The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 22, 1894, Image 7
A { Hy her 4 A PHYSICIAN'S STORY. ——p——— sma inn Bow the Lady, His Patient, Managod to Keep ou With Her Osu, ‘This story comes from one of onr best ‘nown poysicians. For reasons the at are _ qbvious the proper namie of the woman is withheld. - She is a divorcee,” the physic’ said, “and is quite well known in soci ety. She is gool lool rich, but for a lon; to the uso of op fam. 80 strong that hér rels to go to some eonitarinm for tr atment For a long timc ‘he refased to do thi but when they thr ate ned to: hav confined in eo vium he yirt and came to cur “She brought a clever, bright faced girl wh paid pik te wait on hor were i i: LT f1ves adv wii} BOTS 3 i that'it was a a ange Fons to admin a. way The 3 tress’ | any of t Care peat Rap several depressing off tho bil 2064 nature oval BT again.’ ‘| dents wers perpetu two people were killed just | RACING IN ‘ODERN. ROME. With Balls of Priekies. The prizes for these races wero called palii, and vere nsually pieces of brocade or some other rich sinff, won and so displayed to the people, We no dgubt they often took ernment the Freoch sols i the papal gov diers pubstitnt. 4 far the procession. of the | | palii that of the hue crassg The pope's dracoons used to ZAUOP | throngh the Corso to elear it Lofors the race, and to warn the people that it had petoaliy started. Either | were fired or trompets blown, but aeci- : occurring, and when in 1886 below the balcony where stood the Quen Margherita, the Barbary races were for. | JSdhough { hidden in the Corso for the futtre : renewed last vear in a very much moxii- i fied form aronind the Piazza del Popolo. The horses Fad no riders, bat two Malls of lead, covered with prickles, I ilo attached by leather thongs low the neek and on the lack. COUTTS these prickly balls danced up and goaaed them on. Dads ine frriounsly they. wera post almos efore pe knew v that th er had Star artad, and in a narrow str ot, W with such a crush of people on either side and somebody al- ay 5 eying 7.0 cross at the Jast moment or stopping out o! the throng they were coming, it was small wonder _game, though T Was in part also and down tO Bee 13 of conrsc the dang tha attraction. A sheet was stretched . to catch the horses at the ba Venezia, in the passage still della Ripresa de ; which was a cord covered with paint, This Bro d lLeféra the ru | the foremost hor leav : paintion hiz chest, and | once which was the i man's Magazine: Barberi, Three ‘Clio Prayers of a Little Gir see Annt M- rraaret | and pieces. ai 1 hail ar snow « in tha omnd viry much ann and nieces and mothers; ska mo well ay that 1 « no} ha omni bhns lenge dn. Bless g Kate Bn nd indec | Swalll Bless paps and: mamma. and make us all : heaven at last, § There was : wie ie aw "Heep raids Tho tv westlerii say, of Wa not had vi qualities manger sod qualities wi J mn cont. ren fromtiersman. cannot magi niton or or Liviog 5 Pinckney! tier. 7} somse in Lincoln that the typical kad bed more vated appre was cid anid of foreiy nn: that they | and Jess lik washing cminr . that the ty; will be wie the meant: stood and « and only a prebeniio: Ty ally been the typical Am enable ts to «Joes that fact that (1: 4 » dckson represes predomi: In ican in our « enough on 1 of the peculisgr sectiond of 1 seaboard the pir wipal Pera of American Bistor y., —F in - ~ a i ct ens \ ha oO veloomop! i 1 ET ag &F Fihry tl i ity theuier My jruruatisth : frien nd on Th acon tells this st A dignified sits at a ed vy other day deserving pro of hia discs ‘ that her faornace hail them morning or. tw desk a bre WY Old tres as man.’ At igh home in ber hands, other gn maller package. Sitting in tbe troll couple of B one of th abont so seth Ww hat v wis hier looking down, to partly covered the la oTavith the smaller, concealing the last part of th Sr eription: go that it he Last part Black - script, Old tronsers for Miss W—— giving. her na:ne in {all} ~Boston Globe, Nn ert gs aie a on {A Relative. The young man was being entertained by the = mall boy while he the young lady to appear. ~Isay.' saul the youngster, after o "k ne Hat of anieHons: vont mother LAO Sip Ne -ghe Jivos in Sagina “You havon't aot anv relati dither, have yea? “None at all, 2h “1 said «0 id fed way. : ‘Said it to whom? To sister when she said she your encle bad your watch, never tock it out to see if it was Detrait Free Pri ns here Bik waited for be ast eat ber © Bless grandpa and ! granfira ana Mr: Charles Sean and Aunt Kate n Anpthe - the first, Thy : family : : by a igs city tivities. T1 rich tuannda borndgod of “betwen the sily to. be altoget! it introd wedding bs on the 8714 years of riety of jrresst $ this novel id am itig Ihe [Ps citicy fetes of tion, ha celebratd the friends lin hnmeos: seven Reig: #4 ER LL ¥ AT f of the ahuenga range ali. Y vatignof as 4 brewdth it 1s perha; waters of the Pacific 1 it, end the provimity {of cgurse something di ing frosts. During “the win | this | tract produces tom i beans and other & els Tr YoeRol here the leman flourishes, ; peorliarty susc ED s may | Coss, and 11 ox is inferveting faveaped Soren bw | Los Angeles for park puis {is onl? aquestion of time when will have the distinction of pos- 1 a plible io er aniqu : sessing Unit Rideriess Horses Gonded to Farloas Speed ery ar r Yous of a aoveity which was [ Mr and Mrs. Theodore ‘Bent thrown over the back of the horse that | al=o hear of a procession of the pahi, so. ita form of | | banner. The nobles nsed to deposit them | { in their chapels, and in the last days of | ¢ IOTIars | carried | the harder they galloped the more such § fant iarhes | us. GENTS TRAVELS the Acsom por os FH es Hashana 19 (re Bas | Sg Abyssinian Vdveprure. The man iraveier 1s seooining ev- irAsfarigibls Buolih © alaba tiltere started for south Arafaa to eontinn eXy ior je earions © 8 they hava bern nntriss maging in 12 the rr they + and cH to “her first ist of | «til inrem Cross | x rest, A tend and she slept 10 a ham tv of water was 1 the \ plas ee] fiticn mada hang- {S91 ne friends La aghtaway 2 radex whi upen ita oT ry ex ; 2 5s does rot as fret ia 31 £5 We aren a gentile A hilles, PRAT: Y pol tro on A “t he IAT res SHION'S Recently i i Br of i 4 - : | | A Symphony of Spring Faveisd Two New | presile at ihe A | : | tion shortly to be held in Washington, is | the | tarry | p pal ETH i throng Zi ri chin : THE PUZZLED [HISHMEN AND THE uP | - JO DATE GIRL. Gowns For Grasd FTunttions— The Won- ders and Foigmas of Style Peachblow | Taffetas and Lustiing Sitks : 1 {Bpedial Corresponde ne. } New YORK, Feb. 15 Like eobwels over lilies. jike shndow of ferns | thrown by mooniizht on the still waters, Hike the tracery of frost on the windows, are the sheer an whS that wi see now displayed for muniner wear. How | fine they ars and bow delicate the trac {fina In 3 ii 244 — | in the first flush of Her youth. i fight for the basdol, A Devotion ol Move Than Forty Years to the Cuove of Womun Saffrage. Bpecial Correspondence.] ROCHESTER, Fab. 15.—Susan B. Antho- | | my, the white haired apostle of woman’ 5 mffrage, who will preside at the eonven- | as enthusiastic for the canse as she was From | what she has said to her friends within | the p ast few days. it is safe to infer that | b - Te 5 {3 more hopeful now than she has | been at any time in the past. She holds | : that there is rot the slightest questionas to the uitimate outeome of woman's | it ® only a matter | of time, and thut whe thne of success is now 13 months pearer than i Was a year | ago, and consequently suffragi right to and shonid be just somuach more | | ECs! raged. No matisr whether you agree wi ith the mffragists or net. it is not possible to | avoid admiring Miss Anthony and her | king, persistent fight for equal rights with men for ber sex. Sue was but a mere girl when she first took up srs. | Bhe has never faitersd sinee, and she is She has braved rida rile, Scorn and even { i then, a better fighter today than ever before. personal indignities in the cause since | she first espoused it, pest by registering coutrary to law, and when her case was on the conrt She { docket for trial, she has traveled over | and spoken in every hamlet in the coun- | ties whenes the jurors to try her wera to : | made her first speech. be empaneled. i was more thin 40 years ago that she | gpecch, i comeerned. but in the broade ; was a sperch the echoes of wi i mot yet diel away. nor will they must BE looks Which one rasses ferns. i abotier ti | grasses + #4ré Lina manny ugh 13 N Xk tieand a f i 7 farm three | he panta- - i ding boots | ! women who - CATR, her man | he dn: les wear Mia 3 o} oe iris Whe whether ib 5 ei enjoy Crea] - | haaivdre qs sine. RAe1sl -h Hl, such ss re i Hather Premature nthe first number of a pew pericdical appearad & letter tor sixmed, ‘A Susberiber Y Standing,’ '- denblatt.. = y the edi- of Many Te Hamburger Frean ears "The o Bo Was i was a shell pink { droop otf the Crerman |! | the ; alsa vresented 4¥ As the =e: <¥ [ON AV Ges o mors 3a the ged and | kindly and { child, ' ’t each « i their Lire lth rosettes about 14 inch Two ne ble, ending i TSALe Wi brocue with | sis . 1% ba of the taffeta Li cred with desi ionshy; i q! Iaannt. tale: A, with caded pattern of pink eural ar i bottom, The front was of erep Tha 1 . : Ng tes yevy ia » 408 BaevVes Wee pals all spOGuie rT, OQ stiffened iace, embroidered in ter t higher on the shogldé AL en space for the roan: | test part of the shoulder to row of coral beads encircle the | Taffotas and lustring silks wv loading silks for spring and sum» Japanése wash silk wm L for a suminer t ; tn | dred of the at i down in front. | that she vas pot am web hy v for many years to She was a school mis | tress then. ‘Thers was a convention of | teachers hore in Rochester. Two hun-| tending « lelegates were m Five times that ninnber wera women. The men had all the best seats—right And they made all the the ref Horie, held come, speeches, presented all all the offices. : "The women bell their peace and thanked beaver that if was vouchsafed to them to sit Hines the same roof with the mien and liste a to their wise remarks that 1s, and their Sririted. most of the woinsn were in this frame of discussions—t SUSAY B ANTHONY. Af Tae 1 thony, the ae JRaills Bn voung, alert not one of the from that ful as ghe | i of braig and clever, was were thankful She was thenk tiy the halting words o On istoned ! 16 of the men Final} ¥ ane “peaker p prononnesd a jers nitad bec: the : men teachers-——wern mot = rile with as great Tesjees aS were: , doctors clergymen and ! men. Ih fact. accerding ris gent sna, ADL 3-=tite schoo masters wer =t3 have al Ri x we oTRRE® Enighxne 013 ear 037 9) 43 1053 il 2 it» 2™ GLEN i Tank Siding Beech Siding Li rway Westover Ia ose Mahattey AMPRELL BRANCH. em An nd 00 a SEUSTHNSLERZERES eo 0 08 G0 0 00 00 G0 he ain i tARE2NPRABEER 5 Mahal ey Junction i235 dees : [2m Ridge Siding 28 Cash Creek June. iii Glen Vamphel} sv UNG EH, ANN A BRANCH. . tre stp 8 ® { “herrytros Sm FE Barnwsture 44% B08 i445 7 iv 139 743 Brad ber v Junetion has sought ar- | it was not a Jon@! an far as volume. of sofind was | wh wt SY timation as if they were Miss N vanes mad sranam This was =o much | ! fur hich smarited young Miss Anthony, She obiocies titles boing ere} (erie of ron re: ras of rep oa her foet and signified to the pr er of the conven A2% 3 ch, NO ghee sto | siding haal t ¥y tye 5 200 1aat sa realize o progress of woman g standing. Said the chairman, econdeseendmgly, a8 to a “What wiil the! cartons rising Voice. Miss Anthony uid she wanted to speak fore the house. rt Kis fellow men, lady have? *witha | inflection of the rhe questio 4 then anf 1 i lowed pon The chairman They look: dat him, Then thevall looked | women be i * phralrnian in ther, while th 3 1Y.. Finalh t i <r wag th qui 4 why a thy onvention’s pleas- | sate of half | whether the irl | speak. Meantuwe cut sa a8 nol 0 se | Weil: a vi re sail HG | ure, amd then thers was 3-del 53-4 5 An- wWienever | 1 sposeh | Malka ant t | Can Rest he Pr AND NoRTHW FSTERN Rr Ro Ex “Mail. HY. BR. 0%, = ix) 5 . 6 Gi 00 00 0B a ee 1 0) STATIONS, Fed iwonnd, = Lisydeviiie ol (Vlasgow %14 Conlport 448 Irvona aw Berwindale Ho fadose nls Mahatlev 100 Mot jews 02% widpey i097 HiNman 0a Winslow Ha - Fated 10° Canoe Creeks 165 Pun xsutawney di ; Lindsey i120 Homtio ct stam i na epi ants A~ i GHENY VALL EY RAILROAD. LOW GRADE | E DIVIKION. wi and after Sunday Trecember 24, 160, trading wtwek 1ril wood and Pitisharg will ran “a allows: aah TOG Le en wl RHESERanz REE BK¥ pe an ———— WETWARD. ———— —— e » 3 i i i » = - — -— STATIONS, i Ahaiay sen i DY POVS Ji Vor WLLL IC) Ho he RIV wnanooig > x aay LLL Rhyl FEY Driftwood Benerette I'y lens Penfield - CP BOER Reynaidavil naidevilie Pullers Brookville RBummeryille Maysville Hawthorn Falrfaoant New Bethlehem a Juametion Hank 2 lives Driftwood st sha. m. snd Ven at Plitsbung al 6&5 p. mo. Pittsburg Ao 2 moliation leaves Driftwood at 500 =. m. a ving at Pittsburg ot (358 Mali No. 1 leaves Pittsburg at Toa. mo. rives al Driftwosd at ©20 Driftw commmodstion leaves Pit at 30 pe me 4 arrives at Driftwood #26 p.m. DAVID MeCARGO, Gen’) Supt. - P. ANDERRON, Gen’! Pass. Agent. BE [Sass asus Ranaanes pod 5 We GUO EES Er he ee MEBESLGEER » gang 0 RPE REBAR BL 4] av - dt pp el ve or ot wt ot Bs Wig 4 oo we Bs i G6 } BEaFeNAOE he yA AGSZAUEHSEREREBE, OV M HSsagEpaTingTaNy COLRFLW-AMNABAQMG E E ® a E r Filled sre zil old #6 far 2s vou can see. They lool fae wld calies, wear like solid cases, and “zre solit cases for all ral pUrposes—yek caly cast about as touch ss 30 owt: sd-out sond gold case. Warranted to a7 Jor 3C years; many id constant use ity years, Better then ever sincethey <4, al ao extincost, wah the great Low {tings which ¢ cannot be pulled or tel acw hdl All otaers have the old-style puibons how wich 1s caiy held to the case by friction, ani can betwistod off with the fiagers. — Seid only (heocugh watch dealers. Send form oh ease opencr te the manvfcturers ~vstoneWatch Case Cow | PHILADELPH iA. A BREAKFAST APPETITE. Aided Dr ine News of and Brightly. oes a THE PATRIOT is the only complete morLiug vewspaper that rescues Central "World Co i Penueyivinia at an early hour of the inv, It 1s one of the foremost Democrstie wwspaper in the State and the only one printed at the State Capitial, the official { and political centre of the Commons i wealth. It prints the news, h Fecalving it over ile own wires through the estrsordiary fa- sihties of the great Press. Associations, i axdedd by ite own correspondents. THE PATRIOT i» Demoeratio to the core. It ww opposed to bosses snd an enemy to corrupt mouopoliss. It isn’t afrmd te fight the wrong; it never hestitates. to {apenk for the right. The lending jon dering the win- ter mil be Tariff Reform. In November ext Penney ivaniy will alot a | sansery of iM gom- Te women pisad mn! a8, they 1 «3 184 “| March 1, tara, ' mune? rend, anid tha man whoreads should i get The Patriot, daly or weekly. : nembers of Congress, and State Legisla- The man who keeps informed To place TEE PATRIOT in tie hands it 4 yet larger constituency we will send the Dany from pow until March 1, 1886, syvemiatl to any new subseriber cn ‘five dotlars. The WEEKLY will be send i any new subscriber from pow anil 1845, on receipt of one dollar. ~ 6HhHE BHERIOSE is the best ad mediam 10 Pennsylvania outside of Pitte: barg and Philadelphia. Free te the Unemployed: t inserts with. wit charge advertisements of those want. ing employment. [is Help Onler hes bronght assistance fo busdreds. It has a Ceuta Word Want Column for ofr , wants, the year, DAILY. every week-day mcizing an 85 a yeur, WEEKLY, Tuesday eveniniz of each Week, 21 a vear- del - THE PATRIOT COMPANY, WARRISBURG, PENN'A, %