The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 22, 1894, Image 2
REAL AND THE IDEAL. CARICATURES AND BEDROCK FACTS CONCERNING WELL KNOWN MEN. he President nod Cubinet The Delecns ~Nome Striking { un- A tion From hansas trasts—The Dream of a Golden Age Round of Fingnecial Experinients. sndenzec) WARRINGTON, 15 Comical dead are the contras terfeir presentment of our slatesmen as shown in partisan ¢ irtoons and the real men as seen in their ofiers and home: There ia the preside wt, for instance, re P pesented in every conceivable attitude of helpless fatnéss, ‘with a three cornered head pointed at the top, sometnmes pont ding ¢ away at an ideal figure ¢ 3220 : hetywrarn the conn: xt in rank among tue Aen ( i Hake Smith, wi 3 geldier ul Sie -c who 55 repremntind in a of fright and ho ¢ tho ota 3a ‘ore the MONA sahila attitn yor staring bef + UU st adie ed A ston ¥ Image in ctedrial night The Presi Jent and His Cabins) as a mailer of. bedrocs pritiy, Bul him resently gy, wila somd gnrprise, that be has broken F as it Were He is far atl who have nite ge-- and play- \ zen re iable forn we ars bound to helioy ve £) sm, nithongh to the average mind the ides eld ieveland uttering a Jen ad esprit 48 like that of an eleppant anncing a ji Groshamoand Brith ar gid even ro fr} witticiz Democrats, and 1a} 5 n i x Here nes vy! fills t4e Ft siakeup razaplets I calor Abd As Prams hungst ae o he $0 wild én No. i ture. He dy AY 5: Yt? phatioro 4 sovaetiiy known “Fudge Mart ism man of far pleasant appoaranc in fact, attraciive 38 BOCIRL LY Tie caliy ¢ the best men in it would politically. ceeds in’ repreen erata ant Por Bade ID lous or incon unpleasant ents 1 daneest oH axils iy Sl dL ¥ v fii; a5 nines A limneis cn Picture. The cericatarists have not canghit an to J: ry Simao, face deos not lend itself so readily tocaricature asdoe of tire senator, and« 10 1 ust dor spvernl Lipies 10 19 due Lon wr he 13 op whether fu whether 1038 1 whether his hes seth ual man or not. Hep firs and from my know trict i i1ld ay thers wid be about 500 cranks ig dae ip dact. [ don't see © - J Ueaas i 1 134 = iad ¥ at him YARIS io Gkaliiy, how a oan could that por rt of Kansas and z subject. itis i place in hot we * ee ™ dry weather, tin $ Yours jt ah on Eome 1 wens hier and the Witiil- in wet wealbse ‘is cranky, and owhin it 4 in great spurts and wen: poured out of buck- iliy, there are more gruass- ie grasshopper peason, more ther bugs of the wheat TH 0 | eer ther part he west, Cine ad in his district has, ac th oY "jufermation and to sane observation on the spot. and almost entirely i. The order Was Iwo or three rainfall won ini best Lie liad added jo Wel vy heavy ry a gl YEIONS ApDEArance, and would. fill up rapidly. Then would come & season when even the welis would dry out by the roots and blow away. Thin her abandoned only £4 the sama process repeated. Neverthe- less nature. does ii seme mysterious way yield to the persistence f man, and what with the plowing of the land, th planting of trees, the irrigation of th country west of it and other causes, the ntve wanld a ihed BEAU, ALG gogion ix mdoab: atte: and farn ag i we Emeutle: Kin grid view & pieasan? EY pe wy n ma yoining CAD . 3 Wt read} fall” tured pid wrth ip v s mney Wit a 1 Three Repablieans. “t larga mel Beg ki of CO ij Ye has aA Af 5 fslatir, an the Fors the seat ev 7 » Anot yt] the ost A AT vests good 5 «38 ES Fk} ve oni past. Bie th quant 4 3 anu i Rudd AM her west x Wii i Pea ro RE [hie wor sed Papal Pin test on the uk ‘ $ wins yok bet ween ari { the disEd Pus who Ld 13 08 bis in. cong { aid + are of Joel ay £1 ry Ti : fir he iz 3 man inlense Poy ah Wheaten te fai nT der. laws ; agains apd al 1é rid J " . Honey IRUTeY, nervous 3 and regret ehprld And tudes, inc ff and is fh growing Ci ipOn. Sey aneclion Ww bid i ee vi aver, Tel £3 Danas g nyt AntInents slated these for ma REMARKABLE CARCERS LiGH ous AND SOCIAL Rey, G. F. 2 ps Pedwine— Rascaily Oppo floenrd, Two Cou'inents ot PW tay on uo Unified vir statis PFI aad ‘sth i try. A Niorada and - W Ham in i nat; ] i ats a cri 3 gre many conve oand inlerest } ata COE sx ih v aa pop Fa dur nary o fro ain Jackson: Teh “rine. the Georgia Liv 3 B. How ri are Rev wy AE Z president or Pale TR, You Tes Sh LE Mr Tr. 3 x Aisa CRY RA} States apk, wudoat bang aud an the wi have gxperiment. na Riel i Fenlar v if Jac > been repetiti Ho I } S30. cal Lud, heat of hiect 1c if th TESS are tiie rease the SALE INIR Were pars f1INN fn Prprmive Guests 2% the Colombo U7 ? alales ROGUES UNDER RE- CLOAKS P., ani stiona Covers » 51 Ed €«NLIarY famipas PVA SER Cr the i i Bar . Ala $5) Louis Ehonttiess at resumed 1 pin Jad soi, Tenr. He iwaprsed on the eredailty and Woenitality +f Tom Alexander HF snd wietimiged in nf the supreme & hie § Grors % dridoe 3 } vet ma «Bis wife XI (34 GOs MAES . re, tae RYE Ai OUT Wane y os Ma THE. 7 "AE Fibre GREAT REVIVAL OF IN md Vetus of Polar Farplore Mmooriance igen of Seieplistae— wey mi Ex- Pus WEYt THI Praved § Preparing a a frias Daan a ape Se | FRA 3 : nF Yaa] oss 1% rv. What hes with he ~e F AT 3 isd i Reoties ail the nn pelir sea, with a f2et, OF AQT a LiaCler C WAY i . prnst maul ap uj iis iniuain table, sands, r carin ak vho brilds © 4 mitlien Birmsedd, too, if <3 Gt, siviy Palo. to the Eaves frrdin wast west or perth, ¢ onl he wik do a won ' 1 or pene ead Lng, cateh tae manag ual ur work sun. ope will lea farther within polar pro! : {ERR re will pretty su : Baten? Ia {he Field ASE dg EREST IN ARCA a8 med cle] which will wiping 4 TWILIGHT. Aur. pats skp—setene and urtggna-osilh Thin: floats the bupsent eriscent diver bool Through luminous far diawa Spaces faintly ft s ron of gold. enfold green, 5 Save for ene deni. low Gi Buea thar dsiiniin dh asad ¢ pine aud sluaciosmy wiliows in asl wall 8 GL uring spans, wae fuel rt of man, an Exception to h ISITE Aceoriiiug BD 10a @y nr . Wb 3 a wv 1s ope led wir fn i$ ik Bat Thatke is A) onst af exec tion To THis rie and that # in tha Hp Ww tor. Now, Bee 3 3 pead fariher) wd + 3f va cul Ba wel 3 : 3 faa portar | : THis gecgption i 3 of ther asl AWS of nae it becomes * » pr IT 1% tegapr ature of biich ia ween Hand #0 degrees. that the ocokd water iatviy sink iwsttom, atl right Begs 14 £1 © Paaitien of the piystery of fiver nad ds KE given ution, Put whet! pour cooling proses pos bes lor deze , Ae at i a een . thaw it was tas degrees $41 heated ; rn ng Xow, - gations] to . &8 other pe Ice as 4 “uk to the seed in tha rivers wanld be eNng 5 f {on} ir aki of An 13 dent or oan it is seeptidns to rable Treatment Yor Woundn : *orzt, Prakt” vis heidamm a dressing Lied i¥PY., RTT TE © 1 vais ceratad veonads to best v5 of adaptation being ve the en- as; has o tes grangie Wi by eation a scab te iehy hed 34550 Tr 2068 onl. es 1 capeciai- of wounds draed 3 34 3 i: i ¥ uk arti tes ailg a0 Lies practice, after the waand, 1 a wits aa 24st med with as ‘aniage to re daily and FL £m with the balsam a and ip in- shade . ] is it fen the wonnd. buy: % ott - a gen dro s potent and mast sot be 193 nye, voices, af v dispositions, ght prory stpocthness and A Ss ave rcteristics. Sel Ww wif A MRjorie| ft setenlinic dy is wild duek, Om , 40body will has - inde a dis- nmunicates to a | wonder bow WE RW Bo hing 3 of the wanderfal chewing gan as a remedy iclness. The other day, x tif ter riko silver streak, an if 13 Ani oo-1ay sho had obtained ine New as of u walery looking eon cored with pepsin, and - i¢ me safely over from Dover to cmtort.” a pert 2 C Cumulative Proof you, a Joar BEW| We aad 9 Frnt Palin wort “ien we talking Nofense! k in the foo are the worst ars or el YW rie 1H in the old * aristiches, | prisoners. 1 ontheir friends they pave ue friends sv ides ouly a bit ef agg Wu vis ile. . pi af grain daily to. wal in a rz a paisapee by plays .ure paied thal mrsichl Fstroment, ree Whetlter or aot: shgad one 5a gues arram EL wimgired lag 13 aan 28] «steel plates from designs for trond to Pick wiel ' made near- miury ago hy Ouwhyn, have ; «4 in Lowlon, and prints he: have been published. Boy a. at s one time sargeon City of Rowe, says in The Lancet that .-x#ioms of cholorbrom and a terdion " die t will insure the Pasmenges TUR seAsicitness, Dr kindly offered mea have had a8 attention London 4 at