The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 22, 1894, Image 5

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    PATRON PUBLISHING. co, Proprietors
bo Tho hote of et and departure
Patton Tuesda
Patton on business Priday.
| ing treated to a fresh coat of paint.
_ apiece,
Purnishers, Hatters, shoers, go in and |
A C @o to the Kinkead restaurant and |
_ visiting Mrs. Cramer's
and external. Guaranteed by C. W. |
- Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf |
: —
: i" C. Brew, of Blletonte, copped
in town Friday.
F. W. Hitner spent. Sunday with
friends at Lock Haven.
Harry Snydes, of Latrobe, had busi-
ness in Patton Saturday. ;
E. J. Joyce, of Baltimore, registered |
| at the Palmer house Friday.
Frank Millwood, of Cresson, was in|
town Saturday on business.
John Lantsy, of Hastings, was in’
Patton Monday on business.
Jennie E. Wilhelm, of La Jose, vis- |
ited friends in Patton Saturday.
ck A 5 in bn ines
rem Mi Si
THURSDAY, } MARCH n, 1804.
Local Time Table.
trains at the Patton Station are as
Mail Closes.
aan TOR A ~
HA 310 Fr 0 r ™
Postale Lore from 7 a. = to 8
Train numbers marked - “N" ‘are
‘Sunday in Patton visiting friends.
W. C. Hauseholder, of Alliance, |
stopped at Hotel Beck Sunday.
R. L. George, Esq., of Gallitzin, was
a guest at Hotel Beck Saturday.
‘Mrs. M. L. Butler and Maggie Ash- |
croft visited friends at Cresson Tues-
day. / ; |
Rob’t Crocken, of Rorrmioor, was a|
| guest at the Commercial hotel Satar- |
H. F. Bott, wife and little daughter
Eliza, of Gresnsbury, are stopping in |
H. C. Beck, 8. M. Wilson and J. MM!
| Robinson drove over to Ebensburg
Monday. - :
- Jas. Luther, of Hastings, and B. M. |
Luther, of Spangler, Sundayed in |
John A. Rishel, of Westover, was a
guest at the Commercial hotel Satur-!
day and Sunday.
The city drug store has placed a |
new and attractive sign in front of
their store on Magee avenue.
T. W. 3, ex-editor of the Carmil- |
W. M. Koller and U. 8. Stoltz drove | youn news, passcd through Patton
to Carrolltown Sunday. 2 | Monday on his way to Clearfield, Pa.
Martin Smith, of Milton, was 8 woif & Thompson and Koller & Co.
visitor to Patton Friday. Wide hid mpm attractive canvas
Koller & Co. are waiting to save you | signa in front of their respective busi-
50 per cent. on the dollar. { ness places.
8. B. Crouse, of Philadelphia, was in| * Mrs. Anslem Weakland, of Elder
| township, is visiting her son, Walter
- Look at the beautiful windows of Weakland, corner of Lang and Fourth |
Koller & Co., they are fine. | avenues.
The front of the Good building is be-| Tue Clearfield Raftsman’s Journal
' pays that over fourteen million feet of
Koller & Co. they carry the stock and logs will be floated down Kettle creek
* they sell them at hard time prices | this spring.
. Max Fischer, the cigar man of Johns- | R. H. Powell, of Baltimore, and
town, had business in town Friday. | John K. Powell, of Cresson, spent Sat-
Single éoples of the COURIER can be urday in Patton. They were the
purchased at this office for five cents guests of John Ashcroft.
L Not a car of coal was shipped over
the P.and N. W. R. R. Tuesday, a
thing that has not happened before in
| the history of the road.-—Bituminous
| Record.
Philipsburg citizens have awakened
{to the necessity of a board of trade
iin that prosperous place. An organi-
zation of that kind was effected there
§ last week. :
| A. H. Swope, who has been teac hing
{the Strittmatter School for the past
ba fine OYsier Se¥.: Oysters 4 served | winter will leave next Moaday for
every sty : | Lock Haven where he expects to attend
Mrs. Wm.Cramer and infant, are: the State Normal.
parents a3 !
sald, seet flue
“Here are Sowing the How do i look?
I dressed in such a huty te
~Jomephine Voss.
Koller & Co. are the people.
Patton now has four licensed hotels.
Read Koller & Co. new ad on the 4th
Go to Keller's for Broad, Cakes and
- Pleas. —14t0
H. D. Hall, of Pittsburg, apent Fri-
gay tn Peston,
_ E. H. Btolts, of Carrolltown, we ln
Bob Burdette will lecture in the
school hall at Ebensburg, Monday,
April 2.
Koller & Co. are. the leading clothiers
soe them.
‘Harry Brooks, came over from TY]
rone, Friday and stopped at the Com
. mercial hotel.
' A new fire company was organized
Ansonville this week. at Curwensville pany known as the
Anyone wishing drees-making done Rescue Hose and Ladder Co. No 2
at their home will please address Lillic | | The riew company will be composed of
Currie, Patton Pa.-16t3. boys between the ages of thirteen and
Try Magic drope for pain, internal sixteen years.
The Curwensville Review says: “Hon.
John Patton returned home Tuesday
The merchant who says that “‘adver- | evening from Clifton Springs. He will
| tising does not pay,”’ does not adver- | return in a few days and from there
tise. That is how
he happens to: | he, with Mis. Patton, will go to Phila-
| delphia theace home.” -
Persons elected to the office of Jus-
Go to Koller & Co. for yoar Spring |
out fit whether it is a suit, overcoat or | tice of the Peace at the recent election
per cent.
and a first-class meal. Eveeything | be issued to them.
< kept to be found in a first-class eating |
- house.-0tL.
door to Bank.
a pair of shoes; they can save you 50! must notify the Prothonotary in writ-
| ing, within thirty days after the elec-
‘The Kinkead restaurant is the best | tion, of their willingness to accept the
place in Patton to get a good lunch | office; otherwise commissions will not
Last week, according to the Pitts-
: {burg Times, there were 8,000 unem-
Don’t forget to look over the elegant | ployed laborers for whom sustenance
line of New Spring goods for display was being provided. According to the
at Koller & Co. Wey are fine. Next | estimate, the total number receiving
: | support from the relief committee will
John G. Gill, Esq. and son Gabinus reach 40,000 in that city aione.
Gill visited Pation Tuesday. Mr. Gilvs | Robert Yeagar, of DuBois, was a
‘son is a typo and made the COURIFR a yigitor in Patton therlatter part of last
{Pack, is in New York City this week eroct a large business
‘road who received over forty ‘dollars |
on the 15th of this month.
pleasant call. { week. Mr. Yeager is a property holder
N. Pack, of the firm of Stirman & of Patton and expects, very soon, to
block. Mr.
buying a new and complete stock of Yeager is a stirewd business man and’
dry goods, boots and shoes. Watch Patton can well feel proud of gaining
for the stock. It will be fine. | his future business relations.
EE mn The Dublin Dan Comedy showed at
the Patton operas house Taesday night.
opened to the public Monday. Every- was not as well patronized — ors
body was treated to a free drink. Ho- | gepenally are here, owing no doubt, to
tel Beck and the Patton hotel had a |¢he scarcity of loose cash. The enter-
free bar the same day. : tainment was a good oae and should
A reduction of 10 per cent. was made they chance to come to Patton again
on the wages of all the employees of the they may expect a full house,
a 1
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg rail-| | =. Jated in last weeks imme of
' the COURIER that 8. P. Kirkpatrick, of
i this place was contemplating locating
in Hastings. Since thon he
Miss M. A. Sharbaugh has opened a chased the hotel property
‘per month. The reduction took effect
has pur-
af Wm,
. first-class millinery est blishment one Townsend there and took charge of the
“ ‘tist in her profession. She is also pre-
. pared to give lessons in hand-painting.
will Thompson, of Wolf & Thomp- | place on Raturday.
son, clothiers at Patton, came down known
door above the Gray hotel at Carcoll- same the first of this week. Mr. Kirk.
town. ‘Miss Sharbaugh is quite an ar- patrick will make a first-class Landlord.
Robert Haines, of Snow Shoe,
' dropped dead on the streets of that
He was a well
Republican politician, and
last Saturday and remained until formerly resided at Karthaus, - this
Tuesday, on matters of business. Will county, where his son now resides. He
“has abiding faith in Patton and this was a visitor to Clearfield Jan. 3rd and |
we are glad to learn; are doing a | 4th last.-
business, —Curwensville Review. ' nal.
-Clearfield Raftsman’s Jour- |
(Guy Bnyder, of Clearfield, spent
! attend.
Alexander Dusamtre, of Praha,
sint wm.
J. A. Smith. of Gallitsin, spent Inst
| Thursday in Patton.
J. A. Curtis, of Altoona, was a gent |
-at the Palmer house Tuesday. -
| spent the latter part of last week in
| Patton. ;
Jas. Farabaugh, a photographer of |
Carrolltown, spent one day last week
Koller & Uo. mewn buninews and you |
| know what that means; a Sper cent. |
| discount.
Read the new vertisstmt
| Danieleon & Engblad’s the shoe makers
| of Patton.
M. Fitzharris, a commereisl wats, of
J ohnstown was a guest at Hotel Heck |
| Thursday.
Frank Richardson came over from
Tuesday in the interest of the
United Mine Workers.
Reuben McPherson, general manager |
| for Geo. 8. Good at this place, visited
| his family at Clearfield Sunday.
For cough, colds and sore throat try |
Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. |
| W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf
Miss Minnie Splatterwood,
jopuaior &t the railroad staticn here, |
| assisted a few days at Carriliown
' Roads last week.
J. PRP McKenrick, an attorney - of |
| Ebensburg, was a guest at Hotel Beck
| Tuesday. Mr. McRenrick is one of
| the many pairons of the COURIER.
It is reported that Ciearfield has al
dude who crimps his hair, and who has |
sported his girl all winter on borrowed |
tures taken are invited to call without |
The streets of Patton prevented B®
very lively appearance Monday after-
'noan and evening. The remark was’
made several times that it was like the
old time Patton of last summer. The
reason for the “‘activity’’ was free beer
given out by new licensed houses and
‘also by the old ones. Every body
seemed to enjoy the treat whether they, |
drank or not.
. 81. AveursTINE, Pa., March 19, 1584.
The entertainment in the hall on
Saturday evening was a success both
socially and financially. =
The Catholic church at this place is
almost completed and is a credit to the’
congregation, as well as to the con-
tractor, Mr. \
tine, who done the woodwork.
‘Mr. Simon P. Nagle opened up the |
$t. Augustine Hotel to-day, and all
who patronize him will be sure to be
treated well.
Tom Swires paid our quiet little
town a visit last Saturday night and
with a knife and clob commenced: to
“paint tic town red” by cutting Mr.
‘Thos. Valentine on the head. But as
Mr. Valentine did not appreciate such
work he turned the tables and Swires
gor whipped so that he will keep in:
doors for a week at any rate, for which |
Mr. Valentine deserves the thanks of
all who witnessed the aflair.
Your correspondent is still stopping
ut the Arlington house and will stay a
few days longer as he finds it a first-
class place. Mr. Harber and his estim-
able wife make every person who
stop with them at Eome.
‘Fatty Stroup, | Ed. Waters, has not
been here since the bears treed him on
the fence stake with the bucket of cider,
. and Joe has got to going home by him-
‘self without the young man and his
sister as ene orts.
Marriage Licenses for Cambria.
The following marriage Licenses were
issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’
Court for the week ending Wednesday,
March 14, 1594:
Fred Sakon and Katie Badior Johns-
town. - ;
John E. Johnston, Dunlo,
Martha Ann Allison, Scalp Level.
David H. Stevens and Addie Rawer,
Jackson township.
McGarie Hostetter and Carrie Felix,
Lower Yoder township.
" B. F. Cole and Eliza A. Wilkins, Pat-
in their New Church.
The Rev: Wasson. will preach in the
‘new Methodist church on Palmer ave-
nue at 10:30 aA. MM. Sunday
Easter. The Union Sunday
will also meet hereafier,
with next Sunday in the church instead .
of the Patton hall as heretofore, at the
usual hour, 2:30 r. M. A verdial invita-
tion is extended to the public toe attend
these services.
: A Coarrvotion.
of appreciation and
Rev. W. Wasson in
a mistake occurred
In the card
thanks made by
last week's issue
which read “refused as your pastor,’
and should have been “‘returned as your
Swiddinh Lutheran Services,
There wi'l be Swed sh Lutheran Ner-
vices in the Suaday school
Wedvesday, March 28th at 7.30 o'clock
Pp, Mm. All are cordially invited to
M. Neiman, of New Washington,
of |
Patton dudes are not “in it.” I
Joseph Farabaugh having decided to |
| close his photograph gallery at Carroll- |
{town in May and remove elsewhere for |
the summer, all persons wishing pic-
house, M. E. church, and on more than |
| one-half of the plastered houses
+ rooms—Ilivery
room -
rr Te
15 years experience.
oy work guaranteed, lowest |
He paints, Housee, Signs, Carriages, |
| Frescoes, Calsomines and Hangs Paper,
Grecian and Ornamen
Painting Taught.
Advertising a Specialty.
Drop a card to Box 232, :
A. G. Diehl,
Magee Avenue,
~ Across Chest Creek,
A specialty. Prices are moderate. An'
work done with neatness and dispatch. |
(Call and See Me,
Patton, Pa.
‘Adamant Plaster
Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex-
Is the best fire-resisting plaster.
Always ready for use in any season. |
Does not hold gasee or disease germs. |
Is the par excellence for patching.
to remanded by a the end
Will give you a solid wall
Of iteelf will not crack, swell or
sh-ink. :
Will not cleave off when aed as di-
rected, even in case of leakage.
Will give you a warm house.
Does not ruin woodwork by loading
it with
Admits of carpenters following plas-
terers in a few days.
1s capable of every variety of finish.
pai~Used on the Palmer House. Good |
Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton,
(C. C. L. & 1 Co. office., Patton
store rooms of Patton.
Also the Catholic Church St. Augusi.
For prices and information, write
Patton, Pa. , Lock Cox 345.
Auman, and Mr. Valen- |
Millinery Stor,
Just opened.
I have just returned from
the city with an elegant and
complete stock of
~ Ladies Furnishings,
and will occupy one of the
rooms up stairs in the Good
Call and see me. Prices
J. M. Robinson, Prop'r.
Located on the corner of
Magee and Fifth avenues,
the central and busi ness part
“of the town, only one ninute's
walk from the railroad station.
Rates, $2.00 per day.
A Modern Hotel, heated by
steam-—entirely new—sample
—first-class in
—headquarters for Commer-
cial men.
Good Bar in connection.
and |
respect }
‘Corner Magee and Fifth Ave
"ro Fine Custom-
The Merchant Tailor,
Glass Restau
And why not w
} -
r Opera House,
Fr Patton, Pa.
ar Custom-M ade
‘When PRICES are m
‘Good - Fit
jade to suit the times.
+ Guaraniced.
experience at Redfern
Brardon h
don and Pans and
kinds of
In the Latest Styles.
tern for ladies coats to select from.
as had several years’
's in New York, Lon-
prepared to make all
A large line of pat- Nl
‘But do not pass our plac of Bug
very nice to offer
iness for we. have something
ou in the way of
$30 worth of goods a fine Oil |
frame is of Moulding about si;
and design is a new sty le and
leaders in every thing kept in
a full line of
our w on
vith every cash purchase of
Painting 28 x 34 inches. The
k inches deep. The pattern
very effective. We are the
h first-class store. We handle
All are invited to stop in and ascertain all particulars about
rful offer.
Agent for
Palace: Steam
Patton, Pa
Will not put it in his sugar, but rather
into business pringiples.
t we buy.
we are e careful wh:
Buy vour BOOTS
us and be mn luck.
Dry Goods
1alty wit
In 4
Try us’
and SHOES from
h us.
quy of tile above.
We have the stock.