The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 22, 1894, Image 6

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    Tham fa Get Out of the Business
Pirsig. |!
Tota’ Ale
alle i
i‘ orl 8 5 g on | 7 xoPEh in Ati G SALOSAKE PERS
BERMAN NAVAL DIS : OTE | The Total Abstizenes society ¢f the Church Urges
fo vou
i Beranes 1
18 nu A
The Men Entombed in Gaylord Mine May
Not be Rearued for 8 Month.
Kren, Feb. 16.-- A boiler of the cra1r=« que hsinsn uw
Brandenborg éxploded near this port | peop Toc dll win pity my » J
The new ship wre muking « trial trip to ly 0 1 Lo hirer Deesus sae the
- test the boilers when the explosion on 11 w inn
ocurred. Forty one .men were instavts 4, Aa x nl Arh met
© killed and vine fatally ipjared. Amore wy
- the dead are the three chief engineers ard | Loa
several other ( flicers..
Steaniers went to the resene and towed | oo
the Brandenburg to Kiel. Privece Hevry | ha Satie lif Be
the Emperor's brother, boarded the «bh! : a's
and directed the work of relief. A tn
Pas brought thirty of the dead from th
Brapdepburg. The Emperor will arrive
to-morrow a
yor !
* 1
it showg t -
Tevet se
ssa pO facts
car fai rink ven ngnd we 11
{rise Uf Paes, IIIS TS aud ¢
Tren tI pu! 4s
oF temper ald
on «yeh
nn Heoplihig
| adh
To Reach the Eatombed Miners if Where it is Sup belies 10
: posed They Are. Amin ei
Wirkes Bane Pe, Feb 16.- The two ne
rescuing parlies at work in Gav lord ‘min
trying to find the thirteen entombed men
are making slow progress. Rock avd oa
~_ eontinge fo full and on more thap creo
easion the recor: were obliged
. from the work 10 order to save ihem
salves, Mine Tospector Williams etd
pumber of other bigh cfficiala ars on the
groued to-dey but can do pothing ore |. ou banith, family, on
then suggest what cught to be done, rrd i
this is being looked after by the snperin.
tendent of he Gagiord mine, who is do the patron of & arr om,
ing everything in: bis power to reach be 4 oo ony sons von on.
men. In No. 5 workings caves conti wu :
to take place aud piles of rock and cow! | your prcotpe 1a les: 2 [on
appecr to be failivg continualiy. the earsea cf widows anid er Lvs,
~ One entombed man, Jobu D. Morrie, Fhiok agore 3
was imprisoved in a mive in Wales ten { apo aputher year of this Ast egtahile we
days previous to coming bere. Make the putt to get ane CT
Tt iscafe to say to night that wiil{ :
take fnily a month before the rescue par-
ties can resch the place where the me
are supposed to be :
. niet et A PostoMich Cronk Defied the ©
THE STEAMSHIP PARIS DISABLED. | ” mevpiver ar” Decrmpid
© Now at Anchor CN the Coast of ireland —Passen- | Berranoe. N.Y, Feb, in
in no Danger. rie, nitns Wm, K. Cinrk
QumessTowx, Feb. 16.—Tbe steamship Yat
Adriatic, of the White Star live, which left | 0 po pita of
‘New York cn Feb.7 for Liverpool, pasied |, 3 dine Jocaped yestenla)
Brow Hesd this morning, snd upeo srr ta ravalved at ‘pe opm ssiotier, Unite
val here reported pasting a large disabled | 54 tn Dikte Attarr ey Mackey, Si ,
passenger steamer off Daant's Rock,south | pb 4 win [oop wor Latimer and Dopnts
of Ireland. The steamer was st anchor i 4
and did vot seetn to be in need of aseist
ance. : Harris was Arr 0eG io pt
_ The Ariel's communder expressed the | . Goaial Agent Tatin
opinion, which wes confirmed later, that |, oo of frying the poms
: the disabled steamer was the Paris, of the | or 1, 1 to a pioney orier
Amerizau line, which recently left Bouth: | vio viipo, Ind, etme week:
‘ampton for New York, and which conse | oy yon to the Usted States
quently must buve been disabled at sea gloves fiive ch the third ficer of fos
and have put back for Southampton, au- | a ander ¢xathipabtics
eboring off Daant’s Rock in order to com
munieste with the shore. The agent of
the American line, on bosrd a tag, at
‘once left for the spot where the Pans was
reported to hava been anchored.
