The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 22, 1894, Image 3
ec —————— A A EFS Samm meee | three mora, Dr. Nensen of Christiania ig mot in the Arctic ocean somewhere north of Siberia ir his stout little ship, ‘the Fram, er Forward. Thie is in many | | rewpects the most remarkable arctic ef | fort ever made. Th the opinion of many, tit is pagibardy anil sure to | astir But those who have Jooked most carefully into the question, and who best anderstand whit arctic dangers are, in- | olime 10 the beligf that Dr. Nansen | gome onit all righ t, oven if he does nel time reach the vicinity of they His plan, as nearly avery ono knows, 12 £9 place his stromg little ship in theare Wi MER PECK. .NATCR WHITE, OF LOUISIANA NOMINATED AT.ONGE CONFI MED BY THE dare) And the Soprems Judgeship Clrons Wh tereen HI znd Croaveland ta Pnaed Wasnixagrox, Fah 19--Tha committee on pentine ‘8 iwstraeted, ne der resolution (fered by Habe 10 ines! gate all {015 und sirsmetatioss cantie: ed with the contract of the KXatiema! Lath i ogrephing company, Washington, “or the | giams free’ to carry a €hip through publication of tbe Patent Office Gezetis 1 ha {iris that men can E Yifa The investigation neises out of & loo | those datitudes, remaing to be & cirenmatnntinl BewEpAPer ftateny Dr. Nansen his not anderratad tho charging Josieh:f)amoy, Mea, Wie as risnspess of biz pndertaking. Every PH p sistant cecaretary of sate, with bavieg visiom thot the most careful stady contd - < s — used his oficial fan! personel infigerce to Super — Zoe Ho Xo os. “have the contradh taken romthi@ compan) fgg Jagob t1ra@ a fovx searswill be re "which had had # mepy years snd bed fafired to drift throogh the Arctic soa axec:ed Tt satisfantorily soll giviag it to} the company whieh bad had GO previous | existence, oe facilities for oxecnting the | 8 vontrast and in whicl he Sed 8 barge per | drift near : : “4 : of Franz sons! interest. Ths rommittes of ph ig coumata of senators Gorgsar, Sov Wit pom und Maedarsen. the After further motoing « huineon Daviok | nasary _addresend tid feont: in-defenes 67 Prose | and dent Clevelnmi’s notion in coger Ha | bonti—ofw hi i ha hae an ajople wail, stiymal zing Minister Htevens' con po] Bn ! HS escapes i ? duct ad “Tho presaapleanbe Sicions! hing 1 bates, weonbt, be will De dis | ] i i ! vq Gd te Freon adriace of k of an id dak lakes a Has aggin and ; “suite! suspended dis remarks is or ler ‘0 +] practia % allow & meses bo borecerspi com tie] COTES Win President of the United Bates. Tia] effibarkal mesaage aoponnoed the woniiestion of bytter fi v Benntor White, of Louisiana, wansociate justice fthe supreme cuurtof the Untied States. Half an hone later, and. without | oconclnding kis spoech, Detiel aguiv yielded thw foorin avilag that tHe: seguly might fh {10 axecative seston Tor Aor’ firmstion of the pemioaticu. Whi ‘dove iu qaisk order and the penata nd Joarued Hau» rie, ER Sle | east ta west, and Arift with it athwort i the pole. That there is such a eurre | admits of but little donrt. How str lor steafly it is ther & flows with «nu Taal whe iz vores § prt ae Lr land. Mr own opiniam, if it be world 1 pole than the east cous f Land, in abomt Jatitade s [do beiieve - ‘ . od prost. Han- | 4 ihe day failure for haa 0 aban: take 10 thn pace fo “ in nls civiiiaaticg An i 3 aan ue proved fakin Nn 1s 1 X=: Bir foyer wi Tan Nowe Ha. f hardin mo fastest one sit Naorwi ZiiE & ef anfin la ors: gi al fiatien] vor ow ned RIYTY 2 N faand arcti cele TET. 5] «ith CA A Fly v1 $e i aya i i of his wid ab than ir, vy t Ko Lana UBN Lek rr " yoif wr Rg oy 1 i wt isch 4 ay ton f Pater Can't ¥ivet 5 19, A pebie pero Ernnta Pa ~ Wasuisarox, Feb waa spent by the house dearor to separe i ¢iHotum thal woula vote in favor