HOW THEY LAUGH. A Writer WhotPigtins It 1s » Key to Chan acter. [Special Correspondence. } Nzw York, Feb. 22.— laughter,” rays Charles Dickens. - has given us the language of our bumps, and Lavater tanght us to read character | Why may cot langhter | in the features. echo the man? A close observer chronicles a go far in support of the argument. When Chanpeey Depew smiles, as if a whole bucket?al of sunshine been thrown .in his face and ‘nto his personality. . Graver Cleve langh i4 a la St, I elicit an echo among tae bystanders “Nothing in the world is so irresistibly contagious as He might have added that thers 18 no better key to a man’s character. * Spurzheim | few in. stances among’ well known people that ne jonks had gnteréq land's Nicholas and is saré to sme OF IU CKNOW. \ FAMOUS case oF CLAIRVOYANGE GRAFHICALLY RELATED. ’ When the Brsteged Hz2d Lost All Mope, | the Seatchwoman Heard the Slogan Which Announced That the flighlanders Were Coming to the Rescue. In conversation between a distingzunish- od jndge of this state nnd an editor the article of Mork T ually came inio talk, sited, and the judge alluded to markable story of Joss ar hes I : with London bby a Vy Twain'son telepathy cas Many cases were EW to Inany, an: coat #1 as it ny Tr mes, ro yen George Goubl hay & merry enon <h jar Teknow: langh, but in business Ma hit ives von to understand that ‘th sumed = snch frivolity means a jeopard- zing of stocks. ye Oe hiltree's smile sunny a8 his hair, @ good deal for the & Sothern ianghs sort of way, like b Prundrenry. Maggie Mitel laugh in which “Fanchéim.™ “Mrs. Barney gamut of mus a langh that line of hearty When € 3+ Cymer dimpled panetuadi x. around her month, © of sunshine spread ovarh Cornelins Vand: angh, as if More Russell Sage s : bilities their natnral ‘us énjoys an internal ¢ha let any of it escape in sound, Amelie Riv in one who tackles | %ericus subjects! as “The Quick 16 a Hermann basa Me Reynidtathalion smile, strongly re-enfore by his mustache | and goatee, : 2 Henry Clewslangas as if half asha of himself for letting his month pucker to any other keynote thin “stocks a nd | bonds.” : ~ Dr. Talmags has a that is in- | stantly dismissed as ione. with. ‘While it lasts it's generous and big When Tromas Nelsou Page langhs, you know that he means it, but what | fellow in his right mind —even a success. ful writer—wounldn't feel jolly after cap- | turing one of the richest widows in the! country? Clara Marris has 50 nixed up the “Ar ticle 47" laugh with her own that it is hard to say “which is one and Which) is t'other.” Edwin Booth's 2 wngh was like theecho | of a once jovful sound, and that is al- ways sorrowfal. Mrs. Grover Cleveland has a sweet, cheery smile for every one that says as! plainly as words, “Tm glad to see » yo. . Andrew Carnegie’s broad Scotch lang indicates the man The sanuiness of’ Patti's smile de pends very consi‘loraniy on the sise,of her au- diences. [11s a sort of barometer, which he who runs piay read. Li 1 0 ri 1 rf i: = ! nixe h his n CES Toy [we rem INES A ugh u OT 1 SMe SOON RS | James Gordon. Bennett lhe 8 eyniv . smile at times—mostly whenfe is “shak- | . ing up” The Herald: # When Dr. Parklnrst gets thaongh rak- ing the police, asort of Mr. Toots expres gion sééms to settle over him. Henry Abbey, after going over to the other side and engaging stars for which other managers had negotisted with for months without securing a contract, emiles a Major Bagstock sande that siys, “Bly, sir; sly, sir: devilish sly.” And] they all agree with him. Henry Irving has the twilight of a smile that seems as if it might have been studied among the eparacters he repre: sents. (. ve FONTAINE, The Guif Stream. . [8pecial Correspondence. ] JacksoNviLLE, Fla., Feb. 22.—Pec le who vigit the east coast of Florida, and ly the Indian river and the Lake orth region, often wonder why the climate of that section is so delightful at all times of the year aud so different in almost every partienlar from what one would expect in those latitndes. And it is doubtful if even the oldest resident there could give all the canses which produce this difference. But the explanation is simple enough. « The difference between northern and | : semitropical Florida, apart fren the lati- : | distance, Is dus to ‘the elevation of the and the distance from it of the ghlf stream. The waters of the gulf of Mexico temper the immediate coast line. Their effect does not extend far in- land. The stream is pressed close to the east coast shore along Dade county by the Bahama banks. Atlantic steamships - south bound, to avoid the force of the current, stand in so near the shore that they can at some points be bailed from the land. The gulf stream isan old story, but it is a great fact. @ This vast deep blue ocean river, a thousand times the volame of the Mis- - gissippi, is 80 miles wide, 2,000 feet deep | and has a velocity of five miles an hour | the year round. The temperatnre of the | stream is 84 degrees, or 9 degrees higher | than the waters of the ocean through | which it lows. The trade winds, blow- | ing nine-tenths of the time, winter and summer, from the castward, bear the stratum of warm air formed by the gulf | stream westward across the land. is why the cast coast is milder and more cquable than the west coast in the same | latitude. With the gulf stream are found three other equalizing agencies — the trade _ winds, the everglades, with a water sur- face preventing a land breeze, and the zone of high barometric pressare. Here the midsummer heat that might other- - wise be 95 degrees is reduced to some- thing like 88 degrees. The midwinter chill, which might get down to 80 de grees, degrees. . FW. H. 35 03 meg! This | is warmed up to ) something like 40 Om every face. N longer i when we mnst Iv ir Ar | forer eons ng yen tha raed! f wi powerfully bovsent to her, | come with dati goe, ene lay d : ground, wrapped by ber pla | side | TER, prowasing £0 BWR LS {a8 she said, her ‘father sh | from the plowing.’ t. “Zhe fell at sinmbe FF Jp ioniess | breathless, her head rest 1 myself co wid no lon | elination to slee} tinnal roar of the ennnen. | was arcased by s wild, nneartnly serea | close to my ear. My companion sto , | upright besido me, her arms paints an her head bant forward inthe attitude of | listening. | | “A look of intense delight broke over her countenance. She grasped my band, leno) apparently Zz in my lap. er resist the in- (in spate of the con- drew me toward her and exclaimed: | 3 : other hand ‘Dinna ye hear it? Dinna ye hear i Aye, I'm np dreaming! It's | o* the highlanders! We're saved! We're saved” Then flinging herself on her knees she thanked (rod with passionata i fervor. I felt niterly bewildered. | “My English ears heard only the roar {of artillery, and I thought my poor Jes- | gie was still raving, but she darted to | the batteries, and I heard her cry inces- .santly tb the men: '‘Conrage! LL of them all! Here's heip | last? | f “To describe the effect of these w impon the soldiers would be impossitde For a moment they ceased firing, { every soul listened with intense anxiets | Gradually, however, there arose 4 mi | mur of bitter disappointment. and tl | wailing of women who had flicked {the spot burst omt snew as the color | shook bis head. Onr dull lowland ea heard only the rear of the mugketry | 4p few Tnoments more of thi | ike suspense, of this agonizing hope, oad | Jessie, who had again sunk on the ground, { sprang to Her feet and cried in a vioica so clear and | piercing that it was heard i x 8 aesat along the he le lines “Will ye Bo believe | Lit noe? The slogan has ceased indeed, but the Campbells are coming. hear? D'ye hear? “At that moment all see med, indeed, ‘to hear the voice of God in the distance, now there was no longer any doubt of | the fact. That shrill, penetrating, cease less sound, which of the Scottish bagpipes, now shrill and harsh, as threatening vengeance on the ise succor to their friends in need. “Never, surely, was there such a scene 7 the residency of Lucknow but bowed it | sélf before God. All by onesimultanecus | impulse fell upon their knees, and noth- ing. was. heard 1 but bursting sobs and murmured voice of prayer. Then all sand lips a great shout of joy, which re- sounded far and wide and lent new vigor to that blessed pibroch. “To our cheer oi ‘God Save the Queen’ | they replied by the well known strain ! Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? that nothing else on me, | scarcely retneling what fol- owed. Jessie was presented to i eral on his entrance to the f. i the officers’ banquet i frank by all presen ' and ¥ health t TL, at her. was while tha ‘more the te 1k Syne.” | Wh ttigr's poem, | DOW, and Robert | Relief of Lock kn this same inc | can. Matrimonial Item. Chumly —How the mischief iid yon come to marry that old widow? { didn’t yon marry the dang ghte i Benedirt—I1 thought over the carefully, If I had married the ) ter, I'd have had the mother on my hands anyhow. Then I'd have had both on my hands, but as it 13, now that her mother is prov ided for, very likely some- body else will marry the daughter, and then I'll only have one of them to pro vide for. — Texas Siftings. which was i heads or Puritan My home is in i is in La Anes 2 C * : fan iy hame wa } ey Xi w« wy ¢ father forbids ; ritanical Suddenly 1 I delphia Times. - &n ares of : district the slogan i Coarage! | Hark to the slogan—the Macgregor, the | Dye | hén the pibroch of the highlanders | y ¥ # : x i which would amoaat to £48, 000 1m Eng. { lish money, or early a quarter of a mil- cease | lion dollars. brought us tidings of deliverance, for | rosé above all other | sounds, cold come neither from the ad- | vance of the epemy nor from the work | of the ssppers. No, it wasindeed the blast i foe, then in softer tones seeming to prom- | ich féllowod. Not a heart in | a8 that whic ow Not a ini and Britain would have been exhausted. arose, and there rang out from a thoun- | { that moves every Scotto tears, “Should | After made any impression out wert the light, and performers and ane 4 ls the geri Pap= a Why | THOMAS GODBEPRAISED, A Mas Who Sears That Pec_iiar Name ©. Tells How It Originated. The register of the Girard House re- cently recorded the arrival in the city of Thomas Godhepraised of Barrow-in-Fur- ness, England. Being approached upon the subject of the oddity of his surname, Mr. Godbepraisfd said: “Yes, I suj the name does gound very odd to Americans, sithongir sueh pames are yof altogether nunsnal in England and especiail iy in Lancashire mehold of the Round: % ma a str tn CroniwelP's 1 Barrow-in-Frrness, whit My ancestors prior to ; Vat 1 EF (ta, - i yo ie ti lowes i put Pd tiny * pet GY bt -1 ¥ince He Terpeinat; ical nickna zeal hi fanat : i ~The Different Londons. The Londen definite. Lut may | a square mil size of is somewhat De said to The postal : 150 square miles, farther, ¢ extends stil an area of 887 niles. 