The first definits detaile of the secide: § |
reached bere through a boat's crew which
lsoded from the Parie, not far frox
- Daunt's Rock, this morning.
The erew reported thet the Parie.duriog
{be hurricepe on Toesday last lost - ber
yodder while on ber way to New York
and was compelled to pat about and try
to taske for Queenstown, w bere ber radder
might be repaired, and from thers to put
_ back to Southampton, where she conld be
-$horooghly repsired. A tempdrary rad-
- der haviog been rigged, tbe Puris was
ableto steer in 8 bap-bazard manver, snd
succeeded in reaching Daant's Lock in
chor ti
tempera os
make hut so.
fannie te ita Coto
co $i
yen from 1’ Wer il
"We prev CO Abedin 4 ¥
Dhioage, opt poe id
{and keep gnt « fille sateen basiliss.,
vein, Bfa and th
Ig tl teelf Fre wt dangers threnog!
Lhepinen yan wend he loth tases rons
Then bed d
fo God's pin
i ;
torn to somos other bs ees.
or= and wives,
if bless you Ford
feeling higher -
i !
| exarmivation In
fis pointed
a Marzhell- Watts, ae
Uoited Stuf
} ok ge
yi NE Oe Pe
nm ade gs
i A
r the
Everything 1 :
Harrie jomoed to he {oet, flcorisbed a
bailling nnd
was paoiag on 1riietiy w!
x ~ i J
| hig revolver und yelled: “Held
| up
t hunde, of ii
Everyloly qnietiy
breed toward tha door, bis revolver
brane aut.”
snhmittad, :
sh }
scvering the esnrt (Meinle, slipped the
halt with his la’t hand snd opening tha
door, ran into the pormidor locking the
door after him. Inspector Latimer threw
open & window and: firal a revolior
the sir tp attract attention,
ed “Stop him!" *Stop him'* A
quickly guthered but Harris bad got
igafely ful
gone before tbe police arrived.
was for many Years &D ersplaye of the
New York postollics
Then shont
Fire Mingrs Waa! ia 1 aa Opaning Last
[heir Return Anxiously Awa.led
WirLke:i saree, Fei. 18- Saperiuten
3 ty. 5
Ospt. Randallof the Paris, when be ede
; : i. 7 3 th i ; !
land, determi ed to anchor na tder that be | dent Edwards, v ho has cliirge c! the
‘might not expose his disabled vessel to |
the chance of being oft ily she EE this afternoon, a* tha samo time taking
gap strong om ; Oge of the \ieboats this Ji'4 in Lis owa Landa Ha cravied
pos! Biel 1 lowered a * ; | through An opeu place itn ited pear The
wu then ae tract = . Leoof on the plac? 10 (raglord mine co his
a aru coast ard rorive | hud + pod koeee, with only = safety lamp
MEO hdd - t ol 9 1 ; + a Sint
] : . s i Bangui by his #1 to ive what
end Leto the news By the Mesh tele | contd be had. He managed to pet
graphed 104) od to re that liwerni® three haodred feet farther io the
wae aleo ruck -report y i . yn far «
weil abosrd tbe Paria and that there was ik ra ae oe duel
sbeolutely uo danger of Sopthis Sarthe ! said he wis of the opinion be bad been
hippening Sahar sen} wiih pear the spot where the men wera suppos-
is moderste a. 2 pL : ' . 'ed to be. Others fhink he mo doubt
with the Ameyioys ne si R oi paseed ver the top of the bodies as Le
i BLE i 3 :
back as far a5 this port where temporary ani r cota Inte 10 aight that the
pepaire may be made to her rudder, snd eve rvisted a plese iu the
will then muke for Quegsatons n order shaft 330 feet from the foot of the pisue
that the yepairs may : I Lich ‘and find tLe o oes Leedings almost clear.
The cfficer 10 charge of the Loat which | Five brave mires at once went into this
landed from the Aijubledetesast ip, is bis | portion and are COW roskisg a thorcagh
the men. Superintendent
official report to the company, £158 that sy tor
x A : FF i dd i ; ! ]
the rudder of the Fariew a BE Ba | Rosser, whe bae charge of the day shift,
or os AI eteimebip wae S00 lib ot the gplsion thes they wiil find the
@venin p es i .| men very soon if they
“gotte sestward. The Paris bas 18) saloon mes are supposed
rd. 119 eecond clase | ! i :
pursuers cn tout, 19 ceed de ct NeFuran sos om bs aor
poet sapere id at no en P . ih on edge of the disaster the men are Lajond
The officer 88) ‘ 5 Yoefe tn 3t ded 1 he can see uO ehance
SO rey ani that the. po congers | 9990 dead and he can see chalice
_pericu ,” iy. | where they bad any savevue to escape
took the matter coliy. trom under the fall, which 1g G00 yards in
Anarchist Blown to Ficces.
. Lonpox, Peb. 15. Martial Boarlit. & | “U0 ppp person or wire and Wind.
to Bete bo Sift fn Deen + PAIR BF cera village of Pomeracia wrecking a
ad explosive bomb ch Vn ie tehor] bouse and killing seven _childres;
ing. Itis supposed be intended to Llow [© C0 Coo Firs at wn
Hp the Greenwich sheets: Ee | aria, destroyed twenty-one buildings snd
Convicted of Election Frauds. i vara! people Wore a Hed. , ;
* BrookrLyN, Feb. 15.—Jobn Y. McKane| pe :
day found guilty of conspiracy
++ the election laws and waa remerd © 1]
ed fo the Raymond treet jv Uf
awnr sentence fo it be Xi A
: volo
ing :
A Propar Kffer®
fr i wonld
Atiunts Journal
fone Thrashed sh '
Bacress, Peixoto has seit
CPeixolh ta anmpromts o with thn ehemy.
of the bui'ding and was
Harns |
_movey,” smd Hayes, “2
| pight shift of rescaers, did a berois Bet jy the movement ¢Xcept a desira to injore |
wmsned |
tmany wounded. Tayler's mn
AN EBliue
~he afte
: hy Stl
wary ix
tragedy vec
“A. M10 dns
(strike of No
severnl mes ws
of the Bra:
when Ww: {
Athobi the
1. Guld'n
adie netsh
pd Bard, teas, Guided
ta Suenbs | when
‘Ge Of theres i tLe Cig
rT nby mut who
sid Thee We iin
+ fl
ut Here a
‘ : eid Bnd
EF igugess
; roeye, kill
Haus duets; Fulhipger and
ei Wait rrvstedd sod the
tf Iowa + It ii ul
it, Lae in
{O01 Ly
tie rilling iv 5
she Was Timed and
guitdog on Him,
Then Sots ert
M DTS N be ix." J Mucga: aly
) wast creaahipped
Ha! i
to good ef -ot,
NM: . Hust
miait ‘by ist
wire ol 4
by fhe WiDieh wheio ed
tog setters punishment,
4 to the vuttor’s dise
ve Ler bulideg os him Wied sh Was:
! i Le how Che Weal
cd apsionatipg 8
Miackay's >i
. : x &
The tront se arse OVel KU |
tiie publizhed 0d
wreruteg Peter Rodd
uy 3 puper
niwti’a hinstbend,
Yi ear
avd id ©
Brozdtun Teh Ls Gale g Grow of
wb. 1 Toe Hermid'e!
Pra! . Pred! a .
ardent deer
tate ot P
apt Peixalo’s most
slot that ail tho Arana
fies banda of the. rel Adm i
to's expedition {rom Parangun
ropa and they have sines bean Joti |
yy three thoneand fader ete from Ra
Gravde do Sat and Runta ( tharos: |
a com ied forea is row mvading th
of 8. n Padlo, sweeping back ioe!
ving fores whichi is gusrdiog the
have Frade i:
Rove: He: t
ntirr. Two engugements
Also 5X skirmishes
ught Evy i
jostanca when troops
wera defeated, alarmed by the jus gents’ |
, respiforos tnsnte’
to the frontier Notwithetaudiog the io i
sargent victories the people of the stats |
are pot ent! naastio and show pa iee june |
toy to fizbt, bat openly nrge Uiestdent |
Ruight: of Labor Iispulas
Priracsnpaia, Fab 18
ertery- Treasurer ayer, d (bo Ruights of
(ivneral Sec.
: tio. remson for
Fowderly, Wright sid P'eviin bringing |
suit against the noder
Labor, stated thal-thers
bila aggregating |
23 (40 pre held by
the three men Gul we
the claims cover a two
monthe, the bills were keiog held for ex- |
amination and approval by the execntive |
board. Pending approval the saits were |
period of gix to ve
begun and ae na ststement of claims has | ;
| of four through passengers to ench train
heen filed the officers of the order don’t
know the amount the nién are seking. (daring Jaunary. Thia is sufficient to
“The duy before the enits were hrought ighow the public
? & . vs | affecting ailrosda alo Ex ress | :
ous! the men was bere to get thelaffecting the railrosda — Buffalo Exp Fr ttmniin : 4
: : | ‘0 ny, charged with performing & crim | crgars were offered me, and of coarse .
the order.” No call baa jul Leen
fora meeting of toe buarl, but one 18
: : i
expected lo a few days.
Counterfelters Capinrvd,
Artooxa. Pa, Feb 18. —Ugited Blates
gecrat asrvice officers errested four men time, aml when they cnme together Mr.
on the charge of makiz ini passing
~ounter’eit coiv. M.A. Smith, maoulder,
bie sou Charles D. Smith, were captured
at their home. George W. Graves was
mken in custody at his black
smith shop. Lewis U. Statler, who claims
to be a machinist, was captured, also at his :
‘home by officers, who also tock poesese
ion of some incriminating apparatus. The
men were jocked ap for a hearing Tae
Cyclone in Loutatana.
Hoxmer La. Feb. 14. —The most destruc:
tive cyclone kucwn ‘n the history of
Claiborne parish passed seven miles
north of here last right
the storm was heard many miles sway.
The cyclone struck the perthern part of
Ihe roanng of
are in the place the parish, leveling everything in its path. | answered. — Detroit Free Frese.
to be. Saper- The cagnsitivs known are » white child | :
{and ove wegro girl ktiled and a great
Ho owas la
track of the wind was 2%) feet wuls,
stroyvedd and Taylor fatally
Feskas Wias,
papF kD, Fa. Feb. 17.--Bob Resks
defested Charley Ward, of Werrep, 12 a
jeatoh as-cateh can wrestiing mateh’ for
{81200 a s1de. Tre match was a gamey
minutes and the second 11 minntes.
Appropriation for Gettysharg,
WasmiNeroy, Feb. 16 —Bingham.
Panna) he reguests of comabiined?
id uo HER
SS UND to provide for a nad
fe HIER RD PY Wr ad
’ iin
ce Beid of Gettysburg.
Lhnpy Preset StION BDF OMY
petiinily neg, shot
the week. and was volicenh @ for the
sek i,
menial cont
jticats :
t TY
ftant Frederick A.
| potn
the sonrt wil snl
can see nothing |
The |
[he first (all was one boor and 17 i
tossurementy Taken at Gayiord
t=4 Bary bs Fount 2a 2 mat
» Hillewrt flasr 1} ow sre at Haud i
SEV WEN Mar kote Hoegloving of i
the En : i 10
“Tae dynsmite |
eros left pre BY ab ently |
i Ww!
ont she
bie voterpment's
OOIn pe
of Work in Some Mines.
CuanvLestox, W, Va, Peb. 19—The _
*itnation in tha Kerswbs and New River
i valleys is worse to day then it bes been
| before in many years. There has been
uo strike in the New River valley, but .
owing to the dail trade and the light de-
mend for coal, there has been bat little
production for several months. To day
the mines slong New river resumed, after
8 lorg idleness, the railroad bavivg farn-
shed care and Tucd » pisce for the coal’
teh the: Inites 7am pat ont. It is pot
| averted that the mines will be sble to
{ ran more than sbout one-third time, how-
i ’
The ovly mine in the regiou whieh
, | has hes working steadily is the Gsuley
| Monotsin mpe, at Ansted, which is not
jo mpany
property in the New River valley. This
bas «1 epDOTImOTS sam, and
| raps #locomotive ito ite: mine to heal
vhieroy Led oa bewpd three Lian
bo between
@ Amenesp |
(I. BR IVRIE® © t
std hers nere that
0 |
I rowed iy §
: i
eredit for
i= aking to
dion th Ameriran merchehtaen
It we
hy 1.
ant that Thompson {
wv. Rear: Admiral Berlism
j=ot of comn
© Petranalic, 8 snmmer resort a5
rh of Rin, abhile the British sod |
: : bo ber thie |
haw- |
sypluinatls on 10a the theory i
ba dies pot went to ren sey risk of i
» op
riria bes pawit
lenges at Potrapalis,
= paetly
I | coasar
sow 3
nf = ‘over whieh
tenipt of the prisol=is to prove «3 U Fo
: *
Lia ols aways (pe
Li rang to this st 1s
1m, they were Dol Desf of
het baw if
nesarox, Ih ia.
Di Fe ~A
wai mt the LAY desrtiment
e. Nef
ar Admiral Benham omfhimes tha
repro of tha arrvel « f the NC
1b ir.
r wii} prove stg
nimoef io Admiral |
; the i ples
a3 Navaloflriale predict a big |
: 1a hate tha ond of ;
A To !
ie 1
ford i
OR i Tals i
guna the loyal float sai’ed from New |
: ; J i York a oo
Indians Cansing Troulde, .lmnrgeiang
Fi Reso, Ox. Feb IX Fie Riowns
4 Comapche [hdians assumed a war:
vilict on wuter hetwoen the jn- |
and governmant fleet hag bear |
: i
axpected spd the belief bas heen that tha
aupesrares of government eruiears ard!
tite sititnde to threaten 10 drive callie Lrgepeidn heats, or ALY otis of them. a
sper {ram the réserve tion heeause ihe Ri wind mark fie hegmming of real |
ot received grass tense pay teat hostilities that wonid probably
ware sit down, cstl a ® It is believed i
tht Potato has become tired of the |
g ehntinned stroggle smd thet Le stil i
atw nt an end of the war
: } Eat « 4 by
the Juonaus, wl we! i f . Lisre
tha lessee, Its feared the stination wii! § ian
the maps 3 1
the gird to force
pantie ff
larming in ess ; copflict letwoen his!
those of Da As the!
senetal slections in Briozil taka iéoe next i
boats kel x to will bet
& Bell
hips and {1amna
Ordered 8 Court Martial
that 7
Colonel Coryell has «rdersid a Rem
. : " shave 8 Oecsys Lettie telora. ‘Ler
t martial to eouv-ne {i oe i: : }
. : i : i An enguageraint bee
Asriory of Company H, Loex Haven, = 3
Febraary 27th,orassnan therenflerss ora |
far the triad t auch parsong Bs y take Diale GLY LHe AB A wirsl |
beroy oe! td the 1sargent
saa Sih angions Le’
fora il can De réemn- |
& by the remuinder olithe royal ships. i
§ 3 s ES ue QEigpie OF §
ba properly broagiht before it, i |
tie £08
OPIN bun
Major Wikim bas been de
muy ier Das Dewn ut
Lawl &D
wart martial, and
taiied as cffiver of aod Adjn
: Cut ia Camps 0. Throat t
saan Pa, Fob, 19, Satardey |
tavening a patty of five yon men drove
The |
| pertd cousisted of Jolin Moy ar, John and |
{ step ben Hoffmar, brothers, and two boys |
| psmed MeCormick snd Lenbart, The |
_ sagnt Through Tratle. i Larty went into a hotel where Moyer and §
Aa iuletesting eshte showing fe Jobin Hofman qoarrwied. Moyer was |
«1 hus beets en to the floor std whils there Bte-
i veu Hoffman delibarately cut is toroal. |
to know. - Ha estemntes that with ail of | Goffman tied. Moyer 18 fatally wounded,
the ttrongh trains between New York | " 2
3 od special - lg gAvioRla
Wallies BE.
pointed mwaishal of |
Faler has
ha rom anville to Wrahingt nyille.
wi lhout regard tu Lon,
~ Lock Haven Express.
dniiness of throngh rave THES
by 8 Paffalo passenger man” 1a 8 position
“Charged With a RHeivoua Crime.
HusrixaroN, Pa, Feb 10.~Dr. 8. N. |
Browo, 5s weil known physicen of Frank- |
io sonuty, sod J. 11. French, of Bpring- |
Jeid towuskip, this county, were drrested |
anii Clicago Miers waa hnt an aversge!
tow the had tires are
» and BE. Coftuelor Killed i pal operation on the dsagbter of Lo Bg
Rourer. The arrests were made do thie |
[strength of an ante-morters statement by |
{the girl, who esunot recover The se- |
puned are ander heavy bonds.
Samael OC. Alles, a condupior wa the
Philadelphia upd Erte railroad yard Les
received fatal injaries while at work this
morning - He had stepped between two
care, to open a knnckie on Jacaey. draw-
| bends. The oars ware movilg at '#
Cle fisid Conurerfeitors Arrested.
Arrooxsa, Pa, Feb. 1J. ~Two more
| mets wre in the tls of United States se |
crot service cificere, mikiog o total of |
sine arrests {he two lsiteér prisoners |
tdenth ensued in two houre. The ace! | were bronght bera to day Ly officers and |
| dent ocearred in the west end yard, op-|given a preiimivery bearug. They are |
the paseeager depot —Renovo | John C. Stegere,of Coalport.snd Harry Mo |
: : | Farland, of Utakvile, Clearfield -conoty. |
They are charged with msnafactunng |
; | and selling counterfeit coin. ;
t Tks pew ledy member went to church | edi on
{with such remarkable regularity
i ——— ————————
| Allen was eanght between the drawbeads
| His left side and inp were crushed and
| posite
| News,
i Why She Went to Chareh,
Hank Gues Out of Basiness.
| Cs Pirrenvka, Pa, Feb. 19 —Ths Central |
Jutter a year of it the agter themght 4 Bauk of Pittebarg bas ariangel to pay off |
| wae bis duty to commend her UDOL V- | 4) jepositors aud suspend pasinesi. The |
to. my busband, «he hank 18 not embarrassed, but its bnivessy
{ hes not been profitable aud the cone
thint, !
| oI we due ebtirel:
jaaig, mm reply.
t “How do sapuge it? asked the . : : : A
| “How doesbe mang 481 suspend susiness was reached siler aly
: 0 “I'd li o know go thut 1 ma : : ? bein |
pastor. “I'd like Xo Howe, wt 1 TAY in gements has beon made to pay heir |
Lustbanus. | Jepusitors deilar for dollar. i
usion {
suggest 1t to other
He always keeps me supplied with
{ the bandeomest clothes bie can find,” she
Was Ket Murders + id
Paizaperrmia, Feb. 19.-An aftérncon |
paper published = sensational story that |
reo. De B. Keim of the Reading ron who |
ied Dacember last, was pmiarderad and the |
fumnily suppressed the crime and employ. |
ol a detective to secretly run the mnrder-
i The Presbyterisn chine of Brookvilie,
Rav. Dr Conway pastor. 10 rasponee
‘a eall from the destitute of Dagsille,
| Virginia, Oklaboma City, Ok, ter. and
Macstield, Wood eonnty, Wis, forward: urs down bi
ail 4 rail on RP tas week, pack. Mollie Magairee did it td revenge the part |
ages of weariog apparei to gaid places, that Keim took mw Hreukitg up the organ.
: amonnting at a low estimate, to 8355.80. | “ation. The physicians who attended
Aiso cash, $75 to said places. The ladies Kam assert positively that he died of par- |
having charge of tarwarding the clotling [ays
ware, Mrs. J. B. Henderson, Mrs. Lide |
| Litoh, Mre, T.1. Pemzlaton, Mee 1
dai. Mie Ms ; i. B
Rip an 2a 9 IK,
Cac acted as ruelees ‘ peta 1
Bro: kville M
: Lo : : Ladner Xp
Too Cheup for Her.
iH Wn Wi wit TY ak
rn, iT
N cho Bat cae we bonnd,
pie ii Le
ithe strike
agiderain |.
| wrk wes resumed today.
fare worked on the co-operative plan, and
| there fever bas been any trouble Let ween
{ tbe mivere and the mapagemant.
1t is aleo intimated that the! Am
| oot the coal. The thickness of the sean’
! wakes it possible to the miners worging
| 41 25 conte a tou to make fair wages, and
ihe catpat. can be put on the market an-
ter the sual price. Last Saturdsy thie
mins pat ont 1,55) tone,
fu ite npper Kanawha valley, where
is op, the operators he'd s
oreting Ssturduy and decided to call
herr miners together and present the
cage.lo thew, wad try to induce them to
scent the redaction seked. The opet-
ators say they can do pe better. The
#'rike canoot laet much longer, ss the
miners are slmost 10 a state of starvation
and mast Sod something to do. The
Acoma mines, where the riots ‘ook plese
two weeks ngo, are st work. At Camp-
vell’s creek, where the mines have been
sed on secount of lack of barges for
Diver tennspartstion snd lack of orders,
The mines
The Disruption of the Order is Threatessd —Con-
ference Proposed. -
Pirrsnveo, - Pe., Feb, 19.—~Develop-
| ments of the next Tew days will determine.
te Tatnre in this district of the Amal
gamated association. That a crisis is near
st band io the sffairs of the distriet wm
i pisiuly evident,
it. It is understood that
ouly by beroie efforts eso the ones strong-
| act district in the hig labor. orgenisstion
be saved {rom disraption.
This afternoon delegations representing
lodges comprising the, First snd Second
Dlivisions of the First distriet held a secret
session to take immediate soticn coneern-
ing the presevt demoralizad condition of
affairs Ap sxtraordiciry session wis :
~alled - within 24 Loars' time and every -
lodge on the banks of the Monoogabels
and Allegheny rivers have been potifiad
to gend resoressntatives. The latest re-
Juction in peddlers’ wages in the Pills
burg district, avd inability to successfully
+ oppose them, resulted in a conference of
tbe Amalsgamated nssociation leaders at
which it was déeided to have lodges take
ilmmediste aotibn. The probable result
of to days’ secret conference wiil be the
i wume jate- convening of the associstion
in extraordinary national conferesce for:
the purpose of Cevising mesns to pre
pervea the orgauisation from total dis
raplion. : 1 >
Mahanoy Valley Mies Resume.
PorrsvinLe, Pa., Feb. 19.—All the ool
i1eries in the Mohapoy Valley. excepting
Bear Rau aud Ht, Nicholas, resumed
work to day.
wond, at Girerdvilie, whicli belongs to
the Reading company and employes 500
men. It bis bees idle sn mouth. 4
A Question of Profit,
“How does it happen thes you tock up
smokipa®™ i J :
“Why, slmost every duy two or three
{hat was a desd loss.’ Boston Tran-
script ary
Jack Frost.
‘The frost upon thy window
Hus painted all in os, :
Castle and caverns awd crystals
“With many a wild dveice.
vad withany breath it pad ted
But spon in thy moming muy
The castles and caverns of crystals
Wont ranaing to nothing away
I'he frost made wondrops pietures
: Wit eres and ail in fon,
Ist fo mil many o speaker
Mare serioux!y has done.
Building up domes in gures, ©
Painiing Donelaphor mine,
Making with: breath his peta? -;
Frosting and chilling and f&ir.
Bit wien soiae great genial spirit ©
Coane forth with a wo rm-tes sted my,
The frosty and srvstaliine figa vs
= Tos mt ive went Guling away, :
: . ~haries G. Leland,
The Golden Roud. :
hY% Idaricoks a'erihe mouniain Jake,
When peaks their oyeung splimdors
2 REC, ; <r
vid fir across that sapphite field she 5603 the
sunset burm.
It (ayaa bridge of living dams,
The pati of metnories and of dreants,
\ haanew acl road, o golden. mad for Piigrim
Ar. :
vid 1 lack eastward thigh the dark,
ate the moon, a roxy spark, or
Wax bright above the ocean's bound, the dim
: horizon line, i
Andi bald in ght from crest to crest
A waving way from east (0 west —.
The mystic road, the goldan fowd between her
heart and mine, on
\ixl Love, that 1s the Light of Light,
Godl set 10 rule both day and night~—
ave shonld make 8 snlden road
ti hear and nad
wo ddeen roset
(hod 's ated,
the stient space between, tw black
Fron wortd to workd
Phavaigh 11 thee wordihe od
prveded ses!
~Harpey's Uaear,
Among thesa is tbe Hume -
Tetiween 3