a hid eae BR % he CHINESE | ikNGE [ENNNYLVAN Sata Hl A BE AUTTES OF PEACHBLOW PINE. Fm on the Tariff: a © me Methods LL « Voge “Outeatiale® : : . i ” J = wily «1 va Ms Massacre. ny Ere Reef 0 | Wasnivorox, Feb. 26 —Bland today | FAIREST FLOWERS IN A CITY or Je luda pen tor .FASHION'S FAVORITE COLOR FOR THE phagdcivbiy ou ge freien THE RESULT OF COOKING MEAT | yiskted the point or which the opponents | HANDSOME WOMEN. the western stl eutiitnde ~~ COMING SEASON. | oA Tia oar os v * - ne jon : eg ’ ¥ . i He — dais oars jo iN A COPPER KETTLE. : . of bis eeigniorage bill have been eot: : of this Cliiness SS adad : aud DT EE a te 0 tending, and moved to proossd to efi Young Selons or an Amelest Much has bein soi ; ns about 4 gael umd Smart Gown That “Rustled New York Hop So | consideration withoat a Jimitation of de- J az i 4 p a pedantion of 1 op . ; . \ 3 : ' Race—The Darinl and Cusat Famities. the ndonption of ris and With & Soft Swish” ~The Latest Th In » ashi lon, % bn. ‘. 8 “SoM ARE DEAD ™ OTHERS WiLL DIE. : bate, This wal agreed tc withont ot Jc -} Rich, Beautiful and Good: Letter From scion wt Farad Arsen. oo Hairdressing—Young Ladies nt the Five from Fs 03 Pltiaile ti00, ap § the «fternoon was spect m. die! Tialy's Most Bemutiful Clty. als and doe.ovar. ; cut of | resign A ky Aufasurgent Warship Sunk —A Shel Drop- bate. Blend, belore conceding the point, | [Rpmeall Corres dence.) : bie teiesrapy £: Harrisburg dnd Tier : ing at Philpdeliphils ped in Her Maguzine ted the house and found himself eleven | He 9. $f it x3 : Pha tested be MpLax, Feb, 12. —Two of the fairest i Hae oo. ) Pp gw Yor. Feb. 22.--Did 1 tell you | amsport. Pullman ie pro No Defioite Agreement oi in the geaate a oo eo a s Two and woolen far pid. Tare] {Special Correspondence. | | Ta mo. Th resoneh # ILics=, atl Soumeser, Pa, Feb 26. Two farmers.) i & tocratic Milan i. : ran IR er a ' short of 8 guornm. He ctated that be | the fair beauties of aristocratic Milan 00 Ln : fave, os prac blow pink is one of the favor- {: Une 16 Phitudeyd and fifty more enffering from the ¢fests bate, std avery day nutil the homes vote and Conteasign MarinCasati. Thesetwn , pen, the cl : .: Tung be worn during the delicions, long, | ¥133 P.M~Tmin 4 daily fo = fos begs yr aes : % in Quemahoning townebip, Feb 2 | of one of the most sensational schemes of | their ancestey back to the middle age Mtan provines not they bee they tell us of is whirling his dron- | week dys and i065 mon Su: fred pleas, they are will aie tog ade like nothing but rater ed CO Evte and Willlnmspeo fines on of Ce ns hao hie | vigorously seoted aiike Republicans ant | their forefathers, who in the annals of : 8 ash 4 nothing but the o ge | finmupunt 1 Pht moerats for their attitude toward th ‘ ih century are described 1 | De f heir at | the fhurteenin are described as to builkd up tue oo Sf China | more tender and brighter, too, ‘thah old | Siveper al Harrisbary F% anerrin : in ‘he de , 3 : 4 » sio, : . : ie reported to have died during Y | whom be thought had not voted as the, | Mona, mear Milan, and Maltrasio, on | © ilo ny ce thick. is today | of yards of silks. mpslins, ginghams and | twa kettle end stood over night. About 250 Patterson (Dem, Tenn. | for the ivconeis- frst treaty port was of : it will'be worn in the bright glare of the | m. for Erie. Low vie aries, whom the Colpese A us the, Ome of the very swellest of the ‘swell aE A Dropp+d " Bombahed! ing ™ ep eech by Hepburn, {Rep . fows} | ’ inerely ax Tligionss : Bh be 5t ay dl lan- | ohs! and ahs! like an explosion of fire. TRAIN 1 [ia-hbil Fld be 6 Rio Janeiro, Feb. 26. — Toa inenrgent | fo count a qaoram. Pickler and Eile, of | : : Leh OColestials. so profoundly SCOTT, | fort from obsearity into the parlors, A per © firth weal G2 : i A > Fr CRY Br Madama point, when a amor | hud admitted to them that be er) wed ne | Prin iE to the { mili fra two Swe. i sal 2 ia, 1128p mn Wea wwelve aerloaely sick 7 ni : : | Phi bai TS ON rs are dead, ten or twelve ¥ shonid moe to morrow to-eloce the de {are Donna Carla. Contessina dei During, aa the wn sive | jte colors for light fabrics, such as ate to i [paake er ur f 3 3B ERY £6 : ¥ 1 tsa Fhe of eating porecoed meat st & sale beld |, (hy pill. The debate was productiv. | FOUUR scions of an ancien Toran Ace Chang. ths vie - meteor dreamny days of snminer when the busy | [npac and ints Cn a i” el Nott inte 4 inany places in snd about Milan are : : timore, $29 : Wastihiriol ' a 1 ) 1 it 1 Bn are at heart in =<yvi (4 WORLETT 1t 2 hic : am; ak ire ; Jereminh Kringler, a promiveut oil | tha pucgion, Penew (Colorado Popalist) | inseparably associated with the names of ir t i ™ ing flight abont ns? Peachblow pink is | Palins ears und pres usd vibes oF rests oo Fr Ved Lo senigers Ln sl T fa it titans morping and Alexander Rboedes advantages of w vo bwnowi- | of the petals of a peach blossom. I1is| (oqnn win reper fori oe: armer of ‘Jenner township, : ! va nf atronthold ; : ! : leading farm Py ibill, mid named peveral Repablicans | hereditary proprietors of strongholdsat Bi ot thi Chines ¢ in its olid | rose or russ leaf. and there arethousands| 2m Erie to Philsdeiptis s port 10 Baltimor At the sale a luncheon wes served ingiod shoald, charging it to the influence of | as a8 savas and into ; to uate of even calicoes of this dainty shade. Its {vasa Tem i wi ing bee! that wes cooked in 8 COPPAT| Rood Bithian (Dem., Me) criticised | HEY RP. the “foreien dvils’ peg cfire the | pee will not be eonfined to evening, but | or aswny Dh DuBois persona partook of the beef. Shortly tency of bis speech to.day and ove be | This hate is speciali z+ 1 in the | sunlight and be worn for the "best pioAM —Trnin 8, dai after many became violently ill. It 18) 5 40 before a New York club’ Satards: | frequent ontbarsts ag tue mission- | frock”. LA gEatiatg pO | i, ramored to might that ten or twelve can- ight. ie 3 the wing of th , bo : : not poesibly recover DM, asd i the the , Dar | y {most powerful Ageuts pet propagation | establishments here showed a gown to- THROUGH - TRAIN= rot. : oceatic party opposing the bill, Linr-{ | of western leas. Tooy are not detested | day that called forth many delightful FROM THE Ear) Copyright by United Press ’ be eensarad the. Demoerate for refusivy - Ne : | gerons vy + nk zation which | works, as the patient piodel stepped | 15 Te steamer Venus, was off Eugerho island Oregon, who bd been singled ont bs : ost { Thonah ths {OH inese govern ent has Just This gown was made of peachblow ins- : Rifas par Froves ‘a x ai dy = ~ . dare 1 1 aont of a i 1t this INR bembarding the government Penes as rot voting, stated that he, Penes, : ; : jars od] the navientofai i oetnnity : FRAN 8 lewsves Mew yo : > : ee : : BE. : re sane [harp re : . : " dish missionaries muries i last spring | > : : po , low p - X Cate = N : rng : ! E wood at 6 a mm Pull . dropped a ebell which explod«d blowing | mach as they seetog ths Democrats nn + :! eR cand the cavital panisiment of the ering. | BP : .