- Patton Courier. | PATTON PUBLISHING co,, Proprivtors. ; : Loca Time Table. "hie hots of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as . follows: Mail Closes, ow TO AMX LAD rN ‘A. M. to 8 ‘Postoffice hours from 7 P. M. : Train numbers marked NY. are northbound and *'S” southbound. ‘The Door-Bell. Hyon o could only always know, the door-tell DES ow J Who ft it is that stands below Sa the door-bell Jingle so. " a e Feqrenty ou wouldn't go, i When ial tlt gure to be a friend When the door-bell rings. It 1 say be “TImbretias to mend?” Or some one with fle shoes th vend, . + Whose flow of Sf language has no end 1 When the door-beli rl % at your — time, * door-bell ri x is rime. Your bande. maybe re Hine In such a case your jan agite mre Td never put in’ in Lg . When the door-bel ] But to the door you always go _When the doorbell rings. You Ou Set; YOu' fe curios know Just who is on the portico, And mine a show, When the v I rings. =Somerviile Journal. Grow Elected by a x Large Majority. Galusha A. Grow, candidate for rep- | resentative-at-large in congress, to fin | the unexpired term of William Lilly, | Jeceaded, ; received a plualify of : 18.00. "Wm. E Stewart, of Indians, was in | Patton Friday. W. J. Heller, Sf Prligitury, spent THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1594. Monday. C. B Johnston, of Harrisburg, wes in ‘town Monday. ; E. A. Mellon took a business trip to i Monday. : 3. 8. Roap, of Altoona, to Cn Monday. “as a visitor - James Luther drove over from (ar- . rolitown Sunday. Dr. Summeryille, drove over from Chest Springs, Sunday. | a visitor to Patton Monday. W. A. Scanlan, of Pittsburg, register- “ad at the Palmer house Monday. Henry Dumm and lady registered at the Commercial hotel Sunday. See the ‘Diamond Breaker’ at the Hastings opera House Friday evening. John Cullen and A. B. Keller, of Al-! toona, registered at Hotel Beck Mon- “ day. Mrs. W. H. Sandford and family are | vishing relatives in Phiipebiing this | week. Go to the Kinkead restau rant | and get a fine oyster stew. Oysters | in every style.-0tf Miss Sophie Gearhart, of Clearfield, is visiting at the home of A- J. Jac . of Palmer avenue this week. | 0 * T. A. Bradley, of Lilly, District Mas- ter Workman of the United Mine Work- ers was in town Monday night. | Geo. Hilick, of Williamsport, form- ‘erly news agent on the Beach Creek railroad is employed at the PAlmer served | Pies. —14¢f Thos. Diehl, of Bells Landing, spent Monday in town.’ J. Davis, of Johnstowr:, registered at Hotel Reck Friday. Jos. McNeal, of Ansonville, is visiting relatives in Patton. John Reilly returned Tuesday from _ a trip to Williamsport. Jos. B. Whitner, of Hastings, came “over to Patton Tuesday. Walter Yatchers, of Driftwood, was A. P. Stevens, of Ramey, visitor to Patton Friday. W. F. Stoltz, of Carrolitown, was a ‘visitor to Patton Tuesday. John P. Johnston, of Duke Centre, Pa., spent Saturday in Patton. The Patton Fire company expects to | ‘ give a grand ball about Easter. Morris Cohen and Max Frindman, of| Altoona, came over to Patton Monday. | - Alexander Hunter who has been suf- | | fering from a subluxation of the right knee is able to be around again. Try Magic drops for pain, tenn and external. Guaranteed by C. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf The Wentz School, Chest township, ' was closed Tuesday, the teacher A. J. Swope, acting as clerk at election in said township. Ralph, infant son of Mr. nd Mrs. Oscar Winslow, who has been suffering with broncho pneumonia, is at this For coughs, colds and sore throat try | 0B: slowly convalescing. ‘Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C.. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf D., H. C. Warren, the painter, is mak- ing a very neat and artistic business directory for the Good- building. It will be placed in the main haliway near the entrance. Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of this place, | Pa., was a. ton last week. Try Keller for tobacco, cigars ng confectionery. —14tf A. E: Fyan, of ‘Bedford, Pa, wasa guest at Hotei Beck Thursday. Thos. Evans, of Blossburg, county, Pa., spent Monday in Patton. Albert Flick and wife, hotel, i Patton. WANTED. — light housekeeping. - | office. 3tf. : Mra. Parks, of Hastings, Breath, of Grant, visited friends in Pat- ton Monday. R. 8. Westbrook, an ice cream man- Inquire “at this and Mrs. | ufacturer, of Altoona, was in Patton | |W ednesday on business. In another colamn you will find the! inew “ad” of Fisher & Buck, furniture dealers and undertakers. A. Platt, of Philipsburg, senior mem- ber of the firm of Platt, Barber & Co., of that place was in Patton: Tuesday | looking after his business interest. A. M. Thomas’ 1st. G. Patton, ef Coalport, and Wm. F. Pat- ton, of Curwensville, drove over from the former place on Sunday and regis- tered at the Palmer. Mr. Thomas Craver,of St. Augustine, {is hauling the stone for walls of four houses to be erected on two lots, which Mr. Craver purchased from Chas. | Anna, in the Anna addition. | house as clerk. | yin Mrs. Nolen who has had a severe at- oid newspapers for sale at this office i.) of capillary bronchitis is conval- | _ at ten cents a bundle. escing under the care of Dr. Worrell, has been confined to Fer home. with | A. C. Fisher, who is a practical pain- | catarrhal diphtheria for the last ten -'éT; paper-hanger and sign writer is days. Dr. Murray, her , phyiciun, re- | Now prepared to make estimates on all + kinds of work in that line on reason- To-day, (Thursday February 22) is Wahington’s birthday. Alex Philips, of Burnside, was a visi- tor to Patton Saturday. Jaa. Flynn, of Aloona, made a busi- ness trip to Patton Satarddy. - Sam’l Kelley and wife, drove over from Chest Springs, Saturday. Read Sumerville and Wm. Davis, of | Ebensburg, spent Saturday in Patton. | H. C. Rohn and Frank A. Gunnison. | i of Huntingdon, spent Mouday in Pat-| ton. Jas, Thompson, of Brookville, regis- tered at the Commercial hotel Batur- day. = Single copies of the COURIER can be | - purchased at this office for five cents _ apiece. Al J. Hopper and lady, of Carroll- : town, were guests at the’ Commercial | hotel Sanday. © Chief of Police Sam Jones’ infant child died on Sunday night, after a few a days sickness. In another column will be found the. advertisement, of Geo. Green's billiard and pool room. Thee. Bishop and wife, of Loretto, visited their daughter Mrs A. C. Fisber, i of Beach avenue. Abe Mirkin, Bonney Kusner, Nathan "Pack and C: A. Repsher drove over to Carrolitown, Spangler and Hastings Sunday. The smile on Joe Marks’ face last | week was 80 broad that his ears had to | move to make room. It is a twelve pound boy. Quite a riumber of people from Pat- ton expect to gO 10 Hastings Friday evening to see the ‘Diamond Breaker’’ | at the opera house. The ‘Diamond B r,”” a new melo-drama, will be the next attrac- tion at the Hastings opera house Fri-, “Way evening, February 22 When you go to Loretto stop at the | Mountain House. You will find the - proprietress, - Mrs. Bengelee, knows; how to treat you well.-12t2. - will be On . next Sanday ‘eveuing there, room over Wolf & Thompson's store. Rev. W. B. 3 Cary, of Latrobe, v+ll have charge. its eighth mile stone. bright newsy sheeet, deserving much credit by its patrons. worlds of success. The large general store of Orth & Co., at Gallitzin, and Simon & Bro., at | Altoona, were closed by the sheriff on _Priday. The executions issued against them wil! foot up about $30,000, mostly ’ in the hands of relatives of the firms. | E. D. Seltaer, of the firm of Seltzer | restaurant in the near future. . ducted in the Union Sunday school South Fork Courier has just’ It is a It in well edited, ¢ and the Patton COURIER wishes it | and is again able to attend her house- ‘hold duties. ~The Kinkead restaurant is the best place in Patton to get a good lanch and a first-class meal. Eveeything * kept to be found i in a first-class gating - house. Otf. Mr. Biller, of Eckenrod Mille who is building a blacksmith shop in the rear of the Commercial hotel will move ‘his family to Patton as soon - the ‘shop is completed. Martin Carl; of St. Avgusting Was in town on Monday. Mr. Carl operates what he terms a ‘Thunder Gust’ saw ‘mill, but says there is no demand for - manufactured lumber at any price. - Gu. E. Hipps, principal of the schools at Chest Springs and Archie Burkhart, also of Chest Springs spent Mon May in town. The schools at that place will be closed this wick during the absence - of the principal. - Chas. Letts, arcompanied by | one of : the COURIER staf, took a sleigh ride to Carrolltown Saturd: vy, and of dourse, to make everything harmonize with the life of a newspaper man a tip-oveer in a snow drift was enjoyed (? | There will be a new and handsome sign placed in front of the Hureka reach across the sidewalk and will be painted by Chas. Letts, an experienced sign painter of Patton. Look aut for ‘jt.—Carrolitown News. | ‘Daniel F, McSweeney, the U. 8. detec- tive who arrested Counterfeiter Platt ‘several weeks since,on Monday arrested | a man by the name of Stigerts at Rose- ‘bud, and another at Utahville named | McFarlin both for the crime of counter- felting. They were taken to Pittsburg ‘and locked up. F. N. Dunegan has purchased the Patton laundry, wich is located next door above Hotel Patton, and is now | prepared to do all kinds of laandry {work with nestness and dispatch. Orders can be left with Jack Schied, user, opposite Hotel Beck, and with J. Feigh & Bro.: barbers opposite the "Good building. -0t4 Last week a young lady on Fifth ‘would receive a valentine. A young ‘man, who, by the way, is considerable of a wag, sent the proprietor of the news room to her honse. It js con- ceded that it was the largest and hand- somest Valentine received in Patton. Last ‘Thursday afternoon the follow- ing named people drove over from ' Hastings and took supper. at Hotel Beck: Wm. E. Lantzy, Daniel Fritz, Mrs. E. L. Beckwith, Mrs. A. Lantzy, Mrs. J. A. Park, Mrs. T. Cence, Mm. G. M. Shell, Mrs. J. Goldman, Mrs. D. | Frits, Mrs, Neff, Mrs. Rowley, Mrs McCormick, Mrs. M. A. Terrill Misses Sophia Kebler and Mary Joner, Mrs. Minnie Reichard, Mrs. E. K. It will ports her on a fair way to recovery. Master James Armstrong, two years old, son o William Armstrong, who was thought to be dying a few weeks ago with capillary pneumonia and. entero politis is now convalescent, | much to the gratifications of the | parents. A communication was received this week by the Courier, from Chest - Springs, but the writer evidently for- got to sign his name to the article, and as it is contrary to all newspaper rules to publish communications without the signature of the writer, not neces- sarily for publication, the lettor does not make its appearance. The pool and billiard room, formerly owned by John Boyce on Fifth avenue has changed hands, George . Green, formerly of (iazzam, being the present owner. He took possession on Satar- day. Mr. Green is a young man, and heretofore worked in the mines, but by close economy he suncceeded in saving enough money to purchase the above named stand. We predict for him a good business, On Friday last, Messrs. Beck, of the Hotel Beck, and Wilson, of the Com- mercial, went down to Mark's dam to examine into the guality and thickness ‘of the ice. Mr. Wilson crossed the dam without accident. Mr. Beck, whose averdupois is considerable more than Wilson's, was not sc fortunate; the ice broke, and the took an involuntary cold bath. Some are mean enough to say that it was the | first bath he took this winter. The following parties came over from Spangler on Thursday in a four- | horse sled, and stopped at the Com-! mercial: Mm Milton Spencer, wife of the editor of the Sentinel, Mra. Clel | Westover, Mrs. Frank Bear, Mm. B. McGhee, Mrs. Mehan, Mm. William Lancy, Mrs. Adama, Mrs. A. Weakland, Mm. Butterworth, Mra. Pifer, Mrs | Kearsch, Mrs. Radcliff, Mra Albert result waa he! | able terms. Give him a call. —14t4 A. G. Deal and Brothers, blacksmith J. . A. Rabel, of Gremon, was in town Go to Keller's for Broad, Coleen and | J. R. Smith, of Gallitain, was input | Tioga | of the Gray Carrolltown, spent Sunday in! Three or four rooms for W. C. Baum, of DuBois, is stopping in town. Mr. Baum will have charge of new hardware store which will be opened up about March G. G. Wartelsky, Wm. Templeton, F. | SUITS OVERCOATS of Mahaffey, have rented the H. 8S. ‘ Buck blacksmith shop situated across Chest Creek formerly run by 8. E. | Jones. Deal Brothers are both practi- | cal men and the COURIER predicts for | them a bright future. Jas. McClain, Mrs Geo. B. Brandon and son, (i. Nevin Brandon, of Spang- ler, sccompanied by Chas. F. Noll, of Clearfield, spent Sunday in Patton. pleasure of listening to a number of selections ably rendered by A. G. Nevin Brandon who is a talanted musician. J. 8. Richards and wife, of Bower, ‘Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Cart Richards | Saturday. On the afternoon of the same day Curt Richards and wife and J. 8. Richards ard wife drove over to Carrolitown and took supper at the St. Lawrence hotel. They speak in the highest terms of the treatment they re- ceived from the genial proprietor, Lawrence Schroth. We all admire the beautiful hymn “Nearer my God, to Thee." you will take a bushel of potatoes, a The COURIER correspondent had the Now if sack of flour and a big chunk of meat to some poor family, who are suffering for the necessaries of .ife, it will bring you nearer to God than all the spirit- “ual songs you can sing for the next six = months. The songs are all right and exert a good influence, but when mixed with a charitable deed, the | combination gives much peaceful rest jto fhe conaciame ~P3. “Grit's” Free Pictures. A beautiful and artistic 14-color pic- | ture, size 9) x 15 inches, is given away | with every copy of that popular news- | paper, here every Saturday. The pictures are ‘beauties and will look well framed. i Everybody should get Grit and a pic- ture this week.- ~14-t4 Wanted. avenue expressed the wish that she in this building pronounce it as fine as | _ Bros., painters and paper hangers, of | Hichman. The party was a jovial one Lock Haven, who has the job of paint- ' and enjoyed their time in Patton. They "ing the Good building, will complete : departed for their homes about 8:30 in his work in about two weeks. Mr. | the evening. | The reason why so many die can be done. in the first stages. If you bave a cold A subscriber to a newspaper, after or cough stop it, every time you cough falling in arrears two or three years, irritates the affected parts and opens takes offense at something that did not | wider the passage for the disease to altogether please him, and orders the spread. Cribbs German Cough Syrup, | to have the paper discon- discovered by a famous German physi- | tinued, without paying up, and ex- cian, will stop the cough and dure the throat and lung disease, is because | they neglect to doctor the symptoms - i _pecting to beat the publisher out of his affected parts and will do it quickly. Ey , is the lowest piece of humanity | A ten cent sample bottle of Cribb’s | \ the face of the globe. He is about ' Liver Pills free with each bottle. _, sale by C. W. Hodgkin's. [. For 1 Pifer, Miss Adama, Henry Ager, Jos. | | By a young married couple ithe! Fox and wife, and Professor J. H. | children two or three unfurnished rooms Dale and wife. They were rathera | suitable for light hoase keeping. In- themselves hugeiy. | office. ~ OUR NEW STOCK OF MEN'S SHOES HAVE ARRIVED AND YOU CAN FIND ALMOST, ANYTHING YOU WANT, FROM THE CHEAP Pennsylvania Grit, which is sold jolly crowd and no doubt enjoyed quire immediately at the COURIER ' In the [atest Styles. For Fine' Custom-Made CLOTHING. Call on C. BRANDON, The Merchant Tailor, Glass Restaurant, Near Opera House, : Patton, Pa. : And why not wear Custom-Made When PRICES are made to suitthe times. Good - Fit - Guaraniged. Ek x j = a ‘Brandon has had several years in New York, Lon- don and Paris and is prepared to make all “Mr. experience at Redfern’s kinds of Ladies Garments A large Line of pat- v: fern for ladies coats to select from. THE WILSON BIL PISSED But do not pass our plac of Business for we have something. very nice to offer you in the way of OIL PAINTINGS. We will GIVE AWAY with every cash purelincs of $30 worth of goods a fine Oil Painting 28 x 34 inches. The frame is of Moulding about six inches deep. The pattern: and design is a new style and very effective. We are the leaders in every ting kept in a first-class. store. We ‘handle a full line of DRY GOODS, ~ GROCERIES AND ° GENERAL MERCHANDISE. | "All are invited to stop in and ascertain all particulars about our wonderful offer: WE HAVE BARGAINS. PATTON S SUPPLY CO., Patton, Pa. Agent for Palace Sean) Lanndry A GROCER "WITH ANY SAND Will not put it in his sugar, but rather into business principles. In groceries we are careful what we buy. Try ns®. Working Shoe at 31 00, A HORSE SHOE ‘To the fine dress shoe. You wont find any such a stock to] select from in Patton. Our $2.00 shoe sells elsewhere at $2.50. Our $2.50 shoe is worth $3.00 In most stores. Our $3.00 shoe is actually worth 4. Do not buy yourself] The styles and make are elegant. We have 25 a pair of shoes till you have seen our line. different Shapes to select from. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. BELL, The Clothier. i DENOTES GOOD LUCK. Buy your BOOTS and SHOES from us and be | in luck. Dry Goods Are a specialty with us. es us in any of the above. We e have the stock. DRY RUNSTORE co. General Merchandise, Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues. PATTON, PA, Haar IR ad ia
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