of taking up Blands bill Ww potn-the eeioniorage of treusory onlin. In the potires of the slieruoan £ onli jor Bn cancas was zireniated and eigos!. At 4 o'clock, upon motion of Bieud, tte house adjourned in order to give the Democratic menghiers dn opporta aty to consult G00 the situgtion sud deter: mine 3 possible upon the policy io be partgasd by the wnjority of the Sodis. “In the morwieg hone the senste bil passed granting to the Bes Mowe fiapid Power company the right to comsiract| conme; and msictain ® cans! sud wing dnm | broken Your 3 . alobg end iu the Mi. aippl riper in] oulties at wl J : oock county, Litinais, treat fra yori . : my fraud Dr. x an pola ina yorr or tw fie dizeover- will #0 trymen.” | Lientes Le ir | pole, bat be t ny or “4 ¢ he will lave McCormick ¥ sledges travel os enn. Foriy dd accidents, fr the Licuton:is res ' fe ila, ef : Crenland waiting lot oc Eno pas #XTra! {} Wii kaoy « ved re IR ROW ance wife's les the waorkl with fis. tie ice ean of Cir meeting Biufl gid 1 ef the Dagnish nav: gunn «He Baul “country Hmulf a pnd iis hardahise Tis ods the fend perforin vex] Drv Po ATY. hi his ks Amenean 4 : + to 3B me Sb .. Therp ws vo Josger any dhol AEOUR t there will jong strike, cou! operators sud miners t " be & strug .le, sod pra! lily 2 f before un wage sohedaly for next yer can | be sgree! to. Iadianh opet stora recently | considered the advisability of naking the men to accept 8 rednction before the eud | : i Ww ages for Minilog. : 2 { i fa pote 1a #ill ial =Y wiciiLY of the scale year, which is May lst. . wae decided not to do ro noléss tha ie of mizing io Obio shenld be reduced be | fore that time, bot it was the vnunimoas | opinion of the operators that tuey ehoald | FE fir x rodaets i Gl enter iver 8g 5! : next yee. President Dunkel, of the United Mine workers for the laciana dia: trict, and ex President Commesky, who is pow assietant to the State Mine In: .gpector, both sey they rxpect a serious disagreement. They expsct iv vat ouly in Iudiasa bat 1m Ohio, western Pence sylvanis, Tilioveis and Iowa, whichstates are classed as being wm the eames market, President McBride, of the Lpited Mine Workers of Ambries, hes end that it looks ms if the mos in &l Cheea ef fated | would base tostrike to prevast n redao- ! 2 i they tion wo The movement which! to te aes brought abont the ssceptancs of 10 Gresniznd 15 canta a ton lest in the Pittéburg die Janae fwo weeks azo it Tooks? upon asthe | the pole than "jurtial etep iu 4 genera! «fort to understanding: Ne price of puinings Tue mens in. that friendsis that | distriot, when sccepling the lower rate, during the coping swnmer. In four ig PAX DroGAy provided thet 1t wis oinl® . months he hopes to trace out the mor: ba. eco coast of that strange, glacier covered temporary repnueiation of the sone of 7 Yana apd ratnro to his hes McCor. nd and ranprn (oR use al Me orf cents a tan. The Ohio operators follos | 1 hav. wilbre the Kite will meet bi jng by a demand fir a tke reduetion, | pucat ho oad of August and convey | which would mean 50 aad 55 eents net 1n | brave wv Greenland born cirid that state, abd which the ruen by vote Je. 80d arty back ta the United Su tes clined to graut.— Bitumicons R: agard. Trip Ticket. n fo the puie, of Pottstown Tron Works a ug, a, 1any tart th " Porrstown, Pa, Feb. 14--Eyery de wt : partment of tha exteusive plant of the get ul pottstown Iron compeny will be closed © 2° down this week, Date of resumption is very upcertaip; it depends much upon the astion of creditore, who will meet in Philadelphia. McKANE'S PUNIS MENT. extends no far rid ju araliel of 1: | whic e311) far i gonst traversed. Brainard as fur 2.4 minaies, is 4 for i | 1 { i i $s 4 ES Wis How much ben nd the Lockwood i Brainard extend 1s proliomatcal sons for bell latitude 85 2 Whitherso i among riends that be wold ro, dun id ey fie as es : 1 0€Te Te Tel extend as ¥ Ye won in {es aud 1 : as Ir 18 lower | tPeary's R from A aE va Zembls was aunounced that be would start for the pode thas year. kien it was given (ot that he had abandon! the effort. fowl is rumored asain he will go, af. | a His plan is a sound It is a eatatiish head Fang rs B tan in about latitude 3), {ie ago at i Ont He is Sentenced te a Confinement in State Prison | Fran So Joos Feb IB Toba ¥, Maken, 2d 10.32 B sr, tie “344 the pole _ eafablisiini advanced ati 4 as wae this morning senten ri ts ) ¢ix years | in the State's 8 prison. ! yadare Bt Portas. 11a Franz-Josef Land is ando edly the gateway the pole to pone whe is jwilling to devoln several PorrsviLL e, Pe., Fob. 19—Abner 8, years lo i Ie nsually i Keiser, cirpet dealer, essixned to day. reached in Joly or August, though this is by no meaps certain in any given vear. He wee the largest real estats desler jo But once J and headquarters estai> he goes. irae tu teurreat, which4s believai to flow fron m 1. . + rat . arctic entna-. Sia few months there yw ob et fe A Bt TEACHING CANARIES. Sole Oceupntion of Seven Wandved Famb ad In a Small Town of Snxeny. lo a small town called © | berg ‘Saxony: some 708 fainilics aro co régnitiin dis. | _ year, | galled hoblrcller. Harz , splendid 1 | | fren Siberia to Spi thoer zen of Greens! CABATT anything, hy Dr. Kansen will never | fection which the | axirrt § rid is not | its eparial with ran him, ig sword v 119 $b gop Byrorte bro fii tet Drea. the evidence of $; still oh yrthward thence toward: the town. Claims ot $100,000 are already lished, an esplorer will find that the land | | stretches negrer to the pole than in any | other part ¢f the world. There is not much donb, that in this region land, whether detpched isl lands or considera- ble land misses, extends beyond the Eglin 21 of latitude. WALTER WELLMAN. eatered. Yeory, Very Boe by TT » hahy seems to be vary happy to : to-d uy Ho#' IOS BW K Why sl» Lite i.) hin free? He Boj lid “ing it. tirely engaged in the task of rearing and educating good canary singers. A great propartio in of these singers in sont abroad, far or near--ta London, fo Aus: tralia and to the United States, whers ome single firm ships 180,660 birds each Theo canaries are the inferior birds, the echreir, as they are cilled in Germany, on account of their These schreir, which are bought from 0 to #9 cents in the Harz, are sold for $2. 83 are kept notes in Germany, where they are A good hohlroller camnot bo had under §8 or §10 in, the and 220 and §25.ara no unusual’ But suck didi ars enka nly singers. The Germans have niber of words, each of which Lappliea to a different sort of fntonction: the beuirolie i8in &ev: kiingerolle applies to silver tones. koiler to a warbling which renyinds of the murmar of water, gluchrolls is similar to the nightingale ’s notes, and ene may sav that every de 's song has been named, smd th > there is a standard of arictar knows f all om ; PAERE Eo Each race has points, and while tha one is great on beulrolle, for instance, Jt ia weak on gluchrolle, while the case 31s reversed with and ther race. tH Of course gingioy | wies, bot t I is consi Jers: le 3.«9 x Gan prices, | quite & i Ie, Or min y for every ¢ per perfec £13 weil exactly si nial 3 “The cdmeati rhe vom carric: £ AnAries , #1 Lie, ue atic i bird fs ’ iw B {18 pos 33 BOY0 yi # rap 3 An 9; 3 them the clome mt wed bene They try ts a COmies his bem EH flan } bard fi: tha iv trick to gat 4 84 ress aiffer is 11 tins Seid ¢ of the 3 fies : der to prov: geltitr at Fa en Mn 1 Wormer, ine to know utie ol tae jus that Swenish maid gdmiration for Bo read Frinch novels, Enxlish Lridegriomns. CXS, ; *lagazine, The Scat of the Brain. certain 0 0c dnshit r creature Mabel, want Know we iL me, ever § as his work with ny “Imp sophoni Human Clocks, "sald a man ty-tive nanut wintites to 12,7 Or amd he ge within ght. It seen bh times had left upon their nan pn of its flight." New York Press Lele or atever it tiv 5 "Twenty may be, minutes of past wh is : as thong 8 &¢ Hie <8 Under Cross Examination. Connsel - Your age, signorina? Young Lady (bashtully Fo Oh,’ ly like to tell yo ~ Counsel Yet 1 must insist on know- tell me how old you were I hard- 1n. | 881 10 years i . Youbg liad ly (che erfully ¥) Fanfulia. iN 28 Uh, i Atidreas- | or $4 in America. The best rds : 3 One tail af the ared: - PUNTERS on THE GRIP. A Description of tire Disease by One Who Has Suffered. Ever had the grip? I will give you a few pointers. ¥on will imagine yon have a ‘bad cold, and you ean wear it. ont, hat you need not try it. The grip | has fastened his fangs onto you and will | not bet go. You have got to give up. go ‘homes and go to bed. In a short tune yon will realize Beecher's dream of hell You avill think vour head has been re- moved and 6kl beehive with the amypty comb in its place. Your! month will teste Hko krant. Yon-bave the g The duptor COM outs his thet nometer nN tinda vo mp eral Lid the Bde. CvelEr phlse going of two mile and three ing Fi 0 medi) 3% jeft yan ayer, yonr mouth, degrees in at the rate gives vo ane that simply setting th ¥ } the clock sueif stopped TOOT Wii Ih in «drink and take i family doetors Pans ¥ 5 is £ } try to ert Naw, by right > ana as will 1] YON War: Wises their oh Dat 11s eave. STH O gion in the house, les, delirious and ex- begin na I laste TACYOSS yonr Hador 1. ane sia the water = ad yvorir back. nz away'to the s ‘of | the north pole ar wutifal oorhn far north in sear: ome De : need 4 hay ix exhiansted, i feel NS qt (rast: Poe (LE cut pad he - fanitly Boegh ping bis earmibgs ind net ly thi pe li Cele s aya IND cannot bgt its po Coyotennd Eagle, Flas Prineville fan eagle and a caught a rabbit the i tock to take it away fro The eagle defended his prey manfally for some time, bat tho coy ¥ for bin apd tinally got 1t not until Ww. witnesse fe was too mneh away with toe rabbit, ba r the eagle ha clawed several handfuls of hair out ¢ bis back and Jeft him somewhat disig Portland Oregonian, a Fs pil of saner- + to the que. stay in hed an wh; _j open a eomversation it i pick up the portable transmitter and | [9.80 A M- you | 1% her fregtment hy 4 5 Fo . .% | into his transuu 113 ¥ inl You | A Loud Telephone. | An Enflish paper describes a telephone which will talk loud enough for a person in any part of a large room to hear and understand. Mr. Graham, the inventor, has suceseded not so much bylan im- provem int on the existing telephl nes as | by his method of arranging thie cirenit | and bringing its resistance as low as) possible. To this end the nena indue- | i tion coil is discarded, and the twq instra- | | ments, transmitter and receiver] gra di- | rectly. connected in circuit with the line | and the Latiery. The transiitier i end of the line is connected to lines are employed having a common re- | tran wire. Two corre spondents an thus talk quite freely with cach other, and as | the receivers speak ont so as to} | be carried on by each person speaking to his transmitter. The apparatus. is attached to cimdactors and is held in the ha fs enfil nd. rent press a button in its casing, 80 As to e4- tablish the circuit. [ other end acis as Hs own ¢ loudness of its voice. and tae response | | comes equally prompt and lo The | | nger has therefore no need to li | fully with one or two receivers i to his head. cali bell by the kh ay Lior and keep his ears —— OR THE ves. Absolutely ! Necesmary In Order 3 Vision Way Ase ¥T r at one the re | ceiver at the other end, and two déparate | 9:35 P. M.- i timo, wo heard | in any part of a room conversajion can | simply | flexible |. To | to! The receiver at the | i i CATS i + is Id ap | All hé has to do 18 lo speak | { TRAIN 3 hat tae : pe N NSYL VANIA La IN EFFECT Philadelphia and a fime Table, LAA SU i Raihivoad Trains leave Driftwood - FARTWARD. 3:04 A M Train i S[yprmlia Santry, Harr 5 ul yn Jt Sunday Yona, arriving at at’ Pullin, Hy New York, [0:08 ; Ealithmeore, Washinglon, Nei * Jn iw Pullraan Py: from Willis «port : spd pRRADEC] Bit Rune tn Phtlade jis 39 rade 8 dao 1 Sunia £3 Harrisburg and Teter iy ony cumin arn ving al Philadeipbia £350 a. in, New Tork . mn hroagh © i, MuBois 4 W iamsport. Polinmp Sieoping care fn Har Hahung io Philadel ail New York Philad=iphia passeng oad EI win in sleeps andisturbed antl 7:65 5 u Train 4, 44 rishung and interned PhilddelPhis, aba. 1, weelt days and ies #3 a mm FA Ws TriE lf . jile Mud iy t ston, SEL « Har tly § Pag bases : $ Pullman cars and : Fwy Erie and W ie, #0 hi eles shi Senger in sleeper (Or Paitin ingtoh will be Eranstioreesd i sleeper nt Harrisbure oni Erie to Phitadl port to Baltimore. | ; WERTW ALL, TTA: M-Traln 1, div except for Ridgway, Dublols, {ora it mediate stations, [soos Ra mt. for Frie > fo 3 Ty a oF Passenger * ohie and Wilh te ZWay al aed ~Train 8 duily wr rin ab neti He pot nts, 2s S27 PM Tain I}, duis oxowm Kane and intermedinie siations THROUGH TRAINS FOR FROM THE EAST ANT TRAIN 1] =uven 2b) phin 2a Washington 9 a nm. Balan Kesha roe, EIB wn a | dally escoepl ay, arriving at Led wed al el Pot man parlor car oan Phitlacti Wiiinans por eaves Now TR al NEY a i giripuia. HB p nx Washington, Hos Rul timo, Hp Bia dehy BrTiviig 0 40 wond at SB am Pol man” slang frivmn Philadelphia Gr Bade aad Ime Wo gehs. ington and Baltimore Willams wpe ort Aiud 1h hugh GREENER TP vi He fan BP iets 3 dition ta WB REPO, i iin Sauport tor Pry Rovis Sarge Sit iy = ” rs Wf Fo Sifies wile Tew NiER 3) > J Te Lie 1 waves Hen bad ang are fon yin ovnYe fori te {t 4s the ahinse of the eyes, which ig to be avoided. »éither that Cif ao SE 1 ar «is and 3 aa } 7 TE OID Gl Ban the IIENCY., ‘other day An elder- cho ruled 7 v of their 4 paper fora {vod threo re- the Gaughters! Professor Thomson Waa Spubhed As vurarto nn ©% ragtion a8 an wvthinge of IX: ml? 3 While at xpmingd at ai appr fur I ; r reg ph 1y np $d sired thie sntfe ring r sell Had efuctry by which “thie eleptric timrh to the hemirt and thers dowas by the other one, and much more of the dike tik. The professor mildly state d that electricity did not operate iu. the manner stated, when the young wuowgn indignant! swept the goods back inte the showcase, exclaiming. * Well, ‘hat do you know about electricity anyway?” — Boston Mas amt ab current pPRSE wil ws oe h | TH. ATN 19 lens voRmME LD em I rRAIN his ayes | =xeept Ruan aay a. ay * a. JOHXSONBU be {Daily 4x0 von ili 1 a Ak 2 dese riving at John } Ridgway at ili a or RIGWAY vy ANT? C1. AR Ais EXE] HWARD, : STAT TRE 1uts Mil CAL NY 4 Hin h | # Ya Brew Aen Wg Westward tA Ms a, mn n m wy § ¥ vik o Xn . AE 2. » Pp. MW, Hn 2 Bn RENT, sl Manger 3UFFALD, ROCHEST t after FON Nv, 1 deur sve pod NGIE iui e i T1TI RTE fort at 380 Mo oand at 10.30 », M. Tarsus’ poss gers wills € run Bad vie mad be UU] train. : Conaections - At Wi : hin and Remling Tit os with the Fall Rrook al Y 33 A the wen . Bxsinsd fan Philie : ho viertown At Pity Cloarthod Dis isiodn of 15 feild with the Butlin rmitway Al tsi ide ville and Berwin trina and Clen rifedd vis railpond, and will Northwestern milwav Slevping ear between: Yat, adelphia on toains No Gao FE ine Ori state AG PALMEN, Superiniend, fit