} trom Philadel obi to Eo : : t tngson and BaMiznos up the maguzing. The sailor was killed | pole, and Pickler, in addition, stated that | Ty Tu Yih EB. uals Hupeh, ihe provinces where it oc | OT o NTH by ; 4 ¢ - < Ju i! hg * i x. : 5 "a y i . 1 a 4B © £ E Ls % ao at % SET I oar Foe fife) d several injared. A hole was torn in Peres had said he boped the bill would | AAT Nr © Lenrred: on adjoiniie provinces, Ho S 33 ATR TRESS | to thivagh dation te WHY of the side of the weesel which ini: nase. Thess assercions were vehe aA AA \ Pann, are iro iy bhoslivig over wah a mie | lo RET LIN Biphies y oe Sf - an 5 eh Lt 4 sti § Yirnrs : rw wiliinls vi Hale > 1 leaves ponoy began fillies at onea snd soon sank. | m arkly denial an false by Pence and alter : $ L174 IARHIRL LE Liznant Passing wilcn 18 Bxery tore except Sanday, Aris “ x i : i i ® 3 il FHI * ¥ * Fs The crew waa saved by boats from the the committee pose he wade a persons 3 3 11 sl more oad il ontriuges, pF am. : : pli i rng Fray AY SPRY Fr 3 SENT Rs insurgent steamer Japiter, A false story er canation in wl bh he was twos outed ; : CONTESTS A CARLA D1 i La ITS i YF OTY Wirt JOHNSON Hi Ki: + wis published that a ehell from the gOV-!¢. oder for statements regarding Eis Lake Como. In fact, the male relatis re (Dally exes pi ~ eroment fort exploded the Vanas' maga {4 | Haines, of Nebraskan. After the sec. of Donna. Carly have alwavs borne the + ego ROY : fol flop i gt Rig a . + s : . Hans ! TOE oF 2 i Li EE 1 at ie zine. i ; 0"! tiranch of the rules the hone votes title of counts of Monza Rgd. Shrengh | provinces, 10 whose skirts haved BOF EAN DHE CT | 108m : Wants Action on TARY BIH Postponed. [gizw to thirty, that he should aot ha al their A His SE thers DAYS MAGE | dang forthe Just. 20 vours some of the | BEAD FATIR "ay ps gues Drs Mowe, Iowa, Feb. 26 Davie | lowad to proceed, and then nt 5:40 ad it y - Pisin I Kin H ; io piesmlY emors of nese oats: Fe TRY W : or. | Ridgway at 1:43 ¥ 3 : i. } he annntl vere of ine Hnmber: ol : ? - § I ay R/L ge J intnix i i 1180 re til to mn . Hive aT tof) the fener ated Lae Bitter opponent 3 bed EEE MT ti {Rep.) intraduced in the house of rep jonrned antl to morros and Queen Mat sheritn to this charming | Y er : * opp! £7. 8% . FF ee ; sentatives to day, a resolaticn seking for | No Conclusion on ‘he Tariff place, where they remain tire Lal ov uming of Rpoioy a . i$ RW : Erev. AX AND Cig iC gine gy © i | i i | J Xo & postponément of the fics! vote on the| Wasmixarox Feb. 26 — The necessits Sop of wqeh vear and are f lowed he) 20K 8 a lo Mave Sworn Ww aplenty Big, VHA 5 GALLY § Wiieon bil a congress ttl after next | or suxiety of the Demooratie owpntors pany of the neineddy fanibes of Rome fo Innes of ni v teaching froma] Vote election, “tu give the people of the United i arrive at soma defioite agres ment on 1! £1; : nx of | BIR VICR Py vs EACHELOW SPRING GOWY, > States 1 chances to volte on the question. | satject of the tar ® lad to an early ad the place } 1 Vadhie former colorless : on : pan Sins : and wa : ord on pluited. It was The resointion wes adopted by a party jaunmeal « f tha penele to day, the re * f oi ’ : : int La : uring | fiat ; is bliin 5 ee be 0 sil ; hip SE a mdi vote, : ! ma irsider of tha afternoons being gpen + in bd nevi Th $4 SH Fount fieany 2 . A ki it g m °T $ Fears the Penalgy Dediodratio LRNOUS, AR A Pp wrhien of 1 Cannery Ia, Fe, 06 Charles 84) | forenoon bad been, Dasing the few my yard, who 158 to te sncnted Thursday | ntes of pablo weston t Gre Wis nest fof mwurderiocy Pohesnien Martino od. an. bs tig has been very sick for several days, It is | adapted behead to be B general hrasklwn as the | ponds fires lor execution approsches. Evers i ment sod ibe 4 preci alien uw tks n to prevent soiciGe, ¢ whether gil ver Nicwragan Vietorie the Bind Alison Ww ASHING Tes, Ful, 2f. Tha Nicars “hawfal money” ed i gos nxt ter bas received 8 rable dis- Tie opinion of the dep ortaent the 14 tha! ieee erivey cart Be ut patch sayieg that Texaciualpa, ; : # “are joer! Donn Caras heer os ery tocol, 2 a3" A we Ed IY A Trdg capital of Hovdluree, satrenioied to the V Z. they parport to bs aed that 3 jE 1H old 2 . , f 8 MYL TEL. ; nel N= Yar 7 bias CE : ie A am BUFFALO, ROCHESIe: Niwragasos Friday night. Tis Hisputoh | Ae any Inwtal Kine) fo the exitest thine} "005 Tt in hh Aon Be adap 4 cr iri ¥ think the oirle row fovelier than : states that this ende the war wu favor of t they wre rapgetvedd lor costome, axes a Esser on 1a uit & vatvhae won of | BTR } Paver with i Ty ward ther have of 109 anit Si 1a Rpt Nicarsyos. : othee pubic dus, ad that they ura mot | aval Amd petriotie character | BRAS ECAR | deverramnmeens | drendng iid fixing Fier hale. One Ite] 0 OT lewfal mone; withie fhe I 51 f th a y : ¢ wy ha JE 4 SF 1% to mart i enactiyin tl fiank President (der Areal, | lawful move, be meavtew of te {yin onto ain sentiments of the great- | fate gd Al ee ey : Win the middle | Pi over he ti 35 4 lex, Loc PORT, N.Y. Faby ah _P asident | Htatates cite! Optarons af the fore : st dept an for por father, en Carle A tied {1 ~ | ¢ 2 on By gd } 2114] 7 “1 } mn nd | “Fes 4 i hae YE LY 333 Basi! 3 8% a we " . wnt ee with the fillets, Heimer, of tha defupet Merchsats bank [relations commitiee regieding (he Dorin, head of the present Maianese fam. | i 2 s upton a les edd 3 knot was arrested to-day on the charges of pre | Hawatian qiestion . Wers presente ily iso rons rated the greater part-of | 5 Le - - 5 aint dh - ys i the way of a high i i menting taisely kept hooks and wcsonnts | by the chairman end notics Was | his fortune fo the war for Italian inde rE 4 fod ue as es : : : iv F ‘R "las i perience 1 1858. The contessina ber. | tr ‘ ~ : SH WINERY 2 weenie to some, and in #0 the bani examiner last September. 1£1ven BY Frye, (Rep, Mame) & membe self is wall knows in the highest circles | “0 Te AE. | urs gags : + who do net un. 4 Ns He wis hatled. The urrest ja doe to the! | of the committee, that he wonid andres | of the Lombard ° dita) and i a Youn : > Go Hr AE gr Sit 3 " ied pn ennstdera- | TB Tord Lr tleld #1843 3 u ' wo aa 3 ia 7 Sr yh in | 2 : : . i : . wri 3 “coufesnon of ul Cashier Arpoid, gi Senate on fhesubiint ext Wednes} TY. | ent enix ¢ of tae Purin family, Si ols SHINERE MYRRIGN SON USE, ; or the Tm tates of antag would! x @ rc . remit 1 3: . : : i wo thetn to leay caret if it “= Ri ‘Suits the Rallrond People. | The Er-President's Trip distingnished in her native city not only | 1 tndn - them 10 .Mmve off wn get, ERE CR. 1 Bon a CH10aG0, Feb, 26.—Jaage Grosseup to- | Ixpiaxaporss, lod. Feb. 26 -- Ex-Presi | for rare beanty, bat for that intellect | most PE beeomi B. which Loa oad Bp 23 Jur Lure navi an | Bal enltare and esprit which are so rare | azainst the Chyistiow religion and je] 10° hears on aliasing to tae front of; 5 # THIN ali Sey Siesharaed thes sate fy ruil sou Ss Jeut TE 85d part) Sat here " 2; ol among It 13 w “i of the Ii -_ teie Regs 118 beri a sh enna i He clussienl filet, : : aa Fails Crook won i {Aw fort acific coast in a speci com | - 3 a 3} LAH SRAM | ens HE vie aa 18 Erallabe i seleaan I PRRsengers are nag esto directing t to anever 4 tion) asked ufo is Ti Of the 1st proudnneed Italian. Fy pe, broadenst anong all clas d ania, Laere 14 another ! sch de : beeiiore catering the Cl by tbe Grand Jury. This practscally DD W0d: Slenping car, Bere. was | 11. elie: sey of hor featnres, her s; ten did I have one hogs 1 . ‘ Palghat make gow | attractive ; cont . ig ! si, Wa i se, ian iE : - i ow 4% PER OFF 11? ‘pailifies the inter-state commaroe las. | bo demonstration made at the departnre. | 35,0 eyed and Lriliant almond o fore me, aud 1 wont ro to pe | WBAL IN, R60 ay i dolled back | a ticket, offioe x 10s nt Colored Moarderer Blectrocuted. 1 Wiman Pleads Not Gait'y. jon, sdded to distingnished Sod as i. prt the ny } 3 itd Over a casi a dM 8 IoOs0 i Thoussnd mile ted. or i . i Nw Yorg, Feb. of. —Feastos W ive manners. have mace ber name one of f whichit r : Ry Pd : Fo: : (1 PAOSY anc dy all stations at oct Bina diva, N.Y, Feb. 26. Tne pe | Ne K, Feb. 28. — os Wiman, 1¥¢ : win ey ak na bo | fs prog: Cte ot orhic 445k comibin SCL For tieket, time unt who was indieted for for = : ,, | Hie Best SBOWR Mm Ha Lleryry and social |: 3» Y soaand gL i > iret 4 01 sali on or addres groe, Johineon, wae electrocuted to-day b . ” bil a the see circles of Milan. ; ; ering hace over nils and in aff | abd i Lun ; for the murder of Emil K Kackelhors. > ond degree, pleaded not guilty and was When Napoleon 4 granted the famil te ts omnsd to beso a fed. Bis al i EC laps pe relesised under bail. : NE Sui LY : : You tan vomr —— im , the coat of arms which they now bear, ho jth Lefglenpud that while the 1839 gown was 3H Harpist, Ges By Seippiog wed Olppiog Yon Get os flare} Way snd Tiel. withdrew tintef the yamujer branch of | A a yom ini La ; ‘Value for Ten Centa, | Nw Yona, Feb. 26. --Champion James | the C asati family at the same time annull A Ti gee Mi He mear | Beech [ ‘raek Jast think of a delights of a trip ali i J. Corbett started to day for Jacksonviile {ing their title of count This act was also | and Amwriog re: roe mol Bd a £1 - # ; L 4 over omr own country from Alaska | to #tand trial for participating in his re. a} i Sanyal i jutile Aa = is al pie ANT redial | er, gio dh Bla > ax 10. the Golf Mexico! And jast think | c=nt priza Bgbt. NE fore nS As te Hmew when Los were ng : oe i , $344 | : oo + ? og Hemel ’ fort of being able to do 1 iu easy stégen Employment tor Hungarians invited £2 show the validity of ey his i | Bxp Mui! at ten vents “a stage,” including the set West Caesrer, vr, Feb. 28 --Tbe tics they “ETE ti poor or too indiffera bth = 1s : | tL m—— Sl : Rp Near vices of a gaide Yet, that is just what! Parkersoarg Fron worke, ‘which bave 0 ¢ so. Thus for many years thei; Thar reas: 0s a wr VE wy | Wn the Pittabarg Times proposes to do for | been idle all winter, reanmed to-day, om ined obecure or fntirely un. | this: From 100. pons Te : pr Ca i SBD you. Realistic pictinrea from every part ploying 300 Hungarian, Enews patil some branch, through the | can be extrisinl | pon iver, und] el aR TORY SEL of America, done in new process. intel. SURREAL bon vers ews aterary ary. or Fen genius of | be en ne . I Lk CaN : : ny be : x AA IE ble typogravures deliveata the joaruey. i : otis ehiriirc sats of ; ] pio a Po Rai The incomparable, world famed traveler 2 if and lecturer, Prof. George KR. Cromwell, | is tbe guide. Journalistic enterprise 8 ] the conductor of the trip, j ‘laticnizes the mapagement of athletics. er ad ” Lose Gf thelr ow people, bat iy! owe Loghn “America from Alaska to the Gulf of | and places them upon mors solid basia. | NEE 2m jof Lhinese, The method br whi! this | HAIRDRUSSING AND NEW CAPS Mexico,” will be pablished in weekly |The advisory committee created by the [ry ; } Hiver o oltained HES huvor gen discov | , ing of the hair, but now the fasbion of | series of sixtesn views (each view 11x131¢ ew constitation consists of Hon. H. M. | RR I-y brill ered by any of the native Christians GUL hose days in this particular is cortaia to | inches, tally worth $1.50), and will em- McClare, Protessor F. E. Rockwood and | + 1 : ih ; {30% Ihe long period Ie me Vis 1elafa have a vogne,.each one trying to outdo | ‘h and | W. Lo Gerhart, M. 0). Wat ugh has been propagated ire 0 pil Files brace the pbysical scenic wonders of ; A hag ; a I "1 will venture to quotes another pus the ot i sng Lewisecsa, Pu., Feb. 20, 1834 The Athletic Aseociation has adopted Br : role ' a pew coustitation, which eufirely revo: | 4 pt 2 mi it. prices hor Siow fo BOT sides pH Ih i yr i our own land, the whole edited by Prof. | Civil engineering is among the new Lo i, i sage as showing faintly the fe af . For Siderly ladies the Bair is worn | G. BR Cromwell. Each series will be en. | subjecta just added to the curricula, and FL ey WN, | theses Chinese ime wires: , best it” wav be arravged to conceal the | ~ olosed in baodsom» covers. To sny of | {will be tanght next year for the first| \ * wr I Tha worst.of 43) that they tlie mised ues ul age, out ie mest ordinary | : i \ by A a pay ! ©) | manner is to see it waved {row the the sealers of the Pittsburg Times: who] me | ® 4 7. stonaries) are abie to impart a magical ! ing sad ‘ fed 10° the Jacl an] pan new cat " NOR For ci Wer to water, to sand dbrowd charm nim es 4 ack ¢ I ‘will ent oat six coupose, differently nom- in he alogite scsi ig * 120 NL : > Sy Fx : Jo hi { rat AL : L : : ‘ : : : i : fast: ned under & braid or knot. Dainty ‘bered, and bring or send tbem to the PO8Y%: Toor In press an will be out | oon Re JF Be Junin, i Tg Hidy anc. to 14640 caps of black and ii lace ape set Pittsburg Times office with ten cents to! "O°™ @ Registrar of the University | oh os y =] £10 Lightly on the head, giving a touch of cover coet of handling. The Times will | has charxe of its dstribiatioo. | : ? b : [ames 1 5 : 3 ; ig Gl nnrines of | BFaCe and beats fr thos winan whos give or mail the first series which will ve i in the Tastin gymnesiom is qaite | N | somen and placing tietr ander the bed fading Hur or aceuaulated years or | ready March 10th, and which contains | *** noder the direction of. Harvey F.' CONTESSINA MARIA CASATE | mnat, aequire the power th eo I theds “hat litle thin spot’ has made a capa the following views: ; i he ¥ : i The Capitol, Wash 8m! th and W. B. Harper. Daring the [due of 1t4 members, would $pring nts ie House Square, Now York; 1h OR work fu the cyan. ch [ie WAGE Tauitiens of [oad alter JoMuniRtions wel oR I! wie thie ctl 3 u'ologh peg, ind “Cheyenne Canon, Colorado; Chéstuut | The Duivarsity bas nade a residnary | 5 it at eri with the Manzoni a i i ® Eateehi Ih a i tbe Aish oie) us th ¥ are would be St., Philedelphis; Yellowstore Falls, Sriananueny Bic fling ther Forsiter Throil. ob tr ret as bane at eisitian aot i impesiiie to describe. Ther belong? Wyoming; Brooton's Cove, Newport; | Ripley, detensed, Tate ct New York eit - Geutral Park, Minpespolis; Avditoriom 8 iba will of tha lute Elizabeth Ww. Hotel, Obicago; Loom Banit. Rapid, | 3gee, of Ebiladeighia, the. institation Lawrence River; Temple Square. ‘will ale receive $1,000 for the endow ¢ Lake Oty: Mountain Hogea, (es B80 I'wo thousand doilars from the ini Tus: ; fis ra Te Fis Li ces aban | traits son Bprivgs, Pag Washington ‘Moun ; Longa estate, eatablihing the Lyeom . tran : sit i flex aon. ‘ i Bue a Br io hit nfs > hey {+ : to waar wh : Tex ctoldly Ente His ment, Baltimore; Horse Shoe Falls, 7% county scholarship, have been Puid [in Milanese arist fe circles mit 2a HA a a - we found ourseives admiring them ii th ihe nl Niagara; City of Victoria, B. C.: Sitka, jryet the treasurer. ” mush as a great be ty: i Linires . at bishiy or Babi er : a SA PI heir new found unty. - : Sup fie. fast Wis Alaska. i : The mutter of patting down a einder | 4s 35 fine musician and as an amatenr is ani the oH. ir a 3 ek rr te a 4 . ; EivE Haken { Rah Wg Aan quar'er mile track, on the athletic field, the histrionic art. In ker fathers villa ment. knowing perfectly well the dam ; : : : eid WIth the Hot 1s being agitated, and it is expected that at Moltrasio, on Lake Como, soe | ger. takes no iw tO prevent io . Ne Largest Juveniling Han. a 2 Fer erected a mi heater in which the eathreak It will cemtont itaell rex cic nO JaTpest od verising sign-in th aT fen Rs 1) i : “A i 1 i ! blr dt 7168 i Nactligeaien susp BEY ov SAB HE BED Py % 7 4 38] "4, AF 4 There will be 8 new ceries each week Tat it Ba emnplied on the sama . + theszme will be laid this summer. = Tineidn Halley, M. A, of JOU 2 mawreve God paymyg an inden’ nil fAnttine faa 1p 5 3 ¢ v Foe ‘ * >AfRda ta Lat 4 x Few pads nnder The i pesena ripe i. ps ~% 0E1 yh i ER IMBE « sign ministers after the atropitieés or 1 ii SPORES Ta teinhtk hp VET t+ I. Fase ; is 4 i OVI .. Farse; of fray niles : Ash PALME : Suse tend
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers