The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 01, 1894, Image 4
ps an THURSD AY, MARCH 1, 1894. Entered at the Posrtoftior at Patton ax soronds clude mail mater. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS i. Fybmert bye re who ies ned give exprisk potice to the contrary are ide red ux wish ng to rencw their subset ptions If subscribers onder the disc HOA ae © of their periodicais, the publisher flay oon tinue to send them anti] sll arreamges are } If submeribers neglect or refose to lake thelr periodioals from the postoMes. 1 whic they are directed, they are respoasiile until they have settled their Hits and ordered them discontinned, 4, If sublmeritens move to orher places Bd mt informing the publishers, and tae papery are sent to the former address, they are held responsible. 3 The Courts have Aecided that refusing to | take periodiesis fron the office or removing and liaving them uneailed for, is prisna ‘facia evidence of intentional fmuad 8. If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to give notice at the end of the tine if they do nft wish to continue taking ity other wise the pablishers is authorized (0 send it wid the subscriber will be responsible antil an LeXpress. potiee, with payment of all arrear agen. mw Ment to the pub xh, THE LABORER Is WORTHY OF HIS HIRE. Every political party has its wheel horses, local, state and national, and “when positions of honor arc to be fil led "they should not be neglected to the advancement of those who shirked the . earnest arduous work. We sdy posi- tions of honor because we do ‘not believe in paying a man for public service more. than he is worth in any other service. In other * words, a man who is only compeiont 10 earn $60 a month at private employ- ment has no good grounds for claiming a position as 150-dollar man. The slighting of these wheel-horses by the present administration has led many Democratic newspapers to comment on that subject, the following from the Newburg Daily Register being a fair sample of the more conservative . articles: “Grover Cleveland was triumphant- ly elected as the president of the United States in 1502. He worked in his way for victory, and so did many thousand other Democrats, often mak- ing sacrifices. Mr. Cleveland did his work, and now has the honors, but the same cannot be said of other Dem- oersts, who might, with good sense, be | recognized for the work that they have dome also in the restoration. Mr. Cleveland looked for 3 reward and ob- | tained it, and why should not others? Why should many of those who bore the heat and brunt of the day remain unrecognized for what they, too, have done? If one victor has won the spoils, why should not others? Can one man Tu Grier. HE STATE VOTE: The Soran, sngdrity’ given io) 'Galusha A. Grow last week for con- national party wants the continued and unchanging aifleiganece of Pennsylvania Democrats it must abandon its free trade tendencies. The vast army of workman employed in the state that . produces more coal, more iron and. more oil than any other will not walk .up to the polls and strike a blow at their own living. [It is, in this State, merely a question of revenue. If the’ vaiue of the great natural wealth of the Keystone state should be reducédd by legislation and the oufput diminished minch or little the workingman would feel it. It could not be otherwise. The Hastings Tribune, in its partisan zeal, criticised the CoURIER for the expres- sion of independent thought on that ‘subject before election, but it now is seen that this paper's position is heart- ily sustained by 100,000 independent votes, representing that many indepen- dent thinkers. Democrats and Repub- licans are nearly equal in Cambria ‘eounty, but protectionsts are largely in the majority. Why should it be other- wise? Are not the coal and iron: indus- tries the very foundation of the d county's prosperity? : Cw I" SHOULD BE STOPPED. Almost ever since the beginning of Patton some evil disposed persons have been committing a series of depre- dations which is quite enough to give . a decided startling effect to the com- munity at large, and there seems to ‘be practically no limit to their obste- perous conduct. Petty thefts appeared to be the fore-runner of these vagaries, ‘but no seeming notice having been taken of them, the marauders became bolder, until robberies have been com- mitted almost before our very eyes ‘and the CoumiEr would respectfully call the attention of the proper anthor- ites to the restriction of the same. These thefts have been committed with such alarming frequency that the | present indications are that unless some steps are taken to make the pur- ! wait of these malicious intruders less attractive we may look forward to pay additional installments which may not neem at all in view with our ideas of | right and wrong. : DIED FULL OF HONORS. Itis said Gen. E. W. Hincks, who died at Cambridge, Mass, & few days ago, that “he enjoyed the enviable be above such things when he enjoys gistinction of being the first man te thers himself? Whatever may be the! fer his services for the defense of the - reason for this, the effect is discourage- ing to the rank and file of the party. They see men out side the ramparts, who, were they within, could do as much good in the way of ‘Democratic administration or legislation as Sexe ‘Mr. Cleveland. But they are not side the ramparts, because Mr. Cleve. land has not called them. It is not the way of Andrew Jackson, who ate and drank, and shared his victories with the men who helped him win them.” CONDITIONS The Chronicle Telegraph gives the following review of the industrial and * financis] conditions as developed with- in a short time past: _ “In balancing books. on the week’s " business there should be set down on the credit side these items: 1, increased government revenues and farther ad- ditions to the treasuary reserve; 2. “activity in the irom market, which bas long been accepted as a barometer | of trade; 3, resumption of work in more mills and factories, although at reduced wages; 4, less unfavorable railroad earnings; 5, a smaller number of failures; 6, larger export movement “of grain in; 7, seasonable weather, which has increased the demand for Season- able goods. On the debit side should be piacnd: Wie wioivoy ot owns sud abou; 3, ack of progress on the tariff bill in the senate; 4, reopening of the silver question in the house; 5, extreme de- pression in Wall street, to which center the country usually looks for signs of eiodion that sunditions rei stetn quo. The necessities of consumers and the smaliness of the stocks are responsible for the increased activity in production, .but operations are still governed by the hand-to-mouth policy, and are far "from satisfactory. This state of affairs ~ will continue long as uncertainty re- garding fiscal legislation. It is the opinicn of some ‘of the best authorities that the country is now prepared to try: apy experiment which may be forced upon it, but it is waiting for congress Lo announce finally the exact nature and extent of the experiment. It is not willing to go ahead pending that anvouncement.’ 2» whirit's” Free Fictarcs, ‘A beautiful end artistic 14-color pic- ture, size 9} x 15 inches, is given away with every copy: of that popular news- paver, Pennsylvania Grit, which is sold | every Saturday. The pictures are beauties and will - look well framed. { Everybody shouid os ian a pic- ture this week. —14-t4 Li rigid = Re Union. President Lincon called for troops on April 15, 1861, anc at § o'clock in the morning of the same day, Hincks offered his service to the government for immediate duty. He became * lieutenant-colone! of the Eighth Massachésetta Regiment on April 17, and marched with it for Washington on the 18th. On April 21 he was in command of the party that cut out and saved ti.« frigate Constitu- tion, aad on the following day com- manded another detachment that Washington that had been closed for ‘three days after the assault on the troops in Baltimore on April 19.7 GOOD SCHOOLA FOR PATTON. The COURIER commends the citizens of Patton for the decisive vote in favor of issuing school bomds. This paper advocated the issue of bonds with most sincere motives and views with great ment in favor of the same as expressed at the polls. It indicates that Patton is progressive and will have public schools in keeping with the spirit of advancement which gave the town its water system, its sewers, ita brick buildings, business houses, palatial hotels and enterprises for the employ- ment of labor. Good schools, such as’ it is now possible to provide, will give Port ‘ the town an intelligent and moral tone ‘which it could not possess without them, and the present tax-payers are not to be burdened with the full cost. Re eT “Toes Dindred’. are the descendents of Tavern Keepers, Skin trader's Money 'enders, Slave the favorites of kings. | stoek Cremated. The large barn of Robt. Mitchell, in Cherryhili township, near Mitchell's Mills, was burned to the ground Wed- pesday morning. The flames were so far advanced when discovered that nothing could be saved, and 6 head of horses, young cattle, grain, ete, were cremated. The origin of the fire is un- ‘known, and the loss is very heavy, with no insurance.— Marion Centre Inde pendent. Caution Notes. Notige is hereby given that [| have purchased from G. A. Valentine, of Patton, Pa., all his right, title and interest in all Personal Property in and shout Opera House at Patton, Pa All persons are hereby notified not to interfere in any manner with the same ander penalty that may ensue. Wm. VALENTINE Patton, Pa, February 24th, 1584. ~e Selina | Is the second of the (reat Spring Naw- V° : . bers and has many special features in 7 PATON Fe ING. C0. Proprietors | gressman-at-large shows that Pennsyl- addition: to the unusaally fine display .- |vania Democrats are largeiy of the of attractive styles. Prominence is Samuel J, Randall school. If the great given tc Bicycling in an illustrated arti- ele whivh describes How to Ride and. ‘What to Wear, and iilso in a full page of fignses in Bk ‘cling Costame and an original piece of Music entitled The Cyclists’ March. Mothers of families will be glad of the aid of the very sug- gestive paper on Fitiing Out the Fami- ly for Spring and Summer, and both Mothers and Daughters will be interest ed in the opening chapter of a series treating of the relationship hetween the two. Some new dishes are given under the head of Duinty Cookery, the paper on How to Live Wisely opens a ‘subject that should commend itself to all housékeepers, ard the chapter on ‘The Etiquette of the Dinner Table treats of the most rifined observances at the festive board. The contribution on The Uses of [Crepe and Tissue Papers gives fiirther instruction in the making of many useful and orna- ‘mental articles. Around The Tea-Table furnishes both instruction and enter tainment, and further entertainment is provided in An Easter Party and Liter- ary Charades. The latest literature is discussed in Among the Newest Books, and Flower Culture for the Month tells what work should bt done in preparing the Garden for the Spring and Summer. The illustrated articles on Netting, Tatting, Knitting, Crocheting. ete. are as fascinating as astial to the lover of fancy work. The Subscription price of the Delineator is $1.00 a Year Ringle Copies, 15 Cents. Published by The Butterick Publishing Co. [ Limi- ted], New York, ani for sale by local agents and newsdeslers. Grent dase Offer. Send ns the names and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with eight cents in prstige and we will mail you one copy Popular Music Monthly, containing ten pieces, fall sheet music, consisting of popular songs, wiltaes, marcies, etc., arranged for the pln and organ. Address: : : POPTLAR Mirsic MONTHLY, Indianapolis, Ind. How the Lady, His Patient, Managed to Keep on With Her Opium. "Thin story comes from one of car best known physicians. For reasons that are obvious the proper name of the woman | is withheld “She is a divorcee,’ the physician said, ‘and i= qoite well known in soci- ety. She is geod Jooking, clever and rich, but for a long time Was add dicted to the use of opium. The bu hit grew #0 strong that her rel#tives adv. bow Ler to go to some sapitarinm for trealinent. For a long tine ste refused to do this. but when they threatened to have ber confined in scme asylum. sho yielded and came to our ritreat. : “She brought # nurse wilh bher--s clever, bright faced gisk— whom she . paid $30 3 week lo wait on her. We were all greatly sorprised as the days went by to note that she did not seem to be at all depressed, az most people are during the finit few weelx of sb stinence from the Irug. She seemed as bright and as cheerful as on the first day. 1 said to ber ance: > ‘You don’t seen to mise your opiam.’ ‘No." abe said, with a smile. ‘It did not have sath a bold on me as | hosght it did.’ *“One day, after she bad been there over a month, we discovered by mere accident what kept ber so cheerful. One of our attendants caught her in the act of taking opium. we asked her where she had obtained the drug. she refused at first > tell After a little urging, however, she told us that she Bad brought a lot of opium with ber. ““The matron srarched her room, and whet she came to the office to report she was almost speechless with amaze ment. The womun had hidden hittie of opium in every conceivable of all her dresses. There was in the sieves. In the ruffles, in iace, in the lining and in every: There wis optum sewed inside ber garters and ia ber undergarments. To » McK ENRIOK,— Attorney and Counselor at Low. EBENsBU BG, Pa. and Sdelity. {ifliew opposite th MWeowrntain Heda WE DAVIS, Attorney and Counselgr at Law, » : 5 o* S [TR Pa. AH lew! Hasiness promptly attendsd wo Evfflew on Centre Ered Will attend 10 all bosiness with prompt ; But do not pass our plac of Business for we have Something - very nice to offer you mn. the way of OIL PAINTINGS. We will GIVE AWAY with every cash pide of $30 worth of goods a fine Onl Painting 28 x 34 inches. frame is of Moulding ahout six inches deep. The pattern and design is a new style and very effective. We are the M. MM CRAIN ANT ERER and (a Patton. Wainut Bun, Spengler, and Hasdings 3 ’ 6, ADAMART plastering a speeinity. Estimates given on all Einds of work M. M. CraixN, Patton, Pa L. MCNEEL, Bare AND Hamm DRESSER in the rowan Dareneriy sewage] By (M1 aloes Opera Hous block. Firstoisss work gusran- tee? 2 Hair Cat 3 ~ente, Shave 10 rent, Wins rr few I and Sm Foam i eonts J HARRY PORN RX. YM. D. * PHYSICiaN AES SING EOS PATAGN, PA Offles in Jowws® Batlding, on Magee Aver four doors west of Pifih Cffew hoaime foe S496 1 EW and Ti Gene 2 FIFTH AVENTU E RESTAURANT, 1 R. SXYDEE, Prop'r. Fiflk avenue wx Heek's Hote! will swerve gouwl mols at ail ours, Keeps avervisnng io he had in a fAndclass retaunmmnt (Velers servesd in every style. We make a specialty of OYSTERS IN THE HALF SHELL. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa Aseommoditions Arntcluse. Best of Ligoomns apd Wines al the bar Se Sa GRORGE FERGUSO of -— r If you are fond of plug! ng BILLIARDS OR POOL, Go to the ROOM opposite the Hotel - Baek: Good Tables and Balls I have on hand at all times: soft drinks. and the best (Ci gars to be had mn town. GEORGE GREEN, Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall 3 moderate ex- Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for nusé in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patehing. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the leading Architecta who have used it in ‘this country and England. Will give you a solid wall. Of itself will not crack, swell or shri ‘Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give you a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork by loading it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following plas- terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish. pa Used on, the Paimer House, Good Beainany. otel Beck. Hotel Patton, I. & I. Co. office., Patton Opera, hou: M. E. church, and on more than one-half of the plastered houses and’ store rooms of Patton. Also the Catholic Charch St. Angust- ine. Ce x For prices and information. write ADAMANT PLASTER CO. Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. She even had opium in the papers which 2 she used to curl her hair. “It was ber maid's duty, we learned, to administer thin opium to her in sach a way that we would not detect it The young girl always curled ber mis- tress’ hair snd took care not to spill. any of the drug in the carl papers. “The maid was promptly sent bome. Her mistress was relieved of all her clothing and was supplied with pew dresses and placed in another room. For several weeks she underwent the depressing experience of all who break off the habit. ~All her brightness and good nature vanuihed for a time. She is pow cured. bowever, and is marred again.”’ New York San The Government of Spain. The government of Spain is a Emited monarchy under ihe constitution which was drawn up anl IF claimed in INR The power to male laws belongs to the cortes, which consists o f a senate and a house of deputies the senators namber- ing 360 ard the deputies 431. The seua- tors are of three classes those Loldmg office in their osn right, those poani- pated by the crown and those elected by the civil and ecciesiastical corporations of state. In the tlection of deputies all male Spaniards may vote under certain restrictions. and Jeputies are elected In She properticn of one deputy to every 50,000 souls of the population Both houses of the cortes meet every year, and the ministers are responsible Sherata— New York Sun. i The [Ladies Home Journal An DNiustrated with the Largest Circulation aay Periodical in the Warld., PUBLISHED MONTHLY By Tne Curtis Publishmg Co. At E2147 Arch Street. Philndeiphin, Pa. With Prise Rooms a! @-4i3 Appieliee Sides] — EDWARD W. BOCK. wisilan With Mrs, Lyman Abbott Miss Ruth Ashmore M nrgret Bottame i >t I i re: A} We snd Ea na M. Hoo an Ave carance B. FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, A large assartment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MAT-- leaders in every thing kept in a first-class store. We bandle a full. line of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND 7 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. nvited to stop in and ascertain all pentictiag about our wonderful offer. HAYE BARGAINS. PA’ TON SUPPLY « 0. Patton, Pa. Agent for i Palace Steam Laundry A GROCER WITH ANY SAND | Will not put it in his sugar, but rather into business principles. In gr groceries we are careful what we buy. A HORSE SHOE DENOTES GOOD LUCK. Buy your BOOTS and SHOES from us and be in luck. Dry Goods _ Are a specialty with us. : Try us in any of the above. We have the stock. DRY RUN STORE CO. ‘General Merchandise, Jaron, PA. Le ee ——— Try us Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues. re of goods which are offered for sale at our ‘store AT A REASONABLE. PRICE. he our constant effort to supplyfthe wants of alt our customers and keep a good class of goods to select rom. We have a full Bue of ORY 6000S, BOOTS AND SHOES, CAGENIS, And every thing kept in a first-class general store. We make a specialty of the best grades of TING, Etc., kept on hand. Also QUEENS. WARE, DISHES and TINW. ARE. All kinds of - Shelf Hardware kept on hand. No trouble to show goods. Come in and look around. © Respectfully. GEO. S. GOOD, “Patton, Pa. The following first<lass Fire Insurance Companies ar represented: Ak of Liv erpool.— # — Assets held in U. S.. $7.46¢ ‘ONT. 443. HOME, of New Yor lah capital 5 re oO; asse 4, 328.73 ~ 3 ? ’ ad > ; GE = M. AN. i Pittsburg —C ash capial $200,000: asse ¢ Insurance Compan; New Yor * & ST IN THE WORLD. 3A ims Reserve, : ~~ 4 Surplus. 331.L3q,¢ DALE X PATTERSON, Ages. Ufice in Good wa Over mit Natica! Rank. Patton, P Everbody is cordially 1 invited to call als see our large stock. . GRAIN, . Efe. G0 UN