Butered at the Posioities a3 ati ad ; woot K. Chis maid me, Newsraren LAW DECISIONS, i” hers 3 win do not give expres te are consider Winks 1o the their Cir sumer] privas. rs te. the discontinunnes ail arrenrages ane subscribers wt oF refas: to fake ir periodients from the pocoice to which 3 are dirocied, they ¥ ve settled “thelr biti send ordered vhem aed, % pinches mave to other informing polishers, « former combo : : the ps they are that refasing to age : Ys. Tale A incr nl In sivanes they. ar give wil wad ve emil of the thme if joa taking ig other § ; By owt wets 20 eon : faibreers the putt Is suited to “amd the slmeriber will a wie, Ww | ag. Ian io Lire send i MOmms AxD MDNING. Europe of a __ 1 four hours in many instances. thought in the science of civil govern- Suty and SFSov yalfefing Va pelooument 4 gre poeple gotil ; will be rege mrble gutil an ith Ser ™ ol ail arvear | Magic cough: cure. Guaranteed by C. een Soule and ibe Modiurrinorn. | £1 stir of new life, and wader Kossuth torned to a republic. i Hangsry had | succeeded, a group of small and dis- connected states between the Adriatic . and Black sea would have been easy prey first of Russian intrigue and next of Rassian advance. Kossath failed and the federate system of the Austria: monarchy hans offered ex- ample and trating to Southexstern defense snd local self- which imperial ™ i intelligence is correct. The Couns ; | has persistently urged that the Shinge be made, repeatedly toa advantage to the travelling public. Patton is the destination of three pas sengers to one wishing to stop and turn | at Mahaffey, and as the trains are now over night at the latter place again omar Miners Gratefel. a Parron, Pa, March 23d. ' The war at Patton is at an end, thank God. For tem weeks the miners of this place have struggled manfuily for the two week's pay, and Thursday night when Mr. F. Richardson pronounced that the companies were ready to start their mines at semi-mounthly pay, there was three round cheers, and as it will be ome month before these grand from the companies, all donations and goods thet is on the road will be re- ceived thankfully as their circam- stances and surroundings are bad, their claims are just, and we hope that such | a fight we will not see again as long as Patton remains. We want to say that the good people of Parton have the best Shas of Gur Meeting whieh Was. held | H. C. Beck for the bread a a teu Slo io be | wives and dear children day by day | and one hundred and one other treats of kindness he has shown toward the miners and the officers all through the ; and hope he will be long Susmistel by te govd people of PRANK RICHARDSON, Executive member of the U. MW. Jorn LAUER, Commitiee. ~r, Reuel Somerville. Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Offs in the Good Bulking. : For coughs, olds sull eos Shred fey it. or rst £2.50 the HE. 1 PHILADELPHIA =| RECORD Spares no trorble or éxpesiss to gather and present to ite readers all the news of the Old andi New World. oT avert Aepartents, sach ander of n competant Edi- ly of matters pertaining to HE BOUSEROLD, THE FARM, WOMANS ACTENCE, ART, LITERATURE, FINANCE, THE REAL BATATE WORLD. xSetan 3 comps son | Daily, one yur. a ni anisms GO Daily and Sundny, cme year. ........... 48 — rn sn. The Record Publishing Co. © Philadelphia. AE M. L. Lamy, Bares . . $470 THOS CALLAN, Street Commissioner. dx9 88 3,53 | i AA HR St HRS SA NP i § Ry pL wid ct of casi orders §2 1.3 qi . Jes. FoiyLe, Tremsurer Pi To money from eX Ir arr... | To money from ¢X- P To Lioenw money i To money received from HENS on. £8 2 BY ondars Sine ; ST) an coliertor and trvns ® 8 _y| sl zal Buianot due Borough. anti wn Hawt in Di. H. SOMERVILLE, Jxo, MOGRAXE, Penny. } Aaron Attorney and Counselor at La. CRS 1 exainined the: above Secount we Brut | ~ FURNISHING GOODS: OUR GRAND SPRING SHOWING SETTLEMENT of accounts of i : Esgnssuna, Pa. | Will attend 10 ail business with a. and hi promploe-es ! fice opposite The Momntsin House. the | \ DAVIS, Atiohey and Counselor at Law, EBENSEURG, Ps AH legal baviness promptly attended to Otier on Centre Stavet. M. M. CRAIN, PrasrERE® and CONTRACTOR, ADAMANT plastering a spewiinity. Estimates given on ai! kinds of work M. 5 Crag, Pusicn, Pu. L MENEEL, BARBER AND Ham DREssER, In thee remasny fi tener ty nova pled by Ofte Glaser, Opera Howse block, Fini class work guarmn teed, : Hair Cut 2D renic Shnve 10 crate, Shampoo and Sen Foam #0 evinia MCORMICK, M.D, PHYCGOIAN ASD SURBIINN, PATTON, PA. J HARRY . Office and residence on Mager avenue, next 3 to John Yahner's Hardware store. Special attention given 0 Yovers aid Dis | ease of Children. ||Columbia, Price, $125. | For Sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Walast Ron, Sgaegler, and Hastings. : ! i Patton, Pa. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf foro Also agent for th , THckory and Hart- | ¥ ciers. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT: Patton, Penn’a Outlits for the little ones is one that will captivate you ideas of the best brains in the clothing business, sup novelties, niade to our order. See our line of Knee- | 1.§0, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 $3.50. JUNIOR SUITS—At least fifty styles i in four and ve exqusite’ combinations of make and trimmings. To appreciate their beauty you must see them. Werks of rf canuct be described We start in in with these at $3. SPRING OVERCOATS: nt Suits, 4 to 14, at 1.25 ; everything iu meterialand mn the handsomely finished sce at once that it’s a mere rder, : Complete spring line now ready. It comprises ¢ yic that’s new and desirable - W hen you have see ~ and perfetc garments we arc showing this season you'l mn waste of money to have your spring overcoat made to o “SPR! {G SUITS: We're ready with them even if the Spring i isn't fall style already presents a feast of fashion, an assortment to satisfy your taste and your pocketbook. SPRING TROUSERS: They're here also; an immense assortment to seleq ‘improve upon the cut or style of them. ~ We open the season by placing at your disposal 1,000 pairs of new spring designs, neat and nobby effects in stripes and checks in cheviots and cassimers which we offer at from $2.00 and apwards. y come. Our advance = from which it will be casy t from, and no tailor could Look at our window display and sce the prices, and certain the ality of the goats which we are offering then come mside and as. for 67, 79, and g8 cents. Our line excells anything in the county at prices Lasty double what we ask. We have made a great CUT in our Gent's. Furnishis gs. The goods you saw in the windows last week which we marked $1.00 we dffer them now at 8g cents. Neckwear which were marked 25 cents, one can buy this week for 19 cents. OUR SHOE DEPARTME NT: for 1 dallar; that youpay 5 for you in store. Weecan 5’ » Youll's sud Mime all : There is no end to it. We can sell you a splendid s 2.50 for elsewhere and in finer grades we have surpri save you 50 per cent. in the shoe line in Men's, Ladi sizes and styles: THE LAST, BUT NOT BEST COMES. What a beautiful line of hats, they are really the fi that was ever offered to the public and they are HO? PRICES. The cause should be remembered—it contains ars gains. tis simply that we command the goods we sell. Therefore it is impossible for goods or the prices The stocks show only worthy smerclundise, :l ! beyond approach. We can and do dictate prices at which we ‘buy, and therefore it is npintiite for competition to meet the prices at v retail. KOLLER "ny
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers