagar toon roe Boixes follows; TRALSS ARBIVH Revooihec ite sol Walls rel; : | Pome in and Big Rum, LhEER 9 Ioarsieid — SY ama wad Pig Hum TRAINS DEPART. ih arbi suid Caravsweile, wr Spud * “AE fps # w i iii 1 hese 2 the vais Alt moe Br | Sevund by © on Seat, Snr all ASIA ES 3a malsithined hd or ticket, nae abies eal on or adden, Sig toc anton EC Lapa eat ; i AB mr Gen a : a om yrs | eet (reek Railroad NYE &W RR om Co, temmem, ND ya 5 wv TIMETABLE Rego Up | Bloat Exp Maal Xow, IHG Kou Na a" SS ———————— - re e——— - - yr Xe - x www (mive ve iB ielense® i B® Hi) i 1 8 : § i & & es Lae J . asain Su — ‘ £ 136 Ji {iid idee i i el 3 REE iii snl wa : SEEEE wf ng wd of fal 0 EY UENG CAF F SR ERESEUERERE BY 3 Fw Hes poen: BRIERE anne paninnasan@y Sx & | oslwily. YWoelidavih x Y xe » 3 oo 3 +} - ? roves in Aa saart st. ana the Yeeros * R10 werwepseneecEEEE BEE , ’ i bi IRE “i ang” FRR A A ay hatin. Reading Maniond A u. sawed whose emis nuft (0 | pa TH A FRR - ; Thoms er Rte § Ht with the Duidnin, Row ral Yan. Al Gusman will pe 8 en te wed Berwiium adn 1 Wii ie ow by aad Cleans fads Is wl hele : alt spall, Cand wees the Pinney ar IA peta ry: Pal wa WON Ong way Willian apart amd Ee {obvi ob ‘eins Xe 3 ami = xine : pa ET pag : ie PALME Gore Wh ane AWRY Saperintemii nt. ¥ Haba, 2 pei So ©