3 . Toe the pariiamentsry London It eonzists of 10 bor onghs, of which the city of Landen, thongh the alest-—having 5.3 babitant® in 18R1—is repr: by four members Gr account t cial and financial 2 we each of the other nine, pre- sented only by twa 413; Chel 553; Ha 816; Tower Hatale 5 $79,112; South iia Teming Er £4} Bara is mach HArrower. sh ted AiLhinT ' 3s re i MF Ev. ; ; . Lambezh, walk, 2 sryvesch 165.632. Put together, pent Culy & popu : T ‘ and 100 remain ope ration local, government adopted by the OYETS AN ATER smarts of {hw and Rent # formin gex, Durrey ailtimore Amer ! jean. Costly Meals The c ever served, as far osiliest meal persons, yet its coat was @ 000 sestert. The celebrated fesat given by Vitel- Has. a Roman emperor of those degen- erate days; to his brother Lucins cost a | Luetonins says | | that this banquet consisted of 2.000 dif- | ferent dishes of fish and 7.000 different fraction over $200,000, fowls, besiles other courses in propor tion. Vitellins, fortunately for th world. did not reign very long; other- wise the game preserves of Libya, Spain It may not be out of place to mention | pere that it is recorded as a curious point of history that a single dish on the table of the Emperor Héliogabulus was worth $200, oe lous Globe DeSicurat The Liens Went Oat. His royal highness the Prince of Wales was present at a noble lord's once to gether with all fashionable London, and after dinper the best musicians both vocal and instr were preparing ninent..., ning to display their talent when : ddenly lience were left in total the was electric an 4d was su from a private engine which had ck this ane moment : thers was noth Carkness. As 5 1 lig nt pis 1Y rrwirt $n ILEPIRRL ut - TOT » - [3 i by Wy ¥ Yor pA Bir Ta h | appear : Ww. | wry face. i a wali. i Dies i growing 2{ days we police | tha ! [3 Jong man, al- i 3 in- | i ‘young jaw yer told him he would ! judge and said: [into town! I 4 quite tired t » | Detroit Free Press, i DRS SANG FOR HIS LIFE. The Dimigréauble Aftermntive Prederviek | Mrs Lyne Linten Bacmerties a ed of Augustus Presevted in Musician Abell. { : X John Abell, a celebrated singer and | musician who lived im the reign of | | original and radical, she is capable of Charles II. had a very great notion 4 | enying some fairly pleasant things. The Bimself avd wonld not perform unless | idea that many things of value eannot be pleased. There is a fonng story told of how he was once mada to sihg against can be bonght are only of secondary im- kis will ; i While traveling shee ad, for plensure | he cams into the town of Warsaw, News was brought to the paiace of the famous En glish singer's arr val, and Frederick | king of Pol of, 110 AEE y cent word that b ed Abell to before hin. “Tell bw mad 7 rentiad Jolin onrt- “ihagt it sic not” : : Bask went the conirt messenger witha He knew. his master's temper the niet And lows with “Tall Mas A bel,” ivhoat TT w= nat will have i i yon, boy, thu ered three stont and the ¢hree stont fol- | i to carry them managed The meesen rer betwann ¥ marca. » palace with wish and present! to th Figs 2 from peonAIT ALLA BDRIIN & Angnstas, with 3 worry soa if Up wit ath vo ¥ furs then i, the king glyon to play with my bro wi La- (ma 1 ana Bnbaby iiss mi a. pead to and ha aaclia that never san An life as vehen 1 he was hangin ie there a Han dred feet hich abovs the fierce beasts — ' New York Journal. la- | Don’t Try te Cheat a Lawyer, A young lawyer, just starting in 1 his | profession, hung out his sign in a ‘town whera there was only one an aged judge. A closes fisted old fellow, thinking to get legal advice for nothing, called upon ihe, ane man and contrived in a sort of! jghborly way to get some legal ques ns answered, © Then, thanking the: he was about to leaws, when | » young man asked for a §5 fee Tha: old feliow went into a violent passion : and swore he never would pay. Tha | sue him, | ‘ellow went down to see the | Ot h Er iawy ver. So the old “That young scamp that’s just comme, fropped in to 7 1ake a ne 1igh- | him, and he Jharges me # Vie. borly call on for i eg al adv “Reread “Tx ‘Buti i the jndge. have i, judge? Of rouTSas ¥ gaid the man, “io RUarted off. ad ell, 1p Ione,’ a an PEeld gon 3a 1 8 Be ibe said | the: Judge, rent you ald fellow had ver and $10 to oe, The Gallery Gods’ Applause. Lawrence Barrett once told me of a | eaversation he had with Edwin Booth, | The latter had been congratulated upon as history shows, was a supper given by | ; | Aelin Verns, one of the most lavish of | | the latter day Roman aristocrats. The | | supper was ouly intended for a dozen an ovation given him by a crowded bouaae on opening night of an engage ment. “The sweetest music to my ears,” said the great tragedian, “is the shout- ing of the Lovs in the gallery. I know thy are not applauding because I havea reputation or because they wish to make a display. They simply give vent to their natural enthusiasm, = When they shout. [ know that I am giviag a good performance. As -for the parquet, it may clap its hands out of politeness. A | + the | dramatic critic who bad certain notions | as to how a line should be read willap- | plaod if I read it his way; otherwise be will remain quiet. 1 can never analyze the applause of the front rows, hut the | van is fissure in its hikes or dislikes." C » Record. : i gold may not b ay rr ab Hal first etisions Life's Uspurchasables. When Mrs. Lynn Tantols fuigets tora | be bought, and that those things which portance in the world, is not strikingly new. Two or three pasple had hit apon it Lefora Mrs. Linton. Bnt what she | gas about the unpurchasable things is | not the less interesting and timely be- | | canse they hove been said ever since the | deluge. There is bappines that 6 warmnan gd 11a : 23, sha $7113 ns “When 1} vod yon, and the * vou love deesi prs rirait ’ gem clasped’ we orn aver Ler Peart shows another face than yours--when ihe hus band yon were upeonventional enough to iove in tbs oid dead in your cms, ture is darkened lan: | your son has race i his 1 by his own lacks! honor dk and cast donbt on his mother Clandes and Turners, amels and old Venetian glass ease smari? Dees your splendsd colle in; their perio which come to en's, when x Bagrle "8 ¥ and your storm iv Wao T——When me and ndered $40 ye "n- vour Limoges en. the a8 Ww ness ja full y its very fallne force welis ave and farm your carriages Onur Sone not parchise creams ahd iat : t claim to pat the evil hour of it is well to read what (his very headed woman says about voata. “¥« I HMRy bi fasinion Cossaeiics,” | Bays, artfal enhancements, sub that look almost as good as the thing. but yon ean boy yout beauty. In spit 1 thongh you give, ge of a penny, yon hands of the of time, “That enamel is cleverly ow: that OH 20a 3 . § LE Mir care, and he vy al t % 3 Hy RT mgs for Clock por blunt the acyl be | i dyed, frizzed hair is a veritable work of | | art; those 1 : painted cheeks sine ulate the carnations of lyonth more eraditably | than in #0 of your competitors re, bat-—the | cruel fact remaine . cannot be purcliased and old age cannot be bought off The poor old shriveled | akin grads IVE mote aud mom hike parchment. The fading. eves lose their brightoess, atid not be iladonna it- self can bring back that dark line around the iris which ag? and weakened vitali. | a ty replace by | ithat all eloguent ‘arcus senile” *Noge of itisvery new, Tiis not near! y! ng ng as her views on the “wild ha it stall it ds good Sa | few of thess interesting faels in these. days of dancing grandmsaninas and eli- gible bachelors of 60 or so.—New York World G. 2 { 80 tn woman, : Branding a Maverick. v In a deil in the forest we espied some or unbrazded stack. The punchers are ever alert for a beef with. ont kal? its edrs gone and a big HF burned in -its'iflank, and immediaraly they perceive one they tighten eincha, ship the rope from the pommel, put their hats co the back of their heads and “ight out.? A cow was soon caught, after desperate riding over rocks and failen - thrown down and Bis four feet togeihs er. A little Ww budlt, and one side of 3 casa ring is heated cedhot, with which rawnide artist paints HF in the sizzling feb, while the cow kicks and bawis She is then unbound, and when she gets back on her feet the vaqueras stand about, serape in hazd, after tbe buil- haan nee WRAYET CRS, Imes eg $0 gat Laie ir Ged, WwW ee a " fighter {asiuon, and provoke ber to! Ste cliarges, while they avoid charge. ber by agile springs and a faunting of their rags. They laugh and cry, “Bravo toro!” until she, having overcome her in- dignation at their rudeness, sets forth down the canyoz with fer tailin theair. —From “In the Sierms Madre With the Punchers.” by Fredesws Remington, in Harper's Magazine. : a ————— ———— 3 ————. The Largest Cities of £ Autiquity. The greatest cities of ancient times | were Babylon and Rome. The former is said to have had an area of 100 to 200 square miles. Its houses were three or four stories high, but palaces and gar- | dens cceupied much of the vast area, so | i that the population was not what these Disappointing. She was a very cultured ‘nd fashion- able young lady. albeit she was only 6 years oid, and ahe was a resident of New Yiork. A gentleman calling on ber par- ents had an opportunity to have a brief tete-a-teta with her. wv] prescine, " he said, “that when you gIOW up you w i marry, asall i: stile iris da? “No,” sha rep hie languidly. hardly think Is hall’ “Indeed! That will be so disappe ing.” : “Possibly it Ns, 1 dws tL hed may be to mamma and to th+ young gentleman, but t to me, 1 fancy,” and she lolled bac kis n her chair to death, don't you know. — ! ee Unappreciated. A sinzle word sometimes reveals a ns ino Tar alat hose @iris playing a en "asked one man of another at is the daughter of the 12 AUSWET Cn La n- - Excusable. ‘3 Balle: "k's beart fact tha? love, and when- » do witha the 18, eart ew ne ndon Millian figures would seem to indicate. In fact, it is said by one historian that nine tenths of this area were taken up by gar- dens and orchards The total popula- | tion af the city under N and his son Evil-Merodach 1s estimated | at upward of 2,000,000, Rome reached | its graatest size during the fourth cea- | tury of our era, and its population was | then about 3,500, 000. —Western Mail The Divtionary Habit. “Yes, it's a good thing for a man to | refer to the dictionary, but this practice can often be carried to excess,” said a: well known nmgazine writer. “Why, I've seen a man get so much addicted to | ' he continued, “that he could ordinary letter without dictionary three or four vr to ascertain some big This, { think, waste of time, as he does aning a bit better than "he had used some shorter and really | English wonds” 3 ibe nid use, The Kanby as » Fruit. | of Burmak believe that the | i e reat which will ripen : They say that most 1iply because they If you want to ¥ 11 your ring, according si, VE must tage your the sun for one month it 3% all, aud xt the itv pe” and {hp peop oe =) jevel sannot put back the | 1 ten pat MHMIEY Worth its Sew, far your o antouched—youth | Fa | = TEA week tay obtain as Orme AND CLEARPIELD. Not No.702 nl x » oy x hk " saunsuRRaaEng| InRegrgearne Westosyr Lajos Mabufley CAMPBELL BRANCH. Mahaffey Junction 1HH#® Med yors Ridge Siding - - Tish CO rewk June Evlen o ast psa} ; wd wR Sn Ge Gs Gn RENEE EScesvevew py (FERBARENERORZRY PEE TER EUR EN PEER EE TE PEUEXMSRRERRAREY 0 A UE 0 00 60 00 de Bh i a I aw wo <I <Q EH ANN Af BRANC B. ferries Harness Simpler : farmditown Bead $145 83 Bradley Juuestion G8 558 Fb Ra i’ i AND NORTH WESTERY | R.R.- mo " 3M 5 ETRE OF 6 OL 50 0 BE TF oT SRUNESBZRAOE » 3 2% ne A 4 BY THE POLICY, National, 3 r ihe Restienty lean Shui eyetons srhilch tanities S5r Hx 2 Pronle, they » with The Pros > : Trample pon sar DT mtinitesd. Pre b of River res wnich sre worth only 7 wy the dodlar Make them wri fell Pallas. The s130 LW of Nutians! Pank Notes with iran fram cnumiion sige INET Pure Devan Pee over 55 SOON of siiver which has ant. Now make the people's diver wii benefit! Ww plese Ly Reswrve the Pablic Rand = for artis) setflersand save then from MODOP- w and spestilators! Pridaet and chocarnmge tis actual set tbert Neo luteriererow PURE Poems ve potd ches of Se Republican prt vpeaiedly enacted he lew) of Stang op a New Navy: Preaseting the Sea Joasts Peasioning I nion viersas oxy Fan the Chi- bing Regaining Int-eSate Uommesoe; dee fearsdinig the Connon Seloods: Fotecting Amen Citi nx nbn; Securing Reclp Ur with Mer American cations: dethanding Foe Ex. pression of tiie Popular Will in Elections, and Honest ogat; Fie «didg American Com- meres Reviving Ames tool Shipping: Temper ater and Resdpning va Trusts, with the | & - The Saperd Maiket Reporis The X.Y Tribune are now positively the vest pind hy any pewspaper in New York The Tribune is tie only newspaper in « « Yorg® which sands men wonaly into Fvely market in the ¢ity every day of the busts taal prices and the stats J trade: Other papers make op gunotastions mrgely from clifvaars, Commencind travelers snanimons y that The Tribune's Market sporis an the Hest "be Tribune now Dents i rivals in the acenmey and wonderful com- pleteness of Tis qiitations. To be sucoeasful, a ssiod tan most & fully hs 11 wud the Siste of Trade. ; Fila-trations of the pews of (he day are Ovely asd in The Pribmne, This pager has Ha own o0rps of ar tiatw and. pho fometig ng plant. It soistains featamvs for she adios and enildren: $) : Tellers ind Bonk eviews awd many Sug Gealares Xa Matier Whether * with That X Y Tribe or not, in 18 y yo Vn nt not wo read 116 Dol yrY, Wide 5 ren Senay party 5 These Times of Chunge? - a: N.Y: Tribune is the ablest, most AgETos cigs, and soundest advioote of Repubitenn poli- “les. What the Regublivan, party- -intendis oan ins learned from The Y. Tribune. Tia Tr higne SN motion the Prats wot onty the Truth, The srtickes of Roswell Gi Horr, on the "fartfy, Carneney, Waste, ole. will be continued. Remember! The N.Y. Tribune is the cleanest, Jorihand sufist of Be LD for your Saniiy. oes a WeeR IY DeWspRper, which favades the Nome [with immorality, sensation, and titsehood, res ceive your sanction? The broad columns and. large’ gesat of J The Tribvine make it the casiost Tribune has the an any Weekly in the United tes, ened from the a Daily. We i . challenged ibe | country for a year, with oo lakers. “Washingtos’s Farewell” ro. for the Mall; Ulustmted Preniinza Er of The N. Y. Tribune. A copy will be siaiied free: of sharg “Washington” . Farewell to : Officers, an: socurate histarioal picture, inte . | Sxnrenly for The Pritmne by an artist i Canthority, will be sent wi ev an fur hn ae onher ES EE nad articles are in The THbune' = R. : Terms for 1894 Sam pie Re ve Weekiy, Herod w hy 8 2 ily, including Pa “$i. The sunday Tribune separately. 8 Tribune Ale mana for see, ready in January. B centa, all previous numbers wolipsed. © THE TRIBUN d1-wl ty . New Y The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur- ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch " Itis asure protection against the pickpocket and the many accicients that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the snd CAN ONLY HE BAD with “cases bearing thew trade mare— vthrongh watch dealers. without extra charge. Don't use your knife ar fSnger nails ta spas your watch case. Send for an opener (tree). “- [id on!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers