Curiosity Ramsast Concraing ; the Orator's Defense, 1 Aci muy Go ov THE STAND. Mis Bawyers Appass te Be Very Sanguine. : The Secret Marriage to Play No Part Ip . the Defense The a May Lasy Twe Weeks auger. | : i Wassmaton, March 19. —The legal Jomplications and moral isanes of the - Breckinridge-Pollard case, which gradually coming to light as the trial progresses, increase the public interest here in Washington, where the Ken tacky crator is best known, and make it the most sensational scandal ever re ‘Viewed in the criminal conrts here Curiceity is rampant among lawyers as to the line of defense which the arrey of five able lawyers retained by the con -gressman have marked out for him. For a time after the revelation of the secret marriage of Colonel Breckinridge to Mrs. Wing, in New York on Aorii 29, was made public, it was the general opinion that this circomstance wonld form the basis of the defense, but the Sheet for Mr. Breckinridge have in to the contrary gi had they not said so it is a fact that all the promises of farriage alleged by Miss Pollard tok been ‘made to her, except the stats in the pres ence of Major Moore. were before the date of the clandestine m arringe. Mor over it seems to be established by a pre e of the anthorities that the Promise . to marry made by a married man - furnishes ground for a breach of pice action in case accepted in W faith by the other party, who is rant of his legal dizsatihty to falfld contract. The mystery of the defense will be 2olved in afew dave, however, for it is the intention to place Colonel Breckin- ridge on the witness stand as the first witness in his own behalf. It is evident that his attorneys place their principal | reliance uw the story which he will tell. ard from their sanguine stals of mind it seems probable that they yuust have in reserve resiurces which have not ‘made known. That Colonel mridge’s recital will be a long one WaE foretold by one of his attorneys, when he said that the defendant would _ doubtless be on the witness stand three “hi attorney prophesied that the trial ch continue for two weeks or more Ionger He said that the cross-examina- : of Miss Pollard world éonsume at | Jost aa more; that Colonel Breckin- would be on the stand three days; | two days’ would ‘be occupied in| depositions for the defense, and : +n Th i in ¢loging ratory for the’ ears of jury. From this statement ‘it appears that the defense expects to’ probe to the cir camstances surron Miss Pollard's life in mach greatir detail than was in- . dicated by the commencement of the _eross-examination by Mr. Butterworth. That part of Washington which en. L-§oy8 a senaation, and it is a large part, is anticipating eagerly the cruss-examina of the nn Mme deferidant by Ae Wilson and Carlisle ty MTR Louisville d h says: el Ci divorce | against her hos ; the de | iss. Pollard's breach of promise suit; he. fact is nnknown to he: Telatives in city is ave it 0 t ELECT 10% CA SES. Wour Cases Are to’ Be Decided io the House, : Wasmsaror, March 18 —The dis 1 of the sundry. civil appropriation today leaves the house open to take ajor Inupor of the both these cases the result of o election on in November, 102, was ex- There were two Sout } in the e O'Neil the aggregate the bequests of the late gie Music hail Sunday afternoon. oil In Tus decision gave the seat to . close, Entien of The itu, agains 1 hgh ‘ be Jace contest | . gested on the claim that ae bore the returns had been manipulated be- doubt, and his iibors ‘was not responsible been the beneficiary of that oe At the close of the case Tilborn's attorneys still claimed his " slection by one vote, but the Democrats of jhe committee decided in favor of li Im the Williams Settle case, the can- testant at sitting member waa elected by bulldozin a 108 the negro voters by the Republicahs, . he Democrats -of the com- ! mittee refused to sustain his contention. | mr. wwwaward (Dem., N.C), however, dissented from the decision of be col- In the Whatley- Cobb case, the | com- ‘mittee unanimoasly decided against the contestant, who was a Populist, and his | cpse can have no standing | in n the house whatever. Aotaing mnown ot Porter's Resiguation. WASHINGTON, March 19. No one at the White House or the state department - ~~ knows anything of thc reported inten- | _ tion of James D. Porter to resign his tion as minister to Chile. The min- ; has been granted leave of absence with permission to return to the United 5 whenever the state of public will in his judgment justify it | i | complained = | organic heart “stationed early in the City for . Loves, March 19.— Mss. Jobn W. Nobis, wife of the et-secttiany of the interior department, is dead The ead of life came tc ber while {standing fm her dmingroom chatting with friends and waiting for Genera’ N opie, who had steoned from ths room 0 call her carriage for a drive She suddenly of maid cangh! | before she o« | was dead oud be taken to s.ooneh she | The cause of Jreeasn she had beer warned mts. ard o +f wrich 4 ents Aad Mrs. N stead i Heath 3 get A231 iow 3 xe yods rez 2 WIS nent special x:th her par- By er Haw wis Mise Eli ff. Reavy Dr Hal Mass 2 been of six born my dren, rest General No kuk, Ia, where bein # le while be On a visit to Keo then a or idiey A ~ War were married Fob 6 15684. 5-4 the remaining duvs of the « was at the front with her has) ree ing services around Chatiencogs and Memphi s. After 1 is We th {ren Fv dn yitest | a neral Naokhie. eT id Lad SIT a= feryela ihe In- She be AVES BOE died early so & ry of Mrs N: was 3 rabets Halo She was | : Son : geryous trouble {pe She met | was | pitied § They ie ave an gre ang the war ste came to : ard here TiGlX 1, except daring ber | Backs as i Brooks Eiidren. two born i for ‘ble | Troopsos the Scene to Prevent | ~ More Rioting. THREE ARRESTS HAVE BEES MADE. dizziness her! her as she was {alll ing and | | The Mays: eo) Altman Deputy therit Leader It 3 Hare and o Labor ferepee ts Be Hel Soifters. Frison A (on Marek of the Ceirrre Currx Evervtiiing 5 ¥ & iis thers went througi Tr GARD he wever are ds few of ip Cos went a} HY | nd street . FY as EVET -» decided the m was reached after 1he r during all her life int i fre m thin ri abt varcement « “f hey séx, jw work and move | ns inate i Ty wo Boy Incendiaries. eT. Ind., March ~The mystery surrounding the incendiary fires in this | 1% * the of dollars worth of has been destroyed, William Koch and Jobing Geald boys bout 20 yéars old, were Aiscovered set ting fire go 8 largs building in the Less port of town A oF wd = after the ny and. two officers soon over: took them. T ws showed fight and i dated iv the display of revolvers inti Led 5 DEANGS property = : has been solved, a gt sried fie Tr fhe off that they ESCA] The ¥ wore, later, and - have started all the firey TR we were snah Fe if GWEVRY fessed @ ¥ 43 Lik Must Nig Up the Money. PARKERSPI RO, Va. dadge Jackson, in the United Stat es court here. tas granted a until March ix. iV cont: Lance i eign claim swindler. The old woman, who 8 feeble broke down when | fosgatid into court. She confessed to having | buried $1.99 in the wos near her home. but clai‘nel the monet was her own. The stay was granted upon the order of the court that she accompany ap officer to where the money was con- cealed, dig it up ana deliver it to him, te te beld pending ber trial. Trouble at Topetchamps HerMowrrLio, Mexico; March 19.— Mail advices just received from Topolo ' bampo via Guayanmas, state that the dis. senston which has preva led in that American co-operative colony during the past several months To resulted in a large nmmber of solonists withdrawing! from the settiement to locate a new | colony In the rich valley of the Yaqui | niver, the state of Somora. It is re ported kere on other anthority that Font 82.000 of the funds of the Topolo- bammpo eslony has my steriously disap- peared. Miss Farnsworth's Suicide. 4 STINE DAT i the past two months, by which | T8841 busi- i & March 19.— 29 mi the case of Met] Minzer Moore, the alleged female pon! i ta sch ta sos ININSS, Brcruaxxox, W. Va. March 19 ~Ex- United States Senator Farnsworth has! arrived home from Bellevilie, O.. w the remains of his daaghter, Min Kitty Farnsworth. The canse of ber suicide | still remains a mystery. hey ang ; woman committed suicide by from the window of a Baltimore and Ohio train between Mansfield and Moun Vernon, Mr. Farnsworth, besides hein ga United States senator, was also once governor | and is one of the wealthiest and best , Knows citizens of West Virginia. Mrs Stanford to Sell Oat 1 84% Francisco, March 19 —A local paper says that Mrs. Stanford is atont! to dispose of her iarge holdings in tg Bouthern Pacific and the associate off poration, the Pacific Improvement cof fas). to the great embarrassment of tae roker. Huntington and Hopkins inter. ests. The reason assigned is that ander the terma of Senator Stanford's will it is necessary to raise by May 17, 1905, the sum of $5,000,000, which represents in senator. Neal Dow's Birthday. New York, March 19. ~The ninetieth Jartiday anniversary of Neal Dw, the rance advocate of Maine, was pean, under the auspices of the SE , Temperance union at Carne Murder and Suicide 1s Chureh. OaxLAND,Cal., March 19. John Brady shot and killed M Brady, bis wife, and then commit soils in the Church of Immaculate Conception in this city. Brady and his wife bad been se about two. years. np Under Officer (to new cavalry recruit) —Never approach the horses from be- hind withont speaking. If ‘you do, ‘they'll kick you on that thick head of ‘yours, and the end of it will be we'll i CT ing with} leaping |. t feel 1 am nght, and I ‘have no dou | the om i1 ever again call out troops ol act in ! the {: | wo x | power of the national guard to carry out | {p= iht ii ity +3 R $14 atiem a Tar. this od , Figs Te ¥ oi n i authortios £ ALL This was agreed toon ail sheriff said that the men nid ome down from the n without molesta- that he wii] not at- on the men : AJA: 1 yas ANS ‘6 any. Warranis wile they are in the city Martin Alexander, the mayor of Alt. man, and Jobn Dalev, the dep uty sheriff of the town, have been arrested in th city and placed in jail. John Calc Mer wood. the presidemt of the Miners urion, also has been arrested, The me were taken tc the county jail at Cornet 3 Springs. There was an incendiary fire im town which was quickly put out, and a large charge of gaat powder was exploded on Battie mourtain, shaking the shaft houses at the Independence and Portiand but doing no grea: damage. At the onnference between the military officers and a committee of the Miners anion, the latter gave assurance that no resistance wo ud be offered to the serv- ing of Warrant upon any of the miners. A Denver dispateh savs: General Me Cook has withdrawn the federal tron ps fe this city to Fort t Log gan. The situa tion: is still emitical for Orr apd Martin on advice cf their declare they will not sion of the su preme conrt, but will insist on holding office until a decision ia | tbtained’ in a _ regular manter In Cane pending | in the district court. Speaking © ‘the issue presse supreme oy the the the conunse], Te ROVey ths wed jE54 the “1 ht £4 «to ail > ir sald y ra urt will do justice to the case, That . = the : he De myer, of one thing I am assur ce will he large enomgh 4 If I hate any doubt za Wo the object for which it is summoned, || will call upon the unorganized militi of the state to come to our assistance.” Governor Walle has issned an order. ¥$ Adjntant General Tarsnev. in com- and of the troops at C nppie y! reek, | have nothing but lame horses in the squadron, An old lady who claims * about it’ says the ¢ steamboat explosions is to make the €n- gineers ** bile their water on shore.” In ber opinion **all thie bustin is done by cooking the steam on bx ard the boat.” There are just three w women physicians | in the state of Delaware, and not one ‘of ‘these is native born. There are no L¥ JEN i ‘to know all | only way to prevent | j fame. is 8 tas BR I BL Bile i in women lawyers, women journalists or | ‘women ministers in the state. Sire was originally used to designat. i the proprietor of a farm. Rising in dignity, it was. afterward applied to a nobleman, then wvsed in monarch. ; Love with a young man is never so serious as with a young girl, because he has his mustache tu distract his atten- tion. addressing a | that the idle muat not be used as a guard to bie the mine owners to re sume eo on. the nine-hour basis, bu at | only to preserve the 2 peace in the event] of a conflict. S. proms Court Ready For Bustoess. WasHiNGTON, March 19. — By the ap- intmeni of Senator White of Louis. | lana to be an associate justice, the supreme court of the United States has | once more ita legal quota of justices. and the court will soon take ho and bear arguments in those cases which it | has been desired shall be heard tefore | a full bench. There are enough of th cases to occupy the attenticn of the court for more than a month and the | present ex} ‘tation is that April will be | consumed in that way A Crisis Feared in Brussels. Brussirs, March 19 —King id, | whe has been visiting at Chatean Cieg- | non, his country residence, and at Mon treux, will return to Brussels at once for the purpose of conferring with the cabi- cet. The position of the ministry is again seriously shaken as there is little prospect of the prope rtional representa tien bill being adopted in ila present form 4 Thick They Saw Sutherland Mostrar, March 19 ==R enneth i Sutherland of Gir avesend election fran have been seen he an veri his des: the steamship offices | for Earp, ft without boy told he kad to go by way of. Detectives en not h for him Riruch For Ice Water 113% 4 ppRma 5 ie i Tipit n PS | at’ hoa ticRe bat le (lng, w when {Halifax { to wat b hav : Tod Aa wmindy 19} 1 The oe Pendleton Windov AVE gl a strike t ny refuses Help defend Wiman, x Mar RA nt Cw Green .ooka. charging him with frand 73d. med by the : { dent of | glasswr i mill i turned ‘to | reduced scale of $2.30 per tom for nud. | | sich Ohio station at Sparta. [ils | | and gagged the agent and then dynamited : nreish jes? May Cause Complications Jomxsrowx, Pa. March 19.—The ter | ; fible brutality to which Charles Carter, | ' & former clerk for the Cambria Ire: company, has been subjected in Mexico, is causing great iodignation here: The United Riatse government will likely be called on to demand reparation. In a lstter to his father in “ra. Mexico, y Carter walking un; the to Keen warm when four canght hold of and g« hiv: wnscleds when he tried 40 | away. When bh : this city | re i an ina Ang was and down trp £14 him 2 Portuguese government does pot intend ahs Clernihly atawed away ahd ran ie shel $6) yards hefo My iring nd fire. IR an 4d faking SWAIN lay A Ans res. 7 free ail might (0 as wiz avi feet were no farther. Fall T lost conseions my Senses i" Longa ~e i sgt Asa FEN regained having Titasvilie Fire. Pa. March TX £ Halx 8 we 88 G50 on the tan Martcwsky 19 ~The Ral ~1tY has & Har az. folly! 5 “iW 51 wif (uy The ¢ svpsipmaents and Aggregats $1 000 sured. The aggregate! loss of §25.006. A aolio Strikers Found Gailey. Kitrassing, Pa. March 19 — Tas Jury in the case of the Apolio strikers bas found Earl Be maley, Charles Kirk wood, Samus Wilson, Addison W vit i I avid Kelly and Jesse Walton zat af aman lt and battery and anl ey &= sembly They were indicted for ric ard {or aggravated asssnit and ftery | Wilson Whtlinger - and William Fred. | eric were acquitted on bxth counts. n 2AT7 : oe] nny id stored wa pe wrt] » ¥ will not exoved 3 i $ 5 Street Car Men Beaten dy a Mob Pa.. March 19.—In Min. a suburb of this city, an mfuriated | mob set upon and roughly handled Con doctor Peter Foy and Motorman Jobin Burke «f the Scranton Traction com pany. who were in charge of a car that ran nto and shghtly hurt two small chiidren hamed Lydon. The mob con-| sisted mostly of women. A dozen war rants have been issued, ; SOR ANTOR, ! 4 A Lawyer Arvested i ScraxroN, Pa. March 13 Pant R | Weitzel, a popular attorney. as been | arrested here on two worTants, one the other | with embezzlement. Mr 'veitzel is ac | emwed of selling pieces © property or representations that they were free from | incombrances when they were mort gaged. a Er-Congremman Townsend Dead. - Wiest Caester, Pa. March 19 —Fx | Congr man Washington Townsend is} dead at his ressdence 1m this place of par | of the brain, aged 3 years. He &iVHiR was slacted to congress from this district | | in which the! . in i868 after a tutter fight, present minister to Italy, veagh, was his opponent, eight years. Wayrve Mac | Ap} served | Vice President Hinckley Resigosn Prrrssura, March 19. — Vice President John F. Hinckley. of the American | Fiint Glass Workers’ union; and a resi. | Philadelphia, has resigned tw! manager" of the Hyde Park wks It is likely that William | Doeling will be appointed tc fil the Vacancy. became Strikers Retara to Work. | 4 Lesaxox, Pa, March 19. —The rolling | strike is over and the strikers re | work this morning. at the | dlers with co rrespunding rates for ¢ sther | workmen. The fires in the furnaces will | be lighted this evening. J The Mager Sewing Machine company of | | Elizabeth, N J , will resume operations, giving empinyment to 4,00 men Ex Postmaster Peter D. O'Connell of | East Springfield. O, near Steubenville, | . unsuccessfully attempted suicide German and [talian anarchists have been expelled from: Switrariand They were leaders ina disturbance at Zurich : Three masked men entered the Mobile bound | : the safe, securing about $300 | Dr. Noble was shot and fatally injured | at Custer. ©) near Lima by his wife. He was in his private room giv vice to a woman when bis wife oy a and began shooting. It is rumored that ex bel! will be a candidate t Congressman Houk of 1h trict. The district has a normal eral. C majority of £2,000 i " M. Party, editor of The Paris 8 Secialiste, | ng add iOS era ar { amp yatleceed the |: ale ¢ Third Ohio dis Demo | ‘ bas been sentenced to two years’ imprison ay a Sune of 1,000 francs for threatent “resident Carnot in connse- tion with t ve execution of Vaillant Te British steamer Han gehow collided ith an unknown vessel in China sea Al the coliision nothing was seen from the Hangchow of the vessel that was struck, and she no ibd sank with ail op board (ver a en ede have oe euzred y m ment and to 4 do oD have? agreed uni hve Kaoke id pet % a Ly Treas “harged 3 ow a WAS niten Sales tow! the im $I IRIES Wha tmarisoned ia He has a refusal te 1m I surgent } in Sad Ti whe ef the ! Among thei ir friends in this ¢ i ernment | been sentence of desth | dered the Brazilian minister at Buen . Ayres to demand that the government of | miral Da Gama azd his officers pirates i on i Rw { derived froxa the ndjective new. ‘of the day the initial letters of the car -dinal points of the corupass, thas: leasy, ‘Mahone, stu ’ Portuguese Warships Carry ich Others to Sea. PEIXATOS PROTEST OF 50 AVAIL. | i § § : The rortiauew Goversmest Not Betieves lutend ts Bosor ft_A Conjecture | That the Vssels Are on Their Way tf Yellow Fever Raging to Mostevides Copyrighted | Rio pe Javsmo, Mareh 19 —Jndring from the ernrse of ovents hore it is thought by impartial chservers that the to hong the request made aponit for the | surrender of Admiral Da Gama Gama took refage on tha Pos tr gees corvetts Mindello when the insmrrectios Promident Peizcts demanded that simiral and the ffcers with? him Jehivered inte fis hands. The: artuguese’ minister declined to order fhe commanier of the Mindello to sar der the fogitives and President Peix ii appealed, it is said. to the Porin- guess provement {0 instruc! its minis ter to order the surrendar of the insur gent officers Whether a rn ~~ Us #4 erlia ni 738: Town ressived te this request arm Ue Aefinitely stated, Sot the Mindelio the Alba. quergqne. ancihes IgOUES Ww arsh P. Bn board 11 Dz Gan A 1 win Adm . wR saint] » CONES Oh ANAS A EELURCAERANNY he Sd el eb od ae | OBHEEMUBKUEL ARSE Ww CAMPEELL BRA NCH. Mabey J Junetion Moin Fides as ing Coad Cre June tien © ore peed » - N sisi | i - suo Sh nh 34 USQUEHANN A BRANCH. £ Chereytive Raroestron 2 Sr regio ; Curroilears Brmd 18° Befley Junetion MBE | EUeaK | ¥% 2 NORTHWESTERN RR gE O60 Uh dl 0 0 a 0 a he BAY : or ATIGNS Beliunwnd Limpiavilie B SrnysssEaAnguatny’ seg8s w or amen mew ove BBE Wet Toh 0) BRESHRANTAY ¥ @ Bac FY SOU HG8 A SA RA Ga ny wi SENNNA LARUE ENOIR Pun Reis wry Lindsey Horutio 5 Wl grevefEss VALLEY RaliROAD. > OW GRADE DIVISION. —— a i : Om and afer Sunday Divvrnber 3 id #4: L353 - VET. [ire hable . The destiparion of the warships is m known. aytured that they wo go south to Montevideo and land the ir ofBeers here. If they ar Janded at Montevidin they can easily, they ars so disposed join the insuy Panic and Rio Grande Do Nall ATH 3 ss * a ihe | CVSTRINE Thi fact that Admiral Da Gama and! kis cfficirs have soe meio in getting cut | : tay wm & matter of great rejoicing ty. There i 18 no don in “he minds of any ‘body that bad the admiral smurrenderad to the gov- bw trial by a drumbhead court martial would have guickly followed. { There could bave heen only one result of 8 trial of this kind and that would have is Is aL a if: + 1 + Elasd 23 3 alle 3 € Pi Yeliow fever continues epidemic. The deaths from the disease average 70aday. Prasident Peixoto, it is said, has or the Arpemtine Republic consider Ad. and pot allow. then to to disembark. Murders: sad Fr in a Truuh. Loxpos, March 19. Ia the room of ; an shandoned woman named Hermann, | in the Scho district officers found the. bewiv of aman in a trunk. The body | bas Been reovgnized as that of a well. i todo #1-10k master named Stevans. He| wax U8 years old. It is believed that the! Hermann woman had an accomplice in} mmitting the murder as Stevens was! moscular man. [Tt may be, bowever | ' th at he was killed while asleep. The! | prisoner i 4) vears | most to repolaveness edd Shes ugly ai! Ciroras Singers Allowed to Land. York, March 19 The d'Oyly- | Opera company, which i» te par | & Sullivan's new Oper | in this city on March | nthe unard Line steam | : ana. T hey were allowed tc! rst avit stan ding the protest of the rus Singers’ SHgcIaton. Commis | wer MeSureenoey BEY Were py as they had per-| at the Savoy theater, London. Recruiting Corey's Army. Piiapkirnia, March 19. — M. Jj Byres of Tas Angeles has arrived in this! New Carta form On ert x 3 INH lama =i 3 VG i fGruae :: £aly cer of the industrisl army which pri poses to move oa to Washington in con jonct on. with the Ce xey armay. Byrne will make sn efart to interest the un employed of Philadelphia in the move ment. He says he is devoti kis - tire ime to the organization Siig 2 receives oo sal ary for his services. A Possible Derivation of News." The word is not, as many imagioe, In former yeurs—— between the years 1393 and 1730--it was a prevalent practice to put over the periodical publications importing that those ‘papers contained intelligence from *he four quarters of the giche, and frro: the practice is de- rived the term newspaper. — New York Mail apd Express, —————— - . x GAN hed said that under the! i ‘panty regeatedly enacted into nw fap a New : Peaston ing Union velemiss: exeinding the ( § Treo Commerce; do with crederitialy as a recruiting off. | i he learned | bune's mojito is the Truth and only the Trot, © Mahone's Flesh Wound. - wieasral Mabone wis wounded at sec- ond Manassas, and some one, to comfort | Mrs. Mabope, said: "Ob, don’t be an It is cmiy a flesh wound.” Mrs gh Ber tears cried out: that is impos: le! [here is not | flesh encugh on bit for that.” Those | wlio Bave seen General Mahone can ap i preciate the remar, K. ~B uf alo News, throv {ih Would Fen Nataral. fie-—~What effect will the BP He will seem rather dull and n't feel alarmed. He's that way when you know. —(Chi Poot 1d, har d ife-— on "Tn ip Ww = Iv “wall er Ocean, bo " F 2-1: a »F * To Tes: Steel. ke irva from - the nistal 3 drop of TW iy st war to teil : with water a gray ! be seen if the metal it is steel. —To. se powders 1t tg act forone (° * metas! Tiri® sond and Pitsburg #1 ran a9 allows ME Ji y eR TU ET | ge EY RY TOY BBG PTT ay roe cee | | i i x 3 x ARREEEN GHENNRNEBESLES 8 Serfadorfuys fr do [RT tbs v * wr CUDTRTEERW MIR CODD HREW AIL BRNInY ALBRUNGASEEGELS [Fteaniiavensrauly $4 3-3 i Rg sENREEEEY > aah a rere EEE SALREYEEEANRENYY Lf 5 Banas ry han. a % ITE W pom hon waves Priftwood st 48s. m. a fiitabarg at ix ifr B DAVID Mert, Ge Gew sme I. PAN ERSON. Ger STAND BY THE POLICY, Sublime, Patriotic and National, oF : Amerien for the Residents of Amwrich. Do not abandon the system wiih [gives thé qoamiry the Tut OF ties Sor f- ATTIRE, nick, a tang People, nave ever] hd! No Ipterfavisce with the ro wetive Tai and no Repeai | Trample Upon ery proposition for Uniimited Free Calin of =iiver Dollars which are Try SaiE af the dollar thw | The S450 of Nationa! Bank. Nols w Armen fof circulation sioce [R81 have Deon 70 Make worth a fall Dod | placed by| over SEE MEN of Rilver which has. berry past gut. Now make the people's sil ver money wri fix feed, for your own benefit! Reverve the Public Lands i for actual set tren and asve them from moeop- Mics and speculators? Protsct and ur. he acta; ether? Neo Intericreses ) with the frogrvssi ve pothisdes of the } > Repos Navy; Protecting the Sea bet isting: Interéitate fending thie Common Schools: Frotecting An we | ican Citi sts abroad; Securing Restprucy: with i other Amprioas nations; EE i» Fill io Count; nr Amerioan mere; Rafviving American ippin. Temes ance; sod | Restraining Trimsts The Superb Market Reports of The X|Y Tribune sm now best prinfed By any new ty. The Tribune is ar on New Yorg foh in New he i ox : nformed|as 9 Prices and a ihe Sha This can fe done by taking The Tribune. Titestestions of the news of A i Druiy Imad in Te Tribune. | This paper has its own corps of fists and photo-engraving plant It conta ne. features for she ladies and children: fore etters and book reviews, and many spe fmtures. at : No Matter Whether you agres| with The N. Y ‘Tribune or not. in sentiments can you afford not to read its ON nr Week] if regu ¥, Thea actiaary FRY is in powyr and during [rhese Times of Change? . Tribune is the ables, — ; a ribune. The N. ¥ sive, and oundest advoen tv of Repubil cies, Whit the Repntilean foun The N.Y. The articlgs of Roswell G. Horr, on the Twit, Carreney [Wages ete., will be continued. Remember! The N. ¥. Tribune is the clesnest, pura. sma safest of fgewspapers or sour fami) Ivesa Soweekly Sul spayer, which invubes ‘the home with y. sensation, and Siscbood, re ix on” The broad columns sad of The Tribuae make § if the vasiest. pak. Pune has the Inrgest cireniation of the { nites] States, seaed fran Wo have chalienged he 1h 30 lakers. man ced ve Yoaty] ange print paper to he Trt any Weskly in nls Fa Vi me % RIL, Ww “Washington's Parewell™ Write fr the full, (lastmted Premium | ! N Pribune. A copy will he mai “Washington's Farewell to his Tacrumie Mstorteal plete, painted or The Tribune by an artist of gr ¥.|wiil be sent to avery one pak iog Ht Tix paper. (ther eysedingiy in ting and valuable sr. inciadest in The Fribunc's Bet : AILICoS ‘Ferma for 1894 Weakly, $1 Sank dng = aday $i Ide wiediv, $2 Tribane Ab in January, 5 cents, oll pine if THRE TRIBUNE New Yorko Sampie jeopies five Wowigly, $1 Dwmily sunday THbune manne fora, reads pes Mls arn ae ry vy .~